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[ORP-Mkhulu] Hippo Hunt [Closed; for pride members] Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [>] [»|]

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Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 10:27 am
Shaking her head the dark chocolate lioness looks between her sisters. "when this hunt is over. I need to speak very seriously to the both of you." She smiles gently, it was probably definately time she allowed her sisters more wiggle room. They would want that right? Sighing a little, she reminisced about when they were children and the most concerning thing she had to think about was what they would eat next.

It was never, the hunt, the pride or the boys that would come courting for her siblings. These days, she worried about all of these things, though maybe she really shouldn't, after all her siblings were pretty well balanced considering.

She chuckles and moves up to stand between and a little in front of her two sisters. "For now, let's just, enjoy the hunt, safely." She smiles.
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:17 am

Syrius Lionwing

Sobala chuckled at her siblings' banter, though she herself certainly had her eye on Andhaka, it was not cubs on her mind currently, but the hunt. Everyone was starting to get restless and Sobala could feel the energy a expectancy rising with every moment they waited. Glancing across her her older sister she grinned. "We will be careful, we always are." She reassured Koku. Turning to her youngest sibling she shrugged. "Plenty for what we want, too many and we would get under each other's paws anyway. "

Koku's last comment caught Sobala's quickly wandering attention and she eyed her sibling curiously. "Sure." Wondering what had her sister so concerned she gave Koku a reassuring grin before returning her focus to the gathering.

(I just got home, really hope I can catch up in time!)  


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:22 am

Looking up at the tall male, Kala smiled shyly. Her sweet golden eyes lighting up at the idea that she may in fact have a really usefulness to offer her pride sisters when she finally became an adult. "You really think that would work?" She asked, her voice eager yet nervous, worried about getting her hopes up only to have them dashed by the reality that, she simply didn't fit into the pride that well. Sturm's idea was a good one though, and she felt the first touch of hope in her chest. Maybe she would be an ok huntress after all..

The Umholi's roar startled hr and she looked over. Nodding to her new friend's words she smiled bravely. "Take care ok? And... maybe I will see you after..?" Her shy voice was hopeful. It would be nice to talk to someone who didn't think she was weird. Nodding as he turned away she retreated back to her safe spot and waited. She would see the pride off and then go home...
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:28 am

Ilanga returned the pressure, rubbing against her sibling with a husky purr. She didn't get to see Cola nearly as often as she would like so she was quiet enthusiastic when they did manage to catch up. Leaning into her sibling once she settled at Cola's side, eyes scanning the area for their sibling, she chuckled at the playful comment.

"That would be best. The pride couldn't handle too many like me." Grinning she rubbed her cheek against Cola's. "I won't, I know you will always be here to keep me on the straight and narrow." Grinning she nevertheless hoped their sibling was alright. She save Imvula about as often as Cola and so, of course she worried. Still, they had a Hunt to start so she tried to push such thoughts to the back of her mind for now.

The sudden roar was her cue and she bumped Cola one last time, giving her cheek a lick as well."I will see you after the hunt. Stay safe ok?" Turning she trotted towards the group that was forming up near Andhaka. They would be off soon.


Smiling in return at the creamy yellow female Maditah nodded. "So long as there aren't too many serious injuries... I do worry." The scarred female shifted a little closer to Ukulambile, she seemed friendly, and friends were still something the mature lioness didn't have too many of. She had so far spent most of her time trying to acclimatise to the way of the Bonelands, and despite having lived among them for a while now, she still felt like an outsider at times. She knew it was mostly her age, change was not as easy to handle any longer, and while she was very happy in the pride, it was still odd to find herself surrounded by so many strangers who all knew each other so well.

"I'm Maditah.." She offered in he soft, gentle voice. Maybe she could get to know the yellow female a little... it would be nice to talk a little.  


Allied Recalibrator



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:30 am
You're fine for Sabola, it's your ones that aren't hunting that you have to worry about XD I just needed to get Liyana up since she's not hunting. razz

Syrius Lionwing

She looked at her sister and nodded her head in agreement. She listened as everyone was addressed and she could feel the tension in the air. "I'm so ready for this to start already." She said standing up to pace a moment. She then looked over at Koku as she said she needed to speak to them. She wondered if it was something they had done? "Okay.." She said letting her voice trail off for a moment as she wondered why her sister wanted to talk to them.

She smiled then as she butted heads with each of them and told them to get ready. Oh she was ready alright! She couldn't wait for this to begin, but at the same time she was still nervous. This was a first for everyone and the game was large. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be." She said in a breath looking between her to sisters giving them both the best reassuring smile that she could.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:55 am
XD I know, but I hate that I had to make people wait on me. But I had no internet at all yesterday or today. Until I got home.

Syrius Lionwing

Sobala settled beside her two sisters, eager but relatively calm compared to Yimve. Returning the light headbutt she gave he younger sibling a cheeky grin. "Just think, we will be the talk of the pride! The first ever Mkhulu, and we were there!"

User ImageSenele would never have missed this for the world. She was a true gossip and this was the biggest event to happen since the rogue attacks and the promotion and acquisition of two new Umholi at the same time. A Mkhulu!!! The tan and white lioness had arrived early but had hung back in order to be able to see and hear everything. And it seemed as if the entire pride was out today for this most prestigious of days! Eagerly Senele padded round, listening to the hubbub but mainly, watching who seemed to be going and who was staying. Of course she also took note of the pregnant lionesses, and there were a lot of large bellies around, plus a brand new litter! New born, they looked, and a small bit of blue, bless hem. But it was thrilling, new life after so long struggling. As one of the new Umholi roared out she turned her attention to them, watching with interest as the two males who everyone had suspected would be rivals, seemed to be getting along just grandly. It was about to start!  


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:05 pm
Kala, having said good bye to who she hoped may be a new friend, had settled where she thought she would be out of the way, but as more and more lions moved about, some forming a tight group of soon-to-be hunters, and the others spreading out ready to go back to their regular activities once the hunt was on its way, she found hrself in danger of being stepped on, despite her bright blue coat. So standing up she started to move further back, but then spotted a lioness she knew more by sight than name. But it was a semi-familiar face in the madness and thus, Kala felt she would be at least somewhat safe. She was also a really sweet lioness and had never said an unkind word when Kala was about. So the little blue adolescent headed over to the pregnant Dania.

Dania had settled down and was quite happy watching the proceedings. She had sai hi to Ilanga, glad to see her Cinga friend was still as healthy and full of adventure as always. She deeply admired the no-nonscence female and wished she could have some of her spunk. Still, she would soon have her own family to worry over. Grinning shyly she turned and caught a puff of blue from the corner of her vision. Everyone knew of the two little blue Lusizi cubs that had been left by their bereaved father. Kala knew Najalo, the cubs grandmother, so she knew what had really happened. She adored the two cubs and had visited often when they had been very small. She wished she had stayed more in touch but now she could reconnect, at least with one of them, as Kala was headed her way.

Padding up to the Umzingeli, Kala smiled shyly, uncertain of her welcome. But the warm smile she received in return eased her fears. "Greetings Umzingeli Dania." She offered, her voice almost a whisper. "Is it ok if Kala joins you?" The nod soothed her a little further and she timidly padded closer before curling up next to the older female. Dania had always felt safe, despite not really knowing the female too well, and almost instantly the blue youngster relaxed. "Do you think they will be safe on the hunt?" She asked, watching the lionesses getting ready as Andhaka moved up towards the head of the gathering.

Sanele had been avidly watching the proceedings, trying to stay out of the way and yet gather all the gossip she possibly could. She adored this kind of pride gathering where everyone got together and just talked of recent events. it was all so exciting. of course she almost wished she were going along on the hunt, but she was not so much a lead huntress as a support member... So she was happy enough to sit this one out. She would just have to bother the lionesses when they came back from the Mkhulu for information.

Spotting the unusual blue fur of one of Najalo's grandcubs, Sanele grinned to herself and padded over. "Greetings Dania." Elli knew almost every single member of the pride, it was her business after all, but most of them didn't nessassarily know her, not that it ever stopped her talking to her pride sisters and brothers of course. She greeted the elder Umzingeli first for politeness, but her smile included the blue puffball also.

Dania smiled as the small blue girl moved over and settled down. After a moment when the lusizi had settled, Dania shifted closer, draping a paw over Kala's shoulder to roll her onto her side and the older female started to groom her. Maybe it was her impending motherhood, but she wanted to reasure the nervous youngster and this seemed to help.

"I beleive so. They are some of the best huntresses we have, and Andhaka is with them. They will be fine.." She soothed, her tone gentle. Looking up as a stranger approched, or well, as much of a stranger as anyone was in this pride, Dania blinked. "Oh.. greetings. Umm.." Trailing off she fumbled for words. She didn;t recall this lioness' name though she had of course seen her around.

Sanele grinned. "I'm Sanele.. or Elli if you like. Don't worry, we haven't actually talked before." Smiling she plopped herself down beside the pair, her bright blue eyes, a match for the lusizi's fur, warm and curious. "And you must be.. Kala? I have that right don't I?" She asked the blue youngster, grinning as those golden eyes widened in shock. "I know of you and your sister. I met your dad before he became rogue too. How are you settling in? I know you have been here a while now. You being treated ok?" She knew Najalo wouldn't let anyone actively abuse the two cubs, but Sanele knew just how viscious gossip and rumour could be. The whispers only half heard often cut deeper than any insult said directly at one's face.

Kala was so shocked at being spoken to so openly and... normally, that she could do little but gape up at the red and tan lioness while Dania gloomed her neck and shoulders. The mention of her father caught her attention and she pricked her ears. Father! This lioness had known him before he had left the pride? She desperatly wanted to know more, but the loud voices all around them stole her words from her. Always shy she knew she had no hope of asking everything she wanted to know right then. Maybe.... maybe she could find the older Busisa later, when she was alone...

Content with grooming the blue youth Dania noticed the sudden shaking under her paws and looked up at the Busisa. The look she recieved told her everything she needed to know. Sanele was not being unkind, it was just Kala's extreme nervousness at play. Huffing a quiet breath she licked the smaller female's ear gently before redirecting the conversation to give Kala time to compose herself. "Any idea on how this hunt will go?" She asked Sanele, thankful there was a relevent topic to hand. She was fairly useless as a conversationalist herself.

If she were honest, she rather would have liked some reasurance herself, her belly was so swollen she felt like she was about to burst and she still hadn't gotten round to asking Ilanga if she would accompany her when it was time.

Sanele wasn't fooled in the slightest, from the sudden shaking of the blue youngster, to Dania's clumsy topic change. But the older female was hardly the type to point out such things and instead let herself be distracted from their blue charge. "Oh, I haven't the slighest. I'm not much of a huntress myself really, not enough to predict this one anyway. But I was meaning to ask, do you know when you are due, my dear? You look possitivly fit to burst." Dania wasn't the only one who could jump topics with no warning after all, and Sanele was dying to know.

Having expected such a responce she nodded he rhead, only to do a sudden double-take at the switch. Blushing she glanced at her huge belly, blushing furiously. "Oh... soon. Very soon actually... " She just hoped it didn't happen while Ilanga was away on the hunt...

Sanele eyed the younger female's swollen figure and nodded. She may not have had any cubs herself yet, but she had known many a litter's arrival into the world. "I should say so." She agreed easily, catching the worried glance Dania sent towards the gathered hunting party. "Who is going with you?" A young mother like Dania wouldn't birth alone, Sanele would bet the tail of an elephant that it was her first litter also.

Dipping her head Dania flushed again, it was such a personal quiestion, but it was also one that deeply worried her. "Ilanga... She is on the Mkhulu." Looking for the Cinga up ahead she reflexivly resumed grooming the quiet luzisi beside her. "What if it starts before they come back?" Looking back at the older lioness she finally spoke her true fear aloud.

Sanele watched the Umzingeli with a sympathetic gaze. It was obvious something was deeply troubling her, and finally as Dania spoke, she knew what it was. "Well, my dear. If that is the case, I will accompany you. I may not have had my own litter, but I have been there for many. We will manage well enough." Smiling at Dania's sudden look of relief she shifted closer, settling beside the younger female so Dania was sandwiched between Kala and Sanele herself. It looked as if her quiet days were about to get somewhat busier.
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:17 pm
Bangizwe's frown was evident to all who even caught a glimpse of his face. The Umholi snorted, showing his displeasure to the idea of the other lead male's idea of a 'blaze of glory'. With the fates of the previous Abaholi and the nature of the Mkhulu, he didn't exactly appreciate the thought that Andhaka decided to throw out. With another low grunt, he turned from the party that had gathered and began to head back to the rock formation, expecting the lionesses who were not participating in the Mkhulu to follow behind. It was time for the hunting party to head out towards the location the Cinga had scouted in the days prior.

Despite the obvious displeasure the he displayed, he was still excited.

Not nearly as excited as Imbali seemed to be though.

The Cinga took point, spinning around so she was standing ahead of the bodies that remained behind and didn't head back with Bangizwe. With a large grin on her face and Isidlo still perched upon her back, she began speaking.

"Alright everybody! It's about an hour's walk to the part of the river we saw the hippos relaxing the other day. It's dark and will be so for several more hours, so be careful where you put your paws. I don't want to be pulling anybody from the muck this quick into this thing. We'll be meeting up Umfana and Umusa when we arrive. They stayed behind to keep scouting the area and in case they moved on, we'd already have a headstart catching up to them."

With those words of caution spoken, she turned and began moving through the brush. The river was in view, but distantly so at this point. It didn't pose much of a threat and neither did those nasty crocodiles. Hopefully the Enda and his vulture hadn't fallen victim to any of them, but she doubted it. He seemed capable enough and if she knew Umusa, that buzzard wouldn't let him go anywhere near the water without splitting his head open with her warnings.


Non-participants are allotted ONE more post unless otherwise given permission. This post should be a wrap-up post for them in their involvement in this ORP and they are NOT to interact with the hunting party now as the group has now left and the rest are heading back.

Okay, bear with me as I explain this part. This seems long, but it's not too bad! I promise! In this ORP, there will be two kinds of rolls you'll be doing: random rolls and attack rolls.

Random rolls are simple. They're anything that asks you to roll to find a prompt, to try and produce a specific outcome or anything like that.
Attack rolls are any roll an SoA in this ORP does that, well, deals damage.

Keep both of these in mind as we...introduce damage modifiers!

Some random rolls will have rewards or penalties in the form of damage modifiers.
All modifiers apply only to the SoA who rolled/earned them and only when rolling a attack roll. They do stack together. They do not apply to random rolls at all.

For example: Bangizwe can have a +5 and -3 in modifiers, giving him a total modifier of +2 to his total damage after both have been added.

There are two types of modifiers, which you can read about here:
Remainder of ORP (RoO): These modifiers will last the SoA for the remaining time the ORP is active and are not a one-time use. So, you can keep using this bonus each attack roll for that SoA!
Next Hit (NH): These modifiers will only apply to the next attack roll the SoA preforms and are a one-time use.
- NH modifiers are used up, even if the SoA misses. They cannot be saved for another roll.
- NH modifiers will always be beneficial and will usually be much larger than RoO bonuses.

All of this information will be added to the third post on the first page so you can look back on it!
There is also a section in the roll form for modifiers now.

For those who signed up, please roll 1, 6-sided dice per character you have involved. So if you have two, roll 2, 6-sided dice, etc. Only roll once per character!
This roll is to find out if your lion spotted anything while moving to last known location of their prey!

1. You spot a shadow! Oh...wait...that's just Andhaka.
2. Fireflies! They're a rare sight around here, but they seem really active tonight. (+1 total damage - RoO)
3. You trip. Nice going.
4. That's a nice looking tree you found.
5. BEES. (-1 total damage - RoO)
6. You don't find anything cool. Bummer.

In the event Meepfur rolls 1 for Andhaka, he sees a -different- shadow.
- SPECIAL EVENT: If this happens, stop rolling / posting and wait for my post to receive further instructions.

In the event multiple SoA roll a 5, all bees are from the same hive.


Noble Cub

AstoriaFallen rolled 1 6-sided dice: 5 Total: 5 (1-6)



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:21 pm
OOC: -1 RoO
I guess we can say Yimvelo disturbed the bees XD Since she rolled first! Ooooh. I see Meep rolled a 1 for her boy! What could it be!

She was so excited for this and she followed her sisters as they moved along with the rest of the hunters towards the hippos resting place. She stayed silent while they walked just thinking about how this hunt was going to go down. She wasn't sure she had been close to a hippo before. She knew they were huge and their teeth alone were deadly. She shuddered at the thought.

She probably should have paid better attention because the next thing she knew she found herself being attacked by a couple of bees and she yelped but caught herself short and muffled it, even though they were only a little ways into the trip, and grumbled as she tried to find some loose dirt to roll around in to get them off her. She finally found a spot and rolled back and forth in the dust and honestly didn't care who it might disturb at the moment because she wanted these buggers gone!

What a way to start out this hunt huh? She got up and looked sheepishly at her sisters. "Guess I should pay more attention." She whispered to her sisters as she returned to their side.

Too dramatic? XD

Syrius Lionwing
SilverLutz rolled 2 6-sided dice: 5, 2 Total: 7 (2-12)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:22 pm
Udaka watched as Bangizwe headed off with those that would be staying behind until Imbali spoke up. She turned to face the lioness that spoke up soon after, her tail flicking with eagerness to get going. She nodded to show she under stood and let a few in the group go before her before falling into step. This was the first of this type of hunt for the pride so at least everyone was on the same footing. She felt right at home among those gathered, glad that they were all of similar mind and intent - get to the hippos, select one to attack, and wear it down until it was dea-

A loud buzzing made her jerk her head. What was that?! She whipped her head to the side to try to see what it was, only to hear more and more around her head. Only when her nose started to hurt did she realize what it was. Bees. And one had stung her right on the end of her muzzle. She gave an annoyed snarl and swatted at the air before trotting forward, ignoring the throbbing in her nose. What a way to start.

[Udaka -1 RoO]


Sturm decided to walk on the outskirts of the pack of lions, keeping an eye out for anything that might decide to attack them. He knew Andhaka was with them and would defend the females if need be, but the young male was here to help in any way he could, and he felt as if another pair of eyes to scour the open lands would really help.

He squinted into the darkness before spotting a flicker of light. His ears perked up and he stopped for a moment, staring into the distant bushes. There it was again! And again!

"Oh...so pretty," he said, mesmerized for a moment by the fireflies. "Wow! There's so many!" He glanced back at the females to see if anyone else had noticed the bugs.

[Sturm - +1 RoO]  


Offensive Hero

Tanakako rolled 2 6-sided dice: 3, 2 Total: 5 (2-12)


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:23 pm
(Ilanga & Idla first roll - The Cinga trips! Nice one Ilanga.. way smooth
Sobala second roll - Fireflies!!! (+1 total damage - RoO)

Ilanga set off with the rest of the hunting party, following along behind a fellow Cinga by the name of Imbali. Ilanga didn't know her that well, but all the Cinga and Enda knew of each other, it was hard not to after all. For once she didn't feel weird about being near so many lionesses while hunting, but then, there were several birds around and Idla had already launched herself into the sky, scouting along the leading edge as was her habit. Grinning Ilanga tossed her head back to try and spot her friend in the darkness and... stumbled into a gopher hole! "Chht!" She hissed, hoping to the side and glancing back over her shoulder to warn the next female behind her it was there. Well... that was a rather inauspicious start to their first Mkhulu... Damn.

Sobala grinned at her sisters as the Cinga in front set off. "Here we go!" She exclaimed, voice excited. Barely managing to keep her cool she moved of at the pace set by Imbali. Head up and tail high she swept the area with narrowed eyes, straining to see further in the darkness.

Suddenly something in the distance caught her eye and she hoped up onto a tiny rock, balancing to see over the other lionesses' heads. "Fireflies!" Not particularly useful for the hunt but a pretty and rather rare sight nonetheless. Grinning she jumped down just in time to see her sibling discover a different kind of flying insect. Wincing she shifted towards Yimve. "Careful sister..." She called softly, hoping she hadn't been stung."

A soft exclamation near by had her turning to glance at a male with a strange blue mane. Grinning as he too spotted the pretty light show she nodded when he glanced over. They were a good sign, or at least she hoped so.

[(+1 RoO)]

Astoria: Haha, We will see, its early days. XD
CaliWolfe rolled 1 6-sided dice: 5 Total: 5 (1-6)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:26 pm
Uthuli swallowed any lumps in her throat from the nerves- that she very much didn't have, down as she set off with the rest of the hunting party. A few minutes of travel had passed and the lioness felt her ear twitch at the sound of some sort of buzzing nearing her eardrum.

Bringing a claw to scratch at the pest Uthuli had made the duction that it was just a fly and continued walking. It wasn't until several more of the buggers started to hover around her that she turned and snapped a jaw mid-air to try and scare the bugs away. One of the miserable insects hovered close to her face, and she felt a p***k of a sting on her backside with the horrible realization that she was dealing with bees, not flies!

"Stupid bugs." She muttered under her breath.

ooc: -1 RoO  


Shy Prophet

Meepfur rolled 2 6-sided dice: 1, 6 Total: 7 (2-12)

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:29 pm
With the hunting party heading off, Siantaidh stood and looked to Ukulambile, one of the lionesses who'd helped her bring her cubs out to see the hunt off. And who, of course, had veen with her to birth the cubs in the first place. "Shall we?"

"Yep!" Uku chirped in response, before scooping up Sian's dark cub to carry.


Andhaka had amused himself, at least, although Bangizwe didn't seem to share it. Really, the idea of dying on a hippo hunt was ridiculous; true, they were dangerous, but it was, well, undignified to say the least. He had no illusions about living to a ripe old age, but a hippo? Yeah, no.

He shook his head and turned away to join the hunting party as they split away from the main group, taking up a position at the edge to keep a careful eye out. The hippo might not particularly worry him, but there were always other concerns in the darkness. A shadow moved at the edge of his field of vision, and he paused, narrowing his eyes and watching. It was probably nothing, but...

Uheshe slid quietly into place among the hunting party, outwardly calm but inwardly abuzz with excitement. She'd been Zalwa for less than a month, and to be going along on the Mkhulu was thrilling. Perhaps if she were older and more experienced, she'd have had the sense to at least be a little worried, but she was too young and full of herself not to believe in her own invincibility. Nothing could possibly happen to a smart, tough, up-and-coming huntress like herself!

As they headed off, she kept her eyes open, watching her footing and surroundings, but there wasn't much to see yet. Well, except for a couple members of their group disturbing some bees. Uheshe had to bite back a snicker.  
Annchen rolled 2 6-sided dice: 4, 2 Total: 6 (2-12)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:30 pm
Inkungu perked up as the call to leave came.

"Time for us to go," she chirped and nodded a quick good bye to Siantaidh. She was glad to see that Umthunzi was going to be in the hunting party, the other lioness seemed nice and looked strong.

She listened with the others as Imbali laid out the plan for the night. Don't step in anything nasty, sure thing! She was glad that Inyoka'dla would stay with her sister. The bird had poor night vision and would probably have had trouble. She started walking with the others and ended up to one side, behind a male she didn't know. When he stopped to look at something, she did too.

"There are a lot of them..." she agreed, "Hey, you're one of those not-male males, right?"

She didn't mean any harm with her blunt remark. The Ahluke intrigued her, but she'd have to learn some tact...




Kokumo made her farewells, feeling a little better knowing someone cared that she came back in one piece.

After the briefing she followed along with the group in silence, watching her surroundings and trying to keep track of the ground too. An oddly shaped tree caught her attention and she slowed down a little to admire the intricate tangle of branches making an interesting shadow against the night sky.


((Kokumo = first roll 4. That's a nice looking tree you found.

Inkungu = second roll 2. Fireflies! They're a rare sight around here, but they seem really active tonight. (+1 total damage - RoO) ))


Sparkly Bibliophile

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:47 pm
((Whoops, posted instead of edited. BRILLIANT.))  
[IC] Ithambo'hlabathi Lands [IC]

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