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Anxious Goat

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 9:38 pm


All the lovely ladies that have found their way into my care are on this page. yum_puddi They're in alphabetical order and each post will provide personality, history, and breeding/mate information!
PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 10:54 pm

⊰ Meet Ahiru ⊱

User Image
Alternate Cert: Itemless Cert
Uncert:Item Uncert | Itemless Uncert
Won: [Finished] 12 Days of Christmas 2017-2018
Post Color:
Name: あひる (Ahiru)
Breed: Mutant Quillin-Nymph-Putti

Fleshing Them Out:



Likes and Dislikes

Character Goals




Breeding Info:

Life Mate: N/A

1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open
5. Open


Anxious Goat


Anxious Goat

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 10:58 am

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:00 am

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Anxious Goat


Anxious Goat

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:01 am

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:02 am

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Anxious Goat


Anxious Goat

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:44 am

⊰ Meet Flidais ⊱

User Image

Alternate Cert: Clothed Cert | Nekkid Cert | Flidais Item Eitan Itemless | Flidais Itemless Eitan Item | Flidais and Eitan Itemless
Uncert: Clothed Uncert | Nekkid Uncert
Co-own Agreement: Transfer of ownership from Fatal Irony
Post Color:
Name: Flidais
Breed: Cerynei

Fleshing Her Out:

    A Cerynei born in the Kawani lands after her breed's return to their native land. Flidais was rasied in a herd by her mother and father, though she knew from an early age that she didn't quite fit in with the herd's beliefs. Flidais questioned things and often asked her mother why the herd chose to do the things it did and her mother did her best to appease the young cerynei's curiosity and keep her quiet. As Flidais grew, however, she became more vocal with her questions, asking the herd's teachers and those that were cast in highly-held positions of leadership and challenging them for answers. Flidais never received direct answers to her inquiries but she did realize over time that the herd she had grown up in was slowly corrupting over time and those that followed the herd leader were either unaware or too afraid to speak up. Realizing that her concerns would never be answered by those that were supposed to teach and protect the herd members, Flidais vocalized her queries to the herd leader directly. She expected anger in response and was hardly shocked when she was banished publicly from the herd for her insolence. She was sad to leave her friends and family behind, but was not sad to leave a group that had no interest in it's followers.

    Flidais spent several long years on her own, wandering the Kawani lands and finding herself in her travels. She came to find respect for the natural world and thanked it for allowing her survival on her own, for she was never a mare that was intended for fighting. She came to find that she could rely on the natural world to be consistent in its inconsistencies and was glad to find an ebb and flow in her life that gave advantages to no one but those who worked for them. Within these years, Flidais found she had a knack for making ointments and salves from natural herbs and quickly learned which herbs were best for what.

    After some period of time, her nomadic life came to an end when she found a new herd to follow. She had missed the structure of a herd and was happy to find one that she could be a part of. With the position of story teller, Flidais is happy to tell the tales of her people, of the the spirits, and of the past to those who are willing to listen.

    Flidais is a quiet soul, patient and even-tempered.Overall, Flidais is a proper-mannered, traditional mare (in the sense of traditional ceremonies and practices) and speaks in words of wisdom dotted with riddles that offer advice or life-lessons. There's an air of mystery about her and the things she does, tending to the trees and world around her with great diligence. She has a deep connection with nature and keeps to old traditions that involve the greater powers of the land. She has a deep respect for the natural world and pays her respects to the deities and spirits that reside in the the trees, the rivers, and all things in-between.

    Likes and Dislikes
    Likes: Nature, paying her respects to the nature spirits, gardening, creating salves and ointments out of plant life, telling old myths and sharing stories about the gods of the land
    Dislikes: Those who disrespect nature, violence, hunting for sport, those who do not adhere to words of advice or wisdom

    Character Goals
    1. Get Flidais to meet Eldership requirements - I can really picture her becoming an elder as it fits the general sense of her character.

    2. Have plots that challenge Flidais - She's a mare that hasn't experienced a lot of hardship, especially since she wasn't around for the fires that drove her breed away from the Kawani lands.

    3. Ger her involved with the Cerynei herd - I could see Flidais being heavily involved with her position of being a storyteller in the herd. She would enjoy passing down stories and tales to the younger generation. The most powerful knowledge is history.

Breeding Info:

Life Mate: N/A Flidais is going to be a perpetual flinger. While she enjoys relationships, she will not settle down with any one pony. It is simply not in her nature.

1. Cygnus - won Soquili Daycare [July 2017 Breeding - Various Artists]
2. Eldrin Bright-Tail (StrawberryRoseTea)
3. Koi (Ryuukishin)
4. Open
5. Open
PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:56 am

⊰ Meet Linnea⊱

User Image

Alternate Cert: Solo Cert
Uncert: Uncert
Won: Valentine's Flaffle
Post Color:
Name: Linnea
Breed: Unicorn

Fleshing Her Out:


    Linnea is a lover of the arts. She loves creating and designing things, and she particularly loves painting. With a tail that moves to fluidly and an artist's eye for color, Linnea enjoys capturing the world the way she sees it. She enjoys the things she does, and she does them fiercely and intently. Linnea has a constant pep in her step and burning determination to share the passion she has for the world around her. Whether that's through sharing her art or doing something spontaneous and purely in the moment, Linnea wants to share her passion with others.
    Likes and Dislikes
    painting, crafting, dancing, living life to the fullest, feeling the wind in her hair
    destruction, hostility, apathy,
    Character Goals

Breeding Info:

Parents: N/A

Siblings: N/A

Life Mate: Shiro's Macha

1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open
5. Open


Anxious Goat


Anxious Goat

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:56 am

⊰ Meet Lona ⊱

User Image

Alternate Cert: Solo Cert | Item Cert
Uncert: Uncert | Item Uncert
Won: Minecraft Event June 2016
Post Color:
Name: Lona
Breed: Unicorn

Fleshing Her Out:

    Lona hails from a family line that was once a part of the Kateri herd before it was destroyed by skinwalkers. How her family made it out of the carnage is still unknown. Some of her kin whispered of cowardice of their elders, having run from the onslaught rather than staying and fighting the deadly attack, others simply think of it as sheer luck, and then there are those who believe it was the spirits protecting the most pure-blooded family line.

    Lona is the third generation in her family since the massacre of the old Kateri herd and she has grown up under the same ideals and beliefs that her grandparents grew up with. Secluded away in a hidden location, difficult to find without a guide or former knowledge of the area, Lona grew up with no frame of reference for the other breeds that roamed the lands, knowing only of unicorns, and all-white unicorns at that. She heard muttering of the elders of those with colors, but they were a stain to their breed, obviously having mixed blood with some foul creature and tainting the purity of the righteous unicorns.

    She, of course, was not one who took to her family's practices. Gentle, kind, and caring, Lona was open-minded, questioning the tales of her herd and the traditions they forced upon others. After encountering a family on the outer edges of her herd's territory (it was a place that those who were banished from the herd were sent) - a father of all white, a mother with brilliant shades of reds and pinks, and a child that had brought the couple together - had her wonder just what was so wrong with having love for someone despite the color of their pelt. Rather than stay in her bubble, shielded away from what the world was truly like, Lona decided she would venture away.

    The mare never told her parents of her plans, keeping everything a secret till she left in the day. With no knowledge of what awaited her outside the secret glade except for the stereotypes her blood relatives perpetuated of the other breeds, Lona found herself in a world full of mystery and had so many questions. Although she enjoyed travelling on her own for quite some time, she missed the safety of a herd and went to find a home away from home. Somewhere along her journey, she herd word of a newly revived Kateri herd, the herd her family had belonged to, though it had changed, accepting all unicorns of color and disposition.

    Eventually, Lona found herself in the new Kateri herd, taking up a safe position of gathering herbs and food for the herd, but still allowing herself the chance to see the world in the safety of a protector.
    Empathetic to a tee, Lona is compassionate and understanding. She is quick to lend a shoulder to cry on or a hoof for support to all and every who need one. She is quick to wipe away another's tears and just as quick to provide soothing words of comfort. Lona is gentle and warm, speaking in soft tones and her steps just as soft. She is easy to approach and easy to talk to, more than willing to offer her ears to someone who needs them.
    Likes and Dislikes
    Likes: flowers, affection, calm nights, rain
    Dislikes: apathy, harshness, turbulent weather

    Character Goals

Breeding Info:

Life Mate:

1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open
5. Open
PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:57 am

⊰ Meet The Maiden of the Moon Eternal "Mercy" ⊱

User Image
Alternate Cert: Basket Cert | Foal Cert | Nekkid Cert
Uncert: Basket Uncert | Foal Uncert | Item Uncert | Itemless Uncert
Won: Gifted to me from Fatal Irony and Candle Wick Ghost from their win in Soquili Daycare [July 2017 Breedings - Various Artists]
Post Color:
Name: The Maiden of the Moon Eternal "Mercy"
Breed: Mutant Regular

Fleshing Her Out:

Mercy is sweet, kind, and poised. She chooses her words carefully and often takes her time to share her thoughts. Mercy can come across as softspoken and anger is something she doesn’t seem to know, having never been one to raise her voice or trouble others with her own frustrations, as they’re clearly far less important than the struggles others endure. Much like her name implies, Mercy is incredibly forgiving and is always willing to give others a second or third chance. She sees the good in all creatures, even those that society has turned its back upon, and wishes to offer them open arms and the compassion that no longer graces them. Mercy has lived a relatively sheltered life, and tends to be pretty naive in her approach of others, thinking she can befriend and help anyone. It’s a fatal flaw that can lead to her easily being manipulated by those that don’t necessarily have the best interests in heart.
She idolizes her older siblings, admiring their looks and their personalities. She sees no flaw in them and wishes to one day emulate their strengths. Mercy looks up to her siblings so much, she doesn’t see that they get annoyed with her or want little to do with her. (This is assuming that Vanity and Koray have a significant gap in age with her and are closer with one another. Need to flesh this out with Fatal and Wicky) Mercy simply sees the cold shoulder her siblings give her as them being busy with their far more important tasks, and believes that they work very hard for the betterment of the herd, which she wishes to prioritize as well as they do.
For the most part, Mercy secluded herself to her duties as a priestess of the moon, finding more comfort in the silence of night and the light of the celestial bodies in the sky than the bustle and chatter of busy days in the herd’s territory. She has a very formal approach to others, even those she knows well. Her speech patterns reflect this and she refersto her parents as mother and father and often avoids use of contractions and slang in her speech. Part of this is due to the fact that she participates and holds ceremonies for the herd, but her personality lends itself to such behavior.
Mercy loves to hear stories of daring and adventure. While she herself is far too timid to ever go on an adventure of her own, she loves to hear the stories of others with such daring. Telling tales of saving damsels, fighting monsters, and exploration of the world is an easy way to captivate Mercy’s attention and an easy way to bring the ever curious side of her personality to the forefront.

Likes and Dislikes
Likes: The night, her family, quiet, studying and practicing her duties, helping others, kindness, stories filled with adventure and daring, tea, hyacinth flowers, the snow
Dislikes: cruelty, believing that there are those who are lost causes, confrontation, bitter things, summer heat

Character Goals


User Image Uncert | No Glow | Nekkid | Markings x User Image Uncert | Markings

Siblings: Prince Ashvin Lord of Vision "Vanity" and Scattered Ember of the Eternal Flame Princess "Koray"

Breeding Info:

Life Mate: N/A

1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open
5. Open


Anxious Goat


Anxious Goat

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:57 am

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:57 am

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Anxious Goat


Anxious Goat

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:57 am

⊰ Meet Takala ⊱

User Image

Alternate Cert: Solo Cert
Uncert: Uncert
Won: Prehistoric Event (T-Rex Rolling Game) 2016
Post Color:
Name: Takala
Breed: T-Rex

Fleshing Her Out:


    Takala is a distant mare with a gruff and harsh manner. She cares little for thinking before she speaks and does as she pleases, more than willing to use her claws to make sure no one tries to stop her. Incredibly independent, practically to the point of being a lone wolf, Takala is the type that is incredibly defensive of her ways and is unafraid to fight those that provoke her, a testament to the many scars she's received over the years. While seemingly uninterested in those around her, Takala does actually enjoy socializing with others every blue moon and is capable of genuinely smiling - if she's around the right Soquili. She is never quick to drop her guard and it takes repeated and meaningful interactions for her to warm up to anyone.
    Likes and Dislikes
    Likes: fighting, hunting, meat, marching to the sound of her own drum, blood
    Dislikes: rules, eating plants, goody-two-shoes, waiting, skinwalker's scent, traps

    Character Goals

Breeding Info:

Life Mate: N/A

1. Tlanequiliztli - Won in June Surpise!! 48(ish)hrs SPEED DATING
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open
5. Open
PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:57 am

⊰ Meet Tourmaline ⊱

User Image

Alternate Cert: N/A
Uncert: Uncert
Co-own Agreement: Transfer of ownership from Candle Wick Ghost
Post Color:
Name: Tourmaline
Breed: Kirin

Fleshing Her Out:

    Tourmaline grew up as a lost foal, her basket abandoned by parents she never met, so she has a very childish view on the world. Having not been in the presence of many adults in her foalhood, Tourmaline has come to idolize the stories of princesses and their beauty, effectively trying to be a princess herself. She's one who cherishes her beauty and puts on a graceful mask to fool others while underneath she has the trickster personality of a lost foal, more than willing to trick someone out of their supplies to take it back to her mix-match herd.
    A mare with a more childish outlook on life, Tourmaline believes she deserves to pampered and treated like a princess based off of all the stories she heard as a foal. While she doesn't believe in the "true love" cockamamie prattle that fills most of the stories, she loves the idea of being treated to whatever she desires, bathed in adoration and compliments, and flaunting her good looks to her advantage. While she's certainly no damsel in distress, she loves to play the part if it helps her get what she wants in the long run.
    Likes and Dislikes
    Likes: luxurious items, shiny baubles, fairy tales, princesses, being pampered
    Dislikes: not being the center of attention, not being complimented, being told she's childish, dirt, filth

    Character Goals

Breeding Info:

Life Mate: N/A

1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open
5. Open


Anxious Goat


Anxious Goat

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:57 am

Making room for Dali

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