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Sleet Tempest Snape

Noble Vampire

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 4:25 pm

Lady Requiem x Legolas

Entry Code:
Lady Requiem (Sleet Tempest Snape) x Legolas (Sleet Tempest Snape/Niloufer)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother:Lady Requiem (Sleet Tempest Snape
User Image UNCERT pregnant stage: I have one already / I want one / No thanks

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Legolas (Sleet Tempest Snape/Niloufer)
User ImageUNCERT
Sleet Tempest Snape, and Rein_Carnation. If there is a third basket I'll figure it out. Here
Teepees: Teepees: ], Sleet

Link to Breeding Agreement: Here
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid: nothing demonic tail wise or wing wise

Throwbacks?: Sure
---Link to previous Generations: Thranduil ~ Owned by Sabin Duvert and Kamiki quote]

Can you feel the love tonight?
Would you like...
~~~ Bird wings?: Sure
~~~ Butterfly Wings?: Sure

Would you like...
~~~ Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Sounds good to me.
~~~ Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Sure, but nothing which would clash , pls.
~~~ Windblown hair?: Of course!
~~~ Additional things you would not want: Nope.

Would you like...
~~~ Flowers?: Sure
~~~ Flowy scarves?: Works for me
~~~ ribbons and bows?: Go for it
~~~ Arrows?: YES please! Very much a yes!
~~~ Candies/Chocolates?: Sure
~~~ Hearts?:Sounds good
~~~ Toys?: Nah.
~~~ cute baby animals?: YES!
~~~ Additional things you would not want: Nothing
PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 4:42 pm

Alaska x Memphis

Entry Code:
Alaska (Kesmi) x Memphis (Mia Lovasz)

User Image
pregnant stage: I have one already

User Image
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Kesmi's, Mia's

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: Sure
---Link to previous Generations:
Manphis's Mother and Father



White Neko Chan

Beloved Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 4:44 pm

Voiding to fix something that I thought I had done. I am sorry. >.<
PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 4:47 pm

Miyako x Aiko

Entry Code:
Miyako (White Neko Chan) x Aiko (AlexiaSilver)

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: WNC doesn't have one AlexiaSilver

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes!!
RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: yes
---Templates to Avoid: None

Throwbacks?: YES!!
---Link to previous Generations: Aiko's mother
Aiko's father

Can you feel the love tonight?
Would you like...
~~~ Bird wings?: Yes
~~~ Butterfly Wings?: YES!

Would you like...
~~~ Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes
~~~ Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED) Yes
~~~ Windblown hair?: YES!!!
~~~ Additional things you would not want: None

Would you like...
~~~ Flowers?: Yes
~~~ Flowy scarves?: YES
~~~ ribbons and bows?: yes
~~~ Arrows?: Yes
~~~ Candies/Chocolates?: yes
~~~ Hearts?: yes
~~~ Toys?: yes
~~~ cute baby animals?: Definitely YES!!
~~~ Additional things you would not want: None

White Neko Chan

Beloved Shapeshifter

.Tortured. .Pumpkin.

Backwoods Garbage

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 4:59 pm

Phaedra x Khet

Entry Code:
Phaedra (.Tortured. .Pumpkin.) x Khet (Twitchapher the 3rd)

User Image
pregnant stage: I have one already, Preg Uncert

User Image

Co Ownership?: None
Teepees: Pumpkin | Twitch

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes
RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants:Sure!
---Templates to Avoid:
Eagle Wings
Warhorse templates
Kalona #2, #4 wings

Throwbacks?: We're very much hoping for them! XD
---Link to previous Generations:
Midori, Haborym
Ignacia, Atum

Can you feel the love tonight?
Would you like...
~~~ Bird wings?: Yes!
~~~ Butterfly Wings?: Yes!

Would you like...
~~~ Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Sure!
~~~ Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Sure!
~~~ Windblown hair?: Sure!
~~~ Additional things you would not want: N.A

Would you like...
~~~ Flowers?: Yes!
~~~ Flowy scarves?: Yes!
~~~ ribbons and bows?: Sure!
~~~ Arrows?: Sure!
~~~ Candies/Chocolates?: Sure!
~~~ Hearts?: Sure!
~~~ Toys?: Sure
~~~ cute baby animals?: YES PLEASE
~~~ Additional things you would not want: N/A
PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 5:06 pm

Voiding this couple in favor of another.

Aurora x Dante

Entry Code:
Aurora (Mewsings of An Angel) x Dante (AlexiaSilver)

Prepare for trouble . . .make that double! I want twins or triplets!
Twins?: Yes
Triplets if Applicable?: No

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Aurora / Mewsings of An Angel)
User Image

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Dante / AlexiaSilver)
User Image

Low Luck?: NO

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: N/A
RPed couple?: Not yet!
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:


Lifemate?: YES
Link to Breeding Agreement: Link

Can you feel the love tonight?
Would you like...
~~~ Bird wings?: Yes
~~~ Butterfly Wings?: Yes (amusingly enough, I imagine Aurora as part Flutter in blood alone because she's so tiny! xD)

Would you like...
~~~ Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: No Easter, but yes to others.
~~~ Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Pink, neon colors like toxic green and such.
~~~ Windblown hair?: YES
~~~ Additional things you would not want: Spiders, most insects except butterflies.

Would you like...
~~~ Flowers?: Yes
~~~ Flowy scarves?: Yes
~~~ ribbons and bows?: Yes
~~~ Arrows?: Yes
~~~ Candies/Chocolates?: NO
~~~ Hearts?: Yes
~~~ Toys?: NO
~~~ cute baby animals?: Yesyesyesyes
~~~ Additional things you would not want: Spiders, most insects except butterflies.

Mewsings of An Angel

Excitable Anubutt

16,725 Points
  • Cool Cat 500
  • Cats vs Dogs 100
  • Magical Girl 50



Questionable Explorer

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 5:22 pm

Shania Leigh x Dhiren

Entry Code:
Shania Leigh (Moxxiie) & [strike](Natelie)[/strike] x Dhiren (Insane Butterfly)

User Image(uncert)(wingless uncert)
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image(uncert)

Co Ownership?: [x] Natelie will not be getting a basket.
Teepees: Insane Butterfly Moxxiie's

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: sure
---Templates to Avoid:

Throwbacks?: Dhiren's Parents: Charlotte x Devicius
Charlotte's Parents: Akuba x Niele
Shania's Parents: Xanthus x Akari
Xanthus' Parents: Drashi x Arianna
PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 5:33 pm

Moira x Alder
Entry Code:
Moira (Ryuukishin) x Alder (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)

User Image
UNCERT (Her foal stage shows her facial markings better, along with her hooves. Both of her parents had black hooves, on top of her foal stage, so I would prefer it if her adult stage was assumed to have black hooves as well.)
pregnant stage: I have one

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Ryuukishin, xxx Yuki Bear xxx

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: No thank you!
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:
Moira's Family:
Parents: Neela x Zachery
Maternal Grandparents: Iie Namae x Khajag
Paternal Grandparents: Spellbound x Teagan Elric
Paternal Great-Grandparents: Ink x Lore & Charlamagne x Edward Elric
Paternal Great-Great-Grandparents: Rashna x Numala

Alder's Family:
Parents: Jasmine x Mest

Can you feel the love tonight?
Would you like...
~~~ Bird wings?: Sure thing!
~~~ Butterfly Wings?: No thanks!

Would you like...
~~~ Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Nah
~~~ Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: nAH
~~~ Windblown hair?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you would not want: freshly clipped nose hairs

Would you like...
~~~ Flowers?: yes yEs YES YES!!
~~~ Flowy scarves?: not a fan of "people" neck scarves, sry.......... (where it just loops around the neck and hangs down. . .) other scarves, such as headscarves, body scarves, etc. are dandy, as are "non-people" neck scarves
~~~ ribbons and bows?: ok
~~~ Arrows?: no thanks!
~~~ Candies/Chocolates?: nah
~~~ Hearts?: discreet heart markings = ok, heart edits = nty
~~~ Toys?: winks loudly ; ) no
~~~ cute baby animals?: ok!!
~~~ Additional things you would not want: anything kitschy or too on-the-nose


Man-Hungry Fatcat

one over three

Feline Cat

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 5:45 pm

Ravyn x Dante

Entry Code:
Ravyn (Kaitaia) x Dante (one over three)

Mother: Ravyn - Kaitaia
User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid | Markings | Feral (purewalker only) )
pregnant stage: I have one already

Father: Dante - one over three
User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid | Markings | Feral (purewalker only) )

Co Ownership?: No

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ Ravyn & Dante/ Kaitaia & one over three/09-07-2010 ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?:

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: yes
--- small angeni wings, old style folded wind wings.

Throwbacks?: no
---Link to previous Generations:

Mahdi x Auster

Entry Code:
Mahdi (one over three) x Auster (Kaitaia)

Mother: Mahdi - one over three
User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid | Markings | Feral (purewalker only) )
pregnant stage: I have one already

Father: Auster - Kaitaia
User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid | Markings | Feral (purewalker only) )

Co Ownership?: No

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ Auster & Mahdi/Kaitaia & one over three/05-19-2011 ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?:

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: yes

Throwbacks?: no
---Link to previous Generations:

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 5:48 pm

Alinaris x Valefar

Entry Code:
Alinaris (samus x) x Valefar (I Lady Kiya I)

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: No need for stat checking

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes
RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid: None

Throwbacks?: No
---Link to previous Generations:

Can you feel the love tonight?
Would you like...
~~~ Bird wings?: No
~~~ Butterfly Wings?: No

Would you like...
~~~ Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Sure
~~~ Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Sure
~~~ Windblown hair?: Yeeeees
~~~ Additional things you would not want: Non-kalona tails or wings

Would you like...
~~~ Flowers?: Sure
~~~ Flowy scarves?: Sure
~~~ ribbons and bows?: Sure
~~~ Arrows?: Sure
~~~ Candies/Chocolates?: No
~~~ Hearts?: Sure
~~~ Toys?: Yes
~~~ cute baby animals?: Yeeees
~~~ Additional things you would not want:

Ramona x Akino

Entry Code:
Ramona (I Lady Kiya I) x Akino (cyhorse)

User Image
pregnant stage:I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Not needed, both very low
Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid: Eagle wings

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:


Can you feel the love tonight?
Would you like...
~~~ Bird wings?: Yeeeeees
~~~ Butterfly Wings?: Yeeeees

Would you like...
~~~ Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yeeees
~~~ Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes
~~~ Windblown hair?: Yeeeeees
~~~ Additional things you would not want: Too much pink

Would you like...
~~~ Flowers?: Yeeeees
~~~ Flowy scarves?: Sure
~~~ ribbons and bows?: Yeeeeees
~~~ Arrows?: no thanks
~~~ Candies/Chocolates?: No
~~~ Hearts?: Sure
~~~ Toys?: Sure
~~~ cute baby animals?: Yeeeeeeees
~~~ Additional things you would not want: Nope!

I Lady Kiya I

Obsessive Fairy


Super Trash

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 5:55 pm

Ayita x Yggdrasil
Entry Line: Ayita (Malhith) x Yggdrasil (LOLTERNATIVE & Theidren)

Image of mother:
User Image [Uncert]

Image of father:
User Image [Uncert]

Unedited?: No~
Twins?: No thank you. c:
Low Luck?: Yes!

Lifemate? Yes
Co Ownership?: x (Theidren has no breeding rights)
Teepees: LOLTERNATIVE | Malhith
Throwbacks?: Yes! Go nuts. o vo b
Link to previous Generations: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: x

Erynion x Vesper
Entry Line: Vesper (Faithofthefallen) x Erynion (LOLTERNATIVE)

Image of mother:
User Image [Uncert]

Image of father:
User Image [Uncert]

Unedited?: No
Low Luck?: No

Lifemate? Yes
Co Ownership?: N/A
RP Qualified?: Not Yet
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Silvera (Ery's Father)
Aethereal (Ery's Mother)
Lady Requiem (Ery's Grandmother)
Legolas (Ery's Grandfather)
Link to Breeding Agreement: Breeding Agreement

For both!
Can you feel the love tonight?
Would you like...
~~~ Bird wings?: Sure
~~~ Butterfly Wings?: Sure!

Would you like...
~~~ Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Spring only, please~
~~~ Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Spring only - please avoid pinks where the parents don't have them o u ob
~~~ Windblown hair?: Yass
~~~ Additional things you would not want: Valentine's and Easter motifs / items. Love letters etc'.

Would you like...
~~~ Flowers?: Yas
~~~ Flowy scarves?: Yas
~~~ ribbons and bows?: No
~~~ Arrows?: Yas
~~~ Candies/Chocolates?: No
~~~ Hearts?: No
~~~ Toys?: No
~~~ cute baby animals?: Yas
~~~ Additional things you would not want: Easter / Valentine's things.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 6:03 pm

Danica x Scythe

Entry Code:
Danica (Fuzzy-Gumdrop) x Scythe (Roniel Targaryen)

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image
UNCERT, wingless uncert

Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: Fuzzy, Roniel

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: No thanks
---Templates to Avoid: Please only use templates found in the family line

Throwbacks?: Sure!
Scythe's family:


Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

Zee Oddwyn

Tenacious Bookworm

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 6:05 pm

Dementia x Flurian

Entry Code:
Dementia (Zee Oddwyn) x Flurian (`Swirly)

User Image
pregnant stage: No thanks

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Swirly's and Zee's

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Allowed!
---Templates to Avoid: -

Throwbacks?: Yes!
---Link to previous Generations: Peony and Nacio.

Can you feel the love tonight?
Would you like...
~~~ Bird wings?: Yes!
~~~ Butterfly Wings?: I think these are a given!

Would you like...
~~~ Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes!
~~~ Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes!
~~~ Windblown hair?: Yes!
~~~ Additional things you would not want: n/a

Would you like...
~~~ Flowers?: Yes!
~~~ Flowy scarves?: Yes!
~~~ ribbons and bows?: Yes!
~~~ Arrows?: Yes!
~~~ Candies/Chocolates?: Yes!
~~~ Hearts?: Yes!
~~~ Toys?: Yes!
~~~ cute baby animals?: Yes!
~~~ Additional things you would not want:

Prepare for trouble . . .make that double! I want twins or triplets!
Twins?: Yes!
Triplets if Applicable?: I don't think it is, but if it is, then yes!
PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 6:06 pm

Can you feel the love tonight?
Would you like...
~~~ Bird wings?: Sure
~~~ Butterfly Wings?: Sure

Would you like...
~~~ Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Flowers
~~~ Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: No (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED)
~~~ Windblown hair?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you would not want:

Would you like...
~~~ Flowers?: Yes
~~~ Flowy scarves?: Yes
~~~ ribbons and bows?: Yes
~~~ Arrows?: No
~~~ Candies/Chocolates?: No
~~~ Hearts?: No
~~~ Toys?: No
~~~ cute baby animals?: No
~~~ Additional things you would not want:

Resonance x Kishi

Entry Code:
Resonance (Kyribird & Infinities) x Kishi (Infinities)

User ImageUNCERT
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: NA
Teepees: (While this is not mandatory it would make our lives easier if you were able to post links to the teepees of the owners for easy stat checking later on.)

Link to Breeding Agreement: Infinities Kyr
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: Eagle/Heron Wind Wings, Corkscrew unicorn horns
Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:
Echo x Khalon

Can you feel the love tonight?
Would you like...
~~~ Bird wings?: Yes
~~~ Butterfly Wings?: Yes

Would you like...
~~~ Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Spring~
~~~ Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: No (please post Colors you wish to avoid getting ADDED)
~~~ Windblown hair?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you would not want:

Would you like...
~~~ Flowers?: Yes
~~~ Flowy scarves?: Yes
~~~ ribbons and bows?: Yes
~~~ Arrows?: No
~~~ Candies/Chocolates?: No
~~~ Hearts?: No
~~~ Toys?: No
~~~ cute baby animals?: No
~~~ Additional things you would not want:

Hienna x Zaphiro

Entry Code:
Hienna (Kyribird) x Zaphiro (Cajmera)

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.UNCERT
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image
Co Ownership?: NA
Teepees: Kyr & Cajmera

Link to Breeding Agreement: Lifemates p. 1
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: Yes

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: Eagle/Heron Wind Wings
Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:


Aged Codger

Kitsune Mistress Nyoko


Shameless Elocutionist

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 6:15 pm

Azure x Unesdala Aisgi

Entry Code:
Azure ( Kitsune Mistress Nyoko ) x Unesdala Aisgi ( Das Tor )

User Image
pregnant stage: I have one already

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko, Das Tor

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: [Flutter] Beetlebaby antenna, Clickbeetle buggy antenna, Stag night antenna; [Kirin] Forward branching horn

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:
Unesdala Aisgi
-Father, Mother
--Great Grandmother

Can you feel the love tonight?
Would you like...
~~~ Bird wings?: Yes
~~~ Butterfly wings?: Yes

Would you like...
~~~ Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes
~~~ Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes [No neon colors, especially neon pink/neon green in combination with each other. It's a migraine trigger for Das Tor.]
~~~ Windblown hair?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you would not want: Nothing of note.

Would you like...
~~~ Flowers?: Yes
~~~ Flowy scarves?: Yes
~~~ Ribbons and bows?: Yes
~~~ Arrows?: Yes
~~~ Candies/Chocolates?: No
~~~ Hearts?: Yes
~~~ Toys?: No
~~~ Cute baby animals?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you would not want: Nothing of note.

Jack[strike]lynn[/strike] x Kauta Amachi

Entry Code:
Jack[strike]lynn[/strike] ( techabyte ) x Kauta Amachi ( Kitsune Mistress Nyoko )

User Image
UNCERT ( Nekkid )
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image
UNCERT ( Nekkid )

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: techabyte, Kitsune Mistress Nyoko

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: None

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:
-Father, Mother

Kauta Amachi
-Father, Mother

Can you feel the love tonight?
Would you like...
~~~ Bird wings?: Yes
~~~ Butterfly wings?: Yes

Would you like...
~~~ Spring/Easter/Valentines inspired markings?: Yes
~~~ Spring/Valentines inspired colors?: Yes [No neon colors.]
~~~ Windblown hair?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you would not want: Nothing of note.

Would you like...
~~~ Flowers?: Yes
~~~ Flowy scarves?: Yes
~~~ Ribbons and bows?: No
~~~ Arrows?: Yes
~~~ Candies/Chocolates?: No
~~~ Hearts?: Yes
~~~ Toys?: No
~~~ Cute baby animals?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you would not want: Nothing of note.
Breeding Thickets

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