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Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:24 am

Entry Tag: (Nisshou H | Suti’gryph | Moderate | Solo Custom )

(Just let it look at the oven in terror and send it out to me ok?)

Edit Category: Moderate (just hair and jewelry edit, but mod in case you pick lots of hair)
Soquili Species: Suti/Gryph cross
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: New Concept

WIP Needed? Please!

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: CC using this image for inspiration.
Face: CC using this image for inspiration.
Mane: Edited- CC style, I’d like it to be black in color with a few flowy feathers mixed in like her mane or tail or his mane. Feather style up to you. Keep to whatever color scheme you chose to use for the pony but the feathers don’t have to be black.
Tail: Suti tail- Stinger club (spiked). Color CC using this image for inspiration.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Front feet- Gryph claws. Back feet suti w/leg spurs and raptor claws. Color CC using this image for inspiration.
Reference Image(s): This raw fire opal.

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): Looped horn (suti)
Wings: Frilled wings (suti)
Fins: N/A
Scales: CC if he has scales or not
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: None

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: None
Custom Items: List any custom accessories/items.
Reference Image(s) for Items: This as a bracelet or necklace. Whichever looks better to you!

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: To be determined
Owner: Nisshou H
Breed: Monster
Temper: Leave off the cert
Mate: None
Tag Background: CC
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~

If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

~*~ Angeni ~*~
Desired Domain: N/A
Justification for Domain Choice: N/A

~*~ Ulun'suti ~*~
Element: Fire
PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:34 am

Entry Tag: tefla | Flutter | Moderate (I think) | Solo Custom

Edit Category: - Moderate
Soquili Species: - Flutter
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: • Original Character (from two other shops)

WIP Needed? I would like WIP please.

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Flames. More specifically flames that you would see during the night from a forest fire. I'd like her lower half - say from the waist down - to be mixture of #292421, #5E2612, #551011 (( basically to make it look like a hill at night with small highlights )) From that point upward I'd want the effect of flames. (( See reference pictures 1-3 )) And for the area past the mouth I'd like it to appear #000033 with perhaps sparks coming from the flames. See References 1-4
Face: See reference #5 for Eye Color. Mostly everything else is listed above for the face region
Mane: #000000 in color edited length to fall within moderate edit levels (cc on the length)
Tail: #000000 in color. Edited length to fall within moderate edit levels. (cc on the length but preference on a longer side)
Hooves/Fetlocks: Color for hooves to represent burning hot coals. Stock fetlocks. (See reference #5 & 6 for the burning coal effect)
Reference Image(s):
Reference One
Reference Two
Reference Three
Reference Four - Titaia from Jokoa (( Proof she's mine ))
Reference Five - (Another similar designed pet from Savah Arda)
Reference #6 - Burning Coal

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn(s): n/a
Wings: Either custom wing design to match reference #4 or flutter wing template that come as close to the example of Titaia from Jokoa please. They would be the color of smoke (transparent a little) with a glow effect from flames at night. (( Reference #3 might help with what I'm looking for ))
Fins: n/a
Scales: n/a
Pelt: n/a
Other Notes: If the wings/body can give off a subtle glow like flames would at night, I'd love it. If that pushes the edit level too high it is okay.

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: n/a
Custom Items: Necklace/collar around the mare's neck
Reference Image(s) for Items: necklace reference
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Titaia
Owner: tefla
Breed: Fire Flutter
Temper: Temptuous
Mate: ---
Tag Background: #22 Deep Night tag please
Tag frame color: Burning Ember/Coal colors
Tag feather color(s): Flame effects?

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: n/a. Titaia/Hadyn are both pets that I have designed


Enigmatic Star

19,400 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Bookworm 100
  • Object of Affection 150


Fashionable Werewolf

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:40 am

Entry Tag: (Draconian_Peacock | Angeni | Heavy | Solo Custom )

(Just let it look at the oven in terror and send it out to me ok?)

Edit Category: Heavy
Soquili Species: Angeni
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original
WIP Needed? Not Really

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: I want to use the pattern on the ornament for the main design and the colors of the ornament for the body - See Ref
Face: CC
Mane: Im wanting Wavy Rapunzel like hair, the mane to go all the way to the floor. Color is CC
Tail: Same as the mane
Hooves/Fetlocks: CC
Reference Image(s): Ornament

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): n/a
Wings: CC
Fins: n/a
Scales: n/a
Pelt: n/a
Other Notes:

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: n/a
Custom Items: A scarf or some bracelets maybe,I'll leave it up to you on what would look good
Reference Image(s) for Items:

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

-- Angeni --
Desired Domain: Winter Ornaments
PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 11:17 am

Entry Tag: (xKOVAKtheWOLFx | usdia| moderate | Solo Custom )

HONEY I SHRUNK THE PONY! I shall call it Mini-me.

Edit Category: - moderate
Soquili Species: - usdia
Body Build: regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage:adult
Concept Origin: finding a lifemate
WIP Needed? Do you need a WIP for your custom? If you say WIPs are required, producing WIPs will slow down your custom completion time if it requires me to hear back for clarification after I send you the WIP. This differs from sending my sending you WIPs only to show progress.

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: think natural
Face: if she could look mean or mad, that'll be cool! or she could have a smirk!
Mane: anything braided will do
Tail: edit: if you could have a custom "fluffy" tail. color is up to you, but I would prefer it to be the same color as the pelt requested. c:
Hooves/Fetlocks: no fetlocks please.
Reference Image(s): inspiration

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): none
Wings: none
Fins: none
Scales: none
Pelt: not a skinwalker, but edit. she'll have a wolf pelt covering her like Lost Bear. the color is up to the colorist's discretion.
Other Notes: feel free to choose which wolf and color!




PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 11:21 am

Entry Tag: (Meepfur | Uni Halfbreed | Moderate | Solo Custom )


Edit Category: Moderate
Soquili Species: Uni Halfbreed
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin:
• Recustom

WIP Needed? No.

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Same as before - see original version below! (Obviously, allowing for colorist style/discretion. It doesn't need to be exact by any means.)
Face: Same as before - see original version below! (Obviously, allowing for colorist style/discretion. It doesn't need to be exact by any means.)
Mane: Ghede needs a new hairdo! Just something with a little more...life, I suppose? It can hang differently, remain the same length or be longer or shorter, have a braid or accessory or two, whatever strikes your fancy really. Not curly and not dreads, anything else is fair game. His mother is based on a Tarot card, Justice, and the little skull on Ghede's hip hints that he's Death, so that can be used as inspiration if you like, as can his namesake, the Ghede. In spite of these influences, he's really quite lively in character, not morose. tl;dr, it's CC just take it and run!
Tail: Can be the same as before, the classical uni tail, or a unique uni tail, CC.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Same as before - see original version below!
Reference Image(s): cert, uncert, mother, father, son

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): None.
Wings: None.
Fins: None.
Scales: None.
Pelt: None.
Other Notes: Recustom!

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: None.
Custom Items: Not necessary or expected, add only if you feel inspired.
Reference Image(s) for Items: None.

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Ghede
Owner: Meepfur
Breed: 2nd Gen
Temper: Rowdy
Mate: None
Tag Background: Dusky Night (unless it needs to be the same as before, in which case...same thing it was before!)
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC
PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 11:23 am

Entry Tag: (.Tortured. .Pumpkin. | Mutant Wind | Extreme | Solo Custom )

(no gamma rays were involved in the making of this pony.)

Edit Category: Extreme
Soquili Species: Mutant Wind
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin:
• Original Character - Based on an OC of your own design or existing pet(s) of your own design.

WIP Needed? I would love one. <3

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: ure black. She should have a lot of aged scars from a monstrous kalona fight in which she was protecting her young. If you're feeling it, I would love feathered texture. If not, that's okay. XD
Face: Pure black. Her eyes should be a cold, distant blue/grey, with perhaps a black sclera. Some scars on her face, but preferably not many, as she blocked most of those blows with her wing. I'd also like for her to have a solemn expression.
Mane: Sleek and long. Should be touching the ground. Should look unkempt, as she cannot take care of herself. Feel free to throw twigs and leaves in there.
Tail: I want a long, sleek tail. It should be obviously unkempt. With Mother being alone and unable to care for herself both due to her physical disability and her mental state, she wouldn't be preening a whole lot. Feel free to throw twigs and stuff in there.
Hooves/Fetlocks: I would very much like fluffy fetlocks, but they can also look dirtied/unkempt.
Reference Image(s): None.

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Wings: Mother's front (the one facing toward the viewer, not the side against the cert) is severely broken and paralyzed. It drags along the ground, and is very disarrayed. The feathers, while sleek and black toward the top, often times get caught on bushes and such. So it could either be disarrayed or smooth-looking. Whichever you would like to color more. She's never had any healing or help with her wing, so it could be bleeding/scabby where it drags if you'd like.
IF you're feeling up to doing a custom back wing as well, that'd be fantastic. Otherwise, I'm very fond of heron wings.
Other Notes: I would like a wingless version, please! I would also like a version with no scars if allowed for breeding purposes, but definitely not mandatory.

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: None
Custom Items: None
Reference Image(s) for Items: None

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Blackbird "Mother"
Owner: .Tortured. .Pumpkin.
Breed: Blackbird
Temper: Solemn
Mate: N/A
Tag Background: CC
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC

.Tortured. .Pumpkin.

Backwoods Garbage


Floppy Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 11:40 am

Voiding to fix something.

Entry Tag: ([X]Natty-Chan[X] | Pawed Mutant Angeni/Ulun'suti | Moderate | Solo)

(no gamma rays were involved in the making of this pony.)

Edit Category: Moderate
Soquili Species: Angeni/Ulun'Suti crossbreed
Body Build: Regular, legs down
Gender: Stallion
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original Character
WIP Needed? Yes please

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Eye color: Glowing red
Body: Dark gray, almost black, with white underbelly and gradient rainbow leopard spots
Note: All spots glow faintly
Face: Mainly black with white under muzzle, with leopard spots; red (for the start of the gradient)
Mane: Black; [X]
The loose hair, ones not in braids, is really long that it gathers on the ground around his hooves.
Tail: Black Edited Curly; Long where it drags a little on the floor with a red ribbon wrapped around it.
Hooves/Fetlocks: White with white fetlocks
Reference Image(s):
[2] (Yes, this is the plushie that was turned real, but the plushie is based off of this character)

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn(s): Modified smooth horns. They curve down a little more.
Color: Gradient rainbow with pastel/pale colors
Wings: Style 2; White with gradient rainbow tips
Fins: N/A
Scales: Pastel rainbow gradient leg scales, just the ones over the feet, not on the knees
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: Cat paws with black claws

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items:
Custom Items: Mixture of gold and silver, studs, earrings and cuffs on ears.
A red ribbon wrap around his body that has a gold amulet with a red gem around his body
Gold cuffs around his front legs that has bells on chains on them

Reference Image(s) for Items: [1]

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Appollyon
Owner: [X]Natty-Chan[X]
Breed: Halfbreed
Temper: Elusive
Mate: N/A
Tag Background: 010 Winter Wonderland
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

~*~ Angeni ~*~
Desired Domain: N/A, only half-angeni
Justification for Domain Choice:

~*~ Ulun'suti ~*~
Element: Light

(Let me know if the edits are more than moderate, I'm not really sure.)
PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:20 pm

Entry Tag: Kesmi | Angeni | Heavy | Solo Custom

(Just let it look at the oven in terror and send it out to me ok?)

Edit Category: Heavy
Soquili Species: Angeni
Body Build: Warhorse(with leg feathering, all fours down)
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: OC
WIP Needed? Yes please

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: White
Face: White
Mane: Black(Style very much like what he has on his Kirin appearance, please)
Tail: Black
Hooves/Fetlocks: Silver with silver swirls going up his legs.
Reference Image(s):

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn(s): N/A
Wings: Style #2, Black with white tips
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes:

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: N/A
Custom Items: A metal face plate with three metal spikes own the center.
Over his shoulders(before the wing joint) He has kinda armor pieces, a banner hanging from them that is a dark blue and has the Emblem(Listed below) Displayed upon it. You may add a sword hanging at his side(An idea in the last ref, (to know more about his character you can find it Here)

Reference Image(s) for Items:
Face plate: [X], [X]
Emblem: The emblem
Shoulder guards and sword idea

~*~ Angeni ~*~
Desired Domain: N/A
Justification for Domain Choice: N/A  




Magical Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:26 pm

Entry Tag: (catmagick | Mutant/Hyperhybrid | Extreme | Solo Custom )

(no gamma rays were involved in the making of this pony.)

Username of owner(s): catmagick
Rarity: Mutant/Hyperhybrid
Level of Edits: Extreme

Reason you do not want to fill out the form: Time restraints and lack of WiFi while nearing end of monthly data

Do you understand that by using this form, you are forfeiting your chances to be CCed? Yes
PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:27 pm

Entry Tag: (-_Wish of Tevarae_- | Hippogryph | Heavy | Solo Custom)


Edit Category: - Heavy
Soquili Species: - Hippogryph
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original Design
WIP Needed? No

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Pale blue, with spatterings of white, dark blue, and teal, marked with cloud-like tattoos in white (see ref)
Face: Glowy-blue eyes, Brows white, Navy inner ear, seductive/bored expression,
Mane: Regular Hippogryph mane in white, with a fade to sky blue, add a headdress (see refs, colors CC)
Tail: Peackock tail done in white with a sky blue fade, add in jewelry (CC style and colors)
Hooves/Fetlocks: The longer stock fetlocks
Reference Image(s):
[Inspiration/Colors] || [Inspiration/Colors2]
[Tattoo inspiration.]

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): N/A
Wings: Traditional Hippogryph wings, done in the same white/blue hombre fade as the mane
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: Peacock tail, leg scales, feather fetlocks and cheeks
-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: Moons and Stars tabard with silvers/blues similar to her coloring, but maybe in a more...see-through style? Gauzy and wispy fabric instead of solid. (If possible. I know it's weird phrasing)
Custom Items:
Jeweled headdress, Jeweled Collar.
Headress - Floral and elegant, with curving lines, and blue gems. SItuated in front of the mane feathers, and set so that it curls a bit around her ears, and that there are small, dangling beads in two sets on either side. The dangles should drop nearly to her eyes (colors blue topaz/silver)
Jeweled collar - A layered metal plate effect, going to mid neck, and dangling to a triangular drop with wispy pieces. See ref. Primarily solid silver, until you get to the base where a single line of blue topaz rings the neckline, and there are silver and topaz drops.
Reference Image(s) for Items:
[Blue Topaz]
If this is too complex, feel free to simplify a bit if you need to! The picture provided is just an idea, and not an exact guideline.


Feral Phantom

12,375 Points
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
  • Battle: Rogue 100
  • Generous 100

C o w b o y P e e p

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:48 pm

Entry Tag: (Cowboy Peep | Unicorn | Heavy | Solo Custom )


Username of owner(s): Cowboy Peep
Rarity: Uncommon
Level of Edits: heavy

Reason you do not want to fill out the form: Time/ cosplay

Do you understand that by using this form, you are forfeiting your chances to be CCed? yes
PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 1:02 pm

Entry Tag: (Ririka | CC | Heavy| Solo Custom )


Username of owner(s): Ririka
Rarity: Rare.
Level of Edits: Heavy

Reason you do not want to fill out the form: Time

Do you understand that by using this form, you are forfeiting your chances to be CCed? Yes


High-functioning Hellraiser


Man-Hungry Fatcat

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 1:08 pm

Entry Tag: (Ryuukishin | Mutant | Extreme | Solo Custom)

(no gamma rays were involved in the making of this pony.)

Username of owner(s): Ryuukishin
Rarity: Mutant
Level of Edits: Extreme

Reason you do not want to fill out the form: Time restraints.

Do you understand that by using this form, you are forfeiting your chances to be CCed? Yes.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 1:10 pm

Voided to fix something..x.X

White Neko Chan

Beloved Shapeshifter

White Neko Chan

Beloved Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 1:12 pm

Entry Tag: (White Neko Chan | Ulun'suti | CC | Solo Custom )

(Just let it look at the oven in terror and send it out to me ok?)

Edit Category: - CC
Soquili Species: - Ulun'Suti
Body Build: CC
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: yep
WIP Needed? No

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Night sky colors with various stars, the moon and the galaxy.
Face: CC
Mane: CC- Silver like color like the moon?
Tail: CC
Hooves/Fetlocks: CC
Reference Image(s): Loosely Based on this Uncert

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Describe Horn(s) - CC-Suti
Wings: Describe Wings - CC-Suti
Fins: Describe Fins - N/A
Scales: Describe Scales - N/A
Pelt: Animal Species & Design -
Other Notes: Breed variants, traits not desired for halfbreeds, recustom, alt versions, non-standard traits, etc. (don't forget to list colors too for any physical breed trait)

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: N/A
Custom Items: CC
Reference Image(s) for Items:

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

-- Angeni --
Desired Domain: N/A

-- Ulun'suti --
Element: Water

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