|| Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: Unicorn Body Build: Draft Gender: Male & Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Original Design WIP Needed? I would like one, though, it's up to the Colorist.
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Body, Mane, and Tail: The dark brown from the Reference Image. Horn, Neck, and Legs: The light gray, light brown, and light gray markings/pattern from the Reference Image. Hooves and Tail Fluff: The light purple looking color from the Reference Image. Shoulder and Hip: Light brown star Chest and in-between their Shoulder and Hip: A larger star in the same color as their Hooves and Tail Fluff.
Face: No Unicorn Beard Head: The light purple color from the Reference Image. Inner Ears and Eyebrows: Light gray. Eyes: Brothers Eyes are light brown. Sisters Eyes are dark brown.
Mane: Windblown Tail: Bare Classical Tail Hooves/Fetlocks: Cloven Unicorn Hooves and the Fluffiest Draft Fetlocks. Reference Image(s): Midnight Dream
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): Corkscrew Horn Wings: N/A Fins: N/A Scales: N/A Pelt: N/A Other Notes: A version without the Roses.
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: Option 1: One rose in the part of their mane covering their one ear, one in the bottom part of their mane, and one behind the ear that can be seen.
Option 2: One rose from top to bottom in the mane on the back of their neck and smaller roses in their mane and tail fluff. Since I'm not so sure how roses would look in the fluff on the top of their tail.
Either way, the very top rose and or roses in their mane will be light pink (#FFB6C1), the second or middle rose or roses will be light purple (#D6C7D4), and the third rose or roses will be light blue (#ADD8E6). Custom Items: N/A Reference Image(s) for Items:
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A ||
Blue_Sparkle27 | Open
Concept 2
|| Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: Angeni-Unicorn Body Build: Regular Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Original Design WIP Needed? I would like one, though, it's up to the Colorist.
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Colors gradually changing from his Head to his Fetlocks: (#E6FFF2) (#CCFFE5) (#B3FFD9) (#99FFCC) (#80FFBF) (#66FFB2) (#4DFFA6) (#33FF99) (#19FF8C) (#00FF7F)
Mint Ice Cream (#C5E3BF) on: His lower jaw. Down the front of his neck. And on his underside.
Upper Wings: First Layer of Feather: (#E6FFF2) Second Layer of Feathers: (#CCFFE5) Third Layer of Feathers: (#B3FFD9)
Lower Wings: First Layer of Feathers: (#33FF99) Second Layer of Fathers: (#19FF8C) Third Layer of Feathers: (#00FF7F)
Face: Eye and Inner Ear Color: Mint Ice Cream (#C5E3BF) Eyebrow Color: Mint (#3EB489) No Unicorn Bread Mane: Wild with the back of Warrior's Braid over it. Front of Wild with the Braid and two strands from Warrior's Braid Mane Color: Mint (#3EB489) CC colors of the Beads and Feathers~! Tail: Bare Classical Tail Hooves/Fetlocks: Fetlocks: Angeni Hooves: Cloven Hoof Color: Mint Ice Cream (#C5E3BF) Reference Image(s): N/A
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): Regular Horn Horn Color: Mint Ice Cream (#C5E3BF) Wings: Style 1 Wings Fins: N/A Scales: N/A Pelt: N/A Other Notes: Style 1 Head Wings and Style 1 Winglets A version without the two Wings. And a version without the two Wings, Bandages, Pouch, and 3 Hoop Earrings.
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: 3 Hoop Earrings Bandages Pouch on the middle of his back. Item Color/s: CC something that will go well with him~! Custom Items: N/A Reference Image(s) for Items:
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A ||
Blue_Sparkle27 | Open
Concept 3
|| Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: Mutant Owl Twins Body Build: Regular Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Original Design WIP Needed? I would like one, though, it's up to the Colorist.
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Their Torso is Saddle Brown (#8b4513) which gradually changes to Cream (#FFFDD0) the closer it gets to his head and Owl feet. If allowed I would love them to have everything except the Owl Face of the Owl Walker. No Owl Expression Maybe the Owl Beck if it looks good.
Wing Colors: First Layer of Feathers: Saddle Brown (#8b4513) Second Layer of Feathers: Cream (#FFFDD0) Third Layer of Feathers: Brother 1: Light Blue (#ADD8E6) gradually changing to Light Pink (#FFB6C1) Brother 2: Light Pink (#FFB6C1) gradually changing to Light Blue (#ADD8E6)
Talon Color: Light Purple (#D6C7D4) Tail Colors: Saddle Brown (#8b4513) gradually changing to Light Purple (#D6C7D4).
Face: Eye, Eyebrow, and Inner Ear Color: Light Purple (#D6C7D4)
Mane: If they can't have the Owl Feathers than: Long 2: The part of the Mane that splits off from the rest of the Mane. Nothing that's under the head. Everything on the back of the neck.
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): N/A Wings: Owl Wings Fins: N/A Scales: N/A Pelt: N/A Other Notes: A version without the one wing.
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: N/A Custom Items: N/A Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A ||
Blue_Sparkle27 | Open
Concept 4
|| Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: Unicorn Body Build: Regular Gender: Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: New Concept
WIP Needed? I would like one, though, it's up to the Colorist.
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ Body: From the tips of her ears to the bottom of her neck her color will gradually change from light ruby (#ff80b0) to light amethyst (#bf80ff) and from her shoulders/hips her color will gradually change from light amethyst (#bf80ff) to light sapphire (#80a6ff). Her horn is this dark blue (#002080). Her mane is light emerald (#80ffaa). Her tail gradually changes from lavender (#B57EDC) to light sapphire (#80a6ff). Her tail fluff is light emerald (#80ffaa). Her hooves are light emerald (#80ffaa).
Face: Her inner ears, eyebrows, and eyes are dark blue (#002080). Mane: Windblown, the neck part of Curly 2, and the bottom of Long. Tail: Classical Tail Hooves/Fetlocks: Cloven hooves and Fluffy fetlocks Reference Image(s): Lilac's Sister, Lavender Rose Lavender Rose Lavender Rose with Items
~*~ Physical Traits ~*~ Horn(s): Curved horn Wings: N/A Fins: N/A Scales: N/A Pelt: N/A Other Notes: A version without the Roses.
~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~ Trading Post Items: I want the Roses in her mane and tail fluff to be placed in similar locations as her Sister's, though, they can be different if they look better in different areas. Also, I want the Roses/leaves around her neck to be in the same location or basic location of her Sister's as well as the same colors. Roses: dark blue (#002080) Leaves: light emerald (#80ffaa) Custom Items: N/A Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A ||
Blue_Sparkle27 | Open
Concept 5
|| Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: Angeni-Flutter Body Build: Regular Gender: Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: CYO WIP Needed? I would like one, though, it's up to the Colorist.
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Reference image Body Color: Sister 1: White (#FFFFFF) Sister 2: Black (#000000) Mare Slow Trot Antenna: Pennantenna Face: Reference image Mane: Either: Windblown, the back of Warrior's Braid, and the over the shoulder braid from Native Dreams Braid. Or: Windblown, the back of Wild, the back of Warrior's Braid over Wild, and the over the shoulder braid from Native Dreams Braid. Whichever combination looks better. Tail: Option 1: Windblown Option 2: Wild Option 3: Warrior's Braid Option 4: Native Dreams Braid or Option 5: Some sort of combination of any or all of them. Whatever looks good.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Cloven Hooves and Angeni Fetlocks Reference Image(s):Aki Kaede
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): N/A Wings: Angeni Style 2 Wings Unless you want to combine/splice Angeni Wings and Flutter Wings. If you do combine/splice Angeni Wings and Flutter Wings please don't use Fantasy, Seelie, Sprite, Round Tiny Wings, or Acute Tiny Wings. Fins: N/A Scales: N/A Pelt: N/A Other Notes: A version without the Items and two Wings. And a version without the Items.
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: Single Feathers scattered throughout her mane and tail. Option 1: They can be the color of the end of her Antenna. Option 2: They can be the color of the Feathers on her CYO. or Option 3: Some of them can be the color of the end of her Antenna and others can be the color of the Feathers on her CYO. Custom Items: N/A Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A ||
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:53 pm
Leez0rz | Open
Entry Tag: Leez0rz | Kelpi/CC mix breed| Unedited | Solo
Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: - Kelpi/(CC mix breed) Body Build: Regular Gender: Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Mood Board WIP Needed? If you’d like to share.
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: CC based off of mood board Face: CC based off of mood board. Please keep expression gentle or soft. No kelpi fierce face. Mane: Splice away!! Long and lush hair is adored. Mermaid vibes hair. Tail: CC Hooves/Fetlocks: CC Reference Image(s):Mood BoardMood BoardMood board
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): CC Wings: Prefer no wings Fins: No original kelpi please. CC from remaining templates. Scales: — Pelt: — Other Notes: CC based off of mood board
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: CC Custom Items: CC Reference Image(s) for Items:
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A
Edit Category: - Unedit Soquili Species: - Ulun'suti Body Build: Regular Gender: Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Plush WIP Needed? Only if you want!! :3
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Like the plush Face: Big Mouth Jawline, Thick Eyelashes, rest like the plush Mane: Mane that looks close to the plush please! I'd like a long mane maybe mix some templates to create a do~! <3 Tail: I'd like tail blades option please Hooves/Fetlocks: Like the plush (Raptor Claws please!) Reference Image(s):Uncert
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): Describe Horn(s) - Like the plush Wings: Describe Wings - Spread Style Wings (Scaleless) -- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: CC Custom Items: CC Reference Image(s) for Items:
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N.A
-- Ulun'suti -- Element: Light
Entry Tag: ( Mutant | Solo Custom)
Edit Category: - Unedit Soquili Species: - Mutant Body Build: Regular Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Mock Child of Hoshi and Tomoe( Permission) WIP Needed? If you want! <3
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Like Plush Face: Like Plush (But, glowing eye effect like mother and eyelashes) Mane: Like Plush Tail: Fox Tail Hooves/Fetlocks: Canine Paws Reference Image(s):Uncert Parents: Hoshi x Tomoe (Tomoe's Markings)
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Wings: Angeni Option Wings: Style 1 or 2 but only using the bottom set of wings (No one in the family is Angeni), if not allowed then Wind Options: Original or Heron. Other Notes: Breed variants, traits not desired for halfbreeds, recustom, alt versions, non-standard traits, etc. (don't forget to list colors too for any physical breed trait)
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: Close to the items on the plush! Custom Items: N/A Reference Image(s) for Items:
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N.A
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: Whatever items that work for the plush. Reference Image(s) for Items: Plush
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N.A
Entry Tag: ( Tri-Wing/Unicorn | Solo Custom)
Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: - Tri-Wing/Unicorn Body Build: Regular Gender: Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Plushie WIP Needed? If you want!
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: CC Face: CC (Eyelashes please!) Mane: Whatever meshes to look like the mane on plush Tail: Classical Tail Hooves/Fetlocks: Yes to fetlocks Reference Image(s):
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: CC Reference Image(s) for Items:
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N.A
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 3:21 pm
PGMizuchu | Open
Edit Level: Unedited Template Based (Recustom) Name: Sethos Soquili Species: Mutant Usdia Body Build: Regular Leg Up?: No Bent Neck? No Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Resplendent Quetzal--Wildlife (WIPs will be sent)
-- Colors & Markings -- Body:Body Color Face: Is it possible to give him a beak instead of a muzzle? If not, please just color the end of his muzzle to represent a beak. Mane: Middle Perky Feather Layer Template Tail: Mutant: Long Tail Feather Template Hooves/Fetlocks: Clawed Hooves & Front Feathered Fetlocks Reference Image(s):
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Yes Sethos
Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: Hippogryph Body Build: War Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: CYO Plush WIP Needed? Nope
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: See plushie. Face: Sultry expression. Mane: Regular hippogryph feathered mane template Tail: Full Display combined with Elegant feather tail templates Hooves/Fetlocks: Feathered Fetlocks Reference Image(s): -- Physical Breed Traits -- Wings: CC
Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: Unicorn Body Build: Regular Gender: Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Original Design WIP Needed? CC
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Body Color: A dark blue that's almost black. Face: Eye Color: Neon Blue, Eyebrows: Light Lashes/Black, Inner Ear: Black, Expression: Miffed/Frown, Yellow Gold Strip down the nose. Mane: Mare's Long Braid; colored Black that fades Silver then fades into Yellow Gold at the tips. Tail: Classical Unicorn Tail; Tail tuft fades into silver then fades into yellow gold. Hooves/Fetlocks: Long Feathered Fetlocks that fade into silver then into yellow gold tips and Cloven Unicorn Hooves: Colored Silver. Reference Image(s):Hair Color Ref | ]Color Refs | Color Refs | Color Refs | Body And Hair Color Ref | Body Color Ref
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): Unicorn Curved Horn Other Notes: I'm using a few of my own Soquili as color references, but her whole body is one solid color, with a faint shimmer.
Geared Gatekeeper
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 12:18 am
AislingJuno| Low luck
Entry Tag: ( Mutant | Herd Helper ) Username of other owners: gaming off Soquili Species: - Mutant Body Build: Regular leg down Gender: CC Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: original design WIP Needed? Yes
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: stary with rose markings, little mouth fangs -markings don't have to be exactly like the plushie, and feel free to change any colors I suggested on the 2nd twin I trust any cc decision you would make. 1: blue roses 2: green roses others:CC Face: sultry eyes bright makeup under eyes. Ears fox or canine. Small fang in mouth. 1- ice blue eyes and ice blue makeup under the eye 2- bright glowy green eyes with green makeup Others: CC Mane: A semi updo from unedit hair- Something like your example 2 on the stary girl on the top row. 1 : Dark blue mane color. Others: CC in mane color Tail: 3 big fluffy fox or walker canine tails Hooves/Fetlocks: the alt mutant cat paws Reference Image(s):1, bare
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): n/a Wings: Optional Tiny semi translicent Angeni wings cc in color. If it doesn't look good feel free not to add it. Fins: n/a Scales: n/a Pelt: n/a Other Notes:
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: roses beads on the head and anywhere you think would look nice. Also the lantern item on both CC on color. Can I get one copy with the lantern and without the lantern? Also a scarf with a stone in the center. Twin 1: Scarf, stone, and lantern the same as the reference. Others: CC
Custom Items: n/a Reference Image(s) for Items: same as body reference.
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Dusky purple pink body with a rose design and white spots. Face: Garnet eyes with black eye-whites With the Sultry eye expression . Also can he have a small fang. Mane: The Color is a super dark magenta that is almost black could the bottom of the hair fade to garnet like ombre hair ? . Big/ long to the ground - Business or Zephyr bangs and CC on the rest just not native dreams braid or warriors braid Tail: Alt fox tail Hooves/Fetlocks: feline cat paws Reference Image(s):uncert
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): Describe Horn(s) - Curved style Uni horn white or a slightly pink white Wings: Triwings Splicing Ageni/flutter wings together or the wind flutter crossbreed wings converts with a small flutter wing or if that doesn't look good regular flutter wings color on plushie type wings either the Round tiny wings or the acute tiny wings. Fins: Scales: Pelt: Other Notes:
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: roses,jewel clasp, beads from the tabard Custom Items: n/a Reference Image(s) for Items: Ok so I do have items on the plushies that can be made from trading post items. It doesn't have to look exactly like the head items. However, If you are uncomfortable with splicing just make a rose crown on each of the boys and by the wings. I've done gems on a lot of the cyo plushies I've made but they always get converted to girls so I'm not even sure how it would look on the males. Rose crown-on their cousin . another cousin . They also have lots of other family members and a sister who I don't own.
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?:n/a ------ twin 2 Edit Category: - Unedited Soquili Species: - Mutant Pawed Triwing Unicorn/Flutter/Ageni Body Build: Regular leg down Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: OC WIP Needed? Yes please
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Dusky purple pink body with a rose design and white spots. Face: light pink eyes . With the Sultry eye expression and thick eyelashes. Also, can he have a small fang by his mouth. Mane: The Color is a light dusky pink could the bottom fade to white like ombre hair ? Big/ long to the ground - Business or Zephyr bangs if you do bangs and CC on the rest just not native dreams braid or warriors braid Tail: Alt foxtail Hooves/Fetlocks: feline paws Reference Image(s): uncert
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): Describe Horn(s) - Curved style Uni horn white or a slightly pink white Wings: Tri-wings Splicing Ageni and flutter wings together or the crossbreed wings converts with a small flutter wing or if that doesn't look good regular flutter wings color on plushie . Type of wings either the Round tiny wings or the acute tiny wings Fins: Scales: Pelt: Other Notes:
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: roses,jewel clasp, beads from the tabard Custom Items: n/a Reference Image(s) for Items: Ok so I do have items on the plushies that can be made from trading post items. It doesn't have to look exactly like the head items. However, If you are uncomfortable with splicing just make a rose crown on each of the boys and by the wings. I've done gems on a lot of the CYO plushies I've made but they always get converted to girls so I'm not even sure how it would look on the males. Rose crown-on their cousin .
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?:n/a
(Also feel free to change aspects of the markings it doesn't need to look 100% like the plushes
Entry Tag: (AislingJuno | Mutant tri-wing| unedited | Twins) Ageni 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: - Mutant tri-wing Body Build: Regular leg down Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: original design -Mock Family WIP Needed? Yes please
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: purple with white henna style marking on legs near the knee the color should get gradually darker with the darkest bit at the hooves Face: white down the nose slightly glowing eyes -the eye color should be different on the twins -the boy is to have a blue/purple eye color. Also unlike his brother could he have black or a dark color for his eye white and if it looks good could his blue-purple eye color glow a bit. With the Sultry eye expression. Also can he have a small fang. Mane: bangs Zephyer with the side of the ringlets going from the face to the ear or the tucked braid. The mane should be long and all the way to the ground and in the Fabio style. Color deep dark purple with lighter purple tips. --If this hair is too complicated then maybe the mer style hair long to the ground or splice something fun. I think I've been seeing the pronghorn hair being used which I'd honestly adore if that is an option) Tail: fox alt tail Hooves/Fetlocks: feline paws the alt none bulky ones Reference Image(s): , sister,Soq Brother
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): Describe Horn(s) - Curved style Uni horn super light violet almost white Wings: Tri-wing style 2 Angeni wings , foot and head wings . Wings to be a bit transparent and could they look a tiny bit shinny. -or if you have a different idea run it by me. Fins: Scales: Pelt: Other Notes: like brothers but the colors on the pushie's
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: roses , maybe a moon inspired trade item. Like the feather cape moon clasp without the feather Reference Image(s) for Items:
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: n/a
Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: - Mutant pawed Angeni-corn Triwing Body Build: Regular leg down Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: original design WIP Needed? yes
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: purple with white henna style marking on legs -the part of the legs near the hooves to be a different color than the twins Face: white down the nose slightly. The eye color should be different on the twins -the boy is to have his eye whites either white or a really light blue. The pupil is to be the same color as the plushie without the black, but kind of glittery looking... With the Sultry eye expression. Mane: bangs Zephyer with the side of the ringlets going from the face to the ear or the tucked braid. The mane should be long and all the way to the ground and in the Fabio style. - Tail: fox alt tail Hooves/Fetlocks: Alt feline paws-the none bulky ones Reference Image(s):eyes-only blue
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): Describe Horn(s) - Curved style Uni horn super light violet almost white Wings: Tri-wings style 2 Angeni wings , foot and head wings -wings semi transparent. Maybe frosted colored tips would look good. Fins: Scales: Pelt: Other Notes: like their brothers but the colors on the pushie's
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: roses -flowers can be the same as the plushie's or in frosty colors . Also the crystal ball no stand in a icy color /frosty inspired. Reference Image(s) for Items:
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: n/a
Entry Tag: ( Purewalker | Twins ) Username of other owners: n/a
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Snow leopard markings ears leopard.Chest Ridge fur. Face: eye color multicolor like plushie. It might be cool to switch the colors of one of the twin's eyes so one is more red than purple male twin: Snarl expression female twin: Chill with long eyelashes Mane: if doing an unpelt-any of the newer hairstyles to be inspired by the plushie mane-I'm good with anything besides the old warriors /native dreams braid Tail: S tail Hooves/Fetlocks: feline alt paws the non-bulky pays Reference Image(s):cert, uncert,without hair
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): Up to you if you think any would look good Wings: Mini Wings -kalona style 3 smooth . Wings are dark blue-black and black. Fins: n/a Scales: n/a Pelt: snow leopard inspired feline pelt Other Notes:
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: The plushie has an obi sash I don't know if you can splice that. You could do a scarf or use the Tikki smoke to add an effect. I'm going to leave it up to you to decide what if any trade post items. Reference Image(s) for Items:
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Plushie given to me
Entry Tag: AislingJuno | Mutant | Unedit | Solo Edit Category: - Unedited Soquili Species: - Mutant Hippogryph/Ulun'suti Body Build: Regular leg down Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: CYO plushie WIP Needed? Yes please
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Seafoam with glowing teal/white markings darker area around the hooves Face: Sultry with long eyelashes. Semi glowy eyes with eye color same as plushie
Mane: Just the top of the regular hippogryph mane the side cropped off underneath a regular mane long and curly or straight. I love splices, long lose riglets, or Fabio.Dark cobalt mane
Tail: Phonix Hooves/Fetlocks: all four be the owl claws or .Hippogryph claws. Glowing teal nails Reference Image(s):plushie
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): Describe Horn(s) - n/a Wings: Describe Wings - Ulunsuti Graceful warrior handwings Fins: Describe Fins - n/a Scales: Ulunsuti gemstone scales aqua colored crystals with paler tips if that doesn't look good white or CC
Pelt: n/a Other Notes: feel free to use the new kelpie scales if it helps with the glowing markings.. Also, don't worry about getting the marking exactly right.
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: Crystal ball held in the forward handwing, optional-feel free to add any beads, stars, feathers, or bells if you want A crystal ball to look like a pearl Custom Items: n/a Reference Image(s) for Items:
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?:n/a
Soquili Species: Cat Pawed Wolf Purewalker Body Build: Regular Gender: Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Original Character - Based off the Elder Scrolls Online WIP Needed? I'd love some please? OwO
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Golden Tiger Colored Horse Body - See References
Face: Eye Color for Horse Body - Cyan Blue Eye Color for Feral Form - Blood Red Eyebrows - Stock Raised Eyebrows - Color White Inner Ear - Soft Pink Color Expression - Stock Neutral [removed](Not the Purewalker grimace), with the #2 Fangs Facial Markings - Golden Tiger like body
Mane: Stock Long Braid Bangs with the Neck Part from Stock Windblown - White Color
Tail: Stock Feline Purewalker S-Tail for the Horse Body - Colored like a Golden Tiger
Hooves/Fetlocks: Fluffy Fetlocks with the Original Feline Paws
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Pelt: Wolf Pelt but with Fox Tail shrunk about half size. I prefer it to the normal wolf pelt tail. - Pelt color should be jet black with some soft pink in the ears. Other Notes: I'd like the eyes of the horse and the eyes of the feral form to be different colors! I'd like to request the Wolf Feral with Extra Fluff for the feral form. And may I please request an unpelted for breeding purposes? Feel free to scar up the horse and the feral form. She's quite the rough and tumble young werewolf. For the eyes please use one open eye on the back and the front most eye have it closed with a scar over top of it! She's got a damaged eye. <3
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: Piercings in the lips and ears, leg bands, and a modern lantern in her mouth without the handle. Moon motif glass. Custom Items: None. Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A, based off my OC Player Character from The Elder Scrolls Online.
Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: Angeni Body Build: Regular Gender: Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Parent to an existing Soquili. WIP Needed? Yes please?
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: I'd like the body to be a grey and white version of my Soquili Rhamiel with the greys having a sparkling effect to them and the whites not. Sort of like freshly fallen snow in the sun. Face: Eye Color - A soft but icy blue Eyebrows - White Inner Ear - Soft pink like a natural horses would be with grey and white like the body and black ear tips. Ears should be the foxwalker pelt ears. Expression - Raised Eyebrows, Frown Mouth with Number 2 Fangs (please not the skinwalker expression!), and Sultry Eyes. Facial Marks - Similar to the body grey and milk white with sparkling effect in the fur for the grey parts. Mane: Soft bangs going over the back eye, with a braid over the fox ears connecting to longer hair down the other side. Spliced the best you can based off this. The color should be white with black tips. Tail: Fluffy Skinwalker Fox Tail, Grey with a white underside and sparkling effects with a black tail tip. Hooves/Fetlocks: Four Wolf paws with the angeni fetlocks spliced onto the backs of the feet to create a trailing fur effect. No fur over the feet though please! Claws black in color. Reference Image(s): 1.) Snow in Sunlight 2.) Rhamiel
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Wings: 3 Angeni Wings, only the top halves of the original set of Style 1 wings three times over. Grey and sparkly on the top with the feathers being white and not sparkly. Other Notes: Could you splice the foxwalker pelt onto her face to give her a more fox like appearance? Just the vulpine nose and the cheek fluff. Nothing else! Can you make sure the fluffy tail is behind her so her legs show. Please use the angeni belly fluff, and the angeni alt stallion winglets for her feet but no winglets on the ears! Could I get a unwinged form for marking viewing?
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: None Reference Image(s) for Items: None
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A, mother to an existing Soquili I own.
Wasteland Wyvern | Open
Entry Tag: Wasteland Wyvern | Angeni/Kalona | Solo
Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: Angeni/Kalona Crossbreed Body Build: Draft, Leg Down Pose Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Original Design WIP Needed? Yes please?
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Gypsy Vanner Horse Markings - See References (Black and White or Brown and White CC choice but please don't mix the colors) Face: Eye Color - Bright Fiery Orange Eyebrows - Black and White Mix like his hair and coat colors Inner Ear - Soft Pink like a natural horses Expression - Stock Raised Eyebrows, Stock Neutral Mouth, Stock Sultry Eyes and Stock Fangs 2 Roman Nose - Please don't use! Mane: Stock Spiky Pompadour - Black/Brown and White Mixed Color Tail: Stock Native Dream Braid - Black/Brown and White Mixed Color Hooves/Fetlocks: Kalona Cloven Hooves with Angeni Fetlocks and Alt Stallion Angeni Winglets Reference Image(s): 1.) Vanner 1 2.) Vanner 2 3.) Vanner 3
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): Ram Horns - Shiny Black Color Wings: Kalona Wing Style 3 with Smooth Feathers - Flesh/Feather Parts can match the body base, but can the membranes be colored to mimic a Monarch Butterfly in Bright Orange and Black? Other Notes: Please use the Chin Scruff so he has a little beard, and the Angeni Belly Fur. Please don't use the ear winglets, just the feet! And may I please request and unitemed, and unwinged form?
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: 1.) Hoop Earring but used for a Nose Piercing? - Shiny Gold Color 2.) Fur Lined Hood - Black with White Fur 3.) Fur Trimmed Tabard with Full Cloth Connectors around the neck, rump, and belly. Black with White Fur 4.) The Lantern from the Carved Fire Stand Glowing but without the stand and held in his mouth. Black Metal with Orange Stained Glass and the normal yellow glow. Custom Items: N/A Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A
Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: Cat Purewalker (Detailed Pelt with Raised Ears and S-Tail) Body Build: Regular Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Original Design WIP Needed? I'd love at least one to see how its coming along but this isn't in anyway required. <3 Would like to request an unpelted form though! OwO
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Under the Pelt: Can you color him to look like a natural buckskin paint under the pelt with the fur color being like a dark grey roan horse? Face: Eye Color - Glowing Red with Black Sclera Eyebrows - Ebony Black Inner Ear - Ebony Black Expression - Raised Eyebrows, with Sultry Eyes (using the Purewalker slitted pupils though if possible), and the Sharp Snarl Mouth with spliced #4 and #2 at the front to make him look fierce. The Longer fang #4 first then followed closely by the #2 fang behind it. Facial Markings - See References, but could you please give him a bit of pink on his nose to make him look like natural horse under the pelt? Mane: For the mane under the pelt please use the Tight Braid for the back of the neck and the long braid bangs. Colored Ebony Black. Tail: For the hair tail under the pelt, please use the Bob Tail Male Tail, colored Ebony Black. Hooves/Fetlocks: 4 Cat Walker Feet with the fluffiest fetlocks over the feet to "hide" them as best as possible, and as much extra fluff as you can add to the backs of the legs? Paw pads black, and the claws black too please? I also prefer the raised male leg. Reference Image(s): 1.) Under the Pelt Colors 1 (Roan) 2.) Under the Pelt Colors 2 (Buckskin Paint) 2.) Pelt Colors
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Pelt: Detailed Shading Cat Purewalker Pelt, with New Raised Ears, and the new S-Tail. Other Notes: Could you please splice the Usidia Neck Fluff and Arm Fluff into this horse? Color the fluff to compliment the buckskin roan colors underneath his pelt. <3 For the Feral form please use the long cat tail. Could you please ensure the Soq's ears under the pelt don't show up above the pelt. I know some Walkers have them showing but I don't want his to. <3
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: 1.) 3 Hoop Earrings - Shiny Gold Color (Please use these on the front most Pet Ear not the actual Soq ear. <3) Custom Items: N/A Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A
Wasteland Wyvern | Open
Entry Tag: Wasteland Wyvern | Kelpi | Unedited | Solo
Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: Kelpie Body Build: Draft Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Original Design WIP Needed? Sure
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Black body with dark Abyss blue CC swirls and CC patterns sort of making a camouflaged appearance of a deep sea fish with bio luminescent fin markings. Glow and spots! Face: eye color, eyebrows, inner ear, expression, roman nose for drafts, blush, any facial markings White eye color ( I want to be able to see there's an iris and pupil but just have white iris color ), Ebony black eyebrows and inner ear, stock neutral mouth with type 2 fangs (no kelpie expression please!), roman nose, and more cc swirly abyss patterns on the face. Mane: Stock Tight Braid with Bangs, Ebony black color Tail: Stock Fancy Kelpie Tail with Fancy Tail Fin, fins should be glowy and bio lum, with black and abyss blue tail base with cc swirls and patterns. Hooves/Fetlocks: Stock Draft Fetlocks with ebony black hooves. Reference Image(s): 1.) Bio Lum Fish - [X] 2.) Bio Lum Fish - [X]
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): N/A Wings: N/A Fins: Fancy Tail, Side, and Back Fins, with Spiny Ear, Neck, and Leg Fins. Mix and match these fins to make them look nice! Bio Lum should only be on the fin webbings and nothing else. Scales: N/A Pelt: N/A Other Notes:
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: 1.) 3 Hoop Earring on the front most ear - Gold color 2.) Modern Lantern with optional glow, no handle (held in mouth), glow should be ethereal blue with black iron, possibly corroded metal as if its been underwater. Custom Items: N/A Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A, new design.
Entry Tag: ( Triwing Angeni/Unicorn Mutant | CC between Solo Custom or Twins Custom )
Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: Triwing Angeni/Unicorn Mutant Body Build: Regular Gender: CC Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: cyo plushie WIP Needed? CC if you want to
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: + See plushie down Face: + Blush/facial markings: oh yes please see plush image <3 + Eye colour: Light pinky peachy colour? + Eyebrows: hoping the long hair would cover this, if not then any colour on the plushie + Inner ear: Light purplypink + Expression: Soft and gentle + NO roman nose, please + if male, with classic beard + if female, no beard Mane: + Splice to your heart's content to make mane flowing long with some stars and feathers in the mane hairs + Sorry i love long hair on soquili and am a fan of it Tail: + Classical Tail with a few stars stock items in the tail hairs Hooves/Fetlocks: + No to hooves + Yes to Catwalker feet/claws please and thank you <3 + Yes to Fetlocks <3 Reference Image(s):
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s):Classical uni horn Wings: CC wings Fins: N/A Scales: N/A Pelt: N/A Other Notes: + No leg up pose please + No head down pose please + CC everything else
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: + Stock items of stars and feathers scattered across the soquili's mane and tail, CC placements + CC adding other items Reference Image(s) for Items: + See plushie
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: yes
**if twins, I give colourist their CC freedom to make it either F/F or F/M or MM siblings
Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: Mutant Pawed Fox/Kitsune Purewalker Body Build: Regular Gender: Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: cyo plushie WIP Needed? CC if you want to
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: + See plushie down below Face: + Blush/facial markings: CC + Eye colour: Turquoise or any shade of blue + Eyebrows: Umm greyish + Ears : the cute fluffy fox or wolf ears , i can't remember the exact species + Inner ear: cute pink + Expression: Intimidating/Feral/Wild + NO roman nose, please + Can this one have stock template fangs <3 Mane: + How do you feel about giving this walker a badass wicked cool new reverse cropped mane with bangs ? + Would like soq tail underneath the pelt to have same colours as the mane Tail: + Would love a minimum of 3 tails <3 + Would not mind as many as 6 tails Hooves/Fetlocks: + No fetlocks + No hooves + Yes to Pawed feets , CC Reference Image(s): -Uncert-
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): N/A Wings: N/A Fins: N/A Scales: N/A Pelt: + CC between Fox/ Alt Fox pelt + CC pelt colour Other Notes: + No leg up pose please + No head down pose please + CC everything else
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: + Yes to trading post stock tabards/cloth pieces, and lanterns + CC adding other items Reference Image(s) for Items: + See plushie
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: yes
Entry Tag: ( FrostyPeaches | Cerynei | Solo Custom )
Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: Cerynei Body Build: Regular Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Original design ( CYO plushie ) WIP Needed? Only if you want to give them, i am alright without seeing WIPs (:
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: - See plushie as reference for colour and markings, but have some artistic freedom to interpret the markings how you want to do them <3 Face: - See plushie as reference for eye colour, eyebrows ( if visible ), facial markings - CC on facial expression, inner ears colour, nose shape - May i request this soq to have stock fangs template (white in colour fangs ) please? <3 - Maybe face fluff if it looks cute on him XD - Maybe beard stubble too if it looks cute on him XD Mane: - Long hair, two coloured/twotoned as shown on the plushie. - Please splice away to make his hair beautifully long and amazing looking <3 Tail: - CC between Moose, Poofy, Alert, or White tail, or do what you like XD Hooves/Fetlocks: - Sturdy footed with fetlocks. Can use stock templates or splice away <3 Reference Image(s): Uncert image
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s):9 point buck antlers Wings: No wings, unless you want to add them in Fins: No fins Scales: No scales, unless you want to add them in Pelt: No pelt Other Notes: Have fun <3 Feel free to splice to your heart's content <3
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: - Splice pretty feathers for his hair <3 - Splice up a pretty necklace to place around his neck ( maybe splice lots of arrow head for the strings and splice the tiki shell necklace up to have a beautiful new shells necklace with spaces inbetween? ) -- CC on the look of the necklace Reference Image(s) for Items: - See CYO plushie
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: - Yes, it a CYO plushie gifted to me
Number of attempts for this one is 3 attempts * i am losing internet will provide links if needed
Entry Tag: ( Mutant Draft/Wind/ | CC between Solo or Twins Custom )
Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: Mutant Draft/Wind Body Build: Draft, no roman nose Gender: Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: cyo plushie WIP Needed? CC if you want to
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: See plushie for reference (: but feel free to include some artistic freedom anywhere you like Face: Eyes are red in the cyo, but feel free to CC Mane: Splice away i love soquili with long hair. Hair colour mostly white with a light gradient of blue. It reminds me of icicles during winter time. Tail: Splice away i love soquili with long hair. Hair colour mostly white with a light gradient of blue. Hooves/Fetlocks: Fluffy legfeathers/fetlocks. The second from the left. Instead of the hooves being bloodred in colour, could they be white or blue please? Reference Image(s): -- Uncert
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): N/A Wings: Yes please! I want the pretty new wings templates not the old ones Fins: N/A Scales: N/A Pelt: N/A Other Notes: + No leg up pose please + No head down pose please + CC everything else
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: yes
Soquili Species: Pawed mutant tri-wing Kalona/Angeni mix i think? ( see ref images ) Body Build: CC build Gender: CC Starting Stage: CC Concept Origin: CYO Plushie WIP Needed? If you want, i don't mind with or without.
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Black white and rainbow, as seen on ref images <: Face: May i have mini fangs for this mutant ( or shop stock fang like teeth)? and you can CC awayyy the rest Mane: Same as cyo plush colours, CC splicey mix and match the mane away Tail: Same as cyo plush colours, CC splicey mix and match ( if not just deviltail 2 is fine ) Hooves/Fetlocks: No fetlocks even if they are in ref images. i want paws please >w< Reference Image(s): **Click uncerts for bigger images
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): Yes please, like the ref image if possible Wings: Tri-wing pls? emotion_kirakira Fins: N/A Scales: N/A Pelt: N/A Other Notes: Feel free to splice when needed and have fun with this (:
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: CC what you think would go well with this custom Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Yes it's a CYOplushie for me
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 5:01 pm
dolphingurl | Open
Concept 1:
Entry Tag: dolphingurl | Regular | Unedited | Twins Edit Category: Unedited Soquili Species: Reg Body Build: Regular Gender: CC Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Mock Children WIP Needed? No
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: CC with elements taken from Aiyana and Curaçao, perhaps some throwbacks to dark hair as seen in Aiyana's sister Lynae. (Their son Stoli has some dark blue) Face: CC, blue eyes- perhaps one twin with light blue like Lynae and the other with a little darker blue. If female could I have the lighter lashes. Mane: CC, though I do love partial updos and long/fluffy hair. Tail: CC, either long and flowy/fluffy or a unicorn tail like the boys. Hooves/Fetlocks: Fluffy fetlocks Reference Image(s):Mother cert, Mother uncert, Mother pre-makeover Father Cert, Father Uncert Their other Tanqueray, Their son Stolichnaya Aiyana's sister Lynae
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Other Notes: Mock children. Up to you have different you want to make the twins, I would like them to at least have the different colored eyes and different colored/slight different placement accessories.
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: N/A Custom Items: Flowers and any other accessories you think would look good. I do love the pop of color that their other boys have in their accessories. Doesn't have to be the same colors for accessories, i.e. I also really love purple. Aiyana's brother has flowers with purple and blue. Not a big fan of the shop's umbrella hair accessory, though can be blended in with other items. Reference Image(s) for Items: See images above.
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Mock children of two soquili both owned by me. I also own Aiyana's sister Lynae. Permission to reference Stolichnaya
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Inspired by the images, perhaps a little extra fluff. Face: The lighter style lashed, and fox-like ears? Rest inspired by the images. Mane: Long and flowy/fluffy, I like seeing both eyes. Perhaps a partial updo? I love lots of hair. Color CC Tail: Long and flowy/fluffy like the hair. Hooves/Fetlocks: Canine paws, perhaps nails that are different colors. Reference Image(s):Image 1 , Image 2 , Image 3, Image 4
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Other Notes: Pawed mutant with canine paws, with fox ears. Female leg down.
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: Flowers, probably roses or pansies. CC if you think any other little accessories match her nicely. Other things I like: - beads, feathers (especially peacock), headpieces, lanterns, moon and star accesories Custom Items: Reference Image(s) for Items:
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: The third image was designed by me on a horse doll maker which states they are free to use in their faqs. Website
dolphingurl Crew
Devoted Streaker
Kawaii Shoujo
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 6:04 pm
muffled_undertone | Open
Concept 1
|| Edit Level: Moderate or above, CC Soquili Species: - Mutant Purewalker Body Build: Regular Leg Up?: CC Bent Neck? No Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Plush
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Cheshire cat inspired. Also, glowy and sparkly, please! <3 Face: A cheshire cat smile could be neat! Mane: Tail: Multiple tails. # of tails is CC Hooves/Fetlocks: CC Reference Image(s):
-- Physical Breed Traits -- Pelt: CC whatever looks best, please! Other Notes: Splicing is welcomed!
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: CC Custom Items: CC Reference Image(s) for Items:
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Plush||
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 6:19 pm
Ellanoire | Open
Edit Category: - Unedited Soquili Species: - Unicorn Body Build: Choose from Regular, War, Draft Gender: Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Original WIP Needed? Nope
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: Flowers from the trading post would be lovely, cc is type and colour
-- Existing Pets -- If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Original design
Sugary Nymph
Sweenys_Revenge Crew
Dangerous Lover
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 6:44 pm
Closed! I'll make the lists so you can all double check!
Sweenys_Revenge Crew
Dangerous Lover
Sweenys_Revenge generated a random number between
1 and 75 ...
Sweenys_Revenge Crew
Dangerous Lover
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 7:17 pm
Edit Category: - Moderate Soquili Species: - Cerynei + regular Body Build: Draft Gender: CC Starting Stage: Adult for these slots Concept Origin: Choose one - • New Concept - A brand new design of your own -- Mockbreeding permission
WIP Needed? Yes
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ Body: Definitely need some of the markings from Namae and some of the glow from Tsuya. I'd like Tsuya's glow passed on somehow, even if it's not on the neck Face: CC eyes, ears,e tc. I'd like Namae's sideways mouth + long tongue edit passed along somehow, even if it's not on the face Mane: Some long mane style, cc Tail: Short style, whether hair or fur, cc Hooves/Fetlocks: Floofy please Reference Image(s): Mock Parents: Murasaki TsuyaNashide Namae ~*~ Physical Traits ~*~ Horn(s): Describe Horn(s) - 2 pokey horns like Tsuya, CC style Wings: Describe Wings - N/A Fins: Describe Fins - N/A Scales: Describe Scales - N/A Pelt: Animal Species & Design - N/A Other Notes: Do not want regular cerynei feet, sturdy footed only if cloven hooves are chosen please
~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~ Trading Post Items: CC Custom Items: Some kind of item derived from Namae's scarf Reference Image(s) for Items: see parent certs
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ Name of horse: TBD -- I will need to see the baby before I pick the first name. However, I will pass along the Murasaki last name. Owner: Nikkichomp Breed: Mock Baby Temper: TBD -- will need to see the baby Mate: N/A Tag Background: CC Tag frame color: CC Tag feather color(s): CC ~*~ Existing Pets ~*~ If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Yes (see mockbreeding permission up in Concept Origin)
Sweenys_Revenge generated a random number between
1 and 73 ...
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 7:23 pm
My soquili wants the FULL spa treatment.
Entry Line: stormflower || Half Uni
Username of owner(s): stormflower Image of Soquili: Link to Uncert:Uncert
Edit Category:Moderate-Heavy?unedited Soquili Species: Half Unicorn Gender: Male WIP Wanted: would love to see progress but it’s not needed, I trust you <3
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Cc on if you change to all legs down. If his color could be a little more brown vs the current muddy grayish brown, a deeper tone if possible. His marking are fine as is maybe making them a smidge lighter. Would also like some light scars on him, not fresh but not super old. Just a few cc placement Face: if his eyes could be a little more on the gold side that would be great and cc an expression edit. He is a desert wanderer, but is very kind and serene. Maybe a scar on his nose or cheek as well cc Mane: Would love him to have a longer mane overall but in an up do, long ponytail intermingled with a scarf that would also wrap around his face some(though the face could be separate? Cc) Cc on color and style, going with desert wanderer, maybe blue or blue accents. Maybe a little disheveled and wind blown mane as well. As for mane color, brown but would it be possible to add shiny gold color highlights through out? Tail: long but style cc, matching mane. Color same as mane Hooves/Fetlocks: Cc Reference Image(s): If you have any visual References, link them here.
-- Accessories & Edits -- Trading Post Items: he has the blue horn adornment/earring. I like this but would like something a little more substantial- cc would like maybe a ‘body scarf’wrapping around his body and ending lightly wrapping around his tail, his head scarf I mentioned could be a part of this as well, cc color and pattern but with at least blue accents. Would like some other jewelry on him, blue and gold but cc. Would also love for an item less version and maybe on that version he have gold sand running off his back and from his mane and tail. Reference Image(s) for Items: All are for inspiration Desert Prince, scarf and hair, Adornments, scarf and adornments, adornments
Sweenys_Revenge Crew
Dangerous Lover
Sweenys_Revenge generated a random number between
1 and 20 ...
Sweenys_Revenge Crew
Dangerous Lover
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 7:27 pm
Rita Zyon
Entry Line: Rita Zyon || Mutant Hippogryph/Flutter || Unedited || Solo Edit Category: - Unedited Soquili Species: - Mutant Hippogryph/Flutter Body Build: Regular Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Choose one - • Original Character - Based on an OC of your own design or existing pet(s) of your own design.
WIP Needed? Sure ^^
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ Body: I'd like a dark base with splashes of colour for the galaxies/nebulas (mostly darker blues and purples please). See the reference images for ideas of what I mean ^^. Face: Similar to the body please. Eye colour....maybe gray? Something that stands out, glowing if you can do that for unedit? Mane: Black mane. Zephyr bangs with some weaved (silver for any bands) and possibly other styles spliced together to give him longer hair. I also like the hanging braids. Tail: Hippogryph peacock feathered tail please (closed train). I'm thinking a dark tail but with bits of purple and blue mixed in. Hooves/Fetlocks: I would like him to have all of the hippogryph claws on each leg. Black claws while rest of it should look similar to body.
Reference Image(s): The design of his body is really CC. I linked some images that I liked of space, but otherwise it is up to you how he looks except for the few things I mentioned above ^^. Space images: 123456 Other pretty pictures: XXX Pet image (This was one artist's interpretation of his concept. I got permission from the shop to quest his concept here too.): XX2X3X4 ~*~ Physical Traits ~*~ Horn(s): N/A Wings: CC for the look of the flutter wings, this is new to his form since the template docs is fairly new: I like the seelie and sprite wings. Fins: N/A Scales: N/A Pelt: N/A Other Notes: No scales on the front claws please and no beak or feathered cheeks either. Also no antenna please.
~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~ Trading Post Items: -3-hoop earrings, silver please -Abalone necklace, maybe white or grays? I'd like it to stand out against his body. -Beaded bracelets, silver for the band and white (or grays?) for the jewels please. Something that stands out against his body. Feel free to make changes to items if necessary. Custom Items: N/A Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A