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Project Catwalk is a guild dedicated to Gaia's fashion community, and those interested in designing avatar outfits. 

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Aerial Goddess

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 7:48 pm

Challenge #9: Gimme the Skinny
Abracadabra, Designers!! ... And just like that, prohibition on skin modifications are
lifted until the end of this challenge! Why, you ask? Because for this task, it is your
job to give your Model an equipable skintone, and build your look to compliment
that feature. The only guideline for your preferred skin, is that it must be visibly
different from her normal colour. And to reiterate: This temporary rule lift applies to
skintone only, and does not allow for hair or face modification. Due Date: Apr 20th

clowniing — Rhiannon: 86%
S:6 • C:9 • M:10 • D:10
Comments: Clown's description did a lot to boost their style and creativity
marks here, as I hadn't been sold on the outfit at first glance. The motif is truly
excellent, but I do think that it's a hard one to carry out to perfection. But
again, the description helped with that, as I appreciate seeing the lengths
Clown went to in realizing their vision. Using the skirt to mimic smoke was
ingenious, and using the crystal ball in place of a lamp was remarkably
resourceful. Unfortunately, I'm just not in love with the style. I don't agree with
their choice to keep the jester hat, or the horn, and I really with there had been
some blue-black accents sprinkled throughout so better tie in Rhiannon's hair.

Detrimentum — Helena: 80%
S:8 • C:5 • M:10 • D:9
Comments: Yes! Thank you, Detri, for giving us a different silhouette on
Helena. I appreciate you listening to your feedback, and I'm so happy to say that
it worked in your favour. Also on point is the colour scheme, which I think suits
your Model well, and the little, dark pink accents are exactly the kind of details
that I love seeing in an outfit. I could have done without the bubble and make-up,
and could have used a bit more black around her legs, but those are nitpicks.
However, what's not a nitpick, but the reason your score suffered this task, is
your choice of skintone. I mean, it's clearly different, so you met the challenge
requirement, but that's where my advocacy ends. Like, do you really think that
taking her a couple of shades lighter was the best you could do? Cuz I don't —
at all. In fact, I'm wondering if you played it safe on the skintone because you
couldn't play it safe on her silhouette ... Are you that afraid to explore new ideas?

Dickjoke — Talia: 76%
S:6 • C:7 • M:10 • D:8
Comments: The description ran a bit long (as usual) with the more
technical aspects of the design process. My advice to d**k, is that if they insist
on writing entire publications, then at least try to keep my attention by
flourishing it with feelings, thoughts and opinions. But moving on, I admit that
I'm torn with this design. Like a couple of others in this challenge, d**k had a
strong, interesting motif on paper, that failed to deliver in practice. I will say that
d**k provided Talia with an awesome shape and unique colours, but those are
really the only style positives I've got. First, I don't like the colour juxtaposition
caused by the precarious blue skin. Second, I hate the background, which
adds nothing of significance to the design whatsoever. And third, there are a
couple questionable items (like the horns) that just seem a bit off.

HELLPRIEST — Seren: 80%
S:5 • C:8 • M:10 • D:9
Comments: I'm actually a pretty big fan of the CMYK colour scheme, but
unfortunately, I'm just not digging it in this instance. See, the cyan/magenta/
yellow tones used in the CMYK palette are all heavily saturated colours, which
means they don't compliment each other, so much as they obnoxiously
compete for dominance. So, like with any colour scheme that boasts multiple,
vibrant colours, it requires exorbitant use of a neutral hue to offset the
offending colours. So in CMYK's case, that colour would be black. And there's
no ample black in Hell's entry. On the contrary, it's the the most conservative
colour used, with the loudest shade (magenta) used predominantly. Ugh! I love
Hell's funky style, and the unique little details added throughout the image, but
I'm having such a hard time getting over the colours. I'm sure I'd much much
more to comment on if I weren't so overwhelmed with saturation assassination.

ICLite — Lulu: 73%
S:5 • C:6 • M:10 • D:8
Comments: Once again, I have to give props to Lite for putting their Model's
needs before their own. I think that designing for Lulu (who probably has the hardest
hair to work with) has expanded their understanding of colour theory and stylistic
expectation. And this entry displays that knowledge, despite its lacklustre scores. Truly,
it's not the colour scheme or style that's the issue here, but the poor execution of what
should be a flawless design. This is just too simple an idea, without embellishing it like
crazy, which Lite did not do. And then there's our familiar nemesis — lighting. It's just
too dark to be able to appreciate Lulu's figure. And to top it off, I think the skintone was
a safe choice. It's just barely distinguishable from her normal A tone.

mythological irony — Sumati: 76%
S:6 • C:5 • M:10 • D:10
Comments: Since day one, Myth has been one of our most interesting
characters stylistically. And it's because she is incapable of being mediocre. Her
designs constantly yo-yo between awesome and awful. So it really shouldn't
surprise me that her top for challenge #8 meant a flop for challenge #9. Honestly,
I could have forgiven the overused red/black demon archetype if only she'd
performed it well. But this is simply BORING! It's a shame that so much effort went
into Sumati's body modification (which looks fantastic), and very little attention was
given to the clothes or the setting. Like, if we're to believe her equipped list, she
only has 2 pieces of garb and 1 accessory adorning this masterfully crafted body.

ShiroOkazaki — Aubrie: 80%
S:8 • C:5 • M:10 • D:9
Comments: Shiro's fear of taking risks is seriously holding them back in this
competition, and it's time that their feedback reflects this critique. I've said it a few
times now, and for quite some time, that Shiro shows talent in basically every
criteria except Creativity. And it seems like the further we get, the safer they play.
I mean, come on! With the hundreds of skin altering options out there — they
went with making Aubrie caucasion ... How boring is that? And then this pale skin
also makes the Model's face look painted, as those ruby red lips can only look
natural on an E toned base. And had Shiro gone for a dolled-up look, it would
have been absolutely fine. But they didn't. They went for a soft, fantastical, more
ethereal aesthetic, which doesn't tie in the lips. That all being said, I still do love
the design overall. The colours are beautiful, and the soft glow of the background
is soothing on the eyes. I just wish it was being displayed with a different Model.

smol bab — Amren: 65%
S:4 • C:5 • M:10 • D:7
Comments: Smol was distracted this week, right? It's either that, or she
regrettably suffered a stroke, because this submission is all over the place.
She flat out says her goal was to take things simple, and instead she ended
up beating us over the heads with the ambiguity stick. This outfit is actually
several ideas in one. Here we have Amren is dressed as an elf-fairy-
succubus-musician-angel-vampire hybrid. Seriously, those are all notions put
forth in her description. It's actually giving me 'Queen's entry for challenge #2'
vibes ... But even putting the concept aside, it's not a great design. Amren's
lavender skin is beautiful, and the alluring colour scheme is perfect in
highlighting Amren's hair and face. But the skin colour doesn't fit into the
alluring scheme in any way, and then that background doesn't fit with either
two palettes. Until now, Smol has generally received praise on their colour
matching skills, and comprehensible ideas. These circumstances are puzzling.

Ultrabord — Ava: 86%
S:8 • C:7 • M:10 • D:10
Comments: Dude, I love this for Ava!! ... I have to admit that after
challenge 8's setback, I thought Ultra's choice to switch Models might have
been the wrong decision. And while I'm still not completely convinced of their
fate, this entry gives me hope that Ultra can pull through. I swear, I've never
seen a bad colour pallet that showcased different hues of blue, and this is no
exception. The skintone, and chosen colour scheme highlight Ava's hair and
eyes beautifully. What I would have liked to see is more balance in the
background. The black terrain on bottom is very heavy, and I would have liked
to see more black in the mid/top half of the design, besides just Ava's hair.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 6:13 pm

                    Challenge #9: Gimme the Skinny

                    Abracadabra, Designers!! ... And just like that, prohibition on skin modifications are
                    lifted until the end of this challenge! Why, you ask? Because for this task, it is your
                    job to give your Model an equipable skintone, and build your look to compliment
                    that feature. The only guideline for your preferred skin, is that it must be visibly
                    different from her normal colour. And to reiterate: This temporary rule lift applies to
                    skintone only, and does not allow for hair or face modification. Due Date: Apr 20th

                    clowniing — Rhiannon: 95%
                    Style:9 • Creativity:9 • Motif:10 • Description:10
                    Comments: Clown has blown me away again. This skin is soooo flattering on Rhiannon, drawing on the blue tones in her hair without overwhelming anything. One of the best descriptions of the competition. I love how she brought in the crystal ball in place of the lamp. Love the way she embraced djinn and represented it in so many ways. Perhaps too many ways. Would have dropped the jester hat or the unicorn horn, having both is too much I think, and I also would have dropped something in the background. Just like one layer too much happening, and I wish it didn't leak out of the crystal ball as much as it does.

                    Detrimentum — Helena: 77.5%
                    Style:8 • Creativity:6 • Motif:9 • Description:8
                    Comments: Oh good, instead of being a tanned white girl, now Helena is just straight up white. Detri could have been so much more creative with the skin, kind of bummed out by it to be honest. And I just have a hard time believing that no other skin compliments Helena. I went into builder and I found at least 5 other skin options that would have worked just fine, especially if they layered other things together too. BUT ASIDE FROM THE SKIN...this is a good look. This motif is flattering to Helena, and I love the inspiration of Draculara. This look is well balanced, I like the make up choice, kind of surprised the heart bag was such a popular one, with Detri and HELL using the same item in different colors. The black top might be a little too heavy without some black on the bottom, or pink to help break it up. Tail is cute.

                    Dickjoke — Talia: 90%
                    Style:9 • Creativity:8 • Motif:10 • Description:9
                    Comments: This is one of the strongest looks from d**k, Talia looks incredible. This is a great use of face shadow, and the make up choice is great. Never would have thought how good Talia would look in blue. Outfit suits the idea, and is balanced in a way I really like. The legs are a little more boldly colored than everything else in the skin tone which makes them stand out, and I have a similar issue with the horn. Might have lost the white fur, or the grey smoke/fur in the background at hip level? Not quite sure what the purpose of it is.

                    HELLPRIEST — Seren: 82.5%
                    Style:7 • Creativity:7 • Motif:10 • Description:9
                    Comments: I love CMYK, so at first glance I was like yay! And then I looked more, and my joy just steadily faded. I'm loving the idea, the motif, the title for the entry. I think every time you stick to a color scheme - even one I adore - you lost points for creativity because Gaia already did a lot of the work for you as far as sorting and sourcing colors. I appreciate the colored legs and oppositely painted nails, but the legs end up just feeling more clashing with the mageneta skin than a compliment to it. The arm mod feels oddly heavy bulky compared to the rest of the look. If the K of CMYK had been more represented, I think it would have been a better balance and let everything shine more. I do like the harujuku style though. Good description.

                    ICLite — Lulu: 67.5%
                    Style:7 • Creativity:5 • Motif:8 • Description:7
                    Comments: Very minimal description. Very minimal everything. Starting with pale skin, leading that to gothic/ghost bride? Not that creative. Taking a pale model to white? Not that creative. Starting with white skin and layering maleficent yin would have been more dynamic. Or some sparkling skin. Sunburn. There are a lot of options that would add in different things to the look. I'd also have liked the dress to be less straight up white, have more grey or a decayed look. Would have added another layer to such a simple look. Don't know how I feel about the glowing earring. And I know this is nit picky, but we're at that point. If the setting is supposed to be like an indie horror movie, I need another element to Lulu to be spooky. She's a little too sweet.

                    mythological irony — Sumati: 85%
                    Style:10 • Creativity:7 • Motif:8 • Description:9
                    Comments: I'm obsessed with this look. Is a devil all that creative? Of course not. But the way myth built the body and skin, layered everything together? It's sooooo freaking clean and neat. Like god, this skin together is incredible. I wish myth had left off the face shadowing, and the outfit is really really simple. But at the same time, I wouldn't have liked too much more going on because it would have covered the skin that they put so much work into, and the challenge is about changing the skin. Perhaps instead of just putting on one dress they had built a dress using different pieces but not covering up more of the body would have worked.

                    ShiroOkazaki — Aubrie: 67.5%
                    Style:6 • Creativity:6 • Motif:7 • Description:8
                    Comments: This is not my favorite entry of the week. Starting with the skin was smart, and layering two styles of skin was also smart. I just wish she'd chosen more dynamic skins. Maleficent Yin is an awesome skin, and I was so excited for someone to use it, but the way it was used...doesn't work. I don't think this skin flatters Aubrie. Lips are too red, feels awkward. I like a lot of the ideas in this and the description says a lot of good things. But the look itself simply doesn't work. Background is a little distracting, but mostly, the look and background are just too busy together and it ends up feeling messy to me. Beautiful colors, and on another model, this might have worked. Just doesn't work on Aubrie.

                    smol bab — Amren: 65%
                    Style:6 • Creativity:6 • Motif:7 • Description:7
                    Comments: Huh. This is...this is complicated. This color is amazing on Amren, dynamic and flattering, and the added ears are also great. But I think smol needed to settle on an idea. Not sure why Amren is looking for a victim at the end as a fairy/elf creature. Fae make be tricksters and take victims like other creatures, but Amren's face is too sweet. Nothing about her lends itself to taking a victim so I don't get mentioning that. Likewise dark and sexy look isn't a terrible one, it's objectively a nice outfit, but it is not the most suitable to Amren. Again, too cute. Too sweet for it. Having a sheer enough skirt to see the panties just..feels like too much sexy regardless of anything else. It's a full motif, just..idk. It is disjointed. Either go the softer fairy look, or add elements and shadows to justify Amren hunting for a victim.

                    Ultrabord — Ava: 80%
                    Style:8 • Creativity:8 • Motif:8 • Description:8
                    Comments: A very solid entry from Ultrabord. Love me an elf inspired look, and I like that the blue skin was embraced cause it's one of the OG kind of fantasy skins on Gaia. This was well thought out. I would have liked more definition between Ava and the background though. I love the idea of the aurora borealis, just enhance it. Have more light, more color, more stars! Less blue night sky that matches the skin and dress. It's all just a little too same. And if Ultra was truly committed to the background as is, then drawing in some of the borealis colors into the cloak to help define Ava, or into the dress would have bumped this up into an amazing place. I think I also would have loved a sparkle added to the skin - even if just in a few places - to add just that extra level of something special. Solid description, a little basic and it added nothing to the look, just kind of told me what I already saw.

bad wolf bae

Vice Captain

Fashionable Master

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 7:11 pm

Challenge #9: Gimme the Skinny
Abracadabra, Designers!! ... And just like that, prohibition on skin modifications are
lifted until the end of this challenge! Why, you ask? Because for this task, it is your
job to give your Model an equipable skintone, and build your look to compliment
that feature. The only guideline for your preferred skin, is that it must be visibly
different from her normal colour. And to reiterate: This temporary rule lift applies to
skintone only, and does not allow for hair or face modification. Due Date: Apr 20th

ShiroOkazaki — Aubrie (Total Score: 24 pts. // 60%)
Style:6 • Creativity:5 • Motif:6 • Description:7
Comments: The white skin color with Aubrie's features scare me... That aside, the entry is beautiful, setting-wise. The background is really mesmerizing with the color choices, but the outfit itself looks a bit underwhelming, compared to how gorgeous the background is. The concept isn't the most creative, nor is it executed well, because I don't really get "alien" with this look, rather a gorgeous enchantress. Aubrie's pose looks stiff and lifeless, which sucks, given how lively her surrounding is. Pretty sure there's lots of white arm and legmods that match the skintone that'll give that pop of flair with the entry.

Dickjoke — Talia (Total Score: 33 pts. // 82.5%)
Style:8 • Creativity:9 • Motif:8 • Description:8
Comments: This is such a cool entry. I love the outfit itself, it's very stylish but still reads oni warrior through and through, and the outfit ties well with Talia's hair. The shadow layering is such a smart move. The red and gold with the blue skin is so gorgeous. The background is beautiful as well, though it doesn't 100% read bridge portal. The oni concept itself does stand out, as it's a unique take on the challenge compared to the rest of the entries. Seeing as they didn't finish editing their description, it does leave me to wonder what Dickjoke could've edited in or out on the description to fully sell me on their entry.

clowniing — Rhiannon (Total Score: 37 pts. // 92.5%)
Style:9 • Creativity:10 • Motif:9 • Description:9
Comments: This outfit, with the purple and gold reads royalty, and with the djinn concept, the color choices makes sense. It's so mystical and majestic. Kinda sad to see that this Djinn isn't in a magic lamp, but the crystal ball as an alternative was a good move. Keeping some items from their scrapped ideas, signifying the Djinn's powers to shapeshift is such a smart idea. Though the jester hat makes sense with the concept, with the patterns of it, it doesn't really tie in with anything else on the outfit, except for the colors, but the description really helped me get into the look. Overall, I'm very impressed with clown's entry this week.

HELLPRIEST — Seren (Total Score: 38 pts. // 95%)
Style:9 • Creativity:9 • Motif:10 • Description:10
Comments: This entry looks so fun to look at, and I can definitely see HELL enjoy making this, as everything they're trying to go for reads, and it reads well through and through. The color blocking is so nice and balanced, the outfit reads Harajuku with a touch of Y2K fashion, and overall, it's such a well-executed look. My only gripe about it is that I wish there was slightly more added into the background, maybe more sprinkles or candy just to tie in more of that chaotic feel that the outfit exudes, but even then, for what this is, I'm super sold on the entire outfit.

Detrimentum — Helena (Total Score: 28 pts. // 70%)
Style:7 • Creativity:5 • Motif:8 • Description:8
Comments: I appreciate Detri taking in our critiques. When I think Draculaura, I think of corset/billowy skirt and long sleeves, but this is a very chic take. Pink on blondes always work great to see. It reads Monster High without being on the nose about it. That said, going monster isn't the most creative, nor is it the most exciting entry on this week's challenge. The skin choice isn't that out there of an idea, either, but for what this is, it's solid.

smol bab — Amren (Total Score: 32 pts. // 80%)
Style:10 • Creativity:7 • Motif:9 • Description:6
Comments: I resonate with the concept. This outfit is something along the lines on what I would've done if I wanted to go for a fantasy skin. The color scheme with the purple skin reminds me a lot of Alruna and Anurla. It's a nice blend of sexy, with the undergarments and sheer clothing, with softness with the fairy concept. Given that the skirt is sheer and see-through, I would've preferred it if Amren's leg pose could've used more movement to give it extra motion and life from the waist down, as well as add more to the fairy concept, because I imagine fairies to be fluttering happily in the air, or atleast skipping and hopping around as they enjoy their time. Also, this isn't simple... at all... But that aside, all in all, this entry is very Flames-coded, and I'm so allured by it.

mythological irony — Sumati (Total Score: 35 pts. // 87.5%)
Style:9 • Creativity:8 • Motif:9 • Description:9
Comments: Sumati's features works quite well with the demon concept. The dress itself is very simple, in terms of silhouette, but it's tasteful. Black and gold feels so expensive to see, and I love it. This is such a regal take on devil, and it suits Sumati really well. The background just adds to the regality of the outfit. I can't really pinpoint what I want more from this outfit. Beautiful as it is, there's something about it I wish added, but I don't know what I need of it, or need more from it. But that said, the overall entry just screams glamorous devil. The Devil isn't wearing Prada, but Sumati's looking expensive.

ICLite — Lulu (Total Score: 23 pts. // 57.5%)
Style:5 • Creativity:6 • Motif:7 • Description:5
Comments: I love Lite making sure Lulu's fit belong to her, and her only. The red roses compliment Lulu's red hair streak. The overall entry reads ghost bride, and Lulu looks pretty. But my main issue of it it's so minimal. It's basic. It's not bad by any means, but there's nothing about this entry that makes me excited or intrigued. Lite missed the opportunity to go ballistic with the ghost bride concept. Shreds on the dress, more layers, more withered roses, more anything. I just need more than this entry offers. It's so plain. The description doesn't help save the basicness of the entry either. I'm so sad because I like what Lite brings to the table, but I don't think this is it.

Ultrabord — Ava (Total Score: 38 pts. // 95%)
Style:10 • Creativity:9 • Motif:10 • Description:9
Comments: Starlight eleganza! This is very beautiful. I love the consistency of the stars throughout the outfit. There's stars at the top of Ava's head down to the train of the dress. That blue is so beautiful, and the skintone matches well with the dress and Ava's features. The background compliments well with the outfit. This is such a standout look compared to last week. I am starstruck with this entry. I can tell that Ultra had a blast creating this, and it shows, because Ultra snapped. They ate this week. Left no crumbs at all.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 1:31 am

Challenge #10: At the End of the Rainbow
Designers, everyone loves a good rainbow!! And with eight of you remaining, the
Judges decided we wanted to see one made from your Models. Below, each of you
has been randomly assigned to a color, and it is up to you to dress your Model in that
color ... And only that color! You're only as limited as your creativity, and we can't wait
to see what you all come up with. Really let loose with this one. Due Date: May 4th

clowniing — Rhiannon (Yellow): 73%
S:7 • C:7 • M:6 • D:9
Comments: I won't lie — when I pulled Clown's name for yellow, I got
really excited. Darker skintones pop in yellow, and it's complimentary colour
is violet, which would tie in the blue hues in Rhiannon's hair. But I'm not
ecstatic about this particular colour pallet, because: I. Need. More. Yellow.
Period! We've seen Rhiannon in yellow and gold before, yes. But in those
other submissions, it didn't get a chance to shine, so I was hoping to see it
illustrated here. The shade they chose to use with is more of a khaki colour,
when a bolder, warmer tone would have suited the challenge AND the
Model better. Though, I do appreciate seeing Rhiannon in a different, cute
silhouette, and I applaud the use of decor rather than a full background,
there's still a lot to be desired here. The green is a bit overpowering,
though the floral theme is beautiful (especially the flowers in here hair).

Detrimentum — Helena (Purple): 83%
S:8 • C:8 • M:7 • D:10
Comments: There are many aspects to this that are great, and a few that
aren't. First, the elephant in the room: This needs more purple. Look, I get it, there
are a hundred shades to every colour, but most of the ones used here lean toward
pink or blue. And while they look beautiful on Helena, I still wish Detri had used more
actual purple in the design. That being, I really adore this entire motif! Tarot cards
are known for their beautiful illustrations, and I think Detri captured that beauty in
very creative ways. Using the frame was a stroke of genius, even if it muddles the
effectiveness of the scepter just a bit. As well, Helena's got a great physique here,
and the large sash gives her a delectable, feminine frame. Good entry.

Dickjoke — Talia (Red): 85%
S:8 • C:7 • M:10 • D:9
Comments: First, I feel it necessary to commend d**k once again on their
nicely crafted entry. Throughout this entire competition, they've served every
look on a golden platter, so to speak. This is a person who realizes the power
of etiquette in their posts. Though I like the image with the background more (I
know, I'm surprised, too!), they still show a second angle without the backdrop,
and it doesn't deter from the overall effectiveness of the design whatsoever.
Also, I must say that Talia looks simply stunning in red! Another factor present
here that I appreciate is the balance between simplicity and embellishment. It's
an uncomplicated design, with just enough details to make it a smart
challenge. This entry is very well done, and d**k should be proud. One change
I might have made would be a replacement for the shoulder adornment.

HELLPRIEST — Seren (Blue): 80%
S:6 • C:9 • M:10 • D:7
Comments: Honestly, using the blue monarch as inspiration was totes
genius here. It's evident by the colour pallet just how motivated the design
was. I'm also loving the idea of having it 'taxidermy' with the layered frames.
This is a creative piece. However, I'm not a big fan of this look on Seren, and I
can't exactly pinpoint why. It might just be that the colours are so bold that it
washes her out. Or it could be the amount of tiny details that don't jive with my
personal preferences. Like, I'm finding the head and ear jewellery to be a little
overwhelming, I'd like to see a bit of right-side gray to balance out the shade
on the left, and I don't particularly care for the arm placement here ... it looks
bulky for some reason. But overall, I think this is a solid entry that highlights
why we love Hell so much. They are a truly creative force, with strong vision.

ICLite — Lulu (Teal/Turquoise): 58%
S:5 • C:6 • M:5 • D:7
Comments: First off, I'm gonna say that Lite's Motif would have been a
10, had it not been submitted late. But it was, and I just can't ignore that. I
mean, a week is a good chunk of time to get something in. Second, I'm just not
blown away by this design. I will admit that teal/turquoise isn't the easiest
colour to work with (especially on a Model like Lulu), but there was a lot that
could've been done to help that. Like, I respect Lite for using all the shades
presented to her, but they could've used another colour (albeit minorly) to
make up for the equipables that weren't present in their designated colour. In
fact, I'm quite surprised that they didn't take the opportunity to use pops of red
here and there to tie in Lulu's hair, like they normally do. Overall, Lite probably
had the hardest task this week, but I don't think they rose to the challenge.

mythological irony — Sumati (Orange): 83%
S:8 • C:7 • M:10 • D:8
Comments: Have we seen autumnal before? Absolutely. But am I glad to
see it again? Hell yes! I just had to give Myth full marks on Motif, because
while it is not a new or wild concept, it fit the challenge description, and carried
it out well. Though, I did knock a few marks off of creativity, as even though
Sumati looks gorgeous, and the items were well constructed, I'm not surprised
to see petals, leaves, or an outdoor scene. But again, I still love this design.
The background is very suitable to this kind of look, and I revel in how Myth
used the filters to create this other-worldly set. The filters and fog really drive
home the idea, as though she's flying through a fairy mist. I love the 'one-
sleeve' look, though it does chop the hair a bit. One thing I could have done
without was the crown though. It looks a bit bulky atop a dainty-looking outfit.

smol bab — Amren (Pink): 65%
S:5 • C:5 • M:10 • D:6
Comments: Smol's challenge was to represent the pink in the rainbow, and
they have done it well. Even with the green hues they used, they don't steal the
spotlight away from pink. And to their credit, Amren DOES look pretty iun pink. It
really brings out her eyes, and makes them dazzle. As well, the softness of the
photo is perfect to showcase Amren's gentle features. However, the challenge also
encouraged our Designers to be creative and to push their limits, and I just don't
see that here. At this stage in the game, making a Model pretty just isn't enough —
We want to see confidence, daring, and ingenuity. We want to hear about a clear,
distinct, and creative motif, and see it executed to perfection. 'Love, softness,
innocence and femininity' is not a strong enough motif to be able to interpret into
an equally strong design. Smol shows great talent in their pretty overall images
(especially regarding their colour balance), but their creativity seems waning.

Ultrabord — Ava (Green): 68%
S:6 • C:6 • M:6 • D:9
Comments: God, I hate that background, and the dragon companion.
Seriously, people. Just because they fit the colour scheme, it doesn't mean they
need to be included. Not EVERY design needs a background ... and I just hate
companions on principle. Anyway, I enjoy the design, despite those two
elements. It's well put together, and Ultra seems to have a decent grasp on
colours and hues that work with Ava, despite having the shortest amount of
time working with her. Ava DOES do well in vibrant colours, and of course,
breaking up the colours using black (or white, for that matter) is always a win.
The skirt, bodice and wings give Ava a really desirable silhouette, and I really
like the use of accessories in this design. However, I also wish that Ultra had
used just a bit more green in the overall image, as the black is a bit
domineering. A fix for that would've been to axe the background, and use green
decals instead. And second ... I've been over the dragon motif since the FIRST <******** CHALLENGE!! Dear lord ... how many more dragon themes must we
endure until we're free?! Do we need to put out a public notice banning the use
of dragon s**t? Anyway ... I also don't like the green arm, but whatever.

Aerial Goddess

Vice Captain

Vice Captain

Fashionable Master

PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2024 7:14 am

Challenge #10: At the End of the Rainbow
Designers, everyone loves a good rainbow!! And with eight of you remaining, the
Judges decided we wanted to see one made from your Models. Below, each of you
has been randomly assigned to a color, and it is up to you to dress your Model in that
color ... And only that color! You're only as limited as your creativity, and we can't wait
to see what you all come up with. Really let loose with this one. Due Date: May 4th

Dickjoke — Talia (Red) (Total Score: 32 pts. // 80%)
Style:8 • Creativity:8 • Motif:8 • Description:8
Comments: This is such a beautiful look. Red is always an elegant color, but to see it like this is really cool. Passion and violence is definitely visible in the entry, with the blood and overall feel of the entry. Very dramatic, in a sense, with how violent Talia looks, but still looking really beautiful being violent. Red & gold is always a stunning color combo, and the shade of red itself looks great on Talia. The dress is enchanting to look at, and the head jewel is a nice touch. I don't find the bandana making sense with the vampire concept. The entire look was already giving vampiric vibes, that the bandana didn't add nor take away anything. The roses make sense with the passion aspect of red, and the castle makes sense with the vampire theme, for me atleast.

clowniing — Rhiannon (Yellow) (Total Score: 30 pts. // 75%)
Style:6.5 • Creativity:8 • Motif:6.5 • Description:9
Comments: The colors chosen melds well together, and it's so nice on Rhiannon's skin. The entry does read old-timey Shojo manga, when a character sees a person they like, surrounded by flowers in their POV. The dress looks very comfy and flowy, which adds to the cuteness. I love the inspiration they went for with their concept. The song they took inspiration from is so upbeat, which matches the outfit. That said, I don't 100% see the connection of the song with what they went for with the outfit. And this isn't the first time I've seen clown do yellow in a similar cutesy feel. I would've loved to see clown dress Rhiannon in a classy and elegant feel, kinda like their angel look for the commandment challenge.

HELLPRIEST — Seren (Blue) (Total Score: 32 pts. // 80%)
Style:7.5 • Creativity:7.5 • Motif:9 • Description:8
Comments: That shade of blue is so stunning. It fits Seren well. HELL really went off with the background and I'm in love with it. The description helped make sense of the frames and butterflies, which definitely helped add more into the look. I think this might be the most elegant entry we've seen of HELL, and I am so enamored by it. Blue morpho is such a stunning butterfly to look at, and this outfit gives me that exact feeling. Thought, sad thing is, myth had the same wings on Sumati first, but in orange. However, had it not been that same wings that HELL used for Seren, I wouldn't have gotten blue morpho butterfly from the look right away. So, it's a happy accident ('cause pretty sure HELL didn't see myth use the same wings first).

Detrimentum — Helena (Purple) (Total Score: 34 pts. // 85%)
Style:7.5 • Creativity:8 • Motif:9.5 • Description:9
Comments: This is such a conceptual look from Detri. I am gagged. Very elegant and divine. Them explaining what the high priestess tarot card is, and looking at the outfit, everything made so much sense. The entry does read tarot card, which is a plus, given what Detri's going for. The outfit is giving royal magician. It's so pretty. My only gripe would be that the outfit has more blue than it does purple. Granted, the blue with the purple makes sense, seeing that most versions of the tarot card has the priestess in the same colors, but it does dock some points off, given that Detri's prompt was purple, but the purple background somewhat makes up for it.

smol bab — Amren (Pink) (Total Score: 24 pts. // 60%)
Style:6 • Creativity:5 • Motif:6 • Description:7
Comments: Amaranth is so cute on Amren. The dress somewhat reads bride dress. IDK if smol did that intentionally, but it's a nice dress. Amren looks very classy and properly dressed for a ball. Again, IDK if that's intentional, but it's nice to see regardless. I see only amaranth on Amren, and no rose colors. I would've liked the dress even more if the dress has that rose color added into it. The grass/shrub item infront of Amren needs to go, because it adds unwanted bulk. I don't get the love part on this entry. I get that roses are associated with love, but it just adds more into the softness and innocence into the look. The idea of what pink is associated with is a tad too much to cram into a look, and it does read safe. I would've loved it if smol went left field with the pink. Maybe a more edgy or dark route, going left field on what pink is usually associated for, or maybe go full-on Barbiecore to really show off the feminine and girly aspect of pink.

mythological irony — Sumati (Orange) (Total Score: 27 pts. // 65%)
Style:6 • Creativity:5 • Motif:8 • Description:7
Comments: Orange is such a beautiful color on Sumati, and seeing myth go the autumnal route with their entry is such a sigh to see. The outfit itself is very flowy, and Sumati looks lively, as a fairy typically would. With how much magical stuff is going on in the entry, I would've preferred it if there was less items used, because the overall look does read a tad bulky. It looks heavy on Sumati. Beautiful as the entry is, it does read somewhat safe. The background looks eerily similar to what myth used for their Pocahontas look, and the fairy concept, we've seen someone else do it last week.

ICLite — Lulu (Teal/Turquoise) (Total Score: 32 pts. // 80%)
Style:8.5 • Creativity:8.5 • Motif:8 • Description:7
Comments: Teal is surprisingly nice color on Lulu. The teal doesn't clash with Lulu's red hair streak, which is good. The background, with the fire Lulu is casting does read Disney's "Hades", but if Hades and and Persephone were fused. The subtle jewelry on the head was a good choice on Lite's part. It balances out the billowy dress. The shade of turquoise of the dress plays of well with the bright teal background. The eyeshadow adds more into the Hades concept, and matches Lulu's facial features really well. My only negative critique is that sheer turquoise fabric on the skirt doesn't hug the entire skirt, but it does somewhat add more into the look. And the top part of the dress is reading a tad bright, compared to the bottom, but it does match the accessories and make-up. Personally, Lite turned it out this week.

Ultrabord — Ava (Green) (Total Score: 29 pts. // 72.5%)
Style:6 • Creativity:6.5 • Motif:9 • Description:7.5
Comments: Not Ultra predicting a future challenge with their entry. That aside, I like this blend of punk and edginess, with the neon green/black color combo and dragon concept, along with the elegance, with the dress and the silhouette. The background is really nice, and the dragon companion matches well with the outfit, and is so cute with Ava. I do find the neon green gloves a tad too much. Maybe just black gloves would've been a better choice. I already get a half-dragon/half-human aspect with the wings and horn, the gloves are a slight overkill. The white crown(?) reads white streaks on Ava's hair. It doesn't match the silver on the dress. The dress itself is almost similar to their elf look from last week, which does strip them off some points. Description-wise, there's no need to mention something we can't see. Just the things we can see is all we want to know about.
PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2024 2:57 pm

                    Challenge #10: At the End of the Rainbow
                    Designers, everyone loves a good rainbow!! And with eight of you remaining, the
                    Judges decided we wanted to see one made from your Models. Below, each of you
                    has been randomly assigned to a color, and it is up to you to dress your Model in that
                    color ... And only that color! You're only as limited as your creativity, and we can't wait
                    to see what you all come up with. Really let loose with this one. Due Date: May 4th

                    clowniing — Rhiannon (YELLOW): 72.5%
                    Style:8 • Creativity:5 • Motif:7 • Description:9
                    Comments: Do the space buns count as an acceptable hair mod?
                    Regardless, this is a great look. It isn't the most yellow I've ever seen, and is a little too similar to her previous yellow looks. I know clown is kind of between a rock and a hard place, but this is more of a pale cream than a yellow. I think going for a bold yellow, or even more of a gold, would have been a nice change from others while also flattering Rhiannon. Love the inspiration, and she matched the inspiration. But it just isn't...impactful enough. This feels like something I've seen before, and regardless of how good it is, I will not remember this look later. I will confuse this look at the pastel easter look when I try to think back on looks we've seen on Rhiannon. I played around briefly in avatar builder, and Rhi looks great with Solimella and other sunflower items. I think that would have been a better way to go.

                    Detrimentum — Helena (PURPLE): 80%
                    Style:8 • Creativity:10 • Motif:7 • Description:7
                    Comments: Detri didn't nail purple as much as I would have liked. Is it purple? Sure. But they chose a shade that is very close to blue for the majority of the look, nothing that is a PUNCH of purple. Even the description is written in a shade of blue violet. But this is a creative take, I like that Detri didn't go for a typical purple look or first round purple look. And I like that the look isn't pure purple. Having the gold frame compliments the purple nicely and adds a bump to the look. Detri nailed the high priestess tarot look they were going for.

                    Dickjoke — Talia (RED): 83.75%
                    Style:8 • Creativity:6.5 • Motif:10 • Description:9
                    Comments: Nailed the red motif, and nailed the vampire vibe they were going for. And THANK GOD THEY GAVE US A VERSION WITH NO BACKGROUND! Makes such a phenomenal difference. So many details would have been lost if they didn't include that. That said, I like the full look with background, aside from the beam of light. The beam of light doesn't make sense with the vampire look. I think using some kind of black at the bottom of the look would have brought a nice balance. Gold accents to the red was dynamic. My biggest disappointment with this is it isn't creative enough.

                    HELLPRIEST — Seren (BLUE): 82.5%
                    Style:6 • Creativity:9 • Motif:10 • Description:8
                    Comments: Well there is no doubting the motif on this one, the challenge was to bring us a blue look and Hell sure delivered that. It is a strong choice of shade for the primary, and I like the combination of lighter and darker shades. In the same family but different enough it doesn't look monotone. Strong description. I like the creativity of the butterfly and the explanation of the frames, I never would have thought to add them like that. But I don't think I actually like the over all look. It's hard to appreciate all the details, and the make up makes me cringe. Way too heavy on Seren. As always, I love Hell's personal avatar, might have preferred seeing it on Seren.

                    ICLite — Lulu (TURQUOISE/TEAL): 77.5%
                    Style:8 • Creativity:8 • Motif:8 • Description:7
                    Comments: I'm not sure I get enough turquoise/teal, but it isn't the worst. I like having a variety of colors, but I'm not sure I actually like the combination. I like the ideas, just not sure about the execution. The dark corner in the background is a little distracting. Lulu looks good in this color though. Just..I dunno. This look is fine, just doesn't do anything amazing for me. There's like one too many things. Maybe the necklace is too much. Maybe the circlet that sits too much on her eyebrows. Idk. It's fine. Final look for the week, and over all, I'm underwhelmed with everyone.

                    mythological irony — Sumati (ORANGE): 75%
                    Style:8 • Creativity:5 • Motif:10 • Description:7
                    Comments: This is orange, nailed the orange. This is a good look, beautiful, and man myth put a lot of work into building the outfit itself. I love when designers put so much work into an outfit like this. The wings aren't wings, they're a collar and a bow? Genius. It is a little hard to see some of the details though, which is disappointing. This also isn't very original. We've seen similar fairy looks. Myth has used a very similar background and the same red leaves in their Pocahontas look. At this stage of the competition, this just feels like a kind of copout, I think they could have pushed themselves a lot farther.

                    smol bab — Amren (PINK): 50%
                    Style:5 • Creativity:4 • Motif:6 • Description:5
                    Comments: Sure, I guess it is pink. Having a background that is a different color and offsets the pink frame and outfit is smart, but I think it is almost too bold. Pink almost feels like the accent here. And I know the main dress is pink! The frame! But they feel like accents. Not the feature. Amaranth is good on Amren, but I think more bold choices could have been included. It's a pretty outfit, but I don't think it was all that creatively assembled. It's pretty straight forward. Amren looks fine. But at this point, I don't want fine. I need more.

                    Ultrabord — Ava (GREEN): 65%
                    Style:7 • Creativity:6 • Motif:7 • Description:6
                    Comments: Sure, it is green. Dragon has been the inspiration for so many looks so far, I'm kind of over it. The look is fine, I like the color scheme, but it is just so not creative. And again, the green is an accent. There is a lot of it? But it is the accent. The green is not the focus. The jagged crown and the belt - while they match - stand out a bit harshly against the rest of the look. The background sky is good, not sure I like the rest. Idk. I just feel like I've seen this before, nothing about this blows me away.

bad wolf bae

Aerial Goddess

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2024 8:06 pm

Challenge #11: Ladies of the Red Carpet
Designers, your Models have all been invited to an A-list red carpet event, and it's up to
you to make sure they steal the show with an opulent wardrobe. Important to consider
will be the type of event you think this invite is for, the inspiration for your chosen event,
and telling us how these settings influenced your style decisions. It's up to you whether
to lean trendy, bougie, avant garde, classic, etc. But whatever you decide, the Judges
encourage you to be extra. Go big, and make something so stunning, it'd have every
reporter rushing your muse just to ask them 'Who are you wearing?!' Due Date: May 18th

clowniing — Rhiannon: 73%
S:8 • C:7 • M:5 • D:9
Comments: I'll start my review off by saying that Rhiannon looks absolutely
stunning here. Clown has shown us time and time again that she understands the
strengths and weaknesses of her Model, and she has demonstrated that once
again here. Indigo (or dark violet) is a colour that both compliments Rhiannon's
black skintone, and tethers into her hair. However, I must admit that the sexiest part
of this colour scheme goes to the subtle hints of magenta, made by the spotlights. I
wish Clown had added even a few more pops of magenta throughout the rest of
the look. But onto the gritty, what even is this motif? I'm sorry, but it's clear from the
description that this is 60% Disney villain, 30% fairytale creature, and 10% Gala
event. I had no choice but to blitz Clown's Motif score for this blunder.

Detrimentum — Helena: 68%
S:5 • C:8 • M:7 • D:7
Comments: On more occasions than I'd like to admit, I've literally just sat in
my chair here, and gawked at a challenge definition for several minutes.
Because even as concise as Bae and I were in writing them, it can sometimes
seem as though a competitor read a totally different description. As this was the
second entry that took inspiration from a Disney villain, I ended up sitting &
gawking once again (and no, I found no Disney nuance). But anyway, I'm not a
fan of this outfit, and mostly because it isn't jiving with Helena's bright tones —
navy blue and black clearly aren't her colours. However, I did Detri a few extra
marks when it came to their creativity score. The spotlight made their intentions
clear, and using the spotlights as though they're flashing cameras was absolutely
genius. Even the smaller details, like showing off more of Helena's tits was
valuable, as it let the viewer know that Detri did their homework on the theme.

Dickjoke — Talia: 75%
S:7 • C:8 • M:5 • D:10
Comments: This outfit, while still aesthetically pleasing, doesn't read 'opulent, red-
carpet dame' so much as it reads 'rocker chic'. And for that reason, I'd consider the theme
questionable; d**k is straddling a very fine line here. But it's also nothing I couldn't have
predicted either, since d**k has a tendency to take the abstract route in most their
designs. Like, the only thing predictable about d**k's designs, is that they aren't
predictable. And while it's fun and refreshing for us Judges, having a Designer that isn't
scared to take risks, they sometimes need to be reigned in. d**k needs to start connecting
with the task requirements just a LITTLE bit more. In terms of the overall image though,
my criticisms are few. For example, I can't actually make out the arm pose d**k apparently
loved so much, and I'm not really on board with the background, but I am very much
enjoying their use of lights! ... At last, to conclude my analysis: I can't help but point out
the fact that d**k completed this challenge PERFECTLY — in last week's challenge XD

HELLPRIEST — Seren: 73%
S:6 • C:7 • M:8 • D:8
Comments: If I'm being completely honest, this is exactly the kind of
look I expected to see from Hell this challenge — a notion that would affect
their scores quite a bit this time around. See, Hell is probably one of our
most recognizable Designers, being that they've assumed a distinct, avante-
garde trademark style. And throughout the competition, this specialization
has often been to Hell's advantage. But the flip side to brand benefits is that
as production reliance increases, the margin for error decreases; Essentially,
the better you are, the harder you fail. So while this entry is 'fine', and would
likely have a much higher score under a different Designer, I expect more
from Hell. The circular motif is fun, but not expressed enough. It absolutely
fills the challenge requirement, although it's a little on the vague side. The
all-white outfit on a plain, white background just seems lazy. Overall, this
entry is alright, but nowhere near what I know Hell is capable of producing.

ICLite — Lulu: 0%
S:0 • C:0 • M:0 • D:0
Dropped Out: May 19th

mythological irony — Sumati: 73%
S:6 • C:6 • M:8 • D:9
Comments: From Disney villain, to Disney princess here ... Seriously,
how are all these Designers picking up fantasy undertones in the challenge
write-up?! Whatever, moving on! I really like this piece on paper, and I can
appreciate a lot of the themes in the overall image, but I don't much care for
Myth's execution. The feathers, furs, and flowers are adorable, and they're
carried well throughout. I also love the softness of the photo, and light
emphasis raining down on Sumati. Plus, I think Myth hit a home run with the
mauve/white/gold colour scheme. But even all of those positives can't
distract me enough to notice how poorly the accessories look. The dress and
shoulder piece are volume enough to create an impressive silhouette, that
the addition of a crown and belt just congest the effects of the overall image.

Ultrabord — Ava: 70%
S:6 • C:7 • M:6 • D:9
Comments: Hmmm ... You know, I'm really torn on this one, guys. First, I'm
totally digging this concept, and I feel as though it's an accurate portrayal of a
celebrity fundraiser. Making the theme in support of diversity was a stroke of
genius, seeing as how Ava has always given off 'strong, black lesbian' vibes.
Second thing I love is the colour scheme. It's not exactly perfect, but it gets the job
done for me. I really appreciate the use of vibrant colours here, most especially on
the dresscoat. Taking inspiration from a peacock was both effective and quirky.
However, I really hate the use of a companion here. Ava would have better attended
this event stag. Or perhaps it's just the choice of companion that bothers me, as
her date really clashes with the the rest of the image. I'd also argue that the gold
accents used in this, don't really enhance the scheme, though it could also just be
that the gold items Bord used look a bit chunky, and awkwardly placed. This entire
entry sees everything on the right track ... It just needed some serious editing.
PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2024 7:47 pm

                    Challenge #11: Ladies of the Red Carpet
                    Designers, your Models have all been invited to an A-list red carpet event, and it's up to
                    you to make sure they steal the show with an opulent wardrobe. Important to consider
                    will be the type of event you think this invite is for, the inspiration for your chosen event,
                    and telling us how these settings influenced your style decisions. It's up to you whether
                    to lean trendy, bougie, avant garde, classic, etc. But whatever you decide, the Judges
                    encourage you to be extra. Go big, and make something so stunning, it'd have every
                    reporter rushing your muse just to ask them 'Who are you wearing?!' Due Date: May 18th

                    clowniing — Rhiannon: 70%
                    Style:9 • Creativity:7 • Motif:4 • Description:8
                    Comments: I have mixed feelings on this. Rhiannon looks incredible, and objectively, this is a beautiful look. Earlier weeks it might have blown me away. But at this point? ..I dunno. I expect more. The description tells me evil queen, directly tells me Maleficent, but I'm not sure I see it all that much. Things are still kind of sweet, and the background is a bit too similar to the look. It all blends. And I'm not sure this actually has anything to do with the red carpet which was the challenge. Over all look is pleasant, and the description is well written. Just needed to clean up the motif a bit more.

                    Detrimentum — Helena: 65%
                    Style:6 • Creativity:7 • Motif:7 • Description:6
                    Comments: I'm missing a red carpet. Like to have all the lights and things in the background but no carpet of any color, or stairs, or anything to sell the setting beyond the lights..is lacking. I don't think I like the composed dress? It's just a little underwhelming. Detri definitely went for their inspiration, and the inspirations are clearly present. This is different from other looks here and for Helena. Really don't see the High Priestess tarot inspiration though, or the influence of thinking more about the look. It feels way too simple, except for the beads dumped on the head. I want to like this! I do. But I don't.

                    Dickjoke — Talia: 85%
                    Style:7 • Creativity:8 • Motif:9 • Description:10
                    Comments: This might be my favorite entry of the week, especially after reading the description. It is written so well, and the idea of the military Met Gala theme? Great idea. And amazing for Talia. The work put into the background of the look, the over all composition, great. The make up build up? So good. The biggest issue/thing I wish was that there was more opulence to the look. More extra in the look. Something to just throw it over the edge, amp it up, and blow us all out of the water.

                    HELLPRIEST — Seren: 82.5%
                    Style:9 • Creativity:10 • Motif:7 • Description:7
                    Comments: "In my mind I can just hear the gasps and cameras clicking" I want to see it. I get the vibes from the entry, and this is really what my gripe with the look boils down to. This is a stunning dress, absolutely on par with what I expect from HELL, but I want something more to say red carpet. I wanted a red carpet back ground. One of those ropes that block off red carpet access or line the carpet. Camera flashes. Anything to sell it as a red carpet look. But I see the inspiration they were going for with the look, and the look is well assembled. There are a lot of moving pieces and HELL worked them all together in a great way.

                    ICLite — Lulu: 0%
                    Style:0 • Creativity:0 • Motif:0 • Description:0
                    Comments: NA

                    mythological irony — Sumati: 80%
                    Style:8 • Creativity:7 • Motif:8 • Description:9
                    Comments: This is the kind of thing I was expecting and hoping to see! Myth thought this through when it comes to building the outfit and where to break things up, though I think there is a little too much fading up top. Comes down to the face a bit too much and is just kind of distracting from all the details there. I love the Met Gala and fantasy undertones so I'm not bothered by it here again. But this absolutely meets the theme in a way most of the entries this week don't, and I love that it nails it.

                    Ultrabord — Ava: 62.5%
                    Style:3 • Creativity:7 • Motif:6 • Description:9
                    Comments: I don't have a whole lot to say on this look. The idea of a pride gala? Amazing. The description? Good. This looks like a red carpet, I guess? But I don't actually like any of this. It's so messy. I don't know where to look. Every individual piece is pretty good, but the combination is just a mess. So rough. And while I love the idea of Bord pulling Ava's girlfriend from a past challenge to this one, I don't think she adds to the look. She's a pale white stand out of things. I'm glad there is a red carpet. But this is just a weak entry for me.

bad wolf bae

Vice Captain

Fashionable Master

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2024 9:59 pm

Challenge #11: Ladies of the Red Carpet

Designers, your Models have all been invited to an A-list red carpet event, and it's up to
you to make sure they steal the show with an opulent wardrobe. Important to consider
will be the type of event you think this invite is for, the inspiration for your chosen event,
and telling us how these settings influenced your style decisions. It's up to you whether
to lean trendy, bougie, avant garde, classic, etc. But whatever you decide, the Judges
encourage you to be extra. Go big, and make something so stunning, it'd have every
reporter rushing your muse just to ask them 'Who are you wearing?!' Due Date: May 18th

Dickjoke — Talia (Total Score: 27 pts. // 67.5%)
Style:6 • Creativity:6 • Motif:7 • Description:8
Comments: Talia is serving me a performance number outfit, paying homage to Janet Jackson, at the Met Gala. It's a solid bodysuit. It plays with gender, which Janet is known to do when it comes to her outfits. And the background is beautiful. It reads Met Gala venue, and the colors match well with the outfit. Beautifully made as the outfit is, it is essentially a bodysuit, made for a performance, which, knowing the reference, Dickjoke nailed it on that department, but the downside of it is the fact that it is just a bodysuit, made for a performance. Missed opportunity for them to pull fashion references that Janet has worn for the red carpet and award shows, even magazines and photoshoots, since Janet has lots of fashion moments there.

clowniing — Rhiannon (Total Score: 28 pts. // 70%)
Style:7.5 • Creativity:8 • Motif:5.5 • Description:7
Comments: I like that clown went on the elegant route for this week's challenge. This outfit on Rhiannon gives very much 2024 Met, Gardens of Time. This entry is highkey more on theme than the actual looks from the event, dare I say. It's flowy, and avant-garde. This looks like something that's close to my fashion aesthetic choice, which really resonates with me. The purple work great on Rhiannon's features. I like the fusion of Maleficent and the Evil Queen from Snow White, though it does read more Maleficent. Had the background setting that clown chose was an actual red carpet, I would've been sold more on the "red-carpet worthy" aspect of the look. That's probably the straight-forward part of me talking, but the prompt calls for a red carpet setting, so give me a red carpet setting. If clown's outfit was put on Dickjoke's background, it would've 100% gave 2024 Met, which would've amped up clown's points.

HELLPRIEST — Seren (Total Score: 25 pts. // 62.5%)
Style:7 • Creativity:7 • Motif:5 • Description:6
Comments: This entry from HELL is giving 2018 Met Gala, Heavenly Bodies. Very regal and ethereal. The silhouette of the dress is cool. I like the fashion brands they took inspiration from. It reads well. The armmods gives me celestial goddess, which is so in line with my style. My gripes on this entry would be in the background and the accessory choices. The beret and the mask doesn't really work with the avant-garde and angelic feel that the dress exudes. And the background, I would've done one... In terms of background, it's a similar case to clown's, where if you put HELL's outfit on Dickjoke's background, it would've helped HELL's case better. But what's dragging HELL's entry down is the emptiness. This is a case where a background would've helped amp up an entry, but HELL doesn't have one. HELL's outfit ultimately boils down to a so-so entry, personally, so having a background to somewhat fall back on, especially in this case since the challenge calls for a red carpet, would've helped give life to their entry, and the entry would've read more red carpet.

Detrimentum — Helena (Total Score: 33 pts. // 82.5%)
Style:8 • Creativity:8 • Motif:9 • Description:8
Comments: Detri hit the nail on the head with their references that they chose for their entry. I can definitely where Detri's inspiration is from, and it reads well. If we're to compare whose Ursula-inspired dresses is better, between clown's and Detri's, I'd prefer Detri's, because it's not too on the nose, but it reads Ursula, in an abstract sense. The headpiece looks ornate. It's almost flapper-esque. I would've added more blue into the outfit, given that there are hints of blue on the head, but that's a minor thing, personally. I do find black dresses for red carpet somewhat safe and overdone, so this dress does somewhat bore me in that sense, but the way Detri styled Helena is tasteful. The silhouette of the dress is almost ballgown-ish, with the bell skirt, but the sheer fabric gives off a touch of sexiness to it. Overall, another solid week for Detri, for me.

mythological irony — Sumati (Total Score: 33.5 pts. // 83.75%)
Style:7.5 • Creativity:8 • Motif:10 • Description:8
Comments: Another Met Gala setting. Not surprised some designers are going with that setting, given that it happened recently, but what I like about this is that it's actually inspired by some looks from the Met (there wasn't a lot of good looks on this year too imo). I see the Georgina Chapman dress inspirations, it's also giving touches of Elle Fanning, with the white, and Lana del Ray with the headpiece. I love the gold headpiece with the white dress. I would've liked it better if there was more gold from the waist down, because the gold in the bodice is sticking out like a sore thumb. I'm having a hard time finding the red eyeshadow on Sumati's eyes, mainly because all I see are white/blues. Eyeshadow choices aside, this entry is quintessential Met, on theme, gorgeous and ethereal. Dare I say, a good entry from myth.

ICLite — Lulu (Total Score: 0 pts. // 0%)
Style:0 • Creativity:0 • Motif:0 • Description:0
Comments: NA


Ultrabord — Ava (Total Score: 28 pts. // 70%)
Style:6 • Creativity:7.5 • Motif:7.5 • Description:7
Comments: I love the rainbow theme, I like the message Bord is going for with their entry this week. Ava fits the lesbian concept like a glove. Ava looks flashy and dressed to the nines, which is very gay, and I'm into it. I do have several qualms about the look. One, the color choices. I love the rainbow colors and gold. Beautiful as the metallic color is, I don't find the gold necessary with the look, but the balance of the different colors is pleasing to the eyes. Two, the "date". Why's Ava so overdressed and their date underdressed? Beautiful as the representation is, I wish Bord chose a more dressed companion to mesh better with Ava, because their date does not look like she's going the same event as her lover. Three, the lack of IRL fashion references. I do find the outfit nice, but one aspect we're looking for in this challenge is "who are you wearing?" Maybe Bord does have IRL fashion inspiration(s) with their entry, but where's the reference(s) and who are they referencing?
PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2024 9:50 am

Challenge #12: Gaian's Best Friend
Designers, have you seen the movie '101 Dalmatians'? In the opening sequence
we see different people walking their dogs, and all their humans match them —
Or do the dogs match their humans? ... Anyway, we want to see your Models
matching with their pets, too! But this is Project Catwalk, and with only six of you
left, you need a bigger challenge than just that: So we specifically want you to
use Lake Kindred kin as your muses. Make sure to include the kin in the look so
we get the whole picture, and be aware of your Model's assets; Pick a kin to work
with them, not against them. Be creative and don't hold back! Due Date: Jun 1st

clowniing — Rhiannon: 80%
S:8 • C:7 • M:9 • D:8
Comments: A 90's holo throwback?! Count me in! Love this for Clown AND for
Rhiannon. And might I also mention the appreciation I have for the puffy sleeve? Not
just as a 'space suit' nod, but as a nod to my love for the 90's puffy vests (I had several
... they were amazing ... I know, I just aged myself)! As for the outfit, I'm digging the
aesthetic quite a bit, and I really appreciate the lengths Clown went to in order to
achieve their vision. However, I AM getting a little sick of the star/moon decal motif this
far into the contest. It's been done quite a bit. As well, I would've liked to have more
substance in the description. There was a lot of focus on the 'how', but not the 'why'.

Detrimentum — Helena: 83%
S:8 • C:8 • M:8 • D:9
Comments: I appreciate that Detri provided an undisturbed image of their kin
or us to view. As I'm not familiar with Lake Kindred whatsoever, it was nice to start
out with that baseline. And with that, I hesitate to say that this entry is decent, I
guess. Look, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't in love with the white/off-white/
lavender/periwinkle colours on Helena ... But I'm also getting 'The High Priestess'
vibes. And like, I get it — that was their only competition win, and I'm sure they want
to recapture that glory. Though pulling inspiration from it in the last challenge, and
turning in a similarly themed (and colour schemed) entry this week, I'm over it, and
don't want to see it again. However, I do believe the make-up deserves a shoutout.
The white on the eyes, and the deep blush really make those ice-blue eyes pop!

Dickjoke — Talia: 95%
S:9 • C:10 • M:10 • D:9
Comments: I always have to commend d**k on how well they sell their
outfit. Using Talia's mirror image to portray a design that features mirrors is ******** brilliant!! I'm digging the asymmetrical design of the background,
I'm loving the darker, neutral tones ... I just love this! Talia has a nice silhouette
against the backdrop, and the colour balance was done well, to keep visibility
high. My only gripe is that the description lacks 'why' ... Come on, d**k! I want to
hear what's inside your soul! How did you feel about certain things throughout
your process? Also ... am I going colour blind, or is Talia wearing fuchsia lipstick?

HELLPRIEST — Seren: 93%
S:9 • C:10 • M:10 • D:8
Comments: First, I love the critter. Second, I love the colour scheme on Seren.
Third, I love that we haven't seen something like this yet. And a bonus fourth point,
although Hell didn't say it specifically, I feel they really listened to last week's feedback.
The minimalism they were going for on Challenge #11 is done perfectly here. It's not
crowded, but nor is the image empty. Seren really looks gorgeous in these darker tones,
thanks greatly to the other lighter tones to balance the scheme. And she resembles her
kin absolutely perfectly! Like other Designers, they do fall victim to leaving out a lot of
the 'why' though. I would've loved some reasoning behind the red sandal ... Like, I don't
hate the pop of colour by any means, but Hell could've gone with black to give more
darker tones to the bottom of the image, but they made a very deliberate choice to go
with red, and I can only assume it was a personal preference. Tell me why!

mythological irony — Sumati: 95%
S:9 • C:10 • M:10 • D:9
Comments: Oh wow!! Sumati simply stuns in this dainty, girlish style!
And seriously, how clever of Myth to choose a more simple-looking critter that
she could use to her advantage like this. While I'm sure it was no easy task
manipulating Sumati to emulate the kin, Myth made it LOOK ******** easy, I
tell you! Everything is right on point for me. My only negatives are that I would
have liked to know more 'why' in the description, and I'm only about 72% sold
on the background. Yeah, it matches nicely, but backgrounds are lame! XD

Ultrabord — Ava: 75%
S:5 • C:7 • M:9 • D:9
Comments: Dude ... That background is atrocious, and takes away from all
the positive delivered in the actual outfit and challenge theme. Like, this is
probably the cutest kin of all the entries, and Bord has captured the essence and
colour scheme in her designed outfit SO perfectly, and that background just kills
it. In a challenge like this, I want matchy-matchy all the way, and while the Lake
Kindred background isn't completely irrelevant to the challenge, it doesn't go with
the style or scheme that Bord set out to do with their design. Also, while I dig the
colours, I'm not so sure they work with Ava's dark features. Perhaps Bord
could've included more blacks and/or dark reds to match Ava's natural beauty.

Aerial Goddess

Vice Captain

Aerial Goddess

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2024 9:50 am

Challenge #13: I Choose You!
Designers, it's time for cosplay once again. Only this time, your choice of muse comes from a list of
1000+ subjects, including (but not limited to): Monferno, Grookey, Teddiursa, Grapploct & Pichu. Did
you guess correctly? ... I'm sure you did ... That's right, we're getting our Pokem-on!! And just to
torture you with an overwhelming appointment process, the Judges aren't issuing any limits. You can
choose from any of the officially listed Pokemon to be your inspirational beastie. They can be from any
generation, any region, and any evolutionary stage. Hell, you can live out your childhood fantasies
by turning your Model into a coveted legendary Pokemon if you so desire! Due Date: Jun 1st

clowniing — Rhiannon: 88%
S:8 • C:9 • M:9 • D:9
Comments: This was the only Pokemon I didn't recognize out of this week's
lot, so I had to look up a couple of pics for reference. I must admit that I'm
impressed with Clown's interpretation. Diancie certainly wouldn't have been my
go-to, were I working with a Model like Rhiannon. But I think Clown made it work
by making very deliberate choices with the colour scheme, which has both pros
and cons. I actually very much appreciate the idea of eliminating the gray colour,
so Rhiannon's black skin can take focus, but I didn't like that they changed the
pink to magenta. It felt a bit like cheating. And it was smart for the Model's sake to
put a heavier emphasis on the gold colour (cuz she looks amazing in gold!), liberty
comes with a price. It's not SO different that I can't see the resemblance, but
'cosplay' was the name of the game this week, and this drifts toward 'inspired by'.

Detrimentum — Helena: 80%
S:7 • C:8 • M:8 • D:9
Comments: I am also a huge fan of this particular little Pokemon, so I'm happy
Detri picked this one. I'm also happy that Detri didn't go with their safe lavender
scheme this time. See? Helena can pop in more colours than just the one. So I'm
actually okay with the background in this instance, as it's both fitting the theme, and
colour scheme. As well, I really adore the additions of all the pink flowers. They are
truly adorable. What I might have changed up is the dress/skirt for something
daintier, and perhaps just a bit whiter. Shaymin are such pure animals, that I would've
liked to see contrast between the off-white accents and the fur-represented skirting.

Dickjoke — Talia: 80%
S:5 • C:10 • M:10 • D:7
Comments: Sorry to say, but I think this was a swing and a miss for d**k. It
just doesn't really look appealing. I'd go so far as to say that Talia looks frumpy.
I'm just not loving it aesthetically. And again, d**k was very quiet about their 'why'
in the description. On a positive note, I'm absolutely blown away with their chosen
theme (Goldeen), and their strict attention to detail! I completely agree that
Goldeen was an excellent choice for Talia. The resemblance is already there in
her fluttery carrot-top hair, and her golden, sultry, bedroom eyes. And then, I can
also see the many details that went into forming this image. Like, the idea was
sound, the creativity was there ... But perhaps d**k's motivation was lacking?

HELLPRIEST — Seren: 70%
S:5 • C:8 • M:7 • D:8
Comments: Here's another idea that's totally kickass on paper, but fails to
translate to the image. Unlike most Designers, Hell forgot the 'how' in their
description completely and doubled down on the 'why'. Which means I don't know
what they did, but I can understand why they did it (What? LOL!). So, I can hear the
intention in Hell's words, and I dare say their enthusiasm is contagious, but I'm just
not impressed with the design. The colour scheme is fun, though I don't think those
are Seren's best colours. And I don't understand the things on the head. I mean, I
guess they're supposed to be ears and antenna, but it just looks messy to me.

mythological irony — Sumati: 88%
S:8 • C:7 • M:10 • D:10
Comments: Myth came to slay, not play! Damn, I'm in love with these
colours on Sumati. Everything just flows together seamlessly, giving off the
appearance of an easy design, though we know that's not the case! She
matches her Pokemon well, and I think it was a smart pairing for Myth to make.
I'm glad she didn't let her fear of hair additions hold her back here, cuz they
really give Sumati a voluptuous, yet youthful look. Same with the white on top of
her eyes, and purple on bottom. Sumati nails the fine line between flirtatious and
innocence. It's very feminine; Very appealing to one's gaze. I could've used a bit
more white on bottom, and perhaps some black accents added into the sky.

Ultrabord — Ava: 80%
S:7 • C:9 • M:7 • D:9
Comments: If I've said it once, I've said it a million times: Backgrounds
SUCK! There are so many clever elements to this design, and they're
overshadowed by the big, green grassy landscape behind Ava. Honestly, going
with a soft brown and white palette was smart. And the touch of moss green
added was gorgeous, and the little pops of colour were cute (bonus point for
referencing the shiny!), and if Bord had continued to build their outfit around
those colours, and that theme, this would have been a home run. Unfortunately,
the addition of the background just doesn't work for me. It's fighting for the
spotlight and the dominant colours, rather than showcasing Ava's beauty. There
were a lot of other creative flourishes that I enjoyed as well, like the card (jury's
still out on the ferret). Yeah, this took a disappointing turn somewhere.
PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2024 10:12 am

Challenge #12: Gaian's Best Friend

Designers, have you seen the movie '101 Dalmatians'? In the opening sequence
we see different people walking their dogs, and all their humans match them —
Or do the dogs match their humans? ... Anyway, we want to see your Models
matching with their pets, too! But this is Project Catwalk, and with only six of you
left, you need a bigger challenge than just that: So we specifically want you to
use Lake Kindred kin as your muses. Make sure to include the kin in the look so
we get the whole picture, and be aware of your Model's assets; Pick a kin to work
with them, not against them. Be creative and don't hold back! Due Date: Jun 1st

Dickjoke — Talia (Total Score: 32 pts. // 80%)
Style:8.5 • Creativity:7.5 • Motif:8 • Description:8
Comments: I'm intrigued by this entry. I love the accurately matching bells. It stands out to me. I do love the "Disneybounding" aspect that Dickjoke chose to do in the styling of Talia's outfit. In this case, "Kinbounding". The outfit matches Hembria without being too on the nose, which is nice to see. This entry also has that balance of glam + accuracy that I look for. I do like the background choice and the concept behind it. It adds a touch of fantasy into the entry. The color choices work well with Talia's features. My only negative is that I would've liked to have seen more white on the torso part of Talia's outfit. Seeing as how white Hembria mainly looks from the front, something white incorporated in the center of the torso would've been nice to see.

clowniing — Rhiannon (Total Score: 30 pts. // 75%)
Style:7.5 • Creativity:6.5 • Motif:8 • Description:8
Comments: This entry screams retro future the house down boots. It looks so fun and playful. The theme matches their kin well. The kin's colors match the holographic scheme. Rhiannon looks adorable in her school girl in space get-up. The outfit itself does read a tad basic, but it's well-done. I do have some minor negatives, though. The headband and the legmod pose. I see why clown went with this item, but, the kin has bunny ears, so I would've preferred bunny ears instead of the horns so the model and kin matched better. Knowing that Ranger Kastra floats, it would've been nice to see clown had Rhiannon on a legmod that suggests her floating. Rhiannon floating would make sense more with the space theme and their background, as well as match their kin's floating ability. Other than that, this is a nice entry from clown.

HELLPRIEST — Seren (Total Score: 31 pts. // 77.5%)
Style:7.5 • Creativity:7 • Motif:8.5 • Description:8
Comments: I am such a sucker when an item matches a companion's distinct feature, and I'm in love with Seren's horns matching their kin. I like this short dress on Seren. This design is different from what we've seen HELL put Seren on, but it still reads HELL. I get the motif the dress has going on, and it does add more to the entirety of the look. In these types of challenges, I do look for that balance of glam + accuracy, and this does lean more into glam, but I do lose a tad of accuracy. Woolord is a magical sheep, and sheep has wool, so adding a wool element on Seren's outfit would've helped amp the accuracy more, but the colors chosen for the outfit + the headpiece makes up for the lack of wool. I do appreciate HELL taking in our background critique, and it shows. The stars match Woolord, which also helped with its accuracy. All in all, this is a good entry from HELL.

Detrimentum — Helena (Total Score: 40 pts. // 100%)
Style:10 • Creativity:10 • Motif:10 • Description:10
Comments: That is one expensive kin Detri chose for Helena. I love how Helena's outfit matches the ethereality that Confetti exudes. The colors are so BEAUTIFUL. I am in awe at how majestic Helena and her kin look together. From the front angle, I like that Helena looks like she's scratching Confetti's chin. It adds more life to the entry. Again, I'm a sucker for an item matches a companion's distinct feature, in this case, the spot-on colors are what really sold me into the entry. I can't get over it. Detri's gagged me with this look. Like, damn! This is peak gorgeousness. This is so my aesthetic, so, sorry not sorry that I'm this enamored. I did not expect to be this floored with an entry. Never too late to surprise me, I guess.

mythological irony — Sumati (Total Score: 34 pts. // 85%)
Style:8 • Creativity:8 • Motif:9 • Description:9
Comments: I like how myth matched Pumppet's distinct features. The eye makeup to signify the kin's yellow eyes, the purple skirt with the yellow underneath, and the black top and bow to match the kin's body. I love the rain to give the umbrellas more purpose, and the flowerbeds to match the kin's flower-looking skirt. This kin was made for Sumati. Her features works perfect with Pumppet. I love how they added all the kin's elements into Sumati's outfit. My only gripe about this is I wish myth found an umbrella that's opened up to match their kin better, it would've helped highlight the rainy scenery more, as well as add practicality to the item. That aside, this is an adorable duo.

Ultrabord — Ava (Total Score: 29.5 pts. // 73.75%)
Style:6 • Creativity:7 • Motif:8.5 • Description:8
Comments: Ava matches Murapi surprisingly well. Orange is such a hard color to look balanced, but Bord managed to make Ava look flattering in such a stressful color. I love the furry shawl symbolizing the kin's mane. The LK background is such a nice on-the-nose touch as well. IDK if the Murapi item has options for its placement, but I would've preferred Murapi not covering Ava's legs, because with how volumized the kin's mane is, it does add unnecessary bulk to Ava. I would also clock the shoe choice as well. The length of the shoe doesn't flatter Ava, and the color looks somewhat out of place despite it matching. Maybe a yellow or a black shoe or boots would've been a better choice. That aside, this is a cute pairing Bord made.

Vice Captain

Fashionable Master

Vice Captain

Fashionable Master

PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2024 10:13 am

Challenge #13: I Choose You!

Designers, it's time for cosplay once again. Only this time, your choice of muse comes from a list of
1000+ subjects, including (but not limited to): Monferno, Grookey, Teddiursa, Grapploct & Pichu. Did
you guess correctly? ... I'm sure you did ... That's right, we're getting our Pokem-on!! And just to
torture you with an overwhelming appointment process, the Judges aren't issuing any limits. You can
choose from any of the officially listed Pokemon to be your inspirational beastie. They can be from any
generation, any region, and any evolutionary stage. Hell, you can live out your childhood fantasies
by turning your Model into a coveted legendary Pokemon if you so desire! Due Date: Jun 1st

Dickjoke — Talia (Total Score: 29 pts. // 72.5%)
Style:6 • Creativity:7 • Motif:8 • Description:8
Comments: I'm in love with this setting. It's so perfect for Goldeen. Very coy, calm and serene, which are words that I don't associate Talia with, but with how Dickjoke styled their model, not only does it make sense, but also fits Talia well. I love that they added more makeup into Talia's eyes to highlight the fact that Talia's base traits match Goldeen's colors. I like that this isn't on-the-nose Goldeen-inspired, but it still reads Goldeen. The Pokemon's distinct features are present in the outfit, which is good. Beautiful as Talia is, the outfit itself, while it is pretty, it's reading a tad basic. Maybe additions of silk and/or sashes to mimic Goldeen's fluidity would've helped amp this look more. I find Goldeen to be a majestic Pokémon, but the outfit doesn't really give off a majestic feel, with how little movement it offers. It's not bad by any means, but it isn't a standout either.

clowniing — Rhiannon (Total Score: 30 pts. // 75%)
Style:7 • Creativity:7.5 • Motif:7.5 • Description:8
Comments: I'm obsessed with the sparkly crystals throughout the entry, just shining bright. I live for this take crystal Pokémon. I love that the silhouette of the dress is reminiscent of it's Mega Evolution form. The headpiece Rhiannon has on doesn't really look like Diancie's, but I see the vision, and it does make sense with the styling choices clown made with the dress. The colors itself isn't really accurate to Diancie either, since the Pokémon's colors are more pink/white, but again, I still see Diancie despite the inaccurate colors. A couple of fixes in the color choices and headpiece, and this would've been perfect, but regardless, a solid effort.

HELLPRIEST — Seren (Total Score: 36 pts. // 90%)
Style:9 • Creativity:8 • Motif:10 • Description:9
Comments: I'm in love with the fact HELL matched Seren's pose to Lurantis' pose in the reference picture. I'm obsessed with the styling choices HELL made to match Lurantis' features. The glasses to signify the Pokémon's eyes, the different ears to match the antennas, the sleeves, and the bodice to mimic Lurantis' figure. Lots of good choices made with this entry, and I'm really into it. Even the fan on Seren's hand, the flower patterns of the outfit and the sakura background adds that touch of extra glam to the look, but it doesn't obstruct the accuracy. This is a really solid look, and I'm so in love with this take on Lurantis. Once again, HELL's raising the bar for others and themselves.

Detrimentum — Helena (Total Score: 33 pts. // 82.5%)
Style:8 • Creativity:7 • Motif:8 • Description:10
Comments: Shaymin's colors work well with Helena's features. This is a beautiful entry from Detri, once again. I like the pink flowers on the skirt to match the ones on Shaymin's head, as well as the flowers on Helena's head. The consistency of the flora on the outfit is nice to see. The silhouette of the dress is something that I've seen Detri do a couple times already, but with their chosen Pokémon and their figure, the billowy bell skirt makes sense. I love the calmness the scenery portrays, which fits Land Forme Shaymin's vibe. The entirety of the look gives off that "I saw Shaymin in the depths of the forest". For Detri to choose a simple-looking Pokémon, I'm impressed that their styling choices reads anything but simple. I'm in love.

mythological irony — Sumati (Total Score: 36 pts. // 90%)
Style:9 • Creativity:9 • Motif:9 • Description:9
Comments: Wow! A spot-on take on Gothorita. The details added make sense with the Pokémon. The blue eyeshadow to match Gothorita's blue eyes, the bows on the hair and dress, the armmod to look like the Pokémon's pose, and even down to the floating rocks to showcase Gothorita's psychic powers. I love that myth chose to do a mid-evolution common Pokémon, since most of their fellow competitors chose to go for either legendary or fully-evolved Pokémon, so myth stood out in terms of their chosen Pokémon. I don't think the buns are prohibited, since we saw other contestants wear extensions, so it's fine. In fact, the buns were a great addition, since it's a distinct feature Gothorita has. The black on black with the white bows is nice to look at, and the background is beautiful. This is a good entry from myth.

Ultrabord — Ava (Total Score: 25 pts. // 62.5%)
Style:6 • Creativity:6 • Motif:6 • Description:7
Comments: Furret is one of my favorite Pokémon, and when I saw Bord attempting to glam up Furret, I had thoughts. Looking at this outfit, I had more thoughts. I love the consistency of the stripes on the outfit. The stripes are such a distinct feature Furret has, so the consistent addition of them was nice to see. I like the addition of the flower crown, suggesting that Ava's made a crown for herself using the flowers around her, which adds life into the look. The outfit itself is cute and casual, fitting of the normal type Pokémon. But that's also my gripe about this outfit, too. It's cute and casual, but it's just cute and casual. Cute as Furret is, two features I can think of the Pokémon, other than the stripes are the pointed ears and the pointed tail. I see the tail, but I don't see the ears, which makes me sad. Bord kinda shot themselves in the foot for choosing such a simple Pokémon such as Furret, because while their styling choices isn't bad, but at this stage in the competition, cute isn't gonna cut it.
PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2024 2:01 pm

                    Challenge #12: Gaian's Best Friend
                    Designers, have you seen the movie '101 Dalmatians'? In the opening sequence
                    we see different people walking their dogs, and all their humans match them —
                    Or do the dogs match their humans? ... Anyway, we want to see your Models
                    matching with their pets, too! But this is Project Catwalk, and with only six of you
                    left, you need a bigger challenge than just that: So we specifically want you to
                    use Lake Kindred kin as your muses. Make sure to include the kin in the look so
                    we get the whole picture, and be aware of your Model's assets; Pick a kin to work
                    with them, not against them. Be creative and don't hold back! Due Date: Jun 1st

                    clowniing — Rhiannon: 92.5%
                    Style:8 • Creativity:9 • Motif:10 • Description:10
                    Comments: Love this, especially love the pose chosen for Rhiannon because it feels like the same pose as the kin, even though the kin doesn't have arms to pose like that. Like the pose speaks to the expression on the kin in a way that just feels so smart to me.

                    Detrimentum — Helena: 77.5%
                    Style:7 • Creativity:8 • Motif:7 • Description:9
                    Comments: This is really pretty, I'm having a hard time appreciating all the details though cause of how much things blend together, but I'm especially bothered by the fact the kin is hidden behind Helena.

                    Dickjoke — Talia: 75%
                    Style:7 • Creativity:8 • Motif:8 • Description:7
                    Comments: The kin suits Talia, the ears and skeleton touches might just be my favorite touches.

                    HELLPRIEST — Seren: 82.5%
                    Style:7 • Creativity:9 • Motif:8 • Description:9
                    Comments: The horns are a nice touch, and so are some of the other details, but this doesn't blow me away. Something about the torso.

                    mythological irony — Sumati: 100%
                    Style:10 • Creativity:10 • Motif:10 • Description:10
                    Comments: I have trauma from my high school that leads me to detest purple and yellow. But the yellow eyeshadow to tie into the kin's yellow eyes?? One of the most ******** brilliant touches I've seen. Sumati's shape matching Pumppet's is incredible. Just so many smart pieces here.

                    Ultrabord — Ava: 70%
                    Style:7 • Creativity:7 • Motif:7 • Description:7
                    Comments: This is just perfectly fine. I like that their faces match so well, nearly identical eyes.

bad wolf bae

bad wolf bae

PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2024 2:02 pm

                    Challenge #13: I Choose You!
                    Designers, it's time for cosplay once again. Only this time, your choice of muse comes from a list of
                    1000+ subjects, including (but not limited to): Monferno, Grookey, Teddiursa, Grapploct & Pichu. Did
                    you guess correctly? ... I'm sure you did ... That's right, we're getting our Pokem-on!! And just to
                    torture you with an overwhelming appointment process, the Judges aren't issuing any limits. You can
                    choose from any of the officially listed Pokemon to be your inspirational beastie. They can be from any
                    generation, any region, and any evolutionary stage. Hell, you can live out your childhood fantasies
                    by turning your Model into a coveted legendary Pokemon if you so desire! Due Date: Jun 1st

                    clowniing — Rhiannon: 85%
                    Style:10 • Creativity:6 • Motif:10 • Description:8
                    Comments: This is stunning and beautiful, and it matches the Pokemon, but it still feels very similar to their other entry this week.

                    Detrimentum — Helena: 90%
                    Style:10 • Creativity:9 • Motif:9 • Description:8
                    Comments: omg this Pokemon is freaking cute as hell. Well done entry.

                    Dickjoke — Talia: 75%
                    Style:6 • Creativity:8 • Motif:9 • Description:7
                    Comments: First entry had almost too much going on, this almost too little, but I like how Talia looks.

                    HELLPRIEST — Seren: 87.5%
                    Style:8 • Creativity:10 • Motif:8 • Description:9
                    Comments: Kimono sleeves are a smart choice. As were the 'ears' and just...over all amazing job matching the reference.

                    mythological irony — Sumati: 97.5%
                    Style:10 • Creativity:9 • Motif:10 • Description:10
                    Comments: Gothorita is cunty and damn myth nailed it. The only point missing in this is Sumati was also in a dark look for the other challenge this week, would have liked a touch more creativity? But this is just so good.

                    Ultrabord — Ava: 62.5%
                    Style:8 • Creativity:5 • Motif:7 • Description:5
                    Comments: Aesthetically my preferred look of Bord's of the week, but it is just too simple. And a little too matchy, lacking some creativity.


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