Demand plays a role in prices and always will. While there isn't as much control on practices such as buying up all of x item as there are in rl I feel that gaia doesn't have to perfectly emulate the real world. Besides, there are many real life corperations that are close to monopolies, but that isn't the issue...

Rather then reiterating stuff I've already said before I'll quote myself on why I feel the prices are fair:

letters cost cash. So what if there are people that sell letters at 6k or whatever. I know I'm happy for that price, because sometimes I'm not allowed to use my credit card to buy letters through paypal [note: I rarly if ever use a credit card to buy letters. I feel using cash to get digital items is pointless. As such, I earned pretty much all my wealth through buying and selling on the Gaia economy] and people that sell them for gold is a nice alternative to spending $2.50. They are practically giving away free money. I'm sure very few people here would ever hand out $100 to someone. That is basically what you are asking now. Every letter represents someone's $2.50. If anyone wants to get a letter for 0 gold, the answer is simple, pay in real money. Not possible? Well, then pay the 6k gold and quit complaining.

6k may not bother you, but hundreds of thousands of gold is too excessive? Well, that's too bad. If gaia increases at an exponential rate and a constant percent of those people buy x amount of letters each, then the older letters will naturally be more rare, and therefore more costly. It's not like those people at the beginning could buy hundreds of dollars worth of letters to keep prices constantly low. Of course the 2004 letters are quite common in equal quantities, so demand plays a more important part in their prices, which is why junes may cost more than mays. Sad but true. It'd be nice if everyone had all the items, but then what'd be the point of even designing an avatar?

That's not to say wanting alternatives is wrong. There are quite a few good ideas on how to re-introduce old items into gaia. I'm simply saying that wanting items without earning them is wrong. In the event that old items are introduced (which is a big if), it should be done in a method that benefits gaia. A price drop in old items because of a rerelease in which real cash is donated would be an example of a good alternative. A freebie givaway re-release should NEVER occur.