Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 11:31 pm
Vudeux meets Artemis (9/13/06)
The moonlight caressedhis dark fur and lightly kissed his wings as the great stallion danced between the clouds. His chains lightly rattled adding a soft chime to his movements. His long tail and mane swept behind him as his silver hooves caressed the clowds. There was no where Vudeux would rather be than up here, high above the world. Here, there was no one to bother him, No one to try and bind him, or take his attention. Here he could be himself, free as a bird, high as the heavens.
The stars glittered above him, the canvas of the night shining down upon him with a smile. He too smiled as he tucked his wings behind him. All at once she dove through the clouds, his silver hooves flashing in the moon beams as he ran, as if running on the wind itself.
The black stallion ran strait for the ground, as silent as a bird of prey. Suddenly his great wings extended and he banked upwards again, his silver hooves just barely skiming over the lake and sending translucent water drops, sparkling as if jewels as they danced through the air before merging once again with the water below. A Joyful whinny escaped vudeux, a joy that few others could feel, or ever know.
Entreris ears perked as he heard a joyful whinny that from his judgement was from a stallion. finding this a nice oppertunity to learn more about what or who was around this area, he spread his black and red wings, takign off into the sky. the wind blew back his cape he alwasy woar, as he searched for the stallion who seemed to have whinnyed so happly. All at once there was another in his sky, his home, his freedom where now in question. The stallion lightly frowed as he approched and even arched a brow as he saw the glint of a horn on the stallions head. "Hey Buddy...You got somethin on your forhead." he said off handedly, Never before had he seen an alicorn, so what was that a growth? A birthamrk?
He circled arond the other dark stallion tinted with red and rolled around, doing a lazy barrel roll in the sky. "So...what do you want?" he asked, point blank to the matter.
Entreri found it most amusing how fast this stallion was to talk." i'm not buddy, the names Artemis and the somethign on my forhead is caled a horn." he raised a brow and watched te stallion do a lazy barrel roll in the sky. " as to your other question, i figured i would find out who gave out such a happy whinny. so please do tell who you are." suddenly he darted under the stallion , then quickly came back up on the other side of the stallion, still awaiting an answer.
Vudeux righted himself and eyes Artemis with a tired look. This stallion was infringing on his freedom! And he was chatty and demanding..that in itself was enough to annoy him. His ears lightly spun back against his head for but a moment and he grunted. "Whats a Name to you.... eh.. Buddy?" he asked, not really to be snide, or even arogent..but he didnt like being bossed around. He liked his privacy!
The Dark stallion watched the ink ebony stallion stipped with red, His indigo eyes lightly narrowing as he stared. That was a horn was it? Since when did horses have horns? Ha! His mom was probably a billy goat or something.
Entreri grinned darkly. " tsk tsk wrong answer im afraid 'buddy'." him chatty, hardly at all, but he would ask questions, since he answered what the other asked. if you start geting snide with Entreri, your definatly asking for trouble." do learn some mannors, and seems to me from watching you, that your not liking me here are you?' the dark grin grew a bit wider, as he eyed the stallion with his dark brown eyes.
Vudeux nodded his head in a very matter of fact way. "as a matter of fact I dont like you here.. you are in my bubble." he said. "see this?" he turned and pointed to the mountains. "starting there.... and allllll " he turned and gestured towards the forests bordering the lake shore. "the way over there... Thats my bubble.. You're in it, Now kindly leave and we'll all be happy. Ok? Ok... " he snorted softly and flicked his tail.
His large wings lazily flapped in the air, only enough to keep him hoving above the crystal lake. "Nothing against you personally, Bu...Artemis...I just dont take kindly to others.... Now...Off with ye, eh?"
Entreri's grin only grew wider and darker as his dark tempre was now coming out. " oh really, and i dont take kindly to others trying to tell me what to do." he quickly and agily took off behind the stallion right as he finished the sentance as if he was leaving, but then jsut as quickly came right up beside the other stallion. " you really need to learn to know who your dealing with 'buddy'. so what are you about to do about me being here?" he sneered out just barely above a whisper in the others ear.
Vudeus rolled his eyes as the stallion made as if to leave, and acted in mock suprise as he came up once again beside him. "No.. To close for comfort... I dont like Guys.. Buddy." he snorted softly and flexed his wings. "You wont leave, fine I will. I get the feeling The sky isnt big enough for the two of us with your bossy nature." He shook his mane and turned to leave, half way figuring that damnable stallion would follow him and continue to ruin his night and invade his space.
Entreri ofcourse cut him off fairly quickly. "oh, i think your the one being bossy. i merely answered your question adn asked you one, you decided to ignore, then you ask me to leave. i think its you who is the one being rude and bossy." his eyes glinted with amusment, and wondered if he could push this stallion far enough to get mad.
Vudeux snorted softly and shook his head. "Fine, My Name is Vudeux, So if you dont mind, Pointy, would you get out of my way now?"
Entreri smirked. " alright since you asked so kindly Vudeux." he wa more than amused that he just met sice an interesting stallion that seemed to not like being around others. though as he went on his own way, leting Vuduex go on his own, he mused over what the story was about those chains of his.
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 11:32 pm
Nitika meets Vudeux (9/24/06) Rein_Carnation Fer~ Sharzilla xp Walking along the emerald grasses the now grown Nitika was trying to investigate just about anything she could. Still curious as a cat, the winged mare always wanted to know what made the world go round. Her tail long and silky caught the faint traces of the sun as it set, creating a purple and teal sheen as it moved along with her. Though not as striking as her sister she considered herself more special. Tossing her head she trotted now enjoying herself. No more parental escourts to dampen her day of exploring.Shariea The dark stallion known as Vudeux lumbered along the tall grass. HIs face was set into a scrowl as he cast a glance at his wing, banaged from the fall he had taken, at lest now that damnable mare K'Jatu had left him alone. First the mare had saved his life, stayed with him to make sure he would be safe...then she had followed him to hell and back taunting him!
His tail lashed, Mares, he thought as he snorted. His wing was shore, the bone was mending which was good but there was still a dull ache if he should suddenly jar his body wrong or try to flex his muscles. How his body ached for the sky and to be rid of the quick spint and hide the human had used to bind his wing... Rein_Carnation If it wasn't for the deep blue mare's curiousity she probally would of taken to the skies and been far away from the encounter she'd likely meet as she trotted over the hill facing directly toward Vu. Tilting her head she took notice to this deep stalloion carrying chains about him, then the bandage that wrappe d snuggly about his wing. He seemed in a fit of temper but being the inquisitive one Nitika approached with a smile. It was possible that yes he'd tell her to go the hell away, but he might also return her greeting. So letting the winds take chance she spoke in her cheery self hoping he was on the latter decision, "Hello there." she said with a flick of her tail watching him.((I'm glad it turned out so well for you Nay Nay^^ Lookit my pretty baby all grown)) Shariea Vu's pale eyes looked up at the mare and he lightly gave a grunt. Just what he needed right now, another mare to invade his space and pester him. For a moment he considered spinning right around and going back the way he had came...but alas, K'Jatu was somewhere in those woods...he'd take his chances with this one.
She seemed bubbly and in fine spirits...that alone irritated him. His tail flicked and he slowly nodded his head. "hello." he said, his tenor voice trailing over the winds, baring with it a cold undertone. Rein_Carnation Her ears swiveled capturing any hostility that this one may hold toward her. All Nitika needed on her grown day was to come home to her mother injured or likewise not of this world. She blinked studying him, still facinated in the chains that he possessed clinging to him like he was born with them. "Sorry to intrude but you're the only Soquili I've met this day. And its kind of lonely out here by yourself", she notioned feeling a shiver from the night air breathing upon her exposed neck and hind quarters. "I'm Nitika. May I ask you your name? Ah that is if you'd want to tell me." she ended her little welcome speech with a bit of uncertainy. Shariea Vudeux laid his ears back for amoment, his eyes narrowing every so slightly until they where but bare slits staring out at her. Finally he snorted and opened his eyes fully. "Im Vudeux." he said, simple and to the point. He didnt have time, nor the social skills to be a fine host or gaurdian to her in the night...still...she seemed so differnt than that damnable mare. Then... K'jatu had been nice in the begining too...
Would this mare talk his ear off or taunt him...he didnt think she would taunt...she was...innocently nice, and sugar sweet. At lest that was the impression he had gotten, whether or not that illusion was true or not....
His tail flicked lightly, he was gruff yes, but he bore this mare no ill will... It wasnt right of him to blame every mare for tha fault of what one had done. No...he would give this one a chance...and should it happen again...THEN he would damn them all. Rein_Carnation She felt the apprehension his his voice, the way he poised himself sent her shivers. But she was a big girl now, and wouldn't you know bigger than that annoying Cheveyo. So there was a case in point as to how she'd grown.
"Nice to meet you Vudeux. I'm quite new to this adult thing so I apoligize if I ramble or seem annoying." she nodded flicking her long tail back and forth.
She wondered deeply if she should ask about his wing. It looked very well taken care of but on the other note was it broken? To not be able to fly in a winged's eyes was like being able to not run anywhere for those whom had nothing but spirit and freedom. She took a few swallows of breath terribly afraid he'd chew her up like a branch foals defaced in moments of play.
"What happened to your wing? Did someone hurt you?" she queried with a timidness consisting of a child's curiousity looking at him with large eyes in wonderment. Shariea Vudeux's eye twiched lightly as she asked the question, The only question...about his wing. He stared at her for a long moment...why should he tell her of his own folly, how he had to rely on the help of a two legger or he would have bled out on the sands. He snorted at himself, at the memory.
"It was an acsident. I fell into a wash in the sand and attempted to use my wing as a break....as you can see I failed."
His tail flicked against the grass as the moon made its way into the sky. The broch in the night's cloak studded with millions of glittering diamonds. His eyes shifted to the stars, and a very very small smile crossed his face. He wanted to leep into the air and touch them... he moved his wings and winced in pain. Rein_Carnation It was strange how at that very moment the mare could feel his sadness. Nitika from little on up loved to fly from that first moment her mother granted her passage to the skies. For a winged to be imobilized from flying was like instant torture, which indeed made her frown for him. Once in her youthful days she too had landed off course and tumbled on her right wing causing a brief swelling. Not enough to cause worry, but just enough to keep her from what she loved the most.
"Aww you didn't fail at it." she nodded with a smile, "I took a tumble as a foal and couldn't fly for a bit. Nothing broken but I knew what it was like not to be able to fly." she sighed lowering her wings so the moonlight danced on the sparkling blues that mimiced in the white. Shariea Vudeux looked at the mare and shook his head lightly, though he remained silent. She may know what it was like to be denyed the sky, but she didnt share his shame. He had been shamed to need the help of the mare, and to need the help of a two legger to mend him. He snorted and turned his eyes away from her, to the sky.
Her words where hardly comforting, but he did note that she was trying. So far she wasnt taunting him....so far. Rein_Carnation She bit her lip trying to think, noting he was a tad anti-social which was alright. Her dad she heard could be the same if he wanted to be. Perhaps it was the flutter bloodline in her that kept her there. He was quite quiet making the situation akward and a little nervewracking.
Digging her hoof in the dirt she thought a little, "So where do you come from? My mother said she came from a far off land. She's smaller than me now with wings like my brother Cheveyo has. Tansy has wings like me".
She paused realizing how much she had chattered and hung her head.
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:20 pm
Atemis Entreri a very muscled stallion, with large black with red tipped wings, wore a cape that was defiantly odd in the soquili world. He is a cunning stallion who made it his goal to keep his body train to perfection though with age that perfection he so strived for would less each day but right now he was in his prime so he hardly worried about being forced to slow down at all. Tossing his short black mane, he was bored out of his mind at the moment as he was at a brisk run for some small exercise this night. His foot steps where light despite his being at a brisk run.
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:26 pm
( Domnu is gnawing on my mind, I hope you dont mind that I brought her out. )
The crimson filly streched her wings to the sky and made a running jump off a hill top. Her cloven hooves ran in the air for but a moment before she tumbled to the ground. As she rolled down the grass knoll she could be heard shouting and cursing. When she finally rolled to a stop she growled loudly and tore at the grass with her hooves. "damnit!" she cursed again and shook her head, her small colorful mane falling over the side of her neck.
The kalona filly slowly picked up her wounded pride and ego and made her way to the top of the hill again. She was determined to fly. She was going to be the first of her siblings to learn how to do this, this she had vowed.
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:34 pm
(( =OO oh i dont mind. >] shall be interesting ))
Artemis Entreri of course heard the cursing; growling the yelling of 'damnit!' as he was passing threw. This perked his interest slightly so of course he went to investigate and the fastest way to get where he wanted was to fly. Giving a toss of his head he took off to the sky and went in the direction he hear all the noise which didn't take long from the sky. Oh he didn't bother making he presence known to the crimson Kalona filly and he held no fear of Kalona's. Diving down, he wanted to see what reaction he would get from this filly if it seemed as if he was going to dive bomb her right then especially since she was a Kalona after all.
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:51 pm
The little filly known as Domnu had just began to crest the hill and was getting ready to throw herself off of it again when a dark shape in the sky caught her attention. Her crimson eyes narrowed as she saw the stallion bank around and come in towards her. The filly growled and flared her wings out to make herself look as big as possable. "Go away." she said through grit teeth, apparently having no fear of him diving into her what so ever.
The filly dug her cloven hooves into the top of the hill and anchored herself to the spot. "I was here first." she said, glowering at his approching form.
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:58 pm
Artemis Entreri heard her and say she was not afraid at all of his diving at her and that brought a slight smirk to his lips. Making no response to her just yet, he instead landed in his own graceful way near her and folded his wings to his side staring at her a moment. “That hardly means a thing to me at all.” Was his cold response to the young kalona filly that stood before him rooted in her spot. Of course he hardly cared at all that she was trying to look big and intimidating which she wasn’t at all to him.
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:04 pm
Domnu hissed at him, baring her tiny sharp fangs. "Go away! You are contaminating the soul with your filthy hooves." she said. "I was here first, so why dont you just mosy your happy a** down the hill and leave me be." she yelled hopping forward and puffing out her chest. She was going to stand her ground, and she wasnt going to back down to him bulling her. Now, if he was going to try and fight her...then she would turn tail and run.. there was no way the little filly could win the fight, but for now.. she dug her hooves in deeper. "Are you so in need of self estime that you must pick on little fillies?" she asked him with a sneer.
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:11 pm
Artimes Entreri sneered right back and yet still he appeared calm, and relaxed around the filly. “You must be mistaken me for one of those weak happy soquili that I don’t care to be around little filly.” He bared his teeth slightly at her to show he would strike her down if he so choose to. “Who said I was picking on you? You merely perked my interesting slightly since you’re a kalona. Do not mistake the two.” Lips curled in a slight bare still, he wouldn’t let a little filly try and run him off, oh no Artemis Entreri wasn’t one to let anyone do that.
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:15 pm
The little filly tucked her wings against her back tightly, but she still glowered at the older stallion. Dispite the fact that he was telling her he wasnt one of those weak, happy go lucky frolicing around flower wearing soquili...she still didnt like him. "Fine." she said curtly, unmoving.
"So... You just wanted to stop and stare at me because im a Kalona then? well have you Gotten your eyefull so I can go about my buisness yet, Bub? " she said, followed by a snort.
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:23 pm
Truly amusing was Artemis Entreri’s thoughts as he stood there listening to this filly. “Yet again you don’t get why i bothered to come over here. Tsk tsk and here I thought I would I find a cunning little filly kalona.” He stopped the slight baring of his teeth but he was more than ready to snap at her if she so choose to attack at him in anyway, “I think maybe I wasted my time with you or would you beg to differ?” oh he was having some amusement at lest though in his mind he was thinking of ways to get to know this young kalona more even if she apparently disliked him already but it’s not like he needed her to like him to use her if he wanted.
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:31 pm
Domnu clicked her tongue. "Pft... I really dont care old timer. " she said with a shrug of her shoulders. "Im bored of you. " she said and began to take a few more steps towards the lip of the hill top. "I have better uses of my time right now than to stand here and play foolish mind games with you. If you want something spit it out." she said, looking over her shoulder at him and narrowing her eyes further.
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:37 pm
Artemis Entreri gave a slight smirk at the filly. “I’m hardly that old. And seems you caught on fairly quick. I hardly doubt you got better things to do besides learning to fly, which is quick easy.” He mused a moment before responding again. “How about give me you name so I don’t have to continue calling you a little filly or would you rather me continue to? And I would suspect you hardly would care if I gave my name in return if you bother to give me yours.”
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:59 pm
If flying was as easy as he said it was she would master it in no time. However she doubted his words, sure it was probably easy once you got used to it...but as many times as she had rolled down the hill told her it was not easy to start. She wasnt going to ask -him- for help though. The time she needs help from a weak stallion such as him would be the time she would rather die.
She snorted in responce to him. "My Name is Domnu... now, is that the last of your silly questions?" she asked him, shooting him a glare.
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:11 pm
“Domnu seems a fitting name.” Entreri mused a moment as it seemed Domnu had enough of him but oh well he would stay as long as he liked to. He took a step back, spread his mostly black wings, flapping them he hovered above the ground just to see what she would do now while making a snide remark. “You know jumping off a hill is no way to learn to fly.” Practically sneering his remark, he let himself drop to the ground by closing his wings to his side. it wasn't hard to figure thats what she had been doing to try and learn to fly.