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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:38 pm
Smoking kills! Do not do it shikamaru! Wahhhh! emo

on another note i feel horrible for poor kurinai. she took it pretty bad.
*smack* Get a hold of yerself, fangirl. I'm upset about his new habit, but it's nothing to cry over.

Yeah... I think Shikamaru owed her a hug. sad

@ sk8intree: Wait... wait... Yeah, you lost me. surprised
shikamaru use kagemane or ino uses shintenshin to hold hidan/move him out of the circle and kakashi uses mangekyou to warp naruto in and out of different dimensions. suddenly... pow! naruto kills him w/ his new technique haha

umm, warping is not a safe thing for Naruto, specially if it's done by Kakashi, who can only do it twice, and cant do it again for like a week or so  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:39 pm
Captain Verd
Sex hasn't been mentioned in Naruto... are you confused with a doujishi?

No. I don't think they're strict about sex because they not only have giant billboards and signs for Jiraiya's porno, but they allow Kakashi to read it while teaching his students. Ino and Sakura both try to appear sexy for Sasuke, and no one minds. People poke at Asuma and Kurenai, but no one in the show is actually concerned about them having sex or anything. Besides, modern Japan isn't very concerned about sex, and many periods in Japanese history actually promote it.

Curious; where did I contradict such? If you mean when I mentioned a paladin, there are classes, and sub classes. You can decide not to consider them, but that does not cease them from existing.

You didn't. I just think it's very silly to say they're "rangers" and whatever.

Depends on what you're talking about. My point, really, which you all conviniently ignored, is that maturity is not based on behavior. It is based on mind. Behavior is a physical thing. Caused generally by emotions and chemicals, sometimes driven by thoughts but self control prevents that. This proves thought has little to do with it.

I didn't ignore it, I just don't believe maturity is based on mind alone. Rolling on the floor gurgling during a meeting has everything to do with your actions, but it still makes you immature.

Haste is not immaturity. This is where wisdom and knowledge lies. Naruto was unaware of traps. Shikamaru thought ahead. This is not a maturity issue. Naruto was mature throughout the situation. But he was dumber than Shikamaru. Maturity is not defined by intelligence, either. They do not go hand in hand. It is only considered smarter to act mature by general society. This does not make it so. It does make things run smoothly, but it also sweeps issues under the rug. Because being mature in most cases is being some sort of politically correct (not only the Americanized version of the word).

Not thinking ahead in a crucial moment can be considered immature. It suggests he's not taking it seriously enough to check, even though we know he's serious.

You are kind of kissing his a**, though. Giving him way too much credit. Shikamaru did what he was supposed to do, "despite personal feelings," because he had none for Sasuke. Naruto loves Sasuke like a brother. Shikamaru actually dislikes Sasuke. He is convinced Sasuke has a mask over his face; an invisible facade. This is something about Shikamaru that I consider very immature. He refuses to understand Sasuke's situation. Proof? Well, he crosses Ino at least 3 times about how Sasuke is fake and not all that.

Actually, I wasn't talking about that. Shikamaru proceeds with the missions despite thinking Chouji might be dead or hurt without telling the other team members. He keeps his fears inside of him, because he knows sharing them will only concern everyone when they're minds needs to be focused on what's ahead and they need to stay confident. That's maturity.

Honor plays an important role individually.
Yes it does. It's also very important to the village.
Wow, you are very confused.
Porn is not having sex. Knowledge of sex and having it are different issue. If you believe Honor is important, you also believe adultery is a horrible sin. Sex without marriage, or at least commitment, is a huge mutilation of one's honor, and their family's honor.

Kids trying to look ATTRACTIVE are rather different. Two opposing sides could argue for days on end that attraction is based or not based on sex, but that is not the issue. Attracting a boy is not wanting to ******** him. Most girls want to kiss a guy, and when given the chance are scared shitless. Sakura of course dove right into it. But those are the normal social interactions of a girl and boy her age. Experimentation is not ripping your pants off and sticking your ninja p***s into some helpless (or willing) females. I strongly believe Shikamaru isn't like that, either, UNLESS he and Temari were somehow together, which at this point I doubt. Though they may sometime soon.

Asuma and Kurenai are very different. Their peers know they're in love. They are adults. They are pretty open about their interactions. If Shikamaru was ******** some girl hard, it would be a big secret, and a huge disgrace when revealed.

You don't seem to know much about Japan. Sex is a very big deal. HAVING sex, I mean. Yes. A huge deal. They are not so traditional anymore, but just as a factoid, Christianity is getting pretty damn popular over there. xp Bible says sex is for creation, and not to waste God's seed.

Yes. Shikamaru is a rogue. I think Tenten is the closest thing to a ranger. Rangers are not ninja-like.

You ignored it. And then digressed. Maturity is entirely based on the mind. What the hell else do you think it's based on? Our actions are dictated by us. You cannot tell if it is a trick, facade, or not. Perhaps that man was rolling on the floor gurgling because he was having a seizure. Or because he has a physical disorder. An allergic reaction to Mr. Smith's peanut shells in his pocket. You don't know. Even if he's laughing at a joke this doesn't tell us that he's immature. We all have our off moments and off days. Mature people make mistakes as much as immature people; in fact, their mistakes stick out far more, on a general basis. The fact that we're even arguing about this proves that there's a maturity issue in this room. I admit to being a student of the mind. No, I have not mastered maturity. Neither have you. Most people haven't. Because maturity is understanding. If we understood, we wouldn't need to babble on about this. If I fully understood, I would feel no need to retaliate. The same can be said for you.

Not thinking ahead isn't an immaturity issue. Naruto is not capable at the moment. Shikamaru has had extensive mind training. 3 years ago, Shikamaru would have done the same thing as Naruto. Now according to you he was also immature. His mind, however, was pretty much in the same place. But the lack of knowledge did make him immature. But Naruto did not lack the knowledge of slowing down; he lacked the knowledge of the traps. There is a different between haste and awareness. Naruto was emotionally consumed; it happens to everyone. Shikamaru is a lot like my brother in the sense is that he is not a very emotional individual. He takes truths and lies and understands them. But he still has emotion grasp him at times. Controlling emotion is not an issue of maturity; it's an issue of control.

A man who is autistic may bite his nails. A lack of control. But does his perspective make him immature, or does it simply mean he sees the world differently? What can we really define as mature? It has been a HUNCH of mine that Shikamaru COULD have Asperger's (NOT very likely AT ALL). But what if he did? Would this change what we thought about him?

Shikamaru doesn't worry about things that aren't going to happen. He understands his capabilities, and his team member's capabilities. He also generally understands the capabilities of his enemy as soon as he sees them. Saying Shikamaru, well, does what he is supposed to do, makes him better than anyone else, is ridiculious. I have not once seen anyone turn back on a mission with the fear of death. It's in the ninja code not to get too attached and not to regard death. Shikamaru was emotional, but as you can see, the very next day, he's up and executing missions again. He isn't crying that anyone is going to die. Nor is Chouji. Or Ino. No one hesistated to worry that someone was going to die. No one ever does.

Shikamaru, fortunately, fears very little. He understands things in a very clear manner. Understanding things is regarded as maturity, but just because he handles missions doesn't make him not introverted. Being introverted, or, antisocial, tends to come from fear. He fears rejection, confrontation, and lonliness. He's figured that hanging in a small circle of close friends will protect his integrity. Socially, he is very immature. I may be very immature when in serious situations. But I get very immature when a fangirl talks about Shikamaru's shoe size. We can't be 100% mature in every way, and if Shikamaru's maturity was to be measure in percents overall, it would not be over 50. He specializes in strategy and fighting. He thrives off of it, and actually feels quite comfortable. He is usually quite cocky and confident (Shikamaru VS Tayuya is a GREAT example of this attitude from him). It is when he is actually in danger he fears (end of the fight). Was his panicing, sweating, and worry immature? He looked death in the eye, and felt the ice in his every being. Does that make him immature?

Then sex is a big deal. That last part. Sex and honor go hand in hand.

@ sk8intree: Shikamaru could have bashed Hidan's head in with Kage Nui and saved Asuma. But he didn't think of it in time. Or ever, at that.  


Captain Verd

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:52 pm
I don't know where you got your sex education from, but out here in the real world we understand that people want to look good so others will have sex with them. People bother getting dressed up and cute every day because their boyfriend/girlfriend will still wanna tap that. That's how it works.

Christianity is less than 1% of the Japanese population. If that's not growth I don't know what it.

I belive in honor very much, and I uphold mine very strongly. But um lolz I don't think sex before marriage is a mutilation of my honor. rofl

This is kind fo switching around a bit I know, but even though a man and a woman might be embarassed to kiss or hold hands in public (see Asuma denying his date with Kurenai to Kakashi), it's perfectly normal to suggest the two people set off to the nearest Love Hotel for a good time.

Sex and honor aren't even related for most people. Where did you even get that?

As for the maturity issue, I can't say I take you seriously. Your paragraphs are so lengthy, and full of the same "IT'S ALL IN YOUR MIND" crap that doesn't even make sense. And for your information, that guy rolling on the floor was an example I made up off the top of my head. No, he wasn't having a reaction. No, he wasn't having a seizure. If a man in a suit is rolling on the floor of his office gurgling because he FEELS like it, that's immature. And it's based on what he's doing physically as well as mentally. But really, reading what you wrote about that made me cry I was laughing so hard.  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:29 pm
Captain Verd
I don't know where you got your sex education from, but out here in the real world we understand that people want to look good so others will have sex with them. People bother getting dressed up and cute every day because their boyfriend/girlfriend will still wanna tap that. That's how it works.

Christianity is less than 1% of the Japanese population. If that's not growth I don't know what it.

I belive in honor very much, and I uphold mine very strongly. But um lolz I don't think sex before marriage is a mutilation of my honor. rofl

This is kind fo switching around a bit I know, but even though a man and a woman might be embarassed to kiss or hold hands in public (see Asuma denying his date with Kurenai to Kakashi), it's perfectly normal to suggest the two people set off to the nearest Love Hotel for a good time.

Sex and honor aren't even related for most people. Where did you even get that?

As for the maturity issue, I can't say I take you seriously. Your paragraphs are so lengthy, and full of the same "IT'S ALL IN YOUR MIND" crap that doesn't even make sense. And for your information, that guy rolling on the floor was an example I made up off the top of my head. No, he wasn't having a reaction. No, he wasn't having a seizure. If a man in a suit is rolling on the floor of his office gurgling because he FEELS like it, that's immature. And it's based on what he's doing physically as well as mentally. But really, reading what you wrote about that made me cry I was laughing so hard.
That could easily be argued. I wish not to discuss it here. If you want to go into such a annoying discussion, which could take the course of several days, PM me. sweatdrop

Where'd you get that bullshit number? It is not less than 1%. lol

Your honor. Welcome to America. And it's not marriage necessarily. Commitment.

Kishimoto writes quite traditionally. I doubt he'd go, "SEX IS DIFFERENT."

Holy s**t. Read some goddamn books.

I can't say I take you seriously with such... anti-logic. You ignore the important parts if you think that's all it says. It doesn't make sense because you don't understand. Boy, you're so mature, to treat me this way. I thought we truced. Guess that has little bearing on your behavior.



Captain Verd

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:45 pm
Where'd you get that bullshit number? It is not less than 1%. lol

My encyclopedia! In actuality, the highest estimated number is only 2%. Bigger than the less-than-one, but still not big at all.

Your honor. Welcome to America. And it's not marriage necessarily. Commitment.

Sex without solid commitment isn't dishonorable.

Holy s**t. Read some goddamn books.

Holy s**t, of course I read. And yes, in a lot of books where the Christian values were still extremely strong in religious society, but in more modern books it's very obvious that sex =/= honor. Honor is something much more emotional, much more personal than sex.

I can't say I take you seriously with such... anti-logic. You ignore the important parts if you think that's all it says. It doesn't make sense because you don't understand. Boy, you're so mature, to treat me this way. I thought we truced. Guess that has little bearing on your behavior.

It's only anti-logic for someone who doesn't understand the simple use of examples. I'm honestly having a hard time understanding why you didn't understand the example. It was pretty clear.  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:56 am
That could easily be argued. I wish not to discuss it here. If you want to go into such a annoying discussion, which could take the course of several days, PM me. sweatdrop

Where'd you get that bullshit number? It is not less than 1%. lol

Your honor. Welcome to America. And it's not marriage necessarily. Commitment.

Kishimoto writes quite traditionally. I doubt he'd go, "SEX IS DIFFERENT."

Holy s**t. Read some goddamn books.

I can't say I take you seriously with such... anti-logic. You ignore the important parts if you think that's all it says. It doesn't make sense because you don't understand. Boy, you're so mature, to treat me this way. I thought we truced. Guess that has little bearing on your behavior.


Actually, that number isn't bullshit, it's pretty accurate. There are roughly one to two million Christians in Japan today, a number that translates to about 1% of the population. lol

Also, if your attempt to debate somebody's argument is to say "Holy s**t. Read some goddamn books", you lose the argument, I'm sorry. Nice try though!  



PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:05 am
Captain Verd
Where'd you get that bullshit number? It is not less than 1%. lol

My encyclopedia! In actuality, the highest estimated number is only 2%. Bigger than the less-than-one, but still not big at all.

Your honor. Welcome to America. And it's not marriage necessarily. Commitment.

Sex without solid commitment isn't dishonorable.

Holy s**t. Read some goddamn books.

Holy s**t, of course I read. And yes, in a lot of books where the Christian values were still extremely strong in religious society, but in more modern books it's very obvious that sex =/= honor. Honor is something much more emotional, much more personal than sex.

I can't say I take you seriously with such... anti-logic. You ignore the important parts if you think that's all it says. It doesn't make sense because you don't understand. Boy, you're so mature, to treat me this way. I thought we truced. Guess that has little bearing on your behavior.

It's only anti-logic for someone who doesn't understand the simple use of examples. I'm honestly having a hard time understanding why you didn't understand the example. It was pretty clear.
You know, your number is right. But I forgot that the statistic I remember was regarding those not buddhists. rofl So whatever.

Yes, it is. In any other country but here. And maybe Germany. ;xp: You may have the idiocy to look up an encyclopedia to prove a point on the internet, but I guarantee you don't have dialetic journals proving cultural values. Just ask your goddamn history teacher. I know you will.

Holy s**t, read more goddamn books. Not stupid ones. Read ones with actual value. I know it is safe to assume you are not in any high level English classes, or in any programmes, because you not only refuse, but cannot understand what I've been saying. And you'll argue it to your dying breath because you assume you know more than me in this area of study. MODERN BIBLES HAVE BEEN TAINTED, AND ARE NOT HOLY TEXTS OF GOD. xp How many times do I have to say that? It's one of the sins most remembered; don't change the bible AT ALL.

Nothing is more personal than sex. I can't believe you said that. Have you even have sex? Let me rephrase that. Have you ever been raped? s**t, it's far worse than having your goddamn "honor" taken away. In fact, honor doesn't matter to me, period. So it obviously has little bearing over sexuality in my life. rolleyes

No, you make random connections to prove a point. That is why it is anti-logic. You have your sister up your a** coaching you, you're so desperate. In fact, I've been questioning if that even happened. Do you want me to believe you're dumb enough to say, "HAY FAMILY! I'M ARGUING WITH SOME DOUCHE ON THE INTERNET COME WATCH-- MOM I NEED SOME HELP HERE." lol  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:06 am
Also, if your attempt to debate somebody's argument is to say "Holy s**t. Read some goddamn books", you lose the argument, I'm sorry. Nice try though!
That right there is a stupid notion. You probably made 50 assumptions on that one sentence. confused Stay the ******** out of something that is none of your business. rolleyes End of discussion.  



PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:11 pm
I though Asuma and Naruto were the only ones who have wind element so how is Shikamaru using the blade  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:57 pm

Yes, it is. In any other country but here. And maybe Germany. ;xp: You may have the idiocy to look up an encyclopedia to prove a point on the internet, but I guarantee you don't have dialetic journals proving cultural values. Just ask your goddamn history teacher. I know you will.

Both I am my history teacher have better things to do than chat up the sexual culture in other countries. But if you were wondering, I do know alot of people in alot of different countries who view sex the same way I do. The only real difference is my friend from Japan, who although she admits people there are stingy in public, they have no problem going to a love hotel, or watching spinning penises on the internet, etc.

Holy s**t, read more goddamn books. Not stupid ones. Read ones with actual value. I know it is safe to assume you are not in any high level English classes, or in any programmes, because you not only refuse, but cannot understand what I've been saying. And you'll argue it to your dying breath because you assume you know more than me in this area of study. MODERN BIBLES HAVE BEEN TAINTED, AND ARE NOT HOLY TEXTS OF GOD. xp How many times do I have to say that? It's one of the sins most remembered; don't change the bible AT ALL.

Rofl I wasn't talking about reading the bible. But since you mentioned it, I've read that too. The old ones and the new ones.

You seem very concerned about people making assumptions about you, yet you just made one about me not knowing my educational background. I hate to tell you this, but everyone taking their first year of english takes English I. There's no honor system, sweetie. And funny you should mention being in a high-level english class when your spelling is as weird as it is.

Nothing is more personal than sex. I can't believe you said that. Have you even have sex? Let me rephrase that. Have you ever been raped? s**t, it's far worse than having your goddamn "honor" taken away. In fact, honor doesn't matter to me, period. So it obviously has little bearing over sexuality in my life. rolleyes

Sex is personal between the two people involved. Emotions and feelings regarding one person are more personal than that. Not that (lolz) my sex life is any of your business, but I don't tell my boyfriend alot of things I feel or think, because it's none of his business. Sex is more open than honor is. Honor is something that depends solely on you and what you believe, not anyone else.

No, you make random connections to prove a point. That is why it is anti-logic. You have your sister up your a** coaching you, you're so desperate. In fact, I've been questioning if that even happened. Do you want me to believe you're dumb enough to say, "HAY FAMILY! I'M ARGUING WITH SOME DOUCHE ON THE INTERNET COME WATCH-- MOM I NEED SOME HELP HERE." lol
Lolz, my sister's a Naruto fan/internet crazy fan too, which is why I told her.  

Captain Verd

Nephite Warrior

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:47 pm
I'm too lazy to read everything posted in this topic, but how did this turn into a discussion on sex?  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:59 pm
Nephite Warrior
I'm too lazy to read everything posted in this topic, but how did this turn into a discussion on sex?
Someone said sex = maturity.  

Captain Verd


PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:44 pm
Captain Verd
Nephite Warrior
I'm too lazy to read everything posted in this topic, but how did this turn into a discussion on sex?
Someone said sex = maturity.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:35 pm
I though Asuma and Naruto were the only ones who have wind element so how is Shikamaru using the blade
No one knows who has what elements. No one said they were the only ones. sweatdrop But wind is a rare element. I find it kind of lame that Shikamaru is wind (how else could he use it).  


Nephite Warrior

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:55 pm
I though Asuma and Naruto were the only ones who have wind element so how is Shikamaru using the blade
No one knows who has what elements. No one said they were the only ones. sweatdrop But wind is a rare element. I find it kind of lame that Shikamaru is wind (how else could he use it).

actually, Naruto asked Kakashi if there was anybody else in the village who had Wind element and Kakashi said there was one other person, and it ended up being Asuma  
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