Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:19 pm
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:21 pm
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:24 pm
Selene/Rahu short RPInfinitiesOfSoules Selene: ... *is slowly going insane* InfinitiesOfSoules Selene: ... I just can't... can't TAKE it anymore! scream I feel like I'm being SMOOSHED! Babies here, Oh, gotta be a good mommy there. Gotta be nice to everyone, and sweet to everyone, when I just don't GIVE a DAMN! *stamps her hoof* I want to know what happened to the good old days when I could eat a butterfly and not have other Soquili look at me like I sprouted a second head! scream Maybe I do want to smash that chipmunk's head in! Maybe I don't want to hang out with my herd, and maybe... *snorts and snarls* ... Daddy, I'm scared. I'm going absolutely nutters, and I thought the babies could make it better... they are making it worse, because they are so tiny now, and can't move, and they can't... defend themselves! gonk samus x Rahu: @_______@ ummm.... i dont even know how to react to this. just calm and do your best in the stuation your in and umm im here if you need me. InfinitiesOfSoules Selene: ;-; I'm not -happy- father. *suddenly furious* You're here to help me?! You can't fix my mistakes! You can't turn back time, you can't tell me who my BIRTH family is. You can't tell them why they abandoned me, here. You can't tell me why I was left abandoned in a BASKET. *lashes her tail* You're USELESS! *stomps her hoof dangerously* samus x Rahu: >_> yeah i cant do that but i can help you with your foals that you should be there for wether your owe parents made a bad mistake. even though geting pregnate may have been a mistake you can make sure the foals have a good family -snorts and walks off- InfinitiesOfSoules Selene: *snarls and paces, angry and wanting a fight* samus x Rahu:-_- find me later when your less pissy -really stalks off- InfinitiesOfSoules Selene: *snarls at Rahu* I don't think I will, stallion! *spits the word as if it is a curse* *is furious, and frustrated, and has no clue why. The babies are born, the hormones are gone. Then why did she feel so... trapped?!?!?!*
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:32 pm
RP FOR REEFIE! heart Quiddie! Stupid, rude mare...I don't know why everybody's complementing you. You still look like the same Nalani to me. stare Reefie: You ought to be nicer to mares, child. You'll be a stallion soon enough... 3nodding xd Lovely Wolf Guardian Nalani: *swats the colt with her tail* Talk about rude, how dare you call me stupid? Hmph, if I was your mother I'd teach you a thing or two about being kind to mares. You should listen to your stallion friend. *looks at the stallion* Thanks for your help. *smiles* I don't think we've met. My name is Nalani. Yours? Quiddie! *grins and bows his head slightly* My name is Rainbow Reef. Apologies for Faust. He's late for his nap, I think. Anyway, not much can be expected when his surrogate father is a Kalona. *shrugs*
I remember seeing you play with Faust when you were younger, but it's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Nalani. I'm somewhat of a friend to your 'mother', Jeevita. Lovely Wolf Guardian *chuckles* Well hello Rainbow Reef, it's a pleasure meeting you. Is it ok if I call you Reef? *smiles* You're one of my mother's friends? She never mentioned you, I guess she just forgot. *smiles innocently*
*looks over to the colt* His father's a Kalona? Heh, no wonder he's such a rude little brat. *rolls her eyes* Quiddie! I said somewhat of a friend, Nalani. Perhaps "acquaintance" would be a more appropriate description. She's nice to me, and I don't know that many soquili yet. *sighs*
Well, Faust's parentage is a slightly tricky relationship. But I know his surrogate parents, and they're more-or-less good soquili. Sometimes it's hard to say that about Calamity though, to be honest. But then again, he's not tried to kill Faust, so I'm guessing that's a good sign.
*spots Jeevita* Speak of the devil! Hello again, Miss J! *looks at Rahu condescendingly after hearing about the mares* My father says he loves only himself, and that no proper mare is worthy of him. I'm going to be like that my whole life. [ Lady Kiya ] Jeevita: *Nuzzles back* I see you've met Reef. How do you do, Reef? *Smiling back at Nalani*Lovely Wolf Guardian Nalani: *smiles* Yes, he was telling me a bit about that annoying colt over there. *glares at Faust and turns to face Jeevita* Mother, do I look old? Well I guess I can't say anything about that, since I've never met his parent's before. I just hope he changes as he gets older. It'll be a shame if he grows into a handsome stallion and no mare will even look at him because of his personality. Quiddie! *snarls and shouts towards the two mares* YES! *breaking into childish laughter* I'm doing well, Jeevita. And how're you? mrgreen .Tortured. .Pumpkin. Hok'ee: *can't help but chuckle at Faust* Interesting... [ Lady Kiya ] Jeevita: *Gives a giggle* Nalani, you look beautiful, not old. Lovely Wolf Guardian Nalani: *glares at Faust once more* He sure is quite annoying...and his laughter is even worse. *smiles innocently at Jeevita* Thank you, mother. [ Lady Kiya ] Jeevita: You know, your just bosting his ego by letting him get to you. *chuckles*Quiddie! *smirks and nods* She's right...you ARE! *laughs some more* *snorts with laughter at Faust, but quickly bites his lips nad looks away, regaining his composure in case either Jeevita or Nalani look at him* Lovely Wolf Guardian Nalani: *sighs* He's lucky I'm older now or else I would've poked him hard with my horn. *glances at Reef and frowns* Don't tell me you find it funny. [ Lady Kiya ] Jeevita: Isn't he just so adorable. *Smiles at Faust* Quiddie! *smiles widely and puffs up his chest, nodding* What? Me...laughing? No. Never. *is still trying not to chuckle* eek rofl Lovely Wolf Guardian Nalani: *frowns even more* I see.... *turns and walks off into the forest towards the beach* Campien Tally:*slowly walks on the side of the beach her hooves tralling threw the water,the water splashing on her* [ Lady Kiya ] Jeevita: *Watches Nalani and looks at Reef* You better appologize, or she may stay mad at you. 3nodding Quiddie! *doesn't apologize or say anything, but follows her quietly* *to Jeevita* Was it something I said? eek [ Lady Kiya ] Jeevita: It was the actions behind the lie you said. Lies can only cause another one pain * Jeevita smiles and turns and trots to a near by tree*Lovely Wolf Guardian Nalani: *smiles shyly at the stranger* I'm ok...I guess. Just unhappy about some things. That's all... Quiddie! *slowly approaches and speaks quietly, without the michevious tinge to his voice* You look like a grown-up, but you still kinda act like a filly. *twitches his nose blythely* *hangs back to allow faust his moment first* What...this place smells a bit like home...
*wanders over to the water and licks it, lighting up happily* OCEAN! JUST LIKE HOME! Lovely Wolf Guardian Nalani: *looks back at Faust* What's wrong about acting like a filly? Campien Tally:..*smiles sweetly* yes I do don't I.hm*giggles* and Hello,what are your names*swishes her tail*..you look like a cute and nice Foal Quiddie! *looks at Tally and swishes his tail, nodding* I'm Faust!
*looking back at Nalani and getting a little more serious* Well, you're not supposed to, are you? you're an adult now. you can have foals of your own! You shouldn't act like one. *tilts his head curiously at her* *dives in, swimming and splashing about like being in water was natural (which it since, since he's based off a seal)
Sweet delicious ocean of LIFE! I've MISSED YOU! 8D Quiddie! *looks at Tally and swishes his tail, nodding* I'm Faust!
*looking back at Nalani and getting a little more serious* Well, you're not supposed to, are you? you're an adult now. you can have foals of your own! You shouldn't act like one. *tilts his head curiously at her* *dives in, swimming and splashing about like being in water was natural (which it since, since he's based off a seal)
Sweet delicious ocean of LIFE! I've MISSED YOU! 8D Campien Tally:..cooties haha..*laughs* it reminds me of someone*gets up and shakes the sand off* hm..*slowly steps into the water and walksa round in it for a while*..not bad..*is scare of the water*.....hm*leaps out and shakes it off fast* Quiddie! *pops his head above water and looks watches Tally* Where are you GOING? The water's GREAT! 8D
*splashes and swims around some more* Campien Tally:..ehehe sweatdrop ..*paws at the water slowly*..it looks safe..*paws at it more and gets the flash back*..oh uh..*falls back on her rump looking at reef in the water*..hm.. Quiddie! What? Stop poking it like the water's going to bite you! COME ON! *swims towards her with a floating log to help her swim* Will this help? Campien Tally:..um..*pokes the log with a hoof*..but its not stable...*stands there*..hm are you sure Quiddie! You don't have to use it, but it'll help if you can't swim. *smirks* You CAN swim, can't you? Campien Tally:..ya i can swim,I just had something bad happen to me to do with water so i am...scared of it now..*sighs*..hm*blinks and sees Chemi*....if Chemi is here that means..OwO....no...he can't be..can he..OwO..i don't know
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:34 pm
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:35 pm
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:35 pm
TWizTed_SoUl [Chenguang] *hiding behind his daddy, peering out at the thread*[Forrest] *blinks and lowers his head to stare at his son through his legs* InfinitiesOfSoules Selene: .... sin is beautiful? *noses her daughter, almost awed*Yue: *blinks around* *snorts boldly and starts exploring her new world* TWizTed_SoUl [Chenguang] *sniffs at his mother before huddling back under his daddy*[Forrest] *glances at Selene* We have babies... *a bit dazed* InfinitiesOfSoules Selene: ..... >>; It doesn't mean I actually -like- you. *sniffs and nuzzles at her son, an attentive eye on her daughter* Hello my lovely Chenguang.Yue: Chen! Chen! *spins* Come on, don't be such a... wuss! TWizTed_SoUl [Forrest] *snorts* So? We still have babies. *Watches Yue*[Chenguang] *nuzzles his mother back* Hello Mom... *peeks at his sister from around his father's leg* Don't want to go out. InfinitiesOfSoules Selene: *nuzzles her son* Hello lovely. *melts* He looks like this perfect mix of us... *ruffles Chenguang's mane*Yue: Cheeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnn.... come on! Don't worry brother, I'll keep you safe.... TWizTed_SoUl [Chenguang] *looks around cautiously, taking a few steps away from Forrest* ... *darts under his mothers belly* I don't like out there.[Forrest] He is *smiles softly and reaches out to nudge Yue* She is too... she's got my wings and my mane. InfinitiesOfSoules Yue: *hurries over to her brother, nosing at him* I'll keep you safe, promise! Okay? Okay? So please?Selene: *smiles and noses at her son* You are silly love. It's a big world. You'll enjoy it, if you explore it. TWizTed_SoUl [Chenguang] It's too big... *noses his sister back*[Forrest] *watches the three, having moved a few feet away from them* InfinitiesOfSoules Yue: *looks upset* Selene: Oh shhh. *noses at Yue, already sensing Yue is going to be single-minded* How about we all go out and explore, hmm? That way Chenguang can learn his surroundings, and Yue can explore. Would you like to come, Forrest?
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:36 pm
Quiddie! Cal: *sniffs the filly* Took you long enough to show up, little girl. InfinitiesOfSoules Yue: *snorts* Who are you, old man? *looks slightly defensive, yet haughty. She glances around for her father and her sis- brother, but doesn't call out* You're weird. Have I met you before? Quiddie! Cal: More or less, Yue. You're practically family. And it doesn't suit foals to be disrespectful to their elders...especially family. Where is your mother? InfinitiesOfSoules Yue: *snorts and eyes Calamity* You have sharp teeth, and strange wings... You're simply -not- family. *tosses her head. At this age, what she didn't understand didn't yet concern her, it was dismissed* And my mother is over there. Would you like to speak with her?Selene: Calamity! *trots closer, nuzzling at her little girl. Her head dips slightly in greeting to the stallion, and she touches noses with her daughter* Quiddie! Congratulations, child. She's got your personality. Let's hope she grows out if it. *grins and bows in return* InfinitiesOfSoules *watches her daughter wander off* I don't know... I miss the way I looked at things as a child. I wonder how I would have turned out, had I not been... respected... as a chid. If I'd have had to tough it out. I wonder how her personality will evolve. I hope she doesn't turn out like me. That would be punishment from the gods. But I adore her. I don't regret what I did, though I know you and Rahu were disappointed. Quiddie! Regret is an emotion weak creatures feel when they are to scared or helpless to affect the present and the future. I hope what little mentoring I gave you would have taught you better than that, Selene. Regret nothing, and do what you can.
And believe me when I say "disappointed" is not an appropriate term for what I feel about this turn of events. InfinitiesOfSoules *snorts* I'm a new mother. I reserve the right to be highly emotional. Especially when my oldest son is being so troublesome. I'm wondering if he's... *breaks off and calls out to Yue as she gets too close to the water* Come back here, young lady!
*smiles at Calamity* She's a pretty little girl. Perhaps a bit oddly coloured, but then again, look at who I chose as a father. *grins, pleased* Chen is lovely as well, Calamity. You simply must meet him. He has my wings. Quiddie! As for Faust, it seems that despite his coming of age, he remains very much a juvenile stallion. He'll come around. Perhaps it's just a flaw in lesser soquili to be so blindly jealous. InfinitiesOfSoules *snorts* I say your feeding him meat as a child made him.... dull in the head or something. I love him to death, but he's driving me crazy. He's bringing home half-eaten rabbits! Quiddie! I may have to agree with you, Selene. But I was quite certain Faust was a kalona. He liked the meat... Faust: You know, it's rude to talk about people when they're not aroudn't to defend themselves. *glares at both*
Father...Selene. *snorts* stare InfinitiesOfSoules Selene: *sighs* I know he did. Such a strange lad. *hears Faust's voice and closes her eyes* Hello son. *opens her eyes to the stallion* Quiddie! *scowls at the little technicolor brats running around* They certainly seem to be keeping your hands full...you look run ragged. *snaps and lashes him sharply with the spade of his tail* Watch your tongue, colt. You will show you mother respect in my presence. I will allow nothing less. *grudgingly, while trying to act as the the blow didn't hurt* Forgive me, mother. I forget myself.
*grits though his teeth* InfinitiesOfSoules Selene: *smiles* Yue is very adventurous already. I'll have to keep a close eye on her. She shows no fear, and unfortunately, doesn't have the teeth to back up all the words I fear she may spit. As for Chen, he seems to prefer his father's company. He is a shy boy. I hope he will spend plenty of time with his sister, however.
*watches Calamity smack Faust with little more than a wince, trying to remain impassive.* Of course, son. *noses at him, eyes still slightly sad, knowing the apology isn't sincere* There are other ways to make him proud than just cruelty. You aren't a kalona, even if you try to be one. *nudges him* Quiddie! *fumes and pulls away shaking his head at his mother* What do you know?
*backs away and looks at both Cal and Selene* At least with Father, I have a chance...
*gallops away* *looks alarmed momentarily, but gains his composure quickly* That was...strange. He gets that from you.
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:37 pm
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:39 pm
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:40 pm
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:41 pm
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:42 pm
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:43 pm
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:44 pm