Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:27 am
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 10:53 am
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:50 pm
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:53 pm
Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:16 pm
Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:25 am
Somnium meets Plague It was late afternoon. Or rather, Somnium knew intellectually that it was only late afternoon, for this time of day was when people began to stir once more in the desert. Here in the forest, it was already twilight. The young stallion swallowed and told himself he had nothing to fear. This forest was far from the one where he had once (foolishly) sought out his mother.
However, his instincts didn't much care for being closed off from the sky by so many branches either. Even injured as he was, Somnium was capable of some flight, and he didn't like the idea of his wings getting caught on the bare branches above, should he have to fly for it. And as he still wasn't up to full strength, he might have to fly for it, since he couldn't afford to stand and fight and get another severe injury.
All of this went through his mind as he carefully made his way through the underbrush. He went deliberately and quietly, trying to be hunter rather than hunted. It really didn't help that he had spent most of his life in the desert. He was out of his depth in this woodland, helpless as a foal in several ways and blind to many possible perils. _
He rose as the sun set, as he had for so many nights before. The nights lasted longer than the day, during the cold winter season, and Plague found himself far more entertained with the nightlife of the forest as opposed to the annoying inhabitants during the daylight hours. He yawned, exposing sharp, jagged teeth. His gums had once again returned to their soreness. For so long, they had ceased their torment, but as the days grew duller and it had returned to being just Diabetia and himself, his mouth had also returned to its decaying. The sores on his sides throbbed, but those were easily ignorable in his mind. But not his mouth, no... he was going to need to hunt again, to appease their ache.
Extending out his long wings in a stretch, a few feathers floated towards the ground in a rebellious moult. He shook his head to throw back the long strands of hair in his face, the back and sides of his mane matted and tangled together, unkept.
Hollow black eyes gazed out and studied his surroundings as he began to drag his feet through the forest, searching for his first meal of the evening. Perhaps, if he were lucky, the remaining family members of the young fawn he'd had the day before would still be lurking about. Only time would tell, and he had the whole evening to explore. _
It was quite dark now, night time for certain, and Somnium was getting nervous. This was much like the night he'd met his mother for the first time and much as he hated to admit the emotion, even to himself, he was afraid.
But he wasn't going to let that stop him, not at all! He was still a Kalona, regardless of the rest of his family, and he would behave as such! That meant that it was definitely time to start hunting in earnest, since he hadn't eaten in hours.
Unfortunately, his inexperience in the forest was working against the young stallion once more. He had a hard time distinguishing his prey from the shadows they hid in. And those creatures pale enough to be seen against the darkness blended in with the snow on the ground.
It didn't take long for Somnium to become completely absorbed and frustrated with the task of finding a meal. He was almost totally unaware of the rest of the forest around him. _
Plague stilled, hearing movement rustle on one side of him. Dark eyes roamed, searching for the rustle's owner. It was far too large of a noise to be anything small, so perhaps indeed, his meal had found him instead of him having to search for it.
The scent he picked up, however, was not of any familiar woodland creature he was accustomed to hunting. No, this was a foreign creature, with quite a remarkably odd fragrance about him. He would investigate further, before determining whether it was suitable enough to devour (not that he was picky, of course, flesh was flesh).
His own location was given away, unfortunately, as his small vermin minions began to gather about at his feet, sensing their large master had risen from his slumber. They failed to see the point of remaining quiet, and began their scurrying about in the vicinity, alarming any and all creatures within close proximity of Plague's arrival.
He leaned down to snatch one within his jaws, the other rats paying no mind to his actions. It wasn't unusual, and they knew that remaining with him would eventually lead to a feast for themselves, so there was no reason to depart from the large mutant.
The blood began to swell within his mouth, cooling the burning ache of his gums. He chewed the rat's filthly flesh between his jagged teeth, the squishy meat catching itself between each one. Swallowing, he turned his attention back towards the former rustle. Whatever it was, it was still out there, so Plague simply remained as he was, awaiting the creature's next move. _
Somnium was having quite a difficult time finding anything at all. It was something of a relief when the rustling sounds finally penetrated. Food, and lots of it, nearby! He was nearly drooling at the very idea of it by now, and the possible dangers faded to a dull warning in the back of his mind.
The young Kalona burst through the underbrush and came face to face with...another stallion. One the likes of which he had never seen before. But for the bloodstains on his hide, the stranger faded into the darkness that surrounded them both, his countenance, tangled hair and molting feathers lit irregularly by the flames on Somnium's hooves. "Whoah!" the young stallion said in startlement, backing up from being almost nose-to-nose with the stranger. He hadn't expected to find anything, or anyone like this. In fact, he was too surprised to think of anything to say.
Nervously, he looked down. "Oh!" The scurrying rodents were a bit of a surprise, especially the way they swarmed around the hooves of the other Soquili. It was a bit unsettling, to say the least.
Somnium had thought that he was clever enough to find the words to deal with any situation, but he found himself quite speechless with surprise. Never before had he seen a Soquili with feathered wings, rather than the membrane that made up his own. The vermin were a bit strange as well. _
The other soquili burst from the brush, and Plague's brows drew up in curiousity at the sight of the large being approaching him. His feet were ablaze, lighting the area, though they seemed to not have any painful effect on the younger creature.
He also lacked the scent of burning skin, Plague's nose noted, as the creature drew dangerously near to him. Should he make any sudden move, he'd surely lose more than his sense of direction by the mutant's powerful jaws.
The rats were going frantic, with the fire nearing them. Some of the less intelligent ones did not realize fire was something to be feared, and remained close by, as the others made haste to remain closer to Plague's back legs.
Plague himself snorted as he overheard the stallion take in a breath with a startled 'Oh'. Kalona, of course, never were the brightest in his mind, but he'd have suspected at least a more thought out response from one of nature's most notorious hunters. Though this one was rather seemingly young for his age.
"I'd take a step back, if I were you," he growled from between his teeth, the bloody remains of the rat he'd devoured dribbling down his open jaw, "Unless you prefer to lose that muzzle of yours." _
Somnium was so fascinated by the older Soquili that the stranger's words didn't register immediately. "Uh," was the most verbose response he could come up with as he flushed and took the advice. He really didn't need any more scars as it was.
Now at a safer distance, Somnium realized that the other male might be able to aid him in this foreign territory. But he knew that it really looked bad when a Kalona asked for something. However...the stranger didn't seem very intimidated - or even very impressed - with him. Which made his job a bit harder.
"Uh...who're you?" Somnium asked at last, unable to think of anything better to say. Maybe if he could just make conversation and direct it...he could find his way around this forest? Or, even better, directions to a Kalona! It was worth a try, right? He hoped so. _
"I'll be the last one that sees you alive, if you don't wise up, foal."
He leaned over to glance at the backend of the opposing stallion, making sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him and there were indeed kalona wings attached to the stallion's back, for surely this male did not act as a typical member of his kind. But, if anyone could vouch that looks could be decieving, it would be Plague. After all, Diabetia was a perfect example. Her appearance fell nothing but short of intimidating, but her attitude and power proved otherwise. This stallion, although fierce in his appearance, seemed to have quite the long way to go in the personality department.
He drew his wings back, ignoring their brush against the nearby branches, as he stared down the younger male. Something was off about this creature, but if this whole act was a charade, Plague refused to find himself the victim. "I am Plague, and it would do you well to remember that, for my line stretches out across the land as far as those bat wings can fly you, kalona." _
Somnium snarled at the stranger. He had stopped thinking of himself as a foal long before he'd grown, and that had been many months ago. Surprised he might be, and out of his element, but he was still a Kalona and he wasn't that easily intimidated!
The younger stallion seethed visibly as the stranger looked him over thoroughly. He was sick and tired of people thinking less of him. He'd show them, he'd show them all!
"Yeah, well I'm Somnium and I'm not afraid of you!" This was probably not the most intelligent thing to say, but it was the first thing into the young stallion's head. And even if he was afraid, a little, he wasn't going to just roll over and die!
The more he thought this way, the more Somnium felt like himself again, for the first time since his wing had been injured. He began to realize just how much of a toll that had taken on him, but now was hardly the time to doubt himself. _
His eyebrow rose once more, for it was surely getting quite the exercise this evening as Plague continued to stand in the presence of the younger male.
"Then you're a fool, Somnium, because fear would keep you alive, while foolishness will get you killed. Or worse, humiliated and then killed."
He had half a mind to strike out at the younger being just to prove his point, but remained at ease. Although he knew he could win a fight, he preferred to leave the scene with only the sores he walked into it with, without any additional scarring.
"Even the strongest of Kalona would not be foolish enough to attack a being he was not sure he could defeat. My youngest of nine could take you on with ease, and she isn't even male."
He snorted, pawing at the ground out of boredom. "So do yourself a favor, fearless foolish Somnium, and return to where you came from. I'm sure you'll be of more use to your own kind than you are bothering the likes of me." _
The young Kalona growled at Plague. He understood the older stallion's point, but he hated to be cowed by a total stranger. So he turned to a tool he'd learned well from his father - boasting.
"I save fear for that which it is foolish to not fear, and you are not it," he told the other Soquili. His voice was somewhat proud, but also a bit scared as it brought back memories that were not best forgotten, but still not good for everyday life.
He was right though. Somnium wasn't sure he could truly defeat Plague, if it came to that. But perhaps his wits hadn't totally deserted him after all.
"There are those who say you learn more from defeat than from victory. And so long as I am alive, so I learn so much more," he stated firmly. He didn't doubt the truth of the statement about Plague's youngest, whomever she might be. If she was anything like his own mother...oh, perish the thought.
He snorted at the proffered suggestion though. "A favor? To return to that pathetic 'family' of flutters and groundbounders? Not on your life. I left to learn what it is to truly be a Kalona, and I'm never going back."
The young stallion failed to realize that his statement might be as true as the sky, for he still entertained the fantasies of all young things, that he might return home one day to prove what he had become to them. At some level in his mind, that was still home, and those were his family that he desperately wanted to respect him and treat him as he thought a Kalona should be treated. _
He still refused to admit his fear? This wouldn't do at all.
It was now Plague's turn to snarl, one lip curling up in anger. It didn't take but a moment for his head to lash out and snap at the stallion. Regardless of whether he made contact or not, he'd show that young fool that his pride would be his downfall.
"You choose your words unwisely, foal." He bellowed, taking a step closer towards the kalona, his nostrils flaring as his anger rose, "And should you begin a brawl with me, as it is clear you are attempting to, you will not survive to learn from your sorry defeat." He knew what it was to lose a fight by overestimating oneself. Had he not been more cautious of his surroundings as he'd approached Desdemona, the end results would have been ultimately different. The scars across his wings were proof of that, as it were, and it seemed this witless stallion knew no better than he had, that fateful evening seasons ago.
"You have stumbled across the wrong mutant tonight, child, and should you keep up this ridiculous attitude, not even flutters, much less my rats, will find fear in you!"
Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:48 am
Some months back...
Paul Revere sighed. It really wasn't right, how Zahara had saddled him with being a father to Blossom. Yes, she was a charming little thing, and about as easy to spot amongst all the greenery as he was, but there was no denying the fact that he and the flutter had found the basket - it was no child of either of theirs. And then Zahara had insisted that he drag it home - no work for her! - so that they could raise it together.
He'd decided long ago that Zahara was crazy.
And yet...Blossom really was adorable. The way she explored every single thing around her without a care for her own safety or the convenience of everything around her, the way she stuck her yellow nose into places her pink body couldn't fit...
The orange stallion had recognized the symptoms he was displaying the first time she looked up at him and called him "Daddy." He loved the little thing. And it really was all Zahara's fault.
The pink foal was oblivious to the thoughts and emotions of the big orange stallion trailing behind her as she saw a bright burst of color on the forest floor. Trotting unsteadily the filly came right up to the bunch of flowers. They were red and orange and yellow and pretty! She shoved her long nose in to breathe in their scent. Sooooo pretty!
Then, quick as a hummingbird her head darted up and she looked behind. "Come on Daddy, look at the pretty flowers!" she called.
The stallion sighed indulgently. Blossom was so very like her mother - no, like Zahara! - at times. He came up to where she stood slowly, at the same easy walk that he'd held to all day. When he reached the spot, towering over the pink foal, he looked down at the flowers.
"They're quite bright," he commented. They also looked a bit flattened, as if a certain foal hadn't been overly careful as she investigated them.
Blossom giggled. "Of course they're bright, silly Daddy! Just like you!" She loved how bright her parents were. Daddy was so orange she couldn't imagine anything being more orange than he was. And Mommy was red and yellowish and not as bright as Daddy but still very bright.
And Blossom herself was so pink that there was nothing pinker, or so Daddy told her. Lots.
Looking up at her Daddy, the pink foal saw something bright blue behind him. It was so small, but so pretty! With that, she was off again, chasing the butterfly.
Paul Revere smiled at his adopted daughter. She did have a habit of remarking on how brightly colored the three of them were. He opened his mouth to say something to that effect when the filly up and ran behind him. Turning in confusion, the stallion looked around to see what might have spooked her when he heard Blossom's distinctive giggle. A lucky sunbeam illuminated the blue butterfly and he sighed.
It was going to be a very long day, but he wouldn't miss it for the world.
Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:14 pm
Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:57 pm
Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:34 pm
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:44 pm
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:09 pm
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:31 pm
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:45 pm
Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:02 pm