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Shut up Furry, that's not funny!
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A what now?
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Total Votes : 19

Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:27 pm
"Ugh! Now I remember why I liked Vai's hermit status... answering all these questions..."
I could answer them If you don't want to, Vai offered, smirking mentally,
"NO... no.. that's quite alright, I've got it covered" Sephiroth corrected with some haste, "And it was THREE!! ...Three you pink pansy loving..."
SEPH! if my kids can hear us... so help me
alright! Yeesh,... keep your metaphoric boxers on...
Did you already forget that they wouldn't fit under this outfit?
Vaizel was suddenly glad he wasn't in control at the moment, for he was certain his face would have been crimson.
With a sigh Sephiroth turned back to Tifa and Cloud, at least they weren't attacking him anymore.
"Alright, YES JENOVA is in Aeris's DECAYED body... Aeris' Corpse... YES I can talk to Aeris, she says you're an idiot." He smirked, before wincing slightly, and cocking his head to one side. "You did so TO call him an idiot!" Sephiroth snorted. "You guys were mostly busy during the whole 'Father' incident from what I understand, but to make a really long story extrordinarily short, Vai absorbed me along with a buncha Mako. I got stuck... He really does have a REMARKABLE resistance. The only reason I'm speaking right now is because he lets me." Heaving a sigh, he folded his arms across his chest, gazing off into the distance, a gesture one might easily recognize from the great General. "Listen,... the other stuff was a prank, I couldn't resist! Cloud is such a whiney pansy... and no I didn't actually make you drink Lake-water you paranoid wuss." Sephiroth snorted producing the water-bottle from his hidden satchel. "Lastly, since we're all here, JENOVA is running around trying to form another reunion, and quite frankly I'm getting really tired of this crap."

"Whoa whoa!" Freyr protested in an exageratedly shocked voice, "I don't go around askin' what you and Vai are doing all the time do I?" After the breifest of pauses, during which the Felitaur realized that he actually DID inquire after just those such things whenever he thought he could get away with it... and many times when he obviously couldn't, he opted to jump to the newer subject, "Oooooohh... JENOVA? really?? I've heard SO much about her! So you mean she's not dead? COOL!" pausing for a moment to turn away from the receiver to glance at his wife, Freyr grinned broadly, "Hey! Dawn says JENOVA's not dead! I finally get to meet her!" He listened excitedly to the rest of Dawn's message, "OH! OH! I know a great place to drop off all the kiddle-iddles! Take them to Alina's laboratory! She's got some of the best security a felis-centaur can get!" He crowed triumphantly, "And she really does love to dote on the little ones!" He chuckled then, thinking of the surprise it would be to everyone, only a scant few knew about Ruo's transformation, and only Alina knew of the children, it would be QUITE the 'reunion'. "Heya, Dawn... Is Vaiszelphiroth coming?" He asked with a barely contained snicker. This was going to be SO much fun!  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 4:13 pm
Thalon continued following Korei wincing with every step but still managing to keep a semi-good pace for one carrying a body on his back and feeling like his body was on fire.
"Er, well I don't believe they won't think of us I don't know about you but I'm partially Sephiroth who kinda tried to take over the world and I'm carrying Mother who is in the body of the savior of the world, that's not the kind of thing simple arguments can distract you from" he spoke mostly to avoid the pain.
"I'm also against making people suffer for several reasons. The most important one is that making people suffer instead of killing them tends to leave them alive longer so they have more of a chance of getting back at you... and I dislike pain quite a bit it makes me... er hurt"  

Cecil Helden


PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:47 am
"Wait, so.. you're on OUR side now?" Tifa asked quite bewildered and things finally started to begin to make sense.

Two. Aeris muttered. I never called Cloud an idiot! The Cetra defended.

"A prank...." Cloud muttered, a look of anger rising. "All of that was a prank... I didn't even know you HAD a sense of humor!" Cloud was still glaring as if said incident was more than harmless.

"So what has Aeris said?" Tifa interrupted, not wanting Cloud to pick a fight he couldn't win and wanting clearer reasoning.

"You do so too." Dawn giggled. "You've implied several questionable things about us. And Jenova is not someone worthy of meeting. She isn't just a misguided human, she is an alien monster whose only desire is to destroy all life on earth, just to gain more power for herself until she is the only thing left in the universe, she is ruthless, and will utilize whatever means necessary to delude people into following her. I have no doubt that She is what drove Hojo to such extreme measures, even if he was insane to begin with." Her tone was amazingy bitter and cold, one that was not very commonly heard from the young mother, and the chill of her voice was even perhaps a little frightening. "Vai'll probably be there, he's talking with Cloud and Tifa, hopefully they'll meet up with us there. We were planning to dump the kids all at Alina's, leastwise I KNOW Shinrei was." She chuckled, her prior message like a different iincidence entirely.

"Quite wise my young son, as we know, it was Sephiroth's undoing in dallying with pride and not providing our enemies with a swift death. We must not make the same mistakes, for we will have no more second chances. This will be end. They will die, or We shall." Jenova looked forgivingly at Korei. "But you are right, they do not seem as bright as we, but we must not let our guard down, for not all of them can be so easily mislead. There are a few... even more brilliant than Sephiroth was..."  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:02 am
Sephiroth gazed at Tifa, pausing to smile, "Technically... I'm on my own side, but since that 'side' includes getting rid of the wanna-be matron corpse,... You could say I'm on your side too." He snickered to himself, "Or as the sayings go, the Enemy of my enemy is my freind. But lets not delve too deeply into philosophy or poor Cloud's brain might explode." He laughed softly for several moments, his mirth only halted when he finally paid note to Aeris' comments, Twisting to glance over his shoulder again he snorted rudely, "It was THREE, and I'm paraphrasing... you've called Cloud alot of names over the years... of course... Zack used to call him even MORE." He turned back to Tifa and Cloud, grinning at the blonde's indignation, "Zack must have been rubbing off on me... I'm sure he'd have been laughing his spikey head off right now if he hadn't reincarnated." Sephiroth shrugged, not in the least concerned with Cloud's emotional state. "What has Aeris said?" Sephiroth repeated, raising an eyebrow and smiling in a manner that meant no-good. "She said Cloud Sucks! I mean, it's all his fault everything went down-hill, he couldn't get into SOLDIER, he couldn't keep his promises, he couldn't even keep his own identity, he's always late, he can't tame his own HAIR, He can't even stabb someone properly with that over-sized sword of his, he's failed to keep me dead three times, oh... and best yet... because I was projecting myself and my powers THROUGH Cloud before I got the Black Materia, if he had listened to Cetra-girl and NOT followed her she wouldn't have died! Holy would have been summoned quicker, Midgar wouldn't have been so destroyed and not nearly as many people would have been killed, and so Cloud SUCKS! and he's..." Sephiroth broke off suddenly wrapping his hands around his ears and cringing as though in pain, "OW OW OWWW!! ALRIGHT!! ALRIGHT!! SHUT UP!!" He shouted over his shoulder, Grumbling to himself, glaring around almost sullenly, he sighed, "Aeris wishes to convey that she DOESN'T beleive it was your fault for her death and that she forgives you blah... blah... blah, all my influence stuff ect.... You're doing fine and much better and healing and moving on and all that good stuff, and... oh, and Marry Tifa. ... And Cloud sucks."

Tifa simply stared, for several moments as she tried to comprehend everything Vaizel-Sephiroth had just said. "Marry?.... well THAT sounds like Aeris..." She murmured to herself.

((the dark-red was Ruo before... tis getting a little confusing... ))
"Do so not!" Freyr protested childishly, a hint of a smile still lingering in his voice, "I keep hearing stuff about JENOVA, you can't blame a Felis-centaur for being curious!" He chuckled, not put-out in the least by Dawn's serious tone. "OOOOHH!!!" He suddenly gasped, "Vai is with Cloud and Tifa? How FUN! I wish I coulda been there! They didn't know about him yet huh? I hope Cloud doesn't do anything drastic, Sephy is such a funny kid to hang around!" He laughed, "Alright, Ruo and I will meet you guys at Alinas and all the kiddle-iddles can meet one another and play, and it'll be FUN!" He chirrupped excitedly, almost hanging up before remembering to add, "Do you still need to talk to Ruo?"  

Ermak Lorde


PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:47 pm
Fine Two and a half. Aeris grumbled reluctantly. She tolerantly allowed his conversation until the point he started to really attack Cloud. There really was no describing the ferocity with which she reacted. Her screaming was at an almost intelligble level, yet the painful number of decibles got the point across much more significantly. When the Ex-General relented she sighed very softly and straightend up. After the last comment, Aeris gave him the equivalent of a whap to the head, as best as an unbodied ancient could.

(Gah, but what about two pinks? Two pinks are even harder to tell apart! (and Tifa is BROWN... Ruo is now her 'normal' color))

Cloud looked positively devastated as Sephiroth quickly picked open every secret doubt inside of the swordsman as ruthlessly as if the silverhaired warrior had cut an him open. Even Aeris' apology didn't quite sink in past the hurt. "Is... it really true that she died because of me."

THAT DOESN'T MATTER YOU... YOU IDIOT! Aeris found herself shouting at Cloud, who was of course, deaf to her cries.

Meanwhile Tifa gave Sephiroth a glare clearly reading 'This is ALL YOUR fault.

Ha ha, you did call him an idiot now! Dawn couldn't resist having picked up on enough of the conversation to pounce upon that detail. Aloud to Freyr she continued. "Well, I seem to remember when Vai first absorbed Sephi some pretty questionable statements involving the three of us, you and the twins." She pointed out. "As for Ruo... Eh, I don't really need to talk to her, but could you relay the message that I need her to bring all the files she has on the current whereabouts of the other remnants. We figure that will be the best place to start. Shinrei reccomended I call her actually..." She wanted to see if there was any reaction but she doubted she would get anythign from Freyr, even if he cared that Ruo's most notorious Ex had been asking after her. She had no doubt that Shinrei still had interest in all his old flames, but also knew Dahry would kill him if he ever did more than idle flirting. Of course, Vai never let Shinrei get away with that, and sometimes was amazed the Shinobi still lived in the face of that. Needless to say the two men generally weren't in the same area together for long.

((We all know Shinrei likes to think himself god's gift to woment. Also the following color is Ruo's actual color, I was just too lazy to look it up at first. I think it's easy enough to discern from the brown, more so than the pinks at least.))

"Alina's huh?... Maybe she can get something I can chemically neuter you with... then again, knowing her it would be more likely a fertility drug..." Ruo muttered to herself, still thinking about what she was going to do now that she was appearently pregnant again. While no one could state she was anything but an excellent mother, she'd never wanted to have children. She'd always thought the world too cruel a place to introduce children to, and .... naturally... she'd never expected to be having children with Freyr. While she couldn't deny she was happy to be having his children above anyone elses, she still felt it wasn't quite right... She worried about how they would take to the world as they grew older. Kids in school had been harsh enough to her as a child, simply for being only part Wutain, she feared what they would do to her babies. Not to mention all the stress of her new form. Oftentimes she would find herself fatigued from minor extertions, or strange pains and numbness that were all side effects of her imperfect change. At the same time, she was afraid of going to Alina to be 'cured', she didn't want to become an immortal like Freyr, the thought frightened her more than dying. Living forever seeing everyone she knew die... she wouldn't be able to handle that, even as she felt terrible she would be leaving Freyr to the same fate. Sometimes... she did think maybe it would work, if she was with him... But logically... chances were better that Alina would miss something critical, and make the situation even worse. She bit her lip, looking away, mad at herself that she was thinking too much, and knowing Freyr would notice, feeling bad that he would... I will NOT cry She told herself in her sternest inner voice, knowing now that it was only a matter of time before she would. Damn it all not in front of kids...

((EEK! Cloud's Emo-ness is spreading! Quickly quickly call the wahmbulence! wahmbulance Then again, Ruo IS pregnant, and we all know that causes mood-swings))  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:14 pm
Kit opened her eyes and lifted her head. She could not sense another Remnant in her range. Part of her was glad, but another part was upset that she hadn't. Pulling her hood back up, she looked at her surroundings.

I should camp here. It's getting late, and maybe, I'll sense a Remnant as they come closer to here. I really don't know how many are left... I was never that social. I should have gotten to know the others. Maybe I would have a better idea of what to do next.... Kit's mind worked as she gathered up some materials to create a small fire. With a little work, she managed to light one with two sticks, then added the two to the flames.

With the fire burning, she checked the small pouch containing her food that was hidden under her cloak. With a sigh and a frown, she sat. Almost no food left. My water bottle's about empty. And I can't go back to that town to swipe more provisions. Wonderful.

Katrina SaDiablo


PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:48 pm
Jenova blinked. One of her children was near... but were they friend or foe? Carefully she sent a tendril of her aura towards the small light, looking to see into the lost child's mind. When she was satisfied that Kit was indeed one of them, she sent a small tug of direction, one that correlated with Korei's projection of where they would find shelter. Satisfied that the message would be sent, she closed her outgoing sendings.

OOC: Anyone who might have sensed anything other than Kit or Korei would likely not be able to have sensed more than a very tiny blip on the Jenova'd radar, not quite enough to lock on a location (except maybe the Planet, but Aeris could only guide so much, not much other than a vague direction) and would probably be mistaken merely for the presence of a Remnant. Also I AM gathering the loyal Remnant's to Jenova's side. I want the bad guys to be able to stand on their own at least a little bit.  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:49 pm
((brown it is I guess...))

Sephiroth had still been smirking at Cloud when the import of Aeris admittance hit him, his eyes widened and he made an odd choking noise in the back of Vaizel's throat, half-whirling to glare over his should he sputtered, "Two and a... YOU CAN'T DIE TWO AND A HALF TIMES! That's just rediculous! How can you die 'half' a time? Gads Woman! You may be dead but I thought you'd retained more sense than that!" Turning back to Cloud he might have continued with his prior train of thought if not for Aeris chosing just that moment to reprimand him. His face contorted and he gasped, wrapping his hands around the back of his skull, "What in the... Now THAT is unfair! You're DEAD! How come you can hit me and I can't hit you back?" He snarled over his shoulder at the empty spot in the air. "Blasted Cetra and their stupid planet-cursed powers..." He grumbled, The smirk returned rather quickly at Aeris parting shot to Cloud, "HA! I knew you would say that SOMETIME!" He sneered, but after a moment rethought his current strategy, he may have once been insane, and was now extremely bored, but he hadn't made 'General' for being stupid, and he quickly realized his childish antics were disgustingly reminiscent of Zackary... Even as this realization played out his mind wandered breifly back to Vaizel's children, and his conciousness realized several things in one quick moment. "Hey... Um... Aeris..." He began, suddenly alarmed and paying no attention what-so-ever to Cloud, "Speaking of 'Zack'... where is he? The little one I mean, He's NOT with Dawn... I sense Kim, but..." He trailed off, deep in thought, his gaze finally wandering over to where Tifa was death-glaring him. His eyebrow raised quickly, "What?" He then followed her gaze to Cloud, "Oh...." He paused, wracking his brain for what Cloud had said while he was occupied,
He wants to know if it's really his fault that Aeris died, Vaizel supplied quickly, he was wondering where his Son had gotten off to, but oddly he had a strange faith in his oldest, and wasn't particularly worried,
"Ah, Thanks Vai." Sephiroth mumbled, before turning to the young blonde, "Naw... You're not really responsible for her Death," He chuckled, "I'd probably have found a different way to kill her if you hadn't been there... I had alot of influence at the time. Probably could have possessed the Injured Tseng or something..." although for some reason that idea made Vaiseph shudder, "Calm down Cloudy, you're making Aeris scream!" He winced for emphasis, "And this time it ain't at me either."

Tifa harrumphed and folded her arms across her chest, clearly not happy with Sephiroth at all. Apparently his retractment of the statement did not gain him any forgiveness in Tifa's eyes.

Sephiroth shrugged, "All that good stuff aside, we probably should get moving... Dawn is trying to gather up as many people and ex-remnants as possible to see if anyone can still feel Mommy Dearest." He chuckled to himself breifly, "I assume you two would wish to accompany?"

"I don't think I trust you running around on your own Sephiroth." Tifa stated bluntly, "I intend to keep an eye on you."

"Okee Dokee" Frey happily chanted "Bring all Files... got it... er..." Suddenly he froze remembering a certain activity he'd been engaging in as a side-hobby, "... Did you want ALL of the remnants? Or just the ones that um... you know... JENOVA could get ahold of or something?" He toyed with the idea but finally decided his 'pets' would be fine where he'd left them. "Never mind that, I'll bring the Files and Ruo, and you bring your Kiddles and Shinrei can bring his kiddles and flirt with everyone else's wives while he's at it!" The Felitaur chuckled, then noting the sudden change in mood from his wife snapped, "Gotta go now, see ya when we all get there!" and abruptly hung up the phone, Wordlessly he trotted over to Ruo, Wrapping his human arms around her and psuedo-standing to wrap his massive paws protectively over her as well. "It doesn't bother me..." He whispered, "You've made my life so much more than I had ever imagined possible." It was all he said as he mapped circles soothingly on her back with his thumbs. When she had calmed down he stepped back glancing down at the children, At three years old they were already a handful, over 4 feet in height and a solid eighty pounds each of them. Freyr smiled, leaning down to heft first his daughter, and then his son onto his broad back, instinctively they wrapped their arms and paws around him, sighing as they snuggled deeper into their nap. "Shall we?" The Massive Felitaur inquired of his more reserved wife.  

Ermak Lorde

Katrina SaDiablo

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:13 pm
As Kit sat there, staring into the fire, she felt a gentle tug towards a direction. Knowing at once that it was Mother, she jumped to her feet, and quickly put the small fire out.

With a grin, Kit began to run again, but now she had a direction and a purpose. Of course, she wasn't foolish enough to not keep a sense out for those who weren't Remnants, or weren't loyal to Mother. She would avoid those people at all costs, even if it meant going out of her way. It would be foolish to let herself get caught now.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:57 pm
It makes perfect sense, I've heard the term half-dead several times. Aeris replied drolly. She stuck her tongue out in defense and said. Girls can hit boys but boys can't hit girls! She was quiet for some time, somberly considering the AWOL boy. Hmmm, well I'm sure he knows what he's doing... he's young but he's pretty bright.

"Yeah, let's go." Cloud nodded affirmitively. "And there's no way we're letting you out of sight."

"We should call the others, and see if any of them are around. I know Vincent hangs out wierd places like this, and Yuffie IS a ninja after all. Cid could scan out the area with one of his air ships. Reeve probably could send some backup to scour the area..." Tifa began pointing out, doing her best to keep the situation optomistic.

Cloud nodded. "Okay, let's do it then, now lets see if She left a trail... where was it you found me er... Sephiroth." Cloud managed to keep only a mild growl to his tone when addressing his former arch-nemesis.

"All right see ya then..." It took Dawn a few moments to realize that Freyr had already hung up. "Hmm, well I guess we should just go out there then eh kids?" While she was distracted, Zack had wandered off. She frowned, then looked around. "Kim, where did your brother go?" She asked too-calmly. The little girl smiled looked around and shrugged. "I dunno..." Damn.... she thought to herself. Aeris, I don't care what you think, I don't like not knowing where my children are. "ZACKARY! Get over here now or you're cleaning up after the animals for the next week by YOURSELF!" She frowned waited several moments for a response, then frowned, and stalked off to the house, holding her young daughter's hand just to insure she din't have two well meaning runaways. I'm at least sending him some help I can trust. Going to where they kept said animals, she rounded up her trusty old chocobo and the aging Kuma whom Connie had left behind when she'd gone to college. "Hey Kuma, wanna go out, huh wanna go out?" Ruffling the dog's fur affectionately, she rounded up some supplies and gear, she put the bare minimum tack needed to ride Kuroi and the supplies on the dog with a note. "Okay Kuma, Find Zack!" The dog, though old, knew the command well, and did what St Bernards were bred to do, find missing people. "Okay Kuroi, go with Kuma." The chocobo warked and headed out. He knew what was going on, but being a bird, did not have the awesome tracking ability of a dog. Okay, now I feel better. Dawn said to the others. Those two have seen me through worse.

OOC: Man... It's going to get mushy... xp

For several moments, all Ruo could do was bury her face into the crook of her husband's neck and shoulder and hug him back. "Thank you... for always being there for me...I-I..." She sighed, proof she was regaining control. "I love you..." She added, the only thing she could say really, though those simple words could never quite do justice to her feelings. "I wish I could... do more..." She smiled as he gently positioned the children, and nodded to his invitation, picking herself up off the floor. "So, what files does Dawn need?" She asked, her composure regained.

OOC: I guess that makes Freyr the Wahmbulence then. rofl  


Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 6:26 am
"Half-dead, and dying 'half' a time are two completely different concepts." Sephiroth snorted, then he turned, chuckling at Cloud, "Good to know, Wimp." And without further ado he strode off back to where Cloud had been stabbed, "Mommy Dearest came outta the lake actually..." He informed them off-handedly as he walked, "She must have been infesting that corpse almost since I MADE it... and No I wouldn't actually feed anyone this crap..." He made a face at the thought. "I found Cloudy over here," He walked to a particular stretch of stone and dirt that was dark with blood, ".... Actually, if I HADN'T opted to come, he'd have probably followed Aeris into that lake!" He chuckled, "You were bleeding pretty heavily Cloud, even got to visit that pink-Cetra of yours." He continued walking, right past the lake and onwards in a vaughly Northern direction, After many moments of silence he began to speak hesitantly, as though finishing his thought as he went. "... there are sometimes... when I wish I hadn't been such a gullible idiot. Logically JENOVA could never have been my 'Mother'. Then there are other times, when I wish I were more like that still... I can't sense her or track her anymore... there's too much interferance." He shrugged, and kept moving, as if he'd been voicing his thoughts out loud. "Don't mind me... One can only hover about in the Life-Stream for so long before they go inverse-insane." He snickered at himself.
While Sephiroth was distracted, Vaizel opted to slid into control, he had no intention of leading this hunt, now that he understood what was going on, He didn't trust his temper against JENOVA, or even Cloud for that matter.... the Blonde had deprived him of the opportunity to kill Hojo, and Vai was still a little sore about that. Never-the-less he half-turned, glancing at his two followers, "Hey um... Cloud? Tifa? This is going to take FOREVER if we do this by foot..."
As he had only partially taken control Sephiroth slid back in easily... perhaps more so than he had anticipated, "NO!! No... you are NOT going to offer that!" Sephiroth snapped,
"My body, my offer," Vaizel snapped back, also aloud. his voice intonation actually changed slightly with the shift. "So.... I think we could get there really fast if you two just let ME fly you? Ignore Seph, he only gets 'out' when I let him. but Seriously.... I could have us at LEAST on the right continent in 10 minutes flat!" He grinned at them, "Tifa... you trust me right?" and it was all Vaizel...

"Love you too..." Freyr mumbled simply, "And you've done more than I could ever ask." Allowing his wife to change the subject gracefully Freyr grinned, "She wants stuff on all the remnants, anyone JENOVA might be interested in. I assume since she's calm that Vaizel no longer falls under that category..." For a moment his thoughts drifted off again, how ironic that events would drift this way at this particular time, but he shrugged it off and continued speaking even as he walked, carrying the young ones with practiced care. "We're all gonna meet up at Alina's place! Dawn is bringing her littles, and Shinrei and Dahry are bringing their littles, and Vaizel is bringing Cloudy-kins!" His last pronouncement ended in an excited squeak, "I haven't met Cloud yet!" He sighed happily, "I've heard LOADS about him though! I can't wait to meet the kid that could best Sephy, Vinney knows him well too... maybe we should call Vins and see if he's up to joining us! I wonder if Shinrei's little sister will come or not..." He continued to muse on this train of thought as they traveled, there were certainly some upsides to being a Felitaur family, they could keep a good pace and Freyr wouldn't have to twist all the way backwards to look his companion in the face.  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:51 pm
"Brilliant? He died how many times? I don't call that brilliant, I call it stupid. He never really got free of Shinra. Me on the other hand, I got out of the labs as soon as I could fine a weak female to believe me. Let them hunt for us, I won't make the chase easy for them. I would rather died then be caught and taken back."

Korei looked to the sky again to check the direction and looked back to Mother. Her hair might hide her pink eye from view, mostly, but some part of her feared that she would be shunned again. She was flawed and weak when it came to fighting. Speed was her only real gift, without it she was just another human. Turning her gaze back to the path before her, she moved ahead again to scout and frowned as she sensed another following a simliar path as them.  


Cecil Helden

PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:33 pm
Chuckling slightly to himself Thalon called forward to Korei "He died and figured out how to come back something few can do, I'd call that pretty brilliant" he was astonished that she had found cause to argue with Mother, though he supposed not all were capable of sensing just how wonderfully intelligent and wise she really was "Well you I suppose didn't live quite so well as he, Shin-Ra I would imagine was rather fond of their greatest general he had no need to escape and when he found a reason he left quite easily. I guess you didn't see him during the Wutai War did you? Well I was there and he was amazing they hid in trees and shadows he found them all and ended them quickly and efficiently he..." suddenly Thalon gasped and stumbled forward barely able to stand before he remembered his passenger and brought himself together enough to keep following.  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:12 pm
Not entirely... Aeris muttered. And could we please stop talking about my body like that... should have had it cremated or something...

Should've but you didn't. Dawn replied, now was the somewhat easier task of driving to Shinrei's place, which never ended up quite as hidden as the shinobi had always wanted. Living with two mad scientists did not make well for going inconspicuously. She was still nervous about her missing son, but knew that the harder she tried looking for him the harder he would make himself to find. He had a definite knack for that, and to that end, she knew that at least if she couldn't capture him, then anyone else would be even worse off. Don't hurt yourself Vai... Dawn ordered gently as he made his offer. Cloud's swords probably weigh twice what he does you know. And we wont even start about how unbalanced Tifa is... All of this ranting of course meant that Dawn was simply jealous she wasn't going for a ride and another woman was.

Tifa regarded Sephiroth's words contemplatively, wondering just what kind of man he was. "Yeah we're pretty far...out here." She ended slowly as the the man argued his point. She glanced to Cloud to see his take on the offer.

"I think we should start tracking her." Cloud affirmed resolutely, he didn't want to insult Vaizel, but he really didn't trust Sephiroth further than he could throw him, which wasn't very far at all. The warrior turned and began scouring the area surrounding where his blood had been spilt. "I'll go this way." After a time poking around in the bushes he finally had to give in and call it quits, and by then he was almost worried he'd gotten himself lost, when he noticed a strip of fabric. Reaching out thinking with triumph he'd found a sign, he yanked back the find only to yelp in abject horror as a small human carcass launched out at him attached by the swath of fabric to his hand. Apparently, Jenova could not remove her cells from others like Vaizel, or even Shinrei could. Instead she had evidently ingested them in a cruder fashion. Shaking with horror Cloud extricated himself from the mess and fairly bolted back to the others white as a sheet. "Sh-she really IS a zombie..." Blinking and looking rather ill he explained. "She... ATE.... a kid...there.. were marks where she'd dragged herself from the water... and... th-the kid was..." He turned a shade of almost green, and sat down hard, puting his hands to his head and dealing with all the mental shocks of the day. "Tell me this is all a bad dream..." he muttered. Suprisingly he didn't dwell long before shooting to his face and stating. "Okay let's just get out of here before it starts getting dark."

OOC: I never know what I'm going to post when I hit the reply button, I stare at all the posts mulling over the characters and then start typing as ideas hit me. I rather like this one. I have a really morbid sense of humor if you didn't guess. Okay onto lightening the tone...hopefully. I still have the zombie to post with...

"Does she want all or just the ones who're going to side with us against Jenova? Because frankly there are quite a few I doubt we would want to know that their beloved Kaa-san is back." Ruo said professionally, even as she changed her casual at-home appearence to accomodate the secretarial look she wore in public. Though she knew that with Freyr around it wouldn't last, she twisted her hair up into a severe bun, wondering idly just how long it would stay that way. Then she grinned. "Hey Freyr... let's wait on mussing my hair until Shinrei's around."

"The only things for which Sephiroth was truly stupid were those things that typify the male gender, no offense my dear Thalon." The creature spoke smoothly. "But never forget my children that we are inded a family, all are welcome to join us, but for those who wish to oppose us, only death remains as an option." Jenova looked upon the young man with a concerned face. "Are you feeling well my son?" And finally she acknowledged to Korei. "Soon another of our family will appear, I have directed her to find us, and hopefully we will be feeling more power with our numbers."

OOC: And thus we leave a clean entry point for Kit to join us. And Korei hopefully won't kill her at first sign of movement.  


Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:39 pm
Definate Lack of Forsight on your part... Sephiroth muttered at Aeris with a snicker, He and Vaizel both had to sigh when Cloud decided to go and try to 'track' JENOVA,
"We'd need Freyr for that..." Sephiroth mumbled, slightly startled when he realized Vaizel had slid out of control quite willingly, He watched Cloud with ebbing interest until the swordsman came bolting back to them with his horrendous news, "A... Kid...?" Sephiroth choked, his face paling considerably as his eyes widened in horror, For a split second he just stared at Cloud, and then he whirled racing past the Blonde with a panicked cry of "ZACKARY!!!!" He ignored Cloud completely as he rushed to where the 'massacred' child lay, It was with immense releif as he identified it as NOT being Vaizel's son.... however, the mess JENOVA left turned both Vai's and Sephiroth's stomache, returning much more carefully than he left, and looking a shade almost as ill as Cloud he gestured vaughly in the direction they needed to go. "This has gotta stop... if that ... that....... If JENOVA is eating CHILDREN..." He breathed for a few moments as if to calm himself, "We're gonna have to find... Zack... Vaizel's son... he's ... missing...." Sephiroth shuffled uneasily, "I'd like to think he could take care of himself... but.... I don't know how far JENOVA might go to get ahold of... someone with Zack's kind of powers, there's a LOT of mako and JENOVA cells in that boy..." At that admittance Sephiroth looked rather sheepish. Shaking his head as if to clear it, he straightened, striding up to Cloud and Tifa, "We don't have time to dawdle, so let me oppologize in advance if I horrendously offend you." Before he had even finished the sentance Sephiroth moved, closing the space between him and Cloud before the Blonde could recover from his shock. In moments he had Cloud tossed over his shoulder, just like he had when Tifa had first found them. Next he strode very quickly to Tifa, wrapping one strong arm around her waist before she could protest. Then he spread his wings, suffusing himself with the Mako Vaizel naturally stored in his body. Now covered in a slight glow he launched himself into the sky, Flapping to steady himself and gain his bearings.

A flicker of rust-color and a metallic sheen to his right and Sephiroth whirled in place, still holding Cloud and Tifa he breathed a heavy sigh of releif. "ZACKARY STRIFE TUEFEL!!" He growled as the boy approached him, "WHAT do you have to say for yourself? Your Mother is worried SICK!"

Zackary startled, he loved his father dearly, and knew perhaps a bit more than he should have about the 'voice' that shared Vaizel's body. His name was more than just a memoir, and he had some of the strangest memories from beyond his own experiences. Flapping his wings hard to maintain position he shrugged sheepishly at his 'dad'. "I was worried too! You flew off without mom..." He mumbled, "Who're they dad?" He asked in a quick attempt to change the subject, his eyes landed in particular on Cloud, a strange gleam entering their glowing blue depths. Even though he was a child, no more than 7 years old, his eyes glowed like a 'SOLDIERs' and his face sometimes expressed wisdom beyond his years.

((Cloud should be startled that Zackary has wings I think...))

Freyr paused as though thinking, "Well... she just said 'remnants', so I guess that's up to you to interperate oh information master!" He winked at her, and chuckled mischieviously at the mention of her hair, "I kinda like it like that too..." He grinned, "Matter-of-fact... I think I like your hair any way you do it! You just have pretty hair." The had trotted along for a little while now, and as Felis-centaurs kept up a good pace,... they didn't live particularly far from Alina's usual haunt, they had opted for that due to the imperfect nature of Ruo's change, if there was ever an emergency it would be incredibly difficult even for Freyr to drag her for long distances... Freyr grinned broadly as the building came into veiw, "Do you suppose anyone has called Alina yet? Or do we get to surprise her?" His eyes twinkled as he gazed at his wife,  
JENOVA's Witnesses

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