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Surefire Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:50 am

Lotan The Revenant
Pavo Lycaon x Spektre

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Name: Lotan The Revenant
Nick Name: Lo, DeepBlue,
Name Meaning: Lotan: literally means "Coiled", he is a sea monster in Canaanite mythology, like the Hebrew Leviathan
Revenant: a spirit; ghost.
Type: 2nd Gen- Draft Cery-Cross
Title: The Landbound Leviathan
Temper: Tumultuous
Acquired: Gifted to me by Swirly and Jackariah Beckett
Previous Stages: Twisted Basket, Regular Basket, Foal Cert, Clothed, Shop Clothed
Drop Post: Basket Drop Post, Foal Pop Post, Foal Cert Drop, Adult Cert Drop
Special Markings/Attributes: Lotan's base coat color is at least three to four shades of blue, mottled in an echo of the ocean shades. Darker colors shade down the feathering on his hooves, mark his muzzle, and form leopard-like spots or swirls or patterns against the medium tones of his coat. There are lighter shades at the center of his various spots, turning them into a leopard or dapple like feature, the same lighter shade is echoed in the center of his chest and edging toward his belly, particularly around the longer chest fluff. He has additional medium blue feathering along his legs starting high up on the leg and hindquarters, then darkening down on the feathering. His tail is a thick blue tentacle, moderately short, lighter blue on the bottom and suckers. Ears are short and stubby, Cerenei style, in the medium to darkening blue shade. His mane is a riot of flexible red tentacles, curling and grasping at various objects. He has proud, stag like antlers in the lightest shade of blue, as well as cloven Cerenei hooves in the darkest blue shade. His eyes are red, like his mane.
Roleplay Color: #098DAA

Dam x Sire: Pavo Lycaon x Spektre
Siblings: Darwin & Dorado
Mate: None (Single)

About: Born to loving parents with more than a few twists and surprises, Lotan grew up with his two brothers. Though all of them were strange in their own ways, this particular colt had a visual connection to the ocean. As such, it was no surprise that he developed a great fondness for the sea, frequently making trips (alone and with family or friends) to swim and play in the salt water. His strange mane and tail of tentacles may have unnerved strangers as a foal, but as a stallion he's grown to such a height and breadth that this too can be something of an intimidation. To a certain extent, Lotan doesn't quite understand how large he is, or really how he might be considered imposing. He's a fun loving, relatively laid-back kind of guy, and doesn't understand what everyone's so upset about.

Though he's visually something of an odd duck, Lotan the Revenant is one of the kindest souls you're likely to meet (as long as you don't get on his bad side). Like the ocean, he has a wealth of hidden depths and striking a nerve may result in him getting all out stormy with you. Still, for the most part he's happy to wander with his companion Bluebell, occasionally draped in a seaweed green scarf he picked up on his adventures. His tentacles are rarely still, usually picking up something or waving around one of their previously collected trophies, and can also be used to gauge his mood much of the time. They tend to move with something of a mind of their own, but for the most part also react to his emotional state. If he's shy, they might twist up on themselves, or wring each other if he's apologetic. When he's self-conscious he has a frequency to curl them back, but at least one will rub idly at his ear. Though his bulky body may make him intimidating and seem hard to read, once you know the signs, you'll probably want to keep this guy among your friends too.

In a strange twist of fate, Lotan found himself at the mercy of the Kalona mare Ars Antiqua, after becoming lost on a solo trip back from the ocean. Coat stiff with salt the colt had romped off the path and into the darkened woods, and gotten himself turned around. Discovered by the graceful mare and strangely of interest to her, Lotan found himself with his very first friend. Even as an adult he looks up to her (though not physically), and may rely on her in times of need. Ars, for her part also seems somewhat possessive of him as well, in the manner one might be possessive of an object or a pet. They share no romantic inclinations, but if you hurt him she might kill you.

Personality: Good-tempered, Relaxed, Joyous, Protective of Friends, Prefers to Avoid Conflict. Frequently pulls friends out of the fire or counsels against them fighting or foolishness.
Friends: Ars Antiqua, Dyani Alumine, Amacha Nigella, Demetri,

As A Foal:
*Song by the Sea (With Ars Antiqua)
*Arm In Arm In Arm (With Requin and Teenti)
*0 Days Since Our Last Nonsense (With Dyani, Vassilis, and Nashira)
*Three Good Friends (With Dyani and Amacha Nigella)
Collecting Weird Friends (With Tatyana and Hellebore)
*Weirdos at the Watering Hole (With Masaru, Eteri Voska, Foxglove Boneblossom & Catnip Boneblossom)

First Breeding With:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Second Breeding With:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Third Breeding With:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fourth Breeding With:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fifth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 4:47 pm

Tatyana Bangarang
? x ?

User ImageName: Tatyana Bangarang
Pronunciation: TahTYAHnah Bang-ah-rang
Nick Name: Tatya (TahTYAH)
Name Meaning: Feminine form of the Roman name Tatianus, a derivative of the Roman name TATIUS. This was the name of a 3rd-century saint who was martyred in Rome under the emperor Alexander Severus. She was especially venerated in Orthodox Christianity, and the name has been common in Russia and Eastern Europe.
Type: Crackship Cheshire Child
Title: The Wondrous Lost Girl
Temper: Curious
Acquired: February 2016 Crackship
Previous Stages: Basket, Foal, Naked Uncert
Drop Post: Basket Drop Post, Basket Cert Drop Post, Foal Uncert Drop Post, Foal Adult Double Cert Drop
Special Markings/Attributes: A crackship child with origins unknown, Tatyana bears some striking resemblances to the Underland Herd. Like they, she moves silently on graceful paws that literally face from view, though her feline tail is not quite as twisted as theirs. Unlike them her eyes are a bright, glowing red, her fangs bared but her grin somewhat hidden. She is blessed with a looped horn and wings from the Suti, but she holds a certain fondness for teacups all the same.
Roleplay Color: #4C5995

Dam x Sire: Irina Knucklebones x ?
Siblings: Ialu Nightdancer
Familiar: N/A
Mate: Takemikazuchi 武甕槌 Darkbane

About: A crackship child discovered in the spring, Tatyana bears some uncomfortable resemblance to the Underland Herd and the Cheshire Cats that dwell there. This, of course, was beyond her knowledge in her youth, but also somewhat accounts for how near her basket was to their territory and how her naming convention follows their own.

Her basket left out in the open, she escaped the confines and found her way to the herd of foals often referred to as the Lost Foals. One of the first fillies to join in, she became close friends with the twin colts that founded the herd, especially Halvar Eerikki Loki. Growing up without adult supervision, the Lost Foals became especially adept at stealing that which they could not gain through more honest means. When learning to hunt was taking too long, they might help themselves to the kill of a Kalona or Skinwalker (perhaps even having their kinsmen distract the dangerous foe so the meat could be stolen). Likewise, they might sneak into settlements for supplies, trinkets, medicines and the like. Because of this, Tatyana developed an especially "light paw".

There are those who might note the similarities between Tatya and Irina here, and make an argument for nature verses nurture. As Tatya found out later, the burgundy Cheshire Cat was something of a Queen of the Black Market in her homeland, and seeks to set up a similar sort of market in her new home. Tatyana is rather thrilled by the concept, and has taken to searching for trinkets to pinch just to trade when Irina accomplishes her vision.

An excellent huntress as an adult, with the useful skill of being able to make herself disappear (with concentration) or fly, Tatyana still stays close to the herd that was her home. As an adult she had to "graduate" from Lost Foals to their larger kindred herd, and now keeps a watchful eye on the next generation of Lost Foals. When not doing that, she visits the Underland Herd frequently, having grown quite fond of tea and their tea parties... Not to mention lifting a teacup or three to add to her collection of trinkets.

Personality: Curious, crazy, and a little awkward; Tatya is something of a typical citizen of Wonderland/Underland. Silly and inquisitive and more than a little wild, she's a free spirit that wanders far and wide as whim and whimsy guide her. Her way of looking at the world is a bit skewed, but she's not a harmful sort.
Friends: Halvar,

* The Lost Foals
* A Cat To Follow You Home (With Takemikazuchi Darkbane)
Collecting Weird Friends (With Hellebore and Lotan)

First Breeding With Takemikazuchi 武甕槌 Darkbane:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx
XXXXXXXXXXXXX*Basically Eternal Permission Agreement

Second Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Third Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fourth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fifth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx


Surefire Sex Symbol


Surefire Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:20 pm

Cara Mia Aurum
? x ?

User ImageName: Cara Mia Aurum
Nick Name: Cara Mia, Cara,
Name Meaning: Cara Mia: Italian "My Darling"; Aurum: Latin "Gold"
Type: Half-Kirin Fossil
Title: A Golden Fossil
Temper: Shining
Acquired: Prehistoric Event- Cave Painting Surprise Prize
Previous Stages: N/A
Drop Post: N/A
Item/Edit Permissions: [Here]
Special Markings/Attributes: Cara Mia is a beautiful half-kirin mare with a coat like polished marble, gleaming and patterned in (at least) three shades of brown. Like the stone she represents, her coat is shot through with veins of bronze and gold. This is reminiscent of her Painted Cave /Fossil Harvesting Homeland. Her spikes, scales, and hooves are all the same shade of solid gold. The hair on her tail and her long flowing mane are solid, jet black. Her eyes are bright, gleaming silver. As a gem and ore merchant, she has many stacks of gold and silver, gems, and varying strings of jewelry draped over her. She also wears jeweled hair sticks, earrings, bracelets, and a necklace.
Roleplay Color: #BFA75F
Family: N/A
Dam x Sire: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Familiar: N/A
Mate: None (Single)

About: Light of foot, swift and fleet, Cara Mia Aurum is something of a ringleader for a strange, small band of survivors from the Prehistoric Migration (Prehistoric Event). Together with Ko'ikku Ahmshere and Otieno Makar, she has wandered into the Soquili lands in search of a new home. Though her companions are highly skilled with their own vocations, Cara Mia is something of an unknown. An observer and a teacher, she picks up all sorts of information regardless of the subject, and shares with those who may have need.

Still, she has a particular knack for finding gems, semi-precious stones, and ore deposits. This knack is slowly being turned into a trade, as the mare begins to collect her findings, and is learning to polish up the stones or melt the ore into ingots for easier transport and trade. She's not quite a forger or smith, to make them into fine objects, but locating and mining the raw materials for trade is certainly a pleasant way to put the skill to good use. Because of her talents, many artisans seek her out to request specific minerals or stones for their projects.

Wearing hair sticks and trinkets created by Otieno and constantly admiring Ko'ikku's wealth of knowledge regarding flowers, Cara Mia is glad they have come to find themselves in the exquisite gardens of the mysterious Sonata Notturno. For the moment this means that she and her two friends are sufficiently distracted by their new companion, as Cara and Otieno are learning about gardening and Ko'ikku is having a grand time exchanging plant samples and seeds.

Something of a Den Mother, Cara frequently looks out for her friends and companions, forming them into a pseudo-family or herd. Because of this, Cara Mia would be a great teacher or caretaker of foals. However, her current life is somewhat nomadic (which isn't her ideal) and doesn't precisely lend itself to such options. She rather hopes to find herself a home among artisan or tradesfolk, one day.

Personality: Calm, cool and collected; Cara's also sociable, loyal and sweet, ensuring that she is at home amongst all kinds. She's patient, knowledgeable about a great many subjects, nearly endlessly cheerful and caring.

Friends: Ko'ikku Ahmshere, Otieno Makar, Sonata Notturno,

* Dinos In The Garden (With Sonata Notturno, Ko'ikku Ahmshere & Otieno Makar)
*[Log] Welcome to the Neighborhood (With Many)

First Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Second Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Third Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fourth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fifth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:55 pm

Ko'ikku Ahmshere
? x ?

User ImageName: Ko'ikku Ahmshere
Nick Name: Ko, Ikku
Name Meaning: Ahmshere: the Oasis in The Mummy Returns
Type: Windblown Pterosaur (Mutant Hippo'suti Crossbreed)
Title: The Windblown Rose
Acquired: Jurassic Park Paid Raffle
Previous Stages: N/A
Drop Post: N/A
Special Markings/Attributes: A somewhat unusual pterosaur mare, arrived in these parts because of a dinosaur migration. Ko'ikku is a soft mulberry shade on the base of her coat, with darker wine markings like giraffe spotting. It fades out on her muzzle, the edges of her wings, and her lower legs. Her wings are narrow, skin and membrane rather than feathers. She has a short tail, straight and reptilian in shape. All four legs end in clawed feet, her talons a shade of silver. Her windblown, waving mane is a softer shade of silver, long and billowing to her hindquarters in the wind. Her eyes are a paler shade of silver, more like her mane than her claws. Her head is crowned in a raised crest, a solid fin-like shape. Pale pink roses are tucked up by her ears and worn around her neck in a garland, grown in her own garden.
Roleplay Color: #550027

Dam x Sire: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Familiar: N/A
Mate: None (Single)

About: In general Ko'ikku is a rather lightly boned mare, unexpectedly sturdy and deceptively graceful in her height. Her body type is similar to that of an Akhal-Teke, but she could otherwise be considered somewhat willowy. Though she has become somewhat withdrawn in this new land as she is surrounded by strangers, with the offer of friendship she blooms into a cheerful, loving personality. She is always happy to be the shoulder to cry on or the sympathetic ear, and offers words of comfort as well as a flower or two.

Somewhat lean-bodied and what many consider tall, Ko'ikku Ahmshere is a bold berry-hued mare with a trailing mane like a cloud. A refugee newly arrived to the land, she is an upbeat spirit with a courteous nature. It is one of her chiefest desires to help those around her and to make them smile. As such, like in her old homeland, she has become a gardener and something of a florist upon settling in.

Frequently decorated in roses -usually at least two varieties- the Pterosaur mare relies on her wings to bear her aloft as well as to help tend her garden. With untold amounts of practice she has learned to braid the stems of her beloved flowers into leis, garlands and crowns, and delights in creating wearable bouquets to present to those around her. When not trading, selling or donating the fruits of her efforts, she is back in the garden attempting to create new varieties. It is due to this hobby (unexpectedly shared) that she came to encounter the young mare Sonata Notturno. A native, the kalona-cross mare grows and experiments with her own roses, and as such the two have begun to exchange clippings and bulk up each other's gardens.

A relatively new arrival, Ko'ikku has not made much headway in the department of friends. There are a few native mares she is working on it with, and one or two other travelers from her old herd or a similar location. Beyond that, she is hoping to experience new things, and learn all she can about her new home. As she has no interest in finding her own partner, she is likely to be content in offering herself as a surrogate for some time to come. Anyone she might choose to settle down with would also need to understand this is her preference, and abide by it. That is to say, even after finding someone she loves, she might continue to be a surrogate for select parties she had previously known and built a relationship with.

Personality: Shy at the start due to unfamiliar surroundings, Ko'ikku is kind and loving when you get her to relax or once you get to know her. She can be quite cheerful and even endlessly chatty, especially when one gets her going about her flowers or rose varieties in general. She finds flowers, like people, endlessly fascinating but a little easier to understand and sometimes safer to be around. If the right soul were to come along, she could certainly fall in love and live happily.
Friends: Cara Mia Aurum, Otieno Makar, Sonata Notturno,

*Dinos In The Garden (With Sonata Notturno, Cara Mia Aurum & Otieno Makar)
*Spots and Stripes With Valoel (Uta).

First Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Second Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Third Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fourth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fifth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx


Surefire Sex Symbol


Surefire Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:49 pm

Otieno Makar
? x ?

User Image

Name: Otieno Makar
Nick Name: Otieno, Tieno,
Name Meaning: Otieno: Born At Night; Makar: Happy, Joyful
Type: Pachycephalosaurus (Mutant Hippo'Suti)
Title: The Collector
Temper: N/A
Acquired: Before Time Pony Auction ((WB: 1.8 Trill Gold))
Previous Stages: Naked
Drop Post: HERE
Special Markings/Attributes: Otieno is Pachycephalosaurus (Mutant Hippo'Suti), who arrived here due to a dinosaur migration. Unlike his companions, he has no wings, his brow, and skull a heavy black bone plate crowned in purple spikes. Instead of a traditional mane, he has feathers from his jaw down to his withers, in a blend of black and indigo. His body is purple based, with black stripes over his back and down to his tail, his legs darkening from purple to solid black like stockings. His tail is a heavy, solid muscular length, tapering to a point like a lizard. All four feet end in claws, each of them sharp black talons. Instead of a soft muzzle, he has a black beak-like plate reinforcing his lips. His sclera are black, his eyes a bright glowing lavender purple. Near his eyes are a series of lavender dots in a line moving toward his neck.
Roleplay Color: #5F518B
Family: N/A
Dam x Sire: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Familiar: N/A
Mate: None (Flings); Potential?

About: When he's working and selling his wares, Otieno is a completely different soul from when he's left to his own devices. On his own, he frequently stumbles over his words in the presence of a beautiful individual. Nervous gestures such as crest flaring or restless clawing at the ground are also common. He does best when he's in a familiar group or at least accompanied by a few friends, as he can rely on them to smooth out any awkward silences in conversation.

When working, Otieno Makar is different. As his name may imply: Of charming and elegant appearance, Makar is refined, eager to please and prefers to be liked and admired in return. He is quite secretive, reserved and not particularly demonstrative in his interpersonal relations. Oftentimes, one can tell he is acting as he tends to be somewhat demonstrative. If he is showboating, he's probably lying.

He is extremely sensitive although he manages to partially conceal this aspect of his personality with an apparent frostiness or a small ironic smile in the corner of his mouth... He is an active and determined male who is equipped with tremendous practical intelligence, great organizational skills and an analytical mind, although he is inclined to be fastidious. Often a perfectionist (sometimes to the point of obsession), he can´t stand mediocrity.

He is attracted to all that glitters and all that is beautiful, while he wishes to succeed, to be in charge and to be admired. Somewhat narcissistic, Makar is a bit of a ladies man who isn´t lacking in tact and gallantry. In love, he is an aesthete and is often first attracted by someone's beauty. Although deep and meaningful exchanges are important to him, he doesn't trust that the feelings will be genuine or mutual. Therefore, his choices in love could be complex, often hesitating between the beauty of one and the magnanimity of the other or the reassuring presence of so-and-so...

Personality: Confident and flirty around his friends, Otieno is a sympathetic listener and happy to offer council. While he might be nervously showboating when solo, the inclusion of his friends in a group does help him relax and soften. He drops his showy personality when he's comfortable, and allows those around him to see how sweet he can be.
Friends: Cara Mia Aurum, Ko'ikku Ahmshere, Sonata Notturno,

* Dinos In The Garden (With Sonata Notturno, Cara Mia Aurum & Ko'ikku Ahmshere)
*In Common (With Corazón del Corona)

First Breeding With Achlys:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Second Breeding With Corazon del Corona:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Third Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fourth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fifth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx
PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:23 pm

Nita x Galahad

User Image
Name: Morien
Nick Name: Rien,
Name Meaning: The Moorish son of Aglovale, one of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table
Type: 5th Gen- Flutter-Unicorn Cross
Title: The Bardic Knight
Temper: Bardic
Acquired: SC Breeding; Gifted by Uta & Fatal Irony
Previous Stages: Basket; Foal; Original Adult; Official Item Cert; Official Item Uncert; Shop Item Cert
Drop Post: Basket Drop; Foal Pop Post; Basket/Foal Cert Drop; Adult Uncert Drop;
Special Markings/Attributes: Morien's base coat color is a bold purple, fading to pink on his legs and then white near his hooves in an ombre like pattern. He has starry markings scattered over his coat and soft space-dust/cloud like markings striping on his legs. His fetlocks are white above three golden hooves and one dark cranberry one. His mane and tail are of medium length, silken and slightly curling. Colored a bright gold, the length of hair fades to white lower down. There are cranberry beads and ties binding his tail into a braid, matching the berry hue of his spiraling unicorn horn. His wings are white and cloudlike, flutter-shaped and graceful. His brows are gold, his eyes emerald bright, and three white dots mark below his eye. His muzzle has a white blaze, fading up the bridge of his nose toward his brow. He wears silver cuffs on his forelegs, a golden earring suspended from one ear, and around his neck is a brought bough wooden collar with soft pink flowers, holding a golden glowing orb at the center.
Roleplay Color: #3A0828
Great Grand Dam x Great Grand Sire (Khresmoi) : Alice x Wintir
Great Grand Dam x Great Grand Sire (Lachesis) : Caine x Naviah
Great Grand Dam x Great Grand Sire (Ananke) : Lachesis x Khresmoi
Grand Dam x Grand Sire (Nita) : Ananke x Agares
Grand Dam x Grand Sire (Galahad) : Amarinne x Crousader
Dam x Sire: Nita x Galahad
Siblings: Lancelot & Brunhild;
Familiar: SettingStar
Mate: Raspberry Pavlova Creme Puff

About: A quiet, far-wandering trader and teller of tales, Morien is a compassionate and curious individual. Raised by a close-knit and loving family, it is not often that he travels too far from their usual grounds. He loves to meet new individuals and pick up stories, songs and information, which does lead to a life of frequent wandering.

For the most part he stays close to his family lands, but from time to time he will undertake longer travels to pick up some new stories. Not one to perform a task for a singular reason, Morien will also often take goods to trade at the furthest point in his travels. If there are those that have need, he may hire himself out as an escort or guide. This is how he meets Amaryllis, among others. He does have some fight training for his own defense or the defense of others, and likes to spar to keep fit and ensure his skills are sharp. Between his guide services and his trade experience, he is able to barter to his comfort.

Once he has spent some time away, he will visit his family and then make several appearances at the Journey's End Inn. A frequent patron and performer to the Inn, Morien makes a point to visit there and share his new stories and songs promptly for maximum enjoyment of his audience. It is on one of these such visits that he crosses paths with Caoimhe, as well as Toko.

Because of his wanderings and desire to interact with others for the sake of obtaining new stories, Morien frequently carries items for trade when he departs. It is to this end that he meets Masaru, whom he hires to be a guide when traveling outside of his usual routes for the sake of more beneficial trade. This is also how he crosses paths with Eteri Voska, a mare traveling to do some trade on behalf of her family herd.

Personality: While decidedly not smooth in his interactions as a foal, Morien can get through a great many scenarios with sheer goodwill and good humor. Usually worried about his nervous brother, he's eager to smooth edges in conversation and tries to ensure that everyone is having a good time. Sociable in most situations, he can entertain with a story or a song but soaks up new lore and knowledge like a sponge. His favorite currency is a good tale, but he regularly barters for goods, gifts and services to trade later.
Friends: Masaru, Eteri Voska, Amaryllis


Family Plot Thread
Located: Here

First Breeding With Amaryllis (Dea and #Teddy#):
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Second Breeding With Raspberry Pavlova Creme Puff:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Third Breeding With Raspberry Pavlova Creme Puff:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fourth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fifth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx


Surefire Sex Symbol


Surefire Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:06 pm

Casalure Duskbringer
Whistle x Ballad

User Image
Name: Casalure Duskbringer
Nick Name: Cas, Cassie
Name Meaning:
Type: 2nd Gen- Fayth (Regular)
Title: The Fayth's Storm
Temper: Stormy
Acquired: Staff Credit Breeding (Purchased by DNS); Colored by Novablu
Previous Stages: Basket, Foal, Adult (With Familiar)
Drop Post: Basket Drop Post; Foal Drop, Foal Cert Drop, Adult Uncert Drop, Adult Cert Drop
Special Markings/Attributes: Casalure's base coat color is predominently three shades of blue. The darkest shade starts at the feathering above her hooves, marking up her legs like stockings, as well as running along her back rather like a dorsal stripe, and from her muzzle up her face toward her forehead. The lighter shade of blue takes up where the darker shade leaves off, at the cheek up to her ears, above the knee and up to her topline as well as the underside of her neck. The brightest shade is a sort of aqua tone, a heart shape on her chest stretching to cover the whole of her belly and reaching up slightly in front of her hind legs on either side of her barrel. That same bright color echoes in the wing markings on her withers, as well as the Fayth Glyphs on her neck, upper chest, hindquarters and hind leg. It is a similar shade of blue that lights her glowing eyes, though they seem brighter. Her mane and tail are slightly curling and a soft blue-white, matching the shade of her eyebrows. Her hooves are a glowing blue-white.
Roleplay Color: #7481DD

Grand Dam x Grand Sire: ? x ?
Dam x Sire: Whistle x Ballad
Siblings: Aveshar, Kelakohr, Trillium, Sotto Voce, Sunisra, Renen Dawncast, Riddle
Nieces/Nephews: Ave's Children: Adevina Takhi, Avant Resari, Keshani Avenara; Kel's Children: Arioso Canto & Kalira;
Grand Nieces/Nephews: Avant's Children: Ars Antiqua, Sonata Notturno, Ultima Canticum;
Familiar: Talfryn
Mate: N/A

About: The first thing one should know about Casalure is probably that she's part of a rather large family. Though the Clan has split into two sides that are arguing (or some might say, feuding), this does little to lessen the impressive size of the family itself. On one side stands the Faythren Clan (proper), of which this young mare is a part of. Several of her brothers, such as Kelakohr and Zeibekiko stand on this side of the line as well.

Of course, on the opposing side is the Faythren-Noire Clan, the shadow that took seed in Aveshar spreading to future generations of his children such as Avant Resari and Keshani Avenara. This has now extended to grand children, such as Ars Antiqua and Sonata Notturno, though whether they will play into the hands of their forefathers or not is somewhat in question. However, the Noire side also incldues allies, such as the radiant-hearted Seriav (who favors her brother Aveshar above nearly everything else). It's tough to be part of a family torn in two by war, but it's all Cas knows right now.

Cas is... Well, Cas is a pistol, really. She's also her daddy's little girl, which means she doesn't have to fight with her brothers to get his attention. And she's got a lot of brothers, okay? Granted one or two of them aren't around because of a family feud, but even so, there's at least Kel and Zei and Riddle to contend with. And her nephew will probably have a thing or two to say. So any boy that wants to get close to this little Princess is going to have to work at it, because even if you get past an overprotective father there's a line of brothers and then some, just waiting to knock you down. (You've been warned.)

When she was young, she made friends with a few foals that she'd had the fortune to encounter, and some of them still remain close now that they've grown up. Her most constant companion is Talfryn, a worried little Jay that has been keeping an eye on her for what feels like several lifetimes (to both of them, for different reasons).

True enough, she can be as sweet as she looks, but if you miss the glint of trouble in her eye than you're deserving of whatever you get. Cas has a sweet voice, a laugh like silver bells, and a light stride that can fall to dance steps without any hesitation. She likes to race the wind through the trees, seems most alive at dusk, and will never pass up the opportunity to dance in the midst of a storm.

Personality: Energetic, loyal, elegant and curious, Cas wanders more than is advised. She's got a wild edge, thrilling in harsh weather, dangerous scenarios, and doing basically anything her family thinks she shouldn't. Endlessly loyal, she's got a sharp edge if you threaten or even look wrong at those she cares for. Cas is a bit like lightening, beautiful to look at from a distance, illuminating, unpredictable and erratic, and dangerous in the wrong situation.

*Faythren Free For All With Many
*The More Things Change With Many
*A Rising Storm With Vasire & Widowmaker
*[Log] Mist & Rainbows With Vasire
*[Log] Welcome to the Neighborhood (With Many)

First Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Second Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Third Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fourth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fifth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

User Image
Name: Talfryn
Species: Swallowtail Jay
Bonded To: Casalure Duskbringer
Mate: N/A
ShipName: N/A
Parents: N/a
Children: N/A
Five Star Familiar Project: Here

About: Tal is a sweet young jay that would like, more than just about anything, to not have something to worry about. Of course, while out fluttering about and enjoying a sunny afternoon, he found himself beak-to-nose with precisely that. A filly, made of precisely that (see: something to worry about), to be particularly precise.

Tal, for all that he's not part of the flock, knows that there is a whole band of birds that like nothing better than to look after the Faythrens. He can't even blame them, because the Faythrens look after their friends and with the network they are building are working on looking after, everyone. Which does precisely nothing to explain how a certain Faythren PRINCESS came to be wandering about, all by herself, and nearly running Talfryn over.

And that's precisely how one becomes a babysitter to the young Faythren Princess, Casalure Duskbringer.

Which is fine, really. Absolutely fine. Except that the filly, like her many relatives before her, lives to sneak out and cause her parents worry. And if she's sneaking out, it falls to Talfryn to keep an eye on her. And she always, always sneaks out to meet a certain colt, which means Talfryn has to keep an eye on HIM TOO. And when the two of them grow up there's still more sneaking out, and running around, and generally causing mischief.

He's going to have grey feathers and these two haven't even gotten started yet. This is precisely why one should stay at home.


Breeding Attempts:
PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 7:34 pm

Hellebore Boneblossom
Foxglove Boneblossom x Rubeus Imperator "Alizarin"

User ImageName: Hellebore Boneblossom
Nick Name: Helle
Name Meaning: Helleborus comprises approximately 20 species of herbaceous or evergreen perennial flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae, within which it gave its name to the tribe of Helleboreae. The scientific name Helleborus derives from the Greek name for H. orientalis, ἑλλέβορος helléboros, from elein "to injure" and βορά borá "food". Many species are poisonous.
Type: 2nd Gen- Mutant Flutter
Title: The Crystal Blossom
Herd: N/A
Occupation: Soothsayer & Thief
Temper: N/A
Acquired: Crystal Flowers Contest
Previous Stages: N/A
Drop Post: Uncert Drop Post, Cert Drop
Special Markings/Attributes: Like many of the Boneblossom clan, Helle has the trademark skeletal markings as well as flowers on her small antlers. However, she also has strange crystal growths on her face, knees and hindquarters. Her wings are dainty, stained-glass like appendages more suited to expressing emotions than bearing her in flight.
Roleplay Color: #55A0B4

Family Echo: Here
Dam x Sire: Foxglove Boneblossom x Rubeus Imperator "Alizarin"
Siblings: Thistle Boneblossom, Primrose Boneblossom
Familiar: N/A
Mate: None (Flings)

About: The daughter of the widely known, popular and social Foxglove Boneblossom and Rubeus Imperator "Alizarin". This mare certainly displays more of her Boneblossom heritage, a collection of traits that seem to carry strongly through their family and apply to all of those that are part of their bloodline. In general, Boneblossoms are a 'love them and leave them' sort, rarely settling down with a single partner.

Hellebore or "Helle" for short is a collector, a keen-eyed magpie for items that delight or puzzle her. At times, she may seem as though she possesses a short attention span, fluttering from item to item. Though she is a sweet-tempered sort, this habit can get her into trouble as she may 'forget' that the shiny she's fallen in love with belonged to someone else. She's terribly apologetic when this occurs and will, of course, return the object if she can't barter or trade a trinket of her own for it. (The lifts happen on accident, really. Or maybe you drop something and she just doesn't say so and picks it up once you have gone. Oops?)

To this end, she'll spend what time she can wandering to festivals and any sort of social herds (like the Tea Herds, Lapsang Faire and so on). The riot of music and color is terribly interesting to her, and she loves a chance to find new trinkets, meet new people, try new things. Picking pockets or just finding lost items aside, she delights in watching the artists create new things as well.

The main reason for her interest in collecting items that speak to her is so that she can use them in her practice of cleromancy. Fancying herself something of a soothsayer, Helle will try to read the future by casting stones, bones, bells, or crystals (or coins or anything she can collect in number). She may be right, she may be wrong, but if you ask her about the future she'll surely give you an answer. Whether it's an answer you understand or the one you want? Well, that's another matter entirely. (Sorry in advance!)

Somewhat small and graceful, she's not yet encountered anyone that she would react to with fear. She mostly remains unendingly cheerful and curious, in spite of how large or intimidating a new associate may be.

Personality: Curious, sweet, and more than a little naive, Helle is fairly easy to befriend. Of course, she's a bit odd with her collection of bones and bits, which means friends may not stick around long. They might be a little weirded out by her tendency to talk to inanimate objects, or nothing at all, and find reasons to leave her behind. This certainly hurts her feelings but is made easier by her wandering nature. Possibly it's a defense tactic, but one can't quite be sure as it is certainly a family trait.
Friends: Tatyana Bangarang, Lotan the Revenant, Vassilis

*Collecting Weird Friends (With Tatyana and Lotan)
*[Log] Welcome to the Neighborhood (With Many)

First Breeding With Catrina (DG):
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Second Breeding With Vassilis (Niss):
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Third Breeding With Sindri Ragnarok (Saint Vis):
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fourth Breeding With Polaris Frost:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fifth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx


Surefire Sex Symbol


Surefire Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:56 pm

? x ?

User ImageName: Irazu
Nick Name: Ira, Zu
Name Meaning: The Irazú Volcano (Spanish: Volcán Irazú) is an active volcano in Costa Rica, situated in the Cordillera Central close to the city of Cartago. The name could come from either the combination of "ara" (point) and "tzu" (thunder) or a corruption of Iztarú, which was the name of an indigenous village on the flanks of the volcano. In Costa Rica it is known by the name of "El Coloso" (The Colossus) due to the catastrophes that it has provoked in the past.
Type: Hippogryph
Title: Knight of Ahiri
Temper: N/A
Acquired: Black Friday Raffle
Previous Stages: Itemless Cert
Shop Uncerts: Original, Irazu Fall Items, Irazu Pumpkin,
Drop Post: Original N/A, Fall Items 1, Fall Items 2 Uncert,
Special Markings/Attributes: Irazu is a solid black Hippogryph. He has solid black wings, scales on his clawed forefeet, and feathers on his hindlegs, his mane and tail are both comprised of feathers. He has dark eyes, eyebrows and feather framed face. His beak is faintly hooked, but solid black like the rest of him. As part of his new life in the Soquili lands, he is now wearing brightly colored tabard sashing and beads in hues of red and gold.
Roleplay Color: Black
Family: N/A
Dam x Sire: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Familiar: N/A
Stats: Max Announcement

About: South of the Southern sea, to the West beyond the shipwreck fields and even the great Trench that teem with Mer and Kelpi, is a chain of small islands. Inhabited largely by Gryph and Suti crosses, these islands are considered a solitary herd, which call themselves the Ahiri Island Clan. Allied with a band of local mers, these two groups worship many natural deities. This includes the ocean that might rise up and take their home whenever she wishes, the giver of all life that ensures their islands green and food plentiful, and the islands themselves. However, the highest power is known to be held by the volcano, for she can spit fresh rock to expand their home, or wipe them all out in an ill temper.

It is from this Clan that the mare known as Kawah Ijen escaped, fleeing the life of emotional solitude the islanders had forced upon her when they decided she was the embodiment of the volcanos will. Though she might be delivered warriors for protection or handmaidens for her companions or even stallions for her delight, she was unhappy. But then, so too was the herd when it was discovered that she had gone missing. So then it has begun to act by sending warriors in all directions to seek her out. Irazu is the first to arrive in this land, and is determined to find the Lady of Fire as quickly as possible, and return her home. He fears if he does not accomplish this task, the volcano may grow angry, and once again destroy the islands in a show of her might.

So then, for the greater good he should find the Lady of Fire and return her home.. The journey is long and arduous, but Irazu was chosen for this with good reason. He has safely arrived here and even found the herdlands where Kawah first arrived, seeing evidence of her passing in the appearance of a few young stallions. The fact that she has come to this place and had a family is concerning, as it certainly seems that she'll find no reason to return.

What if she does not wish to go? What if she has made a home here, beyond the Clan? And what if Irazu himself was offered the same option? How will he choose? How will he know what's right?

Personality: A by-the-book warrior, Irazu is loyal to his herd or clan. He's certainly capable of thinking for himself but has always worked knowing each action in the service of the greater good. As he is used to having something to protect, it is no hardship to overlook his own needs in the service of another. To this end he may not know how to handle the grandeur of choice, and may be clumsy in his handling of new-found freedoms. Finding himself in a strange land is not too odd, but being faced with a bevy of choices and having to determine what is right, when neither choice feels that way, may cause him confusion and no small amount of irritability. Due to this, his initial impression may not be all that flattering. He's likely to come off as overbearing, inconsiderate, rude and uncaring. It may lead to some initial poor choices (and impressions) but with some work his world view will shift and he'll no longer be a sycophant to the herd.


*You Should Come Home Again (With Kawah Ijen)
* Shades of Black (With Kieron)

First Breeding With :
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Second Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Third Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fourth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fifth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Former Agreement: Serafina (odet amo): Agreement BROKEN 6/20/23
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:19 pm

Laiquendi Avallónë
Teleri Lindai x Morrow

User ImageName: Laiquendi Avallónë
Nick Name: Lai
Name Meaning: Laiquendi: The Laiquendi, also known as the Green-elves were a group of Nandor under Denethor, son of Lenwë. These elves passed westward into the Beleriand over the Blue Mountains and came to reside in Ossiriand, the Land of Seven Rivers, and were quite secretive there. The Laiquendi can be traced to the Telerin Elves of the host of Olwë, who coming upon the Great River Anduin and seeing the seemingly impassable peaks of the Misty Mountains, forsook the westward journey and became a separated people. These Elves followed Lenwë down the banks of the Anduin and once again became separated.
Avallonë: also known as the Haven of the Eldar, was a city and seaport on the eastern shore of the island of Tol Eressëa. Its name indicated that it was the city nearest to Valinor and the tower of Avallónë was the first sight that a mariner beheld as he approached the Undying Lands. The city was described as white-shining with a great harbor with laplit quays. It had a tower where the Master-stone abode.
Type: Angeni-Lona (Triwing Carrier)
Title: The Twilight Dove
Temper: Idyllic
Acquired: CYO 2016; Plushie by Celestial Requiem, Picked by Mindsend
Previous Stages: N/A
Drop Post: Cert Drop
Special Markings/Attributes: Laiquendi is a perwinkle-like twilight blue coated mare, her pelt darkening down her legs. From her withers down to her forehooves there are swirling white markings, reminiscent of her sire. A bright glowing blue version of her mother's markings mark her cheek, her neck and shoulder, and down her hind leg. Her mane and tail are a frothing, curling mass, both of which are solid white. Her singular set of wings are kalona like in structure, purple framed and feathered with black flight membranes. Her hooves are white. Her eyes are a nearly solid black, with just a hint of red for her iris. She wears a black beaded necklace strung with golden bells, also a legacy of her mother.
Roleplay Color: #314580

Great-Great Grand Dam x Sire (Sangria's Side): Jessamine x Relic
Great-Great Grand Dam x Sire (Hesedial's Side): Narcissa x Lucifer
Great Grand Sire x Grand Dam (Ananel's Side): Hesedial x Sangria
Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grand Sire x Dam (Sabras's Side): Fallo Amachi x ???
Great-Great-Great-Great Grand Dam x Sire (Mecho's Side): Almase x Sabras Amachi
Great-Great-Great Grand Dam x Sire (Cabriole's Side): Melody Forte x Mecho Amachi
Great Great Grand Dam x Sire (Taarab's Side): Zahraa x Cabriole Amachi
Great Grand Dam x Grand Sire (Vanmoriel's Side): Vanya x Taarab
Grand Dam x Grand Sire: Vanmoriel x Ananel
Dam x Sire: Teleri Lindai x Morrow
Grand Dam x Grand Sire (Morrow's Side): Avalee x AtalRin
Great Grand Dam x Great Grand Sire (Avalee's Side): Sukari x Trolius
Great Grand Dam x Great Grand Sire (Atal'Rin's Side): Ewa'kepi x Mr.Branson
Great-Great Grandmother x Great-Great Grandfather (Sukari's Side): Ysiel x Senjin
Great-Grandmother x Great-Great Grandfather (Mr Branson's side) (Mr. Branson): Seymour-II x Nightwalker
Siblings: Falmari Aqualonde
Half-Siblings: Cry Havoc
Familiar: Tindómiel
Mate: Renen Dawncast

About: It seems that in the winter months, the strange spirits and tricksters awaken in the land. In their wandering they frequently find or make their own amusements, and as such many strange creatures have come to the lands of late. These trickster spirits, wishing stars, and other such mystical forces have the power to bring ones wishes (good or bad) to life. Hearing word of such magic, a white mare steals away from her herd and goes to wish most fervently before the Wishing Star. Her words are caught on the breeze, borne on the wind to the ears of the spirits, whom decide to grant her what she asks. Thus does a white raven with many eyes and trailing tail feathers come to the lands. Thus too does a somber white raven with strange markings upon his head arrive shortly thereafter. As with her brother before her, this is how Laiquendi Avallónë comes to the lands.

Her mother was the fair Teleri Lindai, white daughter of The Flock and far-flying wanderer, stole away from her herd at every chance. Much of the time it was to visit the strange spirit of the forest she had come to care for so deeply, but upon hearing stories of magical stars and kindly spirits that would bestow children upon those they found worthy, the mare undertook journeys to find these powerful forces. To this end, Teleri made several wishes to the stars and the spirits when the world slept under a blanket of white. While the first few wishes were for wise companions to assist her in her travels, her deepest wish was for something more... This was the wish for children, children of herself and the strange, elusive stallion she had come to love so much. Morrow would never be accepted by The Flock, even if he wished to leave his home to join her there... And even if he did, and his strange features overlooked, he would be most unhappy and their courtship disapproved. As such, Teleri wished for children representing the entwined bloodlines of herself and the stallion she could so rarely visit, and it seems the spirits saw fit to answer.

Though she has not met either of them, Laiquendi’s parents too are the fair white daughter of The Flock, Teleri Lindai, and the mysterious guardian of the forest who has stolen her heart, Morrow. Newly arrived to this land she will seek out her elder brother, and with the company of him and their familiars she will travel. It is likely she will meet both her parents as well as more distant relations, though she may not be aware of the connections.

Personality: On the surface, Laiquendi is idyllic. She's a lady, peaceful and happy so long as her family and friends are around her and well. In most cases Laiquendi is patient, but only to an extent. When there is a possibility of her family or friends in danger, she can and will throw caution to the win in an instant. Determined to the point of stubbornness, she shows little to no hesitation in standing up to her brother, or frightening him with any number if impetuous ideas and stunts. Fiercely loyal, she's prepared to trample any who would pose a threat to her loved ones. Currently single, she frequently jokes with her raven friend about finding any number of terrifying suitors to hassle her brother.


*Long-Time Gone (With Falmari Aqualonde)
*[Log] Welcome to the Neighborhood (With Many)
* Bells and Roses Meet (With Belial)
* [PRP] Forging An Alliance (Laiquendi with Renen & Sotto)

First Breeding With Renen Dawncast (Saint Vis):
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx
XXXXXXXXXXXXX*Lifemate Agreement

Second Breeding With Renen Dawncast (Saint Vis):
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx
XXXXXXXXXXXXX*Lifemate Agreement

Third Breeding With Renen Dawncast (Saint Vis):
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx
XXXXXXXXXXXXX*Lifemate Agreement

Fourth Breeding With Renen Dawncast (Saint Vis):
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx
XXXXXXXXXXXXX*Lifemate Agreement

Fifth Breeding With Renen Dawncast (Saint Vis):
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx
XXXXXXXXXXXXX*Lifemate Agreement

User Image
Name: Tindómiel
Meaning: Her name means "Morning Star" in Quenya (an assimilation of tindómë = "twilight of dawn" and el = "star" ). It can also be taken as "daughter of twilight", with -iel being a feminine suffix. In that case, it is a cognate of Tinúviel.
Species: Raven
Bonded To/Herd: Laiquendi Avallónë
Mate: N/A
ShipName: N/A
Children: N/A
Five Star Familiar Project: Here

About: Tin considers herself most fortunate to be held in such high esteem by Laiquendi. She's happy to be the mare's main traveling companion, messenger, confidant, and friend. Traveling in Falmari's wake, the raven and mare are happy to get in some wandering and adventuring whenever he's not looking. For the most part, Lai will either delight in scaring her brother or stubbornly refuse to be sheltered by him... and Tin will go along, because why not?

1. Alziir Permission

Breeding Attempts:


Surefire Sex Symbol


Surefire Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:33 pm

Widowmaker The Barbarous
Dalila x Deception

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Name: Widowmaker The Barbarous
Nick Name: Widow
Name Meaning: Widowmaker: "a thing with the potential to kill"; Barbarous: "savagely cruel; exceedingly brutal"
Type: Murdercorn; 6th Gen Kalona x Unicorn Cross
Title: A Murderous Healer
Acquired: A Gift from DNS & Mythi!
Previous Stages: Basket Cert, Foal Cert, Adult (Mask), Adult (No Mask), Fall Items, Fall Items Shop Cert
Uncerts: Fall Items Uncert,
Drop Post: Foal and Basket Cert Drop, Adult Uncert, Adult Cert Drop, Fall Item Uncert Drop, Fall Item Drop
Special Markings/Attributes: Widowmaker is a draft Unicorn stallion. A cream-based color paint, with pops of goldenrod in paint splatters over his coat. His cloven hooves are orange, and his unicorn tail tasseled in a pale green both legacies of his mother. The serious unicorn stallion has a blood red horn tipped black. He wears custom items in the form of a skull bone mask, a layered black and crimson healers collar, a fang suspended from a necklace, a bone crafted bracelet on one foreleg, and a mock ribcage harness made of leather and harvested bones. His dark brown mane is curling and the longest sections are often secured in a singular braid. He at times may wear an autumn flower crown, tied with ribbons. His eyes are a solid, glowing white, edged in pale green. There are minute markings of green runes etched onto his shoulder and hindquarters.
Roleplay Color: #5C9777
Max Stat Post: Here

Great Great Great Grand Sire x Dam: Mahiri x Hania
Great Great Grand Sire x Dam: Artemis x Thestral
Great Grand Sire x Dam: NightShade x Tenebrus
Grand Sire x Grand Dam: Masquerade x Dyson Graves
Dam x Sire: Dalila x Deception
Siblings: Eep The Heartless, Thornheart The Wicked
Familiar: N/A
Mate: Queen Maker Hunibi

About: Even as a colt, Widowmaker was a difficult and somewhat unpleasant sort to be around. He frequently hunted or tormented other foals, keen to find the weak points that any may possess. Frequently chasing or menacing them away from their home herd or family, he'd ensure they were well and truly isolated before picking at their emotional and mental state. While the poking was his true entertainment, he was certainly not above a bite or a kick if he could land it. This has given way to a strategic, cold-hearted sort of hunt approach to most situations in his adult life.

As a young adult, Widow sought out those who would-be victims for his stronger body and crueler temper. When not met with success, he was faced with the surprising experience of meeting those strong enough to stand in opposition to him. To his delight, he's also found those that encourage him, Aveshar's distant mentorship and approval a point of pride to him. It also proves that he needs a somewhat firm hand from those that would be his friends or lovers.

A warrior or healer for hire, he can be bought for an exorbitant price. With or without currency, true loyalty is the only way to truly control him. If he believes in someone, or their cause, he'll abide by their moral code or his own as he sees fit. While he's not likely to kill or eat anyone for his own amusement, he does certainly harass and taunt to his heart's content. Capable of hunting or fighting, he can be a true powerhouse behind a movement if he actually believes.

Son of a murderous Kalona from a proud line and his pretty distraction, Widowmaker is fairly murderous for one blessed with the ability to heal. A terror on the battlefield, he's happy to put his strength to use to serve whatever agenda he deems best. Strong and broad and tall, this draft stallion will fight or hunt or heal as he decides to, and heaven help you if you're on the wrong side.

Still, even if he considers you a friend, your healing will not be painless. (Then again, if he loves you...)

Personality: Widow is aggressive, somewhat arrogant in his superiority due to size and strength. He's more a hunter than hunted, capable of healing but rather unlikely to do so. Loyal to those he deems worthy, equal or superior, his friend's list is unlikely to ever be extensive. Allies, due to their useful skills or ability in combat are a more likely situation. He's uninterested in settling at this time, though if he were to do so it would be with a female that was clever, strong-willed, likely a little dangerous as well as beautiful. As he has yet to find such a lady, and rather doubts one exits, there's not much to worry about.
Friends: Aveshar,

*A Rising Storm With Casalure Duskbringer & Vasire
*[SRP Log] Shadows and Skulls With Aveshar
*[SRP] A Fall, A Faire With Tryst

First Breeding With Queen Maker Hunibi (Saint Vis):
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Second Breeding With Queen Maker Hunibi (Saint Vis):
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Third Breeding With Queen Maker Hunibi (Saint Vis):
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fourth Breeding With Queen Maker Hunibi (Saint Vis):
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fifth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx
PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:56 pm

Whistle x Ballad

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Name: Sunisra
Nick Name: Suni
Name Meaning:
Type: Tri-Wing Angeni Fayth
Title: The Fayth's Hope
Acquired: Staff Credit from Odet Amo
Previous Stages: N/A
Drop Post: Cert/Uncert Here; Recert Drop
Special Markings/Attributes: Suni is a Triwing; a mutant Angeni. As the nearly colorless Fayth child, she exhibits minimal Fayth markings with an unusual black glow (cheek, foreleg, hind leg). Overall a pale white darkening to grey at her lower leg and hooves on three of her four legs, as well as at her muzzle. Her windblown mane and tail are white based with stripes of black and her signature sea foam teal color. Her three sets of black feathered wings also feature stripes and feathers of the sea foam color, echoing her minimal markings. Her hooves are solid and dark grey.
Roleplay Color: #6DBFB2

Grand Dam x Grand Sire : ???
Aunts/Uncles (Paternal):
Sire x Dam: Whistle x Ballad
Siblings: Aveshar, Kelakohr, Seriav, Aleatoric, Casalure Duskbringer, Zeibekiko, Riddle
Nieces/Nephews: Ave's Children: Adevina Takhi, Avant Resari, Keshani Avenara; Kel's Children: Arioso Canto & Kalira;
Grand Nieces/Nephews: Avant's Children: Ars Antiqua, Sonata Notturno, Ultima Canticum;
Mate: Faris "Knight" ; Lifemate Agreement

About: The Faythren Clan is far-flung, scattered, and widely varying. As more of them gather in the lands, focusing their illuminating presence in a closer range, their talents become more visible. Of the elder children, Sunisra was the youngest and has evaded Aveshar's wrath for the whole of her life. She most reminded her father of his sister Lyric, but is otherwise an entirely new being among the strange and interesting gems that are her relatives.

As ever, the wandering spirit of the Fayth Clan ensures that they see things (both strange and wondrous) in their travels. Wearied by the travels or otherwise inspired to return to her family, Sunisra is the last of the far-wandering children of Ballad and Whistle. She has finally joined her family in this new land, just in time to meet the new members and be on hand for rising threats.

Called home at last, she comes escorted by her brother Aleatoric and bearing messages from old allies to her sire. She is overjoyed to see her parents are united and have recently welcomed new children. It is something of a relief to find that Aveshar has separated from the Clan and started his own line, as it means she is free to reunite with her parents in relative peace.

Seeing Kelakohr again and meeting her new siblings is also an unexpected delight, though she is saddened by the obvious resentment Seriav holds for her. Aveshar's separation from the main Clan was no surprise, and his distance provides Sunisra with something of a reprieve. Still, Aveshar has allied siblings like Seriav that ensure Sunisra is not completely relaxed among her kin. Zeibekiko's defense of Kelakohr is a delight and amusement to her, and Casalure and she have become quite close. Still, it seems even now that nothing will go smoothly for her family, they are on the cusp of war.

Sunisra herself is not a creature of war, but one of hope. Still, if her parents or siblings are standing against a threat, then she will stand with them. If the monsters that once ravaged the peaceful lives of her parents have again returned, then Sunisra will help her family to drive them off. If fate is kind, perhaps she will have a chance to mend the fractured bonds of the family. If not, then she will watch it break apart and help when it is time to pick up the pieces.

Regardless, she is here now. Their Hope has Returned.

Personality: Sunisra is soft-spoken and sweet, the daintiest of the Faythren Daughters. Seemingly delicate, she has a heart as strong as diamond as she been hunted her entire life and greeted with hatred by her brother Aveshar. Welcoming and musical, Sunisra does not let his hatred and desire for her death diminish her bight outlook.
Friends: Etienne Donato,

*[SRP] Drifting

First Breeding With Faris "Knight":
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Second Breeding With Faris "Knight":
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Third Breeding With Faris "Knight":
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fourth Breeding With Faris "Knight":
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fifth Breeding With Faris "Knight":
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx


Surefire Sex Symbol


Surefire Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:49 pm

Rennigan x Tsubasa

User ImageName: Aristos
Nick Name: Ari, 'Ristos,
Name Meaning: Greek element meaning "best".
Type: 4th Gen- Flutter x Unicorn Cross
Title: The Evergreen Prince
Temper: Preening
Acquired: A Gift from Roniel!
Previous Stages: Basket, Foal
Drop Post: Basket Uncert Drop, Basket/Foal Cert Drop, Stallion Cert Drop
Special Markings/Attributes: Aristos is a fluttercorn stallion. His painted coat is patterned in multiple shades of green and teal, as well as white with pops of gold in the form of dainty flower markings. His mane is a curling mass of white and pale green, his unicorn tail ending in a tassel that is also white and green. His forehooves are a bright blue, his hind hooves are white. His horn is a spiraling, bright green. His eyes are gold, and his wings are crescent moon-shaped and soft green. He wears a collar and a necklace with an arrowhead, a mix of green, white and gold.
Roleplay Color: #89CA7F

Great Grand Dam x Great Grand Sire (Viscoso): Starshine x Kanati
Grand Dam x Grand Sire (Tsubasa): Krysta x Viscoso
Dam x Sire: Rennigan x Tsubasa
Siblings: ???, ???
Mate: None (Single)
About: Aristos's name is from an element that means "best", and while he did not pick it he would certainly tell you just how appropriate it is. In many long, detailed terms. Aristos is the best, the most handsome, the most charming, and if you don't believe that he feels sorry for you. If it is not readily apparent, this stallion is extremely self-assured, confident in the opinion that he's a glorious gift to the world around him. Aware of his charms (and possibly overstating them at times) he typically greets just about any mare with a wide smile, a toss of his head, and emphasis on his beautiful mane.

This male more or less floats through life, desiring to surround himself with the most beautiful and charming individuals. Whether they are particularly skilled in any sort of trade is of little consequence, though he'd certainly welcome someone to make him trinkets or shower him with gifts of art, or even odes to his beauty. Ever so succeptible to flattery, and apt to take it as gospel, the easiest way to get on his good side is to say a few complimentary phrases. (You don't even need to mean them, truth be told. He thinks it's true, so he'd never expect you to be mouthing platitudes, exaggerations or lies.)

It would be all to easy to charm him into revealing, well, just about anything you thought to be of interest. Possibly where he keeps a store of gifts from his admirers, the best places to find rare treats or food, anything at all really. Whatever you need from Aristos, you can probably get by telling him that you recognize how handsome he is. (Of course, he'll definitely want you to stick around and continue to tell him. So, keep this in mind if you do decide to compliment him!)

In spite of all the surface fluff, Aristos has a good heart and will certainly be a steadfast friend once you get past the facade. He's not one for war or roughing it, but he is able to heal and doesn't mind an adventurous trip now and again, particularly if there is a group of admirers around to tell tales by firelight! Because he's already convinced of his own beauty, his needs are relatively simple.
Personality: Preening, Confident (bordering on arrogant) and self-assured, Aristos knows he's good looking. This likely comes off as shallow, though there are likely hidden depths that none have managed to reach.

* A Movement in the Forest (With Lilium)

First Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Second Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Third Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fourth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fifth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:16 pm

[UI] Nu'ha Noom
Moon x Moon

User ImageName: Nu'ha Noom
Nick Name: Nu'ha
Name Meaning: A slight evolution of the language of the Moons on Utloyi Island. For the most part, several of the first generations were "Moons", which has begun to change as the generations grow and expand and choose new things to call themselves. Her brother is Noom Noom, hence her surname, an inverse of Moon.
Type: Utloyi Island Moon
Title: The Moon Child
Acquired: Gifted Basket by Mindsend & one over three!
Previous Stages: Basket, Foal, Adult (NI), Shop Item UC; Shop Item Cert
Drop Post: Basket Drop, Basket Cert Drop, Foal
Special Markings/Attributes: Utloyi Island; Moon Child
The Moon Breeding Chart: HELP
Roleplay Color: SkyBlue
Family: Note, All Relatives are Moons on the Utloyi Island
Dam x Sire: Moon x Moon
Siblings: Noom Noom, Nyoom'd
Familiar: None
Mate: None (Flings)

Nu'ha Noom is one of the Children of the Moon, living on the isolated Utloyi island. All she has ever known is the other Moons, snow-white Soquili that are for the most part lacking in markings or wings or horns. The newer generations have begun to develop these and strange features from twists and spirits, as well as decorating themselves with often brightly-colored trinkets.

Nu'ha's own decoration is a light blue scarf, chosen as it matches her eyes.

Friends: Any Moons she runs across!


First Breeding With Moon (1A- Phail Ninja):
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Second Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Third Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fourth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx

Fifth Breeding With ????:
XXXXXXXXX Resulted In: xXx, xXx


Surefire Sex Symbol


Surefire Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:58 pm

Sotto Voce
Whistle x Ballad

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Name: Sotto Voce
Nick Name: So, SoVo,
Name Meaning: SOTTO (Italian) under, VOCE (Italian) voice; in a quiet voice, as if not to be overheard.
Type: Angeni Kalona Crossbreed; 2nd Gen Fayth
Title: The Twilight Fayth
Domain: N/A
Acquired: Rehome
Previous Stages: N/A
Drop Post: Recert Drop
Special Markings/Attributes: Sotto Voce is an Angeni-Kalona cross Faythren Family Son. Sotto is a dappled grey stallion with a coat darkening to black down the legs, along the chest and back, face, wings and tail. He has darker black markings like paint lines on his face. He has a collar of gleaming purple-white runic glyphs around the base of his neck, and forming stockings on his front legs. His forelock and the spikes of his wings are purple, as are some sections on the underside of his wings. For the most part his wings are black on the membrane and white on the feathering. Aside from the purple forelock, his mane is a medium grey fall that reaches the ground. His spaded kalona tail is grey dappled darkening to black toward the middle and end. The wings on his rear legs are white feathered against the dark black stockings. His kalona hooves are all cloven and black. His eyes are gleaming white.
Roleplay Color: #555656

Grand Dam x Grand Sire:
Dam x Sire: Whistle x Ballad
Siblings: Kelakohr, Aveshar, Trillium, Casalure Duskbringer, Islos Arcan, Riddle
Mate: N/A



* Drifting (With Sunisra & Etienne Donato)
* [SRP] In Sound and In Silence (Sotto Voce)
* [PRP] Forging An Alliance (Sotto with Renen & Laiquendi)


Breeding 1: Trying For With DeD
xxxxxxxx With: Ain Kasadya
xxxxxxxx Resulted In:
xxxxxxxx*Fling Agreement

Breeding : OPEN
xxxxxxxx With:
xxxxxxxx Resulted In:

Breeding : OPEN
xxxxxxxx With:
xxxxxxxx Resulted In:

Breeding : OPEN
xxxxxxxx With:
xxxxxxxx Resulted In:

Breeding : OPEN
xxxxxxxx With:
xxxxxxxx Resulted In:

Mock Children Permissions
*Mine x Other Party: HERE
*Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE

Dopple Permissions
*Mine x Other Party: HERE
*Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE

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