Soquili Name: Witseidutsei
Image of Soquili:Describe your soq's personality/interests: Witseidutsei is, first and foremost, the Angeni of Flight. She is a member of the proud herd of Balrog and Stormwild -- but as she has difficulty with commitment and prefers to go where the wind takes her, she can be found all over the Kawani lands. There is nothing in the world which brings her more joy than the wind fluttering through her feathers as she soars through the sky; to take that ability away from her would destroy her. She has long since abandoned her human form in favour of her soquili body, preferring the superior strength and flight abilities it offers as opposed to that of a fragile two-legger.
She lives her life with a passion that borders on recklessness; Witseidutsei does not think that fear should stop one from trying to live their life. How could one call hiding in the shadows really
living? She would rather die than be stifled by fears -- which is not to say that she is never afraid, but that when she comes face to face with something she fears she does her best to conquer it.
Witseidutsei believes that those without wings are below her, but even soquili who
do have wings are ranked in her views, looking down on weak, fragile flutter wings and the twisted evil of kalonas. She views other angeni as her only equals, with wind soquili a close second -- however, she is not outright cruel to those who were not blessed with wings, and is only strongly opposed to those with evil souls. Superiority complex? Definitely. She feels more pity than dislike of soquili without wings, for what poor soul could truly be happy without the gift of flight?
What is your soq looking for in a mate? Witseidutsei wants a strong, solid stallion with feathered wings. She would fully expect her mate to join Stormwild and Balrog's herd if they aren't a member already, as she is a member herself, although I'd be happy to make an exception for plot purposes. She would get along best with a soquili who sees the blessing of wings as much of a gift as she does. A weak and/or timid stallion who does not stand up for himself would not be a good match for her; she needs someone with confidence. She will also not breed purely out of duty to strengthen her species -- if she doesn't like the stallion, then it won't work out.
She would never fall for any soquili that doesn't have wings. She values the power of an angeni's flight above that of a normal wind, but would willingly mate with a regular wind if she found him suitable. No mixbreeds with non-winds or non-angeni -- must be pure wind, pure angeni, or a mix of the two (that is to say an angeni without head or feet wings is fine). But any features of a non-wind/angeni are out (horns, demon tails, etc). The stallion's family line must be of only pure winds and/or pure angeni, or any mix of the two. Sorry to be so picky but -- it's just the way Witseidutsei is. She will want to know.
OOCly, obviously I hold the same standards Witseidutsei does in the looks of her mate; angeni, wind, or a mix of the two, but no mix with any other breed. No alicons, no kalona/winds, no kirin/angeni, etc. You get the idea. Same goes with the stallion's family line (obviously if your stallion is a 1st edition you don't need to worry about that, but ICly Witseidutsei would still want a strong wind/angeni family line for your stallion's made up family). Edited mane and tail are a must. NO clothing or modern items (like iPods, headphones, etc) whatsoever; but other accessories are absolutely fine. I'd highly prefer a Native American theme if they do have accessories, such as feathers and beads or other natural decorations. I'd also
prefer natural colours, but this is not a must.
Breeding slots left: 3/3.
Fling or Lifemate?: Either, depending on how the RP goes, but I'd really love to find her a lifemate. She won't do more than one fling, though. If this is a fling I would highly prefer not to go the "the pair has a fling which results in foals, then each parent keeps one foal" route. That just won't work for Witseidutsei -- she wouldn't just give up one of her foals because her relationship didn't work out.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM.
This is for the Master CC List only for now, but my RPed soquili always take my highest priority in breedings.