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Trial of Heros II (Important message on Pg. 59) Goto Page: [] [<<] [<] 1 2 3 ... 40 41 42 43 44 45 ... 56 57 58 59 [>] [>>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 6:56 pm
Ezorin mounted his horse and waited for the other to start moving. He would act as rear guard until they caught back up with TY and Shmitty.  
PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 9:42 pm
((I've been very careful to give TY's controller neither a gender nor name, but posting has becoming increasingly difficult with each new post, therefore I shall give it a name already.))

Normally Dixtrel would have enjoyed the prospect of a good fight, but the controlling arachnid had other matters to consider, and thus took a different approach.

Not long after the main party had set out, TY merged with the shadows in the folds of Clover's clothes. Whispering especially quietly very near her ear, he softly spoke with her.
"Don't attract attention, there's no need to worry the whole group over this. It's just me, your friendly shadow-scout. I've hit a small snag with my little mission. Shmitty seems to be under the impression that I'm being controlled by an evil Arachnid that's out to kill him. Would you mind coming with me and trying to talk some sense into him? Just a simple nod will do, then I'll tell Tramer what we're doing."

Meanwhile, back in the pit, though the frantic, leaderless spiders couldn't understand the words Shmitty yelled out, the meaning behind the anger was understandable in any language. Within moments, all that remained was the great fox and his mid-sized wildfire, as the few remaining beasts scattered in every direction except towards the source of their confusion.  

TY Charns


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PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 12:20 pm
The gentle sway of Alfie's gait gave Clover a bit of comfort, though not much. She was still quite uneasy, but happy none the less that they were moving once again. However the group was missing members and that was what was so unsettling. Where had Epotheros gone? Were Ty and Shmitty fairing well up ahead? Not knowing the answers, her mind kept swirling about in search of just that. Taking her out of her thoughts Clover heard a familiar voice.

Before she could react, she understood the need to keep calm and quiet. After hearing Ty's request she was uncertain. Shmitty had seemed quite hostile around the shadow user, but then again Ty hadn't really been acting himself either, well his old self. Still Clover wanted to know what was going on. Maybe Shmitty was only overreacting. Then there was always the possibility that he was right. If that was the case then something would have to done to free Ty. She hoped fiercely that Shmitty was merely overreacting. 'Tramer and Larien will understand. I have to figure this out,' she thought before nodding her head. As foolish as the gesture felt at that moment it was necessary.
PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 10:49 pm
It was a few moments before TY did anything, but as soon as Alfie passed under the shadow of one of the larger trees, he made his move quickly.
At the same time he removed Clover, he built a physical shadow within her clothes of roughly the same size to replace her, which he had lean over and rest against the back of Alfie's neck to hide the absence of Clover's face from the group. All this was in attempt to minimize suspicions of what was really going on.

In the thick shadows of another tree elsewhere in the forest, Clover reappeared. Next to her, TY was standing, holding a bundle of clothes out to her.
"Here, I got these from your pack. Catch up once you're done."
He then turned and walked away in a straight and true line.
Oh, what I wouldn't give...  

TY Charns


PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 11:38 pm
Tramer stared blankly forward lost in thought as his horse calmly walked forward, suddenly a deep chill ran down his spine pulling him from his almost trance like state, looking back he sensed a decent magical disturbance that appeared to have come from Clover, looked up toward Larien with a worried expiration on his face Tramer wondered what just transpired, thou looking back to Clover he saw she seemed to had fallen asleep on top her horse, thinking it was just him mind playing tricks on him Tramer returned his attention to the forest before the group. Occasionally looking back at Clover Tramer was starting to get worried, it had been over a half an hour and he had yet to see her move, closely examining Clover Tramer slowed his horse and pulled next to her, “are you ok?” Tramer asked Clover, thou before he could hope for a reply his attention was jarred away from Clover as a wall of smoke engulfed the group, gasping for air Tramer motion with his hands to pick up the pace, grasping Alfie's rains Tramer brought both his horse and Alfie to a gallop in an attempt to get out of the smoke.  
PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 12:32 am
Shmitty was almost spent but nothing seemed to be happening yet, deciding this would be the best time he fell to his knees and stuck his sword into the earth and rested his head on his arms letting out a small wisper "a waters cover" from the end of the hilt of his sword a small bubble of water came from it and quikly grrew into a sheild of water that surounded the fox, he was now safe for the moment as he let his gaurd down.... hearing scratching he looked over and saw the spider he stuck to the ground with its own spear struggleing and shmittys only reaction was a cruel laugh "hahahaha " only he could see the humor in the situation he was in and that was it, watching a water blurd spider trying to escape its empelment.  

Orin Dragoon


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PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 1:21 pm
Shooting a concerned glance towards Tramer and Larien, Clover wondered if this was the right choice. After a minute or so of more riding she found herself further in the forest with Ty by her side. 'Cloths from my pack?' she silently question before she realized that she was lacking such. Scarlet streaked across her features immediately as snatched the offered clothing and rushed to put them on. "You could have warned me," she muttered in a tone of utter embarrassment with underlying irritation.

Once properly clothed, Clover quickly walked off towards Ty. She was attempting to cool her nerves and focus on the wind. Something was definitely awry, and furthermore she was without her bow and dagger. She would have to rely on the sheer force of the wind, unless something dark awaited them. It seemed that being gifted with light didn't exactly come of use anymore. Even so Clover still wanted to know what exactly was going on.
PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:05 am
A few minutes after Clover had caught up, TY broke the soft silence to ask her, "What do you think? ...about what he thinks about me?"
He was walking much closer to her than he ever had in the past, but perhaps the close foliage was to blame for that, or maybe it had to do with the protection of the unarmed archer.  

TY Charns


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PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2008 8:54 pm
Once Clover caught up and walked beside Ty, trailing behind by a step or so keeping her gaze forward. When spoken to she glanced in his direction then realizing his close proximity. Well they were going off towards danger, she supposed he was being cautious.

She waited a moment before answering, "He's probably just flustered from the fight. How did he come to that conclusion?" She paused briefly before continuing, "It's just odd."

Clover was being honest, but at the same time had a problem believing her own words. Her mind was confused. Then again if he really just wanted her help, he had already earned it. She couldn't remember how many times Ty had helped or even saved her. There was no refusing to help a good friend. If something was controlling him as Shmitty claimed then she would do whatever she could to purge the unwanted occupant from the shadow wielder. Hopefully that wouldn't be necessary.
PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:54 am
TY was silent for a few steps when they came across a small knife struck into a tree, upon which he stopped to remove it. As he loosened it from the tree with a single hand, he turned his head and asked over his shoulder.
"If I was being controlled...then wouldn't you be in a rough situation right now?"
He turned toward her with the knife in hand, pointed at her chest.
"Away from your friends..."
He took a step in her direction.
"...in by a dense forest..."
"...and alone."
As he took yet another step forward he licked his lips and let a smile creep onto his face.
"Just asking to be taken..."  

TY Charns


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PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2008 11:01 am
Watching Ty retrieve the discarded weapon she wondered what he could possibly need it for. With his next words and actions, Clover's heart began to race. This wasn't the Ty she knew. Even if almost a year had passed, he would never point a knife at her. Her mind desperately sifted through her options as she stepped backwards in response to each of his.

She struggled to not show her fear and schooled her features into that of utter determination. On her command the wind picked up around her and fiercely shot around her in a swift vortex, acting as a shield. With her concentration devoted to the wind and the threat before her, Clover was surprised when she backed into a tree.

'Should I run? Sure I have the wind's speed, but he can manipulate the shadows..' still she was trying to choose the best course of action. She didn't have her armlet with her, so a controllable attack of light was out of her reach. If she try using that power now, she risked hurting the real Ty. She needed a weapon, the knife. Maybe she could dislodge it from him. Once he was close enough she would make her move.
((The controlled Ty is sooo creepy. O.O))
PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2008 2:32 pm
((I always enjoy playing the antagonist. I guess that's my folly.))

TY was pushed back by the sudden swirling mass of air that picked up around Clover, but was not stalled long. He increased his own speed and passed through the shield harmlessly by following the motion of the current, landing in the calm center, right next to Clover, again.
"My dear, don't hurt yourself. This body would make a wonderful addition to my collection."
The tip of the blade traced the curves of her back as he spoke.
"And I've already got a special project in mind, just for you.
Just bare with me a little longer, they'll be here soon."

TY Charns


PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 2:09 am
Almost as quickly as the wave of smoke engulfed the group a gust of wind cleared the air, Tramer looked around confused, thou his attention was quickly taken by the dark plums of smoke coming from a large pit off in the distance, thou his eyes widened further as clouds seemed to be growing out of no were and the wind was starting to pick up very erratically, returning his attention to Clover Tramer placed a hand on her shoulder, “are you ok?” Tramer asked again, not getting a response, Tramer lifted her up to get a look at her face, a look of confusion and anger took Tramer’s facial expression, shoving the false Clover off the horse and onto the ground with surprising force Tramer looked up at the sky and mumbled in elven cursing to himself, he could not believe he had let a member of the group be spirited away right under his nose, suddenly thoughts of Ty and Shmitty flashed through his mind, a overwhelming sense of confusion took Tramer’s mind as he tried to piece together what was going on.

“have you really became so draft?” the voice of Dericos echoed in Tramer’s mind, “do you not sense the change in the wind?…“the voice continued, “you have been fooled” the voice laughed.

“what are you talking about?” Tramer mumbled to himself.

“come, come… do not tell me you have not noticed how quite everyone has been since Ty and Shmitty left…or has your drink dulled all your senses?” Dericos said in a mocking tone, his words echoing in Tramer’s mind “go ahead of the group and see for yourself what I speak of…I think your will rather surprised if what I suspect is true, thou not even I have any speculation on the sudden change in the weather…” Dericos finished his tone suddenly changing from a content smugness to one of almost intrigue as he spoke of the change in weather.

Tramer looked up at the sky, the clouds were getting darker and darker, and the gusts of wind increasingly gained speed, “Larien, something is not right…I am going to go ahead and find out what in the world is going on, if ‘anything’ happens… you know how to contact me” Tramer said looking up to Larien with a worried smile, “further more, Tramer said turning toward the rest of the group, “in my absence Larien will be in charge” Tramer continued speaking loud and clear, looking to Larien once more “don’t do anything I wouldn’t due…” Tramer said with a slight laugh in an attempt to lighten the mood, bringing his horse to a gallop Tramer pushed his horse as fast as it could go, heading straight for the smoldering creator.

((Allie_Sauce question Bortelex question ale Shana question Foxkilth question DON’T MAKE ME STAB YOU ALL evil !! Remember, im crazy ninja … sorry sweatdrop , im not going to stab anyone burning_eyes , thou I am crazy mrgreen mwahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah… Meow! =^-^= domokun …ok…now, what was I getting at with all this? sweatdrop Ow ya! cool just wanted to make shore everyone was still breathing twisted , have a wonderful day cheese_whine . Mwhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhah… twisted ))  
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 12:55 pm
((Allie_Sauce is quite possibly not coming back, especially since she haven't been on Gaia for almost a month.
Bortelex just posted Thursday, so he is alive, barely. (still more recent than Ryu' I might add.)
ale Shana, or more acurately aleshana, has also not been on Gaia for some time, and I gather will not be finishing this RP with us.
As for Foxkilth, I will discuss her options with her later today and have an answer about her later tonight.

To simplify these empty bodies following us around, I propose that aleshana and Allie_Sauce vanished in the wave of smoke, and try as we might, we'll never be able to find them again. That is, unless they start posting again.

Oh, and Tramer, just a thought...
That "false Clover" that you shoved off the horse and left, is wearing the "real" Clover's clothes...including her armlet that let's her control her powers of light. I would think that not only Clover, but also the Elven race and the Order of Mages would be none-to-happy about you just tossing such a priceless artifact... ...but you know, if you don't want it, I'm sure someone/thing will find it. twisted ))  

TY Charns


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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 5:13 pm
((I'm not dead yet. I just don't know how to post to a lot that is going on...I'll try better. Just don't kill me if I have to post one liners. sweatdrop ))

Taking the place Tramer just left before he ran off, Rosette called back to the others "I'm going ahead with him, don't take long. I fear something is amiss."Urging her horse, Rosette galloped to catch up with the far ahead Tramer.  
*Fantasy RPs* (Elves, Medieval, Exc)

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