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PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:26 am

Soq's Name: Madoka
Soq's Picture: I have two, one with jewelery and one without

User Image User Image

Describe your soq's personality/interests: Madoka is a little strange, and a bit of. She's very sweet, and loyal. She recently came to realize what happened and why she was removed from her herd. And with this new sense of clarity she's happier then ever looking for a place to belong too.

What is your soq looking for in a mate?: I'd like someone with the opposite personality. Maybe, dominant, aggressive, or quiet and cold. He basically need to see how loyal she is, and kind of take advantage of that.

OOC: breed doesn't matter. I wouldn't mind someone with a good coloring scheme to go with hers

How do you want others to contact you?: PM please~
RP or non-RP?: RPed~
Flirt or serious relationship?: Either, though serious is preferred.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:52 pm

Soq's Name: Venombane
Soq's Picture:
User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests:
This loner shows all bad qualities one could have. Caring little about others feelings he will always look to take advantage of everyone, everything and every situation to please his needs... or might he be hiding something.

What is your soq looking for in a mate?:
Nothing! He thinks he doesn't need one and looks at relationships like on some kind of weakness. Well his past and lack of interaction with others left him without any knowledge how the heart really works.
Anyway what I am looking is someone who will go well with him, color wise that is, as for personality it doesn't matter as long as she knows how to spin him around her... huh... hoof? Also I'd love for her to be Pokemon edition if possible.

How do you want others to contact you?: pm or plot thread
RP or non-RP?: rp preferred since I am looking to life mate him
Flirt or serious relationship?: serious



PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 1:10 pm

Soq's Name: Feya
Soq's Picture:
User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests:
This little adventurer is naive and simple minded. She will believe almost everything someone would tell her while thinking she is learning something new and important about new world she found herself in. Her heart is pure and kind giving her enough strength and courage to do brave things in dangerous situations.Always in search on new friends she has a big appetite for adventures hoping that one day she will be the main hero of bedtime stories that will be passed on through generations.

What is your soq looking for in a mate?:
Her dream mate is typical for all little girls. Sweet, caring and strong but still gentle. Someone who would teach her all she would like to know about the world and bravely shield her from any harm.
Ahem... yea... well I'm going to be picky with mate for her. But in general I am going to look for is soquili that goes well with her. That means light colored stallion that would compliment her in color and he has to be able to fly. It would be great if he would be flutter or at least half flutter but it isn't necessary.

How do you want others to contact you?: pm or plot thread
RP or non-RP?: rp preferred since I am looking to life mate her
Flirt or serious relationship?: serious
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:00 pm

Soq's Name: Keanu
Soq's Picture: User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Keanu is reckless and a flirt, he never thinks before he speaks or acts and thus tends to get in trouble pretty often. He will also flirt with anything/anyone, mare or stallion, fellow seathi or skinwalker, it doesn't matter to him as long as it moves. His foolishness is often comical, but after years of trying to sweet talk others, he has acquired a couple of good lines.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? anything! ha ha, I'm actually interested in him forming a relationship with a regular soquili or a mer, just because it seems interesting. Though I'd also like it if he fell for a seathi as well becuase I'd like to breed him at some point, though there is always the surrogate option I suppose ;3
How do you want others to contact you?: PM please!
RP or non-RP?: RP is preferred but not required! I also like to plot :>
Flirt or serious relationship?: either!


Lonely Prophet

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Tara de Draiocht

Naughty Man-Lover

PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 2:33 pm

Soq's Name: Quinlan
Soq's Picture:
User Image

Describe your soq's personality/interests: He is a friendly, flirty kinda of male. He likes to have a good time.

What is your soq looking for in a mate?: Not looking for a mate currently, just someone to 'flirt' with right now.
((what I am looking for is a female usida that matches his coloring, is black/white or complements him.))

How do you want others to contact you?: PM please!

RP or non-RP?: Non-RP please. I just don't have a lot of time to Roleplay at the moment with school and such happening.

Flirt or serious relationship?: Flirt only.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:08 pm

Soq's Name: Meifeng
Soq's Picture: User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Has a fun personality, she enjoys flying in the sky and loves gazing upon flowers. She is all about being around her family!
What is your soq looking for in a mate? A stallion that can protect her and be there for her. She'd like someone who had wings but a land stallion would be fine as well. [OOC: Any breed is fine]
How do you want others to contact you?: PM please or IM me at TsukikoNoKo
RP or non-RP?: I'd rather have non-rp. I just don't have much time to rp. However if you really wanna rp just ask me about it.
Flirt or serious relationship?: Either is fine.


IRL Shoujo

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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:49 pm

Soq's Name: Zara
Soq's Picture:
User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Zara is what some might consider a bit of a princess. She knows damn well that she's good looking and comes from very pure blood. Her father and mother have taught her how to be a proper lady and princess and she strives hard to make them proud. She loves her family but has always had penchant for exploration and adventure. She was a bit of a lively firecracker when younger and always seemed to get in to trouble. . . . such spirit has stuck with her since her maturity.

Sadly though, the mare does feel a bit pressured and alone. She hasn't made many friends thanks to the strict upbringing of her family and she herself hasn't done well keeping in touch with the few she had made when younger.

Overall she's friendly to anyone, if a bit obsessive about keeping a clean appearance and looking good for the world. She's graceful and loves to dance though beware of stubborn pride and a temper she tries hard to keep under control.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? She's not actively looking for a mate at this moment in her life but I always love to see who might be interested in some plotting for her future. It's going to take some RP before she settles. I suppose to give her the happiest ending possible a pure unicorn would serve best but I am also not object to taking offers from non-uni's either. :3 It just means there will be some big family drama and should she actually stay with a non-unicorn, from what I've heard, she'll be casted out and shunned from her blood relatives.

So note that there will be a lot of family angst . . . See my plot thread for more details if you're curious on what routes and doors open up if a non-unicorn is offered.

She really would like a stallion to sweep her off her hooves. . . She's a princess, thanks, and she wants nothing more than to find her happily-ever-after.
What I am looking for in a mate for Zara: Not too picky but some good, long-term plot with some RP on the side. Race or colour doesn't matter, it's all about personality or plot.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM
RP or non-RP?: Light RP to see how they click or backstory/plot. I love RP but I'm kind of slow and busy. >: And kind of have a few other plots that are main priority right now.
Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Serious
PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:32 pm

Soq's Name: Blair
Soq's Picture:
User Image

Describe your soq's personality/interests: He is interested in battles, ancient stories, and helping others out when he can.

What is your soq looking for in a mate?: A mare that is need of a knight in shining armor! He is a heart on his sleeves (or er skin) kind of stallion, little dozey at times but he makes up for it by his kindess.

((What I'm looking for as well is a mare with the same coloring as him or one that suits him; celtic knots/tartans,etc))

How do you want others to contact you?: PM please!

RP or non-RP?: Non-RP please, for now. I just don't have a lot of time to Roleplay at the moment with school and such happening.

Flirt or serious relationship?: Either.

Tara de Draiocht

Naughty Man-Lover


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