Name: Eden Owner: Wasteland Wyvern Date Received: 10/30/22 Temper: Charming Sex: Female Method of Obtainment:October 2022 RP Event Colorist: Lolly
Accessibility: Please no super messy or curly fonts as they are hard for me to read, and no molars please. They squick me out. Fangs are fine though! Thank you.
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 7:41 pm
Pony cert, please!
Name: Seraphim "The Observant" Owner: Rein_Carnation Date Received: 10/30/22 Temper: Stoic Method of Obtainment:Oct RP Game Colorist: Lolly
Familiar cert, please!
Name: Angeline Owner: Rein_Carnation Date Received: 10/30/22 Temper: Empathetic Sex: Female or Male Method of Obtainment:Oct RP Game Colorist: Lolly
Name: Dhiaris Owner: FrostyPeaches Date Received: 05 November 2022 Temper: Chaotic Good Method of Obtainment:[October RP] Ominous Omen Colorist: Lolly
Accessibility: Please no super messy or curly fonts as they are hard to read , no red letters it hurts my eyes.
Familiar cert, please!
Name: Omos Owner: FrostyPeaches Date Received: 05 November 2022 Temper: Shonky Sex: Male Method of Obtainment:[October RP] Ominous Omen Colorist: Lolly
(Optional; omit when not in use.) Companion To: Dhiaris [ see above ]
Name: Xaviel The Shimmering Dark Owner: StrawberryRoseTea Date Received: 11/13/22 (Would it be possible to use this date instead of the exact one? If not I think it was 11/01) Temper: Stoic Method of Obtainment:October RP Colorist: Lolly
Familiar cert, please!
Name: Lillitu Owner: StrawberryRoseTea Date Received: 11/01/22 Temper: Cunning Sex: Female Method of Obtainment:October RP Colorist: Lolly
Name: Aarush Owner: Inari Miko Date Received: October 1st, 2022 Temper: Omit Method of Obtainment:Stocktember 2022 Paid Flaffle Colorist: Kara Asumie
Element: Fire
Accessibility: Nothing bright/hard to read, please.
Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 8:02 am
Pony cert, please!
Name: Magnus Magnum Owner: Chi Honda Date Received: unsure. >< Temper: Intense Method of Obtainment:CYO 2021 Colorist: Rueka Breed: have fun. Accessibility: None have fun! Miscellaneous: Nope, thank you!
Pony cert, please!
Name: Andromeda Antilia Owner: Chi Honda Date Received: july 1,2022 Temper: Colorful Method of Obtainment:Show your true colors Raffle Colorist: mindsend Breed: have fun. Accessibility: None have fun! Miscellaneous: Nope, thank you!
Familiar addition, please!
Familiar Name: Hoshiko Familiar Colorist: Moxxiie Soquili Name: Andromeda Antilia (the one above them)
Modification Requested: Transfer Existing Information: everything seems visible Colorist: subducting New Information: owner change to Silversong (if it is ok to just spell it normally, I had to put the 1 in place of the i because of the username being taken) Agreement:[ X ] Accessibility: none
Recert Request!
Modification Requested: Transfer Existing Information: everything seems visible Colorist: mindsend New Information: owner change to Silversong (if it is ok to just spell it normally, I had to put the 1 in place of the i because of the username being taken) Agreement:[ X ] Accessibility: none
Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 6:20 pm
Soquili Breeding
Date Received: 11/11/22 Method of Obtainment:SC Breeding Colorist: Moxxiie Accessibility: No teeth please Copying from previous cert posts for Eos: Light Text on dark background, much like dark mode, is great for the majority of information. As long as there's a good contrast between the outline on the name and the main font color, I can usually read it. As ever, if you need more info or examples, don't hesitate to DM! Parents: Phasma x Glacier x
Name:Opaline Owner: Moxxiie Temper: n/a
Name: Crystalline Owner: Leez0rz Temper: n/a
Name: Phaedra Owner: Eos Galvus Temper: Discerning
Moxxiie Crew
Questionable Explorer
Nebula Dragon
Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 3:57 am
Basket-Popping Ceremony
Parents: Jbswt (LydaLynn) x Grymm Sanderson (Strawberri Stardust)
Name: Akeruab Temper: Courageous Element: Shadow (if it applies)
Basket-Popping Ceremony
Parents: Jbswt (LydaLynn) x Grymm Sanderson (Strawberri Stardust)
Name: Ikhu Shuyet Temper: Inspired Element: Shadow (if it applies)
Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 3:15 pm
edit by phail; this is 5. Fantail Goldfish Mutant Seathi-Nixie-Imp by techabyte from here
Pony cert, please!
Name: Amai Kyandi Owner: Chi Honda Date Received: unsure Temper: Sweet Method of Obtainment: unsure I've had her in my uncerts for a bit and kept meaning to cert them. I'm sorry. >< Colorist: ??? Breed: Goldfish Accessibility: n/a Miscellaneous: n/a
Name: Capsaicin Owner: Odet Amo Date Received: 11/01/22 Temper: Red-hot Sex: Male Method of Obtainment:Foodtober Colorist: Moxxiie Accessibility: Not pink
Pony cert, please!
Name: Rowan Hirune Owner: Odet Amo Date Received: 1/1/20 Temper: Feisty Method of Obtainment: Discord (Secret Santa) Colorist: Lolly