Soquili Name: Niña
Image of Soquili:
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Niña dreams of adventures in the sea. She finds the ocean an exciting and mysterious place, and one day hopes to sail across the seas aboard a ship. She loves to hear stories of adventures, both fictional and real, especially when related to the sea. With both her
father and
grandfather being such eccentric soquili, Niña has grown up and developed a lot of patience. She is actually quite calm for someone so enamored with daydreams of quests and adventures; she is slow and careful in all aspects of her life. Her calmness and soft voice can, at times, make her a very difficult mare to read; it's hard to tell how she may be feeling.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? Niña is attracted to energetic, excitable stallions. She has the patience enough to handle them and finds them entertaining to be around. She would like someone who shares her same interests of adventure, and even better if they have stories of their own to share with her. She isn't attracted to lazy or evil soquili, and would love to meet a handsome kelpi stallion. OOCly, Kelpi are loved but not required. No evil soquili or skinwalkers. It's okay if they are kalona as long as they aren't evil. Edits don't matter... but no human-exclusive clothes, like jackets and pants and such. Small accessories are just fine.
Breeding slots left: 3/3.
Fling or Lifemate?: I'd really prefer lifemate. Non-RP, but always happy to do backstory plotting.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM.
This will be for the CC Master List only for now.