Going to break them up in few posts to make it easier
LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Keelin &
ZiruNames of Owners: Kesmi & Caitlyn Hellstorm
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y
Co-Own Agreement: I can't find ziru's but I have all of the rights. Kant is not part of this. Keelin is co-owned by both of me and Kesmi.
LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Cyanide &
CheckmateNames of Owners: Kesmi & Caitlyn Hellstorm
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y
Co-Own Agreement: N/A
LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Akasma &
QuiloNames of Owners: Kesmi & Caitlyn Hellstorm
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y
Co-Own Agreement: N/A
LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Callista &
InfernoNames of Owners: Kesmi & Caitlyn Hellstorm
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y
Co-Own Agreement: N/A