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Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 8:13 pm

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                                                        ۩ ) • • • Shy, hardly. He merely couldn't help his desire to run over to Samuel's and prove his point. Micha knew Samuel needed his rest however. He received a few more texts from Samuel but didn't respond. Micha shoved his phone into his pocket. He wanted to let Samuel rest. Micha started his day, figuring he could explore the city while Samuel slept.

                                                        It was getting late in the day, Micha had gone shopping to get a few things. He returned to his hotel with bags in hand. Micha had dropped the bags on his bed as he entered. His phone hadn't gone off since he'd last spoken to Samuel. He was surprised he'd slept so long. Micha had stripped his clothes off to head into the shower when his phone went off. He reached to grab his pants and fished his phone out. Micha pulled up the text, smiling to himself. Slept well I see? He teased as he started back toward the bathroom.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 8:59 pm
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            It had not been his intention to sleep as long as he did. However, it seemed that last night's event had worn him out much more than he realized. Samuel rose feeling well rested and hungry. He quickly took care of his needs before coming back to see if Micha had texted him any while he was asleep. Unfortunately, it seemed his boyfriend decided to be polite and not wake him, so there was nothing there. It was fine. He liked to think that Micha was still up and about at this time of day. At least he hoped so, he wasn't entirely sure what time Micha had gotten up this morning. Texting the male, he took his phone and left his bedroom to go downstairs. The mansion was quiet and dimly lit with the waning sunlight coming in through the windows. Samuel walked down the stairs and headed in the direction of the kitchen when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled out the device and swiped the screen, smiling at the males' words. "I did. Guess that's what happens when tending to 3,000 patrons plus guests and staff. Those people wore me out." he replied, complaining lightly. In truth, he did have a bit of fun last night. He just wished they hadn't been fighting so he could have enjoyed it more.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 6:10 am

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                                                        ۩ ) • • • Entering the bathroom, he set his phone on the counter. Micha walked toward the shower as he turned it on. He waited for the water to heat up. Micha gathered his towel and washcloth, setting them on the counter. He heard his phone go off again and picked it up. Micha checked the message as he rolled his eyes. Well duh… He commented, hoping Samuel was careful when it came to his next party. Micha didn't need him wearing himself out for the sake of keeping himself sane. He set the phone back on the counter and returned his attention to his shower. Micha pulled back the curtain and climbed in, feeling the warm water slide over him.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 9:28 am
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            Heading downstairs into the kitchen Samuel went in search of something to eat. Flipping on the lights, he set his phone on the counter, and began shuffling through the cabinets. He was more than aware of the food available, his concern was how much did he want to cook today. There were many things Samuel disliked in life and cooking was among the top ranks. He stood before the cabinet weighing his food options when his phone buzzed behind him. Samuel turned to pick it up and read the next message. He wasn't surprised that Micha was unmoved by his complaints. "Yeah, yeah. So what did you do all day? Anything exciting?" he replied. Samuel only had himself to blame for planning such a large event. But planning was all he could do at the time to keep himself together. It was stable, repetitive, the kind of busy work that kept him focused and free of the pining that agonized him for so many months. Hopefully with Micha back in his life, he could overlook some of his upcoming events and reorganize them to something a little less crazy but still big enough that would attract a crowd.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 7:00 pm

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                                                        ۩ ) • • • Indeed Micha hardly was concerned with Samuel's complaints. He knew Samuel had his club to keep him sane. It was one of the few things he didn't understand nor did he need to. Micha was happy for Samuel's accomplishments though they seemed to only have gotten bigger in the last year. He just didn't know how to talk about it, but could only listen.

                                                        Standing beneath the water, Micha heard his phone go off on the counter. He figured Samuel could wait as he went about showering. Micha washed his hair and body before finally turning off the water some fifteen minutes later. He pulled back the curtain as he reached for the towel. Micha was careful as he climbed out not wanting to slip.

                                                        After drying off, Micha tucked the towel around his waist. He grabbed his phone to check the message from Samuel. Micha smiled at his text. He started toward the bedroom area. Micha walked to the bed as he took a seat on it while he continued to dry. Mm, well I spent the day exploring the city. I found a few things while out as well…However mostly kept myself busy from thinking about your lovely sexy pictures from this morning. He teased Samuel about this morning.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 10:15 pm
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            He didn’t think there was anything with him owning a club. Sure, he had the brains and quite possibly the ambition to run a huge conglomerate. But the idea of holding such a position sounded dreadfully dull. That was something better suited for his father, possibly even Benjamin. The club could be a little crazy at times, but it had its charms. Without it, he doubted he would ever have met Micha.

            Samuel continued to rummage through the cabinets while awaiting for a reply from Micha. He hadn’t told him what he was doing, but he assumed he had good reason for the delay. While he waited, he eventually gave up on the idea of cooking for himself. He was too lazy and wasn’t in the mood to cook. He really ought to just give in and hire a full time chef. Taking his phone, Samuel went into the living room and pulled up UberEats. He scrolled through the local options, still unsure of what he wanted to eat. Samuel scrolled through the various restaurants and fast food chains before settling on a local Vietnamese restaurant. He ordered himself a small bowl of Phó, spring rolls, and a small chicken fried rice. He didn’t know if he would eat all of it, but it would make for a nice late night snack if he had any leftover.

            He was just finishing up his order when his phone buzzed with a new message. Samuel completed the order before turning his attention back to Micha. Reading through his message, he smirked. He was glad that Micha had been able to find something to keep him busy during the day. But what truly amused him was the fact that he had not been able to forget this morning’s picture. ”Sounds like you had a good time. I ought to send you pictures like that more often.” he teased back.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 4:29 pm

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                                                        ۩ ) • • • True, without the club they wouldn't have met. However it took a while between them to actually become a couple. Although he wondered if Samuel enjoyed what he did. He left such questions to the imagination.

                                                        While he relaxed on the bed, Micha picked up the TV remote to turn it on. He wanted noise in the room. Micha didn't have plans for the rest of the evening, though at some point he needed to eat again. He heard his phone go off as Samuel responded. Micha read the text smiling to himself.

                                                        He stood from the bed as he went to grab the bags he'd brought back. Micha returned to the bed as he dug in one of the bags. He fished out something he couldn't resist buying, an eight inch rainbow c**k-sucker. Micha didn't eat a lot of candy. He hardly thought he'd eat it but couldn't help himself.

                                                        Micha brought the tip of the sucker against his lips, giving a seductive look as he snapped a picture. Of course I had a good time, plus I bought something that reminded me of you. He replied as he sent the picture with the text.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 5:49 pm
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            After texting the male, Samuel, too, picked up his remote and turned on the television. It was still early for him. He still had a few hours to kill until the club opened for the night and his food wasn't expected for the next half hour. Just as he did before, he picked a random app before continuing the show he had on last night. Samuel watched the show but did not remember half of what happened before. Even though it was a show he'd seen before, it had been long enough that he had forgotten the plot.

            A few minutes passed before he received his next message from Micha. He tapped open the message and was greeted with a photo of him sucking on what appeared to be a rainbow c**k. Samuel grinned and laughed softly as he read the text that followed. He couldn't resist. Remembering the toy he'd brought home, Samuel got up from the couch and went to fetch it from the table in the foyer. He'd been too tired to deal with it last night, but now he was refreshed and in higher spirits.

            Taking the bag up to his bathroom, Samuel removed the plastic bag and set it aside to properly dispose of later. He rummaged through his drawers a moment before pulling out a bottle of toy cleaner. Following the bottles instructions, he lathered a generous amount of the foam cleanser on to the toy and allowed it to sit. After a minute he then rinsed and patted it dry. With the toy now clean, Samuel took out his phone and posed provocatively. "How sweet. And here I had something to remind me of you as well." he teased back. Sending both the picture and his words, he took the toy with him as he left the bathroom.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 6:44 pm

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                                                        ۩ ) • • • Having teased Samuel with the lollipop, he set it aside. Micha had bought it for a joke though he could always take it further. He relaxed against the headboard as he waited for a response from Samuel. Micha sat watching some random TV program. He fiddled with his phone while he waited. It wasn't long before he was greeted with a picture and text in return. Micha opened it as he laughed softly to himself. Oh, I see you found my toy. He teased as he thought about it from the other night. Micha wasn't used to toys but they were becoming slowly effective.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 7:55 pm
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            Teasing Micha with his own toy, he took it with him downstairs. Samuel had no plans of using it for himself, but he thought it might make for more amusing pictures to share with him later. Heading down the stairs, he returned to the living room and plopped back down on the couch. Making himself comfortable, he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket. Samuel pulled out his phone and read the text, smiling as he was teased. ”It was kind of hard to miss. It took up practically the whole drawer.” he replied. He was glad that Micha was opening up to the idea of using toys. He understood that they still weren’t his favorite, but for nights when they were apart, it made things more interesting.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 6:56 pm

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                                                        ۩ ) • • • Having not wanted to pocket the toy, he had left it in Samuel's desk drawer. Micha though wasn't surprised Samuel had taken it home since he hadn't properly taken care of it. Setting his phone down, Micha stood from the bed and crossed the room. He opened his suitcase inside digging out a pair of boxers. Micha removed his towel and slipped on the boxers. He knew eventually he'd need to do laundry soon since he didn't bring a lot of clothes to begin with.

                                                        Hearing his phone go off again, he returned to the bed. Micha sat back down as he picked up his phone. He read the new text from Samuel. Micha smiled as he rolled his eyes. Well maybe next time I won't share my toys with you. He teased as he sent the text. Micha hardly thought Samuel was bothered by such annoyance. It was easily fixed seeing as it no longer sat in his desk drawer.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 9:01 pm
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            It didn’t bother him nearly as much as he liked to make it seem. After all, it wasn’t as if the toy had lived in his desk for that long. He merely liked to complain. Sending his text, Samuel turned his gaze to the TV once. His eyes darting back to his phone as he waited for a response. He really wished Micha was here. Texting him was okay, but he much preferred being face to face with him.

            The minutes passed before he received another message. Samuel lifted his phone and laughed at the teasing words. ”Oh do forgive me, dearest. I so want to play with all of your toys.” he teased back. Samuel wondered just how many toys Micha had now. He knew that he preferred the real thing, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t experiment a little in his free time.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 8:14 am

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                                                        ۩ ) • • • Micha didn't mind Samuel's complaining at times. He sometimes found it amusing in cases like this. Micha didn't have many toys, only the two he had bought recently. He had never encountered a situation in which he would need them previously. Before meeting Samuel, he had no problem finding someone to have sex with.

                                                        However with Samuel, he couldn't help but explore more with him. If that meant trying toys then he would try. Micha wanted to see Samuel too though he worried about their last face to face interaction. He knew they couldn't ignore it but he honestly didn't want to talk about it right now.

                                                        Sitting in the bed, he waited for Samuel to respond. It didn't take long as Samuel responded. He laughed at his words as he got off the bed again. Micha went to find the other item he had bought. It was a silicone d***o. He found it as he returned back to the bed. Micha couldn't help but take another seductive photo with the tip against his lips. Hmm, maybe I don't know…What if I don't want to share? He replied along with the photo of him. Micha couldn't help but be a tease right now.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 1:48 pm
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            Samuel was glad that Micha was willing to branch out a little and try new things with him. Some, like the pool, were new to him too. It was more fun when they were on the same page. Not like yesterday when he completely misread everything. He missed Micha and really ought to apologize to him for making him feel as though he should leave. He didn't want that at all, he felt like an a**. Samuel wondered if Micha missed him too and if he wanted to come over. He thought about inviting him, but he didn't want to intrude on whatever plans he might have for the night.

            As they continued to text each other, Samuel sent a teasing apology. When next the male replied, he was surprised by the photo he received. So this was that mysterious second toy he had mentioned. Samuel smirked and saved the image to his phone. He then read the text that followed, laughing as Micha still insisted that he didn't want to share. "So mean, and here I thought we shared everything." he teased back. "Or does this one also has some hands-free feature you don't want me to know about?" Samuel didn't mind if Micha wanted to keep teasing him like this. He was enjoying the imagery, and his imagination was making room for quite a few different scenarios. He hoped that someday Micha would one day be willing to let him watch as he had the other day.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 6:05 pm

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                                                        ۩ ) • • • Micha had no plans for the evening. He barely had plans for food. Micha couldn't help but tease Samuel with his other new toy. He didn't have much use for it, having never enjoyed solo sex.. Micha though was curious but knew it wouldn't compare to the real thing. He waited as Samuel soon responded. Micha smiled at his words. Mm, hardly…I think if I wanted to play I'd use the toy you have, otherwise only I'd be putting in the effort and would likely get bored with myself. He teased about shared play. Micha had enjoyed their little game in Samuel's office.

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