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The Creeping Sleep ~ D&D style fantasy rp Goto Page: [] [<<] [<] 1 2 3 ... 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 [>] [»|]

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As the air grows thick, summer arrives.Spreading fast in the unevitable heat,
  this multiplying destroyer of human meat,with it's sparing few lives.
  Darkening limbs, nowhere to begin.An endless row of soldiers,
  carrying their weapons and kin,have not the force, to make this endin'
  A seriekiller, yet not in prison.The laughter grows silent,
  city dissolving into flames,but never really gone,
  in it's neverending reign.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:59 am
Felix returned the warm hug with a grin and too a step back, looking Vence up and down for any indication of change. He the patted his helmet.

"Thanks. Progress is going well, on the small scale. Since the war's bubbling up and the creeping sleep is clearing land for the Drow, there's been a lot more slaves and drow up on the surface. I found a small community of freed slaves living under this drow woman in the mountains - turns out she's a merchant between the surface and the udnerdark. A few of her community headed out with me, and we managed to intercept a small group of low-level soldiers and their slaves mainga sweep of one of the plauge-ridden villages. They were clearing out the bodies and pillaging what was left over with the intention of setting up soe sort of base there for the drow soldiers. I think some fo tehd ro wwere nervous that it was contagious, whic was why they sent the slave soff to do the work. Anyway, we intercepte dthem and convinced them to rebel and they won. so I've got about 100 freed men and women. We detoured to Dwstein to get some armor so we could fight. It was tehre we spotted the drow army heading towards Northwood, so we followed to help out."

he smiled, throughly pleased with the achivement.

"Unfortunately I've not made any headway with actually getting into the Underdark itself to free anyone. the place is more gaurded than ever."  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:23 pm
"Not any more its not. My men have been laying seige to its Southern entrance. Weve managed to push them back quite a bit. Oh sorry Im late Horse's took a while to armor." Said the heavly armored soldier He was being followed by 4 other heavly armored men. He clicked the straps that held his helm in place. Pulling it off. He brushed back his blond hair. "Sorry Like I siad it took a while for Armlis message to get to my Base and for me to ride 100 Paladins over to help." The Paladin siad.
"General Jhom Its been a while Paladin of the shining wind." Armli said as he took a step forward.  

Andy _1134


PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:04 am
Felix smiled.
"That's good news, then. Though that might not help us, the drow are more liable to just retreat into the central underground."
He looked over at Craban.
"Hey, what do you think?"

"What do I think what?" Craban ased, moving over to avoid the otehr moonmaw and speak with them.

"Genral Johm here has apprently laid seige to the southern enterance, perhaps we could get into the underdark through it?"

Craban wrinkled his nose. "Seems a waste of time to me. I mean, nothing against getting slaves out, but it's rather a conflict of interests. we're fighting a war here, and we've still got the fort-city to think about. It's two days until teh drow have a full on attack of it. We need to get allies iwth these elves and try and get the dwarves on side too."

Felix eyed him. "If we get out enough slaves then you'll have all the army you want. There are three drow to every one slave. But there are a lot of drow down there, see what I mean?"

Craban reluctantly nodded. "Ok...maybe you've got a point. But they won't let us in where there's a seige."

"We can sneak in. You just need to get some new clothes of a decent calibre, and I can be..um..yours." Felix shrugged and looed over at Vence and Armli. "Does that sound a good idea? We can leave people here to negociate with the elves if that is what you came here for. If you think heaidng to the underdark would be beneficial, then you can even pose as a human slave too."

Craban didn't look overly convinced. "A single guy wandeirng around with a couple of slaves by himself might attract some suspicion. especially at the enterance."

Veleth sighed, irritated that they were stood around talking when they should be trying to heal people after the battle. Nashiko still hadn't woken up, and most people had bad injuries.
"Look- I have a female Drow body in my repertoire somewhere. If you need it, I shall come too. Just hurry up and make up your minds."

Felix blinekd at him, confused and surprised. "but...you're a guy. And what do-?"

"Great observation, genius." Veleh snapped. "I'm a shifter." he added by way of explination to this stranger. "Gender is unimportant."

"That's gross." Craban commented.  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 8:20 am
"Why dont we surrender?" Ayan said as she looked away from the window. "Not litterly but enough so they think we are once they take us in we defeat the drow escorting us and head trowred the tower. I mean even the drow need to show they play by the god of wars rule dont they. Hell we might even get taken to Lolth. I mean it would work if we pull back Jhoms main force and send a detatchment out and have them surrender."
Jhom thought about it for a seconed. "It might work. Or at least get you through half the Underdark. But theres one more thing the city Lamprige the city I assume you came from has already fallen. The Drow went back on their word. We swept through there driving the drow out we were able to save sevral hundred civillians but as for the army not much was left. Only the Keep and southern tower were still under their control." Jhom said as sevral templars came in they wore red cross bands on their arms.
"Sir you summond us." One said as the 4 stoped and saluted.
"Yes I need you to get to work on healing these warriors." Jhom siad as he turned to Felix.  

Andy _1134


PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:26 pm
Orla's eyes flashed like emeralds as Sloth disappeared. She lowered her weapon slowly. His words echoed in her mind.

Am I here to feel as if I have a purpose? she wondered to herself.  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 9:29 pm
Kyrun walked in on Orla. He was holding his arm. "Oh I found you. Seems like the sins have just left. You alright?" He asked as he looked around.  

Andy _1134


PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:39 am
"Damn." craban snorted. He supposed he wans't surprise dthat the city had alreayd been attacked.
"Ayan, that's a great idea, but there's no way that e're ready for Lolth yet. we can't even kill a few sins, let alone the Great Spider Goddess. We can't even begin to think of facing her until we've met the Elistraee drow and got some of her priestesses' power."
Felix nodded, understanding. If tehy surrendere dot tehd or it was a big risk. But...
"Alright." Felix said, snapping his fingers. "So we don't surrender to the drow personally, but we can still pose as war prisoners."
Craban followed what he wa sthinking and looekd at veleth. "You were batting for the other team, correct? ASi they now you down tehre - they now that you're on their side?"
Veleth nodded. "Yes. I had full clearance in the drow body."
felxi grinned. "Then it's simple. We pose as prisoners under this gentlemen," he gestured to Veleth, "and Craban. They'll get us inside easily. Then we sperate off - with no risk of ending up where Lolth is- and we manage to free as many slaves as we can, and at least instigate a rebellion for later."
Craban nodded slowly. "It's maybe two days until the moon is full. We can do that, then leave to try and meet up with the Elistraee elves, what do you think?"  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 8:08 am
"Good, we have a plan but do you think It will work in time? Because theres sevral factors we seem to forget. One We have one man out there fighting 7 of the strongest immortals to ever exist. Two, This man is going to clear us a path. And he was already tired when He left. And three, how long can Renten last Against a force like that?" Armli asked.  

Andy _1134


PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:05 am
Orla lowered her head as if she had something on her mind. Returning the unused arrow to her quiver she replied, "Yes, I'm fine." She glanced over at his arm, "And you?"  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:12 am
"Thats good. Oh Im fine just a little numb. Those guys sure know how to mess with your head, Huh." Kyrun said as he walked over.  

Andy _1134


PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 4:24 pm
Craban winced a little.
"How do we even know if Renten's still alive?" he asked. "I hate to say it, but we can't wait around for him either if we can't actively help him. Sure he might clear us a path if he succeeds, but a path to what? Like I said, we're in no state to even battle the Sins, so we can't defeat whatever is at the other end of this 'path', can we? Not yet anyway."

Felix sighed and eyed everyone's injuries while they talked. He then discreetly turned to the other moonmaw with him and gestured for them to tend to them. A couple of females, one apparently heavily pregnant, appeared to help heal them. Veleth nodded and crouched to lay Nashiko down, and remained stood above him, watching them carefully as they worked checking him. Craban smiled in thanks as one started to tend to his own wounds.

"I expect he's dead by now." Veleth said bluntly. "He had impressive fireworks, but they did little damage."  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:40 am
"Is it worth it? Was most of your very life aura worth your purity. Know you die pure of sin. A pointless gambit that has failed. Gluttony you may kill him." Pride siad as she saw Renten drop to his knees. The only reason why he dident hit the floor was because, he had caught balance of his blade. Gluttony approched slowly. He stood only a few feet away when it happened.
"Well, well little master looks like its time for you to die. Or should I say little Baster......"
He was just as shocked as the others. Renten stood intangled with him. His blade pirced through his heart. He glanced down at his human host. The body lay with out harm. Renten pulled his blade out and spun on his heel. He stood parallel to him.
"Looks like ive swicthed place with you for deaths blade. Give him my reguards." Renten said with a cough.  

Andy _1134


PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:45 am
Orla nodded slowly and turned around slowly. "And the others?" she asked. "How do they fair?" Although she sounded concern her eyes were distant and almost cold.  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:52 am
[nifty smile ]

As the Moonmaw tended him, Nashiko's eyelids fluttered and he inally oepne dhsi eyes again. His head felt fuzzy and he was partially oblivious to what was happening around him, but he smiled at Veleth.
"Did we win?"
"More or less." Veleth said with a smirk. He folded his arms into his wide sleeves. "Are you feeling alright?" He asked, a little unsettled that he couldn't automatically acess what Nashiko was thinking or feeling like he could before.
"Not too bad. Where are we going now?" Nashiko asked. Veleth was surrpised by the look of determination on his brotehr's face.
"You're not going anywhere." Veleth said.
"The Underdark is too dangerous. You will remain here."
Nashiko frowned, but knew that arguing was pointless. Veleth was stubborn and used to being in charge. He changed the subject, intending to broach the problem later when Veleth was less concerned for his welfare.
"Ok. Then what? Are we with them?" He asked, approaching teh smae subject from a diferent angle. It was clear that he wanted to go with them and help still.
"You mean, are we on their side?" Veleth shrugged. "That is a question."
"I want to help them."
"Why?" Veleth snapped, glaring at him. Nashiko was startled and winced a little at teh sudden note of frustration.
"I...I want to."
Veleth snorted. "There's no benefit in it."
"But you said you were going to help them in the Underdark. So we're helping, right?" Nashiko insisted.
"What I say and what I do are my own. You will do what I tell you to! This....." he paused and shook his head, unsure of what he wanted. "Having to look after you...I...damn it I don't know, alright? There's no benefit in it...none at all." he mumbled the last part and ran a hand over his face. Nashiko watched him both confused and hurt by how harsh he was being.
"So...?" Nasiko eventually quietly began to ask.
"I'm only here because for some reason you wish it. The Sins are taken care of, I have no more revenge. I paid off my debt to Renten. My empoyers are dead. I have nothing here to gain. If it were my decision alone I would go back home away from this idiotic war and get another job. But...it's not my decision anymore, is it? I dont' even have to ask you and i know that you'd follow these dumbasses to the end of the earth because you think you're doing good, am I right?"
Nashiko nodded slowly, still confused. Veleth seemed to have tied himslef into knots in trying to figure out what he wanted. But Nashiko hated teh idea of returning home, where Veleth woudl oly end up getting anotehr asasination job.
"Veleth....are you staying with me or not?" he asked. He was going to help.
Veleth sighed. "I can't leave you. I....can't." He frowned, apparently disgusted with himself. "Do whatever the hell you want. You're not mine anymore."  


Andy _1134

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:53 am
Kyrun looked at her and asked "Whats the matter? Dont lie to me I can sense something is the matter."  
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