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Sexy Sex Symbol

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:18 pm

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Echo
Uncert and Certs: Uncert | Cert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Please add Khalon as lifemate. Echo and Khalon both belong to me.
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Sirenz
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Please

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Khalon
Uncert and Certs: Uncert | Cert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Please add Echo as lifemate. Echo and Khalon both belong to me.
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Sirenz
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Please

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Tehya and Haita
Uncert and Certs: Soq Cert | Soq Uncert | Familiar Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Please add familiar, originally requested here back in 2007.
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Cihiru
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Please

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Selene and Isis
Uncert and Certs: Soq Cert | Soq Uncert | Familiar Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Please add familiar, originally requested here back in 2007.
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Cihiru
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Please

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Ohanzee and Okami
Uncert and Certs: Unmasked Cert/Masked Cert | Unmasked Uncert/Masked Uncert | Familiar Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Please add familiar, originally requested here back in 2007.
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Cihiru
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Please
PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:30 am

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Silhouette
Uncert and Certs: Uncert | Cert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Add Temper: Sedulous. Please use a different font if possible.
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): lilwolfpard
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Creme
Uncert and Certs: Uncert | Cert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Add Temper: Recalcitrant. Please use different font if possible.
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): King
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes

Teh Cheryl


Feral Phantom

PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 6:18 pm

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Paul
Uncert and Certs: Uncert (Don't have it, but I would like it, if possible!) | Cert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Adding a Co-Owner ( Link )
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): [ Lady Kiya ]
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes please! ^ u^
PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 8:07 am

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Kei Sôma
Uncert and Certs: [Uncert] || [Cert]
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Temper Addition; Compassionate
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Nerpin
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes please!

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Avenger
Uncert and Certs: [Cert] || [Uncert] (Don't have it, but I would like it, if possible!)
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Adding a Co-Owner [Agreement]
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): LadyNekoya
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes please~


Crystal Traveler

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Sexy Sex Symbol

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 3:23 pm

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Poseidon
Uncert and Certs: Uncert | Cert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Please remove former co-owner; Kita hasn't co-owned this Soquili since 2010. If it would be easier to just upload this original cert so the official link can reflect accurate information, feel free; a fresh cert is not necessary.
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Ameh
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Not necessary

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Spade
Uncert and Certs: Uncert | Old Cert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Please remove Tweekend as co-owner, he is owned solely by Infinities per the post way back here
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): White Arsenic
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Please

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Forrest
Uncert and Certs: Uncert | Old Cert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Please remove NinetailedNightmare as co-owner, he is owned solely by Infinities per this breaking of the co-own due to NN's absence. If it would be easier to just upload this original cert so the official link can reflect accurate information, feel free; a fresh cert is not necessary.
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Sirenz
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Not necessary
PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:07 pm

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Ellianthia and Jynoth
Uncert and Certs: Ellianthia / Elli C
Jynoth / Jynoth C
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Adding Familiar. (Ellia got new bling so I'd like Jynoth to be added to her new cert)
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Agneza for Elli, Kiarii for Jynoth
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes please! <3

Fea Line

Spoopy Kitten

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 11:28 am

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Andre
Uncert and Certs: Cert and Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Cert clean up. xD And removal of Co-Owner.
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Chibizoo
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Either or, which ever is easiest.

His birth date is 3/12/07 and his temper is Mischievous. Since those are mostly covered on his cert. xD And forgot to link the Co-ownership dissolving.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:33 pm

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Cuivre
Uncert and Certs: Cert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): His Name Needs Added
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Julianmomo
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? please?

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Erebus Ammit
Uncert and Certs: Erebus Ammit
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): spelling correction, its missing an 's' from his first name
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): natsube
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you?please

Death Resurrected

Tipsy Sex Symbol


Skilled Hellraiser

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:20 am

Cert App
Uncert of pet in need of cert: Click
Name of Soquili: Hadley
Name of owner: cyhorse
Date of arrival: 11.23.15 (?) - From hiring raffle
Breed: ??? (she was based off a smoothie I think?)
Temper: Carefree
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): quiet autumn
Cert Type: Spring Flowers - For the feathers, I'd like them to be similar colors to the mare.
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Nah
PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:29 pm

Familiar Cert App
Uncert of pet in need of cert: http://oi15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Roniel/Uncerts/abyscyo.png
Name of Familiar:
Name of owner: Abysmal-Night
Date of arrival: CYO March 2015 thereabouts
♀ or ♂? Female
Temper: Indifferent
Tagged solo or placed on a Soquili's cert? Placed on Bayvahl
Parents: N.A
The colorist of the pet: Roniel
Cert Type: Surprise me
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes



Super Trash

PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 3:09 am

Cert App
Uncert of pet in need of cert: x
Name of Soquili: Ro'an
Name of owner: LOLTERNATIVE
Date of arrival: 11.23.15 - from hiring flaffle.
Breed: Wanderer
Temper: Gentle
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): quiet autumn
Cert Type: CC
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? nah i check drop offs frequently.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 12:29 pm

Cert App
Uncert of pet in need of cert: X
Name of Soquili: Nalani
Name of owner: xSakura Serenityx
Date of arrival: 11/23/15
Breed: Spirited
Temper: Gentle
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Quiet Autumn
Cert Type: CC- Something that goes well with her colors =)
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes please!

xSakura Serenityx

Tygress Dream

Beloved Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:26 pm

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Poisson d'amour (and Burning Love)
Uncert and Certs: cert, w/ familiar cert,uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): ownership change: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=72&t=22748047#374785363
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Mobster Goose
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? yes, please

Changing Cert
Name of Familiar: Burning Love
Uncert and Certs: cert, The link Michie had for his uncert in her teepee isn't working
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above):ownership change: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=72&t=22748047#374785363
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Odet
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? yes, please
PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 3:46 pm

xSakura Serenityx
Cert App
Uncert of pet in need of cert: X
Name of Soquili: Nalani
Name of owner: xSakura Serenityx
Date of arrival: 11/23/15
Breed: Spirited
Temper: Gentle
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Quiet Autumn
Cert Type: CC- Something that goes well with her colors =)
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes please!

Cert App
Uncert of pet in need of cert: x
Name of Soquili: Ro'an
Name of owner: LOLTERNATIVE
Date of arrival: 11.23.15 - from hiring flaffle.
Breed: Wanderer
Temper: Gentle
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): quiet autumn
Cert Type: CC
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? nah i check drop offs frequently.

Cert App
Uncert of pet in need of cert: Click
Name of Soquili: Hadley
Name of owner: cyhorse
Date of arrival: 11.23.15 (?) - From hiring raffle
Breed: ??? (she was based off a smoothie I think?)
Temper: Carefree
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): quiet autumn
Cert Type: Spring Flowers - For the feathers, I'd like them to be similar colors to the mare.
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Nah

Hello! For now, please PM quiet autumn certing requests to quiet autumn herself. However, she's hit a busy spot in life, so it may take her a while to get to them. If she continues to be busy, a cert request for her will get set up.

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 4:21 pm

Hello! It looks like you forgot to include a name for your familiar. Please repost with the familiar's name.

Familiar Cert App
Uncert of pet in need of cert: http://oi15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Roniel/Uncerts/abyscyo.png
Name of Familiar:
Name of owner: Abysmal-Night
Date of arrival: CYO March 2015 thereabouts
♀ or ♂? Female
Temper: Indifferent
Tagged solo or placed on a Soquili's cert? Placed on Bayvahl
Parents: N.A
The colorist of the pet: Roniel
Cert Type: Surprise me
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes

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