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Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:29 am
If Tiger thought babysitting was bad, he should try living with them. Vex gave a small dry chuckle at that thought. The chuckle soon turned into a laugh as he listened to the other male. “Yeah, ebil uncle Carden. I’m attempted to hand her over just to watch the show.” The smirk on Tiger’s face amused him.

Rei, realizing nobody was going to listen to her complaints, finally fell silent. She glared at the ground, occasionally giving a small wriggle to test if Vex’s grip was loosening. Her tail lashed back and forth as she grew angrier at the second about her predicament.

“Ha. He’s an odd one that one.” Vex eyed Ire for a moment longer before coming to a decision. “Just a sec.” Taking a careful step to the side, away from Tiger, he lifted Rei a little higher and then tossed her forward. The little Baddie landed on all fours, instantly darting forward to hide behind Ire, who fluffed his wings out protectively.

After giving Rei a warning glare, he took Tiger’s offered paw, giving it a firm shake. “I expect you know by now that you should keep your distance from her for a while, though I’m going to be the main target if she tries anything.”
PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:09 pm
Friend Bear wandered through a part of the forest looking for others. She wasn't at her home that much because she was always wandering around trying to find new friends. She left the group of faes she lives with again to look for new places to find. She was hoping to find a few other faes and she was sure someone or even a group was living nearby, as she could see things like footsteps to tell her feas often got there. She found a path after some time and she wondered where it would lead to. She didn't walk it just yet. She just looked around and enjoyed the nice weather first. She'll follow the path later.

"Such a beautiful day." She said to herself and smiled. "I'm sure I'm going to meet new friends soon."



Questionable Noob

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 4:20 pm
"Now that might be a little entertaining," Tiger joked along with Vex. He didn't really know their uncle, but the way Vex was going on, he figured that Rei deserved to visit him. The little brat had still been glaring, yet she had finally gone silent. Though, he could almost feel the anger beaming off of her little body. Oh, she was ticked off, and she wouldn't let them forget it, he figured.

As Vex tossed Rei over to Ire, he watched the little one scurry behind the Fool. "The two of them are definitely unhappy," Tiger said dryly. "I feel sorry for any torture you must endure at home. I gladly only have one roommate, and no children nor siblings. Heck, the roommate is enough to annoy me," he said.

Tiger shrugged, thinking that he was babbling. "So, what brings you three over here anyway? I was planning on relaxing for the day, but that went down the drain quickly," he said, returning a glare to the kits. He really had no idea what he planned on doing now, besides keeping Vex some company.


((For Morning))

Stumbling down the path towards the clearing, Niko mumbled curses under his breath. He managed to scrape up feet as well as stub a toe. "Owwwww," he finally yelled out. Today was turning out to be such a bad day. The only good thing about the day was the weather, which happened to be quite enjoyable.

As he continued walking, he stared up at the sky. He took a deep breath, trying to make himself feel better. Without realizing it, he wandered off the path slightly, and ran himself right into a tree. "OWWWW, DARN IT!" he yelled, his poor nose in a lot of pain. Niko fell backwards and laid there staring at the sky, wondering if the day would get any better.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 1:45 am
Entertaining for a little while perhaps, but Vex knew better. The way his family argued was ridiculous and annoyingly loud. Sure he liked a good fight every now and then, but watching his parents trying to kill each other usually didn’t brighten up his day. You had to wonder how they’d managed to make three kids.

Vex scratched his chin, looking nonchalant while still keeping a careful on the two angry little babes. The two kids seemed to be having a whispered conversation together. “They spend most of the time annoying our mother. They know I won’t hesitate to make their lives miserable if they cross me too much.” His tail gave a casual swish. “I should think about moving out one of these days.”

Wanting to make himself more comfortable, Vex took a seat on the ground, tail curling around his middle as he leaned back on his paws. He looked up at Tiger and grinned. “It was my turn to take care of them. My mother let it be known, with a lot of screaming and thrown objects, that if she didn’t get a few hours away from those little rats she would go crazy. So I brought they out here for a while. With any luck they might get lost.”

Rei, apparently having gotten over her fear of Vex’s threats, crawled out from behind Ire and took a few steps froward. Ears perking forward she stared at her older brother before announcing in loud voice. “Huuungry.”

“I don’t care. I offered you food before. Deal with it.”

Rei’s checks puffed out indignantly. “Huuuuuuuungry.” She repeated, drawing the word out even longer. Ire came up beside her. He didn’t say a word, but his eyes sparkled.

Ooc: I think I babbled a bit here. xD


Invisible Dabbler


PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 2:49 pm
Cloe went wide-eyed and started to nod her head, along with a big smile she started towards Banzai. "Can we, can we, can we... Can we please?" Cloe then made one of the biggest pouting faces and got down on her knees and scooted closer to Banzai. She tilted her head slightly so that she could look him right in the eyes. "Please."
"Alright, alright you two can go out and find some things to eat. I'll try to put something together here while you do. Just don't be out to long, Cocoa probably wants to get going soon." Banzai looked up into the sky quickly trying to judge how long they had until it got dark. "We've got a while still, so its up to you Cocoa, when ever you want to go you just let us know alright."
PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 1:18 pm
After hearing the yell Friend bear turned her head looking in the direction the yell came from. She wondered who made the noise and walked of the pad a bit looking for the other person. She soon spotted the Lizard on the ground. She walked to him slowly going around a few trees and walking a bit farther into the forest. She hoped he wouldn't be scared by her sudden appearance.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly. "You sounded hurt. Not your day today?"

She hoped to get a friendly answer but she didn't really expected one as the Lizard didn't look that friendly at all to her.



Questionable Noob

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:40 am
Tiger snickered imagining the household the three of them came from. He, on the other hand, lived alone most of his life until he had found his little neighborhood. Another baddie had offered up his cottage, because it was sure big enough for the two of them. Tiger just couldn't see himself living with a whole family; the thought was absurd.

"If that's the case, I almost feel sorry for your Mum," he said, trying to show a little sympathy. His expression didn't quite change, but he was honest, at least a little. He then giggled at Vex. "Moving out would definitely be a good thing for you, don't you think? I know I couldn't deal with such a thing for such a long time." He smiled and, after a moment, mimicked Vex and sat down across from him. With legs crossed, and his tail laid on top of them, Tiger propped his elbows on his knees and looked at the other baddie.

Listening to him he couldn't stop himself from smirking. "That sounds a bit drastic, in my opinion. Was it all really necessary?" he chuckled. "I can see why one would want to move out." Glancing around the woods and up to the treetops, Tiger smiled. "If you don't know you're way around, one could get lost. Think you'll get lucky enough?" He stopped speaking abruptly as he heard little Rei's whine. Turning his head to see the two little kits, he sighed. "I have a feeling they'll keep that up if we don't get them something, huh?" Unfortunately, Tiger felt a little sorry for them again. Bah, children. "There's some bushes of berries around, but unless you follow me, you may get the wrong kind..."


Watching as Cloe plopped down onto her knees, Cocoa smirked. The little one looked so adorable, she knew Banzai couldn't say no. Smiling at the two of them, Cocoa stood up straight and looked at Banzai, waiting for his answer. As he said yes, little Cloe looked so pleased. She let Banzai finish his sentence before speaking herself. "Oh, I'm not too worried about the time. I'm enjoying myself," she said while nodding. Today had been such a good day compared to her usual routine of boredom and loneliness. Of course she wasn't going to complain!

"Alright, I think we can manage to find some good fruits to eat, and maybe some veggies too. Those are healthy, for little ones especially. And the kind I usually find taste rather good, instead of the icky ones. Yes, I think this time of season will give us some wonderful foods to eat!" On and on, she babbled a bit. Thinking up different recipes was one of her favorite things to do. As she turned around to Cloe, her tail swished behind her, perking up just a tad. "Come on, little one. Let's go exploring for some tasty things!"


Niko heard light footsteps heading his way, and slightly grumbled. He wondered if whoever was nearby heard him yell and fall. Or even worse, maybe they watched him and laughed. His self-esteem slowly dropped as he waited for the other to come closer. After a moment, he looked up and into the eyes of a cute fae. Her fur was about as bright as the beautiful day, and so made him smile.

"Well, hello," he said, as he gazed at her from where he lay. She almost sounded a bit worried about him, which made him feel better. At least she wasn't laughing at him. He shrugged and slowly began to get up. "I think I'm alright, and thanks for asking. Today turned out to be a bad day, I guess," he said, a little hurt but feeling better. "And who might you be?"
PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:16 am
It was a nice surpise for her that the other one was more friendly than she expected. She smiled at him and thought "It's okay, he is friendly." She sat down next to him and replied. "My name is Friend Bear, but you may call me "Friend". It's shorter." She laughed and looked at the Lizard again. "What is your name, my new friend? Do you live here?" She looked around and liked the surroundings she could see. "This is a very beautiful place. He must be lucky living here"  



Questionable Noob

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:28 am
Smiling back at the other fae, Niko nodded, remembering her name. "Friend. A little odd, but it's cute. I like it," he said, rubbing his nose again. After a moment, he moved his hand to speak. "My name? It's Niko. It's kind of a strange name, but I guess it fits me well." He nodded to her once more. "Yeah, I live here. Well, down the path a little, at least. It's rather nice, wouldn't you say?" Although he was proud of where he lived, it was a bit of a pain not being able to meet more faes. The company he had now was quite enjoyable. He looked back at Friend Bear and smiled. "And where did you come from?"  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:01 am
"I'm from a big home much further into the woods. It's not really near here. I live there with a small group of friends." She explained to him. "I'm normally wandering around trying to meet new friends. They don't call me Friend Bear for nothing." She laughed again and looked to Niko. Her eyes shiney because of the sun. "I love getting lots of friends."

She got on her feet again and walked a bit away from him. She looked up to the path and a bit further hoping she could see the homes of the faes living there. She couldn't see them yet. "I bet your house isn't far from here." She looked at him hoping he would show her the place where everyone lived.



Questionable Noob

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:25 am
Listening to Friend Bear speak, Niko smiled again. "I'd like to visit your home sometime. And I can see why your name fits you as well. Quite a friendly fae you are, indeed!" he said. Friend Bear was really making his day even better. After his mishap of a few bruises, he really needed the cheering-up.

Watching her get up and look down the path, he had a feeling he knew what she'd say. And he was right. "Actually, you are correct, Friend! My house is just a little ways down this path." Chuckling, he figured it was a perfect opportunity to show off something about him. "If you wouldn't mind following me, it's just down this way and to the left. I have a feeling you'll really enjoy yourself there." Jumping to his feet, he held out an arm to guide her along the path. "Just watch yourself, because some of the trees tend to stick branches out at you," he joked, ready to get walking.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 1:23 pm
Friend Bear followed Niko and let him lead her to his home. She said "I'll follow, I'm really curious how your home looks. It must look great!" She smiled and said "I'm sure I'll enjoy it there. You're friendly enough" She was really glad to see him being happy again. He didn't sound really that happy when she first found him. Making new friends and cheering them up was her most favourite thing to do. "I'll watch out." She replied to him laughing after hearing him joking about the branches.  



Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:56 am
Vex quirked an eyebrow but didn’t say anything as Tiger gave a little snicker. He supposed that for an outsider his family situation would be pretty funny… especially for a Baddie. The corner of his lips lifted in a half smile. Why hadn’t he moved out already? Maybe the hectic life suited him. Home could be annoying but he didn’t hate it.

“Don’t be.” Vex grinned widely. “It was her fault for getting pregnant… again. I mean, one mistake was enough.” He pointed at his chest with one claw, the grin still on his face. “Then she did it again, creating double the trouble this time, and with the same guy. I say she asked for it.” If Ren heard him say those things he would be in a truckload of trouble, adult now or not.

“My hopes of them getting lost weren’t particularly high.” He gave a loud, mock sigh. “That Rei has a wonderful sense of direction. She’s a curse I’ll never be rid of.”

Rei did indeed keep up her loud demands. Vex did his best to ignore the continued whining of the little female even as Tiger melted. He studied his claws and then tidied his tail and fiddled with a lock of his hair.


“Okay, okay!” The grouchy Vex picked himself up off the ground and stretched. “We’ll get you something to eat. Hey, show us the way to those poison berries Tiggy.” He stared expectantly at Tiger.
PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 10:26 am
Little Cloe, who knew no fear, grabbed Cocoa’s hand and lead her off into the woods. As the two girls were off foraging Banzai thought long and hard about his new acquaintance. His thoughts went into such great detail that he completely forgot what he was doing. Banzai must have stood there staring off into nothingness for ten minutes before realized again what he was trying to do.
Banzai made a mad dash for the water. Fear engulfed his mind and he needed to make sure that every piece of fur was in its place. His mind now was set on impressing Cocoa and trying to figure out what to say when she gets back. Banzai already had it planned out, he knew exactly how far away the best eats were. He knew that, that’s where Cloe would take her. He knew just how long it would take them to get back, how long it took for him to make a decent meal. The rest of the time was going to be use grooming himself.


Vice Captain

Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:10 pm

"Oh, good! Please say you'll at least stick around sometime. It's really quite lovely, there," Kyliana said smiling. "And I made sure the family rooms were not too girly, incase you did decide visit." Finishing her sentence, she winked at Asmodeus. She knew he wouldn't be too please with a complete feministic house, even if it was for just a visit. "Some rooms have a girlish touch, but not all, of course."

As he spoke, she couldn't resist blushing. "Lucky? You really think so?" She was unsure, most of the time, if she was doing the right thing. There have been times in which she did not know how to handle Aliana and her wants. She could have asked one of the neighborhood mothers, but then what would they think of her? A mother who did not know how to take care of her child? Kyliana was sure they would figure out what she had gotten herself into, and she was quite afraid of that. After her bit of silence, she finally snapped back to reality.

"Huh? What?" she questioned before his words actually registered. "Oh, right. Of course!" Turning her gaze onto the girls, she smirked as Aliana had gotten a good hold of Kozmo. "Don't play too rough, Aliana!" she called out before glancing back at Asmodeus. "I would enjoy some time with Kozmo, really. And I'm sure Aliana would love to spend time with her father," she said, smiling. "I think it's a wonderful idea!" Before he and Kozmo appeared in the clearing, Kyliana was afraid her kits would hardly get to know one another. But now that both Baddie's knew where she had made a home, she was sure there would be plenty of family time together, mainly for both of the girls.

Smirking, Aliana squeezed a little tighter before she heard her mother call out. "Awwww," she groaned. Slowly she released her sister and stood upright herself. "Sorry sissy," she said a little reluctantly. Using a paw to brush a stray hair out of her eyes, she looked back at Kozmo. She knew her sister would bounce back from the struggle and most likely counter it immediately. All she could do was stand her ground and prepare herself if that were the case.

Asmodeus sucked on his teeth for a moment. Making a 'tsst' noise as he raised his upper lip. It was a habit of his. Though he didn't do it all too often, he found he did it more often than not. Although not sure why. "Its your house. You can decorate it however you want. Don't see why my opinion about girly girl stuff even matters." The male rubbed his nose briefly. Glancing over at Kyliana once more.

"Well yea. If you weren't a responsible mother and just...oh I dunno. Left them without ever spending time with them. I'm not sure how they would turn out in the future." His claws scratched at his chin as he thought. "There are too many children who don't grow up with a decent mother in their lives. And they turn out rotten."

Hunkering down into his jacket a bit more, he flipped the collar up. Letting the tops touch the bottom of his ears as he peered out towards the playing kits. Shoving his paws into the jackets pockets. "Then its settled. Aliana will come with me for a bit while Kozmo spends some time with you. Its only right that you get some alone time with her." A small smirk re-appeared on his lips as he closed his darkly rimmed eyes. "I could probably use a bit of a break from the scamp myself so I can...I guess...bond with Aliana somewhat. I'd rather not have one of my children not know their father all that well and then grow up with some kind of resentment towards me."

Kozmo sat straight up as her sister let her go. A tiny, crooked smirk appeared at her mother had called out.

Hopping onto her feet, she lept forward. Wrapping her arms around Aliana and dragging her to the ground. Gnawing lightly on her ear and growling deeply. Letting out a few giggles here and there as her tail lashed around. Her sister might of gotten the upper hand on her, but now she'd been told not to play so rough. Of course, her mother was an authority figure. But Kozmo wouldn't lessen up until her father piped in. Besides, he was the one who handed out her punishment for misdeeds.
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