Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 10:18 am
Mardi Cert | Uncert Vital statisticsFull name: Mardi Nickname(s): N/A Gender: Mare Breed: Regular Physical Characteristics: Tall, leggy mare Romantic Status: Heterosexual, single ~~~ FamilyFather: N/A Mother: N/A Full-blood siblings: N/A Lifemate: N/A Children: N/A ~~~
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:32 pm
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:35 pm
Mardi's Familiar
At this time, Mardi has no familiar.
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:39 pm
Mardi's Roleplays
RP availability: Open for rp
RP Log 01. [PRP] Bright, Bold and Proud(Mardi and Nuka) [link]02. [PRP] Brighten My Day (Mardi and Wylie) [link]03. [PRP] Social Butterflies (Mardi and Caelen) [link] 04. [PRP] Wandering (Mardi and Riley) [link] 05. [PRP] Footloose and Fancy-Free (Mardi and Colby) [link] 06. [PRP] Bananas! (Mardi and Leesa Meadows) [link] 07. [PRP] Talk About Color! (Mardi and Serotia) [link]
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:41 pm
Trevelyn Cert | Uncert Vital statisticsFull name: Trevelyn Nickname(s): Trev Gender: Stallion Breed: Unicorn/flutter hybrid Physical Characteristics: Average build, small curved unicorn horn, fangs. Romantic Status: Heterosexual, single Co-own agreement: Link here; Caj has 100% rights ~~~ FamilyFather: Jean-ClaudeMother: NostalgiaFull-blood siblings: -Sisters Memory and NainaLifemate: N/A Children: N/A ~~~
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:43 pm
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:43 pm
Trevelyn's Familiar
At this time, Trevelyn has no familiar.
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:47 pm
Trevelyn's Roleplays~~~ RP Availability: Open for RP ~~~ RP Log01. [PRP] Protecting the Herd (Trevelyn and Draven) [link]02. [PRP] Darkness (Trevelyn and Memory) [link]03. [PRP] A brother you've always been (Trevelyn and Naina) [link]04. [PRP] Curiousity (Trevelyn and Feryal) [link]05. [PRP] Second Impressions are usually better (Trevelyn and JC) [link]06. [PRP] Home (Trevelyn, Memory, and Draven) [link]07. [PRP] Searching (Trevelyn and Naina) [link] 08. [PRP] Mixed Blood (Trevelyn and Somnium) [link] 09. [PRP] Taking Care of Business (Trevelyn and Brightrayne) [link] 10. [PRP] Help! (Trevelyn and Whinny) [link] 11. [PRP] Again We Meet (Trevelyn and Whinny) [link] 12. [PRP] New Worlds (Trevelyn and Sarasvati) [link]
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:56 pm
Antony Cert | Uncert Vital statisticsFull name: Antony Nickname(s): Tony Gender: Stallion Breed: Wind/Kalona hybrid Physical Characteristics: Very tall, very muscular stallion; in build, he resembles a Kalona stallion. Kalona wings and fangs, but no other Kalona traits. Cannot digest meat. Romantic Status: Heterosexual, lifemated ~~~ FamilyFather: GuilianMother: IzusaFull-blood siblings: -Brother Nicholai, sister NeveLifemate: LovelessChildren: -Sons Anthone, Corsant, and Lanzo-Daughters Lessia, Pascale, and AzelleGrandchildren: None yet ~~~
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:58 pm
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:59 pm
Antony's Familiar ~~~
At this time, Tony doesn't have a familiar.
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 2:02 pm
Antony's Roleplays~~~ RP Availability: Open for RP ~~~ RP Log01. [PRP]A Little Snark Goes a Long Way (Antony and Dodger) [link] 02. [PRP]Blood is Thicker than Lust (Guilian, Izusa, and kids)[link]03. [PRP]Meeting a half kalona (Antony and Zillah) [link]04. [PRP]Following in our Fathers' Footsteps? (Antony and Abattie) [link]05. [PRP]New Growth, New Perspective (Antony and Akila) [link]06. [PRP]Man, you got Curly (Antony and Dodger) [link]07. [PRP]Wind of Change (Antony and Keahi) [link]08. [PRP]You Again? (Antony and Zillah) [link]09. [PRP](Antony, Guilian, Ariston, Loveless)[link]10. [PRP]Some good conversation (Antony and Ariston) [link]11. [PRP]Dancing in the Moonlight (Antony and Zoet) [link]12. [PRP]Contemplating a Kalona (Antony and Loveless) [link] 13. [PRP]You Know Him? (Guilian, Tony, Dodger, and Atsila)[link]14. [PRP]Nameless rp? (Antony and Yue) [link]15. [PRP]The Musings of Boys (Antony and Dodger) [link]16. [PRP]Ulterior Motives (Antony and Diabetia) [link]17. [PRP]A much-needed encounter (Antony and Abattie) [link]18. [PRP]Kalonas? (Antony and Loveless) [link]19. [PRP]Don't eat me! (Antony and Keifer) [link]20. [PRP]An Uneasy Feeling (Antony and Pandora) [link]21. [PRP]A Whole Lotta WHA? (Antony, Guilian, Loveless, Ariston) [link]22. [PRP]A Stroll of Beginnings (Antony and Loveless) [link]20. [PRP]Reacquaintance (Antony and Izusa) [link]21. [PRP]Introspection? Please (Antony and Loveless) [link]22. [PRP] At long last! I'm not FAT anymore! (Antony and Loveless) [link]23. [PRP]LoveAntony- Pascale, Anthone, Lessia [link]24. [PRP] How Far We've Come (Antony and Loveless) [link]25. [PRP]Hello, Sibling (Antony and Neve) [link]26. [PRP] La la la (Antony, Ariston and Loveless) [link]27. [PRP] Round Two! (Antony and Loveless) [link] 28. [PRP] Action and Consequence (Antony, Corsant, Loveless, Wyeth) [link] 29. [PRP] Inner Demons (Antony and Guirien) [link] 30. [PRP] Family? (Laureat, Antony and Berry) [link]