Soq's Name: Swafi Jr
Soq's Picture:
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Swafi Jr is a bright, sweet tempered stallion who cares a great deal about his mother Dory. Swafi Jr has taken it upon himself to look out for Dory (who has short-term memory loss), especially since his father left her.
Swafi Jr worries that he will turn out the same way in the end, and so is very reticent around mares, avoiding contact for much of the time because he is unsure of what to say.
He enjoys spending time near the sea, though doesn't really like to swim. Likes to take long walks around his birthlands and has taste for human picked fruit. Enjoys to race, as his mother does the same and she often will challenge him when he visits her.
Would be a loyal and steadfast mate if he can get beyond his insecurities.
What is your soq looking for in a mate?: A patient, cheerful mare. She would have to be understanding about the fact that Swafi checks on his mother quite often because of her memory problems, and the fact that she is on her own so much.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM
RP or non-RP?: RP
Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Serious