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Das Tor

Romantic Enabler

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:11 pm
Who I am applying for: Nyonda
Username of person RPing Nyonda: T ` P o i

Prompt: Nyonda, alone in the cavern, is feverish and in pain from her injuries; she drifts off into memory to a time when their pride's healer, a mandrill, had helped her recover from a nasty gouge when out hunting.

The others were gone...hunting like she should be or playing with those who weren't. It made her sad...sadder than she'd been in so long. She couldn't provide for her own cubs...her beautiful little cubs...Her and Umoja's little ones. She rolled over, pain blossoming from everywhere, all over, and nowhere at once.

It left her dizzy, and she had to fight to keep what little food was in her stomach there.

It was like that one time...She'd gotten gouged once, while hunting, and the pain had been so bad...Nyonda remembered fighting for consciousness several times while her sisters supported her back to the pride. She could almost feel their warm flanks against her own, despite the lukewarm floor of the cave.

And Kichele...oh how her old friend had scolded her for being so careless. The mandrill had fixed her up so many times since she was small...

Nyonda found herself lost in the old memory, murmuring her half of the conversation as it came. She remembered Kichele had put this stinging salve on the wound, and watched over her day and night, to keep it clean.

As sleep finally took her, both once again in the memory and in the present, she murmured something, barely more than a whisper.

"Sorry I got hurt again, Kichele..."
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:13 pm
Who I am applying for: Haja
Username of person RPing Haja: Anilera

Prompt: Haja's just discovered a bit of juicy gossip: Unfortunately, nobody else is around except her avian companion, so she can only ramble on to him.

The sun was at it's zenith, marking the horizon with undulating heat waves. Haja stretched belly down on a flat rock, warming herself, contemplating Aka'mleli's latest gossip. Usually Elea would be the first she'd tell, but the younger lioness was out on a hunt ...

Narrowing her luminous eyes, Haja scanned the valley for other pride members. None. Adjusting herself to warm her side, she completed her brief survey of the area. The only creature in sight was Maboya.

He was perched in a tree, enjoying the sun almost as much as herself. Instead of wasting the energy on finding another lion, Haja called to Maboya.

"Cha, Maboya! Come here, I have news, my friend!" She craned her graveful neck, watching the fish eagle flap towards her warm rock.

He tilted his white head as he landed, opening his hooked beak questioningly. "What news is it, Haja?"

"Oh, Maboya, it is delightful! You know that rogue Msiba? " Her eyes glittered with the glee of being able to share some new juicy fact.

"He has Werevu as a companion, correct? I have not seen much of him ..."

"Ha! That's because Hisia is occupying all of his time! " She watched Maboya, excited for his reaction.

The calm bird hardly blinked. " She is ruled by her emotions. Much more than say ... Nyonda. And isn't this Msiba supposed to be a charmer?"

"Maybe ... But still, Hesia! If anyone should be interested in an Aka'mleli, it is her! She has royal blood! This could be the biggest scandal in seasons, Maboya! "

He nodded, but clearly wasn't impressed. Perhaps he had simply heard too many of Haja's stories. " Perhaps. But maybe they are just getting to know each other before Msiba joins the pride fully. Hesia would be a good candidate to teach him the ropes.

Haja was clearly growing bored with the fish eagle. "Oh Maboya! You may be wise in many things, but you are missing the sun in the sky when it comes to this! Now, I'm going to find Elea. She'll appreciate the importance of this news! I'll see you later, my friend!"




Magical Strawberry

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:30 pm
Who I am applying for: Machafuko
Username of person RPing Machafuko: sailormoon72491

Prompt: Msiba's just told Machafuko that he has to go hunting and get the pride something to eat; something which the lazy lion does not want to do, but is forced into doing anyway. When out of pridal sight, what does he do?

Response: Machafuko was not pleased that he forced to go out hunting for food. He would just rather sit there, and let others hunt for the food that he would eat up. But since the earthquake the food resources have drained much more than what they usually would have. He couldn't see why the others lions in their pride couldn't go out and do it. Displeased he slowly made his way away from the pride to go hunt, with Mtalia closely behind him. The father he got away from the pride, the less he felt like actually trying. He was barely trying to hunt in the first place, Mtalia was doing most of the work with looking. "See anything yet?" He asked as she came back to him for a moment. But she couldn't find any food out their either, and with that he just flopped down under a tree that was close by.

As he laid there he looked at his avian friend who followed him under the tree. "I still don't see why they sent me off to go hunt, I can list a few things that I would rather be doing then be out here looking for food." He whined to Mtalia, even though she wasn't responding back. Laying his head down onto his front paws he grumbled to himself, not even mouthing any actual words. Not long after he started to grumble he was interrupted by a yawn, he then lifted his head up. And stretched out his front legs a bit, before putting his head back down.

He was thinking about heading back to his pride, and taking a nap. But he just knew they would be upset if he didn't bring back any food. Plus he had only been out away from them for about 30 minutes now, even though to him it felt like ages. "Hmmm" He quietly said, as he was thinking to himself. "Should I take a small nap, and have Mtalia help me look once more when I get back up?" He thought to himself, as he could hear what he was thinking. But as he was thinking to himself, he was slowly starting to drift off to sleep. His eyes slowly closing, more, and more, until they where fully closed. But he needed to tell his feathered companion before he fell all the way to sleep. "I'm going to take a me quick nap no-" He mumbled out, but before he managed to finish his sentence he fully feel asleep.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:41 pm
Who we are applying for: Msiba and Mchawi
Username of person RPing Msiba: Amon Larethian (black text)
Username of person RPing Mchawi: Dolly_Llama (red text)

Prompt: Mchawi discovers that the earthquake has uncovered a rift in the valley wall, allowing the rogues access into the valley; she brings the news to a brooding Msiba.

Mchawi kept as low as she could, half slithering and half prowling through the tall grass. She would have much rather strolled openly and proudly in the open and her displeasure at not being able to do so was evident. It was highly unlikely that she would have been approached by anyone who might see her, as the other creatures on the Savannah gave the "witch" a wide and respectful berth. They treated her warily and with half hidden fear, and they were right to do so. Still, she did not want to risk the chance of having anyone seeing her. The last thing that she wanted was to bring any attention to the spot she had found.

There was a break in the wall, no doubt caused by the disastrous quake that had shaken the land. She felt none of the fear and devastation that the other creatures felt. It was now clear to her that the Gods had sent the quake as a blessing and the break in the wall was a gift.

Her pleasure at this discovery was enough to make the low and uncomfortable trek through the terrain tolerable. She imagined the expression on Msiba's face at the news. It would make her victory all the sweeter. After all, this was the chance that they had been waiting for. And it would have the pleasant side effects of not only pulling her brother out of the dreadful mood he seemed to favor recently, but it would serve to remind him how much he needed her.

She skulked and kept low to the ground until she was well out of range. As soon as she felt she was far enough, she stretched her limbs before starting off as quickly as she dared. She ground her teeth in frustration, as she wished to get there as fast as she could. Still, she could not afford any suspicion and though the other lions feared her, many of them were also curious and she could tell when she was being watched.

She reached the spot without trouble and a wicked grin crossed her maw as she caught sight of her brother, brooding as always. She approached with casual languid movements and spoke only when she knew she was close enough to be heard, but not overheard by the others.

"Brother dear, I thought we agreed that I was gong to be the unapproachable one whereas you are supposed to be charming. That glare you seem fixed on wearing is certainly not helping our cause," she joked. Her voice was a graveled whisper that was both beguiling and repulsive. She had practiced until it was perfect.

She sidled over and circled around him before adding with a sly grin, "Besides, I think I know something that might make being charming less difficult."

A gaze through narrowed eyes, twitch of a tufted tail, a paw drummed against the earth. Dark thoughts brewed behind those eyes; cold, calculating thoughts known only to him. Thoughts hidden by a handsome face, a soft voice, and a charming smile.

But lately those thoughts had grown darker, calculation tainted by frustration, his mood turning dark as his thoughts. It was infuriating, it was so close, taunting him, blocked by but a few feet of rock from the land on the other side, the land that he longed to claim as his own, the prey he sought to hunt, and the pride that had beaten him simply by place of their birth.

How he hated the creatures that lived within the shelter of the valley, protected by walls of stone, flourishing among plentiful prey. If he could have but reached through stone he would have torn them all to shreds. Or perhaps not, violence was for those who lacked self-control; it would be so much more satisfying when he took the pride with but a word and a smile. If only he could find a way through that wall, at least he could take consolation in that surely some of them had been crushed beneath the falling rocks, perhaps it was on their hides that the buzzards feasted.

Ears twitched, his thoughts broken by the approach of pawsteps. Paws crossed before him, eyes settled on his sister's form, watching her with a touch of disdain from the corner of his eye, following her movements with only the shifting of his gaze.

"And you talk too much. What is it you want, Mchawi?"

His voice was cold, lacking the softness he may have spoken to another, yet without anger. What on earth did she want, and what made her think whatever she had to say would change his mood?

Mchawi rolled her eyes and sighed in exasperation. She could understand her brother’s dark mood, but she thought he wasted too much valuable time being angry. Without her insistent prodding, things would never get done. Still, she needed him as well. He had a lot of potential and could go places that she could not. After all, she was the “witch” and was feared. Her brother, however, could be quite charming when he worked at it, and she was counting on that ability if their plan was to succeed. Both she and her brother hated those that lived beyond the wall, living in comfortable luxury that those outside of the wall had never felt. They’d made plans for a long time and now an opportunity had presented itself. Mchawi would not let Msiba waste this chance.

Unruffled by his snappish tone, she clawed the ground at her feet absently, her gaze turned toward the sky. A small black form streaked through the sky to land on her shoulder, cawing loudly. Nondo seemed to share her feeling of restless anticipation, and his talons gripped her fur anxiously. She regarded the bird solemnly for a second before turning back to her brother.

“Well, let me think. I don’t know everything that goes on within that dark little mind of yours, but I do know what you wish for the most. Now, I’m sure you noticed the quake that rolled through this area,” she drawled sarcastically. “Well, it seems to have had a pleasant side effect.” She waited a moment to savor the words on her tongue, a wicked grin chasing across her maw.

“The quake seems to have shifted the earth. The wall is open.”

“Do you now?”

He did not sound convinced, or perhaps he simply wasn’t in the mood to listen to her rambling, the ambition that she spoke far too clearly. The trait had served her well thus far, and yet there were times when it irritated him, pushing the limits of his patience. He would have to reign her if—

Words cut into his thoughts, the irritation forgotten, his mood had changed in an instant. A smirk spread across his maw, the plotting visible in his eyes, she knew him better than he cared to admit. At last the day had come, their chance to claim the land they had longed after for so long, the land that should have been theirs.

“I see…”

The lion rose to his paws, tail twitching with his step.

“And how vulnerable they must be. The poor creatures, we should offer our help then. Gather the others, we will move this afternoon.”

There was a hint of laughter in his voice, that charming smile that had served him so well returning to his maw.

“Werevu,” it was now that he spoke to the creature that had always been at his side, silently watching, speaking in silent words that passed between avian and lion with but a glance. “It is time.”

Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai



Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:48 pm
Who I am applying for: Haja
Username of person RPing Haja: Ecavi

Prompt: Haja's just discovered a bit of juicy gossip: Unfortunately, nobody else is around except her avian companion, so she can only ramble on to him.

"I know."

"I know you know," Haja replied with a sigh as her attentive avian interrupted her very interesting little story, and not for the first time, "But it's just so . . . "

"I know," Maboya said again, saving his companion the effort of searching her vocabulary for the best word to describe this particularly tasty bit of gossip he'd provided for her. He'd brought the story to her shortly before the earthquake had separated the two of them from all the others, which he quickly had decided was lucky in its own way. Haja was not a bad lioness in the slightest, but she was easily distracted if you knew the right kinds of things to tell her. If Maboya had not pointed anything out, she would be in a much worse mood than she currently was.

"We have to find somebody," Haja said in a perfectly reasonable sounding tone, though the concept was beyond logical reach. As Maboya had realized, she was focusing on the wrong details of their current situation. She was sitting, intently watching Maboya preen idly before her as he waited for her to refocus a bit, her tail waving behind her eagerly. It was not often that the eagle found something he wanted to share with her, and that was delightful in it's own way. "We have to tell Elea. Does Nadra know?"

"That I don't know," Maboya responded, trying to lead the conversation somewhere productive once again, "We'll have to start looking for the others again."

The lioness did not respond immediately. This was one thing she was impatient about. This was not like catching fish in even the littlest way, this was entirely different from her perspective. The longer she went with only Maboya to tell, the harder it became to contain herself and the more her imagination ran with the potential reactions she could get. It could be a completely unsurprising bit of information in truth, but to her it was becoming juicier by the minute. And this was days, perhaps, after she’d learned it. The only solution was to find someone who would listen, who didn't already know- and the only way to do that was to start looking. No thought of how seriously injured the others might be or how devastated by other consequences of the earthquake crossed her mind. She would not let them cross her mind.

"Ok," she said finally, standing up, "Let's go look for the water hole, everyone needs water."

Maboya nodded and pushed himself into the air, circling low near his lioness, "An excellent idea, Haja."
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:03 am
Who we are applying for: Hifadhi and Ngao
Username of person RPing Hifadih: demonstration_evil
Username of person RPing Ngao: Ary Keeyara

Prompt: Hifadhi decides, after getting beaten rather badly by a rogue elephant, that Ngao, who rescued him, needs to take over his position, and makes her captain.

Ngao never thought the day would come where the trail of bloody paw prints they left behind would belong to Hifadhi and not herself. The hazy smell of iron, however, was real enough to dash any doubts from her mind. She could feel the warmth leaving her body in liquid drops of red slipping down her face and clinging to her eyelashes and whiskers. As she turned her head to look at her mentor the shallow, but profusely bleeding head wound briefly blurred her vision. But it was nothing. Hifadhi had suffered far worse.

She had heard of botched patrols, even experienced them in her young career as a guard, but never had she seen one plummet so far. The elephant had been hurt when they found it. It was no surprise things got out of hand. Ngao had always thought Hifadhi could handle anything. To see him fall to a flailing white tusk…it was beyond thought, beyond shock. She had done the only thing she could do; step forward, take action, just like she had been taught. She couldn’t remember what she did, exactly. Warriors always say “everything went so fast” and that is because, for one, it is true. But Ngao felt it was also because much of what she did was from the practice her mentor had given her. Her reactions, her strikes…all of them had become natural reflexes. In the end she was simply glad she had succeeded. She never would have forgiven herself if Hifadhi had fallen.

Now she adjusted her step again, keeping it at pace with Hifadhi. She walked by his side, eyes locked with loyalty upon him as he moved. She leaned toward him, offering him her strength.

“We’re almost home, Captain,” she reassured firmly.

Hifadhi moved his head slightly, and he tried to stand, to move from the support of his trainee. He could barely even remember what had happened to him. Everything after when the tusk had hit him had gone… fuzzy. He could distinctly remember Ngao’s face over his, calling his name… he could even recall her taking command. For surely she was the only one who could have taken over for him.

He had trained the girl since she was old enough to stand. He had complete faith in her… as much faith as he had in himself. More at the moment, after what he had allowed to happen. Such a stupid mistake. Two steps too far. He should have known to keep two more paces away from that elephant… he had dealt with hundreds since he had been young.
Young. He wasn’t young anymore. It hadn’t even occurred to him… but two steps too far… that was a mistake he would have never made before. A mistake that Ngao had not made. And once he had made the mistake… she had pulled him out of it. How could he have been so foolish?

“Ngao…” He whispered, his voice horse, “I’ll… be alright… my head… is just… No, No, I’ll be fine, let me down, I can walk.” He doubted it, but he would be damned before he would let the girl drag him back to the pride.

Ngao hesitated at his request. But it was only a short pause; no more than a heart-beat. As a guard, you had to make decisions fast. Hifadhi had taught her that.

“As you wish, Captain,” she replied, giving him the minimal amount of space to stand on his own. Should he fall she would be there to catch him. She would only do as he asked as long as he was not endangering himself. She knew he was capable of over-doing things. Stubborn as a bison….normally that thought would make her smile.

She waited tensely, her eyes never leaving him as she let him try and lift himself. Worry gnawed at her stomach, but she scolded herself mentally for it. Fear was a warrior’s worst enemy. She had been taught to control it. Hifadhi would either stand on his or she would help him.

He stumbled for a moment, and then he remained as he gathered his bearings. He swayed a little, though not enough to lead him to danger, and then he managed to stand sturdy. Half of him was tempted to ask Ngao to stand closer to him… but his pride wouldn’t let the words out. He had to be strong. He had always been strong.

“Alright… I’m alright.” He told her, nodding his head, before he very nearly completely fell over. He only managed to catch himself at the last second and regain his footing yet again. “I’m… very nearly alright…” He attempted to joke, and failed.

He had never really been very funny. Kind perhaps, stubbornly amusing, and powerful… but funny… well, many would be hard pressed to find that in him. Yet Ngao had always been amused by him anyway… she knew him all too well… she knew everything he knew…

And now it seemed that she also knew better than he knew.

But this simply wasn’t a time where she could be amused. When she saw his instability she was shaken internally. His strength had always been so dependable, the foundation of their guard. She wanted to reach out to him, but she held back. At the very least she waited, too, to walk on. When he was ready to move she could follow, ever there to support him.

“When we return,” she said carefully, though the authority and firmness she had gained in her training lingered in her ton, “perhaps you should take it easy, Captain.”

Ngao knew he would argue. But right now it mattered less to her that he would disagree; her eyes kept wandering back to her mentor’s terrible wounds. He would need time to recover. She had to do whatever it took to convince him. It was her responsibility. He was, after all, her Captain. More importantly, he was her friend.

“I can manage things while you recover,” she offered, reaching out every possible line to convince him for the sake of his health, “You won’t be able to do your job, Captain, in this shape…you need to heal.”

Hifadhi waited a moment, and then he began to walk forward, slowly, but every single movement hurt him to the bone. Never in his entire life had felt so very… old. Like he would fall apart with the slightest movement. And Ngao… she was fine. She had been in the same position, but she was fine. She had done everything that he knew he should have done. He had known her for years… she was like a daughter to him… a friend, not just his subordinate.

He had always intended for Ngao to take over for him… always known she would be Captain one day, everyone knew that – except perhaps her. He had always assumed he wouldn’t live long enough to take the position…

“Ngao… Come here for a moment… come close… I need to talk…” He said, his voice commanding. A lion with wisdom on his side. Someone who knew what greatness was, and was about to share it. “There… is something I must discuss with you… I have wanted too… for such a long time… but now, it seems… necessary…”

Ngao immediately drew near. She had been wanting to all along and now with permission given there was no hesitation. What he intended to talk to her about, however, she was uncertain. Or at least, she’d like to believe she didn’t know. It was much easier to pretend that Hifadhi would forever be her captain. That nothing would change.

“Yes, Captain?” she asked, ears pulled forward and face attentive. She was ready to listen to whatever it was he had to say…even if it might be something neither of them wished to hear.

“Ngao… I’m old… Older than a Captain should be… it leads me… to make stupid choices…” He mumbled, “And I must be old… to say that… But I made a very foolish mistake today. And you didn’t. You were brave. You were smart. You did all the right things… that I was too stupid and slow to do.”

He sighed and nodded, “What I mean is this… I am too old for this job, Ngao. I should have died a long time ago… and I think today you have proven that you deserve to take command. I need time to recover… time to… think… But right now, I believe it’s… it’s for the best that you take over… and become our new… Captain…” He stumbled slightly, but held strong, “Ngao… I want you to become the new Captain. I, Hifadhi, am going to officially resign. Do you understand?”

Ngao was not surprised. In fact, she was more surprised that she wasn’t. Perhaps she had always known this was coming someday and maybe she simply hadn’t wanted to face the resignation of her treasured mentor. Not only that, to become the new captain…it was a huge amount of responsibility. She knew she was a strong, skilled guard. But it was an entirely different thing to become a leader. Everyone would depend upon her for their safety. It was a heavy weight to bear.

Seeing his confidence in her was reassuring. But what really gave her the final push was how he looked. When she looked at him, really looked, she saw his age, his weariness, and his wounds. His mind and spirit were strong as ever, but his body was failing. She couldn’t just leave the job to him anymore. It wouldn’t be fair.

“I…understand,” she replied slowly, barely nodding her head once. “I will do my best, Cap-“ she stopped and corrected herself with the smallest of smiles, “I will make you proud, Hifadhi.”


Ary Keeyara


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:22 am
Who I am applying for: Machafuko
Username of person RPing Machafuko: KasaiLoki

Prompt: Msiba's just told Machafuko that he has to go hunting and get the pride something to eat; something which the lazy lion does not want to do, but is forced into doing anyway. When out of pridal sight, what does he do?


The lion grumbled as he made his way out of the pride’s view. He wanted to just huff, lay on the ground and sleep, but to his luck he would probably be caught, scorned and a numerous of other events to follow. After the earthquake, it was almost as everyone’s temper just got a little shorter than normal.

His squinted eyes scanned the area. He could try to hunt, and then no one would say he was useless…


At the most opportune moment, his stomach decided to grumble, making him moan. “Why me Msiba?” The adult male groaned again, moving further out, searching for something, anything, he could attempt to get his paws on. It was only then; his bird companion swooped down in front of him, staring at him with piercing bright eyes. “Hey! Don’t stare at me like that, I’m looking, see!” The fact was slowly (very slowly) dawning on Machafuko that he could use Mtalia to help him. But he would have to repay her somehow…

But how…?

His head hurt too much to think. “You can help me. You fly that way and scavenge up any dead bodies you see that you can carry,” being a lammergeyer, she never hunted the living, “and I’ll go that way,” he pointed a paw towards the west. “Twice the food, less the work!” he grinned, his stomach growling once again at the mention of food. “Let’s just dropped the food off where the pride is at now, okay?”

Mtalia did not question the lion companion, just nodded and flew off. Once gone and out of eye sight, the scrawny adult plopped on the ground. “Meh, I’m sure she will bring back enough food for everyone,” after all, the pride only consisted of a mere number of lions now. “and besides, I can’t work on an empty stomach!” the male yawned. “But I can sleep on one…” he grinned, resting his large head on his paw as his eyes slumped into a peaceful slumber.

Perhaps it wasn’t such a good idea for Mtalia to drop off the food where the other’s were staying, seeing as they would find out the bird did all the work. But this fact flew over Macha’s head as he snored into the night.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:52 am
Who I am applying for: Unyevu
Username of person RPing Unyevu: Dr Umeda

Prompt: Write a mini-story as to how Unyevu discovered his new avian companion, Chozi, right after the earthquake and just before they entered the Aka'mleli pride.


Unyevu liked the idea of keeping the past in the past where it belonged. However, even when he thought he had that under control, he would remember again. And he would brood. As it was, he did not normally socialize with lions like the interlopers. But here he was with them anyway, the Aka'mleli his destiny.

But then he was right at the worst part of his memories, where it became a torrent of anger and bitterness, the peek of it all. He felt himself shaking but rather than attribute it to his memories, he became rather scared and forgot about his brooding, something he would have prefer to happen in a situation less drastic. The pebbles on the ground jumped and bounced around him. He looked up next to him at the mountain almost instinctively as his fear took over. Nothing was falling and coming after him, he wasn't close enough for that. But his imagination was showing him something quite possible.

He backed away as fast as he could shuffle until finally the tremors got so bad he was thrown down to the ground and slid down a tiny hill to the base of a thin tree that made a tremendous cracking. The ground beneath him cracked as its surface was marred by roots shooting from the ground. The thin but tall tree collapsed, just barely missing his vulnerable body.

Just beyond him was a kweeoo and then the tremors lessened enough for him to move. He felt his dilated eyes relax to a lessened but not completely normal state. Unyevu dragged himself over to the noise, not confident in his legs to carry him. There was a large black-brown bird sitting on one of the branches of the fallen tree, his wings folded tightly against him as though they were a shield.

"Should you not be fearless?" Unyevu exclaimed, his mouth working better than his brain, announcing what he otherwise would have simply thought to himself.

The great beast certainly eyed him like it was fearless. But it looked back at the branches. Unyevu, his heart still racing, pulled forward to look, feeling that the bird would not tell him what it was. Sure enough there were fledglings in the nest. "Your's?" he asked, however obvious the question.

"My mother's," the bird replied. "I help her because my father is dead. But now I fear the same has happened to her. The same end as they." The fledgings were thrown not far from the nest as though they had been in it until the end, a body could even be noted a whiles away from the tree.

"And if she does not come?"

"I will wait," he stated, not giving into the doubt Unyevu expressed.

Unyevu took pity but also admired the bird. "I will wait with you." The bird looked at him with a blank uncaring expression. But emotion seeped into the eyes and the bird nodded in thanks. Unyevu nodded back, his own silent "your welcome".


Mila Farrell

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:35 am
So who is Ukweli going to warn? I can't find the name 'Ubawa' anywhere. I'm slightly confused. Thanks in advance. <3

It's in the background/history.  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:40 am
How old roughly is Ukweli, please? Was wondering if he may be old enough to have been a young 'un when the pride was formed perhaps (being 'ancient' and it being three generations old) =)  

Successful Edit

Mila Farrell

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:46 am
He was probably one of the first babies as part of the second generation. <3 So yar, very old!  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:54 am
Those questions are helpful to me too. XD Thanks!  


Generous Unicorn


PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:57 am
Quick question:
Say we have extra time on our hands and would like to get ahead in the RPs. If we complete all the necessary RPs for one week, could we start another one that same week and have that new one count for the next week's RP number?

Of course, it wouldn't move the plot along any, but if it was just with a different/same character, to get them to know each other more, would it hurt the plot too much or be helpful at all?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:05 am
Quick question:
Say we have extra time on our hands and would like to get ahead in the RPs. If we complete all the necessary RPs for one week, could we start another one that same week and have that new one count for the next week's RP number?

Of course, it wouldn't move the plot along any, but if it was just with a different/same character, to get them to know each other more, would it hurt the plot too much or be helpful at all?

Nope, I'm afraid a lot of them are influenced by ones done the previous week. xd You will be given the specific RPs you need to get done each week (some characters don't always have a required RP for the week, mind).

But you can certainly just RP between yourselves, so long as it didn't heavily influence the plot (like, one character trying to randomly kill the other xd ). And so long as your characters are in the same area and it makes sense (IE, Umoja won't be able to randomly RP with Nyonda at first since ... Umoja is currently lost with Mapatano).

Mila Farrell


PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:11 am
Mm, that's what I thought. Thanks Dusters. <3  
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