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Angel of Flames2

PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:24 pm
Jonouchi walked up to Kaiba, giving him a stern look.
"Kaiba... what's the last thing you remember?" Jonouchi didn't sound like a punk kid anymore; he sounded like the experienced cop and interigator that he was. He was also pissed at Kaiba because of the way Kaiba was making Bakura feel. Jonouchi hated it when someone hurt his friends.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 10:57 am

Seto didn't get to explain the reason for making Mokuba pull over. He looked in the rearview mirror and frowned. He wanted to drive, not get caught up to. He placed a hand to his forehead for a moment before opening the door and exiting the car. Mokuba following suit.

Seto listened to the white haired man's speech, his expression unchanging, but his heart aching in a weird sort of way. He felt bad for him. If everything that was being said was true, which it no doubtably was, he had taken on a horrible face of the situation. He was acting very childish, and he was going to put an end to his own selfish behaviour. It wasn't that he felt the need to comfort Ryou, rather apologise. For everything he had put him through. He felt stupid, which was something he most definitly was not used to. He hated it, but nonetheless, he watched Ryou's suffering unmoving.

Seto turned his attention to Katsuya. His face was stern, unlike the boyish playful kid he last remembered. Why? This is so stupid...What the Hell is going on! Why can't I remember anything?! Kept repeating itself over and over again in his mind, but still his features showed nothing of what he was feeling on the inside. In fact, his eyes almost looked to be glaring at Jonouchi.

Seto closed his eyes, trying to remember. A hand lazily drawn up to his temple. What happened yesterday? He asked himself. He opened his eyes and looked at the people around him. "Everthing was very different." He began, keeping that same old Kaiba tone, his hand lowering to his hip. "I had no idea who this Ryou was and Yugi and his friends were no friends of mine..." He glared up at Katsuya for a brief second before returning to his words.

"Mokuba was about thirteen and I was still running Kaiba Corp. without a hitch, and there definitly was no words exchanged over a relocation, or any changing of my trusted employees..." He paused once again, not really willing to spill his life to this person, but not really having a choice. He could be a dirty cop, willing to take Seto in for nothing just to get what he wanted, so He might as well tell him what he wanted to know.

"Yesterday I woke up at about 6:30, ready to start my day. It was just as normal as any other day, and in the rainy season, no doubt. I got washed up and dressed before waking Mokuba around 7:00 so he could be to school on time. We ate breakfast together around 7:30 before we took our separate limos. Mine to work, his to school. I was at work all day, until about 9:00, and I ate dinner with Mokuba and listened to his day at school before tucking him into bed by 11:00 at the latest. And..." His memory was starting to turn a little fuzzy, it was odd, but he continued. "I...got a call from the office, saying they needed me in briefly. I didn't want to awaken the chaeffer, so I went out alone. Then I... I think I remember a light, and swerving, but..." Seto looked over at Mokuba, not sure of what to say. Then he turned back to Katsuya and finally said. "That's it, that's all I remember." Before motioning to Mokuba to get in the car and taking up seat in the driver's side himself.

He didn't care what that stupid "police officer" did. He wanted to get away. He had to see his office, how it was running without him. It felt as if he hadn't been there in years, but his memory said otherwise. Seto heard the click of Mokuba's seat belt and turned to him. "Sorry about that Mokuba." He said simply before placing the keys in the engine, and promptly speeding off to his destination.


Angel of Flames2

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 5:20 pm
Jonouchi glared at the back of Kaiba's retreating car.
"If I was on duty, I'd do something. But, legaly, there's nothing I can do." Jonouchi muttered angrilly. Then his expression softened, and he sat on the curb next to Ryou, putting a comforting arm around the other man.
"Don't worry. His memory will return... soon. I'm sure of it." No, I'm not. But I have to say something at least.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 7:32 am
Mokuba just listened as they spoke, his brother spilling his memories to Jou. Now he was regreting more from taking his brother away, maybe he wasn't the right help for him at the moment. He felt sorry for Ryou, it must've been hard for him to bear this. Even though Ryou was the reason his brother ignored him, he still made Seto happy for years. Anyone who could make seto happy, in the end would never have any trouble for him. But even through all of this, he felt as if he was the best thing for his brother at the moment. After all, he was the only one Seto seemed to have remembered.

Then, Jou began to ask questions, he still couldn't take Jou seriously. Even though he was a cop, he was still Jou. But he watched in silence as his brother spilled his memories to Jou. Mokuba also remembered that day, it was one of the last days him and his brother lived normally. The day after that was the day Ryou came to live with them. Before Ryou moved in they were still dating, but he never was permitted to live in their house. Once he came in, things began to change, marrige should be right around the corner, and it was. Though Mokuba was happy to see his brothers change in life, things still drifted between them. As Seto drifted he grew up. He got his licence and met people who actually talked to him. Though this made him happy, that void of his brothers absence was still there.

He was so young the last day Seto remembered. That was three years ago, Mokuba was thirteen. His heart clentched at the missed memories that he had held dear. Soon, he was snapped to reality when his brother commanded him to sit in the passenger side. It seemed him being able to drive now was a little much for Seto to handle. With a small smile he sat in the passenger side and buckled his seat belt. Guess for the moment, his lisence was revocted. When the car sped off toward the company, Mokuba relaxed it was nice to be the little one again. But something didn't add up, and kept him tense. "Seto..you said something about a light and swerving?.." he said aloud. Though he knew seto knew what he had said, he needed to get it straight. Something was off about that, he never remembered any crash.

Vice Captain

Angel of Flames2

PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 6:22 pm
"Do you remember Kiaba ever being in a car crash? I sure don't remeber Kaiba ever crashing." Jonouchi asked quietly to a distraught Ryou.  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 10:42 pm

Seto looked over at Mokuba with a questioning glance for a moment as he slowed the car's speed, not wanting to really be pulled over by a real police officer. It was odd to him that Mokuba asked about the lights and swerving, surely he would have remembered the crash more clearly than he himself did, unless he was never notified. Or maybe this was all just a screwed up virtual reality created by his own mind, and he was really laying in a hospital bed in a coma.... Okay, now he was sounding crazy even to himself.

"A light and swerving?" He repeated Mokuba's question, his eyes seemed to be concentrating hard on the road ahead of him. He had an odd sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach that he felt was trying to tell him that something was wrong. "I...uh...I remember a bright light and swerving to get out of the way of a bus..." Seto's speech was broken, that had never happened to him before. He was experiencing a lot of firsts today, or was he? He didn't want to get off of the subject and ignore Mokuba, so he stopped himself from conversing, well, with himself and tried to focus on the present.

"I was driving like I always do, it was all pretty normal. But then I noticed you had left Otes behind." Seto smiled subtly to himself. "You remember that old rag? You loved it with everything you had..." Seto chuckled softly for a brief moment. "Remember when I tried to wash it when you were ten? You completely freaked out!" Seto flashed back to Mokuba on the day he had threatened to wash his beloved penguin plushie.

'NO! NO! Oniisama!!! You can't! You just can't!' Seto dangled the filthy stuffed animal above his little brother's head, just out of his reach. "You don't need this thing anymore Mokuba, you're too old for it. Besides, it's probably full of bacteria and diseases waiting to kill you." Mokuba crossed his arms and stuck out his tongue at him. 'He is not! Besides, if he were I'd be dead already.' Seto shook his head disapprovingly. "Even so little brother, you need to be weened..." Seto grabbed the penguin fully by the body and turned with it, heading towards the door. Mokuba fell to his knees, it was all he could do. He was much smaller than his brother and willing to obey him. He just loved Otes more than any other toy he had ever had. Young Seto looked back at his brother. He could hear the sobs escaping his crumpled body on the floor, and he no doubtedly felt like s**t. He thought Mokuba would just be angry about it, but he was devistated. He couldn't stand to see him like that. He turned and walked back over to his baby of a brother. "We'll get him dry cleaned...I'll make sure they take perfect care of him." 'I'm sorry Niisama...I really am...' Mokuba said through the tears as he hugged his brother tightly. "It's alright Moki...I'm the one who should be apologising..." Seto replied as he wrapped an arm around his little brother.

Seto finally came back to reality, his eyes welling up with the emotions of his mixed up past.


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:56 am
Mokuba was wondering it himself, were they in some mixed up universe? He had never remembered the accident, he remembered the day Seto had been describing to Jou. When the next day had arrived, Seto was home, but with Ryou. It all made no sence, if he were in accident, Mokuba would've known. So he couldn't have been in the accident, hit his head and suddenly fall for Ryou. All of this was actually starting to freak him out, what if this was a world that didn't exist?

He looked at his brother beside him, giving him his full attention. Taking in all of the information that Seto was dishing out to him, hoping to figure this whole thing out. But one thing stood out of all of what Seto was saying. "Wait..stuffed animal named Otes? I dont remember having a stuffed animal Seto. I never had a stuffed penguin." he replied, one eyebrow raised. Well, he was releaved that it wasn't something girly. But he tried hard, racking his brain to remember something. 'Stuffed penguin stuffed penguin..' he repeated in his head trying to work his memory. Grasping his pants between his fingers, as if pushing his memory. With a sigh, he failed. It was no good, nothing was coming to mind. "I dont remember, but I will keep thinking. I'm gonna help you solve all this Seto. I'm here for you, one hundred percent." he replied with a nod.

His brother was trying so despritely to remember, not just one thing but his whole life. So of course, Mokuba was going to be there with him, suffer with him. He was the brother that would be in the cell beside his brother in jail if need be. Thats how it was like back when Seto was evil, with Death -T. And even though it wasn't that drastic this time, he still needed to be by Seto. He didn't trust Jou, Yugi Ryou or anyone with his brother at this point. But he couldn't stop them from helping, but he'd make sure that they didn't do anything stupid. If anyone, he would let Ryou have a talk with him. Either way it was settled. So he was going to stand by Seto through all of this, and beat this crazy ulternite universe.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 9:05 am
Ryou was sitting there, he'd heard the whole of Seto's story. He looked up at Jounouchi. "No, but I remember that day. It was the day that I moved into Kaiba's place. But- the crash never- I need to call Kaiba! Gomen ne, Jou, I need your phone! He commented, truthfully. "I knew something was off about him! "Pick up, I know you have your phone on you."

It rang a few times before finally Seto picked up. "I know that you're upset right now but I really, really need you to do me a favor. Look on your left arm and see if there's a tattoo there.... I feel so stupid for not asking earlier, gomen ne.... I forgot completely about this. If it isn't there, then I'll need to speak with Mokuba. If it is, then my guess is wrong."

Arashi Cloud

Angel of Flames2

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 9:12 am
Jonu made a face. He had also forgotten about Kaiba's tatoo. Baka! why didn't you think of this earlier? Jonouchi verbally berated himself.  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:23 pm

Seto looked out at the road ahead of him. He couldn't believe that Mokuba couldn't remember Otes. He must have DEFINITELY fallen into a DIFFERENT Seto Kaiba's life, because HIS Mokuba wouldn't even take a piss without that stupid penguin plushie by his side. There wasn't any way in Hell he would forget about him. Seto was thinking to himself, refusing to answer to Mokuba unless he had something worthwhile to say. Then, his phone rang. Seto rolled his eyes in dismay, but smiled inwardly. Work calling him, most likely. He hated it, but knew it was something he could always depend on, even in an alternate scewey universe.


"Hello. Kaiba, Seto speaking." Seto's neutral looked suddenly turned into a slight frown. It wasn't one of his henchmen on the other end, as he was suspecting. It was Ryou. Seto didn't really hear much of what the other man was saying, he was talking fast and his words slightly slurred together. He sounded a bit upset. But Seto did get the jist of it. "My arm?" He questioned. "Are you kidding? I would never get a tattoo..." He scoffed and looked cautiously at the sleeve covering the skin of his left arm. He didn't want to check. What if there really was a tattoo there? He would go to the dermatologist and immediately get it lasered off...That's what he'd do. A business man NEVER tattooed his own body. That sort of thing was for the Yakuza, and punk kids. Seto considered himself neither.

Seto bit his lip. Did the fate of his life rest on whether or not ink was imbedded into his skin? He didn't like the sound of it all. But, nonetheless, he took a deep breath and placed the cell phone in his lap. He came to a red light and stopped the car, knowing it was now or never. He had to see whether or not this stupid tattoo had plagued itself on his sensitive flesh. Slowly he began to roll up his sleeve, with each roll bracing himself, not knowing whether he should hope it was there or not. In about twenty seconds he had rolled up his whole sleeve, nothing. He was relieved, but a little worried. What did that mean? Could he had gotten it lasered off without the white haired boy knowing? Or did he never really get one and he was just trying to give Seto a scare? He had no idea, but he picked up the phone and placed it to his ear, pushing on the gas pedal as soon as the red light flashed green.

"Nothing. I guess this is the part where you talk to my brother." He said simply before offering the phone to his younger brother in the passenger's seat. He just wanted to get to work, and the large KC on a nearby building caused him almost instant satisfaction. He was going to be in his office, around people like himself. He couldn't wait to get back down to business. He just hoped the changes weren't too drastic...


Arashi Cloud

PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 9:07 am
"Mokuba.... Listen very carefully okay. And don't become angry with me please. A couple months ago... I started to realize that you seemed not too pleased about the lack of attention you got from Seto. Trust me when I say that the last thing I wanted him to do was invent something to solve the problem. I was just thinking about bringing you along on our honeymoon to England because I knew you had never been there before. Anyway, I think he may have tested it and if so, that Seto isn't from this dimension. A tattoo doesn't just dissappear in twenty four hours without a trace, even you know that. What I need for you to do though, is go see if you can't find the blasted machine he used to do this. Can you do this for Seto, please?"  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 1:03 pm
Jonouchi was thuroughly confused now. Tatoos do not just disappear w/out a trace.
"This is really wierd." Jonouchi commented. He hoped that Mokuba would help with whatever the heck was going on.

Angel of Flames2

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 2:05 pm
Mokuba sat there looking at Seto, his face with a confused expression. All he could hear were loud mumbles on the other end of the reciever. The sound of the mumbles were definatly Ryou, but he wondered what in the world he was saying. Then, Seto began to slowly lift up his sleeve, as if he was afraid of what would be on it. "Seto..are you okay?" he asked in a low whisper. The sleeve revealed a bare arm, nothing but Setos smooth pale skin. He looked at Seto questionly, was he really going insane on him? Once Seto said a few last words, he became in possession of the phone.

Mokuba placed it to his ear, "Whats wrong Ryou?" he asked. He listend intently, his heart slowly sinking. Ryou was planning on inviting him to a very personal trip, his brothers honeymoon. Those trips were strictly for lovers. Though he adored Seto, if he were to ever marry, he would only want to be with his lover. A wave of guilt flooded him, but it didn't matter. He didn't want to follow his brother, bothering him on his honeymoon. He just wished that a boyfriend, or husband wouldn't get in the way. Weren't brothers suppose to be the most important, especailly in their condition? He just wished Setos schedule had enough room for the both of them. But what was this about a tattoo?

And he never knew his brother to work on machines for dimensions or time. His brother was a game inventor, one of the best. All of this was insane, first a tattoo his brother never recieved to his knowledge. Then this wierd machine that seemed like something a mad scientist would create, someone completely off their rocker. It seemed that him and Seto were both lost in this wierd dimension. But did this mean that none of this was true? Either way, this was for Seto, so he had to find that machine. "Okay Ryou..I'll find the machine and see whats up. Dont worry to much, we'll get this settled." Mokuba replied, hoping to confort Ryou. "I got to go for now, I'll call you later bye." Mokuba said before flipping the cell phone shut.

He handed the phone back to his brother, smiling softly. All of this was wierd, but he would get to the bottom of it. He would do it, for his brother. But he was sure that this mystery would take a lot of effort to solve.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 4:38 pm
Jonou watched Ryou hang up the phone.
"So... what's going on here? Did Seto ever tell Mokie about the tatoo, even?"

Angel of Flames2

Arashi Cloud

PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 10:01 am
"I don't know, but I think he got the jist of what I meant by it." Ryou stated, truthfully.  
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