shady loves fallout 3
shady loves fallout 3
Roane Farhall
shady loves fallout 3
well i tried to get the ghoul mask bye talking to the ghoul bye the tenpenny tower but he was talking with the gaurd i listend to the convo until the gaurd was like ''screw you bish ''
he was like '.-.'
and he went away i tried talking to him but he said go away so WTF

You gotta talk to him in the sewers and agree to let the ghouls ravage the place. He doesn't give you the mask until you get the door opened, so you have to take the evil karma hit almost as big as blowing Megaton up in order to get it.

OR you could take the long route and convince the people in Tenpenny to let the ghouls move in, but that's extremely boring and all the "smooth-skins" get killed off anyhow.

damn then ill never will be able to let them in
since i finshed the story with my evil charcter but had only one save slot so i got ******** then i started again with a good guy and if i let em in and get bad karma this wouldent be my good guy anymore so im ******** :O

Actually you don't get any bad karma if ya choose to convince the people. Ghouls kill them after you've finished the quest. I got good karma doing the quest that way. It's boring but it works.
then ill go for the boring way v,v anything you need like high level of speech ?

ok u guys stop being softy. i got the most horrible karma ever and im loving it. nothing happens but kids say i bet ur so mean cuz ur mom didnt love u lol??? smile )) but dont listen to roy! kill him i did and HAHA MOTHER FER!! that bish deserves it. i luv the suite in tenpenny towr. burke and tenpenny r my home dawgs. dont kill the lov. and whenever i see ghouls i give em lov by blowin off hed with my gauss rifle. But what is the sheskebad? ive always been curious