Soquili Name: Samebito.
Image of Soquili:
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Sam' was a little bit more innocent as a foal, but then morphed into a conman who doesn't really give a damn about anyone and / or anything that won't benefit him. He puts on an innocent face when around others, sucking up to them as much as possible in the situation, but as soon as they start to resist his actions, he'll basically snap and show an almost entirely different Seathi: a b*****d of a male who wants the upper hand.
Cried a HELLUVALOT as a foal, which resulted in him getting what he wanted, unknown to Sammy until he started growing into an adult. Realizing this, he now uses his BAWW routine to get others to take pity upon him, and he then uses them to get what he wants. When he doesn't get his way, Sam' leans towards trying to woo them into a one night stand, still keeping an innocent facade. Male or female, it doesn't matter to him. Sam' will then use that fact against them in a second attempt to get whatever it is that he wanted that was denied before. SEXY VILLAN POWERS ACTIVATE. |D
What is your soq looking for in a mate?: Not really sure, as far as personality goes. But colors, edits, etc. don't really matter for me! :3 <3
Breeding slots left: 3/3.
Fling or Lifemate?: Fling. Though it could turn into a lifemating if the right kind of girl came along. <3
How do you want others to contact you?: PM~
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?:
Sam' would be totally amused by these situations. But feel free to fling some other ideas my way, I'm all ears~ X3 <3
1.) A female who gets absolutely suckered in by his BAWW routine and ends up falling for his fake personality.
2.) A female who is unfazed by his little attempt at seducing them after he's been denied something.
3.) A female who actually goes through with the one night stand after he's been denied something and likes that dark personality.
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: Most likely Fling.
If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?: Either or, but I do want some sort of background plot if we can't RP. nwn
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