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Alien Senshi

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:24 pm

Soquili Name: Amaris
Image of Soquili: User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests: A curious mare with a respectful (if not sometimes blunt) mouth, she's lived a sheltered life with her father, rarely straying beyond a day's run away from the cave they reside in. Her love of adventure is only seconded to her devotion to her family, her only reason for staying put for so long.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? ICly, someone to help her find her way in the world away from her family, build a home to call her own. Doesn't mean the guy has to be a family type, just the type to get her out into the world by whatever means.

OOCly... no preferences. At all. He can be evil, he can be sweet, whatever. Edits and breed don't matter, and colors can range all over the color wheel, though some neat patterns would be nice to try and keep the family markings (as seen on her shoulder and face) alive.
Breeding slots left: 3/3
Fling or Lifemate?: Either or~
How do you want others to contact you?: PMing is fine, or you can try to catch me on AIM (xeakfauxkae)

Note: I've currently got a few other pairings at the top of my priorities list right now for breeding raffles, so if you wanted to continue the pairing beyond the CC Master List, I'd be more than happy to do so... just we'd need to talk about when we'd be able to do this n__n;;;; <3
PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:32 am

Soquili Name: Lucky 13
Image of Soquili: User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Care-free and laid back, Lucky is easy to get a long with.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? ICly, probably someone who's a little hot headed and likes to speak her mind. Someone a bit more dominate and who would take the reins in situations. OOCly, for me, someone asthetically pleasing that would go well with his colors. <3
Breeding slots left: 1
Fling or Lifemate?: Fling (But I wouldn't be against lifemating if the right mare came along)
How do you want others to contact you?: PMs please

Note: This is for the CC master list as I presently have other pairs that take priority.
- He has a planned fling for his second breeding so now I am looking for a mare for his LAST breeding.


Super Sex Symbol


Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:08 am

Soquili Name: Pukka
Image of Soquili: User Image
Describe your soq's personality/interests: A bit odd, Pukka is still fairly cautious about land dwellers and mostly sticks close to or in bodies of water.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? ICly, someone who prefers the water and perhaps can get her over her fear of the land. OOCly, for me, someone asthetically pleasing that goes well with her colors/pattern. I know there aren't a lot of Kelpi around and while I'd like her to end up with a Kelpi OR even a half-breed Kelpi, that might not be possible so I'm kinda open depending on whats offered.
Breeding slots left: 3
Fling or Lifemate?: Fling (Though I wouldn't mind lifemating if the right stallion came along)
How do you want others to contact you?: PM please

Note: This is for the CC master list as I presently have other pairs that take priority.

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