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Van Dossel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:28 pm
Dilmongo laughed at the goblins egearness to prove his worth, "All right goblin, I will give you a test. Build me a bomb, somthing big enough to knock down a tree with. If you can do that with out going to get supplies than I will accompany you on your mission to rebuild Roderick." He finished with a laugh. The trees there where thick as an ox and very hard to knock down, even with explosives. When Tocan tried and failed to build this explosive he would be able to kill him and end this delusional goblin's misery.

Dilmongo plopped down onto the ground and waited for Tocan to get to work.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:40 pm
As the flash shot went off it blinded 9 of the 12 men advancing on Jade's position. The 3 elite heros though where unafficted by the flash shot, they where wearing visors that blocked out attacks like that.

"Jermey, Kodic advance on with out the others. The rest of you stay in position until the flash wears off. We don't want any friendly fire." Firn, one of the elites said over their radios. Jermey, Kodic and Firn advanced down the hallways and opened up with their rifles.

These shots where well placed and they forced Jade to take cover, preventing him from rejoining with Whisper, while preventing Whisper from running down the hall to help Jade. These three where very smart, and they wouldn't get far if they tried to run while these three where hot on their trails. The other 9 would only be out for a short while so Jade and Whisper didn't have much time before they would be outgunned and overpowered.

The three slowly progressed down the hall, only two fired now though; Kodic stopped firing and looked for Whisper to run to help Jade. He was ready to fire at her if she moved to attack them.

One of the guards Whisper captured looked at her in fear, "Oh god you two must move quickly. Those three will kill you for sure if you don't hurry. They are among the best inside this base. However I know their secret." he said smiling. "If I tell you, will you help me escape from the base as well? I have some enemies inside the prison who wish to do me in. It is no longer safe for me here." He said looking around as the other guard captured turned and ran when he realized who was coming for Jade and Whisper.

(These three are heros as I said Drew so Jade and Whisper can't kill them out right. So if you fight it will be an actual intense battle)  

Van Dossel
Vice Captain


PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:14 pm
As the fight slowed down to the few still standing it became a sure win. All three of the girls stuck close to each other as 5 others circled them, four of them where orks with one lizard man. The group again attacked vigorously in a more uniformed way that gave them the edge. These five knew how to fight. Maybe even better then the girls did.

Just then a crashing sound from all of the windows interrupted the flow of concentrated fighters. From all sides of the bar came circular rocks that cracked open as they met with the ground. As soon as they where opened and their contents spilled onto the floor, the room quickly filled with a gas. The 8 within the room where thrown into a coughing fit until one by one they fell unconscious. A cold wind was the last inhale. At first it was painful then slowly nothing, darkness, emptiness.

What felt like minuets later all three of the girls awoke in a large room with tons of faces filled with laughter. The girls didn’t understand why there was so much laughter until full senses where restored. A cold chill clutched close to the girls. The source was understood immediately to be there bare skin, other then the tight thin undergarments.

“Don’t worry ladies; you haven’t been sexually abused in any way, just a little something to look at, aye.” A deep voice chuckled, these where the first words heard. While they where relieving they still answered no question to what was going on. “I’m guessing you have many questions. Sorry ladies but I can offer you no answers at this time. If I am correct, you stand accused for murdering and assaulting the civilians of this town. If this is true there are consequences to be paid. As the judge and the jury your verdict stands as I have already spoken.” The man said as he moved closer to the three and into the light. What was revealed was a large ork wearing an ornament of wolf skins about his person. He leaned over the girls, who where tired to polls and forced to look at the ground.

“The way I see it ladies, the only thing you could do to repay me for your crimes is reside as ornaments in this hall. My men will find much pleasure they don’t get usually from the present state of out lair. My only warning ladies, every ornament of mine that has tried to escape is now somewhere on my body.” The monster ork said with a deep laugh that made everyone else laugh again. With a wave of his hands six more orks moved into the room to remove the poles the girls where on from out of the ground. They lifted to poles, allowing the girls to dangle from. “Take them away to be prepared. Oh yeah, and don’t take them to the same place.” He finished and then shewed them away.

Minuets later each of the girls where placed in separate cells far apart of each other somewhere within this huge HQ. each girl was locked in a closed room with nothing but some skimpy clothing.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:54 pm
Muez, silently drained by the defeat of his failure, sought out the old woman at her new location. He sadly had to break the news to her. Without any means of repayment or skills in building, there was simply no way he could change the state of her homelessness. The giant golem picked up his feet one by one, as if it was a dreaded chore, and moved for the old woman’s sister’s house.

After traveling for a few minutes he appeared there from the darkening day light. His massive foot steps gave an early warning to the two sisters as he grew ever nearer. This time Muez made sure to keep a safe distance. He was not going to make the same mistake again. He tapped on the ground as if it was the woman’s front door and relaxed himself against the ground in a sit. Muez awaited the women as they slowly came out of the home, almost expectant for some kind of destruction. Once they realized no harm was to come they dropped their guard and proceeded to the gloomy golem.

“I has no way to pay you. I no find any house maker. I is sorry.” Muez said in the most defeated voice he could. The deepness of the golem’s voice strained all hearing to make out but all the same was still understandable. In Muez’s attempted to avoid eye contact, he looked to the sky. That’s when he caught a glimpse of the moon. At first it brought him to an all new low. He was ashamed for his current circumstance, and now he had to face up to it in front of his love. In that moment of deep depression, form hitting a low with no where to go but up, the moon some how sparked a light within him. As if empowering him, Muez got back to his feet with a finger to the air as if he had sparked an idea.

“I knows what to do. I can do many things. I cans do much more, just not make houses. I will do anything you need, Golem’s honor.” Muez said with a hand pounding against his heart and small smile protruding form his face. He leaned in very close to the women.



PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:10 pm
Specter had heard plenty. The words of the Dwarf interested him and made him happy. His father may have gotten into a lot of trouble just because he existed but he taught him well all the same. He liked his father; there were just a lot of things that made him mad, a lot of things he didn’t understand. The only thing he could really ever understand was a cold heart and quick satisfaction. If he felt good manners was the right thing to have then he wanted to force everyone to have them. He didn’t have much space in the world of right and wrong for those that disagreed.

The way Specter saw it was that the only way to reintroduce some manners back into the broken system was to forcibly insert it. He didn’t like the talk of all this small stuff. He wanted to go global as soon as possible and start a massive movement. He wanted stability in the way there was before Joa Boo, before people started to question right and wrong. This time anyone that would appose would be instantly cut off from the tree and burned.

It was in that moment of fierce passion that Specter decided to reveal himself but he still had to make it a grand entrance. Using his mystic haunting powers over the place, Specter snapped his fingers, forcing all light sources that weren’t natural to go out. Then from the middle of the meeting room, Specter appeared from within a constant bolt of lighting that shot outward in all directions.

“My fellow Omega Alliance, to long have we waited, and to long have we let the sin of this planet push around. The Judges tried it, but failed due to the biggest sinner of them all, Joa Boo. Now that he is gone, let us finish their work. We must reposition the stability of our rank. We are the Omega and the world shal know it.” Specter said with a powerful voice as he slowly became transparent.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:04 pm
Lord Tryle could feel the abomination creep closer with every step. In spite of the inevitable, he seemed some what clam and ready to fight. Though his stature was prepared, many of the surrounding soldiers barely clung to half his morale.

The zombies broke onto the upper level but where instantly slowed by many doorways. The cramped halls and rooms gave the soldiers plenty of cover to work around but it wasn’t enough. Eventually some zombies would make it past their lines and slowly devour at the standing soldiers.

The big hitters didn’t come into play until the undead made it to the last few rooms standing. Lord Tryle was ready and pumping with energy. His flow built up the men around him until they all readied for a strong fight. Once the zombies moved in, they where quickly met with heavy pounding from both sides of the rooms in an instant flank. Two well placed hammers crushed each zombie that moved into the room and each zombie that fell was burned with flaming arrows. Lord Tryle knew the place well enough to stand a decent defense form inside. He wasn’t about to get stomped on by some random undead.

“Come get some Vicktor. We killed you once and we will do it again”



PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:15 am
Tocan let out an explosion of excitement with the task ahead. Within seconds of the item selected, he was already digging around at the ground. As quickly as he could he had gathered shredded rock, a pine cone, dried leaves, and tones of twigs. With the many different types of rocks he gathered, Tocan began mending together a flint based shrapnel explosion that would cut even after the grenade exploded. He placed multiple rocks together that would all work as sharp blades as well as an explosive force. Then, taking the pinecone, Tocan bent it up and placed twigs inside, making compartments to the grenade. He finally stuffed the grenade with the dried leaves that would catch fire based on a pressure source bound by the friction of rocks when a lever was pulled and then pushed against a surface. Once the leaves burned the rocks would ignite and expand. The pine cone was forced by the compartments to aid in additional pressure. That movement and pressure, bushing against the walls of the pinecone would cause an explosion. Once the pinecone exploded the rocks inside would erupt outward and cut against anything nearby, i.e. a tree.

Minutes later, Tocan handed the grenade over to his new friend with a very big smile plastered on his face. He held out his hand so the vapard could take it and test it. Tocan was very sure his new creation would work well.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:59 pm
Jade had little time to react and moved respectively. He turned to a room to his left, apart of the newly gained hall, and broke into it with a dive. He rolled through the door and quickly moved to his feet. He had both guns reloaded waited behind a desk that provided adequate cover. He cranked both of his signature pistols up to speed shot rather then revolver and waited for his opportunity.

“No these guys are too good to go down with just pure shooting. I may be quicker then them and could take them on one by one, but not with all three shooting at me.” Jade thought to himself as he readjusted his plan. He knew they where probably moving down the hall now, couldn’t be more then 20 yards away. If they moved much further they would have a clear shot at Whisper. “God I hope she is finished.

Without thinking much of it, Jade had come up with another plan and proceeded to activate it with as much rush as he could. Jade dove back out of the room, flaring ricochet bullets, another spell he was capable of, while sprinting toward them with the gun blade out and at the ready. He leaped for them with blood in his eyes.

“You have less then a minute to speak grunt. I will protect you as well as I can, as long as you prove to be useful.” Whisper advised as she put out her fire wall where the rest of the grunt bodies lied and turned around the corner that they came from for cover. It wasn’t until this time did she feel the pain from her wound. Whisper tended to it as soon as she was out of harms way, all the while listening to the grunt speak. She focused in her bullet cut and slowly a white mist rose form the edges. Slowly the pain lifted from her until finally she was as good as new. A stiff lick of fear struck her spine. The small realization that her mana will would not last at this rate without superficial rest.


Van Dossel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:30 pm
The gnoll dropped down onto all fours and lunged at Roeclaw with its strong leg muscles propelling it off the ground ontop of Roeclaw. The force of the impact knocked Roeclaw down to the ground and forced the weapon from Roeclaw's hand. The gnoll snarled in Roeclaw's face spitting slobs of drool across his face. The gnoll sratched at Roeclaws chest.  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:15 am
((Barlic isn't ready for rping yet so im switiching him to me doing solo story just to get him started out))  

Van Dossel
Vice Captain

Van Dossel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:30 am
Selina as she was thrown into her cell jumped back at her carriers but the door was slammed in her face and she hit the cold iron hard causing her nose to bleed. She started to scream untold amounts of profanity at the door. She beat the door way with her fists trying to break it down but the door was strong and sturdy and wouldn't even dent with ehr repeated hitting.

Margo giggled as she was carried by the orcs in to the dimmly lit hallway, "You know if you help me get out of here I will give you all a wild time?" She said as they ignored her. "Yeah I would take that offer for two reasons. First I am really....fun." She said with a laugh as they glanced up at her, "and two...." she paused as her smile turned from innocence to being wicked, "if you don't me and my sisters will kill you all." She said bluntly.

Vivian didn't react to any taunts the orcs carrying her made as they moved her through the base. Vivian was studying the halls, where they lead, where exits where, what the rooms looked like. The orcs gruffly threw her into the cell and shut the door. She looked at the door and saw no way to open it from the inside. Pouting for a second she looked up at the high ceiling. It was far up and in the dark she couldn't see what was on it. She summoned her wings to her back and jumped up and flew to the ceiling looking for a vent or something to fit her petite body through.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:40 am
(theres only the old lady there btw))

As Muez leaned towards the old lady he noticed that tears where in her eyes and her nose looked red from contunious crying. Muez thought at first it was about him destorying her house and started to apologize again and say his plan but the old lady stopped him.

"No no giant, I am not crying over the loss of my house. That is nothing in comparison to what has happened." She stop and fell to her knees crying. "My daughter...," she started stopping to sob again, "My daugther, shes been taken." she paused as her sobbing and tears stopped. She spoke again in a grave voice, "Her husband was in dept to the Wolf Pack, a gang in a nearby town. He couldn't pay her back so they killed him and took my Sarah. Who knows what they are doing to her....those...those monsters" she said breaking back into tears and sobs. "Please giant, go to the nearby town. Find the wolf pack and bring my daughter back to me. Please repay me by doing that. You look strong and tough. You could get her back for me, couldn't you?" She begged crawling over to the golem's feet and laying her head on one.

Van Dossel
Vice Captain

Van Dossel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:48 am
Gerdic was blown a back as Lord Specter, son of Lord Mitus appeared before there very eyes. He strutted as Specter finished talking, "A.al..alll hail Lord Specter! Heir to the throne of Omega leadership!" He shouted at the top of his lungs going down onto one knee.

All the men in the room followed him and fell to one knee as well yelling, "All hail Lord Specter!!" in an chorus of voices.

Gerdic looked up from the ground at Specter, "My lord I Gerdic Greybeard reliquenishes control of my men to you. We are ready to follow you in the purging of sin! We will cleanse this world in a way none before us could!" The men cheered for Gerdic as they look to Specter for his response.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:07 pm
Vicktor kept walking down the hallway as his ever growing zombie horde pushed room by room through the few sober men Lord Tryle had at his side. They where outside the room where he and his 5 personal guards where. Vicktor had about 50 zombies around him now and most of them would be killed by the guards if not all of them. Vicktor just needed them to last until he had killed Lord Tryle. He was so close to his vengence now he could taste it. He would feast on the blood on the rebel Lord Tryle before the night was through.

He grabbed the handle of the door as Lord Tryle yelled out. Vicktor laughed to the point he almost fell over, "Kill me? You think you killed me Tryle? No you didn't kill me, I am not a member of the undead despite my apperance. I am very much alive Tryle. Not only that but I am immortal as well. You cannot kill me James. I will kill you" He snickered as he shoved the door open and the zombies started to rush into the room.

Vicktor drew his two daggers and waded through the horde of zombies through the room. The room itself was rather small it was an old church of the Creators. A place Vicktor use to come pray before their defeat by the Dark Hand. Now Vicktor was an athestist, a god should have been able to kill Joa Boo. Vicktor thought it was funny that he would take James Tryle's life here. He had found out during this slaughter that Tryle was supporting the Dark Hand throughout the whole war, the reason he refused to join Vicktor's army against them. Fate loved to be ironic.

Van Dossel
Vice Captain

Van Dossel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:23 pm
Dilmongo grabbed the bomb primed it and threw it at a tree off into the woods. It impacted with a gaint explosion of rock and pine cone shrapnel. the pressure blew a gaint trunk out of the tree. It didn't break it all the way thorugh but the chunk was bigg enough that the tree fell over to one side and broke off. dilmongo opened his beak in shock, "I just can't believe you did that" he squaked as she walked over ot the fallen tree and punt his hand on the blast site. It was hot but not buring since nothing explosive was in the bomb. He looked back at Tocan, "Fine I guess I will help you rebuild Roderick, though there is one problem to your goal." "He said as he walked back. "There is a gang in a city on Roderick. They call themselfs the wolf pack. Bunch of ex DArk Hand soldiers who can't handle life without the giant civil war going on. Bunch of thugs and creeps dealing in slaves, drugs, extrotion. The works. If we want to accomplish anything on Roderick we are going to have to see them dead." He said smiling since Tocan had no idea Dilmongo though telling the truth had more ulterior motives for this first job of sorts.

Dilmongo was an ex wolf pack member who left when the current leader took power and turned them to thugs. Before the Wolf Pack tried to carry on the goals of the Dark Hand but that damn orc saw to the end of that. Dilmongo was trying to get money to hire another merc company to help eradicate them but this Tocan adn him might be able to just do it by themselfs.

(now the question is do you want Dilmongo to join your party after this or what?)  
Dark Hand role playing

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