Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:53 am
Your Username: Lady in the Golden Wood Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Theia Uncert Entered Relations: n/a coming soon Short Personality Blurb: Very very VERY hyper. Kind of crazy in the head, but means well. Always up to pretty much anything, and loves dragging people into crazy adventures. Has an active imagination that tends to drive people nuts and fearlessness that gives her plenty of trouble. Very gullible and perculiar. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Nothing much, same as whatever she usually does. unentered Relations: n/a Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Uncert Entered Relations: Short Personality Blurb: Short Blurb of Recent Events: unentered Relations: (up to 5)
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:55 am
Your Username: Rhyleigh Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name:Miasma UncertEntered Relations: none Short Personality Blurb: She is vicious, doesn't talk other then growling, hissing and snarling and snaps out at anyone, including her family. Short Blurb of Recent Events:Spends most of her time either lurking in the shadows are attacking and eating animals. unentered Relations: FatherMotherSister Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name:Petiterilediris UncertEntered Relations: none Short Personality Blurb: He is stubborn, sarcastic and mean, well when he's not trying to be sweet to get his way. He's also majorly childish and very clingy to his parents. Short Blurb of Recent Events:Pet is now trying to go off and find his love, or any mare to be with, much to the dismay of his parents. MotherFatherSister
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:55 am
Your Username: Nuclearity Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Alice UncertEntered Relations: will edit if any pop up Short Personality Blurb: "Curiouser and curiouser...." Alice is nosy. She likes finding out all there is to know and exploring every nook and cranny of any location. This, obviously, lands her in constant trouble, which is terrifying considering she has the mentality of a child. Short Blurb of Recent Events: A LOT has happened to Alice. She had kids, left them with the baby daddy on a drug-hazed mentality, and left to be with Tulgey, her 'cheshire cat', who was more than happy to supply her with the herbs she so desired. unentered Relations: Tulgey [Lifemate], Ritalin [baby daddy], Knave [son] King [son] Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Damien UncertEntered Relations: will edit if any pop up Short Personality Blurb: Damien, raised without true parents, grew up a rebel to his grandparents and the idea of love. This made him rather clueless in that aspect and he believes the only pain he can feel that matters is physical. Yet all this lack of emotion stems from the single emotion of sorrow and longing for his parents, not that he'd admit it. Short Blurb of Recent Events: As of recent, the best friend he knew left him and he's left all by himself, his only companion his own spiteful personality. He started to realize that he could love someone outside of himself - that very friend, which drove him into a deeper depression from separation. unentered Relations: "Best Friend"
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:03 am
Your Username:Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Lorcan UncertEntered Relations: Zheadeos (brother, pg.5), LittleWind (sister, pg.6) (but he doesn't know of them yet!) Short Personality Blurb: Lorcan loves to daydream. He was always an imaginative colt, playing pretend games and often doing so alone. As an adult, he still gets lost in his thoughts and dreams, imagining up creatures, lands and different challenges he could face. He's very creative. Lorcan will be friendly to anyone he meets, he's kind and sweet. He especially enjoys meeting others who dream and imagine, like he does. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Not much. He met a foal named Winter when he was also a foal, and recently as an adult he has left home and settled near a lake, for now. unentered Relations: Saeran, Father Lithium, Mother Aster, Sister Bambi, Sister Cadmium, Brother Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Mireille UncertEntered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Mireille has always been a tomboy. She loved getting dirty, playing pretend games where she fought vicious monsters, running and even playing tricks on others. As a filly she was a brat and loved causing trouble and making her caretaker (Rain Curl) worry. She's a very bold mare and the type to rush headfirst into situations without fully thinking over what she's doing or what could happen. Mireille isn't the most tactful of mares and sometimes she says things she really shouldn't. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Zei and Mireille found a home for themselves and their family in the forest, near where a cave is and a waterfall. They had three colts together who have all left home a while ago. Her eldest son Canon visits her occasionally but she hasn't seen her other two sons since they left home. Recently, Mireille met a bear cub who she later named Sylvain. Sylvain has decided to live in Mireille's and Zei's home. unentered Relations: Zei, MateRain Curl (she cared for Mireille when she was a foal, Mireille thinks of her as an older sister) Sylvain, FamiliarCanon, Eldest Son
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:28 am
Your Username: Strait Jacket Girl Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Angeetia UncertEntered Relations:Short Personality Blurb: Angeetia is complex, she can be sweet as sugar if whatever twisted game she's playing requires, she can also be wicked and cruel should her game require it. She loves to play games specially the ones that can end up hurting others, not killing cause when her toys die she's gets very upset. Though this does not mean she is competitive, she enjoys looking for fun in a twisted manner. Though I could see her playing a board game should the stakes be interesting. Short Blurb of Recent Events: She met Einar, her Kitty and favorite play toy, and will eventually end up with baskets as a result. unentered Relations:Einar(Fling) Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Zheadeos UncertEntered Relations: Lorcan(Rita Zyon pg.5) Little Wind (ShirouEn pg.6) Short Personality Blurb: Zhea can be quiet but deep down he is a protector. He will come out and talk to others though he can be choosy as who he talks to. He is also drawn to those who have been hurt one way or another. Short Blurb of Recent Events:Zheadeos Met Ciro and has determined he will try to help her heal by being her friend and may set off on a journey to seek out Ciro's children to see if they are alright and try to bring them back to Ciro. unentered Relations: Rhydian(Brother), Saeran(Father), Riverfaith(Mother), Hafwyn(Fling)
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:32 am
Your Username: Belalusiia
Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Abdiel UncertEntered Relations: n/a Short Personality Blurb: Good to the core, but also very playful and likes to joke around. He's caring and protective and very confident in himself. Short Blurb of Recent Events: He wanders around most of the time, looking for adventure. Most of the Soquili he's met recently however haven't been very friendly towards him. Unentered Relations: n/a
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:39 am
Your Username: Aniira Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: UncertEntered Relations: Kahlil, brother (Ririka, a few posts down)Short Personality Blurb: Almost like her momma, except Kama hasn't experienced enough to have her taste for adventure full filled. She's spunky and fearless, and never lets anything get her down. She's able to be kind and compassionate one moment, and then stick up for herself the next, and prove a fair fight if need be. Despite her small size, she believes that she can do anything--she's quite independent, and as she grows older, her need to be alone will be displayed more openly. Despite her love for her parents, she has a love of adventure that will never be satisfied. Short Blurb of Recent Events: She's currently on a journey with her mother to go to the old Ceryeni lands to see what remains from the huge fires. unentered Relations: Mother, Father Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Liella UncertEntered Relations: Cherish, daughter (FitzRoyal, a few posts down)Short Personality Blurb: Liella is very carefree and light-hearted. She finds beauty in the simplest things, and often has to stop what she's doing to admire a small flower or a falling drop of dew. She's known to change moods very quickly, but not in a bad way. In fact, she's almost never seen angry or sad. She can come off as distracted and mysterious at times, though at others, she can be very helpful, friendly, and even flirtatious. She loves to sing random tidbits of folklore diddies to herself, or sometimes simply hum a tune. She appreciates nature very much, and sees most of nature as "magical". Mostly, she'll make a good and caring friend, if your Soq. is willing to have such a light-hearted friend. Short Blurb of Recent Events: She is caring for her two daughters, Ianthe and Cherish, and daydreaming of her son who she returned to his father at the sea. However, she is content at the moment being with her daughters. unentered Relations: Daughter Ianthe, Best friend Orrin
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:57 am
Your Username: _-Cheeky_Chobit-_ Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Neria UncertEntered Relations: Sylar - Lifemate - page 3 Short Personality Blurb: She is a strong, wise and kind mare. Sweet, bubbly, responsible but can be oblivious and naive at times. Short Blurb of Recent Events:Her mother and father have asked her to become the new alpha to the angelic imp herd because of their becoming of age and wanting to settle down and have their last batch of kids; she has accepted. Due to that, she and Sylar along with Sauda have moved up to Eden, the families home up in the mountains. Her son, Evan has returned from the wolf pack he left to join many moons ago and now she is just settling and getting into her new found role. unentered Relations: (up to 5) Adopted sonDaughterSonMotherFather Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Dice Eliza Quinn UncertEntered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb:Sweet, flirtacious, perverted, acts innocent, can be selfish, alluring, spacey & quiet; sometimes. The giggling school girl type. Short Blurb of Recent Events:She ran away from the heartland and back to the kawani where she met many soquili and learned about the strange new land, things she had forgotten. She then ran into her lovers again, realising she had to choose only one. Her attachment was strongest with Blood and he took her in to his herd whislt they sorted out their feelings towards each other. This resulted in him offering a date to his old rose garden where they confessed their feelings to each other. unentered Relations: (up to 5) Blood Dupre - Lover/Soon to be Lifemate.
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:03 am
Your Username: Cihiru Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Sirian UncertEntered Relations: Kaiya (Adoptive Mother) Pg2, Post 1 Short Personality Blurb: Thoughtful, brave, idealistic. Caring and helpful. Patient. Extremely controlled, sometimes stern. Empathetic, but struggles extending understanding to those of questionable morality. Not as forgiving as he thinks he should be. Slow to trust. Short Blurb of Recent Events: u/c unentered Relations: Soqua: Mate. Galahad, Terentia, Kahiau: Adoptive Siblings. Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Wind Gypsy UncertEntered Relations: Nocturne (Mate), Pg2 Post 1 Short Personality Blurb: Serene. Collected, level-headed, compassionate. Optimistic, if unconventional. Able to see the bright side in most anything. Very idealistic. Not afraid to defend justice through her own means; Wind is a protector. Also a nomad. Travels often, rarely makes lasting bonds. Utterly devoted to Nocturne though. Short Blurb of Recent Events: u/c unentered Relations: Water, Gypsy King: Parents. River Gypsy, Gypsy Prince: Siblings.
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:43 am
Your Username: .Tortured. .Pumpkin. Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Chowilawu Uncert Entered Relations: I don't know. XD He isn't very close to his family outside of his herd. Short Personality Blurb: Chowilawu is kind, caring, and unjudging. However, he's also a tad naive. He knows no difference between good and evil, and is kind to everybody, despite appearances. In fact, his mate is a Unikalona. He wouldn't know the difference between her and a flutter, other than appearances. Short Blurb of Recent Events: He left home in search of anything and everything, and didn't find too awfully much. That is, of course, until he found his wonderful mate. They meet regularly in the forest, often by a small stream in the mountains. unentered Relations: Father: Dichali, Sister: Magaskawee, Very Close Friend/Herdmate. Practically a sister: Phaedra, Lifemate: Gaiacinta Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Midori Uncert Entered Relations: I'm unsure. *can't look back through entries due to crappy internet* Possibly Blake or Aglaia. Can't see any other being entered as their owners are MIA. Short Personality Blurb: Midori is quirky. She'll giggle at almost anything, and detests having to be serious. She is VERY family oriented, and would do anything for her offspring or close friends. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Her lifemate went MIA, and she gave up on him, leaving her very lonely. However, she recently became a grandmother, which filled the void for a little while, and learned that she'll be a grandmother once again by her daughter Phaedra. unentered Relations: Daughters: Phaedra, Toxic Sludge. Son: Blake, Grandson: Nuclear Waste
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:56 am
Your Username: Ririka Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Deirdre UncertEntered Relations: None Short Personality Blurb: Deidre is someone whom holds a calming sad elegance about her, whether it is her appearance alone, or the air she seems to hold around her, it is easy to see that she has had some kind of 'tragedy' happen in her life, and that tragedy is the game called love. She has been heart-broken, played and trampled over many times in her young life, and because of that she has built a wall around herself and her heart when it comes to males, and yet, she still keeps a small crack open where all her dreams, hopes, and wishes that escape and maybe one day become a reality. Basics: Calm, gentle, 'sad elegance', soft spoken, optimistic, yet questioning. Short Blurb of Recent Events: In recent times Deirdre seems to have found herself a little suitor of sorts. A young stallion named Malchediel whom has developed a fascination with her and wishes to try and win her wounded heart through 'wooing' with sweet words, gifts, and basically trying to prove he is not like the stallions of her past. She is amused by his determination and advances, and yet, still questions if this is all a game for him, of if he is really the one she has been waiting for. unentered Relations: 'Suitor' Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Kahlil UncertEntered Relations: Kamakana - Sister Short Personality Blurb: Kahlil is someone that others would think could never hurt a fly, and in reality that is true, in its own way. He is someone who prefers to run, rather than fight, because he is someone that doesn't like to resort to violence unless necessary, as in a threat towards his family and friends, or to someone he sees is in trouble. Besides that though, Kahlil is a stallion who always seems to have a happy glow about them, is always holding a smile, trying to look on the brighter side of life, and make those around him happy, even if he might not come out happy. Oh, and he is a klutz of sorts, always getting his horns stuck in branches or shrubs, or tripping over something when he is not paying attention. Short Blurb of Recent Events: At the moment Kahlil is spending most of his time just staying around the areas he is familar with and just trying to get to know the ground better. If he is not doing that then he is hanging around the two-leggers or spending time with his friend and group leader Nukpana. unentered Relations: Edit later
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:58 am
Your Username: YamiBakuraChan Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Hallows Bane UncertEntered Relations:Nymphalidae (pg. 1) Current Mate Short Personality Blurb: Hallows has started out as a very conflicted Soquili. He wouldn't touch meat and he onlly came out during the night time to watch over his adoptive herd. Due to him meeting his current mate his memories of the past unlocking has caused him to revert to his real self. He is one of nobility, being the spawn of a uni-kalona and a full blooded demon of the underworld. He sees himself as someone still trying to find their way into this world, and if that means leaving bloody corpses behind him and his mate, so be it. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Currently him and Nymphalidae are about to go on a journey to his homelands. After driving out his adoptive herd he's taken the lands he grew up in for his own, and in the process, unlocked all his memories from the past. In his mind, it's time to confront his real family about what they did to him, what they did to his wings. In the process, he subconsciously hopes, he will have Nymphalidae by his side to do it. unentered Relations:Leeki (Familiar)
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:12 pm
Your Username: Sephiros Immortalis Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Repossession UncertEntered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Repo is a whimsical child, fairly good-natured but a little unbalanced. She tends to talk to inanimate objects, sometimes to the exclusion of all else. She is fond of peculiar speech patterns, but likes to dole out nuggets comprised of her own peculiar brand of wisdom during encounters with strangers. Short Blurb of Recent Events:Raised by her father, she not so recently left him, as he's a bit of a darker character than she, though she's fond of the bugger. Recently, she's engaged in romantic pursuits with Brackenhide. unentered Relations: Father, Favorite Brother, Romantic Interest Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Troilus UncertEntered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: As he is a cosplay of the sin of Sloth, Troilus has tended to live up to his nature. However, as time has gone by, he has slowly become a dedicated father and adoring mate. A sweet-talker, he still maintains much of the easy calm that somehow tends to charm now more than off-put. One can still usually find him napping in the shade, more than willing to chat with passing strangers. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Recently, he and his mate have settled down, raised a couple of daughters, and are currently living quietly (to the extent of my knowledge). unentered Relations: Mate, Daughter One, Daughter Two
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:36 pm
Your Username:FitzRoyal Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name:Cherish UncertEntered Relations: Liella-mother (Aniira pg 5), Demon-Captor/Keeper (Syaoran-Puu pg 2), Yoshiaki-Brother (Lunarflowermaiden pg 10)Short Personality Blurb: Cherish is simple minded. She is gullible, innocent and far too trusting. She would easily walk off with a stranger if they had something to coax her with, so she needs to be checked on by someone in the family. Anything that glows or glitters can capture her attention for hours on end, and flutters are her cat n**. Cherish doesn’t speak, not that she doesn’t have a voice, but she chooses to only reply in song (this can either be her singing a response or singing a snippet of a song which contains an “answer”). She has no fear of meeting new soquili or experiencing new things. Of course, if the soquili has green eyes she wants nothing to do with them, and if the experience includes waves or sea anemone’s she will avoid it at all costs. Short Blurb of Recent Events: At the moment Cherish is traveling with her mother and sister Ianthe. She has never met her father or brother (but might meet her brother in her travels later on?). In the future she will be kidnapped by Demon and become something of a pet to him. unentered Relations: Ianthe-Sister, Mareo-Father Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: UncertEntered Relations: Malis-Great Grandmother (Amirynth pg 3), Jumanjii-first cousin once removed (silent artist pg 1), Rokhan-Grand Uncle (Hot Lolli pg 6)Short Personality Blurb: Tuuli is currently kinda feral after having lived in the wilderness (on the journey back to WillowGlen) for most of her young life. She can't speak much Kawani/English (not until Malis teaches her) and mostly makes her opinions known through hisses and physical action. She is heavily influenced by her Kalona roots at the moment and doesn't yet feel comfortable around the Vitterfolk family, mainly because they are all relatively new to her. Short Blurb of Recent Events: During a large argument after Tai's foals were born, Zandali decided that since she wasn't wanted, she would leave. This lead her to take a path down to the village that Malis came from and learn how to 'be a troll'. There she met Suile and ended up pregnant on her way back home. Returning with two foals, Vol'tuuli and Thrall, she surprised Malis who considered them dead. Malis asks Tai and Zandali for forgiveness and Zandali, Suile and the foals end up staying in WillowGlen. unentered Relations: Zandali-mother, Súileabhán-father, Thrall-sister, Tai'jin-grandmother
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 1:11 pm
Your Username: Selalusia Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Nykto UncertEntered Relations: none Short Personality Blurb: He is capable of being very cruel and vicious. However he is usually quite calm, collected and seems pretty normal tempered. Strangely, he hates being alone. He enjoys the company of others even if he doesn't act like it. He's also extremely and violently possessive and protective of those he cares about. He has a soft spot for anything cute and cuddly, especially furry little animals or foals. He doesn't like meat, is afraid of the dark, and allergic to sunlight. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Met Eydis and they have become lifemates. They may be thinking of trying to start a herd in the future unentered Relations: Lifemate - Eydis Darkbane