Do you think a custom MCCL would work? |
Yes. |
71% |
[ 86 ] |
No. |
15% |
[ 18 ] |
I like the idea but . . . [post in thread] |
10% |
[ 13 ] |
No, but this might work instead . . . [post in thread] |
2% |
[ 3 ] |
Total Votes : 120 |
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:07 am
Etherial Requiem AlexiaSilver Etherial Requiem
Actually there are already 101 rules in place to cull favoritism already. Those rules would likely be enough to keep this from happening. I don't believe that I have ever read those "101 rules". Feel free to link to them~ They currently aren't listed publicly seeing as they are rules for staff and not for the general democracy of the shop patrons. I'm fairly sure any staffy could back me up on this tho. Just because they aren't for everyone to see doesn't mean they don't exist. And again, since it's rules for staff it's probably safer they can't be seen by everyone under the sun. I'm sure they already have enough going on without non staff trying to police the staff as well c: We staff do have a set of rules that is set aside specifically for us, and favoritism is covered within that rule set.
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:24 am
Etherial Requiem They currently aren't listed publicly seeing as they are rules for staff and not for the general democracy of the shop patrons. I'm fairly sure any staffy could back me up on this tho. Just because they aren't for everyone to see doesn't mean they don't exist. And again, since it's rules for staff it's probably safer they can't be seen by everyone under the sun. I'm sure they already have enough going on without non staff trying to police the staff as well c: You talked as though you knew all about them, so I figured that they must have been open to the general public, seeing as how you aren't a staff member. :]
Personally, I'm not concerned over favoritism. I haven't seen any displays of it for quite some time~ -shrugs-
Anyways, lets not get this thread off topic. :3
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:11 pm
Paper break! 8D;
To sum up the current debate: If we find someone abusing favoritism we will catch them and continue from there. And also, Yes we do have rules we have to follow. No they aren't public because the rules don't relate to customers but staff only. If you find one staff is playing favorites you're allowed to PM a concern about said members actions and we will look into it. Case solved! 8D
Ok to bring this back on topic. xD
First off I gotta say I can't say no to this idea being one of the people who happened to get CC ponies from that month. So me saying "No" would be hypocritical BUT speaking as a staffer I did learn the behind the scenes from it, despite me not being staff at the time. The reasoning still does not change from last year.
The idea still is a really neat one but only in a sense of an "event" and not a solid forever-list. To my knowledge no one uses the Breeding CC list anymore so a customs one would just die out too. Plus custom concepts change with time and it's easier to just post a fresh idea for a month then have to remember you have a concept posted in a forever-thread. Chances are you'd forget you had it posted after a month anyway and then if a colorist does decide to pick it up several months later the concept might have changed, which just brings about awkward moments.
It's a good idea in a sense that a lot of people can get customs in a relatively short amount of time but on a staff view point it can get messy behind the scenes; for reasons I'm not exactly entitled to explain to the public. I will say that it's just messy and a bit of a pain to keep track of - also before people start commenting this is also not a thing a customer can help with, since I noticed a lot of people are eager to help all the time. xD
Playing off of the beginning of the re-opening post: Theoretically it's an awesome idea (I personally like it) but realistically it's not that simple.
Off topic to having a customs month/forever-thread. I think it's only me but I dont understand why people keep mentioning that "it's for the colorists so they can pick to make what they want" when dealing with new custom ideas. Ok given it's really nice when you can make something you like but like.. this is a shop for you guys not us.. it should not be what "we" want but what "you" want. o_o If we wanted to pick CC slots we can easily do so in our customs opening. People should have to cater to colorists preferences. We should cater to customer preferences. >_>
Eh maybe I'm just too old fashion.
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:34 pm
Just wanted to throw it out there that I was not trying to "police the staff", nor do I think there is currently a problem with favoritism. I was merely saying this option would increase the chances for favoritism to occur, thus increase the chance somebody would claim it had.
Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:40 pm
AlexiaSilver You talked as though you knew all about them, so I figured that they must have been open to the general public, seeing as how you aren't a staff member. :]
Personally, I'm not concerned over favoritism. I haven't seen any displays of it for quite some time~ -shrugs-
Anyways, lets not get this thread off topic. :3 Actually I just said they existed not that I knew what they were or any details c: I'm sorry if you got the impression as I were somehow acting high and mighty or were trying to talk about things I didn't know or trying to impersonate staff. I just know they exist because it has come up before in the past c: maybe I've just been around too long lol. But if you want to get technical, no I don't know if there are really 101 rules or what they are razz I was just trying to help cull the concerns of favortisim by reassuring that staff has it handled. No need to act like I'm aware of things I shouldn't be or try to call me out. Then again this is text, that's just how it came across c:
Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 6:25 pm
I am posting to reopen this topic so that it could possibly be readdressed. There have been a few shops to open CC Custom threads and it seems to be working really well. The Lucky Noodle CC Custom Thread for referenceKuon-Yin Colorist Rules :1: You can not pick forms from this thread if you are backlogged on your work :2: You can not pick more than one form at a time, unless you are taking on twin forms :3: If you pick a form, please remember to PM the person who posted it and confirm that it is okay before working. Once confirmed, they should send trade :5: Colorist can not constantly do CCs. You must open regular customs still Nature's Wonders CC Custom Thread for referenceKeyGuardian Colorists Rules ♥ Don't CC if you have owed work. ♥ Don't take on more then one form at a time. ♥ Please PM winner and only start after trade is sent to you. ♥ You aren't allowed to constantly do CCs. You still have to open Normal Custom Slots. ♥ This should go without saying. But you can't CC yourself. Each shop has come up with some really good rules for both staff and customer alike. But reading up on this thread for some reason a lot of concern seems to be staff or at least that was how the past posts read. To me it is literally the same as the breeding CC list only customs. -Don't allow cosplays -Still have some sort of monthly form we could all update to show we are active + If the colorist picks a form, they PM the person that posted it to confirm it is still okay before they start working. (This would help with a lot of things, making sure funds are still there and that the concept is still wanted and the same.) Once confirmed, trade can be sent. -Lynn and LOLTERNATIVE had a good idea too though it doesn't always work for everyone LydaLynn I do agree that there would need to be some kind of accountability for people who enter but don't have the funds. Something that puts them on the gray list until they've paid for it and for a period of time after that, so that they can't get a Soq if they don't keep track of their funds to make sure they have what they need if their picked. Though they should have . . . 72? hours to get the funds together from when they are picked. Maybe not this exactly - but something that ensures that people don't lightly enter and then fail to keep the funds to pay for their request. LOLTERNATIVE Penalty for not having the funds - I have to say, this is a bit.. irkish with me because colourists deem edits differently. What is heavy to one colourist may be extreme to another and that's a big difference. There's the custom info in the thread but even that says it does not dictate pricing, as every colourist is different. Perhaps a PM from a colourist stating they would like to CC you and the price. If the price is what they thought it was going off the custom info, then they have the gold. If it's different because of a way a colourist prices, they may be able to borrow gold from a friend. If not, then they simply say 'I'm sorry, I can't afford as I based pricing on x edit' and they don't get to get CC'd. I'm all for people who don't have the gold not getting the slot, obviously, I just don't think they should be penalized, y'know? one person can't be CC'd twice in a row, by any colourist, or twice in a row by the same colourist. Because, even though there's a cool down, there might not be any CC's in the month the cool down occurs. list someone to PM if you can't be contacted. Someone you know IRL or who has your number or who can pay for the custom for you and then you pay them back. of course they'd have to agree but I think for people who get killed by RL, i.e. sickness or family issues, they shouldn't be punished. -I thought about the fairness and all that for everyone involved kind of deal, looking at it from both sides:: colorists already have to roll for regular slots so the CC thread giving them complete freedom to cc would be giving them more freedom, but they could also be given the choice to roll if they wanted to like (example: rolling a page number and then picking someone from it?) -Another interesting idea that could be added:: Plot/background could be added to give more information on the custom to give more idea of the life of the custom? There could even possibly be one for personality? All in all I don't really see a reason as to why this couldn't be done if there are rules to cover the bases and follow the rules? I mean all of these ideas came from reading the past feedback and how people felt on it. Cosplays would be excluded because of the whole "idea stealing" thing. This would give colorists more of a choice on what to do after all their owed work is finished. Of course I'm sure I've not figured out everything and there are probably things wrong with what I've come up with too but that is why its being posted whee .. I'm not really posting this to start any fights or drama of any sort of course, I just wanted to bring the topic back to the light and see if got to go anywhere. x3
Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:07 pm
What about Frankensoquili slots in a raffle? Ones that aren't CC, couldn't possibly be favoritism, and everyone can have a fun say so in the gamble-produced soquili?
Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:23 pm
I like the idea… but honestly, I doubt it would get used often. It doesn't seem like the breeding thread gets picked from, at least from my observation. I also would wonder if having this would further limit the amount of customs that come up for random raffles, as it might burn the colorist out on customs.
Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 10:30 pm
To be honest I think that this would be quite a nice idea and it would provide the colourists with some variety if they fancied it.
Obviously, nothing set in stone where they "must pick something each month", literally just a case of "if I feel like it and when..."
A definite ban on cosplays is something I would agree with if it was to be implemented though as "Dibs" could be a huge problem.
Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 7:50 am
Good to see this idea still kicking around since it was one I tried to implement when I was still manager. I hope to see it come about.
Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:13 am
I still like this idea. I linked to the restarted conversation in the first post.
Honestly, I think this might actually do a little to reinvigorate customs. Part of what has to weigh on colorists is knowing they don't have any choice with customs, they're stuck with what they roll. With this, they have the option to do the things they like occasionally. It gives them incentive to pick up extra stuff because they can make the things they enjoy. A few of them have proved their willingness to do this when they've offered to do customs for people with their own staff credits. Honestly, the colorists here are awesome. I think this would just give them a little more opportunity to show it.
Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:29 am
LydaLynn I still like this idea. I linked to the restarted conversation in the first post. Honestly, I think this might actually do a little to reinvigorate customs. Part of what has to weigh on colorists is knowing they don't have any choice with customs, they're stuck with what they roll. With this, they have the option to do the things they like occasionally. It gives them incentive to pick up extra stuff because they can make the things they enjoy. A few of them have proved their willingness to do this when they've offered to do customs for people with their own staff credits. Honestly, the colorists here are awesome. I think this would just give them a little more opportunity to show it. I agree.
Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:41 am
To be honest, instead, I'd love to see a customs month again once we have the new hires up to the point they can actually take customs. Maybe it could even be an annual or every two-year thing.
Have more rules in place than last time - like at most, one win per person (or twins) just like regular custom slots - even if this doesn't hit the normal "cool down" (up to staff on that one).
I think that would be a big, fun event where colorists could take ideas as they come, finish one and take another - and probably get through approximately as many as a MCCL for customs would get picked in a year, anyway.
It would be kind of like DD's big bribe slots, but open to all colorists, prices fixed at normal custom prices, etc. Users could still post a list of colorists they were open to if they weren't comfortable with everyone doing them, etc.
Up to staff, other options MIGHT be things like allowing hyper-hybrids or even mutants (but not megamutants) - I know the old month of customs thing was the first time people were allowed to custom hybrids at all - so that was a new, special thing for that offering.
Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 9:10 am
I don't see a reason both couldn't happen. Launch a new CC list with a month of customs where they picked from that list which then became a permanent thing.
I will say - if there's another month of customs, it would be nice to see a really good explanation of what was going on, how to enter, links to the appropriate threads, etc.
Last time there was a customs month I was a newbie and I remember seeing it and thinking it was cool, but being completely confused and daunted by the whole thing and I can't remember if I managed to get a form in towards the end or if I completely missed getting one in all together. But I know I was completely lost on the whole thing and there wasn't anyone answering the questions I tried posing in the thread.
I know people are much more open and helpful now, but it'd still be nice to see the explanations and links easy to find for those who are new.
Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 10:22 am
I don't know anything about the custom month that people keep talking about so I can't really pass on my opinion for it. Also..I'm not really sure what your talking about here sweatdrop x-Ivory_Feld-x What about Frankensoquili slots in a raffle? Ones that aren't CC, couldn't possibly be favoritism, and everyone can have a fun say so in the gamble-produced soquili? Franken soq slots in a raffle? Like everyone that wants a franken soq from customs put into a raffle or something? Also the breeding cc list is getting used a lot more than it was before or at least that is how I feel. The staff here is really open and helpful, they are really amazing people to put up with all the craziness here lol. I know that a lot has changed over time and I don't think it's bad. I mean the new colorists we have are just as friendly and helpful as everyone else. (that might have come out bad but what I am trying to say is that since everyone has come and gone, there are still people around who are nice, helpful and friendly)