Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:42 am
Entry Line: Victoria (~Kiana_Nala~ and Kareswynn) x Felix Prancerton (Muffinsbaby) Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Victoria ( ~Kiana_Nala~ and Kareswynn) UNCERT Just like her namesake, Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, this mare is very much a young queen. She is poised, gentle, polite and has a regal bearing about her. Unlike some monarchs, she cannot stand to be used as a puppet by any in her herd with political aspirations and she’ll catch on quickly should anyone try it. She is courageous and forward-thinking, but she is still a young mare on the inside. She loves children and tending to her garden and her heart is as susceptible to falling in love as any other girl’s. Victoria’s attention and affection has been captured by the amorous and gallantly attentive Felix, but the relationship may only end in heartbreak for her. Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Felix Prancerton (Muffinsbaby) UNCERT If any word would be used to describe this stallion, it would be 'Casanova.' He loves to be around beautiful mares, talking with and flirting with them... being whatever they need in that moment. However, he isn’t cold hearted by any means. In his own way, he does genuinely care about the mares he is with, but he gets bored very easily and gets very distracted by the next pretty mare he sees. To a mare who doesn’t understand and accept his ways, he’s definitely a heartbreaker, even if that isn’t necessarily his intention. I doubt that the thought of fathering baskets has ever crossed his mind, and this might come as a bit of a shock to him… __________ Unedited?: Yes. Co Ownership?: Victoria’s co-ownership agreement: [x]. Kareswynn gets basket rights for this breeding. Kiana will not be getting a basket (unless a third occurs). Lifemate?: No. Link to Breeding Agreement: [x]Teepees: ~Kiana_Nala~’s (Victoria’s home) : [x]Muffinsbaby’s: [x]Kareswynn's: [x]Throwbacks?: Yes please! If you’re up for it, of course. Link to previous Generations: Both are 1st gens. ^^ ------------------------------------ Do you already have Ideas for offspring personalities or the continued plotline? Mother's Owner (Kare): If a Boy: Name: Albert Prancerton Honorable. In many ways, Albert takes after his mother. He is forthright, honest, just and an exemplary leader. Unflappable, he is always a clear head in a messy situation. He enjoys intellectual pursuits and while he may have inherited his father’s good looks, he has his mother’s stubbornness. He highly disapproves of his father’s ways and any similar flirtatiousness his siblings may show. While he may be a stick in the mud, he is in no way a bad guy; he just needs to lighten up… a lot. If a Girl: Name: Beatrice Prancerton Independent. Beatrice is a bit of a wild child; not wild in the sense that she is a party girl or that she throws herself at every stallion she meets, more wild in the sense that she is an adventurer and a discoverer. She has the intelligence and leadership talents of her mother and she has inherited a love of the world and its delights from her father. While not as flirtatious as Felix, she shares many of his views on the world. Being a princess doesn’t entice her in the least, in fact, the very thought of that cloistered life terrifies her. What she wants more than anything is the chance to go out in the world and spread her wings. Father's Owner: Unknown! I haven't been able to get a hold of Muffin. ^^; If a Boy: If a Girl: Possible Third Basket? (Kiana's): If a Boy: Naïve. Unlike his mother and father, Alfred is very naive in his interactions with others. He always see's the good in others, even when it isn't there. Alfred also has no sense of danger as he always sees the glass half full. Very kind and very noble, he lacks common sense and the ability to read into the deeper meaning of what a Soquili says. (He doesn't read between the lines) If a Girl: Bold. Helena is very much the ring leader in most problems in the family. She is always found egging her siblings on to cause trouble and then blaming them for her own mistakes. Helena does however share her mother’s strong mind and her father's flirtatious ways. She may be a lot of things but Helena is not evil. Fun fact: Alfred, Helena and Beatrice are all names of the real life Queen Victoria's children. Albert was her husband's name. c=
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:02 am
Entry Line: Haizea (Kettyn) x Cinaéd (Fawnzy) Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Haizea (Kettyn) UNCERTShort Bio n/a Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Cinaéd (Fawnzy) UNCERTShort Bio n/a __________ Unedited?: Yes Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: ClickyTeepees: KettynFawnzyThrowbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: Mystery Traits (Just not sure if I'd have permission to utilize the mock parents for Cinaed.)
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:17 am
Entry Line: Lomadia (nekolulu) x Shimmo (lady kiya) Name, image, and owner of mother: Lomadia (nekolulu) [Uncert]Short Bio n/a Image, name, owner of fatherShimmo (lady kiya) [Uncert]short Bio n/a ------------------- Unedited?no Lifemate? Lifemate Co Ownership?: N/A Link to Breeding Agreement: [x]Teepees: Lazy Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations:Shimanyo's grandmaShimanyo's grandpa, Shimanyo's mother, Shimanyo's dad. Lomadia's grandma1, Lomadia's grandpa1, lomdia grandma2, Lomadia grandpa2 Loma's father, Lomadia's motherEntry Line: Keri (Crimson Cutie666 x Ruka( nekolulu )image, name ownerof motherKeri (Crimson Cutie666) Short bio n/a image, name, owner of father:Ruka(nekolulu) Unedited?: Co Ownership?: N/A b]Link to Breeding Agreement: LinkTeepees: Neko's Throwbacks?: Y Link to previous Generations: Ruka's mother, ruka's father, Lifemate?:no
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:46 am
Entry Line: (Nessie/Nyx Queen of Darkness) x (L’inglesou/Dixie) Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Nessie/Nyx Queen of Darkness UNCERT Short Bio Born and abandoned by her parents as something "hideous", at some point she came into contact with the Blood Moon Carnivale. Little is known of that occurrence. Since then, she has struggled with becoming a monster and accepting the role that people assume of her or putting the monster to rest and overcoming the stereo-type. Somehow, with meeting L'inglesou she found that with him, she could merely be herself. Neither monster or purely good. Name, image, and owner(s) of father: L’inglesou (Dixie) UNCERT Short Bio Raised in the swamplands, L'ing is more than just a little socially akward. He took up the practice of voodoo at a young age under the watchful eye of his mother, Guedes. As the years passed, L'ing found himself enjoying the solitude of the swamp, rarely leaving the land of his spiritual guides. Most days he can be found gliding thru the murky waters searching for a meal or remains for his next ritual. In the area that he has claimed as his home, the soft earth is littered with skeletal remains, furs, and various other items he uses in his practice of the arts." __________ Unedited?: No Co Ownership?: (List who isn't getting baskets, AND link to the co-owner agreement) No Lifemate?: Not yet, but they’re going to be. Link to Breeding Agreement: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=275&t=11630811#298431315Teepees: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=18276167&page=1http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=18262923&page=1Throwbacks?: Yes! Link to previous Generations: Direct Lineage1st Generation: Torey and Nalini2nd GenerationSadiki Lah and Aderes3rd GenerationKerrigan and Ozzie4th GenerationStyx and Kitten5th Generation: Ahriman and Guedes6th GenerationL'inglesou and Nessie ______________________ Short Summary of their plotline: Meeting in the water one night, they find the one person they can truly be themselves with. Do the parents have professions? Mother: Former Monster Father: Voodoo Practitioner Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance: Meeting the Family, Without Knowing---This is when Nessie meets Styx, who gives her a glimpse of what could happen if she kept going on this path of loneliness. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=20479771Nessie meets Ichabod and embraces the monster for awhile. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=20426727Meethttp://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=21021583ing L’ing and realizing that she doesn’t want to be the monster. That she can be her. What is their family dynamics? (Who will be raising them and how, do they spend time with their grandparents, what friends of the family will they be raised around etc) PLEASE link to people mentioned here/members who will be spending time with them on a positive note/gifting them, as how they shape up involves them as well. Traditions: Voodoo is a big part of L’inglesou’s family. This also falls under their religious beliefs. Some of the families have names after voodoo loa. Their grandfather will make some appearances, but other than that the family prefers their more secluded life. There may be run-in’s later depending on how open/active the family owners are. The foals will be raised with voodoo, but given a choice once they are old enough to make their decision. However, both of them are going to accept voodoo. Herd/Family culture: Read above Religious Beliefs: Read above Do you already have Ideas for offspring personalities or the continued plotline? Mother's Owner: If a Boy: Kalfu (the loa of the off-center points of the crosswords. Associated with the bad things) If a Girl: Brigitte (Female Guardian of the graves.) Either of them will darker but not necessarily evil. They will understand that we are all monsters in some way. Both would have a preoccupation with death and/or darkness. Father's Owner: If a Boy: If a Girl: Undecided as of yet. However, this child will be very intent on learning to swim as well as their mother. As an adult, he/she would be a reader using bones and entrails to read the future. All plans are that Nyx and Dixie’s foals will accept voodoo.
Nyx Queen of Darkness Crew
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:03 am
Entry Line: (Ashura/Epine de Rose) x (Cinnamon Whirl/Epine de Rose) Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Ashura | Epine de Rose UNCERTShort BioShe rarely strays from herd territory but should she receive visitors she is naturally hospitable and pleasant. She enjoys intellectual conversion, riddles and puzzles. She treasures the more simplistic things in life and will often encourage others to appreciate what they have as well. She is a firm believer in holding your ground if you truly believe in something and will often encourage people to fight for what they want. However, she also stresses the importance of accepting the consequences of those actions. In her eyes, there is a balance to be maintained and you have to consider each option before making a decision.
More often than not, she can be seen to be pointing out that the most difficult and 'cruel' option may at first seem undesirable, but in the long term it is actually the more valuable choice.
Philosophical to the core, she is naturally calm and rarely struggles in social situations. Among her family she is renowned for her unwavering patience and determination to see her goals through until the very end.Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Cinnamon Whirl | Epine de Rose UNCERTShort BioDue to the horrific wars he has experienced in his life he has been left haunted, disillusioned and very bitter. He has no time to suffer fools and certainly has no time to deal with those who think they know more than they do. For all those who believe they are nice in the Kawani Province he would laugh in their faces and declare they were all pitiful and ignorant fools.
Initially he was an individual who took sole interest in carnal pleasures, however, he has improved considerably since then. The comfort and familiarity drawn from Ashura's influence has enabled him to open up and discuss his experiences, thus allowing the lighter and more pleasant aspects of his personality to creep the forefront.
He's an individual who deeply enjoys gardening (and as such, possesses an artistic flare) and has even gone so far as to design 'rose arches' at Ashura's behest to act as sign posts and border markings for their lands. While he would never declare this so that it would become public knowledge, he is deeply proud of his work. As an individual who thrives on purpose, he is a very hardworking individual and is well known for taking even the smallest task very seriously.
Unfortunately, despite the efforts of Ashura, he still has difficulty connecting with those around him and often struggles to demonstrate ample amounts of empathy or sympathy. This does cause individuals to regard him with disdain and they are often of the assumption that he is aloof and inconsiderate. This is not necessarily accurate, he simply finds it exceptionally hard to convey his emotions and will only do so around those who have the patience to let him speak when he feels he's ready.__________ Unedited?: Yes Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: Yes Link to Breeding Agreement: For reference.Teepees: HereThrowbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: Cinnamon's Line Great Grandfather - Sephiroth Great Grandmother - Cale Grandfather - Veserus Grandmother - Zira Mother - Ambala Father - Biscuit______________________ Short Summary of their plotline:Tackling the issue of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the means of treating it, a little bit controversial to some, but dealt with in a very careful manner.
Cinnamon Whirl (or simply Cinn) for short, returned from the warzone in the company of a Kirin by the name of Shizukii. He had been returned under orders from his commanding officer, Resynn, under the premise that he was deeply unwell and no longer capable of functioning in an efficient manner. At first, none of the doctors within his herd were aware of exactly what he was suffering from as they had never experienced such a disorder before and as a consequence, he was simply regarded as deeply troubled and in possession of a vicious temper.
His family did their utmost during this period to apologise for the actions and offence he caused throughout the duration of his stay, but as the months drew on, he became steadily worse. Desperate, they called in a variety of doctors from across the Kawani, from Angeni to simple herbalist, they were incapable of diagnosing the illness. At a loss, their hope began to wane until Ashura, in her curiosity, approached them and requested to observe him. Further investigation indicated that not everything was as it seemed and after she had watched him for a number of weeks, she approached her half-brother.
Azzinoth, having returned from his journey home, was one of the few doctors who had not been consulted. It was at this point, that Cinnamon's luck began to change. The unicorn was able to draw comparisons and similarities between the illness Cinn possessed, and the one that another of his patient's possessed. He conceded that there were a number of herbs that could surpress such a temper but there needed to be a deeper and more cohesive level of treatment to even consider 'curing' it. It was after considerable discussion (most of which was done by Ashura), that a plan was hatched... The mare was going to hold an intervention.
She posed this to the family upon her return and they agreed - abusing Cinnamon's military connections they forced him into the position of Ashura's bodyguard as she took on a more responsible role within the herd. The intention was to give him a purpose, to give him a focus and in time, they hoped that exposure to Ashura might cause him to warm to her and open up. She had never anticipated that she would fall for him and much could be said from Cinnamon's point of view as well! However, as time drew on, the quirks and eccentricities of both became a way of life that each began to miss in their absence.
In time, Cinnamon began to open up and while the world he relived at Ashura's request horrified her, the simple ability to speak about it began to have a considerable, and very positive affect on his behaviour... Do the parents have professions?Mother: Teacher - Specialises in Languages Father: Soldier Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance: An Intervention (In Progress) A solo RP still in progress. It operates in a similar fashion to a diary and documents the encounters and progress between Cinnamon and Ashura. At present, the RP has discussed the reasons behind the intervention and the reactions of both soquili. It then moves on to discuss the disagreements, discussions and ultimate compromise between the pare as they locate a patch of land to call their 'own'.
What follows next and where the entries are currently documented to, is the period in which they settle into this life, the routine and the discovery of Cinnamon's natural love and talent for gardening...What is their family dynamics? Ashura will play the predominant role in raising the children. While Cinnamon will be there as the father figure, he constantly struggles to express himself emotionally and as such, will be more of a protective entity than one who shapes their schooling. They will be heavily educated, both in languages and travel by their mother, while their father (when old enough) will be of the belief that they should also have a well rounded knowledge of self defence. Consequently, the following individuals are likely to feature heavily in their lives:
Azzinoth: The Healer Responsible for child birth and overseeing their health as children. He will be an almost constant presence in their infancy as the particular family they're born into are acutely aware of a need for good health.
Azumoth: The Uncle Patriarch of the family, he holds a very special place in Ashura's heart after he openly accepted her as his half sister and set her free from the bonds of her arranged marriage. It's his views, beliefs and expectations that will shape certain elements of the children's education - up to and including the role of females/males and the art of survival. Naturally protective of their mother, he'll be equally protective of them!
Bella: The Aunt She adores children! Any excuse to be around them and shower them with affection is good for her. Given they're new additions to the family she'll be a constant and doting presence - while Ashura might ultimately raise them, Bella will willingly be the babysitter!
Biscuit: The Grandfather When he returns home from his extensive travels he'll be guaranteed to be their to regale them of his tales and bring them home little trinkets he's picked up on the way. It's with his help that they will be introduced to new cultures and perhaps even develop a sense of adventure themselves.
Ambala: The Grandmother A doting grandmother, she'll delight in the opportunity to spoil her children each time she and Biscuit return home. Like him, she's likely to shower them with little gifts and regale them with tales of their explorations.
Resynn: The Weaponsmaster Responsible for teaching them the art of self defence and combat, he raised Cinnamon to be a competant soldier and he'll do the same to them.
Individuals who will affect them to a lesser extent: Shizukii Sylph Forcas AzimeneTraditions: None of Immediate Note Herd/Family culture: They are part of a larger, overarching herd. However, there aren't many demands or cultural qualities of major note. The only underlying quality within the herd is to promote respect. The herd is a sanctuary to all those who seek shelter provided they are of good intent, as a consequence, it is typically a welcoming herd (even if Cinnamon has issues promoting this on a personal level)! Religious Beliefs:Ashura believes there is something there but refrains from giving a name to it; she promotes a respect in what isn't necessarily easy to understand. Rather than challenge and taunt it, it's best to let things happen and roll with the punches. Cinnamon believes all religion is foolishness and will often question the role of faith in an unseen entity too. He would be considered an Atheist. Fortunately, Ashura has managed to teach him to restrain his opinions to a level where he is respectful of others, even if he ultimately regards them as idiots. Do you already have Ideas for offspring personalities or the continued plotline?Mother's Owner: I own both! If a Boy/If a Girl:: I always come up with plots after they've emerged and I can see them. Their muses typically come to life at this point. All I know is that regardless of gender, these children will be loved. They'll be considered little miracles as Ashura had, up until this point, never thought she would have a family to call her own. Consequently whenever I gift away the second/third baskets, they will be raised in the same environment. Father's Owner: I own both! If a Boy: See above. If a Girl: See above.
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:04 am
Entry Line: (Niamh/xNephilim Queen) x (Enitan/Ishtanballa) Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Niamh/xNephilim Queen) UncertShort BioA quiet creature, Niamh likes to keep herself separated from the Soq world. Too much interaction with others could cause a hindrance in a lifestyle where she can do as she pleases. She can leave when she wants, and enjoy the gifts of life without ever having to worry about sharing. It was pure chance that one day her path crossed with the curious Enitan. She evaded, he pursued. Again. And again. The stallion forced his company upon the reclusive mare and over time, she felt her walls of resistance crumbling little by little. She would listen to him when he spoke of his family, his mate, and his hopes to one day have a family with his mate, Hania. Niamh offered to give Enitan this gift, whether it be out of affection for the stallion or a desire to get rid of him has yet to be seen. Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Enitan/Ishtanballa) [Uncert]Short BioFrom a young age, Enitan's parents could tell that something was off about him. The would see things that were not really there, and heard voices whispering to him that he believe originated from the trees around. Within his mind he created a world where shadows were living creatures that sought to infect the young, and the trees were a force of good that attempted to keep the shadows at bay. Not only did the world stick with him as he grew, but he became a knight for the force of good in this world. Under the orders of the trees, he would hunt down the ferocious queebs- creatures without any real form that worked as minions for the shadows- and protect the light of the world. Another stallion, Hania, was a particularly special "light" to him. He cherished the other stallion, the first outside of his family to ever fully accept Enitan and all his oddities. Their lives easily adjusted to include each other as they took up residence in an area of dark woods, next to an abandoned graveyard. Life was normal- for them- up until Enitan's younger sister was brought into the world. He marveled over the small bundle of life that was the filly, and at the obvious joy she brought his parents. Wanting for Hania and himself to experience that joy, he began a different type of hunt. One for a mare that would bare his children. That's when he met Niamh.... __________ Unedited?: No Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: Posts 8 and 9Teepees: Ishtanballa's Teepee Throwbacks?: Sure Link to previous Generations:Niamh's: Motherx FatherGrandmotherx GrandfatherAnd that's as far back as I could trace without confusing myself @-@ Enitan's: Great Grandparents: Lavandulax LucarioGrandparents: Aianex LiviusBlood Parents: Emikox EllialList of Connected Soquili
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:07 am
Entry Line: (Kamakana/Aniira) x (Naoki/Kirowyn Love) Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Kamakana (Aniira) UNCERTShort Bio Kama is a free-spirited, adventurous young mare who lets nothing get in her way. She's been traveling with her mother ever since she emerged from her basket to discover what remains of the old Cerynei lands. She hasn't even been able to live in her home, and so considers the ever-changing landscape to be her place of habitation. Her heart is bent on freedom, and she can't stand the restraints of others', whether they be mental or physical. She always has to be moving, to be discovering new things. She can often be head strong and forget the dangers of the real world, but she loves the fun that a good challenge presents. She's stubborn and proud, yet kind enough to offer a helping hand when needed. To those whom she is close to, she can be compassionate and caring. However, she does not make friends easily due to her strong love of being free from relationships. Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Naoki (Kirowyn Love) UNCERTShort Bio While Naoki is light-hearted like his father, he's definitely not as childish. His humor is very sarcastic, and bridges on being mean spirited. He gets that from his mother. Eventually he mellows out on that end and his seemingly split personality melds into a teasing and fun personality. He looks on his father as more of a child than an adult - just who's the parent anyhow? He loves his father very much, but he wishes that he were more serious. Honestly he can't picture himself going up to random strangers for a chat let alone producing offspring with more than one mare. __________ Unedited?: No Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: Yes Link to Breeding Agreement: AgreementTeepees: Aniira, KiroThrowbacks?: Sure Link to previous Generations: Naoki Dad Naoki Mom Kamakana Dad Kamakana Mom______________________ Short Summary of their plotline: Kamakana was not the graceful, gently-raised tyoe of mare when Naoki met her. She was rather a free spirit, who to the date had not been impressed by any of the other stallions she had seen. However, despite her unwillingness to fall in love before she had finished her adventures of a young adult, Naoki sparked a fire in her that no other stallion could. His temperament matched hers, and he was not scared away by her brashness or her short quips. Her strong and dependent exterior only intrigued him, as his spunky and fiery attitude attracted her. They soon realized that they were both the fun-loving type that could not settle for quiet love, and that's what ignited their relationship. Do the parents have professions? Mother: Kamakana currently trains under her mother, Kanani, to become knowledgable in the ways of an alpha mare. Father: Naoki is figuring himself out, with plans to become a leader of a herd alongside Kamakana. Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance: Can This Be Forever? :: A portrayal of the fiery, light-hearted love between the young couple as they decide what to do for the day. What is their family dynamics? The two parents will always be a part of their childrens' lives, for they are lifemates and would not dream of separating. Naoki will finally decide to reside in Haven with Kamakana and her family and herdmates, leaving any ideas of striking out on their own untouched. The foals will have much knowledge to their disposal: Kamakana, who has seen the ruined forests of the Cerynei lands and many places in between, will be able to teach them about the lay of the world and where their ancestors came from. Naoki has also been to several different parts of the land, and has an adventurous spirit. He will most likely show the foals some of the more interesting places near the herds lands. The foals' maternal grandparents, Kanani and Crisanto, will also be a strong part of their lives. As Haven's alpha mare, Kanani is older and wiser than most in the herd and will most likely serve as the foals' main mentor. Crisanto, as the herd's protector and trained in knightly ways, will offer his skills to the males and females if so desired. The paternal grandparents will play a lesser role - Kendali as the quirky grandfather who visits often and tells the foals silly stories, even after they've grown up. He'll be more of a friend to them than an authority figure. There are also others in the herd who would be willing to help with the foals' education, so it is expected that the foals will grow up very knowledgable. They will also be taught the values of the herd--compassion, honor, diligence, and discipline--and will be expected to keep those values close to their hearts. Traditions: The Haven Herd celebrates the season solstices annually, holding ceremonies where the herd gives thanks to nature and eachother. Haven is greatly based on a respect of nature and its creatures, so the foals will grow up with enrichment in the natural area. Herd/Family culture: Same as above, I guess. Mostly that the herd is very attuned to nature and its workings. The herd is also taught to accept any stranger, no matter how they look, so long as they hold no evil intent. The Haven is, after all, a place for lost souls who wish to find a family. Religious Beliefs: Mostly that the world is controlled by natural spirits, and that the balance of the world depends on the harmony of those spirits. Also that the afterlife holds great light and happiness, and that all their ancestors wait for them in a place beyond their realization. Do you already have Ideas for offspring personalities or the continued plotline? Mother's Owner: If a Boy: This foal will be very humble and noble, hardly ever speaking out of turn and feeling guilty when he does. Despite his parent's liveliness and energy, he focuses his love on his grandfather, who in his eyes, is a shining knight like no other. Crisanto will be the foal's idol, and the foal will constantly try to learn things from the old stallion. When he is older, the foal will take on the role of a knight, and set out to protect his herd and its land. He'll be the silent type, but his skills will be legendary. A slight catch, though: He'll be very shy and uneasy around the ladies. If a Girl: Spirited and fiery like her mother, this foal ends up never wanting to sit still. Despite her grandmother's wishes to turn her into a proper lady, she constantly daydreams at lectures and instead asks her mother to tell her of the mischievious things she's done. Kamakana will be her main role model, but even her mother's matching personality will be too dim for this girl. She'll eventually grow tired of herd life and set out on her own, wishing to blaze her own trail. Father's Owner: If a Boy: He will mostly take after his mother. A bit forward, and always speaking his mind. While he has a very strong and sometimes harsh personality, he has a heart of gold, and would do just about anything for someone he cares about. Earning his trust isn't too difficult, but once lost, it's gone forever. He also has a bit of his paternal grandfather in him - he'll always have that little bit of child-like behavior. If a Girl: She'll take after her Maternal Grandmother for the most part. Shy, sweet and very caring. She'll always stick close to home and keep family values close to her heart. Later in life she'll become something of the herd nanny, as she'll enjoy taking care of little ones. She'll need to find someone just as gentle as she is to spend the rest of her life with. List of Connected Soquili Herd Thread: (More Soquili who will slightly influence the children)
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:24 am
Entry Line: (Celeste T.L. Requiem/Celestial Requiem) x (Mar/Gl!tch~) Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Celeste T.L. Requiem/Celestial Requiem) UNCERT Short Bio After being chased from her herd for interacting with humans (a very serious offense in their eyes), Celeste traveled east, moving from human village to human village and avoiding any contact with other Soq. She was more afraid to be with her own kind than the two-leggers. She had no clue where she was going and just followed where ever the humans led her. It wasn't until she reached the main Kawani village that she finally made contact with another of her kind. It could have been that she'd reached the limit of her loneliness and had to interact with another Soquili. It could have been the curiousness of a breed she'd never seen before. Or it could have been something as cliche as fate but whatever it was, Celeste was instantly intrigued by Mar the moment she saw him in the village. She found herself following him back to his home at the lake and somehow an awkward and unusual friendship was formed. She now spends most of her time at the lake so she can harass her favorite Kelpi and best friend. She's started to realize that she has strong feelings for him but is too stubborn, and a little afraid, to admit to them. Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Mar/Gl!tch~) UNCERT Short Bio In an Eastern lake live a herd of bloodthirsty Kelpi that take advantage of their sharp teeth and the helplessness of horses and humans alike in the waters. Believe it or not, Mar comes from this herd. From what can be told, Mar was kicked out for his lack of believing in "foul play", as he saw it. He made as much space as he could between himself and his kin, knowing that if any of them saw him they would mock him then probably kill him so his "weak" lines could not be spread. Eventually, he came upon the lake and the Kawani village. He came close out of curiosity, and was actually welcomed by the locals. Things seemed calm and nice, and almost too much so for him. Mar would have left if a local Kawani female didn't force him to stay because she seemed to know more about him than he thought. Ever since, he's stayed near her teepee and lived pretty much in the local lake. __________ Unedited?: No Co Ownership?: None Lifemate?: Yes Link to Breeding Agreement: HereTeepees: Cel's | Glitch'sThrowbacks?: Sure~ Link to previous Generations: Both Gen 1
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:40 am
Entry Line: Acacia [Nyx Queen of Darkness] x Zaitus [Ririka] Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Acacia [Nyx Queen of Darkness] UNCERT Short Bio Soothing--Acacia is best described as soothing. Her whole history is wracked with loss and pain, but there is a faint glimmer of hope. Someone had saved her, and someone she loved--her last bit of family--might still be alive. It is that hope that shines through her, that she shares with others.
Oftentimes, she finds herself lost in remembrance of her past and finds herself walking to better help her think. The whole goal of her life is to pay forward the kindness that saved her and that she feels she can never fully repay.
She's almost naive in nature. Her faith in others, inspired by the one who saved her, is almost absolute to a fault. She can be easily deceived and taken advantage of. She wishes to see the best in everyone, because of that she is vulnerable to deception. Because she is pure of heart, and because most of her former dealings were with good soquili she doesn't realize that putting her trust absolutely in a stranger could be dangerous.Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Zaitus [Ririka] UNCERT Short Bio Zaitus had a normal life that any foal would have when they faced the fact they would have to be raised by a single parent, in his case his mother. He knew he would have the company of his sister, the affection of is mother. He would never go without care, love, affection, a good meal and a safe and warm place to sleep.
But something was off, something just wasn't enough, it wasn't right for him. He had always felt angry, trapped, annoyed, so he did the only thing he could; he ran away and never looked back. He would run off and start his own adventure, his own way of life, and that is exactly what he did at the tender time of a young foal.
The young male ended up growing in to a cocky thing, no different from his foalhood if you asked anyone he ran in to. Big attitude to go with a big mouth, and an average, if not a tad slow at times, mindset.
He enjoyed himself though. He knew with his attitude, stubbornness, and ego he would never let anything get in his way and bring him down. He would prove to the world just what he is made up and earn his place along his journey. Plus, a good attitude always made for good amusement, at least for him it did. Too bad big words got him in to trouble at times...__________ Unedited?: No Co Ownership?: No Lifemate?: No. “Surrogacy” fling. Link to Breeding Agreement: Here
Teepees: Ririka : Nyx Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: Zaitus' Mother :: Zaitus' Father______________________ Short Summary of their plotline: [Not really short, but enjoy none the less. XD] Afzelia and Alder knew each other from the time they left their baskets. It was an easy and happy life that lead up to agreeing that they could never live without each other. It wasn’t long before the first baskets arrived, or well…the first basket.
After a long and difficult labor, only one basket ever opened and they welcome their first and only child, a son—Araucaria. He was the light of their life, and afraid to try again they let him carry all their hopes, admirations and dreams. It was too much for Araucaria who deemed himself “first to fail”.
He left shortly after his siblings were born, identical twins---Acacia and her brother Aspen. The two were inseparable, they did everything together and their thoughts were always perfectly in sync. But Afzelia and Alder wept for they had learned from the mistake they had made with their first son Araucaria, but he would not forgive them nor return.
It wasn’t long before Afzelia and her Alder were blessed once again with baskets, three this time. When the baskets opened, it revealed two more sons and another daughter. It was three days later and they had finally decided on names. They would announce them when the dawn broke. Laying down to rest that night, that was when the fire broke out.
But neither Afzelia, Alder, Aspen, or the youngest brothers opened their eyes again.
This was the night, that both daughters were fated to have their lives changing forever. Both thinking they were the only survivors of the fire.
One night the forest in which Acacia lived was ablaze. The very heavens seemed to have been composed of black smoke. Her lungs were filled with the smell of burning trees…and burning flesh. She could hear the screams of her family piercing the night.
She struggled to find her way through the fire, the will to live was still strong in her. She had seen her twin brother and two younger brothers fall, she had seen her family lay motionless…At first, she struggled to bring them with her, but they did not move…they did not breathe, and as the flames licked at her and singed her hide and theirs--they did not scream. They could not feel, they were gone.
Choking, she ran…she had to find her sister…the only one who was left, she had to save her. She ran for hours. Her lungs were bursting for air, filled with what felt like flames itself until she fell. Through her hazy vision she could see him. Gently she felt him lift her, she tried to speak…but she passed out.
*** She came to the next day, her head was pounding and she was coughing. Her body felt bruised and singed as she tried to remember everything that happened. It hit her as if it was happening for the first time all over again, her family was dead…only her sister was missing. Her sister…she could be dead or lost forever, her baby sister…
But she couldn’t’ think about that, she needed to think of something good. She was alive and there was hope. Someone…someone had saved her, she tried to remember as best she could, but it was nothing but vapor- only faint thoughts that might be memories. He had saved her, and she did not know who he was.
She stumbled to her feet and stretched a little. She began walking…she had to find her sister, and him…
She kept walking.
**** Eventually she was found dehydrated and sickly by Arden and Bedford. The two friends helped heal her. Ever since then, she has felt close to them as if they were part of her family that was gone, like brothers to her.
Acacia later discovered she was saved by Banzai, plagued by guilt of being the only survivor—of knowing that the one most like her was gone forever, her Aspen. It would be a long time before she could ever speak of him again.
Ashe, still unnamed was led to safety and raised by Lutherian. As she grew, she realized that he was everything she wanted---everything she wanted to find, right there at home with her. She had grown to love him over time, until it came upon her so suddenly that she could not help herself.
But before they could live happily ever after, she was kidnapped by the vile Cereus, son of Boi-tata (who had once lied and told Acacia he had her sister captive), and secluded in his swamp where he kept her as his own. After awhile, she breaks unsure of how she feels, but deep down inside knowing that she needs Lutherian—that he will come for her.
Not realizing that now Acacia has found out about her, and she will be looking for her too.
Acacia does not yet remember her brother Araucaria, and Ashe never knew anything about him. Their Story: Acacia’s POVNaive in nature, Acacia's whole existence centers around fire--her fear from it, her need to overcome it, and her need to rebuild from its ashes.
She lost all her family in the fire, and was saved by a mysterious stranger that she later comes to realize is Banzai. However, things quickly become complicated when after realizing that she has fallen in love with a friend and the stallion who saved her, his ONS shows up with two kids in tow.
Unsure of where that leaves her, she questions what to do--stay or go? Going for a discussion with the two stallions who found her after the fire and raised her, she gets conflicting responses--stay with him, and live a little first.
While still trying to decide what happens, she finds Zaitus and has a very short-lived fling that leaves her pregnant, alone, and realizing she'd made the biggest mistake yet. She loves the children she is caring but she wishes she had never tried to see what a life without Banzai would be like.Their Story: Zaitus’ POVHe gained what he wanted in the end, the stallion that always plagued his mind ever since he had met him. In the beginning it was just mere foal’s curiosity, why was this other colt so different, so out of his mind in a sense. Why did he always bother and annoy him so much? Though, as they grew in to adulthood he found the curiosity also grew. It had blossomed in to love, a need to possess this other stallion and make him his, and he got what he wanted.
Then why, why did he now feel so empty inside, like something he once had was pulled him his heart and soul. He should be happy. He had his lovemate, his lovemate had given them children, a family to call their own, though technically they had to share that family with the mare whom Ellial, the lovemate, had agreed to be a surrogate for him, but it was good, for she also wanted a family to start with her own lovemate. But Zaitus never imagined it would play out so hectically. He never imaged the start of a family would leave him so empty and confused. This was what he wanted, right?
So, Zaitus ran. He ran to try and find an escape, he ran to try to find what he had lost. He never imagined that he would find his escape in Acacia though. Why a mare? He had a lovemate, someone whom he wanted to share his life and love with, so why was this mare the one that helped him feel free, like he had no worries to begin with? There had to be an answer to it all. There had to be an answer to his emptiness, his confusion, this feeling of freedom he gained with this mare.
By the time he did find his answers and return this family with a new found acceptance for his life, the acceptance of growing up and realizing he could no longer be that rebellious teen anymore, it would be a little too late, for soon news would spread of the deed he had done, and the “gift” he had left with that mare.
Say hello to Family Drama~
What is their family dynamics? Both families will agree to settle down in a determined area so the foals can grow up with both families available to them, and can safely travel between the two.
During the foals first weeks, when they are newly emerged from their baskets, they will be spending most of their time by Acacia's side so she can safely guard and care for them.Zaitus and whomever else who wishes to, are able to visit and spend time with them whenever they wish.
After the foals have grown a little and are deemed safe enough for travel, Zaitus and Acacia will agree on swapping times. This means the foals may spend a couple of days, a week, or more with one family before being taken to the other where they will spend the same amount of time with them, and then they will be swapped again once that time is up. Because both families live within an easy access distance from each other if the foals ever wish to visit the other family during a swap session they are free to do so.
After a few months of swap sessions the foals can then make their own decision on who they wish to stay with, and when. They are basically able to come and go between the families as they please, and the families are now able to travel around with the foals for short journeys, vacations, ect.Do the parents have professions? Mother: N/AFather: N/ALink to RP(s) where something happens of importance: N/A Only one in progress RP basically playing out the POV scenes. Traditions: Herd/Family culture: All sides of the family, are very open towards all walks of life. From those that choose to live a fairly normal lifestyle, to those who chose to live with a lovemate, and those who are seen as outcasts for their beliefs, powers or general appearance, the families are open to all and do not discriminate against anyone. While some ideas of what can be seen as acceptable may pop up, the families try their best to live and let live, no matter what one or two may think of another’s life. Sometimes these beliefs may be seen as too worldly and or naïve in a sense, but that is the point of life; to give chances and learn from one’s mistakes if anything should happen in the end. Religious Beliefs: It’s not really a religious belief, but for Acacia’s side fire is viewed as a threat, and is something that should be feared. Do you already have Ideas for offspring personalities or the continued plotline? Mother's Owner: If a Boy: Azuolas (oak tree; oak wood) If a Girl: Lithionel (Ash tree in Elvish) Personalities are to be determined later. Father's Owner: If a Boy: N/A If a Girl: N/A I always like to determine names after the foal has emerged from its baskets. Plot and personality wise, I do not like to predetermine things because I believe it puts a strain on the foal and their muse. It is always nice to keep things open and see where the muse takes the foal through his/her RPs and interactions, and actually watch as they develop in to a solid character on their own. List of Connected Soquili
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:36 pm
Entry Line: (Sohalia/LunaRei_Silverblood) x (Akemi/AlexiaSilver) Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Sohalia/LunaRei_Silverblood) UNCERT Short Bio Sohalia is a sweet girl. She loves both her parents, even if they didn't stay together. Her father thought that he would be with Mahdi forever but, it turns out, his 'love' was missed place. Soha and her siblings have a fairly close relationship. She herself is just starting on her life... Sohalia lives in the heavens with her farther. She would travel to Earth to see her family, and one day met Akemi when she was learning to Dreamwalk. When she was in heaven, she would use her powers to visit Akemi's dreams. Soha can dream walk like her mother, but can only do so, at night with Astrophel's Lunar power. And also being a watered down version of the powers, she can only do one dream at a time. So she would spend her time with Akemi Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Akemi/AlexiaSilver) UNCERT Short Bio Akemi is a gentle giant. He dislikes violence and conflict more than anything, and would rather just walk away in an arguement than let it escalade. Because of the way Akari raised him, he grew up to be very peaceful and naive. Even as an adult, he doesn't know much about the world though he strives to learn more. He was sheltered growing up, and only got to play with friends during the day. His best friend as a foal was a bunny that he had saved from a hawk. "Fluffy" as he deemed it, stuck with him ever since, taking up shelter in his mane and tail and living comfortably on his back. If anyone get too close to Akemi without the bunny's approval, it'll likely jump out and "attack" the other's face. Akemi would rather express himself in expressions than speak, believing that words could hurt someone just as much as actions. Akemi is generally happy with his life, only straying so far from home before turning around and returning. __________ Unedited?: Nope Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: Eventually. :3 Link to Breeding Agreement: HereTeepees: AlexiaSilver LunaReiThrowbacks?: Go for it. Link to previous Generations: Sohalia's: Akemi's: Mother - Father / Aunt / " Grandmother"/ Grandfather / Grandmother Sohalia's Side: Father Mother______________________ Short Summary of their plotline: Each night as young adults, Akemi and Sohalia would meet within Akemi's dreams. Eventually they developed feelings beyond just friendship, but as it was, they couldn't be together. They lived their lives separate, not seeing each other for years. Akemi had moved onto a different mare, and Sohalia stopped going to Earth, and all together using her powers. Which slowly started to poison the mare, she was unhappy, but couldn't bring herself to dream walk. She just roamed the heavens, until she became very ill... And was forced to dream walk again. She started to do it, just enough to keep her health, but one day... Akemi must have had a dream. When he had this dream it ripped Soha from the dream she was in, and in the real world was ripping her flesh. Do the parents have professions? Mother: She's a Dreamwalker. Father: Where ever Akemi's life takes him, he tend to fall into a protector role. The desire to keep peace and protect comes from both of his parents. Link to RP where something happens: Amist a Dream / A Dream... Or a Nightmare?What is their family dynamics? At this point in their lives, Akemi and Sohalia will be living together amougst the Soquili lands. They'll likely have found a place amougst a herd. The basket's grandparents will play a significant role in their lives, helping raise the foals and teach the new parents. Traditions: Herd/Family culture: Religious Beliefs: Akemi's side of the family prays to their ancestors for thanks and continued good health. Sohalia's side of the family worships the Mother Moon. Do you already have Ideas for offspring personalities or the continued plotline? Mother's Owner: Yes, Soha will crash on earth after the heavens drop her. Akemi will have to find her body on Earth, but her soul is lost in the dream world. Once they're reunited in the dream world, she'll wake up. If a Boy: Meztli, and he'll likely spend a good deal of time in the heavens, figuring out what he wants to do with his life. If a Girl: Seraphim, she'll want to try and use her powers, whatever they might be, to make herself stand out. To be heard and seen. Father's Owner: If a Boy: His name would be Forfax. He'd take a deep interest in his mother's side of the family. As a foal he would feel a longing to fly and live amoung the stars. If a Girl: Her name would be Seraphiel.
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:58 pm
Entry Line: Wadulesi Woya/Tanakako x Gvnega Tsuna/Neon Fly Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Wadulesi Woya/Tanakako UNCERTShort Bio A sweet and devoted mare with just a little kick, at least enough to keep her sometimes over exuberant mate in line. Lesi has always had faith someday, in some way Gvnega would make a great impression on the world. That he was destined to change lives and perhaps, wishing to to be a part of that process and even in an effort to prove that she was worthy enough to be called a loved one to such a proud and driven stallion Lesi took on the care of a young indian boy named Fighting Cub. With him she left for a long, arduous journey to help the lost young soul find himself, but absence only makes the heart grow fonder and when the pair returned Lesi found Gvnega the head of a thriving herd amongst trusting and good-hearted humans. With his human companion growing apart from him as she stepped into the role of a leader herself, Lesi was only too happy to take up leadership beside Gvnega and help the vision of unity in his mind become a completely realized working relationship with the Kawani people. Together with her mate, she couldn't be more proud of the things they've accomplished. Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Gvnega Tsuna/Neon Fly UNCERTShort BioNo one is quite sure where Gvnega Tsuna sprung up from, there is rumor amongst the Kawani people that the young stud colt simply manifested on the wind one day when he appeared in their village. Drawn to their young Princess Soquili. Growing up beside her the ambitious and chivalrous young stallion eventually formed a herd that lived completely immersed in the Kawani culture. The villagers and soquili both eventually molded their traditions and beliefs around one another to create a perfect union of man and spirit beast. With Lesi at his side supporting him and expressing her desire to continue the legacy they have created Gvnega has become a proud and courageous protector with something worthy of fighting for. Even though his sister Soquili has become an adult with many expectations and responsibilities lain upon her shoulders, he still makes an effort to find time to consult with her and offer words of wisdom when they're most needed. Of anyone, he has the most faith in her ability to continue leading the Kawani people on the right path, especially with his support. __________ Unedited?: Nope Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: Yes! Link to Breeding Agreement: Lifemate & blanket breeding permsTeepees: Neon Fly Kaisanti Throwbacks?: Sure! Link to previous Generations: First Gens. XD Short Summary of their plotline: Having known each other since they were foals, Gvnega and Lesi have always had a good relationship. However, Lesi saw great things in Gvnega's future and challenged the stallion to live up to that greatness she saw in him. Unfortunately, this led the pair down separate paths forcing Gvnega to say goodbye to the lovely filly when she left in an effort to realize her own potential. Gvnega eventually found his way to watch over the human village known as Kawani, drawn there by a lovely young girl who spoke straight to his heart. Coming to be known as brother Gvnega to the Princess Soquili and the "Kawani Prince". For many years Gvnega worked to integrate human and Soquili into one cohesive unit always with the aid and support of Princess Soquili. Being close enough to be considered family to the future tribe leader the young stud was more than content to grow up beside her thinking they would always be together. It was here the beginnings of the Kawani herd began to form, sharing the same space as the welcoming indian people, but over time things began to change. As both Gvnega and Princess Soquili began taking leadership over those under their care a lot more was expected of the pair and they began to grow apart. Luckily, Lesi returned to ease the burden of Gvnega's heavy heart and aid him in shouldering the responsibilities of leadership. Together they continue to teach the soquili of their herd the meaning of being a part of human lives and the importance of maintaining the Kawani people's connection with the land and wildlife. All that's left now is to begin their family in order to continue upholding their ways for the future generations. Do the parents have professions? Yeap. :3 Mother: Herd Leader Father: Herd Protector What is their family dynamics? The foals will be raised by Lesi and Gvnega bother, together the loving pair will try to instill as much wisdom into their children as they possibly can. The foals will live amongst the other natural colored Soquili of their herd and humans alike and be taught from a young age that their relationship with the humans is an important one in order to keep them from acting in poor judgment and causing the spirits from becoming enraged. When one suffers. All suffer. As such they'll be expected to be responsible beacons of iconic morals and behavior as they grow, being the children of the herd leaders. Of course, this doesn't mean they'll expect their children to be perfect right off the bat or act like little military leaders. Lesi and Gvnega realize that foals will be foals and part of figuring out who they will become as adults is by experiencing new things and making mistakes to grow from when they're younger. Traditions: When the foals are old enough to be weaned from Lesi, they will be expected to participate in the annual ceremony in the Kawani Village in which children who have come of age are presented with their guide in one of the many foals born into the Kawani herd. Together the pair will learn from one another, grow together and learn to trust each other in order to work together in continuing the traditions and bond between the human people and Soquili.
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:53 pm
Entry Line: (Twitchy/StarieMichie + Lolli McHotpants) x (Cockery/StarieMichie) Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Twitchy // StarieMichie /Lolli McHotpants [Uncert]Short Bio (From the linked RP) Twitchy was enjoying an unprecedented few months of peace. Of quiet. Of peace and quiet together. It had been a fair while since she'd moved here, and still she hadn't gotten used to the lay of the land. For one thing - The grass was green and edible, a fact she was enjoying at the very moment. The rest of the newness of the world she now resided in was equally enjoyable. She'd spent her entire life up until this moment in constant fear of falling off of the world to her death. All that time running, always running, and dashing through ginormous crystal stars... It had been a nightmare. A nightmare she'd been born into with no parents or friends; her only companions the dolphins that sped along the planes with her from time to time. It was a life that had made her... Well, she was just Twitchy. There was no other way to explain it. Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Cockery // StarieMichie [Uncert] Short Bio (from the linked RP) If there was one thing that Cockery was good at, it was being stealthy. His only friends were the shadows, and he dwelt in them as his home. It was tough being a ninja macaw, the last of his great clan, but Cockery knew that he had to carry the name proudly. There would be no more like him. All others of his ninja macaw clan had died in the great fire that ravaged the planes of the tropical eastern lands. His mother and father had booth been lost on that fateful day, and he was left an orphan. His sensei, had taught him well though, and he journeyed this strange land seeking out wrongs to avenge. Someday he would find the fiend that burned down his home, and then later stalked him again and burned down the orphanage he was staying at. The evildoer had to pay for all the fire he had made. He knew in his heart of hearts that he was the only one with the power and the drive to smite the evil of the world. He had to make the fallen ninja macaws proud of him. There was challenge that he would not face while on this epic pilgrimage through the barren battlefield that was his life. It was hard for Cockery to be this awesome. Low Luck?: No. Lifemate? No. Co Ownership?: Twitchy. Lolli and I share everything. Teepees: Stats for both are in mine.RPed couple?: No. Throwbacks?: Yes. Link to previous Generations: Both first gen. Link to Breeding Agreement: I own both horses. Short Summary of their plotline: Two crazy, delusional horses team up and feed off of each others idiosyncrasies. Do the parents have professions?Mother: Running. Always running in the purple plains while trying not to hit anything and explode. Father: Kicking a** and taking names. Seeking the evil man that murdered his family. Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance: Bowchikawowwow. Cockery and Twitchy meet and fall in lurv and plan on having epic adventures together. Do you already have Ideas for offspring personalities or the continued plotline?Mother/Father's Owner:If Any (and all):Cockery's only goal in life is to find the man that destroyed his ninja macaw clan, get his vengeance, and restore his clan to glory. Being that he is the last of his clan, and does not reproduce asexually, he needs a mare's help with that. Once Twitchy bares him study offspring, Cockery will teach them in the ways of the ninja macaw clan. They will be robot ninja macaw kung-fu masters. With their help, and Twitchy by his side, he will again teach the world the ways of awesome fighting and spread peace throughout the land. Entry Line: (Fish/Split Personality) x (Cthulhu/StarieMichie) Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Fisch // Split Personality UNCERT Short Bio Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Cthulhu // StarieMichie UNCERT Short Bio Lowluck?: No Unedited: No Co Ownership?: N/A Lifemate?: No RPed couple?: No Link to Breeding Agreement: Here!Teepees: Split Personality and StarieMichieThrowbacks?: No Link to previous Generations: N/A
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:18 pm
Entry Line: (Shaman/Tara de Draiocht) x (Enqueri/ Tara de Draiocht) Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Shaman/ Tara de Draiocht UNCERT Short Bio Full of life, smile and the world smiles back type of personality. She would never take advantage of anyone and helps out others without expecting anything in return. Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Enqueri/ Tara de Draiocht UNCERT Short Bio Somber most of the time though Shaman, his mate, tends to bring out the good in him. He has hyper-active senses that seem to go hay-wire if Shaman isn't around, but he is learning to control them. __________ Unedited?: No. Co Ownership?: No. Lifemate?: Yes. Link to Breeding Agreement: here. Teepees: TaraThrowbacks?: no Link to previous Generations: no.
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:25 pm
Entry Line: (Hallow Eve/LadyDelaidra) x (Konrad/ Tara de Draiocht) Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Hallow Eve/LadyDelaidra UNCERT Short Bio Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Konrad/ Tara de Draiocht UNCERT Short Bio Split personality. One moment he's cheerful as well as friendly the next he's mopey and standoffish. He enjoys being in the company of females as well as males. He is all about having a good time and partay! __________ Unedited?: No. Co Ownership?: No. Lifemate?: No. Link to Breeding Agreement: here. Teepees: TaraThrowbacks?: no Link to previous Generations: no.
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:26 pm
Entry Line: Keely/ladyfirefox89 x Ironforge/JetAlmeara Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Keely/ladyfirefox89 UNCERT Short Bio: Keely is very enerjetic. She loves to romp around and go on short adventures. She tires semi easily, but after a ten minute rest is always ready to continue on whatever adventure she was on. She loves to play wrestle, and even nipps at ankles when she does. She loves to nibble on random things. She even does it sometimes without knowing it. Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Ironforge/JetAlmeara UNCERT Short Bio: Ironforge is a proud creature and is generally at his best when protecting and serving something or someone he thinks important. He's your typical 'knight in shining armor' and has gentlemanly tendencies. unfortunately he can be quite clueless when it comes to more personal feelings, often not noticing someone likes him until they come right out and say it in blunt terms. He is extremely loyal and lives by a strict knightly type code of honor. Because he often puts the job before personal feelings he can come across as a bit gruff at times - but he has the best interests at heart and would never intentionally wound anyones feelings - unless your his enemy in which case he shall spare you no mercy. __________ Unedited?: No, we would like edits. Co Ownership?: Lonewolf_Eyes. She does not get a basket from this breeding in less there are three baskets. Lifemate?: Not yet Link to Breeding Agreement: Agreed by Lone, agreed by JetTeepees: Lady’s, Jet’sThrowbacks?: They are both first gens, but yes x3<3 Link to previous Generations: None Short Summary of their plotline: When Keely was very young she got separated from her loving parents. It was then that she wondered into Bakennefi’s swamp. She was convinced that she had to stay there with him. He treated her like a mangy dog and convinced her that no one would ever want her and that she should feel ‘lucky’ that she had his swamp. One day she was able to escape. She was worn down mentally from his abuse and physically exhausted when she wandered into the Blood Carnival. It was there that she met Vladimir. Not only did he treat her like trash and say worse things than Bake, he physically abused her. Nothing sexual since she was still just a young filly, but hitting her. Her only ‘friends’ at the carnival were Vlad’s goat; which was mostly too scared to even talk and really only kept her warm during the night when she wasn’t being abused. And Barker Hook, the ring master of the carnival. It didn’t happen much, but sometimes he would catch Vlad and make sure he stops. A few times Keely was able to get up the curage to have mini conversations with him. He was pretty much the only thing keeping her sane through all of that. Finally with the little strength she had she was able to escape Vlad. Though she had no idea where to go, since Bake’s swamp was the only place she could remember ever being besides the carnival. Sometimes she would dream of her parents, but she was convinced it was just her trying to get away from the pain. So she went back to Bake’s swamp. Once reaching the swamp, Bake sneered and told her his swamp was the only place for her. Noticing her cuts and bruises, he forced her to go into his polluted swamp water. Making her get infections. A few days later when Bake was on an errand, Carlisle flew over the swamp and noticed her. He could see how bad she looked and thought she had just wandered into the swamp unknowingly. He carried her away to a clearing in a forest to build a fire and clean her wounds. It took two days to successfully clean and treat her physical wounds. All the while telling her stories of foals playing in fields and families being together. He thought telling her such happy stories would give her hope. When she was finally able to regain conciseness, she was convinced that those stories were her past. Her mind had blanked out her past to keep her from further harm. She know thinks of Carlisle as her uncle. After following him for a few days he found a teppe for her and told her to stay there. He comes to visit every so often. Though lately she doesn’t seem to need him as much. She has found Ironforge. Though she doesn’t see him as often as she would like since he is the leader of his herd and con not get away as often. Also, to continue the plot, during her first pregnancy, Keely will start getting flashes of her true past. This scares her because she has no idea what these terrible images mean. More to the end of her pregnancy she realizes that it is really her own past. This makes her feel betrayed greatly by everyone she knows and confuses her even more. After giving birth she disappears. During this time she bocomes hateful and cynical to males. There are a few options that can happen at this time ~She meets NPC of her parents and finds out that they didn’t betray her and ditch her. Thus giving her less hatred and mostly confused why all those bad things had to happen to her. ~Ironfoge goes after her and catches her. Telling her that even though Carlisle had told him of her past, he didn’t want her to know of it. Because he truly loves her and wants her to be the carefree spirit she had been. All this would take less than 2 weeks. I don’t want her to be away from her growing foals for too long. In the end it is her foals that bring her back and make her into almost as she used to be. Though now her happiness is more subdued. Do the parents have professions? Only Ironforge *if I am thinking of it right* Mother: Has no job. Father: The leader of his herd. Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance: No rps yet. Just plot. I have been busy with school and summer schedule does not help. What is their family dynamics? Keely and Ironforge will be raising them together. Traditions: N/A? Herd/Family culture: N/A? Religious Beliefs: N/A? Do you already have Ideas for offspring personalities or the continued plotline? Not yet. Mother's Owner: If a Boy: If a Girl: Father's Owner: If a Boy: If a Girl:List of Connected Soquili
Bakennefi | Her ‘keeper’ when she was first lost from her parents. He was very mean to her verbally, but usually would not strike her. Was able to escape only to return a while later. Carlisle Cullen | He saw her in Bake’s swamp and rescued her one day when Bake was away. She was mentally and physically worn down by this time. He was able to treat her wounds and when she woke up the next day she became her kind of placebo uncle. He now keeps an eye on her to make sure she is safe and if she ever remembers her past experiences. Barker Hook | Sometimes kept a look out for her when she was at the carnival and made sure to stop Vlad when he saw him hitting her. Though wasn’t around enough to stop it much. Talked to her a few times, kept her sane during that time. Vladimir | Was her ‘keeper’ when she found her way to the Blood Moon Carnival. He physically and emotionally abused her. Mohana | Somewhat of an aunt figure. She talks to Keely and keeps her company as her teepee mate. Most of the other horses in her teepee are too busy with their own things. Mohana’s motherly instincts also keep her attached to Keely to make sure she is happy. She does not know her past. Was very happy when she accidently saw Keely and Ironforge together. She can tell there is something between them even when they can’t.