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Eloquent Fairy

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:06 am
Remy considered a moment before starting to speak. "Well, Ah'd like ta staht wit' de secon' one, if'n ya don' mind. Ah don' see de poin' in gettin' anyting but de best teachin', so why would Ah go anywheres else? Dat, and Ah heard dis was particularly de place to go fo' magic study. We faeliens didn' have magic before comin' heah, an it's de one part o' dis world dat Ah would mos' like ta learn abou'. So, I guess, heah Ah am." He shrugged.

"Now, a story Ah ain't never tol' nobody... When we firs' crash-landed on Faetasia, Ah was so excited abou' dis grea' big new world, dat I lef' my post ta go explore, ta meet de faes, ta learn abou' all de new cultures and peoples heah. De odder faeliens tought Ah was jus' separated from dem in de crash, and Ah never told dem wheah Ah was dat whole time. But dere's jus' so much to learn on dis world! Ah still feel bad about it, dough."  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:04 am
As his first volunteer rose from their seat, the elder grinned. He turned slowly on his heel, his eyes never, not even for a moment, leaving the faces of the one that spoke. He slid his form back into his seat, his hand grasping a fountain tipped pen as he began to write. Each new story so unique, so telling of the souls of those that stood before him. Oh yes, this group showed promise, much promise.

His hand moved fluidly over his paper as the first student sat and the next took their place. His smile only growing with each passing moment.

By the time the Cajun had taken his seat he had his list compiled, his pen slowly slowly falling to a stop, his eyes rising to meet the class once more, even though he sat in silence, letting them think on the stories they had just heard.

University students: Class One/Day One
Madara : Fire

Oliviar : Trust issues, liar

Eukan : The unknown, trust issues

Sunshine: Solitude, restrains herself

Zenith : Family issues, Smart a**

Maes : Poisoned an animal

Araminta Di : Black Spirals, know-it-all

Remy : Wanderlust

"Well done, my class. I dare say you have given me a plethora of information, and I thank you all for trusting me enough with your deepest...darkest tales." He closed the notebook on his desk, rising once more from his seat and crossing the floor to the center of the stage. "This concludes the first part of your lessons. I would move on to the second part of today's lesson, though i fear your instructor is running abit late..." His eyes narrowed the slightest bit as he glanced at the doorway. Where was his apprentice? She should have been here by now.  


Aged Survivor

Noir Songbird

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:10 pm
User ImageJian didn't so much walk in as saunter, and gave a little apologetic smile and wave to Lazarus. She managed to avoid looking too abashed in frnt of the students. The pretty hybrid pulled herself onto a desk and crossed her legs. (Was she flirting with the whole room? Perhaps.)

"Hello, my darling students." She greeted. "My name is Jian Todd, and my mother will be your professor for Introduction to Folklore, Mythology, and Legends. I'm her teaching assistant. Between the two of us, we've created a fun little game!" She giggled girlishly. "Mother is a bit busy, and sh and Dean Lazarus asked me to cover the class today. So! Let us begin!" She clapped and bounced off the desk.

"There's a little scavenger hunt for you. Mother and I have placed questions from a certain well-known collection of tales all around campus, and you all will have to find them and bring the answers back to me by the end of class! Go forth and have fun, my dears~" She giggled.

"Oh, and have a few hints! One is in this very room, one placed somewhere dedicated to a backer of the university, one in a older building on campus, one somewhere important to my mother, and one with a roster of current and former students." She waved them off to go a'seeking. "Oh, and when you get back...tell me the tale of your hunt! I so love stories."

OOC Info
Broken down, this is a scavenger hunt! Take Jian's clues and browse the guild for the questions, hidden in threads. There are five total. You'll have 24 hours to find them and PM me the answers. Anyone who fails to complete the hunt in this time frame is out, sorry!
Once you've received confirmation that your answers are correct, make an IC post here of your kat turning in their assignment to Jian and telling her the story of their scavengr hunt!




[Mistress Morbid]




PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:32 pm
There was an irritating twitch in his ear by the time Zenith turned in his assignment. ...Hm. Maybe he'd start calling himself Zen. He could use a little of that right now. "Reeeeaelly?" He asked, trying to stop the twitch. "Of all the subjects. That's the one you pick." Some part of his mind told him he really shouldn't be surprised. After reading what he just read, its no surprise that the darkly dressed female would make them look for those.

Z just hadn't expected them to that.... dark.

Note to self. Never b***h about family again. He reminded himself with a sigh before looking at Jian. ...Right. She wanted a story.

... Well fine then.

"Right. So the first one. Easy peasy. Like you said. It was in the room. That didn't take any time at all." He waved a hand in slight boredom. Probably came off as a smartass but he really didn't care. "The next one..Oh right! Lets see the next one I found was in an older section of the campus." He flopped into a chair closer to the desk that she was now once again sitting on. "Holy ********. Can you say dust? I mean I know things got old but chaos. Pretty sure that much dust cant be healthy. For anything." Z was pretty sure he'd still be smelling like stale air and dirt for the next two days. "The one about the backers to the university? Yeah found that one on accident. Ended up walking into some dude with insanely long white hair. ...Kinda girly if you ask me but hey! To each his own." He blinked for a minute. "Uh... no offence or anything." Greeeeeeeeat thats just what he needed. To be offending the teachers. Where was he.. Now he remembered! "But anyway... Those guys are work-a-holics. ...Uh lets see... Room, Campus, Backers... Roster!" He chirped remembering his place. " Hell even I'll admit. I didn't expect see THAT many names. That was... slightly impressive." Z would probably deny it to his death that it peaked his social interest. ...HE WOULDN'T. ...Maybe. Who knows. "Theeeeeeeeeen there's the one about you mom." That took him forever. "... I'll admit. I kinda glossed right over where I found it and looked in a bunch of OTHER places. But damn. When I found it. Did I ever face palm." He tapped his fingers on the arms of the chair, feeling slightly stupid for having missed that. "Your mom's there. Alot. Uh. I mean you probably knew that." Once again. Being stupid. "So yeah. Once I found the clues it was just alot of reading from that point. ...Those stories get pretty dark. Didn't know that." ...If her point was to teach him something, well he learned all right.

-NEVER- Judge a book by its cover.  

[Mistress Morbid]



Aged Survivor

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:49 pm
Lazarus watched as the first two students made their way back into the room, he more than abit pleased that they had managed to come so far, so fast. It was no easy task that had been set before them, and he knew this all too well. Though this would test there will, and the two classes to follow would do that same. He looked to his apprentice, his eyes alight with good humor as he looked to the class. "Due to further consideration, I have decided to extend the period to another day. You will have until 2:00 pm cst on the 16th to get these answers in to Miss Jian, where in he or she, who is last to do so will be eliminated. Of course, that fact will be negated as a whole should any of you fail to turn in your answers before the deadline." He glanced about once more, a smile on his face. "I think this far more than generous...and it is a trait I do not often share...."




[Mistress Morbid]




PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 3:00 am
Araminta searched for assignment clues for the latter part of the day. Her teacher was quite clever indeed in the way she handled things in wording and placement the young witch agreed to herself. Never the less she had found what Jian had asked of her as she promptly handed in her assignment.

She wants a story hmm? she thought to herself with a smile...

"Over all it was quite a clever assignment which made me quite appreciative it wasn't boring. I will admit in fact some was a bit tedious to search for but honestly that's the object of learning things right. Patience." She paused standing there thinking how proud of herself she had done everything asked of her.

"Let's see the one in this room was particularly easy as long as you looked through each novel of course. The second about the backer was again simplistic but after you get the hint its all quite clear where to look. The one with your mother I decided to save for last because it was it was indeed the most difficult". Her smile still wasn't wavering as she continued to re-trace her steps for those missing clues and answers. Though thinking on the journey of finding the hardest clue did somewhat hurt her head.

"The older building and roster aspects were once again simple if you knew where to look. I give myself credit for being such a book worm and knowing where things are located and such...." Momentarily she smoothed out her shiny black robe then resumed her final aspects remembering the headache of the entire last search. "As I said the one with your mother was the most tedious. Quite clever might I add to actually make you think on this one. I did search for the latter part of the day on all sorts of topics of interest and study. It was strange for me not to uncover my answer but of course that made it challenging which I did truly admire. Once the truth was stumbled upon I smiled earnestly for a certain twist had actually stumped me for a bit till things were uncovered".

Once again finding things made her gush with pride since she was in-fact quite knowledgeable in most areas of study she had applied for.

"The stories I uncovered were actually some I hadn't browsed over in years making me appreciative for some old teachings. They were indeed dark which is what I do love studying". She then smiled with a nod that her story was finished then excused herself to find the certain library again where she could study more of the "stories"

Dark yes indeed they always had been but that's what made learning what she liked ... more enjoyable.



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PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:48 am
Eukan walks back into the room a bit disgruntled and disheveled a sheet of paper held in his hand which he gives the Rabbit with a cocky grin. "See these questions were easy...one of my specialties in fact...only one of them took a little research...Not a tale I generally read and I believe at first I had a mistaken impression what you were asking for.

But you wanted to hear the story of the hunt? I feel like I'll never get the dust out of my hair from that old building you sent us to, I scoured the corners and the attics to make sure there was nothing that I was missing, I swear that we're the first ones to go in there in over a year...

You are quite good at hiding things i'll admit however even starting in here as I did it took me a fair while to discern your choice of hiding places but once I did I think it showed me more about that fascinating mind of yours, the stories you chose as well, quite revealing...

My hunt however was fairly uneventful. The scenery on this university is lovely I do hope that I'll be able to protract my stay here...Finding the place important to your mother was the most challenging of all. I know very little about your family, not being from the area though. I approve of her choice of surroundings for what it's worth.

In any case I believe that is this assignment completed and I look forwards to the next.  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:22 pm
I can't believe I'm behind them! He growls and turns in his crumply, dirty paper. "That was stupid," he mumbled under his breath. "Well, this was hard, boring and irritating. But, I must admit, you are clever." He sat in his seat. "I looked everywhere untill I found my self wandering where I shouldn't be, so I turned back and that's when I found everything. He didn't want to tell them the whole thing, he was tired, cover in dirt and he desperately needed water. "But, I didn't find a bathroom! Does this school even have one?" He wanted to go jump in a lake and take a relaxing swim. There was something about this school that didn't want him to leave. Was it that there was a sexy girl sitting before him, or that he didn't have anything better. He shook his head and slumped down.


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Kindly Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:32 pm
Sunshine walks in the class room seeing that most all the students have returned. Ugh I hate being behind. she thought to herself.

"Well my adventure was long" she begins. "I really hate clue hunts so i just walked room to room until i found them all. Thought the one about your mother was the hardest of all. One thing I did I join very much was reading the book. I never have heard or read the Grimm's, so the stories were all very new and exciting for me."She had been walking the school for days and all do to one clue she just couldn't find. The one about Jian's mom had been really hard and it wasn't any help when she finally found it in a room she had pasted six or seven times over. Totally mad and not wanting to say to much more; Sunshine walks to her set and flops down at her desks. She was in a mood of epic proportions. This was for sure a weakness in her clue hunts never ended well for her.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:43 am
~Maes walks back into the room he smiles and hands the paper in his hand to mistress Jian Todd. He looks at her. " I started my hunt right here in this room. I found what I was looking for here. Moving on a started with second clue and headed hunt down the backers, they are quite a interesting bunch. Next I hunted the 3rd clue down that old build was interesting with its architecture, I got rather cobwebby as I searched everywhere. Then looked for fourth one that was hard it took me a while to figure it out. Last fifth was the hardest, I know little about you or your mother, I hunted around it and I almost over looked it was I lucky that I decided to search more carefully. You are a tricky creature, miss Jian." ~He bows his head~  


Intellectual Kitten


Eloquent Fairy

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:01 am
Remy hurried in near the end, and handed his paper to Jian looking more than a little bit sheepish. "Ah'm sorry, ma chere, I dun got a bit distracted. Dis campus is so big, c'est magnifique! And de library... Dere was so much ta see in dere, so many books, so much ta learn, Ah didn' notice how long I was in dere, an' Ah got a bit lost wanderin' aroun'. Ah always t'ought of libraries as big an' open, full o' light, so's its easy ta read in dem, but dere was dis one part I found... In de basement, Ah'm not sure I was s'posed te be dere. All de walls were stone, wit' flickering torches, and I t'ought I heard voices, so I went down de hall to see what was dere. Ah certainly didn' know how ta get back de way I come. Luckily anoder student found me, an' 'e knew de way back. I already had mah answers, so he pointed me back dis way, cher, an' he'e Ah am."  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:47 pm
Jian looked over the seven students that had returned with correct answers. "Ah, how excellent that almost all of you completed my little game." She said. She looked them over, considering. They hadn't all seemed as thoroughly enthused about things as she was. How very sad.

"I do hope I ee more of the lot of you." She said, as she moved to leave the room. At the door, she pausd, turned, and blew a kiss, accompanying it with a wink. "Good luck~!"

Sorry hun, but you didn't complete the hunt in time! You're out >:

Noir Songbird

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