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Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:52 pm

Green Ever After
Pfft !! Theia is exactly the picture perfect mare that Angra would determine as a purpose to fight and wage war. Even if there was no love interest, he'd do his best to bring her many a pelt ~ <3

Oh, gosh, don't tell her that! She will wrap him around her fingers and neeeeeever let him go. Her ego is so huge already, having someone outside of her family thinking so highly at her would just make her head swell. >> <3
PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:58 pm

Green Ever After
Pfft !! Theia is exactly the picture perfect mare that Angra would determine as a purpose to fight and wage war. Even if there was no love interest, he'd do his best to bring her many a pelt ~ <3

Oh, gosh, don't tell her that! She will wrap him around her fingers and neeeeeever let him go. Her ego is so huge already, having someone outside of her family thinking so highly at her would just make her head swell. >> <3
Oh dang, already let it slip >3 <3 -- Nothing more fierce than blind killing due to devotion haha

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

I Lady Kiya I

Obsessive Fairy

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:10 am

A diplomat would be good then. :3
PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:30 am

So, I ended up writing a history and a bio, and since the latter is what I was asked for, I would like to share the history anyway. XDDD /derp

In the time that Maeryn was born, there were no such things as Kalona herds-- or if they were, they were the stuff of legends, whispered of but never seen. So it was that the young Kalona grew up alone, whether her parents had simply abandoned her to survive on her own as so many Kalona sires and dams do, or whether they had been slain in her infancy. She was alone, as so many were. Being a lone young Kalona presented innumerable dangers, not the least of which came at the hooves and teeth of regular Soquili, who had no understanding or compassion for one so dark so young. Of certain, there were those few among the Soquili who would have sheltered and nurtured her, but young Maeryn had already grown to be wary indeed of those Soquili she later came to view as ‘lessers’.

From those first lonely moments, she grew to become a strong, independent mare. With hooves and teeth, and horns, she made her way. Her heart was strong, though tarnished by a hatred for male lesser Soquili in particular, and her existence was, as always, a lonely one. Though she had no way of knowing, that was about to change. For the first time since her infancy, Maeryn came upon her own kind. They were... different than she, in some ways, and in other ways so much the same. In them, she saw a pride and power that few could answer.

There were so few Kalona at that time, and through the battles she waged with non-Kalona, Maeryn began to see the plight of her people. Without foals, they would surely die out, outbred by the far more numerous lesser Soquili. It was a concern she shared with a stallion who at first was met by the same wariness and caution that all stallions were treated to by the young mare. At first, their interactions were stilted, colored by Maeryn’s distrust-- for how could she trust even one of her own kind, when all others had betrayed her?-- but in time they came to an agreement; they would raise a family together, producing new blood to add to the Kalona.

Theirs was a simple partnership, a duty. The foals Maeryn bore were a part of that duty, and they defended them fiercely, refusing to allow anything to harm their growing family. Maeryn’s cold heart began to soften and melt, though outwardly she gave no sign of it. The proud mare showed few signs of her shifting emotions, protecting and defending the herd, and acting in nearly all ways unchanged. Still, Rötschreck stood by her as a constant, silent guardian.

Maeryn fell in love. Slowly but surely, spanning years of time, Maeryn fell in love with her protector, the sire of her foals, who she watched nurture and protect their children from their very first steps-- and he with her. Their partnership had developed into something sacred, a lifemating of a kind that Maeryn had scarcely believed herself capable of. His dedication and devotion taught her that not every emotion need be anger or bitterness, and in time she came to relax enough to disperse small crumbs of open affection among her family, rewarding cleverness just as she rewarded strength and skill.

Then came that terrible day when Rötschreck lay dying, when Maeryn saw her heart pooling into the earth with his lifesblood, and it nearly broke her. She was no longer the quietly arrogant, clever mare who had dared so many dangers in her youth. A shell of her old self, Maeryn wandered the Soquili lands, and spoke to thin air, perhaps imagining that it spoke back, in the form of her glittering, ruby coated lifemate. At times she would return to the place where he had died, and visit his bones. When there was nothing left, not even the cleanest picked bones, Maeryn laid herself down beside that fateful spot, and dreamed of him.

It seemed that she might at last fade away to join him, but then something truly incredible happened; Maeryn found something that needed her enough to overcome Death’s siren call. At first she thought that she had dreamed it-- surely, there could be no Kalona foals nearby the mewl at her, to cry out their hunger to the night! But when her faltering hoof falls carried her to where the sound had originated, she discovered that she had been quite correct, and somehow before her was a lone Kalona colt.

He was as alone as she had once been, and Maeryn’s heart warmed and softened once more, breaking out of the sleepy slumber in which it had laid dormant since Rot’s death. It was almost as though Rötschreck had sent her a lonely heart just as much in need as her own, and from that very moment onward Maeryn’s vibrancy returned, and Death no longer called to her so loudly. Certainly she was young enough, it seemed, that she was able to feed the foal-- although whether that was her own doing or a miracle of some nature, Maeryn never knew. She never questioned it, simply sending silent gratitude to the sleeper who yet held her heart in his hooves.


Sparkly Vampire

Devil NightShade

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:52 am

Awww, that brought a tear to my eye.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:05 pm

Apparently this project just has me all the excited, so writings are forthcoming. XD;;;


Sparkly Vampire


Desirable Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:15 pm

/not a member.

Cherie, that story was.... * u* Beautiful. WHO SAID I WAS CRYING? I'M NOT CRYING, THERE'S JUST GLITTER IN MY EYES. /silent weep.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:21 pm

I'm totally looking for more RP from here if anyone is interested just quote or PM me <3 ~

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:34 pm


Tag~ <3 I don't know if my first quote got through because I added it after the fact, if it did then ignore this haha XD;
PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:45 am

-invades the thread- >D
So. I got to thinking. And I really enjoyed our little rp that we had going on last night in thread. And I would love to do some more with it later on down the road. It won't be for some time yet since I've gotta finish her current harpy plot and then a couple other plots that are happening right after that. But I was thinking maybe she could have a run-in with a couple of the herd members later on down the road. And it'll really put her new fighting skills to the test since she's going to be severely injured with this current harpy plot she's in so she has to retrain herself to fight again. And it'd be a good tester point for her to see if her new fighting style will work or if she needs to improve on it.
As I said, it'd be a bit later on but I think it'd be pretty fun. 8D


Sparkly Genius

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Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:53 pm

Devil NightShade


RP for you, my dear!

-works on Green's reply next-

Hi, Pippi! Our RP was awesome last night, thank you so much for playing. xD That sounds great to me! I don't think anyone here would give up the chance to go head-to-head with a 'walker!
PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:41 pm

User Image

Prime is one big bad bundle of sharp wit. A rather acquired taste, the viciousness of his youth (and looseness of his tongue) has yet to be quelled by age and reprimand. Such things were encouraged as a foal, and relishing what comes naturally while training endlessly towards the finesse of a skilled warrior helped mold the piquant (is not sharpness of body and wit pleasing to those who value such things?) creature he has become.

Virus, his dam, raised her brood to carry out her evil work. Dotting on Prime and his sister Pandora, she raised them in her image- and then unleashed them on the world. Prime's brother Poison was disappointing to his mother, for he did not look right. Virus has since bred with another worthy stallion to create more "awesomely sinister" offspring.
Poison was later "welcomed back" by Virus after pleasing the mare greatly with his "3 really scary looking sons."
Prime carries his mother's mantra to heart. He values aesthetics, preferring the sinister and macabre. He hopes to one day produce offspring worthy of his lineage (which he considers quite pure, thank you very much- pure AWESOME!)

His father, Assiah, is a malignant soul... wingless and serpentine.

Virus' dam is Adelinda, though the sire is not to be acknowledged through RP (entirely OOC breeding?) if I understand correctly.

(Note: His foalhood is a little rough, pieced together from PMs with his mother's owner, and his character in general will be solidified through RP. :3 )

He has been bred for power and size, and his body has matured nicely. (He can be seen preening at times, though self-admiration has its limits for this prideful steed... primarily when something better that he simply MUST posses comes along.) Though his skills as a fighter rely more on strength than cunning, he does have a quick mind that is eager to learn new techniques. Consider him a Warhorse-type, with a more aerodynamic frame that can support flight.
A seasoned warrior could easily win his respect in battle (which would honestly be more of a brawl for him at this stage,) and he would be an eager pupil. The genetic potential is there, and his muscular body is already fit and well-honed... all that's left is to instill the knowledge and skill only a seasoned veteran (and his own lifetime) can offer.

That being said... *deep breath!* ... although he considers himself a Kalona through and through, he is not pure. He would never admit it, for in his family purity is more of a matter of appearance than a blood-given right. He's been taught that he is Prime, the epitome of the gene pool. He rarely encounters his father, the one "blemish" to tarnish the purity of his lineage in many true-Kalona's eyes, and so ICly there would be little reason for this "secret" to be discovered... unless someone did a very thorough background check.
Please note that, in Prime's mind, he would not be lying to the herd. He values all that they value, he believes he is as they are. He does not seek to dilute the Kalona bloodline, rather enforce it through selective breeding for desired traits (viciousness, virility, vitality.)
Biting insults delivered in a sibilant hiss may be issued as a challenge, but are generally reserved for the lessers of the lands... when he deigns to speak to them at all. I hope that through his interaction with the other stallions of this herd (if accepted >~<) he will become a more polished version of himself- still antagonistic, but possessing the refined intellect to match his size.

What Prime can offer:
- Brute strength
- Quick mind (if somewhat in need of discipline)
Some sort of mental honing could be added to his daily training regiments.

What Prime hopes to gain:
- Alignment with the Black Skull Herd would allow him to engage in what he sees as his "purpose:" helping to maintain the vitality and general badassery of the Kalona race. (By... *ahem* pulling the weeds, as it were, or through breeding.)
- Camaraderie... self-improvement (though he is prideful, he is capable of remembering that he is not the best at everything) nurtured by like-minded Soquili.

I'm thinking he'd suit the Warrior role quite well, perhaps aiding in strategy in his later years, though his wit may suit the deception portion of the Diplomat/Informant role... if he's tutored in the ways of subtlety. >.>;

I've yet to develop a backstory for the scars across his eye (thin hairline scars, do not impede his sight) but their width would suggest a wolf or clawed pawed creature of some sort...? The scars were present in his Foal stage as well, so I was originally considering them the remnants of a sibling brawl.
I believe there is a wolf pack somewhere about, so may be looking into that as a point of interest, or may just stick with the sibling thing >.<.



Sparkly Vampire

PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:07 am


As far as I am concerned, he completely passes as pure. XD Bearing in mind, the Black Skull herd is and has always been in place in order to preserve the Kalona breed! So, he's got the wings, the teeth, the tail, the horns! Looks good to me~

PS: I would love RP Green Ever After. XD I am just swamped at the moment, but maybe one the weekend! I love your style so far. Honestly, I am just so thrilled that our herd has found new life. What Meeki and I started Tsu is doing a fantastic job of continuing. <3 /so thrilled
PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:30 am

Ahh, thankyou! xD heart


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:33 am

Miss Cherie

As far as I am concerned, he completely passes as pure. XD Bearing in mind, the Black Skull herd is and has always been in place in order to preserve the Kalona breed! So, he's got the wings, the teeth, the tail, the horns! Looks good to me~

PS: I would love RP Green Ever After. XD I am just swamped at the moment, but maybe one the weekend! I love your style so far. Honestly, I am just so thrilled that our herd has found new life. What Meeki and I started Tsu is doing a fantastic job of continuing. <3 /so thrilled
<3 That feels really good to hear, I'm sure over time my roleplaying ability will shine like it once had, but I'm so unfamiliar with my own characters that it gets a little hard to sink them in concrete as they are just yet. I love how Angra is coming together as an over ambitious fella so far. I never imagined I'd be this involved with Soquili to be honest, but I'm glad I stuck my neck out and posted here 8D

This herd has truly made me feel like I'm part of the shop, as weird as that may be XD;

EDIT; As for the RP, I can set something up at any time if you want, and you can reply when you're free. I know what busy feels like, so no worries on being slow or anything<33
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