It was good to hear that she had enjoyed the battle. He regretted that she had went out on her own, that he had not been there to protect her, or that apparently no soldier had taken up that role. She was a priestess, important to the remnants of their clan, and even if he was not sworn to protect her he was still a guardian. She still a priestess. It was almost unacceptable.

The high priestess caught his attention and he watched her levelly as she gave her speech. There was no chance that he would choose another path, despite the peculiar notion of being so closely tied to those of Halloween. The mirror swept over him but he stood strong, planted firmly as the change occurred. It was painful, but any pain would be worth becoming strong enough to get his revenge on the humans. He could feel the priestess behind him gasp, but that merely meant that she would be stronger too. He looked in front of him and a fragment formed, reflecting his eyes as he viewed the almost blood-colored shard.

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He reached out, grabbing the fragment and pulling it to him. Perhaps if he could track down Ylaria or maybe even Lifen they could design a holder for the fragment. He listened as he studied it. Collect Fear but expend it also. Gather Fear and fight to improve himself? He could do that. From here on things would change for them, they had a lair and they would use it. He tucked his fragment away for now, but the, container of power would not be leaving his side. Revenge would be sweet.
