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She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:39 pm

(Yanamari/ She-Ra of Etheria) x (Cian Alastair/ caffeinecraving)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Yanamari/ She-Ra of Etheria)
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Cian Alastair/ caffeinecraving)
User Image [Uncert]

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: Agreement

Teepees: Caffeine's Teepee She-Ra's Teepee
Throwbacks?: No
Link to previous Generations: N/A


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Nope

(Aquitaine / She-Ra of Etheria) x (Agave Noctis / JetAlmeara)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Aquitaine / She-Ra of Etheria)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: ((Agave Noctis / JetAlmeara)
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Teepees: She-Ra's Teepee Jet's Teepee
Throwbacks?: No
Link to previous Generations: N/A


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Nope

Short Summary of their plotline: They first met as foals and it was Aquitaine's first experience that showed her that the outside world wasn't perfect. After that first meeting they didn't see each other until they were adults, but then Agave was under his mothers control and only because of the shred of niceness his nanny and Aquitaine had showed him did he try to save Aquitaine from being captured instead of simply capturing her. Aquitaine made him promise that if he ever freed himself that he needed to come find her and she would help him, he did but also made her promise to never look for him because it was too dangerous.. Many months passed and one day Agave showed up at the beach, the meeting spot Aquitaine had set, and was badly injured. Sticking to her promise to help him Aquitaine first took time to heal his wounds and then began to teach him another way to live, to no longer hate and kill.
It's been a slow transition and they have certainly endured some rough patches along the way. During this reformation time Agave and Aquitaine started to develop feelings for each other, though Agave has a hard time expressing it due to his upbringing. Aquitaine pleaded with him not to leave, as he had been fearful of bringing danger to her life and also making her put her life on hold to help him. He agreed to stay because he does love her and really didn't want to leave. They are still making progress on bringing Agave around from his old ways and look forward to a life together even if they know there are bound to be a few more bumps along the way.

What are their Parents Personalities?
Having been raised by a Knight father and a dancing mother Aquitaine has very strict ideals to follow. She knows that there is good and evil in the world yet has had almost no experience or run ins with the latter. Living a somewhat sheltered life Aquitaine is a bit ignorant of many things yet does wish to learn about these things and others. Her thirst for knowledge however is often not enough for her to venture from her home, often preferring to stay within sight of it. When she does venture out she will soak up as much knowledge as she can before returning home.
Aquitaine also tends to dabble in many things. She dances, sings, swims, writes poems, trains to be a knight, can read the clouds to know when it is safe for flying (even though she doesn’t have wings), can read the water for safety (much like she reads the clouds), and knows a great deal about history. Though she can do many things Aquitaine is not particularly well skilled in any of these areas, she may be good at them but is never great. Perhaps it is her drive to learn about everything that leads to this lack of skill in one particular thing. In a way learning all these skills, even if only at the beginner level, is her way of exploring the world without ever having to truly leave home.
It's unlikely that Agave will ever win an award for being smart - indeed this stallion is more brawn then brains for the most part - which makes him a useful puppet in his mother's hands. Agave has been brainwashed for the most part into being the fighter that he is today - and is almost phobic of making a decision on his own.
He's a soldier - a follow orders without question or thought type of soldier. He is not cruel or sadistic by nature but does such things when directed to without questioning them, to Agave following the directions of his superiors is simply an instinct that's been beaten into him from foalhood. Having freed himself from his mother's control Agave now finds that he is not quite a dumb as he was always told he was...rather it was a simple lack of education with stunted the stallion, turning him into more of a brute then a brain. Agave in his freedom has devoted himself to making up for lost time and while he can still be a bit decisive and anti-social at times...he's working on it.

Do the parents have professions?
Mother: Healer
Father: Warrior

Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance: (please post a summary if able to)
You Don't Belong Here - Where Aquitaine sees Agave again for the first time since they were foals and is shocked at what he has become and pleads with him to come to her for help if he can ever escape.
Overdue Reunion - Agave arrives injured but is free from his mothers control. Aquitaine must now heal his wounds before she can truly start to help him.
Making Adjustments - Adjusting slowly Agave learns a bit more about what has happened to Aquitaine since he last saw her and realizes he has a lot of work to do to fit into her world.
Second Life Lost - Agave contemplates leaving Aquitaine to keep her safe, but for some reason he just can't do it. Turns out he's developed feelings for her. Even more shocking is she has feelings for him as well. This is where their relationship truly starts.

What is their family dynamics?
Family is extremely important to Aquitaine and thus all of her family will be involved with the foals upbringing. The main caretakers will be her and Agave. Her parents, Zara and Hadrian, along with her two brothers Aurelian and Arcadius will also be deeply involved with their upbringing. Some of Aquitaine's Aunt's and Uncle's may also be involved with the foals.
Though Agave has broken ties with his mother Pirata may very well make an appearance from time to time trying to sway the foals to her side in an attempt to rip the family apart. Whether she will be successful or not is unknown at this time, but it will keep Aquitaine, Agave and the rest of the family on high alert.
Zara Hadrian Aurelian Arcadius Pirata

Traditions: One thing that will be taught to the foals is how to properly defend themselves and to protect others. With a father that is a warrior and a grandfather who is a knight this is extremely important. They will not simply be taught how to fight but the more important aspects as well such as defence techniques, strategy and as well an honor code to go with the knight aspect.
Dancing is also something that is to be passed down to the foals as Aquitaine and her mother Zara have a great love of dancing. This will also help the foals in their warrior training as it will help to refine their moves and allow them to become more balanced on their feet.
Another important tradition is learning herb lore so that they may help to heal someone should they need it. Aquitaine knows the importance of herbs as she uses them to heal others instead of her natural powers because they are not strong enough.
Knowledge in general is important as well as learning about the world around them is a major step towards growing. Knowledge is a gift and it should be accepted and shared with everyone.
Herd/Family culture: Along with the above mentioned traditions one of the most important things for this family is just that - family. Family is the core of this group, including friends who are like extended family members. Respecting those individuals is of utmost importance.
Religious Beliefs: None
PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:40 pm

(Fisch // Split Personality) x (Cthulhu // StarieMichie)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Fisch // Split Personality
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Cthulhu // StarieMichie
User ImageUNCERT
Cthulhu does not approve. (Uncert)

Lowluck?: No. (this is number 20)
Unedited?: No
Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: No
RPed couple?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here!

Teepees: Split Personality and StarieMichie
Throwbacks?: No
Link to previous Generations: N/A


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes.
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Yes! (moar tentacles on my tentacles so I can tentacle while I tentacle)

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Nope!

(ZuZu // StarieMichie) x (Rockin' Blues // Katjive/[strike]Sweenys_Revenge[/strike])

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: ZuZu // StarieMichie

User Image[Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Rockin' Blues // Katjive/Sweenys_Revenge
User Image [Uncert]
Low Luck?: No.
Unedited?: No
Lifemate? No.
Co Ownership?: Rockin Blues
Teepees: StaieMichie & Katjive
RPed couple?: No.
Throwbacks?: Yes.
Link to previous Generations:
Rockin' Blues' family:
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here.


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes.
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Yes.

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Nope!




Enigmatic Star

19,400 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Bookworm 100
  • Object of Affection 150
PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:50 pm

Oct 13 7:27pm PST (( Edited to add Tiger Nilla's uncert ))

(Kayleena/tefla) x (Tiger Nilla/Primeval Panda)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Kayleena (tefla & Amethyst M Bell)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Tiger Nilla (PrimevalPanda formerly FallenRockGirl07)
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: This breeding does not count towards Amethyst M Bell.
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: 1st Gens


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: No

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: I don't think so.
PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:09 pm

(Keri/CrimsonCutie666) x (Xion/nekolulu & Little black cat)

Entry Line: (Xion/nekolulu &Little black cat) x Keri/(CrimsonCutie666 )

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Keri (CrimsonCutie666 )

User Image
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Xion (nekolulu &Little black cat)
User Image

Low Luck?: Not currently
RP Qualified?: No
Co Ownership?:yes all owners have equal rights x
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: X

Teepees: nekolulu
Throwbacks?: yes
Link to previous Generations:
Xion's Family:
Xion's dad
Xion's mother
Grandmother, mom side
grandfather mother's side
grandfather father;s side
grand mother father's side
great grandmother father's side
great grandfather's father's side


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: No thank you

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Spiders, Clowns, Mutilation


~~~ Would you mind undead/bone mutations?: No
~~~ Would you mind Mutant Wings?: Yes
~~~ Would you mind Non-existent species tails?: Yes
~~~ Would you mind mutant feet? Don't mind!
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: I'd really prefer not getting anything completely 'off' for the pairing. Please no gore/organs/mutilation mutations.

~~~ Would you mind the use of Blood?: I don't mind if its minor and not like, a cut open throat.
~~~ Would you mind Bones as an accessory?: Don't mind!
~~~ Would you mind demonic or occult imagery?: Don't mind!
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: N/A



Eloquent Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:20 pm

Minuet Amachi (Leopleuradon) x Rakko Aquila (Bouncy_Pineapple)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: ( Minuet Amachi / Leopleuradon )
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: ( Rakko Aquila / Bouncy_Pineapple )
User Image [Uncert] ( Lost D': )

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here!

Teepees: Leo's and Bouncy's
Throwbacks?: Yes!
Link to previous Generations: Minuet - Mother and Father
Rakko - Mother and Father


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes!
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Sure! :'D

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Nada! Although a would prefer no showing bones/decay/or rotting. Blood is okay though!
PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:28 pm

Vivietta (Lady in the Golden Wood) x Castiel (Ktns/Etherial Requiem) )

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Vivietta (Lady in the Golden Wood)
User Image Muzzleless
Name, image, and owner(s) of father:Castiel (Ktns)
User Image

Co Ownership?: n/a
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Teepees: Woody's Teepee Ktns's Teepee
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Vivietta: MotherFather


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): YES!!!
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Sure

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Just no organs hanging out. :>

Lady in the Golden Wood


Vicious Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:05 pm

Caelyndei (Neon Fly) x Kaiser (sesshy552)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Caelyndei ( Neon Fly )
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Kaiser ( sesshy552 )
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: Both fully owned.
Lifemate?: Nope.
Link to Breeding Agreement: [ Here ] <3

Teepees: ( sesshy552 ), ( Neon Fly )
Throwbacks?: Sure!
Link to previous Generations:
Kaiser's family. ( Mother ), ( Father )
I don't have Caelyndei's family though.


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes.
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Uhh, a little suure. xD;

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Extreme gore, and spiders. D:


Amethyst (sesshy552) x Houdini (Moonstar-xo)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Amethyst ( sesshy552 )
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Houdini ( Moonstar-xo )
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: Both fully owned.
Lifemate?: Yes <3
Link to Breeding Agreement: [ Here ] <3

Teepees: ( sesshy552 ), ( Moonstar-xo )
Throwbacks?: Sure!
Link to previous Generations: Both 1st gen


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): In the spirit of halloween of course!
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Maybe a little xD

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Extreme gore, and spiders. D:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:21 pm

Sephia ([strike]-[The Spoof]-[/strike]/Akuma Kessaku) x Ignis ([strike]Faithofthefallen[/strike]/Akuma Kessaku)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Sephia (-[The Spoof]-/Akuma Kessaku)
User Image
Wingless Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father:
Ignis (Faithofthefallen/Akuma Kessaku)
User Image
Wingless Uncert
Low Luck?: No
Co Ownership?: NA
Faith and Akuma
Spoof and Akuma
-[The Spoof]-
RPed couple?: Soon!
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here
Preferred colorist(s): Any


~~~ May I use undead/bone mutations?: no
~~~ May I use Mutant Wings?: yes
~~~ May I use Non-existent species tails?: yes
~~~ May I use mutant feet? yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: No guts hanging out

~~~ May I add the use of Blood?: yes
~~~ May I use Bones as an accessory?: yes
~~~ May I use demonic or occult imagery?: tastefully
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:


Omnipresent Gawker

7,900 Points
  • Conversationalist 100
  • Contributor 150


Kawaii Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:17 pm

(Pandora/Stormflower) x (Marrow/ [+Katch+] )

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Pandora ( Stormflower )
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Marrow ( [+Katch+] )
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: LINK

Katch = LINK
Stormflower = Link
Throwbacks?: SURE <3
Link to previous Generations:
Pandora's parents

Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE):
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Yeeeaaaaaah 8D

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Nope! Go wild~!!
PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:18 pm

(Lady Requiem/Sleet Tempest Snape) x (Legolas/Sleet Tempest Snape and Niloufer)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Lady Requiem (Sleet Tempest Snape)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Legolas (Sleet Tempest Snape and Niloufer)
User Image UNCERT

Co Ownership?: Yes, http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=2643386&page=48 (Baskets will go to Sleet Tempest Snape and Rein_Carnation. Any third basket will be handled if won.)
Link to Breeding Agreement: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=11630811&page=12

Unedited?: Nope
Low Luck?: Nope
RP Qualified?: Nope
Lifemate?: Yes
Teepees: X
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Nope

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Nope


~~~ May I use undead/bone mutations?: No
~~~ May I use Mutant Wings?: Yes
~~~ May I use Non-existent species tails?: Yes
~~~ May I use mutant feet? Sure
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Not too much gore or exposed bones, rot, hanging skin.

~~~ May I add the use of Blood?: Yes
~~~ May I use Bones as an accessory?: Yes
~~~ May I use demonic or occult imagery?: Yes, please! Love occult, witchy things.
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nope.

I want my clothed ponies kids to have a chance at clothes!!
---Even pants/skirts? D8: Yes, please.

Sleet Tempest Snape

Noble Vampire


PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:42 pm

Ali McIggins ( MazokuPS ) x Rotom (LunaRei_SilverBlood)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Ali McIggins - MazokuPS
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Rotom - LunaRei_SilverBlood
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: Link~

Teepees: Luna - Mazo doesn't have one
Throwbacks?: n/a
Link to previous Generations: -


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE):Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: No >.>

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: N/A


Istas Misae (LunaRei_Silverblood) x Claude (Sweenys_Revenge)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Istas Misae| LunaRei Silverblood
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Claude | Sweenys_Revenge
User Image UNCERT

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: Last post!

Teepees: Sweeny's Teepee & Luna's Teepee
Throwbacks?: No
Link to previous Generations: =


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE):Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: No >.>

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: None~
PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:50 pm

(Thosi Pandryl/Divena & DivenasMom) x (Rune/Jezbel)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Thosi Pandryl (Divena and DivenasMom)
User ImageUncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Rune (Jezbel)
User Image

Co Ownership?: Thosi agreement Divena and DivenasMom will co-own a basket
Link to Breeding Agreement: [x]
Unedited?: No
Low Luck?: No
RP Qualified?: No
Lifemate?: No
Divena and DivenasMom
Throwbacks?: Sure
Link to previous Generations: NA


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE):
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Sure

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Nope

(Frost/Divena & DivenasMom) x (Jayhk/Bardess Ookami)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Frost/Divena & DivenasMom)
User Image uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Jayhk/Bardess Ookami)
User Image Uncert

Co Ownership?: Agreement for Frost (Divena and DivenasMom will co-own one of the baskets)
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Unedited?: No
Low Luck?:
1. Agneza's February Breedings
2. Rapid's Feb Breedings
3. Agneza's April Breedings
4. Nerpin's April Breedings
5. Jul's April Breeding Return
6. Bee's April Breeding
7. Ririka's May Breedings
8. Juls May Breedings
9. Ririka's June Breedings
10. Agneza's August Breedings
11. Mind's Personality Based Breeding
12. Twisted Tunnel Couples breedings
13. SiSi Pumpkin's Changeling Breeding Thicket
14. Mindsend's February Breedings!
15. Moo's February Breedings!
16. Bee's March Breeding
17. April's Fool: Mindsend's Breedings
18. Gallow's Easter Breeding!
19. April Showers bring... Neph's April Breedings
20. Agneza's May Breedings
21. Tropical Tiki Tunnel Couples Breeding
22. Agneza % Bee's October Breedings with a Twist
23. Mobbu's Shadow Breeding
RP Qualified?: No
Lifemate?: Yes
Teepees: Bardess and Divena and Divenasmom
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: NA


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE):
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: sure

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: no bees

Low Luck?: Not yet
RPed couple?: No
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: NA
Lifemate?: Yes
Preferred colorist(s): Any


11,525 Points
  • Citizen 200
  • Invisibility 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100


Distinct Regular

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:05 pm

Adelia (-MoomoolatteCha-) x Dai (FitzRoyal)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Adelia (-MoomoolatteCha-)
User Image [Uncert]

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Dai (FitzRoyal)
User Image [Uncert]

Co Ownership?: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: X

Unedited?: No
Low Luck?: Yes!

Attempts =
#1 - Nerpin April Breedings
#2 - Juls April Breeding Return
#3 - Bees April Breedings
#4 - Riris May Breedings
#5 - Juls May Breedings
#6 - Riris June Breedings
#7 - Bees July Breedings
#8 - Nezas Aug Breedings
#9 - Minds Aug Breedings
#10 - Riris Sept Breedings
#11 - Twisted Tunnel Breedings
#12 - Nephs Celebratory Breedings
#13 - Mindsends February Breedings
#14 - Moons February Breedings
#15 - Bees March Breedings
#16 - Minds April Fools Breedings
#17 - Gallows Easter Breedings
#18 - Nephs April Showers Breedings
#19 - Nezas May Breedings
#20 - Tropical Tiki Breedings
#21 - Mobbus Shadow Breedings
#22 - DD's Twisted Breedings

RP Qualified?: No
Lifemate?: No
Teepees: FitzRoyal / -MoomoolatteCha-
Throwbacks?: Sure.
Link to previous Generations:
Adelia's Side
Mother: X
Father: X
Maternal Grandmother: X
Maternal Grandfather: X
Paternal Grandmother: X
Paternal Grandfather: X
Paternal Great Grandmother: X
Paternal Great Grandfather: X


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes!
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: No!

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Gore/undead/Baldness

Vera ([X]Natty-Chan[X]) x Xanti (FitzRoyal)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Vera ([X]Natty-Chan[X])
User Image [Uncert]

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Xanti (FitzRoyal)
User Image [Uncert]

Co Ownership?: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: X

Unedited? No
Low Luck?: No
RP Qualified?: No
Lifemate?: No
Teepees: FitzRoyal / [X]Natty-Chan[X]
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: N/A


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes!
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Sure

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Gore/Undead/Baldness
PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:48 pm

Vanya [LOLTERNATIVE] x Voodoo [Amirynth]

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Vanya - Lolternative
User Image
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Voodoo - Amirynth
User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: Nope
Link to Breeding Agreement: [x]

Teepees: Rynth's Teepee, LOL's Teepee
Throwbacks?: Sure!
Link to previous Generations: N/A

Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes!
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: No thanks.

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Open wounds/gore/bones showing.


~~~ Would you mind undead/bone mutations?: Yes, I would mind. (Rynn: bone accessories are cool though)
~~~ Would you mind Mutant Wings?: No, I would not mind.
~~~ Would you mind Non-existent species tails?: No, I would not mind. But no reptilian tails.
~~~ Would you mind mutant feet? No, I would not mind.
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Organs showing

~~~ Would you mind the use of Blood?: No, I would not mind, so long as it's sparingly.
~~~ Would you mind Bones as an accessory?: No, I would not mind.
~~~ Would you mind demonic or occult imagery?: No, I would not mind.
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nope~


Personality Information
Short Summary of their plotline: Vanya 'captures' Voodoo when he wanders into the harpy's territory by accident on his way to find Malis. (He never realizes how close he gets!) She draws him away from the river and keep him entertained for a while where he gets to mingle with the other males in the Flock before annoying her so much with his constant blather about Malis that she lets him 'escape' (aka: kicks him out of the Flock) He will not know that he left children in his wake until much much later when he finally traces his tracks back after finally meeting up with Malis.

What are their Parents Personalities?
Mother: To put it simply (cause her personality is loooooooooong), Vanya's vain in every sense of the word. Her vanity can sometimes get her in trouble with other mares, but for the most part she's pretty harmless. She's a very non-confrontational mare, always trying to solve arguments before they escalate. However, when threatened, she's more than happy to be confrontational. When it comes to her sisters, especially her daughters, she is fiercly loyal; regardless of their status or relationship with her.
She has a slight (read: huge) obsession with collecting beautiful things. Pets, trinkets.. men. The men she's collected are part of her harem and she looks after them all with kindness and loyalty.
Father: Voodoo is a quiet stallion with a thoughtful expression, who always seems a little off. That is until you get him talking, then it is hard to get him to stop. He is a little on the kooky side and has an odd sense of humor. He is quite stubborn and isn't the brightest tool in the shed and yet when he puts his mind to thinking he has moments of lightning brilliance. Voodoo came from the same village as Malis, his path crossing hers quite often. He once pursued for her hoof in mate-ship but one day she randomly disappeared. Out of sight, out of mind, he all but gave her up for lost until on day a young foal showed up who looked very familiar. All at once the memories flew back and he decided hunt down the prize he had coveted so many years ago.

Do the parents have professions?
Mother: Vanya's a dancer in the Flock and, when she isn't performing or training, she also crafts jewelry for her sisters. As dancing is a huge part of Harpy culture (all females are given dance training as soon as they can walk), Vanya is highly regarded in her skill and dedication. She takes everything associated with dance seriously and does her best at all times.
Father: Leading the Horde and trying to impress Malis. The Horde is a small group of soquili who were gathered together by Voodoo after he heard Malis was now the leader of a rather influential herd of her own. His goal is to impress her with his 'leadership skills' so that he may mate her and take his rightful place. This is something that would -never- happen but in his own dream world he is already the love of her life she just doesn't know it yet! The Horde does not have any stacked territory though their base was in the jungles to the west. Currently the small band wanders from place to place as Voodoo tries to track Malis down.

Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance: Tusks and Claws. - When Vanya and Voodoo first meet (unfinished)

What is their family dynamics? The children will, for the most part, be raised by Vanya. If Voodoo stays in the Flock, he will have a part in raising the children the same way Taarab did with Vanya's first batch. The children will be around many harpies within the Flock (and I'd like to list them all but.. <_< XD)
For the most part; the following will be interacting with the children the most:

Vanmoriel, Vaniania, Vanwyn; Three older sisters of the foals; they will dote on their siblings and do anything to protect them. The Vanya family is quite close knit and so they will ALWAYS have a relationship with each other and will ALWAYS be there for one another.
Taarab, Astraeus, Hadyn Star, Eryi; Members of Vanya's harem, they will most likely have many interactions with the foals. They won't live together until the foals are a little older as Vanya will want more room in her home and time to bond with her children alone. However, when she wishes it, the males will be welcomed back and will be a part of the foals' lives, even if not a major part.
Risuleri; Vanya's best friend, this mare will be like an aunt to the foals and will be involved in their lives as much as their siblings will. Vanya trusts this mare with her life and would entrust the same with her children.
The Flock: The children will have many other interactions with members of the Flock depending on what paths they choose; roles, relationships, etc'.

Traditions: Vanya doesn't have many family traditions, besides a naming tradition (that being, all names start with Van). However, the Flock has a few different traditions. Any mares who capture stallions and bring them to the Flock for breeding stock receive a trophy from that stallion. This could be a lock of hair, a feather or a posession of the stallion's.

Festivals are quite common in the Flock, too; any excuse to dance is greatly appreciated. In a single year, the Harpies hold 7 official Festivals; that being festivals that happen on a yearly basis. Other festivals/celebrations may be held in the event of a great victory, the strengthening of the Flock, a competition for mares or a parade for stallions.

Herd/Family culture:
As a member of the Flock, there are certain things that the foals born from her are required to participate in. While it's taken Vanya sometime to accept some of these traditions (mostly because of past experiences), all her children have partaken in the practices of the Flock.
Females are taught the ways of the Flock from a young age. While most foals are raised by nannies, Vanya chooses to raise her children herself and only sends them to the nannies if she has other duties to partake in or if they have classes they must attend.
When old enough, females choose a job and join the ranks of the harpies.

Males are kept seperate from females and are simply taught that women are to be respected and they're simply there because they're useless without the females. Despite holding no rank, most males in the Flock are treated well. When they come of age, a select few may be lucky enough to be selected by a female for breeding or company.

The village of Yojamba, where Voodoo is from, is one of many small villages/herds that are scattered within the jungles of the South Americas. There are different breeds of Trolls (Mind has a cerynei-troll while all of mine are regs) and I'm counting them as like the different tribes in WoW. Malis is specifically a Zandalar troll in WoW which were the original trolls before the Gurubashi and the Amani evolved from them (Another reason why mine are traditionally regulars)

Culturally, they are similar to the WoW trolls. They are a warrior-based race with a strong tie to the spirit realms. They are a matriarchy though many villages are ran by a joint male and female or a tribe of elders. Spiritual leaders are just as important as war-time leaders. The trolls are naturally territorial so there is often little scuffles between the nearby villages but any mini-battles are fought with honor and respect, there are enough dangers within the jungles to not have unnecessary deaths.

Each foal goes on a spirit quest, or small journey to find themselves and decides what their path in life will be. Often, there is an adult close by to check on them and make sure nothing terrible happens, but the adolescent is left to their own devices. Often villages will foster out to different villages so that there is no inbreeding of families as they can get rather large. Trolls traditionally mate for life though there is sometimes exceptions to the rule though they are looked down upon by some elders. While it is common for adults to spend their whole lives specializing in a certain path there are a few who become more of a 'jack-of-all-trades' and they are usually the ones who will travel from village to village spreading information and announcements.

Religious Beliefs: Harpies hold the belief that they are descendants from the Angeni of Birds of Prey and a grounded stallion. They're the result of punishment; the Great Spirits punishing the mare for abandoning her duties to be with a stallion.

Some harpies believe their 'Mother' is still alive, given the almost immortal status of Angenis and this is who most turn to when in danger or simply needing guidance.

The Jubilee Call is a festival held for the Great Mother on the last day of Winter. This was said to be the day she left her children, the first Harpies and went back to her heavenly home. The harpies dance and sing thanks to the mother for a good year.


Super Trash


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:53 pm

Did you hear that!?

(Dukker/Pollack) x (Dieve/sage_the_vampirc_angel)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Dukker/Pollack)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Dieve/sage_the_vampirc_angel)
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: YES!
Link to Breeding Agreement: <3

Teepees: Sage doesn't have one / Pollack Teepee
Throwbacks?: Yes please!
Link to previous Generations: Both are first gens.


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Sure!
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: YES!

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Nope~ Go wild!


(Gwenevere /Thalea) x (King Arthur/Pollack)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Gwenevere /Thalea)
User Image Uncert.
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (King Arthur/Pollack)
User Image Uncert.

Co Ownership?: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: [<3]

Unedited?: Nope~
Low Luck?: Nope!
RP Qualified?: Nope.
Lifemate?: Made for each other, always will be with each other. (So yes!)
Teepees: Pollack's teepee. /Thalea's teepee.
Throwbacks?: Sure~
Link to previous Generations: Both are first gens.


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Why not!
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Sure~

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Nope! We're both open for anything and everything!
Breeding Thickets

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