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PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:33 pm
“Ziaire is there anything my crew can do to help?” Desmond jumped at the opportunity to help out. He was eager to show his support and make his name known throughout the camp. Helping in a matter of urgency would surely do just that. He reeled himself back in after jumping for the jeep. He would not be able to go for the same reason Sarah could not. “Umm… maybe my translator Masamba could help. That would give him the perfect opportunity to get up to speed with the tribes, languages, and locations around here.” Desmond made eye contact with Sarah and he could tell she was upset. Other than being a bit uncomfortable, he did not see what was so bad about sticking around in this swamp.

While the discussion went on, Reggie and Suzuki traversed the immediate camp for a good place to set down. It was thrilling to know there work could begin soon while wondering the camp. It didn’t look like much but it was what they could make of it. Both had high hopes that they would accomplish much. Anything was an accomplishment if it meant getting back at the Empire.

“Kinda ironic don’t you think.” Reggie spoke with a joking whisper as he sat up against a wooden frame. He looked upwards at Suzuki as she perched up as well. “This place isn’t any better off without the Empire but we justify removing them by vanquishing the tyranny of their imperialism. These Blood lions are probably just the beginning of the numerous tribes out there that are ready to slaughter every other village that is not their own.” Reggie sighed. “What is the point of saving this wasteland?”

“You mustn’t speak like that Reggie. The Empire has brought worse war to these lands than they could have ever produced themselves. Besides, our efforts could potentially align the separate war tribes and create a unified Africa. We have to hope that is a part of our purpose here.” Suzuki did not like how brutally honest Reggie was being. Sure it was true, but there are silver linings everywhere.

“Yeah, ha, mark my words Suzuki. When we are done here it will Khanate flags flying here instead of Blackstag. Africa is a kinda land that has to be ruled or it runs into complete chaos. We are here to save our own asses so the Empire doesn’t have more than one front line against us. Do not lose sight of that!” Reggie’s voice grew a bit out of control. Suzuki shushed him but it did not quite his hiss. Suzuki wished it was not true but that was the main objective of their mission.  
PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 1:47 pm
Zaire looked at Desmond and smiled as he put the keys into the jeep, "Feel free to come along Desmond. Your presence is not of importance. Unless you are doubling as a high rank Imperial soldier? It is Sarah's face that cannot be seen because of her father. And Masamba is free to join us as well. Though I do not think we can take more then you two, due to space in the jeep ofcourse."  



PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:22 am
“Right. Masamba lets go.” Demsond and Masamba jumped into the jeep, ready to assist in any way they could. While on the drive so many questions came to mind. Desmond was unsure where to start. Luckily Masamba took control of that and started to get an idea of the scenario they were in.

(Sorry I couldn't do much more with what I had.)  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:25 pm
Zaire shook his head as the three drove off into the swamp, "Oh those two idoits. Youth Desmond, youth is a blessing and a curse. Being in such prime, and yet lacking the wisdom and sense to enjoy it without getting yourself killed. HAHAHA." Zaire let out a deep, but joyful laughter. "Nakai and Rudo are good boys, strong boys. They are some of our best shots. But being 17 and 18, they tend to do what teenagers do, and that is never any good." Zaire paused for a second, "The Blood Lions, damned idoits. What were they thinking? The Blood Lions are a warband that have an outpost just outside the swamp on the other side. They are part of the less....civilized part of Africa. Africa is at best a collection of different war tribes with the strongest leading the country as a whole. General Dashee, is a great commander. I don't know if I quite agree with his communist ideals, but he is trying to bring good to all of Africa. The major towns atleast are seeing much improvement. Out here in the wild though, not so much. Most people cling to the old ways of warbands and might is right. They hate the Blackfire Empire, but they are tugs and bandits too, they do as they please. The Empire leaves them alone for the most part, they aren't a real threat to them even if they tried to mount a real attack."

As Ziaire talked Desmond could see a outline of a wooden palisade (wall) in the distance, which could only be the camp of the Blood Lions. "I don't know how this is going to go down Desmond. We might not be able to do anything to save the boys," Ziaire looked down at the steering wheel. His face was distraught now, his eyes heavy as they barely looked at the road in front of him. He was not the jolly man you had seen earlier when you first made it to the camp.  



PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 4:48 pm
“Do not worry Ziaire. You have the two of us with you. We will help you as much as we can.” Desmond cheered. He noticed Ziaire’s faltering smile and he wanted to do what he could to keep it there.

“Do the Blood Lions not think of the Empire as enemies? How can they be alright with what is happening here on their land?” Masamba asked. The question gave Desmond the same idea.

“The real question is, how likely do you think the Blood Lions are to joining our cause if we prove to them this fight can be won?”  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:09 pm
Zaire frowned upon your optimism, "You are fresh here in Africa Mr. Desmond. The Blood Lions are as bad as the Empire. They are ruthless thugs. Violent murders. They might help you for a price, or if they were merely bored, but no they will not join your cause. As long as the Empire leaves them alone, they see no reason to interefere. Africa is a place of the strong, and if the Empire is strong enough to take this land, then they see no reason to stand in their way. As long as they can have a run of their turf they are content."

In the distance Desmond could a wooden palisade surrounding an encampment. The light of multiple fires and a couple small lights could be seen from over the top of the wooden wall. It was obviously a fortress. The Empire or African forces could easily knock threw the fortress if they wanted to. A tank would tear threw the wooden walls like butter. However it would still cost lives, If the Blood Lions were even half trained a few good men could make taking the encampment very costly. Espeically depending on what they had inside.

Zaire turned his head over towards Desmond and Masamba, "You two let me do the talking. I have dealt with these people before. The leader of the Blood Lions is an old army buddy of mine."

Zaire brought the car to a stop before the gate. The gate was iron bars connected by wood. Again it wouldn't stop a military grade armored vehicle, but a civilian car like the jeep wouldn't be able to get threw it. Two guards walked out. They started to speak quickly in a tongue Desmond didn't know. Masamba leaned forward and translated, "They are asking what we are doing here"

Zaire laughed and started to speak jolly back to them. "He is saying that he is here to rescue," Masamba paused and his eyes widen, "He says we are here to rescue his son"  



PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:18 pm
Desmond might be optimistic but it was not an idea he would let go so easily. Sure unity might be out of the question but with the right motivation, he was sure he could get the Blood Lions doing his dirty work for him. Desmond took note then watched in horror. He was not sure what Zaire had in mind but playing hero for some thugs did not seem like the right approach. He sunk back in the chair and watched, helplessly. He had to trust Zaire.  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:23 pm
The guards nodded to each other and walked back to the gate. The gate lifted and they went inside. The three sat silently in the car for a few moments before the iron gate was lifted. Zaire pulled the car slowly into the encampment. Inside the walls where several stone buildings. Most did not have doors or windows, but that would be problematic in Africa. A giant camp fire was the middle of the encampment and dozens of men danced and partied around it, serving wrenches made rounds serving drinks. They passed several jeeps, some fitted with machie gunes on the top of the railing. The guards he saw walking around had mostly bolt action rifles, a few had subs. These were defiantely an organized band of thugs. Though Zaire was right, that shouldn't be suprising in Africa.

Zaire parked the jeep and signaled for them to get out. "We will meet with there leader in the center of the camp, by that fire. They are having a party if you haven't noticed, "Zaire said over his shoulder. The group walked up and saw a man on a wooden throne of sorts behind the fire. He smiled as he saw Zaire and rose from his chair. The men around the camp fire quieted as he did.

The man spoke to Zaire in African and Zaire in return. After a few words were exchanged the man on the chair turned his head and looked at Desmond, "Greetings Khan soldier. What brings you to my lovely encampment tonight? Surely your war is not here?" He said in heavily accented, but decently comphrehended English.  



PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:19 pm
Desmond knew he would attract attention to himself, being the only white guy there, but he had no idea the Blood Lion’s leader would personally address him. Desmond did not want to offend the man so he quickly worked off of his toes. “If I can help it, my war will never be at this camp. I’m here because you may be able to help me keep it that way.” Desmond said with a grin and a laugh. Desmond looked to Masamba and Zaire for help. It was probably best if he did not do the talking.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:14 pm
The Warlord looked at Desmond with his serious face for a second as he saw the panic in Desmond's eye. Suddenly he burst out laughing, and with him the entire group of soldiers around the fire started laughing. Within seconds the music was going again, people started drinking, and carrying on with their party as if Desmond wasn't there.

"I'm sorry for scaring you Khanman." The warlord said threw his laugh, "I care not for your war or its outcome. If it come here I kill those who would fight it. Simple as that." He said with a grin. He turned his face towards Ziaire again, "For your friends sake I will use English, though should not be well. First language it is not."Your boy cheated my men Ziaire. Money worth. I don't like this."

Ziaire frowned, "I'm sorry my boy tried cheating. But we were young men Nuri, you remember youthful ignorance. Surely taking them captive will teach them there lesson."

Nuri, the warlord, smiled, "I lord of war, must be strong. Send strong message. My men cannot be cheated. Must protect their interests."

"I understand that Nuri, I really do. But for me, surely you can make an exception. We have history you know"

Nuri frowned as Ziaire brought up their shared past. His smacked his lips together as he stared intently at the fire. "For you I can make deal. My ammo supply runs low. Need bullets for feud with the Titis. Bring me supplies and I will let your son go. No harm come to him till then."

Zaire looked at Nuri and his face fell flat, "Fair enough Nuri. We will bring you supplies." Nuri smiled and waved the three off. The trio made their way back to their jeep and Zaire looked worried, "I don't know what to do. This is bad. My camp barely have enough supplies for ourself, let alone to pay a ransom"  



PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:49 pm
Desmond enjoyed listening to Ziare talk things over with the leader of the Blood Lions. He was truly a good leader and wise man. That excited Desmond. He was proud to work aside brilliant people. It gave him hope that there efforts could succeed. All of that quickly dissolved as Ziare shared his worries. Desmond got to thinking about their options and there did not seem like many. A crazy idea came over his mind and it made him laugh.

“What can you tell me about the Titis? Are they any more or less reasonable than these Blood Lions?” Desmond plaid through a few scenarios and still did not like there outcome. It was difficult with the Blood Lions still holding Ziare’s son hostage. “I believe our solution involves making a new friend, either with the Titis, the Empire, or the Blood Lions.” Desmond laughed again now that he heard it out loud. “Any of the three will have enough fire power combined with ours to get us what we want.”  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 12:22 pm
Zaire frowned at Desmond's optimism. "You have a lot to learn Desmond. The Titis are a tribal people, much like the Blood Lions, but they are more...of a family group rather then a gang. Anyone can join the Blood Lions provided they liek you. You have to be born to the Titis. They won't help us. They hate all strangers. Hmm the Empire though.....perhaps that gives me an idea Desmond. You mentioned the Empire, if you recall we have a certain governor's daughter in our group. Perhaps we can find a shipment coming in to Empire forces...and find a way to put it to better use." Zaire smiled as he came up with this plan. The three hoped in the car and drove back to thecamp.  



PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:34 pm
“You will have to forgive my inexperience with Africa. I am a fast leaner but I have a bad habit of making assumptions about elements and variables I know nothing about. From your description of Titis I would have to agree with you. They are out of the picture. As for Sarah, she will come in handy. The Empire won’t miss one shipment of weapons. Hell if this works then we could make this a new trade between your crew and the Blood Lions. For a simple donation of weapons, we can probably get them to do what we want.” Desmond followed along with Zaire. More would tell after they spoke to Sarah back at the camp.  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 1:57 pm
The three went back to the camp and told Sarah of the plan. She was uneasy with the idea at first, but quickly get used to it. It took a couple days to get figured out. But within three days time they had the location of a small arms dealing heading into town.

The deal was happening on a desert road. The attack site was by a empied out lake on one side with barren waste land on the other, scatted rocks of various sizes out among them. The convey was a truck full of smalls arms escorted by a technical (jeep with machine gun on the back). Luckily for the group, the city was not very startigicly important nor was this shipment so there was minimal guards on it.

Desmond has his three and Ziaire had 5 men with him. They all had bolt action rifles, and Ziaire had a submachine gun. Desmond was given command for delpoyment. (Next post is how you want to set up the attack)  



PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 2:23 pm
“Alright team does everyone remember the plan. When we get out to our positions we will have to stay under cover until the jump. I won’t be able to radio any of you before then. Suzuki and one of Zaire’s men will be the first shot. Your position is here, the clearest shot of the location of the deal. These rocks will serve as you cover from your tangent position to the desert road. Your shot must take out the mounted gun. Once you do, two teams, Zaire and I and Reggie and another of Zaire’s men, will advance on the cars from either sides of the road. The reminder man will wait with his weapon behind the vehicles retreat if it comes to that. Suzuki, you and your support will move into position to assist this man at the flank.” Desmond caught his breath. “Any questions!”  
Dark Hand role playing

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