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Angel of Flames2

PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 4:39 pm
Jaina shook her head vhenamently. "Anyone but me, please. I'd rather not."
Seto may be a nice guy, and his little brother might also be a decent person, and the street kid may be a holder of the Millenium Locket, but that still wasn't a good enough reason to show these people her past. It was locked away and unspoken of for a reason.  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:27 pm
I looked down, "Guess I'm the only one left..." I quietly picked the book up and popped the lock up. Once I opened it a flash of light and gust of wind came. When the light and wind subsided two voises faded into the senario.

"Momma!" a boy with brown hair giggled as he ran over to a beautiful red haired woman who was holding a small baby with a ruff of black hair on his head.Then suddenly the happy moment blackened int a bloody scene, "Momma! Dadda!" two dead bodies lay on the ground surrounded by blood. The boy with brown hair standing in between them.

I quickly slammed the book shut and dropped it. I leaned against my desk slightly panting, "....." my eyes were wide open, that was definetly not what I ever wanted to see again.  

[b u n n y]

Angel of Flames2

PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:56 pm
Jaina's mouth was covered in shock and horror. She never had the displeasure of seeing her parent's dead bodies; they were buried under "Jane and John Doe" somewhere in England, so far as Jaina knew.
"Seto... are you ok?" Jaina whispered through her fingers. If the item showed that kind of detail, she didn't want to make these people see Ven's body hanging from a ceiling. Or what made her scramble that one cops mind. That, and she'd rather not see that stuff ever again herself. She had nightmares enough; viewing them by choice would be far from pleasent.  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 11:30 pm
"... N-Not really...." I replied in a shaky voice. I turned my head to the side in a quick jerk. I kept my eyes closed, and tried my best not to cry. I loved my mother, Kylee. Such a beautiful name it was. My father, Yoseph, was a respectable man. One thing happened between them, and I still don't know what it is. My father changed completely, from tickling me cheerfully, to hitting me and worse, my mother, angerly.  

[b u n n y]

Angel of Flames2

PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 8:25 am
Jaina took a deep, calming breath, swallowing her own tears and memories. She stood up and walked over to Seto, resting a hand lightly on his shoulder. She bit her lip, wondering what she should do or say. She wanted to give him a hug, but she didn't know if that was the right thing to do.
Seto... I know some of what you're going through. Just remember... it's ok to cry sometimes. If only Jaina would let herself follow her own advice.  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 8:46 am
Lai looked at me with big eyes, "Y-You -do- know what I've been through..." he closed his eyes tightly, "I'm sorry for doubting you...!"

I opened my eyes slightly, a tear traveling down my cheek. I felt it, it was so warm when it was on my cheek. I quickly stood straight and wiped it away, "It's okay, Lai. People doubt me all the time."

Suddenly a gun went off, a chill went down my back as I fell over, "Sh-!" I've never really been able to say the "S" word before.... But blood was on my hands, and I couldn't tell where it was coming from. All I knew is that I was hurt.

The Chief ran in and saw me, immediately shouting, "Kaiba! Sh**! Jaina keep low, there's a sniper situation!!!" I couldn't tell what was going on, but as far as I heard, some sniper was around, and he got me.  

[b u n n y]

Angel of Flames2

PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 8:58 am
Jaina dived behind the desk, the opposite side of where Seto had been shot, dragging Lai behind her. Jaina hoped that the Locket would activate soon, and so someting to protect them.

Then Jaina remembered Micheal was in the office. Oy!!! She ran out to drag him under cover as well, when a bullet ripped through her leg.

"****!!!" Jaina yelled, her eyes narrowing to slits as she went down. So much for perfect English ediquette.

The sniper had shot twice; It knew about which area he was. It took only a second for the Scarab to find him, and to start "digging" into his mind, mixing and rearranging functions and thoughts all together like some sort of mental slushie. The result wasn't going to be pretty.

((Yes, she's po'd. ninja ))  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:57 pm
[[I see ^^]]

I closed my eyes and dropped my head back as I heard a scream, I knew he was dead. The chief was trying to wake me up, but I just couldn't open my eyes, as worried as I was about Jaina and the others, it seemed like all my body wanted to do was sleep.

"Seto!!!" Lai shouted and ran over to me, he grabbed my hand and shook it quite a lot, but I didn't respond. I can't even remember the rest.

((Now I'll switch over to third person. I just wanted to try first person out. Turned out pretty good too huh?))  

[b u n n y]

Angel of Flames2

PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:46 am
((Twas quite good whee I'm going to skip foward in time a bit... to the hospital))
Dear Ven,

What started out as the oddest day of my life turned out like a scene from one of those old action/drama movies we used to watch. I went to this girls house (Falina Hawking was her name) and it was surrounded by police tape. Then, this guy stepped out of the house and I swear to Ra, he looked just like you did before you dyed your hair. Well, he was a bit taller, and he was a cop, but the face was almost alike. His name is Seto Kaiba.
Anyways, it turned out that Falina was murdered over a Millenium Book, which seems to have the ability to show off a persons most powerful memories of their past. I saw Seto's parents dead on the floor.
Oh! Before all the memory, I met the kid with the millenium Locket, Lai. I also met Seto's brother, Micheal, but I heard one of the visitors call him Mokuba.
So, we see Seto's memory, and then Seto is shot by a sniper. I dive under cover, but I go back out to get Mickey (another name the visitors call him) and I get shot in the leg. Of all the places to get shot, I get shot in the same leg that I broke that one day at the orphanage. So, I yell a word that would have gotten me locked in a closet for a month, and the Scarab does it's thing on the snipers mind. I don't know what it did, but I think that it was the same thing that happened to that cop that tried to kill me.
Anyways, it's been three days, and Seto hasn't woken up yet. I'm really worried about him. They won't tell me where he was shot, but he's got a load of wires and sensors stuck all over him. Even Thrawn (who hides under my bed so he won't get dragged away) acts worried. I hope he wakes up soon...

Seto!!! Wake up!! Please?! Jaina was leaning over Seto's hospital bed, three days after the snipper shot.

"Seto... Micheal's here to see you... and Lai... please wake up?" Jaina whispered close to Seto's ear, which was as close as she could get. Trying to stay upright with one crutch wasn't Jaina's favored way of getting around, but her leg just wouldn't support her. The doctor said that she would have a limp for the rest of her life. It also didn't help that Jaina had to hobble around in a hospital gown and robe.  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 9:46 am
Seto's eye were closed shut, sometimes he would slightly moan a bit, but not enough for her to notice. Lai sat in a chair by the wall, witha look of worry on his face, "Is he gonna be okay?" Lai asked in a shaky voice.

The doctor walked into the room, coat and all, "Ah, I see you're up and about Jaina. Seto's pumped full of morphine and sleeping meds right now, so I wouldn't expect to wake up for a few more hours. You know we had to dig around for that bullet for three hours, only to find out we should've left it in. We had to stich up part of his left lung, and THEN we noticed four feet of his small intestine was dying too! How long he knew that is anyone's guess, but anyway, he's gonna be alseep for a while."  

[b u n n y]

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 11:03 am
((sorry for the delayed post sweatdrop Im going to do a backtrack on Mokubas actions throughout the RP, dont worry about answerign those. The last bit of my post will be the present))

Mokuba smiled at his brother, and looked curiously at the boy scrambling about. He was a little confused on what was wrong with the boy. He soon realized onc ethe items were brought to the topic. His brother had told him a great deal about the items, but he decided to remain quiet. It seemed his brother was back to work again, and he always stayed out of Setos way when he was working. Thta was just how he was, his brothers job was vey important and he didn't want to get in the way. Before he could reply to his brother about school he was dragged into his office.

Once inside he took a seat, listening carefully to all they were talking about. He began to feel sorry for the young boy, he felt that once before. He smiled at his brothers actions, he always was good with children. Then the moment turned serious once more, when they spoke about the book. After he gave his brother his oreder of food he apporched the book as well. Looking at in intently, wondering what was going to be inside. No one was offereing to open it, neither was he. When Seto took it upon himself to open the book,. he stood close, gripping his free hand. But then the book open.

He fell back with Seto, cutting off any circulation to his hand. Witness ing what he was to young to see once before. Tears streamed freely from his face, but his face remained in a shock state. When the image vanished, he gripped onto his brother tightly, remembering the loud crys he made during that event. It seemed memories he should not have remembered had returned to him. He trembled into his brother, letting go so Seto could stand up, he was crying as well. Then, a loud crash echoed through the room. He looked around, not sure what happend. Then he saw his brother laying on the floor. "Seto!" he cried trying to reach his brother. The sniper took aim at the young boy, until Janie got in the way. He was inches away from his brother ebfore being pulled back under the wooden desk, Janie getting shot not to far from him. All he could do was cry his brothers name, helpless to do anything.


It's been three days, I haven't satopped crying. Every moment I have spent beside my brothers bed. I haven't slept, eaten or even made daily trips to the restroom. Everything was on my brother, I was awake when I was sure the others had been asleep. But only caring about my brother, I could give less then a damn about the others at this moment. If he were to die, there would be nothing left for me, or of me. I have made daily conversations with my brother, just in case he were to be in a coma. I was not sure of it though, I wasn't a doctor. I couldn't even help my brother much at the office. Once I am older though, I will work alongside my brother. Going through it all together. I could hear the doctor talking, though I couldn't seem to keep attention on him. Hearing enough to know about my brother, I continued to gaze at him. It's hard to be strong at times like this, I wasn't certain on my brothers outcome. Leaning from my chair I kissed my brothers smooth cheek with butterfly like touch. The kiss said all the words I wanted to say to him, hopefully that was enough.

(( I attempted at a new style of first person perspective. Its new for me, so if its not all that great, sorry sweatdrop ))
PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 11:24 am
[[That's great Inu! XD]]

Lai got off of his chair and walked over to Mokuba, "Sorry about your brother, Mikey." he said sheepishly. He looked to the side, then at Seto, "I really hope he makes it." Lai smiled a bit, "Then we can all be friends, right?"  

[b u n n y]

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 4:08 pm
It was growing harder to cry, no matter how much I wished to. My whole life I have been the quiet type, I usually dont talk to many people. Yet many people never talked ot me neither. My brother was all I had, and I wasn't ready to loose him, not ever. He was all I have ever had to my name, he was my mother, my father and my brother. He was even my most dearest friend, to sum it up he was everything. It's never easy to loose everything you have without anything, theres not much left to live for. After my lips left his cheek, my hand took his as I continued to sit there. My eyes were fixed on him the whole time.

A sudden touch upon my shoulder caught my attention, the hand belonged to Lai. His hand was warm, yet I still showed little to no emotion to his touch. He was a nice boy, but in my brothers predictiment I didn't care much for anything else. I was hoping Lai understood my loss of words or caring. Not to leave him hanging I gave a small nod, saying all that there was need to be said. It was still wierd to hear the word "friend" come from someone I hardly knew at all. A friend would be a nice change, it may make me a little less dependant on my brother. Though he would always me everything to me, a friend may loosen me up. I never was an angry person, or a loner. I did talk to few occasionaly, anyone who tried that is. If I had people to talk to, I would be quiet the social butterfly I'm sure. To give Lai a little more encouragement, a little more trust in me, I gave him a small smile.

Then I turned back to my brothers bed, gazing at him again. I had to admit, my brother was the most handsome thing I have ever seen. It always surprised me that he had never had a girlfriend, or a boyfriend, to me it never really mattered. Things like that never brothered me, after all the cases my brother has had, you become use to what is out there. I'm pretty sure me and my brother have seen it all twice before. My thumb slowly subconicously rubbed against his hand. His skin smooth, yet possessing that rough texture, giving him a sence of strength which I admired. My eyes began to droop slightly, twitching in a attempt to stay open. It was almost as if I was afraid to sleep, to wake up and him be gone, hand in hand.

Soon the nurse entered the room, looking at me with a sigh. "Child, you should sleep. Or at least eat something, you haven't eaten in days. At the rate your going you may die by his side." she stated by the doorframe. I could understand her concern, but like before, I didn't really care. "I have drinken water..I'm not all that hungry." I replied coldly to the women in white. Her eyes became passionate, filled to the brim with pity. "Please child..don't waste away by his bedside." she whispered, chocked up by my appearence. She had a point, it seemed as if I was waisting away beside him. I couldn't deny it, I didn't want to arouse attention around me. Constant attention and pity always made me feel unconfortable and pathetic. With a sigh, I hang my head with a nod. "Alright..I'll have something..anything is fine. I can eat anything." I replied.

The nurse just smiled before taking her leave. That was all I had to say, before resting my head on my brothers chest softly. Making sure I didn't cause him anymore damage or disconfort. I still fought to stay awake in the confort of my brother.

((Wow, I like this style, I have been more descriptive talking in first person ^.^ ))  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:19 pm
((I'll stick to the 3rd person for now sweatdrop ))

Jaina was trying not to cry. She wasn't used to this much emotional display by other people.
Comeon Jai... keep it together... these people don't care...
"I-I'll be back..." Jaina muttered as she left the room and hobbled down the hall. She really did have to visit the loo, but she also needed to get away to keep herself emotionaly together. She'd known Seto really only a few hours before he had been shot, but she was really worried about him. Jaina wasn't even sure why; she just knew that she didn't want Seto to die.
She hobbled back after a few minutes, and took up residence in a corner of the room near Seto's bed.

((Hehe... english slang is funny^^ ))  

Angel of Flames2

[b u n n y]

PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:08 pm
[[echk.... I g2g to bed, but I'll post tommarrow around three in pasific time.]]  
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