Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:17 pm
Zahariah's Stats Strength: 100% Courage: 100% Speed: 100% Intelligence: 100% Luck: 100% Stamina: 100%
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:20 pm
Name: Zahariah Meaning: N/A RP Color: dark gray Found: June 29, 2006
Gender: Male Breed: Spirited Element: Earth Temperament: Charming
Mate: Obsydian Offspring: First Batch: Jaziel, Zaicate Second Batch: Obsianus, Zaria, Zaniel Third Batch: Zevryn , Ozvala, Zarian Adopted Offspring: Christabel
Likes: Strength, Endurance, Family, Exploring Dislikes: Weak soquilis, Being confined in tight places, Inability to go anywhere
Personality: Zahariah is a very charming male with a silver tongue, knowing how to manipulate and charm the fur right off the females so it makes him quite dangerous to be around. This male always find humor in almost everything and believes that the life is too short, hence the jokes and puns that always escapes his mouth along with goofy antics. Zahariah is one very flirty male and will flirt with anything, regardless the gender so don't mind him when you finally do meet him. However, he is not just a charming rogue that flirts with everyone.. more you get to know him, you will discover that he is a hardheaded stubborn male that will not budge whenever he gets his mind set on something. He also have a temper that is like a slow brewing volcano, once it blows up, his sharp tongue comes into the play with possibly claws and fangs as well.
History: This stallion have wandered into Kawani lands in a futile search for his family that have scattered into the four winds after a kalona raid which nearly cost some of his family's lives when they tried to fight them off which instilled a hatred for kalona in this stallion. Living on his own for a good while, Zahariah started to explore the Kawani lands and encountered a large stallion of a species he despises, named Windflame but there were an instant chemistry attraction between those stallions which caused Zahariah to really do some self-searching to figure out what is going on with him because he figured that he was just attracted to females, nothing more than that. Zahariah decided to engage in some flirting which caused things to go into the area he wasn't familiar with when it comes to Windflame so he ran away from the entire situation. Bumping into a surly black stallion named Rahu, Zahariah wanted to 'vent' and feel better so he started to flirt with Rahu outrageously which pissed Rahu off. It started a rivalry between them that contiunes on down the lineage until Zaicate and Shizuka stopped that rivalry.
Weeks after that situation happened, Zahariah can't seem to get Windflame out of his mind while he is patrolling around the territory he thought he claimed but a fiery black female with moonstone mane and tail proved him wrong and it resulted in few days of fighting with each other and uneasy truce because Zahariah was limping and couldn't contiune the battle. They got to talking and realized that they have intense feelings about each other which Zahariah readily accepted so they became mates and owners of that large patch of land they originally fought over. On one of his patrols around the terrority, he discovered a lone golden tiger striped basket near a dense jungle thicket and he couldn't find any signs of the basket's parents around so he took it back with him to Obsydian where they immediately adopted it as their own. Shortly after that, Obsydian found herself pregnant and gave birth to two females and Zahariah was over the moon about it. Zahariah threw his entire being in raising his children along with being a perfect mate for Obsydian. He noticed that he have changed tremendously after he met Obsydian and started their own family.
There were several rough patches over the course of relationship due to either Zahariah needing break or Obsydian being temperamental and wanting to get away for awhile which caused a break in the mateship few times but it doesn't last that long. They always find their way back to each other and discover that their love and passion burns stronger than ever. Over the course of that, they produced two more batches of children, more temperamental and fiesty than the previous one. Zahariah is a very dedicated and protective father that would go the distance for his children along with their children along with being a dedicated and loving mate to Obsydian.
A proud patriarch of Striped Gemstone family, Zahariah is proud of how far their family have come and all of the obstacles they have overcome with surefire certainty that things will be all right in the end.Divider  Divider 
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:21 pm
Name: Storm Images: Cert - Uncert RP Color: dark gray
Gender: Male Breed: Wolf Temperament:
Mate: Lineage: N/A
Found: Bonded: Zahariah Personality:
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:26 pm
Zahariah -=- Parents: -=-Siblings: (coming) -=-Adopted Siblings: Frosta, Snowlily
-=- Mate: Obsydian -=-Offspring: First Batch: Jaziel, Zaicate Second Batch: Obsianus, Zaria, Zaniel Third Batch: Zevryn , Ozvala, Zarian -=- Adopted Offspring: Christabel
-=- Grandkids: Jaziel + Trevor - Jazivera, Rune Zaicate + Shizuka Tsuyoi - Arashi, Zerachiel, Reizt Zaria + Pilgrim - Zainan, Zaiden Christabel + Besyrwan - Meshach, Roweniya, Heather, Edrian, Noa
-=- Great Grandkids: Aciano + Rune - Keelin, Ruzena , & Alon Kanti + Zerachiel - Zanti, Zera Saffron, Kajika Zuya River Gypsy + Meshach - Air Gypsy, Gypsy Cloud, Gypsy Ghost, Phantom Gypsy, Gypsy Spirit
-=-Great Great GrandKids: Keelin + Jack Baliey - Trace Bailey, Trent
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:27 pm
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:28 pm
Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:25 am
Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:26 am
Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:27 am
Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:28 am
Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:29 am
Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:33 am
Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:35 am
Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:37 am
Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:38 am