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May Open/Edited 2016 Singles Mixer WINNERS ON 4TH POST! Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 8 ... 18 19 20 21 [>] [>>] [»|]

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Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 2:32 am

Username: Yayoi

Handsome Hunks

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Gunju (Yayoi)

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid | Markings | Feral (purewalker only) )
pregnant stage (female only): No thanks

Co Ownership?: --
Teepees: Mine

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid:

Throwbacks?: Sure if you want tho hes a G1
---Link to previous Generations:

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Nikolai (Yayoi)

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid | Markings | Feral (purewalker only) )
pregnant stage (female only): No thanks

Co Ownership?: --
Teepees: Mine

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid:

Throwbacks?: Sure
---Link to previous Generations:
Mother x Father
Grandmother x Grandfather
PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 4:33 am

Username: -Diamond-Elephant-

Lovely Ladies

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure!
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Go ahead!

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Hanae (-Diamond-Elephant-)

User Image
pregnant stage (female only): I want one

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Link

Same Breed Variants: Sure. ovo
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: No thank you.
---Link to previous Generations: N/A


Dapper Mage

11,100 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Battle: Mage 100


High-functioning Hellraiser

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 5:37 am

Username: Ririka

Lovely Ladies

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yed
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Sancta Simplicitas (Ririka)

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Here

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid: Hippogryph beak

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations: N/A

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Akilah (Ririka)

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Here

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid: Hippo beak and Suti loop horns

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:
PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 5:41 am

Username: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko

Lovely Ladies

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Maleficarum (Kitsune Mistress Nyoko)

User Image
pregnant stage (female only): I want one

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: [Kelpi] Original gliding fins, Original head & cheek fins, Original back fin, Original scales, Original leg fins, Original tail; [Unicorn] Male beard; [Kirin] Forward branching horn; [Flutter] Beetlebaby antenna, Clickbeetle buggy antenna, Stag night antenna; [Kalona] Devil horns 1, Devil tail 1, Demon tail, Wing style 1, Wing style 2; [Angeni] Wing style 1; [Ulun'suti] Spiked stinger club, Smooth stinger club, Small club, Looped horn; [Mutant] Old feline feet

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Ether Sunspot (Kitsune Mistress Nyoko)

User Image
pregnant stage (female only): I want one

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: [Kelpi] Original gliding fins, Original head & cheek fins, Original back fin, Original scales, Original leg fins, Original tail; [Unicorn] Male beard; [Kirin] Forward branching horn; [Flutter] Beetlebaby antenna, Clickbeetle buggy antenna, Stag night antenna; [Kalona] Devil horns 1, Devil tail 1, Demon tail, Wing style 1, Wing style 2; [Angeni] Wing style 1; [Ulun'suti] Spiked stinger club, Smooth stinger club, Small club, Looped horn; [Mutant] Old feline feet

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:
Ether Sunspot
-Father, Mother
--Grandfather, Grandmother
---Great Grandfather, Great Grandmother
----Great-Great Grandfather, Great-Great Grandmother, Great-Great Grandfather, Great-Great Grandmother
-----Great-Great-Great Grandfather, Great-Great-Great Grandmother

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Inari (Kitsune Mistress Nyoko)

User Image
UNCERT (Nekkid)
pregnant stage (female only): I want one

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: [Kelpi] Original gliding fins, Original head & cheek fins, Original back fin, Original scales, Original leg fins, Original tail; [Unicorn] Male beard; [Kirin] Forward branching horn; [Flutter] Beetlebaby antenna, Clickbeetle buggy antenna, Stag night antenna; [Kalona] Devil horns 1, Devil tail 1, Demon tail, Wing style 1, Wing style 2; [Angeni] Wing style 1; [Ulun'suti] Spiked stinger club, Smooth stinger club, Small club, Looped horn; [Mutant] Old feline feet

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations: N/A

Kitsune Mistress Nyoko


Shameless Elocutionist


Fanatical Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 5:50 am

Username: stormflower

Lovely Ladies

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Sure

Unedited?: Nope

Entry Code:
Lady Arachne "Lattie" (stormflower)

User Image
pregnant stage (female only): I want one

Co Ownership?:
Teepees: Here

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid: n/a

Throwbacks?: Sure
---Link to previous Generations:

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?:Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Sure

Unedited?: Nope

Entry Code:
Niamh (stormflower)

User Image
pregnant stage (female only): I want one

Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: Here

Same Breed Variants: sure
---Templates to Avoid: n/a

Throwbacks?: Sure
---Link to previous Generations: n/a

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: sure

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Inana (stormflower & [strike]Malikztiah Ankhere[/strike])

User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid
pregnant stage (female only): I want one

Co Ownership?: here-Malik isnt getting baskets from this breeding but I have the right to co-own one with her
Teepees: Here

Same Breed Variants: sure
---Templates to Avoid: n/a

Throwbacks?: Sure
---Link to previous Generations: n/a

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: sure

Unedited?: Nope

Entry Code:
Kachina Amachi (stormflower)

User Image
pregnant stage (female only): I want one

Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: Here

Same Breed Variants: sure
---Templates to Avoid: n/a

Throwbacks?: Sure
---Link to previous Generations: She is a mock breeding but here is her lineage even so Mom-Melody Dad-Mecho and Mecho's customed parents Almase and Sabras Amachi and Sabras's customed Father Fallo Amachi
PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 5:54 am

Username: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko

Handsome Hunks

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Azazel (Kitsune Mistress Nyoko)

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: [Kelpi] Original gliding fins, Original head & cheek fins, Original back fin, Original scales, Original leg fins, Original tail; [Unicorn] Male beard; [Kirin] Forward branching horn; [Flutter] Beetlebaby antenna, Clickbeetle buggy antenna, Stag night antenna; [Kalona] Devil horns 1, Devil tail 1, Demon tail, Wing style 1, Wing style 2; [Angeni] Wing style 1; [Ulun'suti] Spiked stinger club, Smooth stinger club, Small club, Looped horn; [Mutant] Old feline feet

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:
-Father, Mother
--Grandfather, Grandmother

Short Summary of their plotline: He was born and now he's looking to make his mark on the world... Somehow. He'll figure it out, he's sure.

What is their personality? In just a few words Azazel can be described as difficult to manage, hard to predict, and displaying mania that oftentimes just skirts the edge of violence. He finds beauty in the grotesque and obscene and finds normality utterly abhorrent. And as if that weren't enough, during his youth he has absorbed the idea that Kalona and their offspring are inherently superior to other soquili, and often looks upon those without Kalona blood with something akin to mixed disgust and pity. His own Hippogryph blood arguably makes him even more dangerous than a full blooded Kalona, given his sharp talons and the fact he isn't hesitant to use them should his more vicious instincts be triggered.

Does the soquili have a profession? Aside from wandering crazy person? Not really.

What are their family dynamics? For the most part, Azazel's family is... Well, different. His parents displayed no affection for one another despite the fact they could arguably be considered a fairly monogamous couple while raising their kids, and most interaction between them was antagonistic. They never taught the concept of love to him or his siblings, so the closest he will likely ever come to it is a deep rooted obsession with a singular soquili - but even that is unlikely, as he isn't particularly monogamous. In fact, it's entirely likely that anyone Azazel flings with he will abandon and never try to find again.

The only instance he would stick around is if they struck him as special in some way. His relationship with any children he sired would be one of distant regard. He'd look at them primarily as a way to build his own influence, and would completely ignore any child he saw as a disappointment. In this case, it would arguably be better for the mother to keep him away from the children given his tendency to switch from pleasantly manipulative to downright violent at the drop of a hat. Any children he had likely wouldn't be completely safe with him until they were adults.

Traditions: Does kalona supremacy count as a tradition? No?
Herd/Family Culture: Azazel is fairly loosely affiliated with the Mazoku. His mother was never an official member nor did she ever officially join, but his father was born in and passed on many of their beliefs to his children. The ways of the Mazoku are simple: You do not love. You do not feel compassion. You live off the suffering of others. Finally, above all else, you seek the destruction of the world itself.
Religious Beliefs: Azazel holds no personal religious beliefs.

Picky Single
Are there any species your soquili will not want to breed with during CCs?: Azazel is pretty heavily a Kalona-supremacist, and as a general rule would only really take interest in ladies with obvious Kalona blood or who are pretty creepy in appearance. But what he outright would not ever breed with is a girl with obvious Angeni blood.

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Naberius (Kitsune Mistress Nyoko)

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: [Kelpi] Original gliding fins, Original head & cheek fins, Original back fin, Original scales, Original leg fins, Original tail; [Unicorn] Male beard; [Kirin] Forward branching horn; [Flutter] Beetlebaby antenna, Clickbeetle buggy antenna, Stag night antenna; [Kalona] Devil horns 1, Devil tail 1, Demon tail, Wing style 1, Wing style 2; [Angeni] Wing style 1; [Ulun'suti] Spiked stinger club, Smooth stinger club, Small club, Looped horn; [Mutant] Old feline feet

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:

Kitsune Mistress Nyoko


Shameless Elocutionist


Fanatical Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 5:58 am

Username: stormflower

Handsome Hunks

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: yep

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Alesdair Mahoney (stormflower)

User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid)

Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: Here

Same Breed Variants: sure
---Templates to Avoid: nope

Throwbacks?: sure
---Link to previous Generations: n/a
PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 6:28 am

Username: She-Ra of Etheria

Lovely Ladies

Heeey baby, I'm a Usdia, what's your sign?
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: Yes
Entry Code:
Synestra (She-Ra of Etheria)

User Image
pregnant stage (female only): I have one already

Co Ownership?:N/A
Teepees: Here

Same Breed Variants: No
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: No
---Link to previous Generations: N/A

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No
Entry Code:
Eudora (She-Ra of Etheria)

User Image
pregnant stage (female only): I want one

Co Ownership?:N/A
Teepees: Here

Same Breed Variants: No
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: No
---Link to previous Generations: N/A

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No
Entry Code:
Liella (She-Ra of Etheria)

User Image
pregnant stage (female only): I want one

Co Ownership?:N/A
Teepees: Here

Same Breed Variants: No
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: No
---Link to previous Generations: N/A

She-Ra of Etheria


PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 6:44 am

Username: Lunadriel

Lovely Ladies

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Resurrection Sinclair (Lunadriel)

User Image
pregnant stage (female only): I want one

Co Ownership?: No
Teepees: [x]

Same Breed Variants: No
---Templates to Avoid:

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:
Arcadia Sinclair x Vapor
Zachariel x Aresenciel
Great Grandparents:
Sangria x Hesedial
Akari x Lollipop Paint Shop
Great-great Grandparents:
Lucifer x Narcissa
Relic x Jessamine
Candy Carosel x Crea Tion

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Ceremony (Lunadriel)

User Image
pregnant stage (female only): I want one

Co Ownership?: No
Teepees: [x]

Same Breed Variants: No
---Templates to Avoid:

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations: 1st Gen
PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 6:47 am

Username: Lunadriel

Handsome Hunks

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Kodama (Lunadriel)

User Image

Co Ownership?: No
Teepees: [x]

Same Breed Variants: No
---Templates to Avoid:

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations: 1st Gen

List of Connected Soquili

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Vapor (Lunadriel)

User Image

Co Ownership?: No
Teepees: [x]

Same Breed Variants: No
---Templates to Avoid:

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations: 1st Gen

Heeey baby, I'm a Usdia, what's your sign?

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Oshin (Lunadriel)

User Image

Co Ownership?: No
Teepees: [x]

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid:

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations: 1st Gen

List of Connected Soquili


xxx Yuki Bear xxx

Rampaging Bear

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 6:57 am

Username: xxx Yuki Bear xxx

Handsome Hunks

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Mest (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: [X]

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: [Regular] Female Medium, Cropped, Short Hair templates / Male Long 1, Short Hair templates [Cerynei] Alert Tail, Sturdy Foot [Wind] All wings except Heron and Zac's updated Original wings[Kelpi] Original Gliding Fins, Original Leg/Back/Cheek Fins + Scales [Unicorn] Templated Beard [Kalona] Old Demon Tail, Wing Style 1

Throwbacks?: No
---Link to previous Generations: N/A

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Tiptoe (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: [X]

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: [Regular] Female Medium, Cropped, Short Hair templates / Male Long 1, Short Hair templates [Cerynei] Alert Tail, Sturdy Foot [Wind] All wings except Heron and Zac's updated Original wings[Kelpi] Original Gliding Fins, Original Leg/Back/Cheek Fins + Scales [Unicorn] Templated Beard [Kalona] Old Demon Tail, Wing Style 1

Throwbacks?: No
---Link to previous Generations: N/A
PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 7:00 am

Username: DarkenWoofWolf

Lovely Ladies

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes, please quote if you are able. <3
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Myst (DarkenWoodWolf)

User Image
pregnant stage (female only): I want one

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: LInk

Same Breed Variants: Yes.
---Templates to Avoid:
Female Mane: Crimped, Short, Curly, Curly 2, Medium, Weaved, adn Glamrock. Male Mane: Curly, Weaved, Crimped, and Glam Punk. Female Tail: Curly, Curly 2, Medium, Long Air Tail, and Weaved.
Male Tail: Curly, Weaved, and Bob tail.
Quilin: Eyes, Either Tail style, and whiskers.
Usidia Mane: Male: Curly, Medium, Long 1; Female: Medium, Curly.
Usidia Tail: Male: Curly, Medium, Long 2; Female: Long 2, Curly.

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations: 1st Gen. Have fun!

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes, please quote if you are able. <3
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Eroas (DarkenWoodWolf)

User Image
UNCERT | Nekkid
pregnant stage (female only): I want one

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: LInk

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid:
Unicorn: Male Beard, Karkdann style horn.
Wind: Type 3 - Eagle style wings.
Hippogryph: Mane (male and female): Floppy; Tail (male and female): Elegant and Display - Full; Beak, Leg Scales,
Kirin: Alt. Style tail.
Kalona: Devil Horns 1, Demon Horns 1, Demon Horns 2, Wing style 1, Wing Style 2, Cat 'o' Nine tail, Demon Tail.
Ulun'suti: Big mouth/jaw, Ear frills, Last three style tails, clubbed? (sorry, can't read the info on my tablet), the check and head frills (again, can't read it. T.T)
Kelpi: Orignal Style Fins, Original Style Tail, Scales, Head and Cheek Fins, Orca Tail, Orca Dorsal Fin, Flippers.
Female Mane: Crimped, Short, Curly, Curly 2, Medium, Weaved, adn Glamrock. Male Mane: Curly, Weaved, Crimped, and Glam Punk. Female Tail: Curly, Curly 2, Medium, Long Air Tail, and Weaved.
Male Tail: Curly, Weaved, and Bob tail.

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations: 1st Gen -- Have fun!

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes, please quote if you are able. <3
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Saido (owners)

User Image
pregnant stage (female only): I want one

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: LInk

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid:
Unicorn: Male Beard, Karkdann style horn.
Wind: Type 3 - Eagle style wings.
Hippogryph: Mane (male and female): Floppy; Tail (male and female): Elegant and Display - Full; Beak, Leg Scales,
Kirin: Alt. Style tail.
Kalona: Devil Horns 1, Demon Horns 1, Demon Horns 2, Wing style 1, Wing Style 2, Cat 'o' Nine tail, Demon Tail.
Ulun'suti: Big mouth/jaw, Ear frills, Last three style tails, clubbed? (sorry, can't read the info on my tablet), the check and head frills (again, can't read it. T.T)
Kelpi: Orignal Style Fins, Original Style Tail, Scales, Head and Cheek Fins, Orca Tail, Orca Dorsal Fin, Flippers.
Female Mane: Crimped, Short, Curly, Curly 2, Medium, Weaved, adn Glamrock. Male Mane: Curly, Weaved, Crimped, and Glam Punk. Female Tail: Curly, Curly 2, Medium, Long Air Tail, and Weaved.
Male Tail: Curly, Weaved, and Bob tail.

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations: 1st Gen - Have fun


Antagonistic Strategist


Enduring Werewolf

10,275 Points
  • Team Edward 100
  • Object of Affection 150
  • Team Jacob 100
PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 7:11 am

Username: Syaoran-Puu

Lovely Ladies

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure. Go crazy.
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Sure

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Torn (Syaoran-Puu)

User Image
UNCERT (optional: Markings | Foal)
pregnant stage (female only): I'd like one, but I am not too worried if this isn't possible.

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Homeward Bound

Same Breed Variants: Have fun!
---Templates to Avoid: Any is fine..... just have fun.

Throwbacks?: Welcome, though she doesn't have any.
---Link to previous Generations: N/A

These kids can be rough and tumble like their parents (Scarred Parent)

Deathly White
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure. Go crazy.
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Sure

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Deathly White (Syaoran-Puu)

User Image
pregnant stage (female only): I'd like one, but I am not too worried if this isn't possible.

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Homeward Bound

Same Breed Variants: Have fun!
---Templates to Avoid: Any is fine..... just have fun.

Throwbacks?: Welcome, though she doesn't have any.
---Link to previous Generations: N/A

Total: 2/5
PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 7:17 am

Username: xxx Yuki Bear xxx

Lovely Ladies

Heeey baby, I'm an Usdia, what's your sign?
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Ursula (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: [X]

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: Draft Usdia, Usdia Leg up

Throwbacks?: No
---Link to previous Generations: N/A


Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Death to My Foes "Jellyfish" (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: [X]

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: [Regular] Female Medium, Cropped, Short Hair templates / Male Long 1, Short Hair templates [Cerynei] Alert Tail, Sturdy Foot [Wind] All wings except Heron and Zac's updated Original wings[Kelpi] Original Gliding Fins, Original Leg/Back/Cheek Fins + Scales [Unicorn] Templated Beard [Kalona] Old Demon Tail, Wing Style 1

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations: Mest x Lazarus


Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Jasmine (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)

User Image
pregnant stage: I have one

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: [X]

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: [Regular] Female Medium, Cropped, Short Hair templates / Male Long 1, Short Hair templates [Cerynei] Alert Tail, Sturdy Foot [Wind] All wings except Heron and Zac's updated Original wings[Kelpi] Original Gliding Fins, Original Leg/Back/Cheek Fins + Scales [Unicorn] Templated Beard [Kalona] Old Demon Tail, Wing Style 1

Throwbacks?: No
---Link to previous Generations: N/A

xxx Yuki Bear xxx

Rampaging Bear


Antagonistic Strategist

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 7:20 am

Username: DarkenWoodWolf

Handsome Hunks

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes, quote if you are able please <3
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Raito (DarkenWoodWolf)

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Link

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid:
Unicorn: Male Beard, Karkdann style horn.
Wind: Type 3 - Eagle style wings.
Hippogryph: Mane (male and female): Floppy; Tail (male and female): Elegant and Display - Full; Beak, Leg Scales,
Kirin: Alt. Style tail.
Kalona: Devil Horns 1, Demon Horns 1, Demon Horns 2, Wing style 1, Wing Style 2, Cat 'o' Nine tail, Demon Tail.
Ulun'suti: Big mouth/jaw, Ear frills, Last three style tails, clubbed? (sorry, can't read the info on my tablet), the check and head frills (again, can't read it. T.T)
Kelpi: Orignal Style Fins, Original Style Tail, Scales, Head and Cheek Fins, Orca Tail, Orca Dorsal Fin, Flippers.
Female Mane: Crimped, Short, Curly, Curly 2, Medium, Weaved, adn Glamrock. Male Mane: Curly, Weaved, Crimped, and Glam Punk. Female Tail: Curly, Curly 2, Medium, Long Air Tail, and Weaved.
Male Tail: Curly, Weaved, and Bob tail.

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations: 1st Gen, Have fun!

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes, quote if you are able please <3
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Veluri Sinat'lis (DarkenWoodWolf)

User Image
UNCERT | Nekkid

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Link

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid:
Unicorn: Male Beard, Karkdann style horn.
Wind: Type 3 - Eagle style wings.
Hippogryph: Mane (male and female): Floppy; Tail (male and female): Elegant and Display - Full; Beak, Leg Scales,
Kirin: Alt. Style tail.
Kalona: Devil Horns 1, Demon Horns 1, Demon Horns 2, Wing style 1, Wing Style 2, Cat 'o' Nine tail, Demon Tail.
Ulun'suti: Big mouth/jaw, Ear frills, Last three style tails, clubbed? (sorry, can't read the info on my tablet), the check and head frills (again, can't read it. T.T)
Kelpi: Orignal Style Fins, Original Style Tail, Scales, Head and Cheek Fins, Orca Tail, Orca Dorsal Fin, Flippers.
Female Mane: Crimped, Short, Curly, Curly 2, Medium, Weaved, adn Glamrock. Male Mane: Curly, Weaved, Crimped, and Glam Punk. Female Tail: Curly, Curly 2, Medium, Long Air Tail, and Weaved.
Male Tail: Curly, Weaved, and Bob tail.

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:Veluri Father Veluri Mother
Breeding Thickets

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