Link to Breeding Agreement:[ X ] ---Lifemate?: No.
RP Approved?: No. Low Luck?: No.
Growth Stage Omission: N/A
list of attempts
Same Breed Variants: Yes. ---Templates to Avoid:
Throwbacks?: ---Link to previous Generations: However, I'd like to imagine Yrsa's mother as a bear-pawed mare, and her father as a pure Ulun'suti (if that gives you any help).
Same Breed Variants: Yes (Newer feline paws are loved!) ---Templates to Avoid: See under the spoiler!
Mane Styles
Cropped Bangs Medium Male Long 1 Knots (Any Variation) UNLESS combined with another hair style Tight Braid (Any Variation) The Long Braid template spliced to hang down on each side of the head and connect under the chin
Tail Styles
Medium Bob
Old Canine Pelt Old Canine Feral Forms
Trading Post Items
Tiki Shell Necklace Hairbow Blankets Hoods Tabards Saddles Bows Ribbons Lanterns Feather Cape Feather Caplet on Winged Soquili (unless it can fit without looking weird, Ie. wing joint sitting on top of the cape)
~*~ I want my Skinwalker pairing to have a chance to be CCed! ~*~
-------QUESTIONNAIRE------ It is required to answer these questions to have a chance. We WILL work with you so you can understand where you got it wrong if you do get it wrong so you can fix it.
Question: If someone you wish to breed your skinwalker with insists on all three breedings being together, how would you explain this in story canon? And How should this be handled in breeding forms? Answer: Well... first, it's extremely unlikely that I'd agree to it, especially without good plot to go along with it. I just don't play my skinwalkers that way. I suppose I could explain it in one of three ways. One, two skinwalkers could agree that no one else are as powerful as they are; breeding with any lesser soquili or other skinwalkers would be a waste of their power, therefor decide that only breeding with each other would result in powerful foals to cause more chaos and destruction to the world. Of course, skinwalkers can't really form bonds with others, so it's likely that there would be a lot of fighting between the two and not at all a happy relationship. Secondly, a skinwalker could form a possessiveness over another skinwalker, not a bond of love or friendship or anything positive, but out of pure greed, objectifying the other skinwalker as an object to be owned and becoming violent when the other skinwalker tried to escape. The other skinwalker is powerful and they want that for themselves. Third, and I think this would apply only to cursed skinwalkers, when a soquili is cursed all the feelings they had to family, friends and mate(s) become twisted. I suppose I could see a soquili who became cursed and onced loved another soquili have that emotion twisted around to something darker, again, like possessiveness. That soquili belongs to them, and if that means the cursed skinwalker has to go so far as to trap them in a pit and throw scraps of food down to them (when they feel like it), then so be it. As for breeding forms, everyone involved in the breeding will just have to fill the selective permission form out each time they breed the skinwalkers. The lifemate form is for true lifemates only -- even lovemates can't get their names on each other's certs -- and skinwalkers cannot lifemate and don't get the benefits of a lifemated couple.
Question: Do skinwalkers form family units or care what their family thinks? Answer: Nope. They are unable to form healthy and long-lasting bonds. Even if two skinwalkers (family or otherwise) try to team up for some task, they tend to just end up turning on each other instead. Skinwalkers are loners by nature.
Question: If you have a hard time RPing a skinwalker in character, what can you do?. Answer: PM an RP manager for help!
Question: Can skinwalkers be entered into Wishing Stars and if so what type? Answer: No.
Question: Skinwalkers can, on rare occasions, form packs/herds to organize an attack, but they always break apart shortly afterwards or sometimes even before they manage to stage the raid. What do you think happens to cause these breakups? Answer: Skinwalkers are unable to form bonds, and while it may be possible for them to work together occasionally, it will inevitably deteriorate into in-fighting and betrayal. By nature, they are solitary creatures and generally prefer to keep it that way.
Question: In your own words, please explain the nature of skinwalkers. Answer: Skinwalkers are the embodiment of evil -- pure, bloodthirsy, violent and cruel monsters. They do not feel love or kindness and exist purely to cause chaos, pain, fear and death. Skinwalkers are not misunderstood creatures, and can never be redeemed, saved, or cured.
Lifemate? Yes Co Ownership?:x (Theidren has no breeding rights) Teepees:LOLTERNATIVE | Malhith Throwbacks?: Yes! Go nuts. o vo b Link to previous Generations: N/A Link to Breeding Agreement:x