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When the clock strikes twelve, the school becomes Hell... 

Tags: Horror, Mystery, Story, Supernatural, Academy 

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Rush And Crush
Vice Captain

Greedy Noob

PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:13 am
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-Weigh more than 300lb-
PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 7:25 pm
xX Yennefer Xx

♕''Without power knowledge is useless, so I've heard fortunately I've both ''♕

♕ Solomon Shirahata ♕ The Azure Scourge (Adramelech)♕


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His world

♕ In another world a dimension of Adramlech creation,he sat in his scrying room. A dimly lit room with a large cauldron filled with crystal clear water that gave off a faint glow. A tall dark skin kitsune stood looking into the water spying on the unsuspecting people of Videl academy.The academy was active this stormy night Adramlech had surveyed the surrounding lands,and found that many traps are hidden everywhere. His keen eyes could see them even through the pool. A very devious individual set it up a boy with blond hair''That one held darkness in his heart he could be a useful tool some day'' he thought perhaps some day.The kitsune thoughts were turn somewhere else for a moment though did the headmaster know anything about this? Porbably too busy fumbling over his wife and their soon to be child. Remembering that it was he who had gave her that potion that fateful night,Solomon smirked one of humors evil.A passing dark thought entered his mind one of killing both Lucius and Yennfer to steal their child to raise as his own.

♕ It was a fleeting thought at best let the have thier happy ending for now,he mused though the thought of crushing that fool of a headmaster spine pleased him.'' Some day I will have your head to add to my collection of oddities Lucius'' the archdemon/spirit kitsune let it go at that. After all he could wait for now he had been watching them all for the last two weeks. Recently though he had set his eye's on the academy itself,and found that the blond child was talking to a spider woman. A new pet to add to his collection to be subjected to horrible experiments,she was a rare thing in this day and age.''This joke of a academy is not safe from itself'' thinking about the traps the boy had placed around the area. It was about that time though,he would be going out this day to meet a certain vampiress. In these conditions it did not bother him in the least a mere storm would not halt his march. ''Malice you know what to do'' as if appearing out of nowhere a dark elf woman stood behind him. ''yes my master I shall keep order while you're away'' she said respectfully with that the man was gone. A rift he tore open a gateway to the real world without a struggle.

Real World

♕ Solomon stood their basking in all of mother nature fury the storm was on in full.Thunder boomed and lightning flashed a very unusual storm,he cloud feel it in his ''ancient''bones.It is the perfect backdrop for climatic battle what manner of beast will he fight this day!?. Pointing a finger to the sky he released a beam of azure energy into the storm clouds briefly illuminating them in a azure glow. it seem to trigger the storm in some way as it grew more chaotic. It is raining cats and dogs now,but the arch-demon expression main passive as not a drop of water fell upon him. His azure aura kept that from happening,he seem out of place in this catastrophic storm so removed. Closing his eyes a look of peace crossed his handsome face deep within,he found the most purest peace of mind. To send his spiritual energy out to reach,and call forth the undead near by. After a few minutes they came zombies even undead animals which,he found some what annoying but they would be needed for triggering a trap after all.

♕ Fifteen zombies and about five specters they stood before him under his trance moaning. Their moans were lost to the storming winds however,and being under his full control they would obey his every command. Thus he did commanding about ten zombies to trigger the trap. He wondered if Vivian would meet him here in the middle of a storm sure,she is a undead creature of the night would it bother her? If so there are many ways he could ease her annoyance...many ways.

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Energy Level 300%
Mood: Calm excitement
Location: open feild
Thoughts:'' What does a beast know?''
Company: none
Solomon's Battle Theme - Counter Attack
Solomon's ''Boss''Theme - Fight To The Death

1:Spiritual Effect: His body when he allows it he can send off waves of his spiritual energy. This effect calls to the dead of the restless spirits offering them souls of the living and a chance at salvation(no real salvation for them). Solomon only deals with ghost,ghouls,specters,phantoms, Lichs etc. Any that refuses to die and has left their mortal coil are at his beck and call. He rarely uses corpses as he finds them to be inferior fodder as a ghost could do many things.The energy that emits from his body does not give off a sinister atmosphere.No to those who can feel his spiritual energy one words comes to mind...pure. That is his secret how can he be seen as a scourge if his energy is pure even when mixed with a powerful demon? Because he is in perfect balance with his powers and those pertaining to his spirit.
He can only send a horde of the these dead specters usually 20 to 50 of them lead by a powerful lich or something else of his choosing.The drawback is he can only summon three hordes in waves. One at a time and it takes him ten post to be able to do it again. If his low on energy he can summon ten specters to do his bidding. Didn't want him to able to spam it so i gave him a limit and a time limit to smooth things out a bit.

Ability 2:The Azure Point: Haven reached spiritual enlightenment in his younger years Solomon posses immense spiritual energy. This makes him a threat to everyone demon,angels,alive,undead etc. What is even more impressive is that he has infused that energy with that of an Arch-Demon. Instead of being corrupted by the ancient power he has made it his own creating the perfect blind of spiritual and demonic energy. This power is known as the Azure point a deep blue energy with a dark center. This energy allows him to go beyond the limits of his mortal body strength,defense,speed and durability are increased immensely. As far as energy projection goes he has conquered the ability to create energy based attacks and use them in many different ways.
He can channel that energy into points of his body like his fist for example striking with focused energy can be devastating to his opponent. He can make up to fifty perfect clones of himself ,well near perfect since each clone is half his strength. Though they be half his strength their is strength in numbers ,so do not take this ability too lightly because of the drawback.
For all his power he is not perfect far from it his body does have limits.
He runs off energy from his body that starts at 300% and lowers every time he uses this power. Depending on how much energy he uses the stronger it becomes. 10% = weak 15% = strong 20% = Stronger 25% = Very strong 35% = Strongest 50% = limit breaker. Limit breaker just means he broke his body limit in use of power. This means the attack will be very powerful but at the same time it damages his body greatly. He tires not to use too much energy seeing how it drains and can harm him. I will set up a energy counter for him when he fights and when his not. Another drawback is that he can have his energy drain if they have the ability to do ,so to a degree(100% energy drainage by foe) this doesn't mean energy drain attacks just flat line him ,but they can prove a problem.
(Spell❶) The flame like aura around his body covers him in azure ''flames'' increasing his attack power. Only last for Six post This doesn't mean he

(Spell❷) Using his vast energy he can create constructs form the energy itself to make barriers to block attacks or to attack with often with explosive results.)

(Spell❸) Shatter and Erupt: Solomon sends down a orb of azure energy the size of a beach ball into the earth,where it fallows the target and erupts. The power that is unleashed up heaves the ground in a massive display of sapphire light taring the ground asunder and sending forth pillars of azure like flames. Scaring the earth as it cut a blaze of destruction heading for the target.
(Spell❹) Apocalypse From The sky:Solomon shoots forth a beam of energy into the sky. Transforming the clouds to black,and large beams come crashing to the ground causing destruction where ever they land.Solomon can control where the beams can land. This move is good for causing mayhem,and for taking out a large group of foes at once.

(Spell❺) Properties of lightning: Channeling his energy with his hands to his fingers like the wizards of old. Solomon can shot forth his azure energy like a lightning like a wizard from all ten fingers. The ''lightning'' energy explode on contact.

(Spell❻) Mirror Dance:Using the vast powers of the azure point he can use that to create perfect clones of his foes. The thing that sets them apart is that their eyes are azure in color. The clones are perfect in every way to their counter parts. This move is good for diversions and also amusement.

Drawbacks: He can only create five of these clones,and they only last for eight post. They can be destroyed before than though.
(Spell❼) Portals: Solomon has the ability to create up to five portals for him to use. Using them it allows him to move about his targets in all directions,he can also send his own attacks through the portals for greater advantage. He can also use them to flee if need be.

Drawbacks: He can only keep them open for five post before they vanish needs to wait five more post to use them again.

(Spell ❽) Azure breath: Taking in a deep breath he exhales from his mouth a bluish cloud of smoke. If the target is hit they begin to hallucinate that effects are that of a strong drug effecting the mind and body. This ability comes from the long ago extinct Azure dragon a rare spell indeed.

Drawbacks: One can fight against the hallucinations and the effects of the spell if they're strong enough. The effects last for only three post.

Ability 3:Espionage
Solomon has master the art of getting into places often seal away or shut off to the world.
(Example 1Light Step: Muffles the users steps so they can sneak about more easily again those with keen hearing the sounds can be heard but muffled. This spell last for five post and can be recast after five post in recharge time)
(Example 2 Shape-Shifting Master: Has long ago master the art of shape-shifting to the point that even his scent changes. This is good for going undercover and impersonating people,but of course he doesn't do it without studying his targets. This is not a spell but an ability just added it down here since it is apart of it.)

Ability 4:The Ascension:
Despite the name he is still mortal but his power is vastly superior than before in this '''form''.Synchronizing mind,body soul,spiritual and demonic energy he becomes a force to be reckon with. His skin becomes the color of sapphire and his eyes become blue as blue as any jewel or any ocean entrancing those who look upon him. Every gold coloring start to glow giving him a other wordily looks even his tails become jet black ,but he tips glow a neon blue completing his other worldly look He only uses this form when he has to go face to face with powerful enemies that push him this far. His energy is restored and increases to 450 in this form,but can still be depleted by him using attacks.
This form as you can see is a power up for so to speak hey all the great villains have one ...since the beginning of time. Anyway all though this form makes him powerful the side effects is he can only sustain it for eight of his post. Once his out of the form his energy is near depleted (40%). If you catch can some how battle him before he escapes to recover you might have a chance to kill him. Another drawback is that the energy to use the attacks cost more to use in this form even though his attacks are stronger his energy percentage does go up. (20 30 40 50 60 70 new energy usage in this form)


The Emerald Sorcerer-l-

Distinct Tycoon

xX Yennefer Xx
Vice Captain
PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 8:32 pm
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l Mood ➤: Wet l Location ➤: Open Field l Company ➤: Solomon? l Item/s ➤: N/A

Vivian seemed lost after she finished all her chores...but one thing was for sure, the woman was STARVING!!! Vivian made her way to the forest, however she wanted to take a small detour through the open field to let her mind clear and wander. So much had happened in the past few weeks!! As she walked, the wind blew much colder, and Vivian looked up at the dark sky. Drip. A raindrop fell onto her nose. Oh no... Vivian thought as she looked around trying to find shelter... but instead a familiar figure caught her eye. Solomon...? The vampire made her way over to the figure, now drenched due to the down pour. Solomon? Why are you out here?

Current Theme ➤ Insert

The Emerald Sorcerer-l-

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 6:21 am
User Image

Vines came out from the ground and started wrapping around all the zombies, dragging them underground. When their knees reached the ground the pulled stopped before getting electrocuted that would continue for at least a few minutes or forcefully moving out of the way, the strength of the electricity got stronger thanks to the rain.

Rush And Crush
Vice Captain

Greedy Noob

The Emerald Sorcerer-l-

Distinct Tycoon

PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 11:31 pm
Rush And Crush

xX Yennefer Xx

♕''Without power knowledge is useless, so I've heard fortunately I've both ''♕

♕ Solomon Shirahata ♕ The Azure Scourge (Adramelech)♕


██ ████████████████ ---✖ ██ ████████████████ ---✖ ██ ████████████████ ---✖ ██ ████████████████ ---✖

♕ Despite the pounding of the relentless storm he heard the voice of his lover,and how could he ever not? Over these past two weeks,he had gotten to know it so much more to the point were it made him feel warm inside. Her voice,her smell,and her touch how could he ignore it at all. Solomon turn to face her his sharp gaze matching her blue eye's '' looking for a worthy experiment I apologies though for meeting you out her in such a storm.'' Though his passive expression,and tone of voice sounded as if he did not give damn,she would be able to pick up on it she was his lover after all. The hidden tone of apologies was there just buried'''I'll find away to make up for it'' he said hidden suggestions behind his cold unfeeling deep voice. Without warning he put a index finger to her forehead putting some of his aura around her to block the rain. It would feel as if there was not a storm at all raining down rain and wind upon their heads! The spirit kitsune/arch demon ignored the burning in his loins as he gazed upon her form.The water had made the white of her clothing revealing her pale flesh in alluring ways.

♕The man was hear for business not pleasure at the moment,but there was more too it though she was hear for a reason. '' Do you hunger?'' he said simply placing a hand to his neck where he remember that bite she gave him a small smirk he gave. Solomon remembered that he wanted to experience her interesting bite as a experiment things wen't well.Though deep down inside the arch demon hated being controlled '' A experiment nothing more'' he thought putting his mind at ease,he had lived far too long to have regrets. Placing a gentle hand to her stomach her womb area ''How are you feeling down their in your garden of Eden? all is well?'' before he could speak anymore on the subject the zombies were pulled into the ground. Knee deep into the earth and being electrocuted by a plant like creature..it was a sight to see.The water adding to the effect '' Hm someone had plan ahead for this the storm the electric plants a would be deadly combo'' this light show was about to come to a end. Solomon crouches down and places his hand on the earth sending forth a orb of energy into the earth. Holding back to capture this...thing to take back for further studies. The earth would shatter and erupt,so is the name sake of this attackas it headed for the plant. The zombies well it was not their day as the rest of them were ''watching''.

Ten Zombies left Five specters

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User Image

Energy Level 300%
Mood: Calm excitement
Location: open feild
Thoughts:'' What does a beast know?''
Company: none
Solomon's Battle Theme - Counter Attack
Solomon's ''Boss''Theme - Fight To The Death

1:Spiritual Effect: His body when he allows it he can send off waves of his spiritual energy. This effect calls to the dead of the restless spirits offering them souls of the living and a chance at salvation(no real salvation for them). Solomon only deals with ghost,ghouls,specters,phantoms, Lichs etc. Any that refuses to die and has left their mortal coil are at his beck and call. He rarely uses corpses as he finds them to be inferior fodder as a ghost could do many things.The energy that emits from his body does not give off a sinister atmosphere.No to those who can feel his spiritual energy one words comes to mind...pure. That is his secret how can he be seen as a scourge if his energy is pure even when mixed with a powerful demon? Because he is in perfect balance with his powers and those pertaining to his spirit.
He can only send a horde of the these dead specters usually 20 to 50 of them lead by a powerful lich or something else of his choosing.The drawback is he can only summon three hordes in waves. One at a time and it takes him ten post to be able to do it again. If his low on energy he can summon ten specters to do his bidding. Didn't want him to able to spam it so i gave him a limit and a time limit to smooth things out a bit.

Ability 2:The Azure Point: Haven reached spiritual enlightenment in his younger years Solomon posses immense spiritual energy. This makes him a threat to everyone demon,angels,alive,undead etc. What is even more impressive is that he has infused that energy with that of an Arch-Demon. Instead of being corrupted by the ancient power he has made it his own creating the perfect blind of spiritual and demonic energy. This power is known as the Azure point a deep blue energy with a dark center. This energy allows him to go beyond the limits of his mortal body strength,defense,speed and durability are increased immensely. As far as energy projection goes he has conquered the ability to create energy based attacks and use them in many different ways.
He can channel that energy into points of his body like his fist for example striking with focused energy can be devastating to his opponent. He can make up to fifty perfect clones of himself ,well near perfect since each clone is half his strength. Though they be half his strength their is strength in numbers ,so do not take this ability too lightly because of the drawback.
For all his power he is not perfect far from it his body does have limits.
He runs off energy from his body that starts at 300% and lowers every time he uses this power. Depending on how much energy he uses the stronger it becomes. 10% = weak 15% = strong 20% = Stronger 25% = Very strong 35% = Strongest 50% = limit breaker. Limit breaker just means he broke his body limit in use of power. This means the attack will be very powerful but at the same time it damages his body greatly. He tires not to use too much energy seeing how it drains and can harm him. I will set up a energy counter for him when he fights and when his not. Another drawback is that he can have his energy drain if they have the ability to do ,so to a degree(100% energy drainage by foe) this doesn't mean energy drain attacks just flat line him ,but they can prove a problem.
(Spell❶) The flame like aura around his body covers him in azure ''flames'' increasing his attack power. Only last for Six post This doesn't mean he

(Spell❷) Using his vast energy he can create constructs form the energy itself to make barriers to block attacks or to attack with often with explosive results.)

(Spell❸) Shatter and Erupt: Solomon sends down a orb of azure energy the size of a beach ball into the earth,where it fallows the target and erupts. The power that is unleashed up heaves the ground in a massive display of sapphire light taring the ground asunder and sending forth pillars of azure like flames. Scaring the earth as it cut a blaze of destruction heading for the target.
(Spell❹) Apocalypse From The sky:Solomon shoots forth a beam of energy into the sky. Transforming the clouds to black,and large beams come crashing to the ground causing destruction where ever they land.Solomon can control where the beams can land. This move is good for causing mayhem,and for taking out a large group of foes at once.

(Spell❺) Properties of lightning: Channeling his energy with his hands to his fingers like the wizards of old. Solomon can shot forth his azure energy like a lightning like a wizard from all ten fingers. The ''lightning'' energy explode on contact.

(Spell❻) Mirror Dance:Using the vast powers of the azure point he can use that to create perfect clones of his foes. The thing that sets them apart is that their eyes are azure in color. The clones are perfect in every way to their counter parts. This move is good for diversions and also amusement.

Drawbacks: He can only create five of these clones,and they only last for eight post. They can be destroyed before than though.
(Spell❼) Portals: Solomon has the ability to create up to five portals for him to use. Using them it allows him to move about his targets in all directions,he can also send his own attacks through the portals for greater advantage. He can also use them to flee if need be.

Drawbacks: He can only keep them open for five post before they vanish needs to wait five more post to use them again.

(Spell ❽) Azure breath: Taking in a deep breath he exhales from his mouth a bluish cloud of smoke. If the target is hit they begin to hallucinate that effects are that of a strong drug effecting the mind and body. This ability comes from the long ago extinct Azure dragon a rare spell indeed.

Drawbacks: One can fight against the hallucinations and the effects of the spell if they're strong enough. The effects last for only three post.

Ability 3:Espionage
Solomon has master the art of getting into places often seal away or shut off to the world.
(Example 1Light Step: Muffles the users steps so they can sneak about more easily again those with keen hearing the sounds can be heard but muffled. This spell last for five post and can be recast after five post in recharge time)
(Example 2 Shape-Shifting Master: Has long ago master the art of shape-shifting to the point that even his scent changes. This is good for going undercover and impersonating people,but of course he doesn't do it without studying his targets. This is not a spell but an ability just added it down here since it is apart of it.)

Ability 4:The Ascension:
Despite the name he is still mortal but his power is vastly superior than before in this '''form''.Synchronizing mind,body soul,spiritual and demonic energy he becomes a force to be reckon with. His skin becomes the color of sapphire and his eyes become blue as blue as any jewel or any ocean entrancing those who look upon him. Every gold coloring start to glow giving him a other wordily looks even his tails become jet black ,but he tips glow a neon blue completing his other worldly look He only uses this form when he has to go face to face with powerful enemies that push him this far. His energy is restored and increases to 450 in this form,but can still be depleted by him using attacks.
This form as you can see is a power up for so to speak hey all the great villains have one ...since the beginning of time. Anyway all though this form makes him powerful the side effects is he can only sustain it for eight of his post. Once his out of the form his energy is near depleted (40%). If you catch can some how battle him before he escapes to recover you might have a chance to kill him. Another drawback is that the energy to use the attacks cost more to use in this form even though his attacks are stronger his energy percentage does go up. (20 30 40 50 60 70 new energy usage in this form)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 12:24 pm
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l Mood ➤: Wet l Location ➤: Open Field l Company ➤: Solomon? l Item/s ➤: N/A

The vampire was right, it was her lover. She walked up close to him as he started to speak, making sure she was reading his lips correctly. Oh no no, it’s alright... I came out to hunt. I didn’t think it would rain like this... As she spoke she looked up at the sky. Dark clouds filled her eyesight... there was no end to this rain... could something bad be about to happen? Not like the woman was superstitious or anything. Turning back to the man, she nodded to his hunger question, or at least that’s what she assumed he asked because all she saw him say was hunger.

Eyes focused on the mans lips, she blushed a bit when he touched her stomach. A soft giggle came from her as he touched her small baby bump. It is doing fine~ I’ve been feeding at a good pace to help them grow... but... the babies growth varies... the more I eat the faster it grows... the less I eat the slower it grows.... I’m trying to make sure I drink 4 times a day to give it the proper nutrition! Solomon’s hand suddenly shifted away from her, and she looked at what had caught his attention. Zombies?! Most were half way into the ground, as if they couldn’t get out. The woman took a step back as she did not want to get attacked by one of those things.... that and she became paranoid and started to look around frantically. The worse thing is to be deaf in a zombie apocalypse!!

Current Theme ➤ Insert

The Emerald Sorcerer-l-


xX Yennefer Xx
Vice Captain

The Emerald Sorcerer-l-

Distinct Tycoon

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 6:27 pm
Rush And Crush

xX Yennefer Xx

♕''Without power knowledge is useless, so I've heard fortunately I've both ''♕

♕ Solomon Shirahata ♕ The Azure Scourge (Adramelech)♕


██ ████████████████ ---✖ ██ ████████████████ ---✖ ██ ████████████████ ---✖ ██ ████████████████ ---✖

♕ Out to hunt was she did it mean,she finally got over her distress of killing another living being for food?'' A hunt hm I'd like to join you...but does this mean you've finally gotten over your dislike of killing for food?'' facing her directly he made sure she could read his lips. The very crafty arch-demon had a plan to ease some of her burden though. It is a prototype though still in the works it is called a Crimson blood ring. It is a enchanted ring that would summon a vile of blood equal to a amount of one feeding. In a time like this when she is most hungry,she would have the ring to sate her hunger.'' I've a gift to give you a prototype though it is a crimson blood ring that will summon a vile of blood for you. As of now it can only someone one once a day and only equal to one feeding,and it will save you from the starving cravings you're experiencing'' Adramelech placed a warm hand to her cold yet smooth face to give her a affectionate stroke on the cheek.

♕ Remembering the promise he made to her that some day,he would make her a queen. This ring is a prototype for the wedding ring he'd hope to give her some day,but that was far from now though. Pulling his hand away he listen to her explain,her feeding habits. It was clear that she had taken to being a mother to heart,he had choose correctly in impregnating this one with his seed he thought.Though would she be around once she found out how truly evil this creature could be?Adramelech almost winced at that thought because that day was coming soon how many students would die when he assaulted the academy? Then their was Megumi to complicate things,but he knew the demon that he was that evil would win out(maybe).'' A devoted mother seems I've chosen well to couple with you'' he wished that she could hear the smooth tone in his voice.

♕ Noticing her freaked out expression he needed to explain ''Do not worry those are my zombies I exercise complete control they will not harm you at all. In fact they will ignore you all together unless I will it''his expression showed her he had no intention of harming her in anyway. His attack reached the zombies and the plant like creature destroying the zombies.and blowing the plant like monster from the ground up into the air. Successfully uprooting it ''I must take care of something'' as the words left his lips the kitsune left a after image next to Vivian.The real Solomon was up in the air next to the flying creature attacking it form all sides. His blows making loud smacking sound overwhelming the thing with speed and power. His punches and kicks are precise like a surgeon,and on time lightning flashed as he delivered the final k.o kicking the creature back to the ground. Towering over it expecting every inch of it the thing was indeed knocked out,now all that was left was to drag it back to his dimension for further study.

♕ He was by Vivian side in a second ''I was looking for a specimen I found one'' he explain before freezing up. He felt something primal and powerful around this area if he had his demonic body it would be boiling right now. It is a powerful creature indeed one that would prove a worthy foe. Calming himself down his pregnant mistress would not be safe around here''Do you feel that primal power? something else is near your safety is my concern you may be in danger'' his tone of voice and posture was serious then again he was almost always serious.

Ten Zombies left Five specters
OCC: Sorry for the extra quotes was trying out colors for his post

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User Image

Energy Level 300%
Mood: Calm excitement
Location: open feild
Thoughts:'' What does a primal beast know?''
Company: Vivian
Solomon's Battle Theme - Counter Attack
Solomon's ''Boss''Theme - Fight To The Death

1:Spiritual Effect: His body when he allows it he can send off waves of his spiritual energy. This effect calls to the dead of the restless spirits offering them souls of the living and a chance at salvation(no real salvation for them). Solomon only deals with ghost,ghouls,specters,phantoms, Lichs etc. Any that refuses to die and has left their mortal coil are at his beck and call. He rarely uses corpses as he finds them to be inferior fodder as a ghost could do many things.The energy that emits from his body does not give off a sinister atmosphere.No to those who can feel his spiritual energy one words comes to mind...pure. That is his secret how can he be seen as a scourge if his energy is pure even when mixed with a powerful demon? Because he is in perfect balance with his powers and those pertaining to his spirit.
He can only send a horde of the these dead specters usually 20 to 50 of them lead by a powerful lich or something else of his choosing.The drawback is he can only summon three hordes in waves. One at a time and it takes him ten post to be able to do it again. If his low on energy he can summon ten specters to do his bidding. Didn't want him to able to spam it so i gave him a limit and a time limit to smooth things out a bit.

Ability 2:The Azure Point: Haven reached spiritual enlightenment in his younger years Solomon posses immense spiritual energy. This makes him a threat to everyone demon,angels,alive,undead etc. What is even more impressive is that he has infused that energy with that of an Arch-Demon. Instead of being corrupted by the ancient power he has made it his own creating the perfect blind of spiritual and demonic energy. This power is known as the Azure point a deep blue energy with a dark center. This energy allows him to go beyond the limits of his mortal body strength,defense,speed and durability are increased immensely. As far as energy projection goes he has conquered the ability to create energy based attacks and use them in many different ways.
He can channel that energy into points of his body like his fist for example striking with focused energy can be devastating to his opponent. He can make up to fifty perfect clones of himself ,well near perfect since each clone is half his strength. Though they be half his strength their is strength in numbers ,so do not take this ability too lightly because of the drawback.
For all his power he is not perfect far from it his body does have limits.
He runs off energy from his body that starts at 300% and lowers every time he uses this power. Depending on how much energy he uses the stronger it becomes. 10% = weak 15% = strong 20% = Stronger 25% = Very strong 35% = Strongest 50% = limit breaker. Limit breaker just means he broke his body limit in use of power. This means the attack will be very powerful but at the same time it damages his body greatly. He tires not to use too much energy seeing how it drains and can harm him. I will set up a energy counter for him when he fights and when his not. Another drawback is that he can have his energy drain if they have the ability to do ,so to a degree(100% energy drainage by foe) this doesn't mean energy drain attacks just flat line him ,but they can prove a problem.
(Spell❶) The flame like aura around his body covers him in azure ''flames'' increasing his attack power. Only last for Six post This doesn't mean he

(Spell❷) Using his vast energy he can create constructs form the energy itself to make barriers to block attacks or to attack with often with explosive results.)

(Spell❸) Shatter and Erupt: Solomon sends down a orb of azure energy the size of a beach ball into the earth,where it fallows the target and erupts. The power that is unleashed up heaves the ground in a massive display of sapphire light taring the ground asunder and sending forth pillars of azure like flames. Scaring the earth as it cut a blaze of destruction heading for the target.
(Spell❹) Apocalypse From The sky:Solomon shoots forth a beam of energy into the sky. Transforming the clouds to black,and large beams come crashing to the ground causing destruction where ever they land.Solomon can control where the beams can land. This move is good for causing mayhem,and for taking out a large group of foes at once.

(Spell❺) Properties of lightning: Channeling his energy with his hands to his fingers like the wizards of old. Solomon can shot forth his azure energy like a lightning like a wizard from all ten fingers. The ''lightning'' energy explode on contact.

(Spell❻) Mirror Dance:Using the vast powers of the azure point he can use that to create perfect clones of his foes. The thing that sets them apart is that their eyes are azure in color. The clones are perfect in every way to their counter parts. This move is good for diversions and also amusement.

Drawbacks: He can only create five of these clones,and they only last for eight post. They can be destroyed before than though.
(Spell❼) Portals: Solomon has the ability to create up to five portals for him to use. Using them it allows him to move about his targets in all directions,he can also send his own attacks through the portals for greater advantage. He can also use them to flee if need be.

Drawbacks: He can only keep them open for five post before they vanish needs to wait five more post to use them again.

(Spell ❽) Azure breath: Taking in a deep breath he exhales from his mouth a bluish cloud of smoke. If the target is hit they begin to hallucinate that effects are that of a strong drug effecting the mind and body. This ability comes from the long ago extinct Azure dragon a rare spell indeed.

Drawbacks: One can fight against the hallucinations and the effects of the spell if they're strong enough. The effects last for only three post.

Ability 3:Espionage
Solomon has master the art of getting into places often seal away or shut off to the world.
(Example 1Light Step: Muffles the users steps so they can sneak about more easily again those with keen hearing the sounds can be heard but muffled. This spell last for five post and can be recast after five post in recharge time)
(Example 2 Shape-Shifting Master: Has long ago master the art of shape-shifting to the point that even his scent changes. This is good for going undercover and impersonating people,but of course he doesn't do it without studying his targets. This is not a spell but an ability just added it down here since it is apart of it.)

Ability 4:The Ascension:
Despite the name he is still mortal but his power is vastly superior than before in this '''form''.Synchronizing mind,body soul,spiritual and demonic energy he becomes a force to be reckon with. His skin becomes the color of sapphire and his eyes become blue as blue as any jewel or any ocean entrancing those who look upon him. Every gold coloring start to glow giving him a other wordily looks even his tails become jet black ,but he tips glow a neon blue completing his other worldly look He only uses this form when he has to go face to face with powerful enemies that push him this far. His energy is restored and increases to 450 in this form,but can still be depleted by him using attacks.
This form as you can see is a power up for so to speak hey all the great villains have one ...since the beginning of time. Anyway all though this form makes him powerful the side effects is he can only sustain it for eight of his post. Once his out of the form his energy is near depleted (40%). If you catch can some how battle him before he escapes to recover you might have a chance to kill him. Another drawback is that the energy to use the attacks cost more to use in this form even though his attacks are stronger his energy percentage does go up. (20 30 40 50 60 70 new energy usage in this form)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 8:41 pm
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l Mood ➤: Wet l Location ➤: Open Field l Company ➤: Solomon? l Item/s ➤: N/A

Vivian, still hiding behind the man to avoid the undead, shook her head and gripped onto his arm. N-no...I still hate killing for food...but I want to bare you a healthy child... Her morals were starting to interfere with her maternal instincts, and her mother side was winning....that and she herself wanted a healthy baby. Solomon held out his hand and handed her something beautiful, a crimson ring. The vampires eyes lit up upon looking at the ring, but she quickly moved her eyes back to his lips. A-a blood ring? she asked as she looked back down to the ring with a smile. Vivian let out a happy giggle and slid the ring onto her finger. She was beyond happy that he was looking out for her, since she had never really experienced it before.

Vivian quickly looked to the ground...something was wrong. The ground...was shaking and something bad was happening near them. Looking back up, she saw that Solomon could feel it too. Something...bad...is nearby... something evil... Her hand snaked to the mans shirt and she gripped it tightly as she looked around.

Current Theme ➤ Insert

The Emerald Sorcerer-l-


xX Yennefer Xx
Vice Captain

The Emerald Sorcerer-l-

Distinct Tycoon

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 8:43 pm
xX Yennefer Xx

♕''Without power knowledge is useless, so I've heard fortunately I've both ''♕

♕ Solomon Shirahata ♕ The Azure Scourge (Adramelech)♕


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♕ Taking note of her distrust of the undead he sigh,and dismissed they marched off to thier graves. The spectors vanished in a clod of darkness only for the heavy wind to blow it away. A naggging question ate at him if she is truly undead why would she be scared of them? Maybe because she felt that she was truly alive her spirit lived on!" Don't let it eat you up inside I know it pains you to kill. For the sake of our future children it is a small price to pay" he finished that sentence by rubbing her stomach once more affectionately. Old feelings were coming back to the man who had once known love ,but that was another life time in bygone era. When the ring was presented to her a small smirk appeared on his face. This was tge reaction he was looking for"Any thing for my future queen" his silver eye's looking into her blue orbs.

The look he gave her would tell her all she needed to known. That she was safe with him and that he truly cared for her well being. The man wanted to kiss her passionately a impulse of needing to do,so to seal the deal but he did not. Solomon remain composed this was not the time or place. As the storm raged on neither one if them could feel,but it was a wondeeful chaotic sight. Though it paled in comparison to the nine hells that was hus home fir thousands of years. In short he was growing bored with this scence. When she spoke of the evil presence near,he felt it to along with a few others though mostly masked by that evil. Inside of him he wanted to explore that evil further,but she was here he would not risk it.

"Let us move on from this place" as soon he said that he snap his fingers a rift open up not for them. A few azure knights accompanied by a dark elf woman drag the plant away."This time I'll follow you to your home.... Lead on my love" he told her as the rift closed.


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User Image

Energy Level 300%
Mood: Calm excitement
Location: open feild
Thoughts:'' What does a primal beast know?''
Company: Vivian
Solomon's Battle Theme - Counter Attack
Solomon's ''Boss''Theme - Fight To The Death

1:Spiritual Effect: His body when he allows it he can send off waves of his spiritual energy. This effect calls to the dead of the restless spirits offering them souls of the living and a chance at salvation(no real salvation for them). Solomon only deals with ghost,ghouls,specters,phantoms, Lichs etc. Any that refuses to die and has left their mortal coil are at his beck and call. He rarely uses corpses as he finds them to be inferior fodder as a ghost could do many things.The energy that emits from his body does not give off a sinister atmosphere.No to those who can feel his spiritual energy one words comes to mind...pure. That is his secret how can he be seen as a scourge if his energy is pure even when mixed with a powerful demon? Because he is in perfect balance with his powers and those pertaining to his spirit.
He can only send a horde of the these dead specters usually 20 to 50 of them lead by a powerful lich or something else of his choosing.The drawback is he can only summon three hordes in waves. One at a time and it takes him ten post to be able to do it again. If his low on energy he can summon ten specters to do his bidding. Didn't want him to able to spam it so i gave him a limit and a time limit to smooth things out a bit.

Ability 2:The Azure Point: Haven reached spiritual enlightenment in his younger years Solomon posses immense spiritual energy. This makes him a threat to everyone demon,angels,alive,undead etc. What is even more impressive is that he has infused that energy with that of an Arch-Demon. Instead of being corrupted by the ancient power he has made it his own creating the perfect blind of spiritual and demonic energy. This power is known as the Azure point a deep blue energy with a dark center. This energy allows him to go beyond the limits of his mortal body strength,defense,speed and durability are increased immensely. As far as energy projection goes he has conquered the ability to create energy based attacks and use them in many different ways.
He can channel that energy into points of his body like his fist for example striking with focused energy can be devastating to his opponent. He can make up to fifty perfect clones of himself ,well near perfect since each clone is half his strength. Though they be half his strength their is strength in numbers ,so do not take this ability too lightly because of the drawback.
For all his power he is not perfect far from it his body does have limits.
He runs off energy from his body that starts at 300% and lowers every time he uses this power. Depending on how much energy he uses the stronger it becomes. 10% = weak 15% = strong 20% = Stronger 25% = Very strong 35% = Strongest 50% = limit breaker. Limit breaker just means he broke his body limit in use of power. This means the attack will be very powerful but at the same time it damages his body greatly. He tires not to use too much energy seeing how it drains and can harm him. I will set up a energy counter for him when he fights and when his not. Another drawback is that he can have his energy drain if they have the ability to do ,so to a degree(100% energy drainage by foe) this doesn't mean energy drain attacks just flat line him ,but they can prove a problem.
(Spell❶) The flame like aura around his body covers him in azure ''flames'' increasing his attack power. Only last for Six post This doesn't mean he

(Spell❷) Using his vast energy he can create constructs form the energy itself to make barriers to block attacks or to attack with often with explosive results.)

(Spell❸) Shatter and Erupt: Solomon sends down a orb of azure energy the size of a beach ball into the earth,where it fallows the target and erupts. The power that is unleashed up heaves the ground in a massive display of sapphire light taring the ground asunder and sending forth pillars of azure like flames. Scaring the earth as it cut a blaze of destruction heading for the target.
(Spell❹) Apocalypse From The sky:Solomon shoots forth a beam of energy into the sky. Transforming the clouds to black,and large beams come crashing to the ground causing destruction where ever they land.Solomon can control where the beams can land. This move is good for causing mayhem,and for taking out a large group of foes at once.

(Spell❺) Properties of lightning: Channeling his energy with his hands to his fingers like the wizards of old. Solomon can shot forth his azure energy like a lightning like a wizard from all ten fingers. The ''lightning'' energy explode on contact.

(Spell❻) Mirror Dance:Using the vast powers of the azure point he can use that to create perfect clones of his foes. The thing that sets them apart is that their eyes are azure in color. The clones are perfect in every way to their counter parts. This move is good for diversions and also amusement.

Drawbacks: He can only create five of these clones,and they only last for eight post. They can be destroyed before than though.
(Spell❼) Portals: Solomon has the ability to create up to five portals for him to use. Using them it allows him to move about his targets in all directions,he can also send his own attacks through the portals for greater advantage. He can also use them to flee if need be.

Drawbacks: He can only keep them open for five post before they vanish needs to wait five more post to use them again.

(Spell ❽) Azure breath: Taking in a deep breath he exhales from his mouth a bluish cloud of smoke. If the target is hit they begin to hallucinate that effects are that of a strong drug effecting the mind and body. This ability comes from the long ago extinct Azure dragon a rare spell indeed.

Drawbacks: One can fight against the hallucinations and the effects of the spell if they're strong enough. The effects last for only three post.

Ability 3:Espionage
Solomon has master the art of getting into places often seal away or shut off to the world.
(Example 1Light Step: Muffles the users steps so they can sneak about more easily again those with keen hearing the sounds can be heard but muffled. This spell last for five post and can be recast after five post in recharge time)
(Example 2 Shape-Shifting Master: Has long ago master the art of shape-shifting to the point that even his scent changes. This is good for going undercover and impersonating people,but of course he doesn't do it without studying his targets. This is not a spell but an ability just added it down here since it is apart of it.)

Ability 4:The Ascension:
Despite the name he is still mortal but his power is vastly superior than before in this '''form''.Synchronizing mind,body soul,spiritual and demonic energy he becomes a force to be reckon with. His skin becomes the color of sapphire and his eyes become blue as blue as any jewel or any ocean entrancing those who look upon him. Every gold coloring start to glow giving him a other wordily looks even his tails become jet black ,but he tips glow a neon blue completing his other worldly look He only uses this form when he has to go face to face with powerful enemies that push him this far. His energy is restored and increases to 450 in this form,but can still be depleted by him using attacks.
This form as you can see is a power up for so to speak hey all the great villains have one ...since the beginning of time. Anyway all though this form makes him powerful the side effects is he can only sustain it for eight of his post. Once his out of the form his energy is near depleted (40%). If you catch can some how battle him before he escapes to recover you might have a chance to kill him. Another drawback is that the energy to use the attacks cost more to use in this form even though his attacks are stronger his energy percentage does go up. (20 30 40 50 60 70 new energy usage in this form)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:57 pm
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l Mood ➤: Wet l Location ➤: Open Field l Company ➤: Solomon? l Item/s ➤: N/A

A small price to pay... The man was right, her killing for her hunger was a small price when it came to the health of their baby. A Childs life was more meaningful then any animal that she could kill....yet it still upset her. However, in the future if the child was cursed with the same affliction she was, Vivian would have to teach the child to hunt animals rather then the living. So many things were going to need to change in her life...she was a bit scared. Y-you will..be by my side...r-right? The vampire looked up into the mans silver eyes with a slight smile.

The aura grew stronger and it was making the vampires stomach churn. Whatever was near them was dangerous...and not in the basic kind of way. Watching the rift open in front of her, she quickly looked to Solomon to see what he was saying. My...home? My home?! Vivian didnt have a home anymore, in fact she had a one bedroom dorm room... was that what he meant? Nodding her head slightly, she took his hand and walk4d through the rift.... into the place she called home now.

-Exits w/ Solomon-

Current Theme ➤ Insert

The Emerald Sorcerer-l-


xX Yennefer Xx
Vice Captain

The Emerald Sorcerer-l-

Distinct Tycoon

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2019 5:29 pm

♞ Caligula Beoulve- HeadBoy- The Dust Devil♞ S - Rank Assassin
''Even Wrapped in darkness the light is beyond the horizon ''

▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄
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┬ ┭ ┮ ┯ ┰ ┱ ┲ ┳ ┴ ┵ ┶ ┷ ┸ ┹ ┺ ┻ ┼ ┽ ┾ ┿

◉ In the ''peaceful'' field there is a tornado ragging as tall as a skyscraper, but calm and genital. The massive tornado sat in place the wind whipping around making a humming sound. The temperature around the tornado is warm and inviting. Only one demon had such control over the wind his name is Caligula a demon of the wind. He sat inside the tornado floating in mid-air eye's closed shut with a look of peace on his face. Deep in his meditation pose, he thought of many things, his powers, his master, the love of his life Yuki. Many things were swimming in his head, but the school was not one of them, in fact, you could say he was ditching class.

◉ Caligula had been in this position for hours oblivious to what was going on outside his tornado. When he finally opens his eye's he had the power to let himself touch the ground. He was truly unaffected by his own tornado thus he lifted his none metal arm to the air. The tornado grew smaller, and soon it began to wrap around his arms growing smaller, and smaller until he was holding it as a ball. He tossed it up into the air and began to kick it around like a ball at play. With a smirk on his face he kicked it up high and as it came down he kicked it hard into the air. So hard, in fact, it reached into the clouds above and then exploded blowing clouds away. '' I still got it'' he said with a smirk before sitting down.

◉The sun rays came beaming down upon him feeling the warmth of the sun, Caligula fell to his backhands behind his back. Looking up at the sky a thought and a name came to his mind he had to speak it'' Yuki''

♍ OOC:

┬ ┭ ┮ ┯ ┰ ┱ ┲ ┳ ┴ ┵ ┶ ┷ ┸ ┹ ┺ ┻ ┼ ┽ ┾ ┿


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User Image

♍ Appearance: Now both of his eyes are Crimson to symbolize his full control,and the merge of both of them. His wearing the jacket,but with no undershirt from his previous form.

♍ Mental State: Confused and conflicted
♍ Physical State: 100% Demon-Level
♍ Mood:Calm and Chill
♍Location: Feild
♍Thoughts:' I'm starting to miss her''
♍Company: No one
♍ Items: Backpack full of his school supplies, and his sweet cell phone.

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2019 12:46 am
User ImageUser Image

𝔐𝔬𝔬𝔡► Hostile ℑ𝔱𝔢𝔪𝔰►Nothing 𝔈𝔫𝔢𝔯𝔤𝔶►【〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓】100% 𝔒𝔒ℭ►He's not going to sit by and watch Yuki get taken away from him razz

"Life's a b***h, isn't it? I was a fool to think I had a place here."

Why was Xerath sent here? That not where they left off. He sighed before muttering a few curse words at Eck hoping he would be able to hear him wherever he is. "Why didn't you drop me in town...I needed to buy a few gifts, after the s**t I pulled. I'll definitely get my a** kicked by those two." Placing his hands in his coat pockets Xerath lightly kicked a pebble which only traveled a few centimeters, he chuckled at his pathetic strength when compared to his previous state and shook his head in disappointment "I feel different, and for some reason, I don't think I'll be as durable. Sometimes I envy the simple man...What the ******** am I talking about? " Xerath was very confused by his own thoughts. Why in the hell was talking like that, he sounded old, he sounded like...Just the thought of him sounding like that man made Xerath shiver. "I'm having regrets already."

Just as he was about to head to town and get his 'I'm sorry I was going to leave' gifts Xerath noticed a sound coming from the center of the forest. The same location he once visited to make the biggest mistake of his life. A sly smirk slowly materialized across his face as Xerath made his way to the sound. He was sure it was him, and for the first time in his life, he actually wanted to see him. By the time Xerath arrived at the scene the noise and winds died down and at the center of all the silence the moron. "What do we have here? I'm assuming you failed trying to catch the beast." Xerath chuckled at their obvious failure and looked at him condescendingly. "Overconfident idiots, please tell me something interesting happened, did someone try to talk some sense into the beast, did someone unleash their 'true power' and push the beast back? Did someone die?" Was Xerath trying to piss him off? Absolutely, he hated this guy, and as far as Xerath was concerned he's an enemy.


The Emerald Sorcerer-l-

Rush And Crush
Vice Captain

Greedy Noob

The Emerald Sorcerer-l-

Distinct Tycoon

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2019 9:33 pm
Rush And Crush

♞ Caligula Beoulve- HeadBoy- The Dust Devil♞ S - Rank Assassin
''Even Wrapped in darkness the light is beyond the horizon ''

▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄
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┬ ┭ ┮ ┯ ┰ ┱ ┲ ┳ ┴ ┵ ┶ ┷ ┸ ┹ ┺ ┻ ┼ ┽ ┾ ┿

◉ There he was just enjoying the warmth of the sun basking in it reveling in if you will. Then he felt that familiar presence which made his mood sour indeed even Dust was aware of it. '' Hmp this nut again I'd thought we'd seen the last of him he annoys me. Those eyes most of all I want to rip them out of his head they're a disgusting color''
Caligula didn't respond to Dust just yet he was too busy thinking about the impending meeting with this guy he found...repulsive. '' I couldn't have said it better myself those eye's of his are creepy and a weird color makes you wonder what kind of freak show he truly is'' with that thought he waited for the boy known as Xerath to come closer. As he did that voice of his was filled with nothing, but disrespect and arrogance making him even more annoyed. It was time to return to his delinquent roots and let this little creep have it.

At first, he seems calm as he stood up to face the boy in full Caligula expression was one of amusement. '' Seems like your mouth is in search of a fist. You come up to me talking a big game kid, and I barely know your a**'' his voice was not full of anger more annoyance than anything. '' I don't have to answer your stupid questions trying to get me pissed off and congrats it is working, but most importantly why are you even here? Your stench is making my nose curl'' he finished that speech by spitting on the ground and walking up to the boy unafraid. '' Now speak'' he said with venom in his tone he didn't appreciate this kid bad mouthing him out of the blue. The wind began to pick up speed changing the whole atmosphere of the landscape around them, and the howling of the wind became more noticeable. '' You know he's playing you right? don't fall for his stupid tricks he never liked you from the start, and deep down you know this. Why try to make peace with someone who hates you? when you can bash their skull in instead?''

'' Shut up this is my fight and as far as knocking heads I wouldn't mind knocking this joker out just to prove a point, but you're right I don't want to fall for his games let see what his up to before I start swinging.'' Caligula had grown too soft and hated himself for but not anymore he was tired of people and their bullshit.

♍ OOC: I'm taking him bakc to his roots as a deliqunt I think it will make things more interesting that way. ninja

┬ ┭ ┮ ┯ ┰ ┱ ┲ ┳ ┴ ┵ ┶ ┷ ┸ ┹ ┺ ┻ ┼ ┽ ┾ ┿


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User Image

♍ Appearance: Now both of his eyes are Crimson to symbolize his full control,and the merge of both of them. His wearing the jacket,but with no undershirt from his previous form.

♍ Mental State: Confused and conflicted
♍ Physical State: 100% Demon-Level
♍ Mood: Annoyed borderline angry
♍Location: Feild
♍Thoughts:' I need something to punch''
♍Company: Xerath
♍ Items: Backpack full of his school supplies, and his sweet cell phone.


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