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Griff's Unedited August Breedings - Closed! Grats winners! Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 [>] [»|]

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Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 12:33 pm

DarkHeart x Kalyani

Entry Code:
DarkHeart (AstoriaFallen) x Kalyani (Ramenli)

Soquili 1 Name: DarkHeart
User Image

Soquili 2 Name: Kalyani
User Image

Pregnant Stage: I want one
Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: AstoriaFallens Teepee | Ramenli

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ] (accepted)
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Twins/Triplets?: Yes

Livestream?: Yes

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: n/a

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:
DarkHeart Mother
DarkHeart Father Items (Nekkid)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 3:58 pm

The Infinite Hunt x Kitsunebi

Entry Code:
The Infinite Hunt (Novablu/[strike]Kamiki[/strike]) x Kitsunebi (~Twilight...Angel~)

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
(Uncert | Feral | Itemless | UnPelted)
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
(Uncert | Feral | Feral Itemless | Itemless | UnPelted)

Co Ownership?: Novablu is getting a basket, Kamiki is not
Teepees: ~Twilight...Angel~ | Novablu

Link to Breeding Agreement: xXx
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Sure!
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: Sure!
Link to previous Generations: N/A

~*~ I want my Skinwalker pairing to have a chance to be CCed! ~*~

It is required to answer these questions to have a chance. We WILL work with you so you can understand where you got it wrong if you do get it wrong so you can fix it.

Question: If someone you wish to breed your skinwalker with insists on all three breedings being together, how would you explain this in story canon? And How should this be handled in breeding forms?
There are a couple ways that this could be explained in character. The two could have territories or paths that cross often, so they happen to be the most available to make baskets. Or the male could be stronger and force himself on the mare multiple times simply to humiliate her and prove his strength.
Skinwalkers do not have lifemates, so there would be no mention of lifematings or other breedings on the forms.

Question: Do skinwalkers form family units or care what their family thinks?
Skinwalkers may acknowledge that they are related to other Walkers, but they usually don't form family units, nor are they concerned about what anyone thinks of them, let alone their family.

Question: If you have a hard time RPing a skinwalker in character, what can you do?.
There are several options: 1) You can map out plots that fit the character of a Skinwalker. 2) You can ask for help from Uta or any other shop goer who owns and RPs their Skinwalker. 3) You actually have the option to RP them outside of the official shop, since it wouldn't be allowed ICly.

Question: Can skinwalkers be entered into Wishing Stars and if so what type?
Skinwalkers can not enter Wishing Stars of any type.

Question: Skinwalkers can, on rare occasions, form packs/herds to organize an attack, but they always break apart shortly afterwards or sometimes even before they manage to stage the raid. What do you think happens to cause these breakups?
The Skinwalkers break up because everyone wants a piece of the pie. Often times goals don't sync up and it causes fighting among themselves rather than trying to obtain their goal.

Question: In your own words, please explain the nature of skinwalkers.
Skinwalkers in their simplest form are evil killing machines. They enjoy the torment of others either in the physical or the psychological form.

Yiska & Veraç Lili Protecció

Yiska ( techabyte ) x Veraç Lili Protecció ( ~Twilight...Angel~ )

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
UNCERT (Wingless)

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: ~Twilight...Angel~ | techabyte

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Sure!
---Templates to Avoid: Kelpie Orca Tail | Kalona Demontail | Kalona Wing Style 2 | Kalona Demonhorns 2

Throwbacks?: Sure!
---Link to previous Generations:

Veraç Lili Protecció:
Astúcia Protecció (Father) | Batibat Lili (Mother)

Kenji (Father) | Aditi (Mother) | Shiori (Grandmother) | Verloren


Celebrating Giver

26,275 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Hero 100
  • Supreme Supporter 500

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:02 pm

Crystaea x Solemn

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: No thanks
Triplets okay?: No thanks

Crystaea (Amirynth) x Solemn (Amirynth)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Crystaea - Amirynth
User Image

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Solemn - Amirynth
User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: Never!
Low Luck?: Nope

Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A
Teepees: Rynth's Teepee
Throwbacks?: Sure
Link to previous Generations: [Solemn pre-curse] [Sarynae]
*Note: Technically this breeding happened before his curse. They would be Sarynae's siblings.

Uriel x Sherlock

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: No thanks
Triplets okay?: No thanks

Uriel (Amirynth) x Sherlock (Amirynth)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Uriel - Amirynth
User Image

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Sherlock - Amirynth
User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: Not yet
Low Luck?: Nope

Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A
Teepees: Rynth's Teepee
Throwbacks?: Sure
Link to previous Generations: N/A
PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:20 pm

Camellia x Jeremiel

Entry Code:
Camellia (oo DeD) x Jeremiel (oo DeD)

Soquili 1:
User Image

Soquili 2:
User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: N/A

Link to Breeding Agreement: I own both
---Lifemate?: No
Low Luck?: Yes/No

Same Breed Variants: Sure!
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:
Asariel: Mother Father Uncle
Sister Sister

oo Ded

Lonely Phantom

Rita Zyon

PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 6:25 pm

Giselle x Tobiah

Entry Code:
Giselle ( Rita Zyon ) x Tobiah ( Rita Zyon )

User Image
UNCERT Markings

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Rita Zyon

Link to Breeding Agreement: Both are owned by me
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations: N/A, both 1st gen
PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 6:32 pm

Flannán x Dubhán
Entry Code:
Flannán (Odet Amo) x Dubhán (Odet Amo)

Soquili 1:
User Image

Soquili 2:
User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Odet Amo

Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A Both mine
---Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Yes

Throwbacks?: Sure
---Link to previous Generations: N/A

They Grow So Fast!
Link(s) to Ponies/pairing Omission Form: N/A Both mine
Omission style(s) I am/we are okay with: Gashapon

odet amo

Fiendish Nymph

41,575 Points
  • Miasmal Lake Champion 500
  • Devoted Fortune Seeker 400
  • Alchemy Level 10 100

Mewsings of An Angel

Excitable Anubutt

16,725 Points
  • Cool Cat 500
  • Cats vs Dogs 100
  • Magical Girl 50
PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 6:59 pm

Star Opal x Laeroth

Entry Code:
Star Opal ( Mewsings of An Angel ) x Laeroth ( ArashiX )

Soquili 1:
User Image

Soquili 2:
User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: ——
Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: Sure!
---Templates to Avoid: N/A
Throwbacks?: Both 1st Gen! Random throwbacks OK
---Link to previous Generations: N/A

Lady Mizuki x Setareh

Entry Code:
Lady Mizuki ( Eternal Xantara ) x Setareh ( Mewsings of an Angel )

User Image

User Image

Co Ownership?: Nope.
Teepees: Xan and Mew

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: N/A
---Templates to Avoid: Old templated long braid.

Throwbacks?: Sure.
---Link to previous Generations: N/A
PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 7:29 pm

Silver Mist x Icarus

Entry Code:
Silver Mist ( Kara Asumie) x Icarus ( Natelie)

Entry Code:
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Silver Mist/Kara Asumie)
User Image UNCERT
pregnant stage: I want one

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Icarus/ Natelie)
User ImageUNCERT
Co Ownership?: N/A

Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Link to Breeding Agreement: here

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: Knot style hair, weaved hair, crimped hair, bald, antenna

Teepees: Nat, Kara
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Silver Mist's mock parents:


Feline Wife


Aged Shapeshifter

17,850 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Bunny Hunter 100
  • Bunny Hoarder 150
PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 8:00 pm

Aquila x Conleth

Entry Code:
Aquila (belloblossom) x Conleth (Dea and #Teddy#)

Soquili 1:
User Image

Soquili 2:
User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid )

Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: Bello, Conleth

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: Roman Nose, Male Medium Mane/Tail

Throwbacks?: No
---Link to previous Generations: n/a

Eleanor x Valentine Amores

Entry Code:
Eleanor (belloblossom) x Valentine Amores (Thalea)

Soquili 1:
User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid)

Soquili 2:
User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid )

Co Ownership?:
Teepees: Bello, Thalea

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: Roman Nose, Male Medium Mane/Tail

Throwbacks?: No
---Link to previous Generations: n/a
PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 8:11 pm

Serenity x Cecily

Entry Code:
Serenity (ABVirus) x Cecily (Faithofthefallen)

Soquili 1:
User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid )

Soquili 2:
User Image

Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: Virus, Faith

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: n/a

Throwbacks?: No
---Link to previous Generations: n/a


xo maho

Dainty Dreamer

PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 8:15 pm

Destati x Niall

Entry Code:
Destati (Mahogany Sunset) x Niall (Mahogany Sunset)

Soquili 1 Name: Destati (Mahogany Sunset)
User Image

Soquili 2 Name: Niall (Mahogany Sunset)
User Image

Pregnant Stage: I have one already
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Maho

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Twins/Triplets?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: Female leg up pose, sturdy-footed Cerynei templates.

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:
Father | Mother
Grandmother | Grandfather
Great-Grandmother | Great-Grandfather

Convallaria x Eros

Entry Code:
Convallaria (Mahogany Sunset) x Eros (Mahogany Sunset)

Soquili 1 Name: Convallaria (Mahogany Sunset)
User Image

Soquili 2 Name: Eros (Mahogany Sunset)
User Image
UNCERT Markings

Pregnant Stage: I want one!
Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: Maho

Link to Breeding Agreement: Both mine
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Twins/Triplets?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: Kalona wings 2, devil tail 1, female leg up pose, sturdy-footed cerynei templates.

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:
Eros: Paris x Charon
PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 8:42 pm

Adelyn x Asariel

Entry Code:
Adelyn (dolphingurl) x Asariel (oo DeD)

Soquili 1:
User Image

Soquili 2:
User Image

Co Ownership?:N/A
Teepees: Dolphin

Link to Breeding Agreement: X
---Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: Sure,
---Templates to Avoid: Eagle wings, Female leg up, draft/warhorse

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations: Adelyn: Mother Father Grandma
Asariel: Mother Father


Devoted Streaker

Nyx Queen of Darkness

Devout Bloodsucker

28,200 Points
  • Grunny Rainbow 100
  • Medalist 100
  • Grunny Grabber 50
PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 8:46 pm

Olivia x Aponi

Entry Code:/b]
Olivia (Nyx Queen of Darkness) x Aponi (Nyx Queen of Darkness)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Olivia/Nyx Queen of Darkness
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Aponi/Nyx Queen of Darkness
User Image [Uncert]
Low Luck?: No
Co Ownership?: No
Teepees: Nyx
RPed couple?: Not yet
Throwbacks?: Sure
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: [xXx] Note: I now own both and I have not posted a new agreement as the old one should really still stand seeing as I'm the only owner and it's not required. Though do let me know if I have I to reagree to myself for the lifemating? Or...idk? XD
Same Breed Variants: (Allows colorists to use templated wings/tails/horns other than the ones the parents have.) Sure
--- The old long hair template

Throwbacks?: Sure
---Link to previous Generations: N/A
PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 8:49 pm

Tsura x Melusine

Entry Code:
Tsura (Aria Starstone) x Melusine (Aria Starstone)

Soquili 1:
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid )

Soquili 2:
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid)

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Here

Link to Breeding Agreement: Both are mine
---Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: No
---Link to previous Generations: N/A

Keres x Midas Aurelio

Entry Code:
Keres (Aria Starstone) x Midas Aurelio(Aria Starstone)

Soquili 1:
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Soquili 2:
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Here

Link to Breeding Agreement: Both are mine
---Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: No
---Link to previous Generations: N/A

Aria Starstone

Sexy Goat

32,115 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Wintersday Bard 50
  • Enemy of the Goat 25


Deus Sherry

PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 9:05 pm

gaia_crown AND THESE ARE CLOSED! gaia_crown

I'll be rolling in about 20 or 30 minutes -

Here's the list! If you spot a mistake feel free to post below.

List Post

  1. Will-o-th-Wisp 'Wisp' ( dawns_aura ) x Sikkhar ( dawns_aura )
  2. Carys Llywelya ( dawns_aura ) x Nat'eli Shemodgoma ( dawns_aura )
  3. Mariselle, (Celestial Requiem) x Th'onit, (magnadearel)
  4. Aspasia (magnadearel) x Grizzik (Syrius Lionwing)
  5. Enfys Iwen (Fea Line) x Sylvester (Irish Night Fox)
  6. Bluebell Boneblossom (Strawberri Stardust) x Vega Caelum Draconis (Fea Line)
  7. Danaë (Sabin Duvert) x Pyrothraxus (Sabin Duvert)
  8. Almagest (Kamiki) x Fable (Sabin Duvert)
  9. Ellette (Faithofthefallen) x Aryon (-[The Spoof]-)
  10. Ajaxis (Kyjoto) x Vid Vidar (Kyjoto)
  11. Kallima (sage_the_vampirc_angel) x Cefin (Ryuukishin)
  12. Carmine (Nisshou H) x Jeremiah (Ryuukishin)
  13. Zaria (Caitlyn Hellstorm) x Eidan (PhoenixGuardianMikazuki)
  14. Snow Jewel (Caitlyn Hellstorm) x Xiaodan (Caitlyn Hellstorm )
  15. Edea Grace (Angelique DelaMort) x Rynga Bel (Divena & Bardess Ookami)
  16. Vyrikyr Taerdos (Angelique Delamort) x Lorimer Encantador (Divena & DivenasMom)
  17. Deziferia (Mia Lovasz) x Kristopher (Kesmi)
  18. Glacier (Mia Lovasz) x Delano (Mia Lovasz)
  19. Osmond (ABVirus) x Oriana (Faid Shadowlight)

    Page 2
  20. Irierath (mistalina13) x Colonel (mistalina13)
  21. Dorothea "Dolly" (mistalina13) x Patches (mistalina13)
  22. Fiume (Kesmi) x Eton (Kesmi)
  23. Forbidden (Kettyn) x Nivuxys (.Tortured. .Pumpkin.)
  24. Killashandra Ree (Kettyn) x Boone (Summer Raaven)
  25. Nitika (Rein_Canation) x Deja (Shariea)
  26. Melody (Rein_Carnation) x Cotton Candy (Naru_Uchiha007)
  27. Death to My Foes "Jellyfish" (xxx Yuki Bear xxx) x Iris (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)
  28. Ursula the Wicked (xxx Yuki Bear xxx) x Vladislav the Cruel (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)
  29. Topper Taetel (Chi Honda) x Teykali (Rinial Sisterdragon)
  30. Lady Miyuki (Eternal Xantara) x Hyperion'Sarosi (Chi Honda)
  31. Astra "Lapis" Tiarnán ( Lady Argentum Draconis ) x Nicholae ( ~Lady Kanna~ )
  32. Sunreaver ( Lady Argentum Draconis ) x Visuelle ( SkyDragono )
  33. Pele' (LydaLynn) x Invictus (Teh Cheryl & -Polar-)
  34. Moir (-Polar- & Hime) x Isiyah (Polar & Teh Cheryl)
  35. Izusa (CitrusCupcake) x Járngrímur (Calixita)
  36. Kaderin (AislingJuno) x Melantha (Dollfie)
  37. Trance (Cornetified) x Llyr Yates (Bluedemonwolf)
  38. Angra Mainyu (Bluedemonwolf) x Bastion (Bluedemonwolf)
  39. Artemis (Infinities) x Halvar Eerikki Loki (Fatal Irony)
  40. Sadarin (Infinities) x Remil (Malikztiah Ankhwave)
  41. Shadeclaw (Kivras) x Tahti'etsija (Ovarian Paint)

    Page 3
  42. Ayita ( Devil NightShade ) x Hermes ( Revolutionary Roniel )
  43. Melanie (Bella Dea) x Delacroix (Revolutionary Roniel)
  44. Feilea (Kyaishi) x Soulfire (Celeanor
  45. Sukari (Kyaishi) x Troilus (Azure Desiderium)
  46. Skadi (Naru_Uchiha007) x Zedonius (Naru_Uchiha007)
  47. Valadhiel Arasinya ( Wasteland Wyvern ) x Ra'Avyn ( Kaya Wolf Moon )
  48. Lissianna ( Wasteland Wyvern ) x Nicodemus ( Gl!tch~ )
  49. Auroria (Twitchapher the 3rd) x Puddlejumper (Tara de Draiocht)
  50. Siren (Ragers / Lady Delaidra) x Henry Baker (Tara de Draiocht)
  51. Eyota ( Cheyriddle4 ) xZephyr ( A TH e a r t)
  52. Temptress ( Cheyriddle4 ) x Nemestrinus ( Aneiron )
  53. Harper (L e r i l y e) x Ayanna ([X]Natty-Chan[X])
  54. Lilith (Zakiax) x Remiel (Snowbelle Thundara)
  55. Forte - LunaRei_SilverBlood x Orrin - LunaRei_SilverBlood
  56. Ayasha (Ragers) x Yasei (LunaRei_SilverBlood)
  57. Starla Skye (Moxxiie) x Cosmos (Moxxiie)
  58. Pyper ( Moxxiie ) x Raja (Looneytaz82)
  59. Lacey (Jesse the Eternal / sesshiyasha) x Naos Drekk (Kaya Wolf Moon)
  60. Evea Dove (L e r i l y e) x Isenfan (Kivras)
  61. Zhang Yue (Mameha Otome) x Antonio (~Lady Kanna~)
  62. Hina'ea (Mameha Otome) x Kekipi Makani (Rhyleigh)

    Page 4
  63. Mirabilis (xKOVAKtheWOLFx) x Volaille(RamuneGrl)
  64. Takala (HoneyTeaTree) x Indominus Rex (Astoria Fallen)
  65. Linnea ( HoneyTeaTree ) x Gideon Lincecum Rose ( Fatal Irony )
  66. Kavu Kuran ( FrostyPeaches ) x Rosabell ( lux_rayne13 )
  67. Hinata (Irish Night Fox) x Baruti (Teigra)
  68. Macaria (Teigra) x Akesh (Teigra)
  69. Zaria (AislingJuno) x Wesa-da (Meepfur)
  70. Nihil (Azure Desiderium) x Aurea (-_Wish of Tevarae_-)
  71. Xara (Dea and #Teddy#) x Zatarra (Nyx Queen of Darkness)
  72. Bryony (tefla) x Saiph's Deceptive Cadence (tefla)
  73. Xiulan (Ebonrune) x Kiera (Gracie Loff)
  74. Ysura (Ebonrune) x Sunstrider (Gracie Loff)
  75. Decadent (StrawberryRoseTea) x Pollux (Ryghann)
  76. Viviana (Lunarflowermaiden) x Gilby (Lunarflowermaiden)
  77. Salmon (XxXPandamoniumXxX) x Captain Alpin (Summer Raaven)
  78. Zuzana Idocrase (Rinial Sisterdragon) x Cornick (Anderleit & Discordancy)
  79. Cascata ( RadiantRose Midnight ) x Shiroshi Takashi ( Sesshiyasha )
  80. Aiesha (Ryghann) x Delphinus (Velvetvixie)

    Page 5
  81. DarkHeart (AstoriaFallen) x Kalyani (Ramenli)
  82. The Infinite Hunt (Novablu/Kamiki) x Kitsunebi (~Twilight...Angel~)
  83. Yiska ( techabyte ) x Veraç Lili Protecció ( ~Twilight...Angel~ )
  84. Crystaea (Amirynth) x Solemn (Amirynth)
  85. Uriel (Amirynth) x Sherlock (Amirynth)
  86. Camellia (oo DeD) x Jeremiel (oo DeD)
  87. Giselle ( Rita Zyon ) x Tobiah ( Rita Zyon )
  88. Flannán (Odet Amo) x Dubhán (Odet Amo)
  89. Star Opal ( Mewsings of An Angel ) x Laeroth ( ArashiX )
  90. Lady Mizuki ( Eternal Xantara ) x Setareh ( Mewsings of an Angel )
  91. Silver Mist ( Kara Asumie) x Icarus ( Natelie)
  92. Aquila (belloblossom) x Conleth (Dea and #Teddy#)
  93. Eleanor (belloblossom) x Valentine Amores (Thalea)
  94. Serenity (ABVirus) x Cecily (Faithofthefallen)
  95. Destati (Mahogany Sunset) x Niall (Mahogany Sunset)
  96. Convallaria (Mahogany Sunset) x Eros (Mahogany Sunset)
  97. Adelyn (dolphingurl) x Asariel (oo DeD)
  98. Olivia (Nyx Queen of Darkness) x Aponi (Nyx Queen of Darkness)
  99. Tsura (Aria Starstone) x Melusine (Aria Starstone)
  100. Keres (Aria Starstone) x Midas Aurelio(Aria Starstone)

Breeding Thickets

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