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Katrina SaDiablo

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 1:18 pm
Of course, Kit had no idea that Sujuka wasn't being truthful with her. Just the fact that he had actually answered her questions made her happy. Most people ignored her when she started asking questions.

"How do you keep the reactors working? Is it hard?"
PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 9:33 am
((Wow xD We're kinda dominating this rp now aren't we?))

"Well..." He paused. He wasn't sure how to answer that without spilling too much. Of course, he had to remember it was a young girl. "It's not too difficult when you've got smart people like Hojo."

He carried another large box back into a room out of sight. Taking extreme care not to drop it. As he returned, having placed it where it belonged, he smiled. "I have to go back into the actual outside world again for a while. If you'd like to join me, then I'm sure it would be less frightening than hanging around this old crab, Hojo." he chuckled.

Too Sexy For A Shirt

Katrina SaDiablo

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 3:15 pm
(So it seems, but at least we're keeping it active smile . and don't forget that Sujuka does know Kit's name. She introduced herself right after being spotted by him and Hojo biggrin )

"So Professor Hojo is really smart? That's good. If he wasn't smart enough to be a professor, I doubt he'd be working for ShinRa." Kit blinked at the offer to join him back outside.

"Well, if you don't mind having me following you, okay."
PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:23 pm
((I am TEMPORARILY controlling Zack for a bit to get through a breif planned plot event. ;p ))

Zack groaned to himself. Pharallah had tattled on him. Practical jokes always tended to bite him back. He was hoping he could get out of any reprimand for it. But Pharallah's intrusion had been such a distraction that it was likely that both were going to face reprimand by both of their mentors upon return to the camp.

The demon Angel
During a lul in the training session, Krad had been painstakingly discussing a well practiced technique to a younger 3rd class recruit. Many of his seniors, and even a few of his peers had grasped the seemingly impossible task of deflecting bullets with a melee weapon, something made possible only by the near prescient reflexes granted through the mako infusion. When Pharallah interrupted another of his students, Zack Fair was the boy's name, he took note of his intrusion, but continued his careful explanation until he saw the light of possible understanding dawn in the 3rd Class SOLDIER's eyes. He nodded reassuringly and said simply, "Observe." As he calmly drew his pistol from the back of his belt and leveled it at Zack, "Fair!" He called Zack by his last name loud enough for him to be clearly heard over the drizzle to catch the man's attention, waited the breadth of a second to assure himself that the required attention was shifting in his direction, he didn't want to hurt him after all. He then fired off a single shot the sound echoing slightly muffled through the rain dusted plain for a few moments after the shot had been fired. When he could be heard he added, "Mr. Pharallah, I assume you have and explanation for this interruption?" He remained poised, as ever, the barrel of his high calliber gun smoking faintly, most the heat dissipating into the drizzle. He had no fear of actually hurting Zack, his mind often wandered, but his reflexes were excellent, and he would master this particular technique very soon, if Krad was any judge. However this served two purposes, it brought Fair's attention back to the lesson at hand, and demonstrated to the greener recruit what Krad had just explained. Plus, it would serve as a mild reprimand to the headstrong 2nd Class. He could already sense the amusement among some of the other SOLDIERs and knew they would not let Zack soo forget how easily he'd been caught off guard.

((I tried not to write Zack's response, but I think it's a fair assumption that he'd be able to block the bullet, even if he's not quite as skilled as he will eventually be. Though it wouldn't be unfitting for him to only barely block it I suppose))

Zack had been just a little surprised when Pharalla suddenly took off, he'd expected a much longer scolding than that, especially for messing with the man's bow case. He'd been just about to follow his own impulse and trail after 'Phara-chu' when he heard his name spoken, he turned with a wince to his teacher, the First Class SOLDIER, Krad. He barely had time to register what Krad intended when the gun barrel pointed at him. His arm whirled into motion, reflex taking over as he pulled his Buster-sword between him and the path of the bullet. His instinct served him fairly well, but in his moment of distraction with the Scientist' assistant he had slacked off with his stance, toppling backwards with the force of the projectile and landing flat on his back in the mud. "Whoops," Zack admitted sheepishly, chuckling even as he struggled into a sitting position. "So what was that for?" He called out to his mentor, frowning with mock indignation.


Pharallah returned to the subject of his sudden attention and as he got closer he heard a voice called out to him and it was confirmed. He picked up pace and ran toward where Sephiroth and the outline made clear were standing. "FREEEEEEEEEEY!" Pharallah squealed in excitement, colliding into the open arm that were waiting for a hug. He glomped the Chimera hard enough that it picked the shorter man clean off his feet.

He finally composed himself and pulled away. "I thought you were deeeeaaaad! Look at that Seph, he's not dead!" Pharallah waved his arms so fast it was making him dizzy. "Ooooh! What a surprise!" He said ecstatically. He ever to gentally forced Sephiroth and Freyr into one large awkwardly positioned group hug. He knew Sephiroth wasn't much of a touchy feely kinda guy, but he knew the General well enough that he didn't figure he'd get killed just this once.

"Oh Sephiroth, your hair is so soft!" He smirked.

"Well,... about that..." Freyr chimed in with a grin at the comment of his state of 'living'. But was happily and predictably interupted by Pharalla's affectionate display. Freyr was perhaps a little less gentle with his hug, easily caught up in the intense excitement and enthusiasm, he wrapped his arms around the both of them pulling back until he'd either pulled them off the ground or forced them on tippy-toes! "It IS soft!" The chimera giggled, "You use Conditioner then?" He smirked fondly at his once-protoge. His exuberance was abruptly interupted however, when he felt the tarped mass on his back shifting with his movements. Without warning he released his two freinds stepping back and twisting uncomfortably to reach behind him and grab the form. Sure enough it had been sliding, and would be nearly impossible to return to it's previous position without jostling. With utmost care Freyr transfered the tarped mass from his back into his arms, cradling it gently as he looked around. "I don't suppose we can find a... more private place?" He inquired more seriously, "I think both of you need to hear my news."  

Ermak Lorde

Janus HighPriestOfPlayer

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 2:41 am
Sephiroth extricated himself quickly, but gracefully, from the unintended group hug, needlessly straightening his coat as he leveled what would have been a withering glare at Pharalah, if he'd been anyone else. "Come inside, there's a general's office out here, and I'm the only General in Midgar at the moment, so we shouldn't be bothered." He fished a small keyring from his coat pocket, and led them both inside the portable building Shinra had set up for the training grounds here. Then led them into the office off the main hall, pulling the blinds before closing the door behind them. He gave them both a cursory glance before turning his attention to the oddly shaped tarp Freyr carried. It looked like... no he told himself Freyr would never have come to him with a corpse, but the resemblance was definite, and he'd seen his share. "So..." He began as Freyr took his bearings inside the room. He extended one hand and gingerly poked the blue burrito'd package, "What's with the tarp?"  
PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 1:21 pm
Pharallah was silent but he'd had the question in mind too. He hopped up on a small table and off his shaky legs. He'd ignored Sephiroth's attempt of a glare--he never had the heart to really threaten him--there was something much more curious to pay attention too. "Do say Frey. I'm as curious as any."

Sujuka looked at her and smiled. "Of course I don't mind, I don't ask unless I mean it. Hojo is very smart, even a little too smart to keep up with. But I do try." Sujuka added and turned to call back into the room. "Professor, I'm going back outside, I'll return if you need me." He closed the door to his lab slowly and headed toward the outside area walking slower to Kit's smaller legs could keep up with his long strides.

((And I did remember her name ^^ I just like to use pronouns and labels a lot XD))  

Too Sexy For A Shirt

Katrina SaDiablo

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 4:21 pm
(Ah, makes sense. smile )

Kit smiled very brightly. She was glad to have someone who seemed to like her. The coltish 8 1/2 year old easily kept up with Sujuka's pace, bright blue eyes glancing now and then at the scientist.

"Um, can you tell me who the tall, silver-haired man I sometimes see around is? He wears black a lot, has really neat green eyes and seems to be pretty important." Kit didn't think she'd get in trouble for asking about that person, but she was being cautious. She didn't wanna get yelled at.
PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2007 11:38 am
"EEEEPP!" Freyr half-wailed, "Don't Poke Him!!" He pulled slightly away from Sephiroth batting at the general's hand with one paw, "What's wrong with you???" The chimera pouted with less exageration than one might have expected of him. Huffing for a breif moment he examined his load, noticing that it was starting to shift around a little. A soft groan issued from the tarped mass and was mirrored a moment later by Freyr,

"Are we there yet?" Came a muffled queerie.

"See? Now look what you've done! You woke him!" Freyr scolded, though his heart wasn't behind it.

The mass shifted again and a moment later a hand poked out, "Freyr? A little help?" The voice was strangely familiar to both Pharalla and Sephiroth, though as it was distorted by the protective wrappings it was hard to immediately place.

Freyr wordlessly sat his hind-quarters down, wrapping one paw under the figure for balance as he helped unwrap the blue water-proof material. Under the tarp was two blankets, which also required some unwrapping. But with Freyr's deft hands it was only a matter of moments before he was helping an old man to his feet.

Ghast glanced over his surroundings, blinking the sleep from his eyes, "Um.... Freyr?" His tone abruptly became serious, ".... You didn't take us to Midgar did you?"

"Well..... About that...." Freyr began, fidgetting a little in place.  

Ermak Lorde

Cecil Helden

PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2007 2:16 pm
Jean placed down her book and spoke softly "er... this is such a lovely conversation but perhaps we should be going now" and pointed in the general direction of the exit. The vehicle had not been moving since slightly before Morhigan's last sentence. "Um, perhaps you could show me where to bring these" she asked of the Turk, gesturing towards the vial of cells.

The driver turned to look at the passengers "You're gonna have to leave now I'm supposed to be transporting troops in about 10 minutes"  
PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2007 3:06 pm
Without being noticed by the training SOLDIERS, a small child around the age of twelve slipped close to the building Sephiroth had gone into. An eye patch was secured over her left eyes, but it didn't seem to hinder her vision. If someone had noticed her, they would only think she was a street urchin. The child flattened herself against the wall near the window that was covered and tilted her head slightly. She was trying to listen to what the two where saying, since she was trying to figure a way into the main Shinra building.

Korei moved her white hair from the right side of her face and closed her visible eye. She wanted information and the best way to get what she wanted was to spy on others. In the Shinra files there was a files she wanted. That files had everything about for the first five years of her life and she wanted to know why she existed. Pure luck had got her out of the labs as a small child and now she hoped that luck would give her the answer to her only question that went unanswered. Why did she exist? Religion held no true answer, so she fell back to science for the long sought information.

'Now tell me what I want to know.'  


Too Sexy For A Shirt

PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2007 6:01 pm
Sujuka looked back at her, "Oh that's Sephiroth. He's a real stoic one. He's not fond of Hojo, nor me for that matter. I'm sure he's probably not paid you any mind. And if he has I'd be surprised. He's closed off most of the time. Hojo gets angry with me if I mention him." He sighed.

Pharallah stared rather stupidly. He blinked very slowly and even contemplated passing out. Ghast. His mentor, Ghast. His savoir, Ghast. Professor Ghast. Not possible! Ghast was dead! DEAD.

"...h...how?" He finally managed to utter a few stupidly malformed syllables.
PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2007 6:13 pm
Kit actually stared at Sujuka in disbelief. Even a child living on the streets for the first years of her life would have heard of Sephiroth.

"That's... That's Sephiroth? Wow. He's a lot prettier than I thought he would be. I thought he'd look something like the head of the Turks, I think his name is Tseng..."

Katrina SaDiablo

The demon Angel

PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 11:40 pm
Krad suppressed his sigh, and rather explained, as he always did with Zack. "If you were on a mission, the enemy would not have given you warning like I just did, what do you think would have happened then?" He let him think on that for a second then said, "Come, since you volunteered I'll use you to demonstrate the next technique." He gestured for him to approach the area he was moving to. His demeanor all business, for the moment.  
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 9:26 am
Despite Korei's curiosity, Sephiroth had indeed chosen the location for the continuation of their discussion well. Between the rain, the sounds of training nearby, and the excellent sound proofing of ShinRa technology, not a single word could be made out from the other side of the closed and covered window. Though if she had been able to hear what was going on she probably wouldn't have understood it, nor was she likely to get the information she sought here.

"I heard you were dead." Sephiroth said, managing not to stumble over the words. Of all the possibilities of circumstances, this was just about the only thing he was completely unprepared for. He reached blindly for a chair and sat down in it, unable to remove his eyes from the scientist he'd so admired, "I think, 'how', is definately a good place to start... Freyr?" He looked back and forth between the chimera and his charge, a bit unbelieving.

Janus HighPriestOfPlayer


PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2007 3:43 pm
Madeline rose smoothly, walking out of the vehicle as she hopped out Madeline kicked a lever. Clunk a ramp crashed to the ground allowing the others a more graceful exit. "Er miss..." The SOLDIER looked towards Morhigan "well I don't suppose I got your name. No never mind it doesn't matter" She began walking towards the place where the mixed class marksmen were training. "If you have time would you care to help me instruct these SOLDIERs how to fight" She drew her revolver casually continuing her walk.  
JENOVA's Witnesses

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