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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:26 pm
Seeing the court where she and Enigma had first met made Erin's heart pound. But in that swoon of pure joy she'd felt, she sensed another being closeby, behind her to be exact, who felt like they were trying to focus on her- she could see her picture in his mind. It felt human enough, so it was probably just some bored creep. As she drew closer, she could feel Enigma, and relief washed over her, because, not only he was already there, but the guy behind had stopped concentrating on her. He had walked a bit away, like he would cross the street- or that's the impression she got from his aura. 'Just some guy who got too bored and was looking for someone...' she consoled herself, realizing how paranoid she'd been. Then, there he was, leaning against the doorway of the restraunt. Erin tried her best not to run, but settled with a hurried walk.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:57 pm
Enigma looked up just in time to see Erin arrive at the food court. He was disturbed to see a man watching her and gave that guy an icy stare. The man looked at and walked off, too spooked at the glare Enigma gave to him. Thankfully, Erin didn't seem to notice it as Enigma waved at her from the doorway. Enigma felt relief when he saw her smiling, thinking that it was a nice change from what her expression had been the night before. He smiled at her and together they went inside...  

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:20 pm
As they were seated, Erin hid, to the best of her ability, the curiosity she felt about the man that had been behind her, though she no longer sensed him. He'd been focusing on her- it hadn't been obvious what he'd been studying. But since sitting down with Enigma, that curiosity had faded in comprarison. "Can I ask you something?" she wondered nervously, wanting to avoid this conversation, though knowing that if she didn't that the question would become a nuisance- no, it would be much more than that. She continued, "I want to know the story about that vial." Erin winced, finishing the sentence, knoing that the question would undoubtably disrupt the amazing serenity they felt.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 12:43 am
Enigma looked at her thoughtfully, hiding his surprised reaction very well. Mentally thinking that it was better to tell her the truth, he decided to tell her more about himself...

"So you want to know about the truth about that ominous vial? Well... to begin with, that vial came from an old organization I used to belong too. I guess you would say they were humans dedicated to exterminating chiropteras from this world." Enigma took a sip of water, slightly amused that the girl was listening attentively. "They had an ally though, a pure blooded chiroptera whose blood can turn any chiroptera into stone. Her name was Saya and believe it or not, her twin sister, Diva, was the one responsible for the widespread of chiropteras in this world. Although Diva was killed by Saya, chiropteras are still widespread and still as dangerous as before. What you see now in front of you, Ms. Leandra, is a servant of a descendant of Diva." Enigma said grimly, stopping himself to tell her more.

"Anyway, the blood in the vial came from Saya... It was extracted from her and the scientist at the organization found a way to preserve the cells that are deadly to us. After they were made, I stole one of a pair, because I hated being a chiroptera... But... well... since meeting you... Let's just say the rest is history" Enigma said, feeling better... maybe he just needed to pour it out to some, Enigma mused as he watch the girl as the information sank into her.  

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 3:31 pm
"Wow," Erin muttered. At first she'd been confused by the name Chiroptera, but she understood what he meant- her and him and all other creatures that stole the lives of humans to preserve their own; whether in instict or understanding of their need. But still she only knew that upon her return from Ispara, that she'd been cursed. She had no clue how the curse had created this need for blood, and Erin had absolutely no clue, before now, about Saya and Diva or their children. "There seems to be much more hidden in this world than what I saw in the last." she whispered, noting that Enigma was watching her. "What I mean is, I've had no knowledge of how I've come to be what I am." she knew that it wasn't right to withold the rest of the story- but it would take a while to explain, and there wasn't an easy way to sum it up Erin wondered just how much time it would take.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 8:48 pm
He just looked at her as the food arrived and ate in silence, letting Erin to gather her thoughts. Enigma was curious to know about her, and the other world he had read at the report... But more than anything, he wanted to know the reason why she was desperate to die that night... He remembered that her happiness was taking from her before she could even had hold it...

"Too many thoughts in my mind..." He thought, as he finished his lunch and sat back, cup in his hand as he slowly drank... At thta moment he decided on one thing...

"Umm, Ms. Leandra, would you like to continue this conversation at my apartment?"  

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:54 pm
Nodding, Erin finished off her plate and drank the last sip of her soda. She knew that she would tell Enigma everything- but it wouldn't be absolutely everything. There were some things that were too sensitive to say... All the time that she'd felt so happy and useful, and then all the painful time she spent locked up before they found a way to get rid of her. Erin fought not to remember the details of the last part. "I'd be honored." she replied, smiling.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 6:52 am
Seeing her nod in agreement, Enigma excused himself as he got up and payed the bills. By the time he got back to their table, he saw Erin ready to go. Erin gave him a nod and walked outside the foodcourt. Outside, the afternoon sun was shining overhead, which made the day better since there wasn't any sign of rain today. He was glad she agreed to continue the conversation in private, and for some reason, he felt happy she was trusting him even though they only had just met.

Before long, they arrive at a building, which looked as normal as possible. It was just he way he liked it since it didn't attract peoples attention much and he was just content with it. As they arrived at his door, Enigma's sane side of the brain started to kick in, yelling at him on why the heck did he bring a girl to his apartment... "It's too late to back out now" Enigma mentally sighed as he took his key and opened the door...  

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 3:23 am
Sorry for not replying sooner... or later- depends on where you live. sweatdrop
Erin felt anxious again, but it was a good anxious. What she felt was the 'I don't know whats going to happen, but I know that it's definitely good' kind, not the 'I know something bad's around the corner, and I can feel it' kind. Being homeless, it felt good to be at an apartment, just having a real roof overhead that didn't belong to a store, or a warehouse (or some place she'd broken into.) It was awkward, but in a subtle way- like neither of them were used to being around someone that they didn't know about and someone that was not their prey or their enemy.

But neither Erin or Enigma could know that the man who'd been watching Erin earlier was marking down every detail about their night and what Enigma looked like. He had recognized Erin from her attack when she'd lost control. Right now he was curious, but prepared to show the police his evidence if a time for it came.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 3:41 am
As they settled themselves in the living room, Enigma left her for a there while he made tea in the kitchen. He knew the girl needed to sort out her thoughts and knew he was right when he brought the tea back to the living room. Seeing the girl settled and calm, Enigma knew she had collected her thoughts and he placed the cups in the table, getting a seat and just sip his tea as he waited for the girl to speak up.  

Vice Captain

Sin Of Spite

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 6:10 am
"... That was a hell of a boat ride..."

". . ."

Rage and his master Seto had finally made it to Japan after what seemed an eternity... They were dressed in common garb, but soon traded that out for their normal clothing once Seto purchased a small base of operations, a hotel suite.

"... Rage, I've heard of an organization called Red Shield. They want nothing more than to kill the beautiful Chiropterans made for me..."

"... And why do you tell me this?"

"Isn't it obvious? They are the reason you were created as what you are... To represent my Rage, my hatred of Red Shield." Seto came behind the boy and placed a hand on his shoulder, the homunculus' eyes staring into his reflection of a mirror as he sat there. "... They likely will confuse you for a Chiropteran... They won't know your weakpoints..."

"... I understand." With this, Rodo lifted up, tying his hair into a long ponytail before walking to the balcony and leaping off. Within moments, a loud crash could be heard as he landed stories below, a small crater around his slender, crouched form. He rose up, eyes coming open as the dust settled and glowing with the very crimson aura of darkness that gave him his name...
PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:25 am
Erin paused, wondering where to begin. "About ten years ago, I was , what I thought, a simple human. Until one day, when a simple feeling of Deja vu sent me into another world where I was thought to be a saviour of a race of people who were fighting for their existence. In their legends a person of another place would become, and save them from the other races and preserve their place in the world." she paused, blocking the memories of what had happened, who she met, and all of those innocents whose fate had been sealed by then. Erin began again, doing her best to make her voice not tremble or break. "Then, another person from another world showed up, knowing what I didn't- that I was a fake, and that I was their doom. As soon as the words were spoken, I was imprisoned and punished, until a mysterious shadow told them how to get rid of me. They had no clue who or what had helped them, as neither did I, but they did exactly as instructed and got rid of me." She left out the part of where she was publicly insulted by Demetri and the scar was laid upon her along with the curse. "When I came back, I found out that nothing about me existed anymore, except that I was a body who'd been found at an empty house. When I woke up, I was at a coroner's office. It's not a very pleasant feeling, coming back from the dead." she allowed herself to shiver at the memory. "I left my home behind, it was hard to see all the people who 'never knew me'." Confessing everything that had happened made Erin feel a bit better- Of course, there'd been no one to talk with who''d know how it felt to be dead, or bloodthirsty... before now.


Sin Of Spite

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:26 pm
Rage's sudden leap into the streets below their base had startled many... Including the local law enforcement and perhaps a few members of shield. A couple of policemen rushed at him only to be attacked with ferocious speed and strength, his blows punching holes in their body before they fell to the ground, lifeless and cold. T.V. sets blared in many nearby shots, covering the live, uncensored footage of his destruction... The humans felt pathetic, and those whom thought they could stop the madness by throwing their lives on the line ended up having those very souls taken from them in quick, embracive death.

"... Pathetic worms..." Rage whispered, grinning slightly at the havoc he had caused. Only twenty yards away from the hotel, and all of Japan's eyes seemed to be on him... What a night in Tokyo.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 6:33 pm
Silence enveloped the whole room as Erin finished her story...Enigma closed his eyes as he tried to imagine all the hardship and tasks the girl had to go through... He stared at the slumped form of the girl and noticed a scar running down her neck.. Silently cursing the b*****d who did that to her, he was about top open his mouth when his phone rang... He glanced at the caller id and quickly answered it.

"What's up Cyr?" Enigma asked him quickly

"No time, just turn on your T.V to the main channel, hurry!!!" Cyr yelled over the phone.

Disturbed by his violent response, Enigma quickly turned the T.V on and switched it to the main channel. What he saw didn't make any sense until a flying body drop down in front camera...

"What the heck's happening over there?" Enigma blurted out as he saw the rest of scene, bloody carnage over the area. He forgot the phone was still beside his ears...

"What your looking now is the work of a new breed. We just received a report that some of those chiropterans have made their move here, although their purpose of them coming here is still unknown. I'm sending out operatives to handle them, but, it's just to buy us some time." Cyr replied, the tone of his voice frantic, as if not believing what he saw too.

"Fine... I'll see what I can do. If you have any remaining batch of those blood, send it to me as soon as I get to the scene." Enigma answered back and turned off his phone. Suddenly, the phone rang again and Enigma quickly picked it up.

"Enigma..." a woman's voice called his name over the phone

His side of being a chevalier awakened and softly answered the phone

"What are your orders mistress?"

"Dispatch and eliminate the creatures that are causing havoc. Your granted to use any means necessary to eliminate them. Good luck" The phone click as the call ended, a sense of foreboding as he stared at Erin, who was staring at the television with rapt attention.  

Vice Captain

Sin Of Spite

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 2:49 pm
"Come to me... Red Shield... Come and take your poison..." he whispered softly, his voice a haunting melody. "... Through the sword, you try to cleave me... Through the pistol, you try to end my life..." As if on cue, an officer drew his gun and planted a bullet right into the forehead of the homunculus, a large cracking sound filling the air as if the impact of the bullet broke his neck. After a moment of silence, the crowd onwatching hushed, he chuckled and snapped his head foreward, a sickening sound of crunching bone filling the air as golden blood dripped down his handsome face. He licked his lips as they became damp with this odd, golden elixir, and he laughed once again. "... Yet no matter how much you cut me down... No matter what your motives... No matter who you are... I will kill you." Within moments, the bullet dropped out of his skull and the hole on his forehead reformed before he drew a knife, delving it into the backside of his right arm and tearing open a gash... Within moments, the homunculus' body fluids hardened and refined their shape, as if by magic, forming a weapon that was similar to some armblade used in ancient wars. He leapt at the officer whom shot him and struck him down with one fell blow, crouching over the man before tearing his weapon violently to the left, showering the horrified members of his audience in blood as he himself took a crimson bath. Licking that metalic substance from him, he rose again, the blade fading. "... So can none of you take me? Is there no one whom can match me? How boring."
[Joel's Diary]

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