Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:57 pm
Deej's Feb Work Log [reorganizing my log a little bit so its a little more readable for me]
Elder Aquitaine elder - done my half, sent to 1/3CYO converstions 15/15 done (previous 10 that I finished last month aren't listed) mistalina13 (70c) Celeanor (70c) Insane Butterfly (70c) Bardess Ookami (70c) xxx Yuki Bear xxx (70c)Breedings Cloud (Kivras) x Tirith (Meepfur) ----- #1: Basket (10c) + Foal (30c) + Adult - minor edits (95c)----- #2: Basket (10c) + Foal (30c) + Adult - minor edits (95c) Huan Qing (Bluedemonwolf) x Iahu (Pandora Talie) ----- #1: Basket (10c) + Foal (30c) + Adult (70c)----- #2: Basket (10c) + Foal (30c) + Adult (70c)----- #3: Basket (10c) + Foal (30c) + Adult (70c) Star Ocean (o-Elixir-o) x Anahi Asho (dawns_aura)----- #1: Basket (10c) + Foal (30c) + Adult (70c)----- #2: Basket (10c) + Foal (30c) + Adult (70c)----- #3 Basket (10c) + Foal (30c) + Adult (70c) Valentines Amores (Thalea) x Aldebaran (stormflower)----- #1: Basket (10c) + Foal (30c) + Adult (70c)----- #2: Basket (10c) + Foal (30c) + Adult (70c)Crackship [X]Natty-Chan[X] x GrnGriff (sketched adults)----- #1: Basket (10c) + Foal (50c) + Adult (120c)----- #2: Basket (10c) + Foal (30c) + Adult (70c)Colorist Transfer Here 3 foals, 2 minor edit adultsStaff Credit hanging gallow Aisling x Fovos Moros [2F1M] - 10% done----- #1:----- #2:----- #3: adult colors/lines done - need shading Kyrieko's Tea event freebie - flats done, need shading - 65% done Cherie's Kaelthas - sketch done 10% donemubby 's Fermata Amachi x Hroarr Darkbane, spooky twisted tunnel - 20% done----- #1: basket done, adult flats done - need shading----- #2: basket done, adult flats done - need shading----- #3: basket done, adults flats done - need shading my s**t----- Tyrande + mutant edited familiar----- Illidan + mutant edited familiar twins----- Twisted medic herd girl (lines done, sent to Fitzy for colors)----- x2 custom items (Caramia - obi; Teutates - scarf/blindfold)----- Edited nonmutant familiar (for Tydus)----- EmichouxJeremiah breeding (2 baskets)SC Redeems show spoiler hide spoiler
7/15: -1000sc (Duke custom) 08/15: -1500sc (Emichou x Jeremiah breeding - coloring by hg) 09/15: -1250sc (Tyrande Whisperwind custom + owl familiar) 10/15: -1500sc (Tyranis x Nidawi breeding - coloring by Zak) 10/15: -Tea Event freebie (coloring by Zak) 11/15: -2025c [1500c (edited mutant custom) + 100c (x2 custom accessories - Taranis&Caramia) + 425c (5 unedit familiars, 1 unedit mutant familiar, 1 edited familiar)] 12/15: - 1125sc (Caramia x Shijin breeding colored by mu (1k) + 1 edited mutant familiar colored by Lolly (125sc)) 1/16: -2000sc ((Illidan Stormrage, edited mutant + 2 edited mutant familiars)) 2/16: -1000sc (EmixJer spring twist breeding - by me)
note to self: unredeemed - tiki event freebie, christmas freebie (pony + familiar) 7 TC + 1 = 8 TC
total 1790
prev 1955
-1000c Emichou x Jeremiah spring twist breeding
net total 2745c
Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:27 pm
Strife's February 2016 Worklog Biannual: Oct & April (October proof) Next Slot Opening: April 2016 (breedings)Completed: SC Custom: Gale Hawthorne (heavy) = 170c Freebie mouse 1 (unedited familiar) = 50c Freebie mouse 2 (unedited familiar) = 50c PHE01 Freebie: Raptor mini (heavy) = 120c Breeding: Verity x Zamiel (3x extreme adults)_____ Baby #1 = 10 + 50 + 320 _____ Baby #2 = 10 + 50 + 320_____ Baby #3 = 10 + 50 + 320 TriEvent01 Freebie, star peacock (unedited) = 70c TriEvent02 Freebie, angelwing mini (minor) = 95c = 1530c (total)working on: SC work for others Event freebie-pets (optional) Previous = 3945c This month = 1695cc Total = 5640cc Cashin = -1000cc (edited winter-spring breeding, Coquette Sinclair x Seraphiel // Feb 29) Remaining = 4640cc Tech Credits = 4 (previous) + 1 (Feb) = 5TC
Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 5:47 am
Jet's Jan/Feb/March Worklog
Working On Finished ArashiX Plushie - 95c HG plushie - 95c Strawberry Plushie - 95c Nyoko Plushie - 95c Celeste Plushie - 95c Tygress Plushie - 95c Mutant Custom - 50c Custom Twins - 100c Custom Growing Twins - 150c Dyre X Auron 1 - Basket - 10c + Foal 30c + Adult 70c + unedit bonus 25c = 135c Dyre X Auron 2 - Basket - 10c + Foal 30c + Adult 70c + unedit bonus 25c = 135cPrevious Total - 6880cSpent Credits - 1000c - Cashin (Jan) 1000c Unedited mutant Custom for future contest - Cashin (March) 1000c Unedited mutant Custom for future contestCredit Total - 6020c Tech Credit - 14tc Previous Records
Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:51 pm
◊Diamond's February Worklog◊ SC Requests Status | ClosedCredit Guide Completed | FrostyPeaches custom (50 + 20)To Do | dawns_aura custom nekolulu custom Lady Aria Starstone custom -----------Credits | Earned | 70c Carried | 3,040c Cashed | Total | 3,110c Cash-ins | Previous Logs |
Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:08 pm
hanging gallow's February Worklog SC Requests Status | Closed
Wishing Stars:
Total from WS: 1650 sc
Total from Breedings: 680 sc
Tea Event:
Total from Tea Event: 985 sc
Crackship April:
Total from Crackship: 275sc
Total from Customs: 250 sc
Crackships Feb.
Total from Customs: 460 sc
Non-Colorist: Christmas: 500c
Left Over SC: 230c
Total of All: 5,030 SC
SC Spent: 1,500 – Sept Tri-Wing Breeding from Deej
1,500 – Jan Custom – Mock Kid Wasu x Howl
1,000 - Feb. Breeding (deciding which couple)
Total Left: 1,030 SC
Tech Credit: Jan - Jan = 12c – 6c (from last year, need to note on techstaff list)
Work to do:
show spoiler hide spoiler
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 8:08 am
Cel's February 2016 Work Log
Pending Approval Astrea items: Feather Cape (50sc) + Hairsticks&3-Hoop Earrings (20sc) -70sc
Ikigai items: Beaded Bracelet&Plumeria Bracelet&Plumeria Flowers (20sc) -20sc
Naamah items: Wool Bracers&Feather Earring (20sc) + Tabard (50sc) -70sc
Nat'oh items: Peace Pipe (30sc) + Dreamcatcher (20sc) -50sc
Soleil items: Blanket (30sc) + Hairsticks (20sc) -50sc
Tadoka items: Blindfold&Choker (20sc) -20sc
Total: 280sc Completed Breedings Bane x Sylvain x3 -150sc
Chi'i'vari x Ayame x3 -150sc
Misty x Zex'chel x5 -250sc
Crackships S u r f for L o v e x Insane Butterfly - 100sc
Roarie Desu x Ebonrune - 100sc
Total: 750sc Working On Credits -Previous credits: 1250sc
-Earned this month: 750sc
-Pending: 280sc Total: 2350sc (Does not include pending credits) Cash-ins -None: 0sc
Grand Total: 2350sc
Notes: 1 x SS Soq & 1 x SS Familiar: Claimed
Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 10:30 am
Uta's February/March 2016 Worklog
Working On in No Particular Order: ~ ~ ~ General Customer Work ---> Flame Elder Redo for Cele ---> Ozzie Cursedwalker ~ ~ ~ Staff Credit Work / Breeding Trades ---> Cajmera Custom ---> Miss Cherie Custom ---> SC Breeding for Nayci ~ ~ ~ Self Staff Credit Work 0cc ---> Galahad x Nita Breeding 0cc ---> Maeryn x Milosh Breeding 0cc ---> Keiran x Arianwyn Breeding 0cc ---> Reject x Raven Breeding 0ccSelf-Purchases/When I Get to It ---> Uta Rise from the Ash Freebie 0cc ---> Uta Carousel Event Freebie 0cc ---> Uta Enchanted Tea Garden Event Freebie 0cc ---> Christmas Soq 0cc ---> Christmas Familiar 0ccFinished: ---> Edel x Al'ar Baskets x 3 = 30cc ---> Edel x Al'ar Foals x 3 = 90cc ---> Edel x Al'ar Adult = 120cc ---> Edel x Al'ar Adult = 120cc ---> Edel x Al'ar Adult = 120cc ---> Echo x Khalon Baskets x 3 = 30cc ---> Echo x Khalon Foals x 3 = 90cc ---> Echo x Khalon Adult = 170cc ---> Echo x Khalon Adult = 170cc ---> Echo x Khalon Adult = 170cc ---> Nyx Valkyrie x Kaitou Baskets x 3 = 30cc ---> Nyx Valkyrie x Kaitou Foals x 3 = 90cc ---> Nyx Valkyrie x Kaitou Adult = 120cc ---> Nyx Valkyrie x Kaitou Adult = 120cc ---> Nyx Valkyrie x Kaitou Adult = 120cc ---> Melume x Mauja Baskets x 3 = 30cc ---> Melume x Mauja Foals x 3 = 90cc ---> Melume x Mauja Adults x 3 = 210 cc CYO Plushie Conversions AstoriaFallen = 70cc Epine de Rose = 70cc CitrusCupcake = 70cc DraconianFeline = 70cc Fayt of Redemption = 70cc Iceis = 70cc Jinx = 70cc Krusnik = 70cc Latonia de la Courtel = 70cc Lita Rutherford = 70cc Locksely = 70cc Looneytaz = 70cc Mahogany Sunset = 70cc Odet = 70cc Lady Ourania = 70cc Painted Moose = 70cc Pinka = 70cc Redbud Tree = 70cc Sesshy = 70cc Stormflower = 70cc Wolf Skinwalker Freebie = 70cc Wolf Feral Form = 25cc ---> Secret Santa 2014 for Zak = 0ccCurrent Month's Cash-ins : N/ACurrent Month's Credits: 3,415Previous Credit Record : All Time Credit Count: 17,115cc
Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 8:11 pm
+Troll's Jan/Feb Workings+
Familiars - Plushi conversions: Epine - Unedited deer +50
Twitch - Unedited rabbit +50
Mixer: Rinial + Divina:
[x] [x] - Unedited 'corgies' +100
Soquili - Plushi conversions: Laroawan - Unedited Suti'gryph +95
Ebonrune - Unedited Suti'gryph +95
Sesshiyasha - Unedited Suti'gryph +95
Kaya - Unedited Angeni'gryph +95
Mixer: Heart + Ghouli:
[basket] [foal] [adult] +10 +30 +95 = 135
[basket] [foal] [adult] +10 +30 +95 = 135
Summer + Sae:
[basket] [foal] [adult] +10 +30 +95 = 135
[basket] [foal] [adult] +10 +30 +95 = 135
+ Nov Credits: +660 + Dec Credits: +1,795 + Jan Credits: +785 + Feb Credits: +550 + Mar Credits: +1,410 + Apr Credits: +380 + May Credits: +240 - Tai'jin and Icarus breeding: -1,500 (from Bee) + June credits: +300 + July credits: +650 + Aug credits: +210 - Items for Doctor Who: -250 (from Mind) - Sexy and Compassion twins: -2,000 (from Juls) + Sept credits: +130 + Oct/Nov/Dec credits: Event work only - Nekali harpy custom: -1,000 + Jan credits: +380 - Amirynth and Javan breeding: - 1,500 (from Mobbu) + Feb/Mar credits: +370 + Apr credits: +485 + May credits: +360 + June credits: +560 - Sol and Syn breeding: - 1,500 (from DD) + July credits: +330 - Willow 'Suti: - 1,000 (from HG) + Aug credits: +320 + Sept/Oct credits: +620 + Nov credits: +485 + Dec credits: +700 + Jan credits: +550 + Feb/Mar credits: +540 - Sen'jin and Ysiel breeding -1,500 (From DD) + Apr credits: +280 - Hez and Kali breeding for Lysia -1,500 (From Slimy) + May credits: 460 + June credits: 390 + July credits: 560 - Elsa from Frozen by Ryuukishin - 1,000 + Dec credits: 230 - Atal'rin and Avalee breeding -1,500 (From Nerp) + Jan-May credits: 665 credits - Lady's surprise custom -1,000 + June-Sept credits: 460 + Oct credits: 715 + Nov/Dec credits: 1000 credits - Custom for Nyx -1000 - Template items - 250 Jan credits: 800 +500 bonus - Izrail x Suile breeding from Mind -1,500 Feb/Mar credits: 465 credits Apr/May credits: 410 credits June/July/Aug credits: 1,210 credits Sept/Oct credits: 600 7 tech credits spent - (purewalker) Nov/Dec credits: 1,150 + 500 bonus credits - Sunblessed Arakkoa custom - 1500 Carry Over: --- 3,885 credits
Jan/Feb credits: 1,120
- Sunblessed Arakkoa custom -1500
Current Total: 3,505 credits
Tech Credits = 4
To Do List - SS familiars
My SS familiar/soquili from Dec '15 (Gyosha)
Random stuff - Forest carousel freebie - From Fitz and Heart. - Dec '14
Custom for Nyx - from Dec '14
Colleen (pure walker) - Paid with Tech Credits - Approved by Mind - Oct '15
Sunblessed Arakkoa (Ix'kin) - Paid with credits - Approved by Mind - Dec '15
Sunblessed Arakkoa (Rukaryx) - Paid with credits - Approval Mind/HG - Feb '16
Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 7:36 pm
Roniel's Coloring Stuff
February Stuff
Items 1.
Familiars 1. Yumi x Orion:
1, 2 ,
3 ,
4 ,
5 = 50 x 5 = 250
2. Nightfall x Diefenbaker:
1 ,
2 ,
3 = 50 x 3 = 150
3. Celaeno x Void:
1 ,
2 ,
3 ,
4 ,
5 = 50 x 5 = 250
Credits used: show spoiler hide spoiler
November 2013: -500c for Frodo Baggins Peregrin Took for Summer Raven December 2013: -500c for a gator for me and a porcupine for Niss! March 2014: -1500c for Amitabha/Sopheary breeding May 2014: -250c for freebie upgrade June 2014: - 1500 for Svanbjorn/Blight breeding August 2014: -1500 for Verity/Zamiel breeding October 2014: -1500 for twisted breeding December 2014: -2000 for mutant custom April 2015: -2000 for mutant custom for Niss August 2015: -1500 for MIsaki/Arathorn breeding December 2015: -1000 for Kawah Ijen x Vajrayana breeding
February total: 650
Overall total: 4110 + 650 = 4760
Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:00 am
Ryuu's February 2016 Worklog
Current Month's Worklog & To-Do List .... Winter CYO 2015 050 | Eternal Xantara, Arashi; Unedited Familiar000 | Cert , With Soquili ; Uncert 050 | White Neko Chan, Layla; Unedited Familiar000 | Cert , With Soquili ; Uncert 075 | Blue_Sparkle27, Honeysuckle Violet Snow; Unedited Familiar: 50 + Complex Markings: 25000 | Cert , With Soquili ; Uncert 050 | Sabra Knight, PetName; Unedited Familiar000 | Cert, With Soquili; Uncert 050 | Nyx Queen of Darkness, Beriadanwen; Unedited Familiar000 | Cert , With Soquili ; Uncert SC Requests [Closed] one over three, Jenu x The Name Thief Phail Ninja, Tamu x Apatite Kyrieko, Event Freebie Kitsune Mistress Nyoko, Azure x Unesdala Aisgi Current Month's Total Credits Earned: 275Current Month's Cash-Ins 1,000 | Ryuukishin & She-Ra of Etheria, Inugami x Raven; Edited Soquili Breeding 0, 125 | Logue & Ryuukishin, Ringo x Weed; Edited Familiar Breeding Current Month's Total Credits Spent: 1,125Previous Records show spoiler hide spoiler
Format: Month (Link): Credits Earned - Credits Spent = Net Total for Stated Month; Net Total for Stated and Previous Months
.... 2014 January : 3,700 - 1,500 = 2,200; 2,200 February : 500 - 1,000 = (500); 1,700 March : 725 - 1,000 = (250); 1,425 April : 710 - 1,000 = (290); 1,135 May : 1,675 - 1,250 = 425; 1,560 June : 510 - 0 = 510; 2,070 July : 1,220 - 0 = 1,220; 3,290 August : 1,590 - 1,500 = 90; 3,380 September : 900 - 1,500 = (600); 2,780 October : 830 - 1,500 = (670); 2,110 November : 435 - 2,125 = (1,690); 420 December : 20 - 0 = 20; 440 2015 January : 850 - 0 = 850; 1,290 February : 3,410 - 1,500 = 1,910; 3,200 March : 0 - 0 = 0; 3,200 April : 690 - 1,500 = (810); 2,390 May : 300 - 0 = 300; 2,690 June : 630 - 1,500 = (870); 1,820 July : 1,090 - 7.0 (SM) = 1,090; 2,910 August : 1,260 - 1.0 (SM) = 1,260; 4,170 September : 470 - 1,500 = (1,030); 3,140 October : 430 - 1,000 = (570); 2,570 November : 1,320 - 1,000 - 4.0 (SM) = 320; 2,890 December : 500 - 0 = 500; 3,390 2016 January : 2,410 - 1,250 - 1.0 (SM) = 1,160; 4,550 Cool Downs Roniel Targaryen: Soquili Custom, ends March 2016 Ryuukishin: Soquili Breeding, ends April 2016 She-Ra of Etheria: Soquili Breeding, ends April 2016 Ryuukishin: Familiar Breeding, ends April 2016 Logue: Familiar Breeding, ends April 2016 Previous Month's Net Credits: 4,550 Current Month's Net Credits: (850)Total Colorist Credits: 3,700
Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 2:16 pm
Completed: CYO: Lestrange
[X] - 70 + 25
CYO: 8 Bit Mosh Pit
[X] - 70 + 25
CYO: LunaRei SilverBlood
[X] - 70 + 25
Current Workload: WS: EG: Das Tor, Redbud Tree, Wish of Tevarae [WIP - adults / 1/3 approvals] - 3 stages x3
CYO: Artymus [Approvals]
SC: Ballad x Whistle [WIP] - 3 stages x3
Event: Triwing Space Boy [Templated]
Event: Triwing Wilddog Boy [Templated]
Event: Quadwing Rainbow Twin #1 [Approvals]
Event: Quadwing Rainbow Twin #2 [Approvals]
Nova's Winter Custom [WIP]
Credits Earned: Oct: 950c
Nov: 325c
Dec: 135c + 500c (Christmas Bonus) = 635c
Jan: 0c
February: 0c
March: 285
Total Credits *as of March 1*: 2330c
Credits Spent:
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 6:01 am
♥ ♥ K a r a ' s Ma r ch / Ap r il 2 0 1 6 W o r k l o g ! ♥ ♥
COMPLETED || I won't be linking Breeding or Surprise Pets. Sorry. ♥♥♥♥ Paid Semi-Custom | Ririka - (95c) ♥♥♥♥ TG Surprise - (95c) ♥♥♥♥ TG Surprise - (95c) ♥♥♥♥ Paid Semi-Custom | CitrusCupcake - (95c) ♥♥♥♥ PE Surprise - (95c) ♥♥♥♥ MC Surprise - (95c) ♥♥♥♥ SC Item | Phail's Mini boy Sweater (10c) ♥♥♥♥ MC Surprise - (95c) ♥♥♥♥ MC Surprise - (95c) ♥♥♥♥ MC Surprise - (95c) ♥♥♥♥ SC Breeding | Anatolia (GrnGriff) x Ryuukai ([A.V.]) - Basket (10c) | Foal (30c) | Adult (95c) - Basket (10c) | Foal (30c) | Adult (95c + 10c) - Basket (10c) | Foal (30c) | Adult (95c + 10c) ♥♥♥♥ TG Surprise - (95c) ♥♥♥♥ April Fools Items | Sabin Duvert (10c) ♥♥♥♥ April Fools Items | Fea Line (10c) ♥♥♥♥ April Fools Items | Faithofthefallen (10c) ♥♥♥♥ April Fools Items | ~Twilight...Angel~ (10c) ♥♥♥♥ April Fools Items | Poe-tae-toee (10c) ♥♥♥♥ April Fools Items | Tiger_Kisa699 (10c) ♥♥♥♥ April Fools Items | Divena (10c) ♥♥♥♥ April Fools Items | sesshiyasha (10c) ♥♥♥♥ MC Surprise - (95c) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TO DO || ♥♥♥♥ Something goes here ♥♥♥♥ My Christmas Familiar (00c) Started ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STAFF CREDIT SLOTS / TO DO || ♥♥♥♥ Custom for Troll | Collab Edits - Troll / Color - Kara ♥♥♥♥ SC Breeding Ocha Hana x Shiro - Myself - Basket (00c) | Foal (00c) | Adult (00c) - Basket (00c) | Foal (00c) | Adult (00c) - Basket (00c) | Foal (00c) | Adult (00c) ♥♥♥♥ Open ♥♥♥♥ Open ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CREDITS || Earned | 1560 Cashed | 1000 for FEB Past Post | 3714 Grand Total | 8734 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cash-in History || show spoiler hide spoiler
1k February Breeding Shiro x Ocha Hana | Myself
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:33 am
◊Diamond's March Worklog◊ SC Requests Status | ClosedCredit Guide Completed | dawns_aura's twin customs -xxxxxxxxxx (Foals = 30)xxxxxxxxxx (Adults = 100 + 10 + 40) Tri-wing 1 (95 + 10) Tri-wing 2 (95 + 10) nekolulu custom -xxxxxxxxxx (Foal = 15)xxxxxxxxxx (Adult = 50 + 10) Tri-wing 3 (95 + 10) Staff Christmas custom Lady Aria Starstone custom (50 + 25)To Do | -----------Credits | Earned | 645c Carried | 3,110c Cashed | 1,050c Total | 2,705cCash-ins | show spoiler hide spoiler
Familiar custom gift for Yuki (50) Edited soquili custom for myself (1,000)Previous Logs |
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:54 am
Strife's March 2016 Worklog Biannual: Oct & April (October proof) Next Slot Opening: April 2016 (breedings)Completed: _ 405 : Breeding: Amarantine x Orpheus [3x minor adult]__________ 01: 10 + 30 + 95 __________ 02: 10 + 30 + 95__________ 03: 10 + 30 + 95 __ 50 : Freebie: PHE Familiar 01: Imprint [unedited] _ 250 : Template: Classical unicorn tail __ 95 : Freebie: TriEve03: Brown & Opal [minor] _ 125 : Freebie: TriEve04: Coral Sea mutant [minor + small items + mod items] _ 105 : Freebie: TriEve05: Tropical Fruit mutant [minor + small items] __ 30 : April dressup (Filly, Summer Raaven, simple + mod items) ____ : __________ __________ Total Earned : 1060cc (this month)To-Do List: SC work Event pets (optional) __________ PHE02 (bulbasaur) __________ PHE03 (gingko tree) Previous = 4640cc This month = 1060cc Total = 5700cc Cashin = -1500cc (edited mutant custom, pawed tri/quad) Remaining = 4200cc Tech Credits = 5TC (previous) + 1TC (March) = 6TCSC Cooldowns: SC Breeding -- until April 2016 Seraphiel (soq) -- breeding cooldown until April 2016 Coquette Sinclair (soq) -- breeding cooldown until April 2016 custom -- until May 2016 SC tri/quadwing -- until Sept 2016
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 2:53 pm
Nyhility's March // April Worklog
(Credit Guide )Working on: February Breeding Slot 1 : Calamity - LunaRei_SilverBlood x Pachu'a - Bardess Ookami // basket // baby // adult // _________ = __c February Breeding Slot 2 : Lillith ( ~Twilight...Angel~ ) x Arcadeamiss ( AllSummedUpNJazz ) // basket // baby // adult // _________ = __c February Breeding Slot 3 : Blake (owners) x Pharaoh Atemu (Rein_Carnation) // basket // baby // adult // _________ = __c February Breeding Slot 4 : Anelisse Cajmera) x Fenghuang (Epine de Rose) // basket // baby // adult // _________ = __c February Breeding Slot 5 : Ekundayo (Calixita) x Argent (Jinx Creed) // basket // baby // adult // _________ = __c ______________________________Completed: Nisshou SC // uncert // Heavy(?) 1 Stage = 0c overdue Roniel 2015 SS // uncert // SS gift ______________________________Credit Calculator: Credits Earned March; (__c), April; ( __c) Credit Total: 4525c (Feb Estimate) SC tc: 11tc (Jan-Feb)Cash-in: Credits Used & Soquili purchased: show spoiler hide spoiler
Tea Ceremony Freebie 2015 (not yet created) Christmas freebie 2015 (not yet created) 6/17/15 // Nyhility // Carousel Prize moderate edits upgrade = 250c 2/26/15 // saedusk // Custom gift = 1000c