LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Yaselyr &
AlikNames of Owners: ArashiX & Uta
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y
LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Tyria's Requiem &
QuildohtarNames of Owners: ArashiX & Uta
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y
LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Therya &
Amriti Creme PuffNames of Owners: ArashiX & Uta
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y
LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Ru'atheria &
XocoyolcoatlNames of Owners: ArashiX & Uta
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y
LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Lavera &
GenevieveNames of Owners: ArashiX & Uta
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y
LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Syliathi &
Crimson CiderNames of Owners: ArashiX & Uta
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y