Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:44 pm
Deej's April Work Log
Elder Aquitaine elder - done my half, sent to 1/3Event Oondasta - WIP Blue devilsaur - done, need to do some touch ups planning: bronze, green, light brown, white, maybe thok? horddion? saber tooth tiger Lileep - done, need to do some touch ups Cradily - not startedBribe (total: 695c) Nevin x Trucio----- #1: 10c + 75c + 170c (blue girl)----- #2: 10c + 30c + 170c (purple girl)----- #3: 10c + 50c + 170c (red boy)Semi-Customs (total: 455c) Teh Cheryl - 120c Moire Frost - 95c Ririka 120c stormflower 120cStaff Credit Cherie's mutant edited familiar Pan's charmed owlwalker my s**t----- mutant edited familiar for Tyrande----- Illidan + mutant edited familiar twins----- Twisted medic herd girl (Fitzy did colors, I need to shade) done (0c)----- x2 custom items (Caramia - obi; Teutates - scarf/blindfold)----- Edited nonmutant familiar (for Tydus) done (0c)----- EmichouxJeremiah breeding (3 baskets) ----- Kaimana x Kezia (3 baskets?)----- Opalescent x Moriartea (5 phurtles)SC Redeems show spoiler hide spoiler
7/15: -1000sc (Duke custom) 08/15: -1500sc (Emichou x Jeremiah breeding - coloring by hg) 09/15: -1250sc (Tyrande Whisperwind custom + owl familiar) 10/15: -1500sc (Tyranis x Nidawi breeding - coloring by Zak) 10/15: -Tea Event freebie (coloring by Zak) 11/15: -2025c [1500c (edited mutant custom) + 100c (x2 custom accessories - Taranis&Caramia) + 425c (5 unedit familiars, 1 unedit mutant familiar, 1 edited familiar)] 12/15: - 1125sc (Caramia x Shijin breeding colored by mu (1k) + 1 edited mutant familiar colored by Lolly (125sc)) 1/16: -2000sc ((Illidan Stormrage, edited mutant + 2 edited mutant familiars)) 2/16: -1000sc (EmixJer spring twist breeding - by me) 3/16: -1500sc Mutant edited custom 4/16: -1125sc Edited Breeding (Kaimana x Kezia), Edited familiar breeding (Opalescent x Moriartea)
note to self: unredeemed - tiki event freebie, christmas freebie (pony + familiar) note to self: March 2016 -> Breeding Bribe slot 9 TC + 1 = 10 TC
total 1,150c
prev 3125
-1125c (edited breeding, edited familiar breeding)
net total 3150c
Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 5:26 pm
Spoof's March/April '16 Log
To-do List Working On Hiring fixes: green bird - (file is on a dif computer which is dying - working on getting it) Pending Approval -----
Completed Blue deer (50c) Pink birb (50c) Green goat (50c) Purple goat (50c) WS: Tea Tree - TF (50c) WS: Malikztiah Ankhere - TF (50c) WS: Gl!tch - TF (50c) CYO: RadiantRose Midnight (50c) CYO: Mameha Otome (50c) CYO: Death Resurrected (50c)Credits - Current Log: 500c
- Previous Total: 700c
- Cash-in: 0
TOTAL: 1200c
Other Notes:
1 x SS soq (unclaimed) 1 x SS fam (unclaimed)
Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 6:00 pm
Ryuu's April 2016 Worklog
Current Month's Worklog & To-Do List .... SC Requests [Closed] one over three, Jenu x The Name Thief Phail Ninja, Tamu x Apatite Kyrieko, Event Freebie Kitsune Mistress Nyoko, Azure x Unesdala Aisgi Current Month's Total Credits Earned: 0Current Month's Cash-Ins 1,000 | Ryuukishin & Fuzzy-Gumdrop, Rán x Казимир (Kazimir); Soquili Breeding Current Month's Total Credits Spent: 1,000Previous Records show spoiler hide spoiler
Format: Month (Link): Credits Earned - Credits Spent = Net Total for Stated Month; Net Total for Stated and Previous Months
.... 2014 January : 3,700 - 1,500 = 2,200; 2,200 February : 500 - 1,000 = (500); 1,700 March : 725 - 1,000 = (250); 1,425 April : 710 - 1,000 = (290); 1,135 May : 1,675 - 1,250 = 425; 1,560 June : 510 - 0 = 510; 2,070 July : 1,220 - 0 = 1,220; 3,290 August : 1,590 - 1,500 = 90; 3,380 September : 900 - 1,500 = (600); 2,780 October : 830 - 1,500 = (670); 2,110 November : 435 - 2,125 = (1,690); 420 December : 20 - 0 = 20; 440 2015 January : 850 - 0 = 850; 1,290 February : 3,410 - 1,500 = 1,910; 3,200 March : 0 - 0 = 0; 3,200 April : 690 - 1,500 = (810); 2,390 May : 300 - 0 = 300; 2,690 June : 630 - 1,500 = (870); 1,820 July : 1,090 - 7.0 (SM) = 1,090; 2,910 August : 1,260 - 1.0 (SM) = 1,260; 4,170 September : 470 - 1,500 = (1,030); 3,140 October : 430 - 1,000 = (570); 2,570 November : 1,320 - 1,000 - 4.0 (SM) = 320; 2,890 December : 500 - 0 = 500; 3,390 2016 January : 2,410 - 1,250 - 1.0 (SM) = 1,160; 4,550 February : 275 - 1,125 = (850); 3,700 March : 580 - 13.0 (SM) = 580; 4,280 Cool Downs Ryuukishin: Soquili Breeding, ends June 2016 Fuzzy-Gumdrop: Soquili Breeding, ends June 2016 Ryuukishin: Purewalker Custom, ends September 2016 Previous Month's Net Credits: 4,280 Current Month's Net Credits: (1,000)Total Colorist Credits: 3,280
Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 12:22 pm
◊Diamond's May Worklog◊ SC Requests Status | OpenCredit Guide Completed | PHE 1 Smilodon (70 + 25 + 25) PHE 2 Megaloceros Giganteus (70 + 25 + 10) PHE 3 Peacock Raptor (70 + 25) PHE 4 Pterosaur (70 + 25 + 10 + 10 + 10) Ashoka x Asphodel breedingxxxxxx Adult 1 (70 + 25 + 10 + 40)xxxxxx Adult 2 (70 + 25 + 10 + 20)xxxxxx Foal 1 (30)xxxxxx Foal 2 (30)xxxxxx Basket 1xxxxxx Basket 2To Do | PHE 5 PHE 6 Yuki's buffalo familiar Iris x Kitkun breedingxxxxxx Adult 1xxxxxx Adult 2xxxxxx Adult 3xxxxxx Foal 1xxxxxx Foal 2xxxxxx Foal 3xxxxxx Basket 1xxxxxx Basket 2xxxxxx Basket 3 -----------Credits | Earned | 775c Carried | 2,705c Cashed | Total | 3,480cCash-ins | show spoiler hide spoiler
xxxxx March 2016 Familiar custom gift for Yuki (50) Edited soquili custom for myself (1,000)Previous Logs |
Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 6:47 pm
Strife's May 2016 Worklog Biannual: Oct & April Completed: _ 175 : Semi: Infi soq _ 120 : Event: PHE02 _ 170 : Event: PHE03 _ 170 : SS: Ami, 2014 familiar colorist SS __ 95 : Freebie: ink tri _ 120 : Event: PHE04 __ 70 : Event: PHE05 __ 75 : Event: PHE06 __ 75 : Event: PHE07 _ 120 : Event: PHE08 __ 50 : Event: PHE08 (feral) ____ : EF: Niss (items not done; not counted) _______ Total Earned: 1240cTo-Do List: event stuff (optional) SC work Previous = 3400cc This month = 1240 Total = 4640 Cashin = -1500 (edited mutant custom, May 31) Remaining = 3140 Tech Credits = 7TC (previous) + 1TC (May) = 8TCSC Cooldowns: staff perk (auction) -- until Nov 2016 breeding -- until Jun custom -- until Jul SC tri/quad for self -- until Sep 2016
Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 7:11 pm
Spoof's May/June '16 Log I am an unedited familiar colorist!
To-do List Breedings!
[x] Rolled 1: A'Woof x Kaybok
Rolled 2: Hiro x Puren
CC: pending
Working On Pending Approval -----
Completed Credits are not counted before this point. phe 3 - oriole (50c) phe 2 - goat (50c) phe 1 (50c) Hiring fixes: green bird (50c)Credits - Current Log: 200c
- Previous Total: 1200c
- Cash-in: -1000c : Breeding AdrianxGalla Sile (April)
TOTAL: 400c
Other Notes:
1 x SS soq (unclaimed) 1 x SS fam (unclaimed)
Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 7:17 pm
Dolphin's Apr 2016-May 2016 Log
To-do List Working On Pending Approval Completed Breeding: Tama x Ivo - Unedited - 120sc (40sc x 3) Breeding: Lollipop x Choco'peli - Unedited - 200sc (40sc x 5) Breeding: Pleo x Caelum - Unedited - 160sc (40sc x 4) Breeding: Princess x Cadfael - Unedited - 80sc (40sc x 2) Prehistoric Goose Raptor - 50sc Prehistoric Gator - 50sc Prehistoric Bobcat - 50sc Prehistoric Goat - 50scCredits - Current Log (Apr/May): 760
- Previous: 1350c
- Cash-in: 0
TOTAL: 2110c
Other Notes:
1 x SS soq (unclaimed) 1 x SS fam (unclaimed)
1 x Event soq (unclaimed) 1 x Event fam (unclaimed)
Previous Logs:
Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 2:38 pm
Mindsend's May-June stuff.
May 5th Red-Eyed Vireo Mare: 120c
Cardinal Stallion: 95c
Cardinal Mare: 95c
Goldfinch Stallion: 120c
Total: 430c
May 16th Nantor Breeding TOtal: 460
show spoiler hide spoiler
Basket 1:10 Foal 1: 50 Adult 1:170 Basket 2:10 Foal 2: 50 Adult 2: 170
Hecelv Breeding Total: 250
show spoiler hide spoiler
Basket 1: 0 Foal 1:30 Adult 1:95 Basket 2: 0 Foal 2:30 Adult 2:95
Takshi Breeding Total: 460
show spoiler hide spoiler
Basket 1: 10 Foal 1: 50 Adult 1:170 Basket 2:10 Foal 2:50 Adult 2:170
Novvan Breeding Total: 440
show spoiler hide spoiler
Basket 1: 0 Foal 1: 50 Adult 1:170 Basket 2: 0 Foal 2: 50 Adult 2:170
Javkit Breeding Total: 740
show spoiler hide spoiler
Basket 1: 10 Foal 1:30 Adult 1: 170 Feral 1: 150 Basket 2: 10 Foal 2: 50 Adult 2:170 Feral2 : 150
Halpan Breeding Total: 460
show spoiler hide spoiler
Basket 1: 10 Foal 1: 50 Adult 1: 170 Basket 2: 10 Foal 2: 50 Adult 2: 170
Meteor Strike mare: 120c
Total: 2930c
May 18th Nautilus Seathi 1:170c
Nautilus Seathi 2:170c
Nautilus Seathi 3:170c
Nautilus Seathi 4 (Ammonite) 170c
Gator Purewalker: 70c
Gator Purewalker feral: 50c
(was told I'm supposed to take credits for these two)
Trex mare: 320c
Smilodon Cavepainting purewalker: 95c
+++++++ Feral form: 75c
Total: 1340
May 26th Evil Spaghetti Breeding Total: 1185c
show spoiler hide spoiler
Basket 1: 0 Foal 1:50c Adult 1:320c Basket 2:0 Foal 2:125c Adult 2:320c Basket 3:0 Foal 3:50c Adult 3:320c
Tupandactylus: 320c
Nyctosaurus 1: 120c
Nyctosaurus 2: 120c
Pachycephalosaurus 1 (original): 320c
Pachycephalosaurus 2 (Colorswap): 35c
Pachycephalosaurus 3 (new markings): 70c
Pachycephalosaurus 4 (colorswap): 35c
Tullimonstrum: 170c
Parasaur 2: 95c
Spiclypeus Shipporum: 175c
Total: 2645
June 18th Coelacanth Mer: 170c
Ankylosaurus: 170c
Dilophosaurus: 170c
Iguanodon Pulse Shooting Memorial Pony: 120c
MOGII ANgenicorn Collab: 95c
Ridiculous Creatures Semi-custom: 120c
Backyard Dinos CC: Roc: 170c
Backyard Dinos CC: Rainbow Peacock: 170c
Collab Breeding total: 545c
show spoiler hide spoiler
F1:70 (Minor) A1:95c (Actually Heavy) F2: 70 (Minor) A2:120c (Actually Extreme) F3:70 (Minor) A3:120c (Actually Extreme)
Total: 1730
June 24th Coquette Sinclair x Elijah breeding Total: 715c
show spoiler hide spoiler
B1:10c F1:50c A1:170c B2:10c F2:50c A2:170c B3:10c F3:75c A3:170c
Pinpon Lynx Purewalker Custom for @♥ Total: 375c
show spoiler hide spoiler
Soquili Form:175c Feral Form: 200c
Discord Custom for Maths: 175c
Leg up Draft Mare: 700c
Total: 1965c
Total Unused Credits: 49405 c
June 10th:-2k mutant to give away to someone on later date (reserving for premade giveaway contest specifically for a herd I'm involved in. More legal that way)
August 16th: -2k mutant to give away to someone on a later date (See June)
October 26th: -1,500c for a breeding (Avalyn x Lalita)
December 25th: -75c Unedited Goat familiar breeding
January 31st: -1k Edited breeding (Cuauhcoatl x Cadence Amachi)
February 25th: -1.5k for mutant custom
March 31st: -1.5k for mutant custom gift for Roniel -75c unedited goat breeding
April 30th: -500 unedited Breeding (Moon x Moon Moon)
May 22nd: -1500 for Triwing custom for Meepfur
June 19th: -500 unedited Breeding (Moon x Moon Moon... No, not the one from April, The other one.)
In no particular order
CUSTOM: Mock child custom for Nisshou H BREEDING: (ordered by Naycie) Apocrypha (one over three) x Adramalech (Nayci) (triwing ordered may of last year) CUSTOM: Ordered by ArashiX for Crimson Ribbon CUSTOM: Ryuukishin Three Mock-breeding Familiars: Little Brother* x Othello x Mystery Parent BREEDING: Cyllene (Phail Ninja) x Keanu (cursedandwandering) *Frozen Flowers Themed Breeding* CUSTOM: NIsshou H Twin Mutants CUSTOM: Ath e a r t Sumi-E Lynx Purewalker Mutant (custom Pelt/paws/feral) CUSTOM: One over three Discord (MLP:FiM) Cosplay BREEDING: (Ryuu) Coquette Sinclair (Faithofthefallen) x Elijah (Ryuukishin) Collab: BREEDING: (ryuu) Ritual (Tsunake) x Lazarus (Ryuukishin) (Edits: Me Colors: Zaikt) Roniel: Lapsang Event Freebie Phail Ninja: Tea event Freebie based on tea with canine paws Amirynth's Tea Event Lapsang freebie Edits BREEDING: (NOTE: I ordered for Nyoko in April) Bear "Death's Warden" ( mindsend & Kitsune Mistress Nyoko ) x Zar'roc ( tefla ) Event Freebie Pan (Needs to send info to Sezja Kuznetsov)For Me
0/16 items and/or familiars used
24: Staff Sumi-E Left
Earned Hyper-hybrid/mutant custom slots
Converted to pure:
(I wanna store them up a little and open some customs with hyper hybrids and mutant slots separated, as well as pure slots separated individually so they're not all competing)
Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 4:21 pm
Spell’s May Work Log
Approved: Semi-customs Tara de Draiocht - unedited 50c dolphingurl - unedited 50c Leez0rz - unedited 50c Sabin Duvert - unedited 50c Event Familiar - unedited 50c SC work Sari Wolfs x3 - unedited 0c Owed Work List: NoneSC Work: Credits Earned: Previous Record: 840c Current month: 250cCash ins: -50c for custom accessory Total: 1040cTC: 5 (December 2015 - April 2016)Previous cash ins: show spoiler hide spoiler
December 2015: -1250 for Angeni with a domain January 2016: -450 for 6 edited familiars March 2016: -1500c for mutant Kalona April:- 300c for 3 mutant familiars April: -500 for unedited soquili breeding
Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 5:02 pm
♥ ♥ K a r a ' s M a y / J u ne 2 0 1 6 W o r k l o g ! ♥ ♥
COMPLETED || I won't be linking Breeding or Surprise Pets. Sorry. ♥♥♥♥ MC Surprise (95c) ♥♥♥♥ Event Pony (95c) ♥♥♥♥ Event Pony (95c) ♥♥♥♥ Event Pony (95c) ♥♥♥♥ Event Pony (95c) ♥♥♥♥ Event Pony (95c) ♥♥♥♥ TwinEvent Pony (25c) ♥♥♥♥ Event Pony (95c) ♥♥♥♥ Event Pony (95c) ♥♥♥♥ Custom | Poe (50c + 10c) ♥♥♥♥ Custom | Tara de Draiocht (50c + 10c)♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ Familiar | Part of Tara de Draiocht's Custom (40c) ♥♥♥♥ Custom | Natelie (50c + 10c) ♥♥♥♥ Custom | Leez0rz (50c + 10c) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TO DO || ♥♥♥♥ Custom | Amirynth Starting on ♥♥♥♥ Custom | stormflower Working on ♥♥♥♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STAFF CREDIT SLOTS / TO DO || ♥♥♥♥ Custom for Troll | Collab Edits - Troll / Color - Kara Started On ♥♥♥♥ SC Breeding Ocha Hana x Shiro - Myself Started On - Basket (00c) | Foal (00c) | Adult (00c) - Basket (00c) | Foal (00c) | Adult (00c) - Basket (00c) | Foal (00c) | Adult (00c) ♥♥♥♥ My Christmas Familiar (00c) Started ♥♥♥♥ Open ♥♥♥♥ Open♥♥♥♥ Event Freebie Pony (00c) ♥♥♥♥ Event Freebie Familiar (00c) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CREDITS || Earned | 1065 Cashed | 1000 for FEB Past Post | 1560 Grand Total | 9799 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cash-in History || show spoiler hide spoiler
1k February Breeding Shiro x Ocha Hana | Myself
Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 1:04 am
Lolly's May Log![ Semi-Quarterly Edited Familiar Colourist ] [ April | August | December ]
Credit added = awaiting approval Working on/Approvals Sumi-e Semi: Spelldancer Sumi-e Semi: AislingJuno Sumi-e Semi: xxx YukiBear xxx [ Moderate ] [100cc]Completed PHE01 [ Moderate ] [100cc] Custom: Kamiki [ Unedited ] [50cc] Custom: Sabin Duvert [ Heavy ] [150cc] Custom: Wasteland Wyvern [ Moderate ] [100cc] Custom: Nekolulu [ Minor ] [75cc] PHE03 [ Minor ] [75cc] PHE05 [ Minor ] [75cc] PHE06 [ Unedited] [50cc] PHE07 [ Heavy ] [150cc] Custom: Yuki [ Heavy ] [150cc] Custom: Yuki [ Extreme
(custom wings - not an easy thing for me to do) ] [200cc] Breeding: Parfait x Mousse [1] [ Unedited ] [40cc] [2] [ Unedited ] [40cc] [3] [ Unedited ] [40cc] [4] [ Unedited ] [40cc] [5] [ Unedited ] [40cc] SE01 [ Moderate ] [100cc] SE02 [ Minor ] [75cc] SE03 [ Minor ] [75cc] SE04 [ Minor ] [75cc] SC stuff Deej Event Freebie: Sumi-e Phurtle [ Moderate ] [100cc]My Stuff Event Freebie [Claimed] Event Familiar [Unclaimed]Credits - Previous credits: 695 - This month's credits: 1,700 - This month's cash-ins: 1,000 - Total credits: 1,395 - Tech credits: [nov - may] 7Cash-ins show spoiler hide spoiler
December: Foxglove Boneblossom x Manannan Mac Lir [Breeding -1,000 cc] January: Petalwing Twins - Lunadirel & Mahogany Sunset [Custom -2,000] April: Mockbreeding Twins [HakuronxEleniel] - LOLTERNATIVE & Sesshiyasha [Mutant custom - 3,000] [Triwing cooldown until November] [Custom cool down until August] May: Foxglove Boneblossom x Rubeus Imperator "Alizarin" [Breeding -1,000]
Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 11:40 am
Roniel's Coloring Stuff
May Stuff
Items 1. ....
Familiars 1. Queen Abioye Sozoa x Darkness =
1, 2 (100 credits)
2. Reina x Regulus =
1 ,
2 ,
3 (150 credits)
3. 11x sekrit event familiars = 550
Credits used: show spoiler hide spoiler
November 2013: -500c for Frodo Baggins Peregrin Took for Summer Raven December 2013: -500c for a gator for me and a porcupine for Niss! March 2014: -1500c for Amitabha/Sopheary breeding May 2014: -250c for freebie upgrade June 2014: - 1500 for Svanbjorn/Blight breeding August 2014: -1500 for Verity/Zamiel breeding October 2014: -1500 for twisted breeding December 2014: -2000 for mutant custom April 2015: -2000 for mutant custom for Niss August 2015: -1500 for MIsaki/Arathorn breeding December 2015: -1000 for Kawah Ijen x Vajrayana breeding March 2016: -1000 for Latty custom, -100 for mutant gator May 2016: - 1000 for breeding, - 200 for mutant familiars
May total: 800
Overall total: 5105 + 800 - 1200 = 4705
TC: 43 (previous) + 1 (May) = 44 TC
Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 9:19 pm
Griff's April/May 2016 Worklog Previous Worklog -Working On- xxxxxx -PHE Pets xxxxxxxxx -B-Completed- xxxxxx -Mixer Breeding: Amadahy x Ryouma xxxxxxxxx -Basket (10c) + foal (30) + adult (95) = 135xxxxxxxxx -Basket (10c) + foal (30) + adult (95) = 135xxxxxx -Mixer Breeding: Millicent x Caraway xxxxxxxxx -Basket (10c) + foal (30) + adult (95) = 135xxxxxxxxx -Basket (10c) + foal (30) + adult (95) = 135xxxxxx -Breeding: Atalanta x Parza xxxxxxxxx -Basket (10c) + foal (30) + adult (95) = 135xxxxxxxxx -Basket (10c) + foal (30) + adult (95) = 135xxxxxxxxx -Basket (10c) + foal (30) + adult (95) = 135xxxxxx -Breeding: Echo Nova x Mercy xxxxxxxxx -Basket (10c) + foal (30) + adult (95) = 135xxxxxxxxx -Basket (10c) + foal (30) + adult (95) = 135xxxxxxxxx -Basket (10c) + foal (30) + adult (95) = 135xxxxxx -Breeding: Adela x Rockstar xxxxxxxxx -Basket (10c) + foal (30) + adult (95) = 135xxxxxxxxx -Basket (10c) + foal (30) + adult (95) = 135xxxxxxxxx -Basket (10c) + foal (30) + adult (95) = 135xxxxxx -PHE Pets xxxxxxxxx -KF +95xxxxxxxxx -RR +95xxxxxxxxx -BR +95xxxxxxxxx -WR +95xxxxxxxxx -CL +95 +50-Credits Earned- xxxxxx This Month: 2280xxxxxx Previously: 1890xxxxxx -------------- xxxxxx Cashed this month: --xxxxxx -------------- xxxxxx Total: 4170-Credits Cashed- xxxxxx February: AnatoliaxRyuukai Breeding, 500c-Other/For Self- xxxxxx -Christmas Freebie Soq/Fam -Working
Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 12:32 pm
A Vis Log! November 2015-May 2016 Stolen Sister Setup GOOOO~Stay in school kids. Don't slack neutral .
Wishing Stars Sword [x ] []x ] [x ] - 10 + 50(Antler Stubs) + 95 = 155c TP [x ] [x ] [x ] - 10 + 30 + 120 = 160c WNC [x ] - 50c Dawn [x ] - 75c Ruler [x ] - 75c Kivras [x ] - 50c irish [x ] - 75c Kesmi [x ] - 75c Sweeney [x ] [x ] [x ] | [x ] [x ] [x ] - Formula is for both: 10 + 50 + 95 = 155c x 2 = 310c Roarie [x ] - 75c Chaos [x ] - 75c dolphin [x ] [x ] [x ] | [x ] [x ] [x ] - Formula is for both: 10 + 30 + 95 = 135 x 2 = 270CYO Conversions Chey [x ] - 70c Twitcha [x ] - 70c irish [x ] - 70c ______________________________Working on: Breedings Demeira x Zanzibar [Adults Completed] Naerdiel x Noah Relandori [Adults Completed] Jezebel x Apollyon [50%]SC Phail's SS [70%] Kyrie's SS [Planned] Mindsend SC breeding Phail SC Bribe Twin Custom Arashi's SC breedingSpecial Own SS - 30% ______________________________Credit Calculator: Credits Earned these months: 1,655c Cash In this month: Credit Total: 2,555cCash-in:
Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 11:04 am
Cel's April-May 2016 Work Log
Pending Approval Total: 0sc Completed Leezorz custom - 50sc
Kaya Wolf Moon custom - 50sc
Event snake - 50sc
Event gator - 50sc
belloblossom custom - 50sc
Total: 250sc Working On Credits -Previous credits: 3530sc
-Earned this month: 250sc
-Pending: 0sc Total: 3780sc (Does not include pending credits) Cash-ins -None: 0sc
Grand Total: 3780sc
Notes: I forgot to do one for Aprilllll so they're getting combined oops